Sasine of Archibald Campbell of Succoth

Author(s): Campbell, Archibald


In the name of God Amen Be it Proven To all men by this present publick Instrument that upon the tuenty tuo day of Apryl One thouſand
seaven hundered and tuo years and of her maiites reign Ann by the Grace of god Queen of Great Brittain France and Irland defender of the faith the firſt year In presence of
me nottar [¿] and uitneſes under subscribing Compeared personally and [¿] Wm [¿] in dargavell [¿] in that part Specially conſtitute by vertue of
the praesent of Seaſin after inſest and [¿] uith ane other [¿] man William Johnstoun In Edinbarnatt pror specially conſtitute for and in name and behalf of a Margaret
Campbell [¿] to John Maxuell of Dargavell whoſe pouer of prorie was ſufficient [¿] to me nottar publick and Subſer so [¿] to the manner place of Dargavell and Ground of
the lands thereof and of the lands of Barrangrie and Baſhiels respective and [¿] after others haveing and in his hands holdeing ane obleidgement Granted by the ſaid John
maxuell in favours of the ſaid Margaret Campbell whereby hee bound and [¿] him and his airs &: upon there own proper Charges and expenſes to inſeſt and ſeaſe in ſo
Margaret Campbell his spouſe in [¿] dureing all the dayes of his life tyme after his deceaſe in case there be noe airs male procreat Betwixt them then one life
or if there be airs male ſoe procreat then one life who ſhall deceaſe befor the ſaid Margaret Campbell uith out being married then after thee ſaid air males [¿]
[¿] in all and haill the lands of dargavell extending to [¿] ſhilling land of old extent lying uithin the paroſhin of [¿] and ſherreffdom of [¿]
the mannor place of dargavell office houſes and other houſes biggings yeards orchyeards [¿] muirs meadows part pendicles and pertinents thereof whatſomever as alſo
in all and haill his lands of Raſhiely [¿] to ane tuinty ſhilling land of the extent lying within the ſhirreffdom forſaid and ſychlyke in all and haill the land
of Barrangrie extending to ane tuinty ſhilling land of old extend lying uithin the ſhirrefdom forſaid uith the houſes [¿] moſses muirs meadoes out [¿]
in [¿] pairts pendicles and pertinents thereto belonging togither uith the [¿] great and small parſonadge of [¿] of the haill lands and others [¿] Saveing and
[¿] being alwayes to Joan Cunningham mother to the ſaid John Maxuell her [¿] dureing all the dayes of her lifetyme of the ſaids lands of Ralſhiely and [¿]
conform to her inſeſtment thereof uith this proviſion and condition alwayes [¿] is there by as [¿] and [¿] that the ſaid obleidgement is and ſhall be [¿]
prejudice to the ſaid Margaret Campbell of the proviſion concealed in her [¿] by the contract of marraidge paſt betwixt the ſaid JOhn Maxuell and her dureing [¿]
of airs male of this marraidge and in the [¿] of not [¿] of airs male or there deceaſe in manner [¿] it ſhall be in the pouer and [¿] of the ſaid Margaret
Campbell for long after the deceaſe of the ſaid John Maxwell as ſhee ſhall [¿] to retain [¿] and uſe the haill [¿] in her favours by the contract
above narrated or [¿] her ſelf to the liferent of the lands and of hers @rent [¿] her by the ſaid [¿] But [¿] the ſaid Margaret Campbell ſhall
[¿] her ſelf to the liferent [¿] hereby the ſaid obleidgement the ſame is and ſhall be in ſufficient [¿] and satisfaction to her of the lyferent of
proviſion and [¿] of the lands of [¿] and Raſhiely and tuo hundred merks additionally [¿] and Clauſe of liferent of a ſhare of the [¿]
in her favours by the contract @ narrated and that betuo ſeverall inſeſtments and manner of holdings [¿] to be holden of the ſaid John Maxuell his airs and
ſucceſsors in free [¿] for the yearly payment of ane [¿] Scots money and [¿] the airs of the ſaid John Maxuell of the deuties payable payable yearly out of the ſaid
lands to the ſuperiors and thee other to be to be holden from the ſaid John Maxuell and his forſaids of his [¿] of the ſamen [¿] and a [¿] freely in a
reſpects as hee or his forſaids holdes the ſamen themselves and that author by reſignation or [¿] as beſt ſhall pleaſe the ſaid Margaret Campbell as the
ſaid obleidgement dated the tuinty thrid of apryle one thouſand ſeaven hundered and tuo years containing the [¿] prorie of reſignation clauſe of abſolute [¿]
the precent of ſeaſin after inſert and ſeverall other Clauſes at [¿] and which obleidgement like ſaid William Johnſtoun propr forſaid did [¿] and produce
to the ſaid Wm Bryce Baillie in that pairt at the reſpective places @ and underwren deſyreing and requireing him to proceed to the execution
of the office of Bailliarie in that pairt committed to him by the ſaid prorie at which Deſyre the ſaid William Bryce Baillie in that pairt forſaid [¿]
and reaſonable and did accept of the forſaid oblidgement in his hand and deſyred the ſamen to me nottar publicc underſubſscriveing to be read and publiſhed by me to the
uitneſes and [¿] and byſtanders which accordingly did and [¿] to which precept of ſeaſin the [¿] Follows and is thus attour to William
Bryce in Dargavell And ilk ane of you conllie and ſeallie my baillies in that pairt specially conſtitute Greeting [¿] is my will and I charge and [¿] you that in [¿]
inent thir preſent ſeen yee paſs to the Ground of the ſaids lands or any pairt thereof and there give and delyver liferent ſtate and ſeaſin actuall reall and corporall poſseſ
