Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Mar 1722

Author(s): Napier, Gabriel


In the Name of God Amen Be it Known to all men by this present publick Instrument That upon the day of March one Thousand
seven hundred and Twenty two years and of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George By the grace of God King of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith the Eighth years In
Presence of me Nottar publick and witneſses undersubscriving Compeared peronally upon the ground of the lands and others underwritten and discreet man
as actuary and procurator for and in name of William Miller in Easter Altoun whose power of acturney was sufficiently known to me Nottar Subscriveing as also Compeared personally upon the
ground of the saids lands and others underwritten ane other Discreet man Baillie in that part of the crecept of seasine after insert to the effect after
mentioned specially Constitute Having and Holding in his hands ane certain Charter or few right of the date aftermentioned Containing thereuntill the precept of Seasine after insert made
and granted by John Earle of Wigtoun Lord Fleeming and Combernauld &ea: Superior of the lands and others underwritten with their pertinents By which Charter or few Right The said John Earle
of Wigtoun Gave Granted and Disponed and in few firm for ever Demitted frae him and his heirs To and in favours of the said William Miller his heirs and aſsigneys whatsomever
All and Haill that Room of land called Easter Altoun with the haill parts pendicles and pertinents thereof as presently poſseſst by himself Lying within the parochine of Campsie and Shirriffdom
of Stirling To be holden in manner therein mentioned and for the yearly payment of the few duties and other duties therein Contained and performing the other services therein specified With
this provision That the said William Miller and his forsaids shall not Dispone the saids lands in haill or in part otherways than to be holden of the said Earle of Wigtoun immediatly and directly
as the said Charter of the date aftermentioned Containing thereuntill the precept of seasine after insert more fully bears Which Charter of Few right Containing the precept
of seasine after insert the said as Acturney forsaid presented and delivered to the said Baillie in that part forsaid
desireing and requireing him to putt the samen to due execution after the form and tenor thereof Which Desire the said acknowledgeing to be just and reasonable received
in his hands the said Charter or few right with all due reverence as became and in continent thereafter delivered the same to Me Nottr publick subscriveing to be read and published to the witneſses
and others present thereat and alse hereto subscriveing which accordingly I did and of the which precept of seasine the tenor follows and is thus Attour To John Wardlaw our Factor and John Sommerville of Glenhove
our Lovites and ilk ane of yow conjunctly and severally our Baillies in that part by this our precept specially Constitute Greeting It is our Will and we Charge yow that incontinent this
our precept seen ye paſs to the ground of the said lands underwritten and there Give Grant Deliver and cause to Had heretable state and seasine with reall actuall & Corporall
poſseſsion of All and Haill the lands of Easter Altoun with the pertinents Lying within the parochine of Camsay and Shirriffdom of Stirling to the said William Miller his heirs or aſsigneys and that
by deliverance to him or his certain Acturney in his name bearer hereof of earth and stone of the ground of the saids lands as use is and this on no ways ye leave undone The which to do we Comitt
to yow and ilk ane of yow conjunctly and severally our full power by this our precept as said is In witnes whereof written on stampt parchment by William Gordon scwriter to Mr James
Baillie Wryter to the Signet Will have subcrived these presents with our hand and caused our ſeall to be appended hereto Att Edinburgh the tenth day of May one Thousand seven hundred
and Twenty two years Before these witneſses Mr Harie Maute of Killo Gabriel Napier wryter in Edinburgh and the said Mr James Baillie and David Scott his servant inserter of the place date witneſses
names and designations Sic Subscribitur Wigtoune [Harie Maule] wittness Gabriel Napier witnes. Baillie & David Scott witneſs. After the open reading and publishing of the which precept of seasine
above insert the said Baillie in that part forsaid by vertue of the forsaid precept of seasine and of his office of Baillary thereby Committed to him Gave and Delivered Heretable
state and seasine reall actuall and Corporall poſseſsion of All and Sundry the lands and others abovementioned with the pertinents Lying and Bounded as said is to the said [¿] as acturney
and procurator for and in name and behalf of the said William Miller and that by delivery to him of earth and stone of the ground of the samen as use is after form and tenor
in the noon day moneth year of God and Kings reign respective above written In presence of
Et Ego vero Gabriel Napier Clericus Glasguensis Diocesis Notarius Publicus authoritate Regali, ac per Dominos Concily et ſeſionis
secundum tenorem aeli perhamenti admiſsus, Quia præmiſsis omnibus et singulis dum sic ut præmitteitur dicerentur agerentur of fierent
una cum prænominatis testibus præsens personaliter interſie Ego onmia et singula præmiſsa sic fieri vidi scivi audivi ac in notam [¿]
hoc præsens publicam Instrumentum (manu aliena fideliter scriptum) exmie confeii, et in hunc publici Instrumenti formam redegi,
præmiſsorum regalus et requisitius

Spero Meliora
Gabriel Napier N. P.


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Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Mar 1722. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Mar 1722

Document Information

Document ID 390
Title Sasine, Concerning the Sale of Land, 1 Mar 1722
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1730
Wordcount 939

Author information: Napier, Gabriel

Author ID 380
Forenames Gabriel
Surname Napier
Gender Male