Letter from John Maxwell, Regarding a University Controversy

Author(s): Maxwell, Sir John


R: Sir

2d March 1717

I fear what thoſe gentlemen of your Colledge hath
done, occaſion more diſcourſe, and obſervations by on lookers then
any thing I am concerned in the matter for by conſtant contrivance
I was become the eldeſt member in the facultie, yet if any member
of yt ſocietie had ſignified ther diſsatisfaction to me, I ſhould have
quickly satisfied them they have made a verie good choyſe of Mr
Muire whom I have not yet ſeen to wiſh him joye. I am only ſorrie
to hear of ſuch rents and diviſions in our neighbourhood the
lyke whereof tho I so far come in yeares did never see I pray God
heals them, and that ym be not too much vexed with this mutinie
ſo oddly brought oupon you without reaſon, and yt the peace of
your Colledge may be [keeped] alſo much as can be till further order
wherein I hope the Government will think fitt to protect yow. I
cannot ſay yt my thoughts are ny way gathered about this matter but
I hope either to wryte to yow, or ſee you ſhortly I am

R: Sir
your aff: Cuſing, and
humble ſervt

Jo: Maxwell


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Letter from John Maxwell, Regarding a University Controversy. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 22 January 2025, from

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Letter from John Maxwell, Regarding a University Controversy

Document Information

Document ID 567
Title Letter from John Maxwell, Regarding a University Controversy
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1717
Place of publication Nether Pollok, Scotland
Wordcount 201

Author information: Maxwell, Sir John

Author ID 171
Title Sir
Forenames John
Surname Maxwell
AKA Sir John Maxwell of Nether Pollok, Lord Pollok, 1st Baron Pollok
Gender Male
Year of birth 1643
Occupation Politician, judge
Locations where resident Glasgow
Religious affiliation Presbyterian