Glasgow University Students' Handbook
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No. XXIX. 1934 - 1935
Editor :
Published by
Professor of Physics at the University of Jena.
Translated from the First German Edition by Ira M. Freeman.
Ph.D., Chicago.
Fully Illustrated. XXIV+748 pp. 25s. net.
This work covers the whole field of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
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By R. COURANT, Gottingen (New York).
Translated by E. F. McShane, Princeton.
Volume I. XIV+552 pp. 20s. net.
A novel and masterly textbook on the Calculus, for students of
Mathematics, Physical Science, or Engineering.
Oberregierungsbaurat, and Works Manager of the State Railway Repair
Workshops, Wittenberge; Fellow of the Technical High School, Hanover.
Authorised Translation from the Second German Edition, with
additions and revisions by Professor Bardtke, by Harold Kenney,
B.A. (Cantab.).
XII+299 pp. With 315 figures. 15s. net.
A comprehensive survey of the whole field of modern welding in its
practical and theoretical aspects, invaluable to the engineer, foreman,
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3000 Years of Science.
Author of "Scientific Method," "Science and Theology," etc.
XX+1080 pages, with 3 coloured plates, 48 half-tone plates, and many
line diagrams. 21s. net.
This book makes a new departure: it discusses the history of science.
critically. It includes all branches of science and deals at some length
with the point of contact between science, mathematics, and philosophy.
Edited by R. Tomaschek, D.Phil., Professor of Physics, University of
Marburg. Authorised translation from the Seventh German Edition by
L. A. Woodward, B.A. (Oxon.), Ph.D. (Leipzig), and (vol. iv.)
Winifred M. Deans, M.A., B.Sc.
Volume I. Mechanics. 15s. net.
Volume II. Heat and Sound. 12s. 6d. net.
Volume III. Electricity and Magnetism. 25s. net.
Volume IV. Optics. 15s. net.
Full particulars of the above Books and Catalogue on application
17 Stanhope Street - Glasgow, C.4
Introduction... PAGE
Editorial ... ... ... • .. ... ... ix.
Chancellor's Message ... ... ... xiv.
Historical Introduction ... ... ... ... ...
Constitution of the University ... ... .. 5
Queen Margaret College ...... 7
Faculty of Arts ...... ... 12
Faculty of Science ... ... ... ... ... ... 17
Faculty of Medicine ... ... ... 21
Faculty of Theology ... ... ... ... 30
Faculty of Law ... ... ... ... 33
Faculty of Engineering ... ... ... 37
Department of Music... ... 40
Education Degree ... ... ... ... • • • • • • 44
Royal Technical College ... ... ... ... 46
University Libraries and Reading Room... ... 48
Hunterian Museum ... ... ... ... ... ... 50
Appointments Committee ... ... ... ... 53
.. 57
Training of Teachers... . ... ...
Carnegie Trust ... ... ... ... • • • 58
University Halls of Residence for Men Students 60
Students' Representative Council... ... 63
Glasgow University Chapel ... ... ... ... 66
Glasgow University Union... ... 70
Queen Margaret College Union ... ... ... 72
Halls of Residence for Women Students ... ... 73
Glasgow University Settlement ... 74
Officers' Training Corps ... ... ... ... 76
The Glasgow University Magazine ... 77
The Gilmorehill Globe ... ... ... ... 79
Inter-Academic Committee ... ... ... ... 80
Book Exchange ... ... ... • • • • • • 81
Apparatus Exchange ... ... ... ... 82
Church of Scotland Students' Residence ... ... 82
THE CORPORATE LIFE... ... ... ... ... ... 83
The Rectorial... ... 85
Union Jubilee ... ... ... ... 87
Union Debates '... ..• • • • ... ... ... 88
College Pudding ... ... • • • ... ... ... 90
Charities Day... ... ... ... ... ... 91
Dialectic Society Freshers' Competition ... ... ... 92
See also pages v. and vii.
New and Second-Hand for All Classes at Lowest Prices
The Largest Educational Stock in Scotland
The A.B.C. Coy.
Swanwick ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93
East and West Conference ... ... ... ... 94
General ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95
Details of Sections ... .... ... ... ... ... 96
Dialectic Society ... .... ... ... .... .... 107
Q.M. Debating Society
Mermaid Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 109
Q.M. College Twelve Club ... ... ... ... 110
Poetry Society ... ... ... .... ... ... 111
Dramatic Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 112
Musical Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 112
Ellington Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 113
Camera Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 113
Student Christian Movement ... ... ... ... 115
Q.M. Student Christian Movement ... ... ... 116
Christian Students' Fellowship ... ... ... ... 116
Church of Scotland Undergraduate Union ... ... ... 117
University and Trinity College Theological Society ... ... 118
Catholic Men's Society ... ... ... ... ... 118
Catholic Women's Association ... ... ... ... 119
Ossianic Society ... ... ... ... ... 120
Dumfries and Galloway Society ... ... ... ... 121
Glasgow Indian Union ... ... ... ... ... 122
African Races Association ... ... ... ... 123
League of Nations Union ... ... ... ... ... 124
Student International Club ... ... ... ... 125
Overseas Students ... ... ... ... ... 127
Distributist Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 132
Liberal Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 133
Scottish Nationalist Association ... ... ... ... 136
Socialist Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 138
Unionist Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 139
See also page vii,
Where Students Go
for a Square Meal
Daniel Brown's
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Transfer of money to or from any place where there is a bank.
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Colonial and Foreign Business of all kinds,
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Other Offices in the vicinity are :—
Alchemists' Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 141
Alexandrian Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 141
Le Chardon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 142
Education Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 143
Engineering Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 143
Geographical Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 145
Geological Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 145
German Club ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 146
Film Society ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 146
Law Society ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 147
Medico-Chirurgical Society ... ... ... ... ... 148
Philosophical Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 150
Physical Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 151
Zoological Society ... ... ... ... ... ... 152
Orchestral Society ... ... .... ... ... ... 153
'32 Club ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 154
'33 Club ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 154
Woobee Club ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 155
Motor Cycle Club ... ... ... ... ... ... 155
4th Glasgow Lone Rangers ... ... ... ... ... 156
Dionnasg Gaidhlig na h-Alba ... ... ... ... ... 156
Glasgow Post-Graduate Medical Association ... ... ... 159
Glasgow University Women's Club (London) ... ... ... 159
British Federation of University Women ... ... ... ... 160
Page 65, line 1, read 1933-1934.
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THE Handbook scarcely requires introduction or commendation,
so securely has it established its position among us
and so widely is its value appreciated. It is a reference
book which none of us can do without, but it is much more
than a mere compilation to which to refer for names and
dates. The information which it gives embodies many of
our traditions and illustrates and emphasises our corporate
life. It reveals to the newcomers the heritage into which
they enter and reminds them of the duties and obligations
which that inheritance implies. We are here, young and
old, as members of a great University. Its greatest aim is
the acquirement and the extension of knowledge, but the
purpose which it serves is not confined to the Lecture-room,
the Library, and the Laboratory. The Handbook describes
a large number of University institutions, from the
Students' Representative Council and the Unions to
intellectual, athletic, political, and religious clubs and
societies of many kinds. Each and all of these have their
place in our commonwealth. In these associations the
student touches the heart and the thought of his (or her)
own generation, makes the friendships that are to be a
possession for life, and learns the great lesson of "teamwork,"
the subjection of personal aims to co-operation in a
common task. These student societies give opportunities
of leadership and training in citizenship. They give also
the satisfaction that comes from the exercise of all the
faculties of mind and body. Those who go through a
University course without availing themselves of the
provision which exists for social and intellectual intercourse
and for physical culture lose much of what Alma
Mater has to offer.
By the kindness of the Editor of the Handbook I am
allowed to take this chance of welcoming to the University
those who are entering it for the first time, and of wishing
to them, and to their seniors who are resuming their studies
and their activities, a very happy and successful session.
Graduation Gowns
"THE tragedy of the civil wars in the Roman Empire,"
wrote Gibbon, " lay in the absence of anv real
difference of principle between the combatants."
Something similar may be predicated of the Rectorial
Elections in the University. Year after year the standards
are set up, the captains congregate about them, and the
weapons of oratory and hooliganism are polished for the
fight. When the war-cry resounds through the streets of
the city, the public thinks, and is justified in thinking, that
here we have a real contest, prompted by belief in the good
qualities of the candidates and by faith in their ability to
represent the student body and to voice its interests.
The sad reality is that all the parties and factions that
spring up at a Rectorial are but cliques and gangs of
ambitious students seeking self-glorification under the
cloak of some famous name. Under the standard of a
popular candidate some enlist from habit, many from
interest, but none from principle.
Perhaps it could not be otherwise. In a University,
men's creeds and principles are almost always in a state
of flux. But this year the poverty of the political and
other clubs will lay bare the real nature of the Rectorial
for all to see. And this year, if ever, the student body
must try to support candidates not from self-interest or
ambition, but because it really believes that the man to
whom it gives its suffrage is the best man to represent it on
the University Court and in the world at large,
We are aware that we have flouted tradition by preaching
in these pages. The Editor of the Handbook is not
supposed to have a policy; that is a privilege reserved for
the Editor of the G.U.M. So perhaps we had better direct
our erring footsteps back to the strait and narrow path
of precedent.
In the pages of the Handbook there is something to
interest every student, if he is still capable of being interested.
The habitual criminal will read first about himself
and then about his friends. He has no need of guidance from
us. But a few hints to the fresher might not be out of
place. Firstly, if you intend to do any work up here, read
the article on your Faculty and that on the University
Library. Secondly, study those on the S.R.C., the
Athletic Club, and the appropriate Union. Thirdly,
commit to memory the list of Coming Events. Thereafter
you may browse at leisure where your taste leads you.
There is little more that we can say except to wish you
luck in your new role as cives Universitatis. In a few
weeks we'll be seeing your little pink faces floating round
the quads. Hasta luego!
Acknowledgments are due to MISS EILEEN WATSON, the
Sub-Editor, without whose able and willing assistance the
Editor would have gone gaga early in his official career;
to MR. IAIN MACALLISTER, the Finance Manager, whose
term of office was productive, though short; to MR.
