Bond of Indenture Between Henry Ewing and Patrick Ewing

Author(s): Ewing, Henry; Ewing, Patrick


A Bond of Indenture
Betwixt Henry Ewing
Patrick Ewing

At Glasgow the thirteen Day of March one Thousand Seven
Hundred & Sixty one Years. It is intended, agreed, & finally
ended, betwixt the parties under written, on the one & other
parts. Whereas Patrick Ewing son Lawfull to Patrick Ewing at
Dumbarton is become bound, as he hereby with the Specially
advice, & Consent of his father; Binds & oblidges himself as
apprentice, & Servant to Humphrey Ewing Merchant &
shop keeper in Glasgow, in his employment, & busineſs as
a Merchant, & Shopkeeper, in Saids burgh, and that fo the
whole space of Four Years, compleats furth & from his Entray
thereto which is commenced this presant Date, as above written
this presant Year during whch haill space from thence
Patrick's Ewing's Son & Father do bind & oblidge themselves
conjunctly & Severaly that he the said Patrick Ewing Merchant &
shop keeper in Glasgow, in his employment, & busineſs, as
a Merchant, & Shopkeeper, in Said burgh, and that for the
whole space of Four Years, compleats furth & from his Entray
there to which is commenced this presant Date, as above written
this presant Year during which haill space from thence
Patrick's Ewing's Son & father do bind & oblidge themselves
conjunctly & severaly that he the said Patrick Ewing the
apprentice shall faithfully & honestly serve & obey the said
Humphrey Ewing his master, in his Employment, & busineſs,
foresaids, & that he shall not conceal or be privy to his
master's skaith at any time, but shall timously advertise
him thereof, & use his utmost Endeavours, to Stop, & hinder,
the same, and that he shall not absent himself from
his master's service, at the Commons time & hours of [¿]
without his masters leave, had & obtained hereto: ( sickneſs only
excepted ) & for every Day that he shall so absent himself
accepted as said is; They bind, & oblidge, themselves [¿]
& severally, as said is either to content, & pay to the said
Humphray Ewing the master, one shilling sterling money per day,
or else that he the said apprentice shall serve his said
master, in the Station foresaid, Two Days for Ilky one
thereof at expiration, hereof at the masters option which of
them to choose, & the absent Days to be liquidate, & proving.
Humphrey Ewing
Patrick Ewing
Patrick Ewing

And Proven, by the masters oath, or Subscribed accd. [¿]
under his hands in Case of his Decease, without further probation
Likeas the said said Humphrey Ewing the maaster on the
other part, binds, & oblidges himself, faithfully, & honestly, to
teatch, & Instruct, the said Pattrick Ewing his apprentice, in
his busineſs, & employment, foresaids, & shall teatch him, to
know the Qualities of the whole kinds of Goods he Deals in
& shall show him the prime costs of all his goods, & how to
sell them again, & shall use his utmost Endeavours to
make him skilfull, in his busineſs; and the said
Humphrey Ewing his master, binds & oblidges himself.
During the whole space of apprenticeship foresaid, to
maintain, & Entertain, the said Patrick Ewing his apprentice
in bed, & boanding, suitable to his Station, rank, & Degree
& to free, & relive, the said father thereof, [¿] that his father
is to furnish his said son with Cleaning, & washing of his
Linning's, &c., as becomes one of his ranks, & Degree, & that the
said Patrick Ewing his father, is to pay for the said Hump Ewing
his master eight Pounds Sterlg. her Annum, during the
foresaid space of four years, and both the said parties: viz.
the master on the one part & the apprentice, & the saids
Patrick Ewing his father on the other part. Bind, & oblidge,
themselves to perform theire respective parts of the premise,
to others. [¿] under the Penalty of Ten Pounds
Sterlg., of liquidate expences, (where a penalty is not already
insert to the paid but the party failzier to the party,
observer, or willing, to to observe the same By & off our performance
Consenting to the Registration hereof, on the Books
of Council, & Seſsion, or & other's Competent, that letters
& execution [¿] of Horning, and others needfully in Six Days
may paſs and others [¿].
In Witneſs whereof these presents containning of this, & the
preceeding page, written on Stampt paper by me [¿]
Merchant & shopkeeper in Glasgow; and are all subscribed
at Place, Day, Month, & Year, of God, as above, written before
these witneſses Daniel McCallum, W Andrew Harvie both [¿]
& shop keepers in said Burgh: Humphrey Ewing
Daniel McCallam Witneſs. Patrick Ewing
Andrew Harvie witneſs... Patrick Euing

I Walter Ewing mercht. in Glasgow Eldest lawful son and heir
of the now deceast Humprhew Ewing mercht, in Glasgow within
deſigned, Do hereby acknowledge and and declare, that the also
within deſigned Patrick Ewing younger who was apprentice
to my said father, Did faithfully and honeſtly save my
said deceast father for the whole space of the within for
denture and fulfilled the whole obligations therein
mentioned on his part; and therefore I hereby in right
of my said father [¿] acquitt & forever discharge
the said Patrick Ewing younger, and the [¿]
Patrick Ewing elder his father of the said [¿]
and whole obligations prestable by them on their
part, and all I can anyways as repreſenting my
father ask or demand of them as any of them by
and thro' the said Indenture And oblige me to [¿]
and this discharge to the said [¿]
and younger as all hands. [¿] whereas
there preſents wrote by George Thomson writen
in Glasgow are ſubscribed at Glasgow the Twenty
fifth of July One thousand ſeven hundred and
ſixty nine years before these witneſses Michael
Thomſon vintner in Glasgow and the said George
Thomson writer hereof
Mich: Thomson witneſs Walter Ewing
Geo: Thomson witneſs


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Bond of Indenture Between Henry Ewing and Patrick Ewing. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 26 July 2024, from

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"Bond of Indenture Between Henry Ewing and Patrick Ewing." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 26 July 2024.

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Bond of Indenture Between Henry Ewing and Patrick Ewing

Document Information

Document ID 293
Title Bond of Indenture Between Henry Ewing and Patrick Ewing
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1761
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 924

Author information: Ewing, Henry

Author ID 451
Forenames Henry
Surname Ewing
Gender Male

Author information: Ewing, Patrick

Author ID 450
Forenames Patrick
Surname Ewing
Gender Male