Inhibition of Teinds, From the Commissary of Lanarkshire

Author(s): Alison, Archibald; Robinson, William Rose


William Rose Robinson Esquire Archibald Alison,
Advocate Commiſsary of Lanarkshire
Meſsengers at Arms and my Officers Execu
=tors hereof jointly and severally specially
constituted Greeting For as much as it is
humbly meant and shewn to use by my [¿]
Dr.. Duncan Macfarlane Principal, Dr.. Stevenson
McGill Profeſsor of Theology, Dr James Jeffray
Profeſsor of Anatomy, James Mylne Esquire
Profeſsor of Moral Philosophy, Dr William
Meikleham Profeſsor of Natural Philosophy
Robert Davidson Esquire Professor of Civil Law,
Dr.. James Couper Profeſsor of Practical Astrono=
=my, Dr William McTurk Professor of Church
History, Sir Daniel Kyte Sandford Pro=
=feſsor of Greek, Robert Buchanan Esquire
Profeſsor of Logic, Dr_ Charles Bud=
=ham Profeſsor of the Theory and Practice
of Physic, Dr William Fleming Profeſsor of
Oriental Languages, William Ramsay
Esquire & CD Donald

Esquire Professor of Humanity & Dr James
Thomson Professor of Mathematics all of
and in the University and College of
Glasgow Heritable proprietors of the
Teinds parsonage and vicarage of the
Parish and Parish Church of East
Kilbride lying within the Sheriffdom
of Lanark. That by virtue thereof
they have good and undoubted
right in & to the Teind and Teind
[¿] parsonage and vicarage of
the said parish and Parish Church
[¿] fruits rents profits [¿]=
=ments and duties of the same
conform to which Heritable right
and provision they have been in
the poſseſsion of the said Teinds divers
years preceding. Nevertheleſs True is it
& of verity that the persons, farmers
rentallers, Liferenters, Tenants, Jacksmen, [Heritors]
& CD Donald

Occupiers and Poſseſsors of the Lands, [sommes],
mailings and Steadings lying and situate
within the said parish intend as the Com=
=plainers are informed at their own
hands to intermit with, uptake, collect,
[homelead] use and dispose upon no only
the parsonage teinds and tend sheaves,
but also the vicarage and senate tends
of their Lands [sommes] mailings and
poſseſsions within the said parish such
as teind Lambs, [Stills], Geese, Gryce
Stages, Wool, Lint, Hemp, Hay and others
their Teind of the same for this present
crop and year without Tack License
or [Holercation] tolerance of the said Com=
=plainers first had and obtained thereto
without [¿] of Law be provided
thereanent as is alleged. Herefore it
it is my will and I charge you
strictly and command that incontinent
& CD Donald

this is my Precept seen ye pass to the said
Parish Church door pin a Sunday before
[hand] immediately after divine service and
then and there in His Majestys name and
Authority and mine openly Inhibit and
Discharge the Heritors, Farmers, [¿],
Rentallers, Liferenters, Tenants, Jacksmen, Occupiers
and Poſseſsors of the said Lands, [¿],
steadings, mailings and possessions lying and
situate within the said parish either by
their names in general
or by their names in special as you shall be
required that they nor none of them pre=
=sume nor take upon (upon) hand to collect
CD Donald
[homelead] intermit with use uptake or
dispose upon any of the foresaid Teinds or
Teind Sheaves Parsonage and Vicarage
of the foresaid names and steadings within
the foresaid parish for this instant crop
and year without licence or tolerance of the
said Complainers undoubted Titulars of
the same be first had and [obtained] thereto
& CD Donald

But on the contrary that they and
[¿]of the readily answer obey and
make lawful and timeous premonition
and warning to the said Complainers
their Factors and Chamberlains or others
in their names for ingathering uplifting
and receiving of the said Teinds &
Teind Sheaves both parsonage & vicarage
of this present Crop and year above specified
and that [¿] certify to them that [¿] on
the contrary that they shall be holden
and repute as violent [¿] and make
recitation of the highest avail and price
of the same Conform to the laws of this
realm and Acts of Parliament made there=
=anenet According to Justice the which
to do so By this my Precept given at
Glasgow the seventh day of August
Eighteen hundred and thirty two years -
& CD Donald