ROBERT HILLMAN, who took over the business side of the
Handbook on MR. MACALLISTER'S resignation, and whose
herculean efforts alone saved us from financial disaster;
to MR. IAN MCINNES for his pleasing cover design; to MISS
LOUISE MACBRIDE for several new thumbnail sketches;
to MR. GRAHAM, of the Hamilton Advertiser, whose long
experience and willing help have smoothed the path of
many an Editor; to MESSRS LAFAYETTE, who helped with
the photographs; to all those who sent contributions of
any kind, and to some who omitted to do so.
To all these the Editor offers his sincere thanks.
GLASGOW, September, 1934.
A Message from the Chancellor
Sir D. M. Stevenson
IHAVE been asked to send for insertion in the forthcoming
Handbook a Message to the Students of Glasgow
University from their new Chancellor.
I doubt if ever there was a time in our country's history
when there were more great problems than there are to-day
urgently calling for the fresh outlook of the students and
the thoughtful consideration of the best brains among them.
One of the questions—what has come to be known as
"Economic Nationalism"—is of such outstanding importance
that I purpose confining my observations to it.
Here we are in a world yielding in abundance in one
place or another whatever is necessary for man's needs and
comfort, and raw materials for the various kinds of manufactures.
All that is wanted is that every country should
exchange freely the super-abundance of what it has for
what it has not, but of which other lands have more than
enough. It would be inconceivable that this should not
be the policy of all intelligent peoples were it not that the
very opposite stares us in the face everywhere. So-called
statesmen are busy in almost all countries passing laws and
ordinances to prohibit such exchanges or to render them
as difficult and therefore as costly as possible.
At a banquet in London on 11th July last I heard the
President of the International Chamber of Commerce propose
the toast of "International Trade." "It is a poor,
sick man," he said, and "he who once brought wealth and
welfare to mankind is slowly pining away. Experts and
Committees and Conferences have been telling the Governments
that something must be done. What has been the
answer? All are prepared to increase international trade
by increasing exports, but none is willing to increase
imports!" As, broadly speaking, exports can only be
paid for by imports, obviously reducing the one must reduce
the other. An enormous falling off in the demand for
shipping tonnage has been the inevitable consequence,
resulting in the ruin of sections of this great industry.
One would have thought that in all this the height of
political folly had been reached. But no! The wiseacres
are busy with schemes to reduce production and raise
prices by creating scarcity. And this at a time when we
have over 2,000,000 unemployed, with some 4,000,000
dependants most of them under-nourished, according to
the recent reports of medical and other committees—
not to mention millions of the employed who are inadequately
supplied with commodities of which a superabundance
is alleged to exist. How can one explain
it all except by recalling the old Greek saying: "Whom
the gods would destroy they first make mad"?
In my installation address I referred to the great work of
enlightenment done in this very connection by two famous
Scotsmen, David Hume and Adam Smith, in the 18th
century. The nation listened to and eventually acted on
their wise counsels, the encircling gloom was dispelled
and the sun of prosperity shone as never before. But,
alas! reaction is once more in the ascendant, once more the
darkness deepens, and unless the sophistries by which the
country is being misled are met and countered boldly and
promptly we may see ourselves back before long in the
"hungry forties," with all their misery and suffering, and
vested interests will be created which it will take a generation,
and probably substantial compensation, to get rid of.
This then is my message: Let the sons and daughters of
Glasgow University remember the great traditions of their
Alma Mater and live up to them; if they evolve another
Adam Smith, and if he have their hearty support and
co-operation, there will dawn for us a new era of peace and
prosperity, looking back on which future generations will
say :
"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young was very heaven."
1st September, 1934.
Purveyors of really good
We have a very comfortable
Tea Room at 94a Byres Road
(foot of University Avenue)
where many of your fellow students meet daily
The Glasgow Royal Maternity and
Women's Hospital.
This Hospital is in point of size the largest Hospital in the United
Kingdom for the treatment of Maternity Cases and the equipment
for this and clinical teaching is complete and up-to-date, while
facilities for post graduate work are given.
9105 Indoor and Outdoor cases were attended last year.
Three Surgeons are on duty continuously, and in this way a daily
clinique is secured at which cases are described and demonstrated
and the students are instructed in practical obstetrics.
THE OUT-PATIENT DEPARTMENT, which consists of an Ante-Natal
Dispensary and an Infant Consultations Clinic, is open daily.
The Students' Fee is £7 7s., and the Post-Graduate Fees are £5 58.
for one month; and £10 105. for three months.
A comfortable STUDENTS' RESIDENCE for male Students has been
opened at the Hospital and Board and Lodgings are provided at a
cost of 42s. per week, or 6s. per day.
LADY STUDENTS' QUARTERS.—Lady Students can now be accommodated
in the Hospital, on the same terms as the Male Students.
Besides the daily clinique, Students in residence are notified of all
emergency cases.
For further particulars as to conditions of attendance, etc., apply
to Mr. William Hill, House Superintendent at the Hospital,
JOHN M'KECHNIE, Secretary,
146 Buchanan Street, Glasgow,
"Ready to start with a fresh set of victims."
By Principal Sir ROBERT S. RAIT, C.B.E., M.A., LL.D.
THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW is one of the small group of
Universities in the British Isles which can trace their
history beyond the line that separates Mediæval from
Modern Europe. The University of Oxford came into
existence in the 12th century, Cambridge early in the
13th century, St. Andrews in the beginning, Glasgow in
the middle, and Aberdeen in the end of the 15th century.
All of them belonged to the great series of Studia Generalia
which acknowledged the brotherhood of learning and
welcomed the wandering scholar from foreign countries;
but they did not all belong to the same institutional type.
The word Universitas had no necessary connection with
a seat of learning; it was merely an ordinary "noun of
multitude." In academic usage it meant a Guild within
a Studium Generale, and these Guilds came to be the
governing bodies of the Studium. In Italy, and in provincial
France, these Guilds were Guilds of Students, and the
Studia they ruled are classified as Student-Universities; in
Paris, Oxford, and Cambridge, they were Guilds of Masters,
and the type of institution was, therefore, the University of
Masters. The necessity of protection in a mediæval city,
the desire for companionship, and the generosity of benefactors
led, both in the Student-Universities and in the
Master-Universities, to the rise of a system of Colleges
which bore to the University a relation similar to that which
the individual American States bear to the Federal Government.
Universities were also divided into Faculties, and
Colleges were sometimes created for the members of a
separate Faculty and sometimes for members of any or of
every Faculty in the University.
When Bishop William Turnbull, in 1451, obtained from
Pope Nicholas V. a bull for the foundation of the University
of Glasgow, he contemplated the growth of a University
which should include the Faculties of Theology,
Law, Medicine, and Arts. The constitution was to be a
combination of the two great systems. The Head was to
be the Chancellor, as in the Universities of Masters; but
the Chancellor was always to be the Bishop of Glasgow,
and was to delegate his power to a Rector, the holder of
an office characteristic of the Student-Universities. The
founder decreed that the Dominus Rector should have
all the powers of the Rectors at Bologna, which was the
typical Student-University. The Rector was to be elected
by the whole University, including both masters and
students, and for this purpose the members were to be
divided into Four Nations, in accordance with their place of
birth. The University was to be governed by a congregation,
consisting of all its members, presided over by the
This constitution, however, never came into actual
operation. The founder died in 1454, and no generous
benefactor took his place to start the infant University
on its career. The Faculties of Theology and Medicine
did not come into existence, and there are only a few
traces of the Faculty of Law. The only part of the original
constitution which took root was the Faculty of Arts, and
it alone received endowments and possessed a building.
Thus, although the University maintained its nominal
constitution up to the Reformation, and still met in
congregation, the work which Rector and congregation
had to do was very small, and the business was much less
important than that transacted by the Faculty of Arts.
The Faculty of Arts rejoiced in the possession of students
to teach, and it secured a building for teaching and residence.
All its students were required to live in this building, known
as the Pedagogy, and they were kept under very strict
discipline. The Principal Regent, or Master of the Faculty
of Arts, was Head of the Pedagogy, and he soon became
the most important person in the University. The students
ceased to be members of congregation, and the traces of the
Student-University constitution disappeared.
After the Reformation, the Faculty of Arts and its
Pedagogy became equivalent to the University. A Nova
Fandatio (1577) converted the Principal Regent of the
Pedagogy into the Principal of the University; he received
jurisdiction over all the members, and came to be the efficient
Head of the whole institution, displacing the Rector,
who still possessed visitatorial powers and a vote in appointments,
but tended to become an ornamental officer. The
term "Pedagogy" had already been replaced by "College,"
although there was no dignified collegiate building on the
site in the High Street, where the Faculty of Arts had been
resident since 1457. The effect of the Reformation changes
was that the College or Faculty came to be identified with
the University (a term very rarely used), and Faculty ceased
to mean the Faculty of Arts, and came to include all the
masters of the College, whatever their subjects might be.
Chairs of Divinity, Medicine, Law, Hebrew, Church History,
Astronomy, and Anatomy came to be founded, and all of
them belonged to the "Faculty." The masters who taught
Arts subjects were known as regents till about 1727, and
each regent began with a class of freshmen and taught
them all the subjects of the curriculum until, at the end
of the quadrennium, he was ready to start with a fresh set
of victims. The division of the Arts subjects into separate
Professorships was of 18th century growth. The rule which
prescribed collegiate residence was maintained until the
close of the 17th century, and between 1630 and 1670 a new
College was built in the High Street. It consisted of an
inner and an outer court or quadrangle, and the range of
buildings which separated the two courts was crowned by a
tall steeple. After residence ceased to be compulsory,
students still resided within the walls until, in the course
of the 18th century, the available accommodation was
required for classroom and other purposes.
