Letter from Wauchope to Campbell, 1709

Author(s): Wauchope, James


Dear Campbell

I received your letter dated by a
few days after it came, owing to our having gone
out to Edmonstone, and your Father not knowing
where to send it. I am happy to hear you talking
of coming down so soon, as to go to Garscube and
Panmure: altho' I am afraid you will be disap¬
pointed in going to the last mentioned place
with your Mother, as She is there just now:
& I doubt your Father will be gone before I get
into town to get this letter put under a cover for
you. I shall make it only a single letter in
case that should happen. At present I ride into

Edinr. every Morning to attend the Greek &
Mathematics, & will do, for a month to come
I suppose, altho' it is not very agreable leaving
the country to be in town all day, yet if it
will mae me understand them, any better
I shall forget the inconvenience. You
mention in your last Miſs Graham of
Gartmore, indeed she is very pretty, but I dont
think she is the only pretty Woman altho'
I dare not say so to Ruſsell, whom I dined with
yesterday we had a very fine ride together
being Saturday. I was much obliged to you
for your good wishes when I went to the
Moors but I have postponed that expedition

till next season, as it rather came in the
way of my busineſs in Edinr., which was
not a very great disappointment, excepting
the opportunity of visiting my friends at
Dun. I am not great sportsman in the way
of shooting. Ruſsell is cursing Mr Pitt
[¿] stopping him by his tax, I think [¿]
have been an exception, If your Father [¿]
of town I am afraid you will think this
letter hardly worth the postage there is so little
in it, there being no news here but that the proporti¬
ons have failed in Irland.

I am Dear Archd Yours Sincry
James Wanchope
P. S. I will expect an answer without minding [¿]


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Letter from Wauchope to Campbell, 1709. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 3 December 2024, from

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Letter from Wauchope to Campbell, 1709

Document Information

Document ID 343
Title Letter from Wauchope to Campbell, 1709
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1709
Wordcount 341

Author information: Wauchope, James

Author ID 358
Forenames James
Surname Wauchope
Gender Male
Year of birth 1765