Upon the nineteenth day of August Eighteen
hundred and thirty two years I John Milne Meſsenger
at Arms by virtue of the before written Letter of
[¿] of Teinds, dated at Glasgow the seventh
day of August current raised at the Instance of the
therein designed Drs Duncan & McFarlane, Prinip=
=al and others named and designed in said Letters
all of and in the University and College of Glasgow
Heritable [¿] of the Teinds Parsonage and Vicar=
=age of the Parish and Parish Church of East Kilbride lying
within the Sheriffdom of Lanark Complainers, Against
the persons, Farmers Rentallers, Liferenters, Tenants, Jacksmen,
Occupiers, and Poſsessors of the lands [¿] steadings Mail=
=ings and poſsessions lying and situate within the said
Parish Defenders, paſsed to the door of the said parish
Church of East Kilbride upon the foresaid date being
a Sunday immediately after Divine Service in the
forenoon and then and there after crying [¿] several
[¿] making Open proclamation and public reading
of the said letters in his Majestys name and Authority
of the Commiſsary of Lanarkshire lawfully [¿]
and Discharged the said Heritors Farmers feuds Rent=
=allers Liferenters Tenants Jacksment Occupiers and Poſsessors
=[¿] that they nor none of them presume nor take
upon hand to Collect Homelead [¿] with or
uptake or Dispose upon any of the foresaid Teinds or
Teind Sheaves parsonage and vicarage of the foresail
rooms and steadings as mentioned in said Letters and
lying within the foresaid Parsh for this Instant crop
and year without licence or tolerance of the said Complainders
undoubted titulars of the same be first had and
Obtained thereto; But on the contrary that they and
each of them readily answer obey and make lawful
and timeous premonition and warning to the said Comp=
=lainers their Factors and Chamberlains or others in their
names for ingathering uplifting and receiving of the said
Teinds and Teind Sheaves both parsonage and Vicarage
of this present Crop and year above specified, and
I made Certification to them that do on the contrary
that they shall be holden and [¿] as Violent [¿]=
=lsiers and make restitution of the highest avail
and price of the same, with Certification Conform to
said letters of Inhibition of Teinds in all points
& full double whereof with a short Copy of Inhibition

John Milne
Neil Macfarlane Witneſs
Willm.. Robertson Witneſs

to the effect aforesaid there is subjoined & affixed
and left for the said Farmers Heritors [¿] Rentallers
Liferenters Tenants Jacksmen Occupiers and poſsess
=ors at and upon the most patent door of the said
parish Church and that after my using the Solem
=nities foresail and during the dismiſsal of the cong
=regation from said parish church, which copy
of the [¿] was duly signed by me did bear the
date hereof and contained the date of said Letters
together with the names and designators of
Neil Macfarlane and William Robertson
both residing in Glasgow witneſses present at
the premises and hereto with me subscribing
upon this and the preceeding page one word
on page first delete

John Milne
Neil Macfarlane Witneſs
Willm.. Robertson Witneſs


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Inhibition of Teinds, From the Commissary of Lanarkshire. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 16 September 2024, from

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"Inhibition of Teinds, From the Commissary of Lanarkshire." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 16 September 2024.

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Inhibition of Teinds, From the Commissary of Lanarkshire

Document Information

Document ID 524
Title Inhibition of Teinds, From the Commissary of Lanarkshire
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1832
Place of publication Lanarkshire, Scotland
Wordcount 1169

Author information: Alison, Archibald

Author ID 388
Forenames Archibald
Surname Alison
Gender Male
Year of birth 1792
Place of birth Kenley, England
Occupation Politician, historian, lawyer
Education University
Locations where resident Edinburgh, Scotland

Author information: Robinson, William Rose

Author ID 132
Forenames William Rose
Surname Robinson
Gender Male
Year of birth 1781
Occupation Sherriff
Locations where resident Lanarkshire, Scotland