The 19th century brought great changes. When it opened,
the University buildings were still in the High Street, and
the governing body was the Faculty. There were two other
University assemblies. One was the Senate, which consisted
of the Rector, the Faculty, and some recently created
professors who were not members of the Faculty; and the
other, the Comitia, which included all the members of the
University; but the powers of the Senate were slight, and
the Comitia did little more than elect the Rector. The
right of the students to vote in the election of the Rector
had, however, been consistently maintained, except for an
interval from 1690 to 1727. The Universities Acts of 1858
and 1889 gave the University a new constitution, in which
the original structure of the Faculties was restored. The
Senate absorbed the educational powers of the old Faculty,
the University Court came to transact financial business and
to manage property, the General Council represented the
interests of the graduates, and the Students' Representative
Council, which had originated as an unofficial body, was
definitely recognised. From the beginning of the 19th
century it had been clear that a rebuilding scheme was
necessary, and many reasons concurred to persuade the
University to abandon its historic home, and the site was
sold to the North British Railway Company. Two portions
of the old 17th century buildings have been re-erected at
Gilmorehill—the Entrance Gateway, which is now an
Entrance Lodge, and the Lion Staircase, which used to
lead up to the Fore Common Hall and the Principal's
House in the Outer Court of the old College and now leads
down to the Principal's House in the Outer Court of the
new buildings. Panelling from the old Hall has been
placed in the Senate and Court Rooms, and the old bell
still proclaims the beginning of a lecture hour. Many
additions have been made in the interval. The late Marquis
of Bute gave the Great Hall which bears his name; the
Randolph Hall is part of a munificent bequest from a
Glasgow shipbuilder. It is only within the twenty years of
the present century that there have been added the great
laboratories which lie outside the main buildings. The
Zoology Building and the Hunter Hall were opened in 1923,
The new Arts Buildings which complete the outer Quadrangle
became available for teaching purposes in session
1927-28; and the Chapel, with its magnificent organ, was
dedicated in October, 1929, as a memorial to members of
the University who fell in the Great War.
The Chancellor is the head of the University, elected by
the General Council for life. He confers degrees and
presides over the General Council. He nominates an
assessor to the University Court, and may appoint a Vice-Chancellor.
The only powers of the Vice-Chancellor are to confer
degrees in the absence of the Chancellor and to act as
Returning Officer at elections. The office of Vice-Chancellor
has usually been held as now by the Principal.
The Rector is President of the University Court, and
holds office for three years. He appoints an assessor to
the University Court. Before nominating any one for this
office former Rectors have followed the precedent sanctioned
by the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, of consulting the
Students' Representative Council. It is customary for the
Rector during his term of office to deliver a Rectorial
address to the students.
The Rector is elected by the matriculated students of
the year in which the election takes place. The election is
fought on academic and political grounds, candidates being
put forward by the chief political clubs of the University,
The next election takes place in October, 1934,
The Principal is President of the Senatus Academicus,
and is also, ex-officio, a member of the University Court.
In the absence of the Chancellor and Rector, he presides
over the General Council and the University Court. The
office of Principal is held for life, and is in the appointment
of the Crown.
The Court consists of the Rector, the Principal, the Lord
Provost of Glasgow, an assessor nominated by the Chancellor,
an assessor nominated by the Rector, an assessor
nominated by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town
Council of Glasgow, four assessors elected by the General
Council, and four by the Senatus Academicus. (For its
present composition see University Calendar).
The Court is the governing and directing body of the
University. The powers conferred upon it by the Universities
Acts of 1858 and 1889 are mainly these—(1) To be
a Court of appeal from the Senatus; (2) to regulate the
internal arrangements of the University, e.g., to make the
appointments to Chairs in University patronage, to appoint
Examiners and Lecturers, and to recognise for graduation
purposes the teaching of extramural Colleges and teachers;
(3) to see that Professors and Lecturers perform the duties
incumbent on them; (4) to regulate class fees; (5) to
administer the whole revenue and property of the University,
including share of annual Government grants and
bursary and other mortifications.
The Senatus consists of the Principal and Professors. Its
powers extend to matters affecting the teaching and discipline
of the University.
The Council comprises (1) the Chancellor, (2) members
of the University Court, (3) Professors, (4) Graduates. It
consists in the present year of over 10,000 members. It
meets twice a year to consider questions affecting the wellbeing
of the University, and may submit its resolutions
thereupon to the University Court. It returns (in conjunction
with the General Councils of the other Scottish
Universities) three representatives to Parliament. At
present they are Sir George A. Berry (U.), Mr. John
Buchan (U.), and Dr. Morrison (L.).
By Miss FRANCES H. MELVILLE, M.A., b.D., LL.D., Mistress
WHEN a woman student comes up
to the University for the first
time, and is directed to the
Women's Department at Queen
Margaret College she probably
gives half a moment's thought to
the phenomenon of a College for
women in the co-educational
system of the great institution of
which she is to be a member.
But Queen Margaret College is
really her first essay in University
education. Its presence as the
Women's Department of the University
is an enduring witness to
the Independence and liberal
spirit of the women of an older
generation, who, helped by a
group of like minded men, worked
out their own educational salvation,
and, with it, that of the very Women students now
trooping in at the gates of the College, This was before the
Universities had recognised that the word "cives" must
apply to women as well as to men, aid opened their doors
in 1892. Queen Margaret College, founded in 1883, was
the outcome in Scotland of the movement of the later
'sixties towards the higher education of women. The great
upheaval of that time created in England the women's
Colleges of Girton and Newnham, and the Associations for
the higher Education of Women at Oxford, Edinburgh,
Glasgow, and Aberdeen. Out of the Glasgow Association
grew Queen Margaret College, founded well on hopes which
each succeeding generation has more nearly to fulfil. In
1892 Queen Margaret College — a "notable gift"—with
its endowments, under its own Charter and its own
Council, in full working order, giving a course of study
in arts and in medicine, was presented to the University
of Glasgow. The College thereby became the Women's
Department of the University of Glasgow, but it remains, in
spite of progress that must modify the old order of things,
something individual, unique, and, to women students,
eloquent. Founders' Day at Queen Margaret College is
held from time to time, not only as an opportunity for past
and present Queen Margaret College students to meet one
another, but in grateful remembrance of the debt the
present owes to the past. But at no time has the past been
forgotten. The society of former students of Queen
Margaret College, known as the "Students' Union Association,"
together with the younger sister society, the
"Association of Women Graduates," have kept alive the
tradition. The completion of the endowments of the
College in 1892 owed much to the Union Association; it
created Queen Margaret Hall in 1894; the Queen Margaret
College Settlement (now the Glasgow University
Settlement) in 1897; and its latest work, accomplished
with the aid of many well-wishers, including the
Women Graduates' Association, has been the institution
of the Queen Margaret College Students' Union
for the good-fellowship, comfort, and recreation of past
and present students. The "Students' Union Association"
has now ceased to exist as a separate body, and
its members are absorbed into either the transformed
"Association of Women Graduates," now the "Glasgow
Association of the British Federation of University
Women," or the General Council of the Union, or both.
The former students of the College can now show a
formidable array of 6620 graduates; 5214 have obtained
the degree of M.A.; 473 that of B.Sc.; 3 that of B.D.;
26 that of B.L.; 29 that of LL.B.; 808 have graduated M.B.,
C.M., or M.B., Ch.B.; 55 are now M.D.; 6 are D.Sc.; 2
D.Litt.; 10 Ed.B.; and 12 Ph.D.
In 1933-34 the number of students of Queen Margaret
College was 1325. Of these 1000 were students in the
Faculty of Arts, 130 in the Faculty of Science, 148 in the
Faculty of Medicine, 31 in Law, 12 in Education, and 4 in
Divinity. The Arts students attend some lectures and
practical instruction at Queen Margaret College, but mainly
at Gilmorehill; the Medical students no longer have their
classes at the Queen Margaret College Medical School,
erected in 1895: they attend some lectures at Gilmorehill,
some at the Royal Infirmary and the Western Infirmary,
while their clinical instruction is provided in various hospitals.
Classes in Theology are held at Gilmorehill, and
those in Law either at Gilmorehill or in the Faculty Hall.
All business connected with the Women's Department,
however—matriculation, enrolment, entry for examinations,
advisory consultations, etc.—is transacted at Queen
Margaret College. All University women students, wherever
their classes may be held, are Queen Margaret College
Each student at the beginning of her course should discover
exactly what she has to do and where she has to do it.
On arriving in Glasgow she should discuss her plans with
the Mistress of the College, and obtain the information
necessary for a clear understanding of College life and the
various curricula. The Office at the College is open
during the winter session from 10 to 1 and from 2.30 to
5 p.m., during the summer session from 10 to 1 and from
2.30 to 4, except on Saturdays. The Mistress may usually
be consulted personally in the morning hours. The student
should then talk over in detail her scheme of study and
time-table with the Tutor in her Faculty. If she intends to
take an Arts Course, she will find a member of Queen
Margaret College staff, Miss May, the Tutor in Arts to
Women Students, at the College in the beginning of the
session, and after that at her office at Gilmorehill from 10.30
a.m. until 12.30 p.m., except on Saturdays. Every Arts
student should consult the Tutor in Arts.
Women students of Science, after general consultation
with the Mistress, seek out the Tutor in Science for Queen
Margaret College, Dr. Thomson, who combines this with
his work as Adviser of Studies in Arts and Science at
Gilmorehill. Dr. Thomson will be found there at his office.
If the new student is to study Medicine she should address
herself for information to Queen Margaret College.
Notices affecting students are from time to time affixed to
the boards at Queen Margaret College and at Gilmorehill.
These intimations should be carefully noted.
