Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 2

Author(s): Morthland, Mr Charles


Sber 8 1715

R. Sr.

I have little news to write you all things are quiet in this
Country nor do I know of any appearance of an Inſurrection
any [¿], severall people att Oxford have been taken
up and att Bath, and I believe verily that the neck
of the Rebellion is [¿] broken here, Sir Wm Windham
was yeſternight putt into the tower. the accounts from France
are good, the Regent is [¿] in our [¿] as you
will ſee by the information he is making, but [¿] High
Church Clergy & [¿] yr ane Like to be troubleſome
you have been [¿].
the Dukes Child is to be Chriſtand on tueſday &
the King is to ſtand Godfather, I could be content
you would write to the Duke and [¿] your wonder
I came not down, fr the bulk is [¿] is very
tardy, we have no more busineſs, and I am Longing
to be home & wed to the hearth that I cannot
gett off, but pray keep this to your ſelf I am

R. Sr Your Moſt Obliged huble sert.


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Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 2. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 2

Document Information

Document ID 564
Title Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 2
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1715
Place of publication London, England
Wordcount 175

Author information: Morthland, Mr Charles

Author ID 170
Title Mr
Forenames Charles
Surname Morthland
Gender Male
Year of birth 1660
Occupation Academic
Education University
Locations where resident Glasgow, London
Other languages spoken Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic