Letters from the University Secretary to the Town Court, Concerning Trams
Author(s): Clapperton, Alan Ernest
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15th March, 1905
The Town Clerk, Glasgow.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the proposed extension of the
electric tramways along University Avenue to Byres Road,
you are probably aware that the University is erecting a
new Physical Laboratory to the west of the main building,
and only about 100 yards in a direct line from
University Avenue, at a cost of over £40,000. The
building is expected to be ready for occupation towards
the end of the year. Should it be decided ultimately
to run the electric tramways along University Avenue,
I am instructed by the University Court to ask whether,
in order to safeguard against electric disturbances in
the new Laboratory, the Corporation could see its way to
lay down an insulated return cable for the section
between the East gate of the University and Byres Road.
Professor Gray, The University, will give any
special information on the subject that may be necessary.
Yours faithfully,
Sec. Glas. Univ. Court.
20th May, 1908.
The Town Clerk,
City Chambers,
Dear Sir,
I understand that the Corporation of Glasgow now
intend to include in a Provisional Order the extension of
the tramways along University Avenue. In this connection
I refer to my letter to you of 15th March 1905 when on
behalf of the University Court I inquired whether the
Corporation as a safeguard against electric disturbances
in the Physical Laboratory at the University would be
prepared to lay down a return cable for the section
between the east gate of the University and Byres Road.
At that time I think your Engineer indicated to
Professor Gray that there would be no serious difficulty
in agreeing to this. I enclose a copy of said letter.
I shall probably send you an official commnunication
on the subject after next meeting of the Court but
perhaps you could inform me meantime for the information
of the Court whether in the event of this extension being
proceeded with the Corporation are keeping the request in view.
Yours faithfully,
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APA Style:
Letters from the University Secretary to the Town Court, Concerning Trams. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 16 January 2025, from http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=547.
MLA Style:
"Letters from the University Secretary to the Town Court, Concerning Trams." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 16 January 2025. http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=547.
Chicago Style
The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Letters from the University Secretary to the Town Court, Concerning Trams," accessed 16 January 2025, http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=547.
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/.
Letters from the University Secretary to the Town Court, Concerning Trams
Document Information
Document ID | 547 |
Title | Letters from the University Secretary to the Town Court, Concerning Trams |
Year group | 1900-1950 |
Genre | Administrative prose |
Year of publication | 1905 |
Place of publication | Glasgow, Scotland |
Wordcount | 349 |
Author information: Clapperton, Alan Ernest
Author ID | 133 |
Forenames | Alan Ernest |
Surname | Clapperton |
Gender | Male |
Year of birth | 1855 |
Occupation | Secretary |
Education | University |
Locations where resident | Glasgow |