List of 14 Students Who, on 17 Mar, Had Assembled at the House of Malcolm McDonald, Tavern Keeper, Had Been Drunk and Had Made Obscene Toasts

Author(s): Hamilton, Mr Thomas


To be inserted in the University Meeting May 10th 1769]

Mr Hamilton [read] before the meeting a
list of students who upon 17th day of March last
[¿]St Patrick's day did aſsemble in the
house of Macolm McDonald Tavern keeper
in Glasgow where they drank till several
of the Company got Drunk & where several
of the Company proposed & Drank Obscene
toasts by doing which Mr Hamilton
apprehends they have been guilty of a breach
of College Discipline
& requires that the Statute against frequenting
Taverns & the S|tatute against speaking Obscenity
may be put in Execution. The proof of these
Students being guilty of the above fact [¿]
May appears fully on the minutes of the
Committee in the case of Woodburn & Robison
The list

Mr [Rose]
" Robison
" Agnew
" [Willson]
" Sinclair
" Dunlopp
" Lang
Mr Pitt
" Kennedy
" Thornton
" [Mergiss]
" Pollock
" Johnson
" Blackwood

Thomas Hamilton
R. Traill
John Millar
Will. Wight


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APA Style:

List of 14 Students Who, on 17 Mar, Had Assembled at the House of Malcolm McDonald, Tavern Keeper, Had Been Drunk and Had Made Obscene Toasts. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 16 January 2025, from

MLA Style:

"List of 14 Students Who, on 17 Mar, Had Assembled at the House of Malcolm McDonald, Tavern Keeper, Had Been Drunk and Had Made Obscene Toasts." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 16 January 2025.

Chicago Style

The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "List of 14 Students Who, on 17 Mar, Had Assembled at the House of Malcolm McDonald, Tavern Keeper, Had Been Drunk and Had Made Obscene Toasts," accessed 16 January 2025,

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


List of 14 Students Who, on 17 Mar, Had Assembled at the House of Malcolm McDonald, Tavern Keeper, Had Been Drunk and Had Made Obscene Toasts

Document Information

Document ID 594
Title List of 14 Students Who, on 17 Mar, Had Assembled at the House of Malcolm McDonald, Tavern Keeper, Had Been Drunk and Had Made Obscene Toasts
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1769
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 148

Author information: Hamilton, Mr Thomas

Author ID 177
Title Mr
Forenames Thomas
Surname Hamilton
Gender Male
Year of birth 1728
Occupation Academic
Education University
Locations where resident Glasgow
Other languages spoken Latin