Acrostic Poem Written for Elizabeth Buchanan

Author(s): Anonymous


Endeared art thou, to all whom thou art known
Loved at a distance, better lov'd at home;
In thee are worth and loveliness combin'd,
Zeal in the right, and purity of mind.
All that in womankind we most admire
Beauty of person with a soul of fire
Each in thy breast so occupies its part,
That beams of love from thy sweet features dart,
How happy he who'll captivate thy heart!
Be thine the lot all happiness to blend,
Unnumber'd blessings thy young steps attend,
Calm by thy youth as a sweet morn in May,
Happy and cheerful be thy latest day,
And Oh may he whom thou shalt choose for life,
Ne'er cease to prize a dearly loved wife.
Alas for me! A different fate I fear,
Nor hope with thee thy happiness to share.


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Acrostic Poem Written for Elizabeth Buchanan. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 18 September 2024, from

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Acrostic Poem Written for Elizabeth Buchanan

Document Information

Document ID 297
Title Acrostic Poem Written for Elizabeth Buchanan
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Verse/drama
Year of publication 1860
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 142

Author information: Anonymous

Author ID 353
Surname Anonymous