Petition of Two Students to the Principal and Professors of the University of Glasgow

Author(s): Busby, Joseph; Kirkby, Timothy


To the Principal & Profeſsors of the University
of Glasgow

The humble request of Timt. Kirkby & Jos: Busby
Studts. That whereas they had the Misfortune
sometime agoe to fall into an unhappy afray
with some People of the Town & in Consequence of
it to be involv'd in considerable distreſs & what
they still think more disagreeable & distreſsing, to
incur the Displeasure of ye Faculty, to the Sentence
& Determination of which, they willingly submit
themselves & dependent [¿] on their [Lenity] & Mercy;
from their Confidence in these, join'd to [¿] Consideration
of the many ill Consequences & even utter Ruin, wch.
must certainly attend a sentence of Expulsion from
them & their sincere concern for their Prior & improper Conduct,
venture to entertain some hope & humbly [¿] that
The Gentlemen will not proceed to any such rigorous
Sentence as Expulsion. They are highly sensible of
the impropriety of what they have done & beg leave
to aſsure the whole faculty, that they have form'd a
firm resolution never again to repeat the same
Misconduct. They once more sincerely beg that
the Faculty will take some Compaſsion on them &
by a Milder Sentence than Expulsion, enable them
to avoid the utter displeasure of their Parents & friends,
ye Loſs of a Means to subsist in Life consistent wth.
their intentions and the distreſsing Neceſsity of
exchanging their prest. Plan of getting a Livelyhood
hereafter for immediate & unavoidable Misery in
some inferior Character

Timothy Kirkby. Jos. Busby


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Petition of Two Students to the Principal and Professors of the University of Glasgow. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 September 2024, from

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"Petition of Two Students to the Principal and Professors of the University of Glasgow." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 20 September 2024.

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Petition of Two Students to the Principal and Professors of the University of Glasgow

Document Information

Document ID 608
Title Petition of Two Students to the Principal and Professors of the University of Glasgow
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1768
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 236

Author information: Busby, Joseph

Author ID 190
Forenames Joseph
Surname Busby
Gender Male
Occupation Student

Author information: Kirkby, Timothy

Author ID 189
Forenames Timothy
Surname Kirkby
AKA Timothy Kirkby
Gender Male
Occupation Student