Letter from Lord Blantyre About a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers
Author(s): Stuart, Walter
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I am Inform'd that William Mc
King Brother
[¿] to John McKing of [¿] in Kilpatrick, (a vaſsall of mine)
is [¿] in yo Company, and that yow are soo kinde to him as
to diſpense with his [doing] duty in the Garriſon of Dumbarton
Caſtle by which hee has Liberty of being conſtantly abroad
where hee pleaſes, but for the moſt parte is Lurking in
and aboute Kilpatrick or the vicinity of it, and from
the security hee has of your protection preſumes in a
verry Audatious Manner to [¿] and [¿] my
officers there & not only sow, but affronts the Juriſdiction of
my Royalty, Where hee has been detected of divers Thefts
not only from the Evidence of Witneſses, but from his
owne confeſsion, and is thereby become a perſon of infamous
and scandalous reputation to all that know him, and moſt
undeſerving of the leaſt of yo favors, inſoomuch that
for the sake of publicke Juſtice hee ought to bee baniſhed
the countrey, therefore I intreate that yow would pleaſe
to order him to cloſe duty in the Garryson in order that
hee may be made a recruite and sent away upon the
firſt Occaſion, youre condeſension hereunto I should
take as a particular complement and Eſteeme
it as such amongst the many favors yow have
alredy done unto
Youre verry humble Servt.
If you have no occaſion for
him in your gariſon. or do not
know how to dispoſe of him after you have taken
him up. send his atteſtation to me and I will
give him to one who will be very thankfull &
willing to pay any charges we shall be put to in
keeping him
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Letter from Lord Blantyre About a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 13 December 2024, from http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=357.
MLA Style:
"Letter from Lord Blantyre About a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 13 December 2024. http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=357.
Chicago Style
The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Letter from Lord Blantyre About a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers," accessed 13 December 2024, http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=357.
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2024. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/.
Letter from Lord Blantyre About a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers
Document Information
Document ID | 357 |
Title | Letter from Lord Blantyre About a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers |
Year group | 1700-1750 |
Genre | Personal writing |
Year of publication | 1711 |
Place of publication | Erskine, Scotland |
Wordcount | 281 |
Author information: Stuart, Walter
Author ID | 287 |
Forenames | Walter |
Surname | Stuart |
AKA | Lord Blantyre |
Gender | Male |
Year of birth | 1683 |
Occupation | Nobleman |