of all and haill the ſaids lands of Dargavell extending to [¿] ſhilling land of old extent lying as ſaid is and of all and haill the ſaids lands Barrangrie extending and
lying as ſaid is and of all and haill the ſaids lands of Raſhiely extending and lying as aforſaid uith the ſaid manner place of Dargavell office houſes yeards orchyeards and other
houses byginges moſseſs mairs meadoues pairts pendicles and haill [¿] of the haill lands of others above mentioned with the teinds great and ſmall [¿]
of the haill land and others [¿] to the ſaid Margaret Campbell in liferent dureing all the dayes of her lifetime after his deceaſe in [¿] there be noe airs male procreat
betwixt them then [¿] or if there be airs male ſo procreatthen [¿] ſhall do [¿] befor the ſaid Margaret Campbell uithout being [¿] then after the
ſaid air males deceaſe reſerveing alwayes to the ſaid Joan Cunninghame mother to the ſaid John Maxuell [¿] liferent dureing all the dayes of her lifetyme of the ſaid lands
of Raiſhiely and [¿] conform to her inſeſtment thereof and uith this proviſion and condition alwayes [¿] It is hereby expreſsly provyded and declared [¿] thir
preſent ſhall be but prejudice to the ſaid Margaret Campbell of the [¿] in her favors by the contract if [¿] and ye above narrated dureing the exiſting
of airs male of the ſaid marraidge and that in [¿] of there not exiſting or after there deceſe in manner @wren ſhall be in the [¿] of [¿] of the ſaid Margaret
Campbell ſoe Long after his deceaſe as ſhee ſhall think fitt to retain poſeſs and uſe the haill proviſiones [¿] in her favours by the contract [¿] or to take a
her ſelf to the liferent of the lands and others [¿] hereby provyded to her by [¿] but [¿] the ſaid Margaret Campbell ſhall happen to [¿] her ſelf to the
ſaid liferent by virtue thereof the ſame ſhall be in full [¿] and Satisfaction to her of the liferent proviſion and [¿] of the lands of [¿]
Raſhiely and tuo hundered merks of additionall [¿] in the [¿] abovementioned and of the Clauſe of lyferent of a share of [¿] in her favor
by the contract above narrated ſoe as the ſaid contract and obleidgement shall not after uards ſubſiſt as diſtinct obleidgement to her and that by delyverance of [¿]
and stane of the ground of the ſaid lands and ane handfull of Coin or Graſe for the ſaids lands as use is to the ſaid Margaret Campbellor to her certain acturneyes
acturney in her name bearers heirof and this [¿] noe wayes [¿] leave under to [¿] qrof thereby [¿] to you and ilk ane of you Conllie and ſeallie as ſaid is my
full and irrevocable [¿] to this my precept of ſeaſin In uitnes qurof I have [¿] wrytten by Robert Campbell wryter to the ſignet uith my [¿] darg¬
avell the tuinty thrid day of apryle one thouſand seaven hundered and the years [¿] James Hamiltoun of hutchiſon John Colquhoun of midletoun and the
ſaid Robert Campbell Sic [¿] Jo Maxuell Ja: Hamiltoun uitnes John Colquhoun uitnes Ro: Campbell uitnes after the reading and publiſhing of the which
obleidgement an precept of ſeaſin therein contained the ſaid William Bryce Baillie in that pairt forſaid gave and delyvered liferent ſtate and ſeaſin actuall
reall and Corporall poſseſsion of all and haill the ſaids lands of Dargavel Barrangrie and Raſhiely uith the manner place houſes byginges and haill pairts pendicles
and pertinents thereof extending and lying as ſaid is uith the teinds great and ſmall [¿] and [¿] if the haill lands and others [¿] to the ſaid margaret Campbell
in liferent dureing all the dayes of her lifetyme after the ſaid John maxuells deceaſe in [¿] there be noe airs male procreat betuixt them then [¿] life or if there be airs male
ſoe procreat then after the ſaids airs males deceaſe reſerveing to the ſaid Joan Cunninghame her liferent [¿] and uith this condition and proviſion that the forſaid obleid¬
gement and this inſeſtment theren are and ſhall be but prejudice to the ſaid Margaret of the proviſiones [¿] in her favours by the contract of marraidge paſt betuixt
her and the ſaid John maxuell dureing the exiſtence of airs male of the ſaid marraidge and uith and under the haill other provyſiones and conditiones [¿] and that by [¿]
[¿] made by the ſaid William Bryce Baillie in the pairt forſaid of earth and ſtane of the Ground of the ſaids reſpective lands and ane handfull of Graſs or
[¿] for the ſaids lands to the ſaid William Johnſtoun prior forſaid for and in name and behalf of the ſaid margaret Campbell perſonally preſent and receaveing the ſame
thir things uere done at the ſaid manner place of Dargavell and upon the Ground of Ilk ane and of the ſaids lands reſpective and ſucceſsive after others betuixt ten of the
Cloack in the forenoon and one of the Cloack in the afternoon day moneth year of God and of her matties reign @wren In preſence of James Hamiltoun of Hutchiſon
John Colquhoun of midletoun John Campbell wryter in [¿] dweller in Edinbarnet uitneſes ſpecially called and required
to the haill premiſes


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Sasine of Archibald Campbell of Succoth

Document Information

Document ID 341
Title Sasine of Archibald Campbell of Succoth
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1702
Place of publication Edinburgh, Scotland
Wordcount 1737

Author information: Campbell, Archibald

Author ID 295
Forenames Archibald
Surname Campbell
Gender Male
Locations where resident Glasgow