The question of where to stay during the College sessions
may be another important matter if the student is not
living at home or with near relatives while attending the
University. At present the lack in Scottish University
education for women is of residential academic life, where
students reside and study in a Hall under a head. The
Union Association has done its share towards the partial
solution of the problem by establishing Queen Margaret
Hall of Residence for students of Queen Margaret College
coming from a distance. This hall has now been taken
over by the University. A new Hall of Residence—
Robertson Hall—with careful provision for study, is available
for students at 1 Lilybank Terrace. It is under the
jurisdiction of the University, and the Warden is a
member of the University teaching staff. A list of
approved lodgings for women students has also been drawn
up by the authority of the Senate, and is revised annually
in September. Information can be had at the Mistress's
Office. Also a Residence for Women Students, South Park
House, 64 South Park Avenue, has been presented to the
Student Christian Movement, and is available for University
After deciding on a course of study and a place of abode,
the student has next to consider the part she will take in
such social life as the College can offer; and in this the
claims of the Union stand very high. If possible, all
women students should join the Union. The Union has its
premises in University Avenue. The Union is not merely
a place where the chairs are comfortable and the fare
inexpensive and wholesome; it gives opportunities of meeting
and learning to know University women with like ideals
and aspirations, and it supplies a little of the feeling of
corporateness that is such a force in residential College life.
Next to the Union comes the question of Athletics. It is
highly desirable that students should have physical exercise
after the closeness and cramped postures of the lecture
rooms. Gymnastics, or, better still, a game played in the
open air, supplies this exercise with the maximum of
interest super-added. Where possible, students should consider
whether they are free to join the Hockey and Tennis
Clubs or any other College Athletic Association, remembering
that the most perfect scheme of education ever projected
included physical training as an integral and
important part. The University now possesses a first-class
Recreation Field at Westerlands, and provision is made for
women students in the fine new Pavilion on the field.
Beyond the Union and athletics the student will have to
deal with the blandishments of various Secretaries of
Students' Societies. Individual inclination must be the
student's guide to the association she elects to join. These
should not be very many, as the time a student has to spare
for societies in addition to her work and recreation is
limited. Membership of a debating club, such as the
Queen Margaret College Debating Society, the oldest
College Society, affords very valuable experience. Above
all, every "civis universitatis' is urged to take an interest
in the work of Queen Margaret Settlement, now the Glasgow
University Settlement. Helping the University
Settlement is an effective way for undergraduates to do
something to alleviate the difficulties of the present time.
It is also a method of gaining insight into practical social
and economic conditions, normal as well as abnormal,
which may be valuable in determining, and opening a way
to a student's future career.
In a very short time the newcomer will feel as if she
had been a University student all her life. But in spite
of this familiarity with her surroundings, difficulties are
sure to arise from time to time. It is hoped that in any
such cases students of Queen Margaret College will feel
free to consult the Mistress and the College Staff, who will
gladly do all in their power to be of assistance to them.
Telephone—Western 2090.
Tutor in Arts—MAUDE G. MAY, M.A., 15 Huntly Gardens, W.2.
Telephone—Western 1071.
Secretary to the Mistress—ELIZABETH C. WALLACE, M.A.,
Towerdene, Bearsden.
Telephone—Bearsden 239.
By Professor ARCHIBALD A. BOWMAN, M.A., Litt.D.
UNLIKE the Faculties of
Divinity and Law, of Medicine
and Engineering, the
Faculty of Arts exists not
for the purpose of providing
the vocational training necessary
for one or other of the
various professions, but in
order to serve the ends of a
liberal education, and to
furnish that background of
general culture without which
a purely professional training
becomes too narrowly technical.
The subjects included
in the Arts curriculum are
therefore those which are
best calculated to promote
breadth of outlook and
power of judgment, critical
acumen, and capacity for
self-expression—in brief, the
qualities which we epitomize in the phrase "a well-trained
mind." It is assumed, however, that all minds are not constituted
alike, and that the studies best fitted to bring out
the results aimed at must vary with the individual. Hence
the wide range of subjects and the generous allowance of
options provided for by the Arts curriculum.
The subjects may be roughly classified in four groups,
although the lines of division intersect in every possible way,
and there is no member of any one group which, from some
point of view may not be considered as having well-grounded
claims to membership in another.
In order to do justice to these complex considerations,
the Arts curriculum has been constructed, with a view to
the ordinary M.A. degree, on the following principles.
To begin with, the subjects included have been classified,
in accordance with the scheme of division just mentioned,
in four Departments of Study, as follows—(1) Language
and Literature, (2) Science, (3) Mental Philosophy, and (4)
History and Law. The idea is not that the student should
confine himself to one or other of these Departments, but
that in the selection of his courses he should have regard
both to the general affiliation of subjects and to the main
lines of demarcation which separate one group of studies
from another.
With this end in view it has been laid down that the
subjects qualifying for an ordinary M.A. degree shall be
selected from the four Departments, and combined in
accordance with certain rules to be found in the Calendar.
By a restricted use of the term, any such combination of
subjects is known as a curriculum. By a curriculum in
this sense is therefore to be understood a group of subjects,
chosen from the general curriculum of the Faculty of Arts,
as qualifying for an ordinary M.A. degree.
The curricula are four in number. Each of them includes
certain prescriptive and certain optional subjects, and
every candidate for a degree must choose his courses in
such a way that between them they will constitute one of
the four recognised combinations. It is of the utmost
importance that no mistake be made here. An irregular
combination of subjects, however admirable in itself,
and however suited to the tastes and needs of the individual,
does not constitute a "curriculum" and does not qualify
for the M.A. Students who, either from inadvertence or
deliberate refusal to observe the rules laid down, select
their courses without regard to the recognised curricula,
are not permitted to proceed to graduation until, by an
extra year of study, they have brought their programmes
into line with the requirements.
In order to obviate difficulty and reduce the possibilities
of error to a minimum, an Adviser of Studies has been
appointed to give expert advice to undergraduates upon
the choice of a curriculum. In the past it has been left to
the discretion of the student whether such advice shall be
sought and taken; but by a regulation of the Senate in
session 19294930 all students, irrespective of their year,
are now required to consult the Adviser at the beginning
of each session, and to make out a written statement of
their proposed curricula upon a form provided for the
purpose, and known as the "curriculum sheet." This
form must be passed upon and signed by the Adviser of
Studies before the student can be officially recognised as
a candidate for the degree.
Full particulars as to the four curricula will be found
in the Calendar. The following remarks are intended
merely as a general guide.
The first combination follows the traditional lines of
academic study in the Scottish Universities. Its main
characteristic is the emphasis it places upon the older
disciplines - classics, mathematics, and philosophy. One
subject representing each of these disciplines (i.e., Latin
or Greek, Mathematics or Natural Philosophy, Logic or
Moral Philosophy) must be chosen; but apart from these
restrictions the student is permitted to select his remaining
subjects at will from among all of those included in the
general Arts curriculum. Of course the word "or"in
this connection is not to be understand in the exclusive
sense. A student who takes Latin, Mathematics, and
Logic is not precluded from taking Greek, Natural Philosophy
and Moral Philosophy; and as the prescribed alternatives
are closely allied subjects it would be natural for
the candidate, in one or more instances, to take both.
The second curriculum is specially designed for the
scientifically minded. Both Mathematics and Natural
Philosophy are required, together with one subject from
the Philosophy group, and one from the group of languages
other than classics—viz., French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Hebrew, Arabic, Celtic, and Russian.
The third is preponderatingly linguistic. Two foreign
languages are prescribed. These are to be chosen from a
group which includes Latin and Greek, as well as those
mentioned in the preceding paragraph. In addition, one
subject must be taken from the Philosophy group and one
from a group which consists of the natural sciences,
Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Geology, and Geography.
In the remaining curriculum the basic subject is History,
with which must be combined either Political Economy,
or Constitutional Law and History, or Scottish History and
Literature. The additional requirements will be found
stated in the Calendar.
The number of subjects required for ordinary graduation
varies with the plan of studies chosen. Here there are
two possibilities. The curriculum may consist of five or
of six subjects. In the former case, which may be called
the five-subject plan, two of the subjects chosen must be
studied on a higher, as well as on the ordinary standard.
This means that the student, after taking and passing the
ordinary class in these subjects, is required to take and to
pass the High Ordinary in the same subjects. Thus
two years instead of the customary one must be devoted
to the study of each of the subjects in question. A subject
so studied is said to be taken in a "double course."
Where the student decides in favour of a curriculum
including six subjects (the six-subject plan) one of these
subjects must be taken, under the conditions stated, in
a "double course." The attention of candidates for an
M.A. degree under the six-subject plan is directed to a
regulation which is peculiar to this plan, and the neglect of
which is constantly leading to trouble. Not only must one
of the subjects chosen be pursued to the Higher Ordinary
standard, but of the remaining five subjects two must be
cognate. For the exact interpretation of the term "cognate"
the student is referred to the Calendar, where a complete
list of "cognate" subjects will be found. A point of
special importance is that "cognate" subjects may not be
taken in the same session.
It should be carefully noted by students who select
curriculum No. 4 that under the regulations "not more
than two double courses or three single courses in the
group—History, Political Economy, Constitutional Law
and History, Scottish History and Literature—are to be
included in any curriculum."
Admission to certain classes is subject to conditions,
and applicants for enrolment are advised to make sure
that they possess the necessary qualifications. These are
set forth at length in the Calendar. In particular it should
be noted that in many subjects (including practically all
languages) attendance on the Higher Ordinary and Honours
Classes will not count for graduation unless the candidate
possesses a preliminary qualification in Latin or Greek. So
great are the difficulties which beset the path of the student
who attempts to pass through college without one or other
of these qualifications that all candidates are strongly urged
to pass the Preliminary Examination at least in Lower Latin
before proceeding to the University.
In making out a curriculum it is necessary to give careful
thought to the order in which the subjects selected shall be
taken. There are certain subjects which are presupposed by
certain others, and which, therefore, should be taken previously
to the latter. The Calendar contains a number of
rules having to do with the order of courses, and with prerequisites.
These rules principally affect the courses in
Education, Astronomy, Scottish History and Literature,
and Logic.
An M.A. degree may be taken either with or without
Honours. The account of the various curricula (with the
pertinent regulations) just given, applies to the latter,
which is known as the Ordinary Degree. The regulations
for an M.A. with Honours are quite different. The distinguishing
feature is the intensive study of two allied
subjects (e.g., Latin and Greek, Mathematics and Natural
Philosophy) for a period of years (three or four, as the
case may be), and a corresponding reduction in the number
of subjects not taken with Honours. Of these only two
need be taken, and the power of selection is almost unrestricted.
