Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 4
Author(s): Morthland, Mr Charles
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Oct: 13 1715
I wrote to you Last poſt att great Length
since which we have had very Little remarkable
here, the E. of Scarſdale was committed to the Tower
yesday, and the Day I hear Mr Harvey is dead of ye wounds
he gave himſelf. The troops deſired by yt Government
from Holland by new wanting for a fair wind to bring
ym to Newcaſtle, from whence My Lord Scarſburrough
writes that Sr Ch: Hathms regt is come to that place
that the town ſeems very well diſpoſed, and particularly
the Keelmen are very zealous for the Kings ſervice
that by now on no apprehenſions of that place, that
the two popiſh Lords with the Foſters father & son
accompanied with 200 gentlemen & yr ſervants
whereof a fifth part now proteſtants only, had mett
att [Roseberry] & proclaimed the pretender, but that
Lord Cobhams regt being within a days march
they were hope full they would be able to diſpoſe
ym before the reſt of the troops would come up to
ym, however all this Letts us further in to the plot &
shows us that the war is only a religious one [¿]
the [¿] Religion iff popery should be
[proferd]. By an Expreſſ from Irland we hear that
the foot regts were Embarqued on ſaturday Laſt
& wanted a fair wind for portglaſgow. We are
impatient to hear the event of the motion in fifeſhire
which will have great influence upon affairs
tho I can aſsure you the Court now is [¿] no other
pain but for the [repence] & loſs of the honeſt people
for the appearance of the papiſts att this time only
upon the eyes of some Blinded proteſtants.
I have drawn upon you for eight pound ſterl. which [¿]
you may pay if my wife to whom I have written cannot &
I shall refund you upon demand, it was to oblige one Mr Pye
who has a ſon at Glasgow that was once my ſcholar ſo
begging pardon for this preſumption & freedom I remain
your moſt obliged humble
Charles Morthland
I hear Duplin is Committed to the tower
& that your friend Mr Taylor has loſt his place
in the treaſury.
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APA Style:
Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 4. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 22 January 2025, from http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=566.
MLA Style:
"Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 4." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 22 January 2025. http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=566.
Chicago Style
The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 4," accessed 22 January 2025, http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/document/?documentid=566.
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk/cmsw/.
Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 4
Document Information
Document ID | 566 |
Title | Letter Home from London on 1715 Uprising, No. 4 |
Year group | 1700-1750 |
Genre | Personal writing |
Year of publication | 1715 |
Place of publication | London, England |
Wordcount | 362 |
Author information: Morthland, Mr Charles
Author ID | 170 |
Title | Mr |
Forenames | Charles |
Surname | Morthland |
Gender | Male |
Year of birth | 1660 |
Occupation | Academic |
Education | University |
Locations where resident | Glasgow, London |
Other languages spoken | Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic |