Letter from Hogg to Murray, 15 Jan 1818

Author(s): Hogg, James


H Eltrieve Lake By Selkirk Jan. 15th 1818
My dear Sir

Blackwood and I have agreed
about the publishing of two vols of Scotish legendary
tales in prose which are now in the press and of
which he is throwing off a large impression. He
seems disposed from some former transaction that I
know nothing of to employ some other agent in
London but unless I cannot help it I cannot bear
the thought of having any bookseller in England
but you, as I can form no idea of any thing but
your perfectly disinterested friendship and good wishes.
May I then take the freedom to ask you if such an
arrangement is agreeable to you as the public anno -
-uncement of work is delayed till I ascertain this?

I heard of your liberal subscription for the Author's copy
of the Queen's Wake set on [¿] by some of my friends and
likewise that you were interesting yourself warmly in it.
I must now inform you that the two Guinea subscriptions
were coming so slowly in scarcely 200 in all that it
has been abandoned and the subscription copy now
is to be Royal 8vo price one Guinea Pray could not
you at some of your sales get off a few of them for me
among the trade for as I have made nothing by my
literary exertions for a long time bygone I have enough
of need of it — You are quite given over writing to

me but pray do send me a few lines in answer
to this and tell me how you have been and when
I shall again have the pleasure of drinking a glass
with you in Scotland
Yours ever most truly
James Hogg
To John Murray Esq.


John Murray Esq
53 Albemarle street

1818 Jan 15

Hogg, James


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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 15 Jan 1818. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 16 January 2025, from

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"Letter from Hogg to Murray, 15 Jan 1818." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 16 January 2025.

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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 15 Jan 1818

Document Information

Document ID 216
Title Letter from Hogg to Murray, 15 Jan 1818
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1818
Place of publication Selkirk
Wordcount 309

Author information: Hogg, James

Author ID 234
Forenames James
Surname Hogg
AKA The Ettrick Shepherd
Gender Male
Year of birth 1770
Place of birth Ettrick, Selkirkshire, Scotland
Occupation Author, farmer, journalist
Father's occupation Farmer
Education Little formal schooling
Locations where resident Ettrick, Edinburgh