Letter from Jessie Mather to the Buchanan family

Author(s): Mather, Jessie


14 Annfield Place, DennistounWednesday morning
Dear Hester

I was sorry to hear
from [¿] a poor account
of your Mother
this heat will [¿] her
It is impossible for
me to come by today

but I will be tomorrow
& please remember
if I can be of use
to you in any way let
me know. Had I not
had cold I should have
been out before this.
Uncle leaves for aldershot
to night & I

hope to get home
either to night or to
morrow. i heard from
Jane [¿] from [¿]
they were enjoying
themselves very much
but the heat is great
Mr Wm Mather, John
Willie Anna Tom & Elizabeth
left for Devonshire
this morning & Jeanie for
London to join the
Camerons there

I [¿] to find your
Mother a [¿]
for [¿] kindest
remembrances & to be

always sincerely
Jessie Mather


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Letter from Jessie Mather to the Buchanan family. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Letter from Jessie Mather to the Buchanan family." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Letter from Jessie Mather to the Buchanan family

Document Information

Document ID 303
Title Letter from Jessie Mather to the Buchanan family
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1885
Place of publication Dennistoun, Scotland
Wordcount 134

Author information: Mather, Jessie

Author ID 316
Forenames Jessie
Surname Mather
Gender Female
Locations where resident Dennistoun, Scotland