Letter about a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers

Author(s): Rosse



Ther is an wilson who formerly was a
soldier and as I am informed was a deserter
then was a shoemaker at glasgow
last year on the road he attacked my foot
man and cut of his finger and almost
killed him This I can prove but delayed
it to [¿] a recruit for the queens servicman
I hear he has sheltred himself in the
castle of dumbarton. And I am sure if ye
know his guilt ye wold not protect him
so I imform you of it and doe hope ye will
let him be tryed befor the [¿]
you be being under bond to [¿] to be
tryed in order when found guilty the
bearer [¿] may get
him for a recruit I doubt not of your
justice in this [¿] It will much oblidg

your Most huble servant

[¿]Januar first 1712


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Letter about a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Letter about a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers

Document Information

Document ID 358
Title Letter about a Former Servant Assaulting Travellers
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1712
Wordcount 142

Author information: Rosse

Author ID 288
Surname Rosse
Year of birth 1690