James Campbell's First Letter Home from Fort Oswego

Author(s): Campbell, James


Dr Sir

I wrote to Arch: and you every opportunity
I could find in my Last I gave him an acct of my
marching in to The indian Country to a Place
called osweygo. I am now arriv'd there after a
Painfull and Laborious march through a
Desart uninhabited Country, so you cannot expect
to hear from me often while I continue here which I
hope may be of short duration and shou'd be glad
at my return to see you well and relate you my
adventures which are beyond all Description on
Paper, so you must use your best endeavours to get
me otherwise Provided for. this is at Best but a
Banishment from my friends but from all the world
as to news I can give you none, for our operations are
quite secret some say we are to attack the French in their
Settlements but that cant well be done without a
declaration of war, We in our march here did expect
to be attackit by them and their Barbarous Indians
however we did not meet them, I fancy we got forward
before they cou'd way lay us however thats conjecture
we are now entrenching till more forces Join us

I wrote my Sisters from Virginia about sending
out the remainder of my shirts &c as I have no
Prospect of being soon back again, and must soon
have some cloath to make new ones, as mine are
in Genll. Pretty well worn.
I shall begg to be remembred to all my acquaintances
and friends tell them I often remember them and
hope to see them all at my return in good health
send my Particular compliments to Dongalston
Blythswood Mains Cloud Hamilton &c and must
conclude with wishing you health & happineſs

and I am
your dutifull son
James Campbell

Camp at OsweygoMay 28 1755

Pray dont forget me to Mr. Lawrence Collquhoun I hope
The Bridge and turnpike road are now finish'd
since I left Cork I have not heard from any Person &
Dongalston not even with my Baggage. Arch will
be curious to hear of me so youll communicate this
to him and to my Aunt.


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James Campbell's First Letter Home from Fort Oswego. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 13 September 2024, from

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"James Campbell's First Letter Home from Fort Oswego." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 13 September 2024.

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James Campbell's First Letter Home from Fort Oswego

Document Information

Document ID 366
Title James Campbell's First Letter Home from Fort Oswego
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1755
Place of publication Oswego, America
Wordcount 365

Author information: Campbell, James

Author ID 290
Forenames James
Surname Campbell
Gender Male
Year of birth 1730
Occupation Military
Locations where resident Glasgow, America