Offer to Buy Glasgow Observatory

Author(s): Various


Offer to purchase Glasgow
Messrs B. Caufield & McGowan
Mitchells Johnston & Co.
and confirmatory letters.
dated 26th May and 5th June
Mitchells Johnston & Co
30 George Square,
Glasgow 26th May 1937.
Messrs Baird Smith Clapperton & Co.,
205 St Vincent Street.
Dear Sirs,
We are instructed by our clients, the Trustees
of the Convent of Notre Dame, Dowanhill, Glasgow, to offer
to purchase the property known as Glasgow Observatory, with
pertinents, and all fittings, on the following conditions:-
(1) The price to be Ten Thousand Pounds (£10,000).
(2) Entry as may be arranged between our respective
clients. The price shall be payable on our clients
receiving actual natural possession of the subjects.
(3) The extent of ground included in the purchase is
2 acres, 2 roods, of which 1 acre 2 roods is on
Dowanhill Estate, while there is 1 acre on
Kelvinside Estate. The price is to include all
buildings and erections on the ground;
(4) It is to be shown that the total feuduty amounts to
£50:18:5 per annum, being two feuduties, one of
£32:-:6, the other of £18:17:11. It is also to be
shown that the feuduties have been allocated by
the Superior and that Casualties have been
extinguished, and that there are no other burdens
of any kind affecting said subjects.
We shall be glad to know that your clients are
prepared to accept this offer and, if so, you might be good
enough to send us the titles and let us know when vacant
possession can be given to our clients.
Yours faithfully,
Adopted as Holograph,
"B.Caufield & McGowan"
160 West George Street,
Glasgow 5th June 1937.
Messrs B. Caufield & McGowan,
30 George Square.
Dear Sirs,
Glasgow Observatory.
We are instructed by the Glasgow University Court to
accept your Offer of Ten Thousand Pounds (£10,000) for this
property, of which a copy is annexed, subject to the following
qualifications, viz:-
(1) That the University shall have the full use of the
Observatory buildings for teaching purposes until 1st
August 1938.
(2) That notwithstanding this reservation the purchase price
shall be paid when entry and possession to the ground other
than the buildings is given to the purchasers. So far as
the University is concerned, this may be given at once.
(3) That the University shall be entitled to remove the
astronomical and other scientific instruments and
equipment in the Observatory buildings and grounds,
including fixed telescopes and other instruments.
(4) Though £32:-:6 of the feuduty is vest in the
University Court as Administrators of the Dowanhill Prize,
it is not included in the sale.
(5) The University court's title will be accepted as it
stands. The title which will be given and accepted by the
purchasers, will be a Disposition by the University Court
vest in the subjects under the Universities
(Scotland) Act 1889, with absolute warrandice.
Yours faithfully,
Adopted as holograph,
"Mitchells Johnston & Co."
30 George Square,
Glasgow 7th June 1937.
Messrs Mitchells Johnston & Co.,
161 West George Street.
Dear Sirs,
Glasgow Observatory
We have to acknowledge receipt of your
letter of 5th inst. accepting the offer made by us
for the above property, but subject to certain qualifications.
We have written our clients for instructions
and will let you hear from us as soon as possible.
Meantime we shall be glad if you will let us have the
Titles for examination.
Yours faithfully,
"B.Caufield & McGowan"
160 West George Street,
Glasgow 8th June 1937.
Messrs B.Caufield & McGowan,
Dear Sirs,
Glasgow Observatory
We have received your letter of yesterday and,
as requested, sned you the titles conform to Inventory on
which please give bearer your borrowing receipt.
Yours faithfully,
"Mitchells Johnston & Co."
160 West George Street,
Glasgow 24th June 1937.
Messrs B.Caufield & McGowan,
30 George Square.
Dear Sirs,
Glasgow Observatory.
We duly received your letter of 17th curt.
The access to the Observatory is now by
Observatory Road.
We enclose a Plan showing how the buildings are
situated on the feus.
With reference to your letter of 8th curt. the
University have no objection so far as they are concerned
to your clients putting in hand at once the work of
erecting a corridor adjoining the College and the
Chapel, and also the Lunch Rooms and Domestic Science
Section of the new building.
In regard to the feuduty we have suggested to our
clients that in view of their retaining possession of the
Observatory Building they should continue to pay the
feuduty of £18:17:11 to Kelvinside Estate until 1st
August 1938, when full possession is to be given, in which
they concur.
We shall be glad to know if this will meet your
Yours faithfully,
"Mitchells Johnston & Co"
160 West George Street,
Glasgow 13th July 1937.
Messrs B.Caufield & McGowan,
30 George Square.
Dear Sirs,
Glasgow Observatory
We have now heard from the Secretary of the Glasgow
University Court that they have no objection to your clients
using the ground for recreation purposes.
We shall be glad if you will now confirm the purchase.
Yours faithfully,
"Mitchells Johnston & Co".
30 George Square,
Glasgow 14th July 1937.
Messrs Mitchells Johnston & Co.,
160 West George Street,
Dear Sirs,
Convent of Notre Dame, Dowanhill
Glasgow Observatory.
We have your letter of yesterday's date and
note that the University Court have no objection to our
sic clients using the ground at Glasgow Observatory (University) for
recreation purposes. We confirm as requested purchase
as per letters passing between us. We hope to send you
the draft Disposition for revisal in the course of the
next few days.
Yours faithfully,
Adopted as holograph,
"B.Caufield & McGowan"


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Offer to Buy Glasgow Observatory. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Offer to Buy Glasgow Observatory." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Offer to Buy Glasgow Observatory," accessed 27 July 2024,

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2024. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Offer to Buy Glasgow Observatory

Document Information

Document ID 662
Title Offer to Buy Glasgow Observatory
Year group 1900-1950
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1937
Place of publication Glasgow
Wordcount 955

Author information: Various

Author ID 440
Surname Various