Letter by James Campbell, Concerning a Grudge

Author(s): Campbell, James


Fort Wiliam 22 July 1709

I had yors, and tho I am
convinced that Elengreg
deservs no freindship from
yow yett, itts hard to make
me ſuffer for his fault
I was very sensabil off yor
frendship when I was on
my own acount in yor debt
and I Expeckt rather mor
now, being a [¿],
wh since [¿] misfortune I
am, must make the debt in
all probabilate my own
yor [¿] me doeth
not disturb Elengreg

& gave him
the last [¿] for he
shrinks on nothing leſs
than my releif to what
you do [¿] to me and I
am not sensable I Ever
gave yow ocasion I have
writ to Comisar Campbel
and Mr McLeod to [¿]
itt with yow, tho att presant
I have no mony I hope
it wil be [¿] and
the terms off payment
observed it seems [¿]
is not resolved so much
as to give me a return
fare leſs to concur in acomodating
itt wh stil maks

itt the harder on me I hope you wil
not be hard to onor my circomtances
my not being in this Cuntree for the
most of the tyme since yow was att my
hous ocasiond my not setling itt sooner
I shal be very glad to hear of yor
recovery and am

Yr humble servant
James Campbell


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Letter by James Campbell, Concerning a Grudge. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Letter by James Campbell, Concerning a Grudge

Document Information

Document ID 353
Title Letter by James Campbell, Concerning a Grudge
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1709
Place of publication Fort William, Scotland
Wordcount 217

Author information: Campbell, James

Author ID 281
Forenames James
Surname Campbell
AKA Second Duke of Argyll, Iain Ruaidh nan Cath, Red John of the Battles, Duke of Greenwich
Gender Male
Year of birth 1678
Place of birth Petersham, Surrey, England
Father's place of birth Edinburgh, Scotland
Occupation Nobleman, politician, military
Mother's occupation Noblewoman
Father's occupation Nobleman, politician,