Letter from Smiles to Murray, 14 Jan 1878

Author(s): Smiles, Samuel


Smiles S.

4, Pembroke Gardens,
Kensington, W.

14 Jany 1878

My Dear Sir

Thank you very much
for the copy of the Quarterly
Revew , which I received last
night . The article about
my “Self-Help” books , is
very interesting , to myself as
well as my wife . The
writer has clearly and
accurately stated the scope
and object of these books .
I believe they have done

good amongst the rising
generation ; and I hope
they will do still more.
Although I feel my brain getting
feebler , and my memory less
stable than of old , I believe
that I may still write
another book , which will be
the last of the series . The
last always comes . May I
be able to write it . During
my approaching holiday, I
will endeavour to be at rest.

Believe me ever

Yours vy faithfully

S Smiles

J Murray Esq


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Letter from Smiles to Murray, 14 Jan 1878. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Letter from Smiles to Murray, 14 Jan 1878." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Letter from Smiles to Murray, 14 Jan 1878

Document Information

Document ID 236
Title Letter from Smiles to Murray, 14 Jan 1878
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1878
Place of publication London
Wordcount 143

Author information: Smiles, Samuel

Author ID 59
Forenames Samuel
Surname Smiles
Gender Male
Year of birth 1822
Place of birth Haddington, Scotland
Mother's place of birth Dalkeith, Scotland
Father's place of birth Haddington, Scotland
Occupation Author, physician, editor, secretary
Education University
Locations where resident England, Haddington, Edinburgh, Londno