Letter from Knox, Included Alongside a Copy of 'Rasselas'

Author(s): Knox, Grace


My dear Sir

I send you a Copy of
Raſselas as a small token of remembrance.
I ought to have given
it before parting with you but
as taking farewell of my friend
is always painful and confusing to
me it quite escaped me till after
you were gone. It is a very
trifling gift but I hope you will
regard teh motive which dictates
it and not the mere value.
Again I bed you adieu
and believe me my dear Sir you
carry ith you Mr. H's and my
most ardent wishes for your welfare
and happineſs.

Grace Knox
ElmfootMonday night


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Letter from Knox, Included Alongside a Copy of 'Rasselas'. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 10 February 2025, from

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"Letter from Knox, Included Alongside a Copy of 'Rasselas'." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 10 February 2025.

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Letter from Knox, Included Alongside a Copy of 'Rasselas'

Document Information

Document ID 279
Title Letter from Knox, Included Alongside a Copy of 'Rasselas'
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1821
Wordcount 103

Author information: Knox, Grace

Author ID 346
Forenames Grace
Surname Knox
Gender Female
Year of birth 1800