Letter from Smile to Murray, 26 Nov 1859

Author(s): Smiles, Samuel


6, Granville Park Terrace,

26 Novr 1859

My Dear Sir

I am exceedingly gratified to
learn that Self Help has gone off
so well. What was the number
sold? I see the Athenaeum gives
3,200 , and the Critic 6,000 ; but
the latter must be a mistake. I
presume the type is still standing ,
as arranged. I will at once
set about making any corrections &
additions — not increasing the letter press —
and when completed , say if I am
to send to the printer direct. I
am now busy with the article on
Mules & Spinning Jennies for the next
Quarterly ( which I expect to be able

to make a very interesting one ) and
should like to be informed whether the
forwarding of the proofs of Self Help be
very urgent. By the way , speaking
of Quarterly articles , I would suggest
one which , though I could not undertake
it myself , you might find some writer
to undertake , and it would be found
extremely full of interest — I mean a
review of the works of Leech , a second
series of whose pen & pencil sketches is
about to appear. Comparison might be
made with Gilray & Cruickshank , &
other humorists in art. But it might
be difficult to find a writer capable
of doing the subject justice.

About the story of Stephenson ,
it occurs to me that I might now
proceed with writing out the story of

Roberts life to be appended to the other ;
and it might also be published in
a separate volume , with cuts , the
type spaced , & on thicker paper
so as to make a 5/ volume or so ,
with an introductory chapter so as
to make it a book complete in itself , —
for the benefit of those who have already
bought the previous editions of Stephenson's
life. I shall be glad to have
your views on this point.

I have contributed a short article
on the subject of R. Stephenson to Frazer
for December , but have kept
in reserve the more interesting new
matter relating to him , which can
be [served] up in the book itself.

Believe me my Dear Sir

[Yours] faithfully

S Smiles

J. Murray Esq

Nov 26 1859

Smiles S


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Letter from Smile to Murray, 26 Nov 1859. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Letter from Smile to Murray, 26 Nov 1859

Document Information

Document ID 207
Title Letter from Smile to Murray, 26 Nov 1859
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1859
Place of publication London
Wordcount 366

Author information: Smiles, Samuel

Author ID 59
Forenames Samuel
Surname Smiles
Gender Male
Year of birth 1822
Place of birth Haddington, Scotland
Mother's place of birth Dalkeith, Scotland
Father's place of birth Haddington, Scotland
Occupation Author, physician, editor, secretary
Education University
Locations where resident England, Haddington, Edinburgh, Londno