It is thus possible to graduate with Honours
on a curriculum of only four subjects, two of these being
taken on the Honours standard. The normal period of
study for a degree with Honours is four years.
There can be no question of the value of a good Honours
Degree. Apart from all consideration of economic advantage
(and there are many positions for which only Honours
graduates are considered qualified), it is only in an Honours
school that the meaning of a University education can be
fully realised, and its benefits fully appropriated. Attendance
for one year in an Ordinary Class can furnish little
more than an introduction to the scholarship of any subject;
and doubtless in many cases that is all that is desirable.
But where the student possesses special aptitude or special
interest he can hardly be satisfied with such a brief exposure
W Chancellor of the University.
to the subject of its choice. The responsibility of electing
an Honours course is not lightly to be regarded; but
wantonly to disregard the opportunities which an Honours
course offers is also to incur a grave responsibility. The
future of Scotland as a country with an academic reputation
at stake, a country capable of contributing to the higher
learning and to the advancement of human knowledge, is
largely in the hands of those who constitute the Honours
schools in our Universities.
By Prof. G. G. HENDERSON, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.I.C.,
" The subject of Science is the human universe; that is to say,
everything that is, or has been, or may be related to man."
IN the various courses leading
to the degree of B.Sc.
the student of Science will
find schemes of study designed
to equip him either
for a professional career
as teacher or investigator,
or for a technical post in
one or other of the branches
of industry. In the former
case, he will naturally aim
at the degree in Pure
Science; if, on the other
hand, his inclinations lie
towards the pursuit of
Applied Science, he will
follow the line of study
prescribed for the degree
in Applied Chemistry, Metallurgy,
Agriculture, or
Pharmacy. Having passed
successfully through his undergraduate course, he may
then proceed to qualify himself by original research in
one of the departments of Pure or Applied Science for the
higher degree of D.Sc. or Ph.D., and, indeed, must almost
necessarily do so if he hopes to gain ultimately a leading
position in his profession.
For information regarding the several curricula for degrees
in Science the student should refer to the University
Calendar, which contains the only authoritative statement
of the regulations, and before coming to a decision with
respect to his course of study, he ought to consult the Official
Adviser of Studies in Science at the University. In all that
concerns sequence of classes, methods of study, choice of
books, etc., he will be directed by his professors, and the
Dean of the Faculty of Science will be glad to give advice
in any matter with which he is competent to deal.
It would be superfluous to reproduce in this article the
regulations for degrees in Science, with regard to which full
information may be obtained from the Calendar, and I shall,
therefore, restrict myself to a short explanatory statement.
It should be noted, in the first place, that every candidate
for a degree must have passed, or have been exempted from,
the prescribed Preliminary Examination before beginning
his curriculum, and in this connection I would point out that
a good working knowledge of French and German will be
found not only of great advantage to the student of Science
but really indispensable, at any rate when he reaches the
stage of carrying on research work. Indeed, if circumstances
permit, students will do well to take the M.A. degree
before beginning the serious study of Science. Candidates
must also remember that before the end of their first year of
study they must obtain from the Clerk of Senate forms for
submission to the Senate, on which each has to make a
statement of the subjects he proposes to include in his
In the Ordinance for Degrees in Pure Science provision
is made to meet the requirements of two classes of students,
viz., those who intend to pursue the study of some scientific
subject with a view to a professional career, and secondly,
those who desire merely such a general training in Science
as is an essential part of a liberal education. The former
class will, necessarily, take the course leading to the Degree
with Honours, which extends over a period of not less than
four years. The curriculum includes four (or five) subjects,
taken from the following departments of study :--Mathematics,
Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Botany,
Zoology, Geology, Geography, Anatomy, Physiology,
Pathology with Bacteriology. One of these, the principal
subject, must be studied during not less than three years,
and is the sole subject of study during the final year of the
course. It is intended that students shall devote to research
work in their principal subject, part, at least, if not the
whole, of the final year. The remaining three (or four)
cognate subjects are studied during one or more years,
according to the regulations for the degree. Attention
must be directed to the fact that a candidate for Honours,
who has failed to be placed in any class, is not permitted to
present himself for another final examination in the same
principal subject; he may, however, receive a certificate that
he has passed for the Ordinary Degree or, may, under
certain specified conditions, offer himself for examination in
a different principal subject. It must also be noted that a
candidate who has taken group (c) for the degree of M.A.,
with Honours, is not allowed to choose either of the two
subjects taken in this group as his principal subject for the
degree of B.Sc.
The course of the Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. in Pure
Science extends over a period of not less than three years,
and includes five of the following subjects: Mathematics,
Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Botany,
Zoology, Geology, Geography, Anatomy, and Physiology.
Of these (1) Natural Philosophy, (2) Chemistry or (under
certain conditions) Mathematics, and (3) Botany or Zoology
are compulsory. Two of the five subjects must be studied
for not less than two years, and the other three for not less
than one year. A candidate is not allowed to include in his
curriculum for B.Sc. more than two of the Science subjects
which he has taken in a curriculum for graduation in Arts
or in Medicine.
The alternative courses for the degree of B.Sc. in Applied
Chemistry provide suitable training for students who desire
to qualify themselves for posts as technical chemists or as
metallurgists. The curriculum requires not less than four
years for its completion, and the necessary classes may be
attended for the most part either at the University or at the
Royal Technical College. For the degree of B.Sc. in
Agriculture the qualifying classes must be taken partly at
the University and partly at the West of Scotland Agricultural
College. Residence and practical work at a farm for
twelve consecutive months form a compulsory part of the
course, but in special cases two shorter periods of farm work
may be accepted. The regulations for the degrees in
Pharmacy and in Public Health do not call for special
notice, except that candidates for the latter degree must
be graduates in Medicine.
It is hardly necessary to point out that no course of
training in Science can be regarded as complete unless it
includes at least some practice in the methods of original
investigation. Facilities for research are provided in all
the science laboratories of the University, and students who
have advanced to the point at which they can undertake
such work with profit receive every encouragement to proceed
with it. Graduates of this and other Universities, and
advanced students who hold recognised diplomas of other
teaching institutions, may be admitted by the Senate as
Research Students of the University, and, after completing
the necessary period of work, may gain the degree of D.Sc.
or Ph.D. by submitting a thesis containing an account of
their investigations, which, of course, must be approved as
being of distinct scientific value. Scholarships, Fellowships
and Grants for research students are awarded annually by
the Carnegie Trust; a statement of the conditions under
which these, and also certain other Research Scholarships,
are awarded will be found in the Calendar.
The earnest student of Science has to serve a long apprenticeship
to his profession, and, when that is completed, the
prospect which opens out before him is a life of strenuous
work. He will have to make sacrifices in the pursuit of a
high ideal, but, on the other hand, if faithful to his purpose,
he reaps a rich reward. His work is of absorbing interest,
and when the day arrives on which he has carried an investigation
to a successful issue, he has the supreme satisfaction
of feeling that he has contributed at least a little to the
advancement of knowledge. As an undergraduate he must
"live laborious days," but it does not, by any means, follow
that he must also "scorn the delights" of life at the University.
On the contrary, if he foolishly elects to spend all his
time in study, with the intention of completing his course
for the degree within the shortest possible period, the result
is that he deprives himself of a great part of the benefit to
be derived from a University career. I strongly recommend
every student, in the first place, to acquire the habit of
working steadily and, above all, thoughtfully, and, secondly,
to ensure his physical fitness, failing which sound mental
work is impossible. As a means to this latter end, he should
join the Athletic Club and cultivate some branch of athletics,
and, in addition or alternatively, should render himself
an efficient member of the O.T.C. Further, I would
urge him to enlarge his mental horizon, to gain some knowledge
of the conduct of affairs, and to guard against the
danger of becoming a narrow specialist, by taking a full
share in the other varied activities of student life.
By Professor J. R. CURRIE, M.A. (Oxon), M.D. (Glas.).
SOME men ask no more of
fortune than a livelihood;
others seek independence as
the stepping-stone to a
career. Either way, those
who have chosen Medicine as
their profession may take
comfort from the thought
that it holds out surer prospects
than many other occupations.
The employment
which it offers, subject to
seasonal and other fluctuations,
is constant. At home
and abroad, among rich and
poor, in peace and in war,
the services of the doctor
are in demand. Any medical
man who has passed his
qualifying tests and is not
physically unfitted for an
active life, if he fails in the long run to support himself
by the practice of his profession is either the victim of some
freakish destiny or has himself to blame. With due
application Medicine should yield a livelihood. This is its
minimum promise.
Many medical men, on the other hand, in various fields
of practice, attain not merely a bare independence, but a
measure of prosperity. Some even rise to modest affluence.
No one, however, who confines himself to the medical
demesne need expect to build up a great fortune. In this
respect there are many occupations that leave Medicine
behind. The position on the material side may be summarised
by saying that the average medical man, under
normal conditions, embarking on the practice of his
profession and carrying it on with diligence, may count on
a livelihood, hope for prosperity, and, if specially favoured,
become really well off.
Medicine, however, is more than material. It has other
gifts, which all who follow it may win, or have some part
in, for they are inherent in the art itself. A mind to seek
and verify the causes of phenomena, acquired by training
in a good medical school that is a gift worth having at the
outset. Thereafter, in practice, as experience accumulates
and is added to the store of knowledge, and as judgment
through repeated exercise approaches nearer to accuracy,
the medical man by progressive stages becomes competent
in his profession; and the sense of competence, if controlled
by discretion, is one of the best things in life. This gift
also Medicine confers, not equally on all, since aptitudes
differ, but a share is denied to no faithful votary. It is
popularly known as skill.
There are forms of skill which, however elegant, are self-centred
and barren of results. Medical skill is not such as
these. It is productive of benefits which in extent and
utility are excelled by no other profession. It is altruistic,
looking to the service of others. Its most honoured names
are those who have given most service to their profession
and mankind. Service is the ideal of Medicine and its
greatest prize.
