Certificate from Charles Inglis, Clerk of Bills, that Lord Hailes has Rejected David Woodburn's Request For a Bill of Suspension

Author(s): Inglis, Charles


Attested Copie Interloqr. on the Bill of Suspension
at the instance of David Woodburn late Student
in the University of Glasgow [Matter]/Master

Edinr. 16 Sept 1769 The The Lord Ordinary having considere
this Bill, answers the plies & Duplies
with the [¿] produced find the Reasons
of Suspension [¿] Refuses this Bill
Reserving Reduction as records
signed Dav. Dalrymple

I Charles Inglis Depute Clerk to the Bills
Hereby Certify that what is [¿] written
is a past & true Copie of the Interlocutor
pronounced by Lord Hailes Ordinary as
witneſs my hand At Edinburgh this 18th
day of September 1769 years

Cha: Inglis


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APA Style:

Certificate from Charles Inglis, Clerk of Bills, that Lord Hailes has Rejected David Woodburn's Request For a Bill of Suspension. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

MLA Style:

"Certificate from Charles Inglis, Clerk of Bills, that Lord Hailes has Rejected David Woodburn's Request For a Bill of Suspension." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Certificate from Charles Inglis, Clerk of Bills, that Lord Hailes has Rejected David Woodburn's Request For a Bill of Suspension," accessed 27 July 2024,

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2024. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Certificate from Charles Inglis, Clerk of Bills, that Lord Hailes has Rejected David Woodburn's Request For a Bill of Suspension

Document Information

Document ID 601
Title Certificate from Charles Inglis, Clerk of Bills, that Lord Hailes has Rejected David Woodburn's Request For a Bill of Suspension
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1769
Wordcount 100

Author information: Inglis, Charles

Author ID 179
Forenames Charles
Surname Inglis
Gender Male
Occupation Clerk of Bills