Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Aug 1786

Author(s): Anonymous


In the name of God Amen Know all Men by this present public Instrument That upon the first day of August
In the Seventeen hundred and Eighty sixth year after the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the reign of our Soverein Lord George the third by
the Grace of god King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the faith the twenty sixth year Upon the ground of the Lands of Easter Altoun particularly
aftermentioned And in presence of John Lennox of Antermony Esquire Immediate Superior of the Lands and others aforementioned And also
In presence of Me Notary Public and Witneſses Subscribing Compeared William Millar residenter in Easter Altoun As Procurator specially
constituted by and for John Millar of Easter Altoun In virtue of a Procuratory of resignation ad remanentiam Contained in a Disposition granted by the said
John Millar Dated the said first day of august Seventeen hundred and Eighty-six Whereby he for the Causes therein specified Sold Alienated and
Disponed to the said John Lennox and his heirs and aſsignies whomsoever Heretably and Irredeemably All and Whole the Lands teinds and others herein parthere
the said William Millar Procurator foresaid By virtue of the foresaid procuratory of resignation ad remanentiam Contained in the said Disposition
granted by the said John Millar (which Disposition the said Procurator Produced and Exhibited in presence of me Notary Public and Witneſses subscribing) And
with all due reverence and humility by staff and baton as use is Resigned and Surrendered All and Whole the [¿] of Land called Easter Altoun
with the whole parts pendicles and pertinents thereof. As ſometime poſseſsed by the deceased William Millar father of the ſaid John Millar being part of the
Lands of Inchbelly Inchbreck and Auchinrizie Together with the teinds parsonage and vicarage of the said lands of Easter Altoun with the pertinents
Lying with in the parish of Campsie and Sherrifdom of Stirling In the hands of the said John Lennox Immediate Superior thereof ad perpetuam
remanentiam And to the effect the right of property of the said Lands teinds and others presently belonging to and vested in him the said John
Millar might be consolidated with the right of Superiority thereof. In the person of the said John Lennox descend to the ſame series of heirs and remain inseperable
therefrom in all time coming And which resignation ad remanentiam So duly and lawfully made was accepted by the said John Lennox
to the effect And in the terms before specified And thereupon and upon All and sundry the premiſses the said John Lennox asked and took Instruments
One or More in teh hands of me Notary Public subscribing These things were so done and duly and lawfully in all points Upon the ground
of the said Land of Easter Altoun Between the hours of Five and Seven in the afternoon of the said
first day of august Seventeen hundred and Eighty six years And of his Majesty's reign the twenty sixth year Before and in presence
of John Kincaid younger of Kincaid Esqr. William Buchanan Portioner of Kirkintilloch and James Muir of Wester Altoun Witneſses specially called and required to the premiſses
Et ego vero Jacobus Oswald, Clericus Glasguensis Dioceos [¿] Notarius Publicus auctoritate Regaliae
per Domines Concilii A Seſsiones occundum [¿] [¿] parliamente admiſsus Quia praemiſsis
omnibus et singulis dum sic et [¿] [¿]


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Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Aug 1786. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 25 April 2024, from

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Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Aug 1786

Document Information

Document ID 385
Title Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Aug 1786
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1786
Place of publication Stirling, Scotland
Wordcount 561

Author information: Anonymous

Author ID 375
Surname Anonymous