While the chief reward is in the work itself, the public,
on whose behalf the work is done, is on the whole not
undiscerning, and is able to appreciate and willing to
recognise faithful service rendered. The individual patient
will repose in his doctor a confidence almost unbounded.
An increasing familiarity of people in general with the terms
of medical science has not lessened this esteem, but rather
increased and developed it, which shows that it has a real
foundation. The good doctor anywhere may win and
merit a local reputation. For some in the higher walks
there may he world-wide fame in store, or brilliant honours.
All these, though but the incidentals and appanages of
Medicine, are pleasant things — like wind on the heath.
The medical curriculum of the University is the gateway
to the world of Medicine. It fills five years or fifteen terms.
Its courses are the preparation and its examinations the
test of fitness to begin work as a doctor. Its subjects fall
into four Divisions, corresponding to the four professional
examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery.
The First Division consists of the subjects of Botany,
Zoology, Physics, and Chemistry. These subjects reveal
in their essentials the physical and chemical factors which
attend the phenomenon of life. They bring under notice
those humbler types of being which reflect man's origin
and ancestry. They form the portal to that realm of
science whose law is industry and whose demand is precision.
Physics with its instruments and Chemistry with its
reactions have a value later on in the treatment and
diagnosis of disease. Botany and Zoology, presenting the
fission fungi and the protozoa, introduce the student thus
early in his course to some of the most formidable enemies
of man. It is an error to think of the First Division as a
fence which, once taken, is best forgotten. Some of its
details must fade with time; its principles are the groundwork
of medical science.
The Second Division is composed of two subjects, Anatomy
and Physiology. Anatomy defines the frame of man,
its structure, parts, and arrangement. Dissection of the
dead conveys a sense of the texture of the body, while surface
anatomy, studied upon the living, teaches the recognition
of the outer landmarks which point the situation of
internal structures. Histology, as a part of Anatomy, deals
with the minute formation of tissue and Embryology with
growth and development. Physiology, on the other hand,
unfolds to the mind the vital process itself. It tells of the
living substance of man, the sources of his energy, his
responses to stimuli, the rhythm of his life, its impulses and
their regulation. Anatomy and Physiology together show
forth the pattern, departures from which are called disease.
They lay down honest Nature's rule, to be contrasted later
in the curriculum with the sickly forms that err from it.
They set up the normal and define its limits. The lines of
the normal, as engraved on the memory, must be sharp and
deep and lasting. Otherwise there can be no clear recognition
of the abnormal, no sure diagnosis of disease. How
shall one to whom the normal is a shifting haze be the
judge of morbid variation?
The Third Division consists of the subjects of Materia
Medica and Pathology, including Bacteriology. Materia
Medica, with its collaterals, Therapeutics, Pharmacy, and
Pharmacology, has to do with remedial substances and
methods, and the principles of their action. It needs no
exposition here. Every medical student understands its
direct bearing on his future work as a doctor. Pathology
is concerned with the morbid changes produced in the
tissues by disease, with the altered pattern, the sickly
forms, and the aetiological factors behind them. It looks
back to the normal in structure and function as revealed
by Anatomy and Physiology, and forward to the study of
Medicine and Surgery, with their interpretations of those
signs and symptoms which are the harbingers or concomitants
of sickness. Such signs and symptoms can be
truly significant only to him who can image in his mind's
eye the underlying pathological changes. With Pathology
there can be accurate diagnosis and treatment well adjusted.
Without Pathology Surgery would be a stab in the dark
and Medicine an unchartered sea.
The Final Division includes the five subjects of Medical
Jurisprudence and Public Health, Medicine, Surgery, and
Midwifery. Two of the five, Medical Jurisprudence and
Public Health, form a side-chain by themselves, and may
be passed together before the rest of the Division. Medical
Jurisprudence treats of the uses of medical science for the
purpose of the law. It is concerned also with the code of
medical conduct which formulates the duty of the doctor
towards his professional colleagues. The principles of
medical conduct are simply those by which every gentleman
guides his life: the code is the application of these
principles to the problems of medical practice. Public
Health tells of the great communal services in which the
medical man must play his part. It lays stress on the
preventive aspects of medicine with a view to efficiency in
the individual citizen and power in the State.
Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, the three major
subjects of the Final Division, are, like Materia Medica,
self-commended to the student by their obvious practical
utility. They are the kind of work that he expects to do
when he engages in the practice of his profession. They are
the practical arts towards proficiency in which he has been
more or less steadily moving since he entered on his medical
course. They are broadly written across his curriculum
from his seventh term onwards. In his seventh term, if
he has passed the whole of his second professional examination,
he may begin his Hospital courses, which continue
thereafter term by term to the end. In his seventh term
also, subject to the same condition, he may begin to take
lectures in Surgery, and in his tenth term, lectures in
Medicine and Midwifery.
Limiting conditions such as that above noted with regard
to the Final Division apply in a similar way to other
Divisions. Their purpose is to restrain the student who
has failed to pass a professional examination, or part of
it, from proceeding to fresh subjects with a mind untrained
to seize them, and also to prevent him from taking up such
fresh subjects while embarrassed by the other examination.
It is a mistake to think that they are barriers set up as a
punishment for failure to pass. On the contrary, they are
there in the student's interest, to ensure that his progress
shall be orderly and his knowledge well grounded. They
may appear to hold him back for the moment. They often
save time in the end.
Thus the three great subjects of the Final Division,
Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, are broadly built upon
the first Three Divisions of the curriculum. They, in their
turn, serve as the basis for a number of Special Courses,
also parts of the Final Division, which are concerned with
the organs of the special senses, or with special diseases or
special applications of Medicine, Surgery, or Midwifery.
The subjects dealt with include, among others, ophthalmology,
diseases of the ear, diseases of the throat and nose,
gynaecology, mental diseases, children's diseases, venereal
diseases, fevers, and tuberculosis. These courses are special,
not specialist, courses. They are not intended to be forcing--
houses for specialists, but to turn out men who can apply
special methods to the general uses of medicine. Specialism
may come to some in time, but the time for specialism is
not yet. The special courses teach things which every
doctor should know. They are an integral part of the
general curriculum, upon the breadth and stability of which
their practical value depends.
The following requirements affecting the Final Division
should be carefully noted:-
Attendance at a Medical Dispensary as a separate course
must be preceded by at least one term.of Clinical Medicine.
The Special Courses in Ophthalmology, Venereal Diseases,
Tuberculosis, and Vaccination must be preceded by one
term of Clinical Medicine and one term of Clinical Surgery.
The Special Courses in Diseases of the Ear, Diseases of
the Throat and Nose, Mental Diseases, Fevers, and
Diseases of Children must be preceded by two terms of
Clinical Medicine and two terms of Clinical Surgery.
The nine qualifying terms of General Hospital Practice
must all be taken after the date of passing the whole of
the second professional examination.
Before being permitted to enter for Medicine, Surgery,
and Midwifery in the Final Examination, every student
must produce class-tickets for the Special Courses of Mental
Diseases, Tuberculosis, Venereal Diseases, Fevers, Diseases
of the Ear, Ophthalmology, Diseases of the Throat and
Nose, and Diseases of Children. Such tickets must certify
that the holder has attained a satisfactory standard of
knowledge as tested by written and practical examination.
Candidates who pass in one or two only of the following
subjects of the Final Examination, namely Medicine,
Surgery, and Midwifery, must pass in the remaining subject
or subjects within a period of nineteen months. That is to
say that candidates who fail to pass in all these subjects
within nineteen months will be required to take the entire
examination in these subjects again.
The Adjusted Scheme of courses now current applies to
all who began the study of Medicine on or after 1st October,
1924. Under the scheme the fifth year consists of three
intensive terms of study devoted to Midwifery and its
kindred subjects, Surgery and Medicine respectively.
Some salient features of the adjusted scheme are cited
Term 12 is the term for Midwifery Lectures, Part I,
required to be taken in order to qualify for admission to
the courses of the intensive Midwifery term in the fifth
year. Every student must see to it that by the close of
Term 12 he has to his credit one term as ordinary surgical
clerk or dresser and one term as ordinary medical clerk.
Otherwise he will not be qualified for admission to the
intensive surgical and medical terms.
Term 13, the intensive Midwifery term, includes Midwifery,
Gynaecology, Practical Obstetrics or attendance on
maternity cases, and antenatal work, together with the
special courses in Diseases of Children and Hospital Practice
in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, which will count
as one of the nine qualifying terms of General Hospital
Practice. None of these courses may be disjoined from the
others, but Term 13 as a whole is interchangeable with
Term 14 or Term 15.
Term 14, the intensive Surgical term, includes Hospital
Practice, Surgical, and Senior Surgical Clerking, for the
latter of which the number of senior students in any
Surgical Clinic will normally not exceed five. Hospital
Practice, Surgical, and Senior Surgical Clerking are
inseparable, and are required to be taken in the same clinic,
but the special courses named, or postponed and repeated
special courses, may also be taken in this term. Further,
Hospital Practice, Medical, and Senior Medical Clerking
may be taken in this term in lieu of Surgical.
Term 15, the intensive Medical term, includes Hospital
Practice, Medical, and Senior Medical Clerking, for the
latter of which the number of senior students in any Medical
Clinic will normally not exceed five. Hospital Practice,
Medical, and Senior Medical Clerking are inseparable, and
are required to be taken in the same clinic, but postponed
or repeated special courses may also be taken in this term.
Further, Hospital Practice, Surgical, and Senior Surgical
Clerking may be taken in this term in lieu of Medical. The
Faculty of Medicine requires Medical students under the
adjusted scheme to take out a course of Clinical Pathology
in either the Medical or Surgical term of the final year.
Such courses are available at both the Western and Royal
The allocation of students to Midwifery, Surgery, or
Medicine as between Terms 13, 14, and 15, and their distribution
among certain of the clinics available, is made
with the aid of Selection Forms issued in Term 12 to
students enrolling under the adjusted scheme in Midwifery
Lectures, Part I (U. or R.I.) or equivalent qualifying class.
The forms indicate the three sections into which the prospective
fifth-year students will be divided according to the
terms in which they are to take Midwifery, Surgery and
Medicine. Students, either in pairs or singly, mark on the
forms the sections to which they wish to be allocated, stating
order of preference. They also enter the names of the
teachers of Gynaecology and Surgical Diseases of Children
to whose clinics they wish to be distributed, stating order
of preference. The order in which their selections are given
effect to is decided by lot. The draw by lot takes place in
Term 12, one draw serving for both allocation to sections
and distribution to clinics. After the draw a provisional list
of allocations to sections is posted on the Medical notice
board. Within a week of posting, exchanges of pairs with
pairs or singles with singles may be applied for, all applicants
concerned attending at the office to sign the exchange
of forms. Thereafter the final list showing allocation to
sections is made up and posted. The list of distributions to
the clinics named above is posted at the beginning of each
term. No distribution is made to clinical teachers of Medicine
and Surgery. It is left for individual arrangement.
Looking now to the future, the Senate has decided to
introduce Paediatrics and Infant Hygiene into the Final
Examination, beginning with the Final Examination in
September, 1935. In Medical Paediatrics there will be a
written paper consisting of four questions, and also a
clinical examination at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.
There will be no separate written paper in Surgical
Paediatrics, but a compulsory question on that subject will
be added to the present written examination in Surgery,
the duration of which will be extended by half-an-hour.
There will also be a clinical examination in Surgical
Paediatrics. These arrangements will be in addition to the
existing examinations in Medicine and Surgery. The Senate
has further decided that infants shall be shown at the
examination in clinical Midwifery and that at the oral examination
in Midwifery questions shall be asked on Neo-natal
Conditions and Infant Hygiene:
Such in brief outline, is the medical curriculum. Its
details, with which the student is expected to acquaint
himself, must be sought in the University Calendar. Some
of its topics are of ancient standing; others are new, keeping
pace with progress. The presence of each in the list of
subjects, its relative weight, and its place in the order of
study are all the result of careful consideration of the
various issues involved. No part of the curriculum can
be slurred without loss; no part of it can be stressed
prematurely without damage to the balance of the whole.
It is a compacted instrument, broadly based yet finely
adapted to the purpose it is meant to serve.
A writer of other days, at the close of a considerable
work on Ethics, inscribed the words "Let us begin then."
The medical graduate at the close of his curriculum, his
final completed and his degree conferred, should hold these
words as written. His Final Examination is not an end but
a beginning, the beginning of his work as a doctor. The
test for him now is no longer what he knows, but what
he is. Is he a man with an eye trained to see, a mind
to explore, and a judgment not too readily satisfied? Is
he a man who has got something for the good of his soul
from his work among stricken people? If so, he may go
out with hope upon the road that leads to competence in
Medicine. In any case, he has been passed fit to begin
work as a doctor, which was the purpose of his medical
The medical curriculum at Glasgow is not easy. It
cannot even be said of it, as was said of Virtue, that it
gets easier as it goes on. Exacting though it may be,
however, it is not the whole duty of the medical student.
He owes a duty to his University as well. He is a member
of its body, and should take his share in its life, whether
it be its athletics, its O.T.C., or—in strict moderation—
some of its social activities. His medical work must have
the first place, but the average man, if he sets his mind to
it, can play his part in these other ways also. The
University, rightly used, is more than a mould of thought;
it is a school of charater teaching something of loyalty and
something of the public spirit to round off and complete
the technical instruction supplied by the medical curriculum.
By Professor W. B. STEVENSON, D.Litt., D.D.
THOSE who enter the University with
the intention of preparing for the
Ministry have first to pass through a
course in the Faculty of Arts. It is
very important that they should include
in this first stage of their University
studies all the subjects of which a
knowledge is afterwards required in the
Faculty of Theology. A normal Arts
course for those intending the Ministry
should include (1) Latin and Greek,
(2) a Natural Science, (3) Philosophy.
Greek and Moral Philosophy should be
included in every Arts curriculum that
is preparatory to the study of Theology.
Some exact knowledge of the principles
and methods of Natural Science is a
valuable part of the equipment of every
modern theologian and preacher.
In a five or six-subject Arts course,
there is also room for English or
History or Economics, according to
individual preference. History is a
direct preparation for several branches of theological study,
and Economics will help the future pastor and preacher in
his handling of ethical and social problems. German is
the most useful modern language for those who aim at
specialisation in any department of Theology.
It is important that those who read for Honours in an
Arts subject should complete their degree courses by such
other subjects as are essential to their future theological
studies. A special effort should be nade to combine a
qualifying course in Greek with every non-classical Honours
course and Moral Philosophy with every non-philosophical
Honours course, Those who specialise in Philosophy or in
a language group should generally choose a Science as one
of their additional subjects of study.
An elementary knowledge of Hebrew is required of all
who enter the Theological Faculty. This knowledge is best
obtained by attendance upon a one-term elementary class
in the last year of a student's Arts course. An Arts degree
with Honours in Semitic Languages (Arabic and Hebrew)
is a good preparation for a theological curriculum.
Alternatively, Hebrew may be taken as an ordinary
graduating subject in Arts, so that the time assigned to
Hebrew in the theological course may be devoted to
higher study in that or another subject.
Candidates for the B.D. degree must be M.A.'s of a
Scottish University or hold a University degree or diploma
recognised as equivalent to the M.A. degree of a Scottish
University. Students, whose Arts course does not include
passes in Greek, Moral Philosophy, and Hebrew, must pass
an entrance examination in these subjects in order to
qualify for entrance upon their Divinity course. Attainment
of the standard of this examination is the qualification
required of all who enrol in Junior Hebrew or in the Junior
New Testament class.
The case of students who decide to proceed to a
theological course only after they have begun, or, perhaps,
after they have nearly completed, the last year of their
Arts course is a frequent cause of trouble to themselves
and others. They may find that their studies up to this
point have not prepared them to begin their theological
course immediately. It may be necessary for them to take
an additional year of preparation in Arts. Such students
should consult the Dean of the Faculty of Theology without
delay. There is an elementary Hellenistic Greek class which
is intended to suit their case. Presentation bursaries, by
which they may be helped to tide over an extra year of
study, may be avilable for them.
The classes in the Faculty of Theology, although mostly
attended by Divinity students of the Church of Scotland,
are open to, and used by, students of all (Protestant)
Churches. The tenure of certain bursaries has been
restricted by the donors to students of the Church of Scotland,
but a majority of them are unrestricted, and are
awarded according to the results of the Entrance Bursary
The theological course, in preparation for the B.D. degree,
extends over three years. Two years' attendance in each
of the departments of Old Testament Language and
Literature, New Testament Language and Literature,
Church History and Divinity are required in preparation
for the General Examination of the B.D. degree.
"Divinity" includes Apologetics, Christian Theology, and
Comparative Religion. In the third session candidates for
the degree must take a special course in some one of the
four departments in which they have already studied for
two sessions. These special courses, in each department,
are suited to the requirements of foreign and colonial
students, who, having completed a full course of theological
study elsewhere, come to do post-graduate work in Glasgow.
The theological session lasts for twenty-five weeks,
from October to May.
The life of a Scottish clergyman cannot now be commended
as one of affluence and ease, if ever it could be.
But is still presents great and varied opportunities of public
service, and it still amply satisfies those who possess the
necessary spirit of devotion to its high ends and some
measure of the gifts that its duties demand. One who feels
that times are out of joint or that the Church sorely needs
further reformation may be informed that such a feeling is
part of a true call to the Ministry. In all the Scottish
Churches there is room and need for an increased supply
of candidates for the Ministry. Arts
students who have not yet decided their
future profession may be asked to give
the claims of the Christian Ministry their
serious attention. Some may doubt their
vocation. Let them consult the writer
of this article or let them make the
acquaintance of some of the students
of Divinity, who may be able to resolve
their doubts.
Photo by Lafayette.
Principal of the University.
By Professor W. M. GLOAG, K.C., B.A., LL.D.
Two degrees are conferred in the Faculty
of Law — Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) and
Bachelor of Law (B.L.). The former
degree is open only to graduates in Arts of
Glasgow or any other University. The
regulations for the degree of B.L. have
been altered by an Ordinance which came
into operation in April, 1912. Under the
new regulations a candidate for the
degree of B.L. must possess a degree in
Arts, Science, or Economics, or must
have passed the preliminary examination
in Arts, or such other examination as the
Joint Board of Examiners may from time
to time accept as equivalent.
A large number of students attend
certain classes in the Faculty of Law
without attempting to take a degree.
Attendance either at the class of Scots
Law or of Mercantile Law is necessary
for those who propose to follow the
profession of a Chartered Accountant,
and under a recent Act of Sederunt
attendance at the classes of Scots Law and Conveyancing,
formerly optional, has, in the case of those now entering
on their apprenticeship as Law Agents, been rendered
compulsory. In any event, these classes, and the class of
Procedure, form the most convenient medium of instruction
in the subjects necessary for the Law Agents' Examination.
It is to be regretted that those proposing to become Law
Agents do not more often take Law Degrees. By obtaining
either the degrees of LL.B. or of B.L. the apprentice may
reduce his period of apprenticeship from five to three years.
He is also excused the Final L.A. Examination, provided
that he has passed in Scots Law, Conveyancing and
Evidence and Procedure. Although the attainment of
a degree in Law involves passing in more subjects than
those required for the Law Agents' Examination, yet,
as the University regulations admit of the various
subjects being taken separately, the actual difficulty is not
much greater. And the attainment of a degree in Law not
only enables the student to keep up his connection with
the University, but may be useful to him at various
junctures of his professional life.
Students who propose, either immediately or ultimately,
to proceed to the Bar, may be strongly recommended to
take the degree of LL.B. The holder of this degree is
exempt from the Law Examination for entrance to the
Faculty of Advocates, an examination conducted under
conditions which make it a severe test, not only of the
knowledge, but of the nerve of the candidate, provided
that the degree includes Scots Law, Conveyancing, Evidence
and Procedure and Forensic Medicine.
The course of study necessary for either degree is divided
into compulsory and optional subjects. For the degree of
LL.B. eight subjects must be offered, of which Civil Law,
Constitutional History, Jurisprudence, and Public International
Law are compulsory. Candidates may offer English
Law in lieu of Scots Law, but this, involving as it does
attendance at lectures on English Law in some other
University, will rarely be convenient, and is obviously not
to be recommended to any one proposing to practise law
in Scotland. Conveyancing is not a compulsory subject;
it is permissible to offer Political Economy, or Mercantile
Law, instead of Conveyancing. To many, no doubt,
Conveyancing is the most difficult subject of the three, but
a knowledge of it is so necessary in either branch of the
legal profession that a student should hesitate long before
omitting it from his University course, and it may be noted
that if a degree in law is taken without including Conveyancing
an examination in that subject must be passed
before admission as a law agent. But it is competent
to take the degree of LL.B. without Conveyancing, and
thereafter to take it in the University as a post-graduate
The optional subjects for the degree of LL.B. are International
Private Law, Political Economy, Administrative
Law, Forensic Medicine, Evidence and Procedure, and
Accountancy. Two of these subjects must be taken, to be
studied in a course of not less than forty lectures. Of
these subjects, Forensic Medicine should be one, at least
in the case of those preparing for the Bar, as without it
the LL.B. degree is not accepted as an equivalent for the
Bar Examination. The other, except in the case of students
who feel a special interest in Economic Science, should be
International Private Law, or Evidence and Procedure,
preferably the latter.
A student who, in the course of his Arts curriculum,
has taken Civil Law, Constitutional Law and History, or
Political Economy, is exempted from examination in the
subject or subjects so taken, provided that in his examination
he has passed on the LL.B. standard. The same rule
applies to the degree of B.L., with the same requisite as to
Recent alterations in the hours of certain classes should
be noted. The classes of Scots Law and Conveyancing
now meet at 8.30 a.m., the class of Forensic Medicine at
9.30 a.m. In session 1932-33 and in future years the class
of Private International Law will be held in the winter
session (9 a.m.); the class of Public International Law in
the summer session (8.45 a.m.).
In view of these changes, the following course is suggested
for those who propose to complete their studies in three
years, and who have not already passed any subjects in
their Arts course.
In the first year, Civil Law (4-5 p.m.); Constitutional
Law and History (5-6 p.m.). In the ensuing summer,
Public International Law (9-10 a.m.).
In the second year, Scots Law (8.30-9.30 a.m.); Forensic
Medicine (9.30-10.30 a.m., after Christmas); in the ensuing
summer, Evidence and Procedure (8.45-9.45 a.m.).
In the third year, Conveyancing (8.30 - 9.30 a.m.);
Jurisprudence (4-5 p.m.).
In no case should International Private Law or Evidence
and Procedure be taken before a groundwork has
been laid for them in the study of Scots Law. In deciding
at what time to offer himself for examination, the student
should bear in mind that he is required to pass in two
subjects on each occasion. An exception is allowed in the
case of a candidate who has passed in all his subjects but
Under the new regulations the course of study for the
degree of B.L. extends over three academic years, and the
order of study should be — first, Civil Law; secondly, Scots
Law; and, finally, Conveyancing. For the other subjects
there is a wide choice, but Evidence and Procedure should
always be included. In all cases the class of Conveyancing
should be left to the last year, when the increased experience
of office work will be found very helpful. For candidates
for B.L. under the new regulations it is necessary to pass in
two subjects at once, unless all the subjects but one have
already been passed. Those who have not a degree in Arts,
must, before attending the class, satisfy the Lecturer on
Civil Law that they possess a knowledge of Latin sufficient
to enable them to profit by attendance. It is understood
that a Group Leaving Certificate, indicating a pass either
in Higher or Lower Latin, will be accepted.
The candidate for the degree of LL.B., if he has time
to spare, will find it advantageous to attend the class of
Mercantile Law in the year after he has attended the class:
of Scots Law. Mercantile Law is also specially adapted
to the requirements of those preparing for the C.A..
Class and office work make the lot of the student of Law
a very hard one, and yet he should find time to practise the
art of speaking in public by joining the Glasgow Juridical,
Society, or the Scots Law Society of the University. The
Juridical Society meets once a week in the hall of the
Faculty of Procurators.
Information as to the place and time of the various Law.
classes, and as to the bursaries and prizes in the Faculty of
Law, will be found in the University
Calendar. Advice as to the course of study
in any particular case will be gladly given
by Mr. Roderick M. Nicol, M.A., LL.B.,
the Adviser of Studies. His address is
116 West Regent Street. Students in
doubt regarding their curricula should
see him as soon as possible.
By Professor J. D. CORMACK, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.Sc.
THE Engineering
profession, unlike
other professions,
is still "open."
There is no clearly
defined course
of training to be
pursued, examinations
to be
passed, or qualifications
to be
attained. At
present any one
may practise
however scanty
be his knowledge
of physical
science or his
experience in
It is, however, now recognised by all the important
societies and institutions which represent the various
branches of Engineering that candidates for admission to
them should possess reasonable general knowledge, some
acquaintance with mathematics, mechanics, and science, as
well as technical science. After thorough investigation the
Institution of Civil Engineers issued a report on the
education and training of engineers, and examinations were
instituted for studentship and associate membership. Other
institutions followed this example, and now almost all the
leading institutions require proof of scientific and technical
training. The passing of an examination or of an exempting
examination does not, however, imply admission to an
institution, as a statement of pupilage or apprenticeship and
experience in the practice of Engineering must be submitted
for approval. A further step has recently been taken by
some institutions, and their corporate members are now
entitled to describe themselves as "chartered" engineers.
It is desirable that a student of Engineering should at an
early stage become attached to one or other of the leading
Engineering institutions, such as the Institution of Civil
Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the
Institution of Electrical Engineers, the Institute of Naval
Architects, the Iron and Steel Institute, the Institution of
Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, the Institution of
Automobile Engineers, etc. Full details and forms of
application may be obtained from the Staff in the Engineering
Although entrance to the Engineering Classes is not
restricted to students who intend to take the full degree
course, almost all students are preparing for the B.Sc.
degree in Engineering Science. It is recognised by all the
leading institutions as exempting from their examinations.
It is essential to advancement in some branches of professional
work, and Government Departments recognise
the degree in connection with appointments they make.
Many of the large engineering and industrial firms make
inquiries for the services of students who have obtained the
degree or are preparing for it, and representatives of firms
visit the University and interview applicants.
The best system of training for engineers has been the
subject of conferences and many papers; and it has come
to be recognised that the system which has been followed
by students of Glasgow University for ninety years — a
system which is now commonly called the "Sandwich
System" possesses distinct advantages. It alternates
periods of study in the University and periods of workshop
or office practice in firms, and the University courses are so
arranged that the student takes the winter session (October
to March) at the University, and spends the summer (April
to September) at practical work. The University authorities
do not undertake to find suitable openings in practical
work for students, but advice and assistance are given.
Ordinance (No. 30), which received the Royal assent in
June, 1923, took effect in session 1923-24. The Calendar
and the Programme of Classes contain the Ordinance, but
it may be advisable to note here some of its salient features.
The minimum period of attendance is four Winter
Sessions, one of which other than the fourth may be spent
at another University or institution approved by the
University Court, provided certain requirements are fulfilled.
The course is an Honours Course, and two grades of
Honours are given. The Senate, however, may, on the
report of the Examiners for the Final Examination, grant
an ordinary degree under such conditions (if any) regarding
further study and examination as may be imposed.
The first two years of the course are the same for all
branches, but the third and fourth years are specialised
in character, and the branches at present are:— Civil,
Mechanical, Electrical, Mining and Chemical Engineering,
and Naval Architecture.
There is a First Examination in Mathematics, Natural
Philosophy and Chemistry, the latter two with laboratory
work; and a Second Examination in Higher Mathematics,
General Engineering, with practical work, and Drawing.
In the Final Examination all the principal subjects must
be passed at one time, but Higher Natural Philosophy (or
Geology in the case of the Mining Engineering branch), the
subsidiary subject, and the additional subject (one at least)
may be taken at any time after the Second Examination
is passed. The First Examination must be passed before
the Second Examination is attempted, and the Second
Examination must be passed at least two years before entry
for the Final Examination.
It is important to note that by Ordinance No. 30 a
student must have received from the Scottish Universities
Entrance Board a Certificate attesting his fitness to enter
upon a course of study qualifying for graduation in the
Faculty, and this Certificate must be obtained prior to
attendance on any class, if such attendance is to count for
the purposes of the degree. For details regarding the conditions
of admission to particular classes, reference should
be made to the Calendar. The pamphlet, "Regulations
respecting Admission to the University for Purposes of
Graduation," gives details of the Preliminary Examination
and Exemptions,
Students who are pursuing their course under the old
Regulations should consult the Dean as to the classes they
should take.
The inclusive fee for the Course is 90 guineas. Students
may with advantage take one or more additional classes
beyond those actually required for the degree.
Special facilities are provided for post-graduate study
and research, and excellent equipment is provided in the
laboratories for investigations on unsolved engineering
problems. The regulations for the Ph.D. and D.Sc.
degrees in Engineering will be found in the Calendar, and
in the Programme referred to above.
As a rule students do not attend any classes in the
Engineering departments during their first session. It is
therefore desirable that they should get in touch with the
departments and staff during their first session so that
they may be advised in regard to their University courses
and practical training. Students are also recommended to
join, during their first year, the Glasgow University
Engineering Society.
By Professor W. GILLIES WHITTAKER, M.A., D.Mus.,
F.R.C.M., Hon. R.A.M., Officier d'Academie, F.R.C.O.
Music may be taken as a subject in the Ordinary and
Higher Ordinary M.A. There is an Elementary Class for
students who are not qualified for the Ordinary. The
Degrees of Bachelor of Music and Doctor of Music are now
fully established.
To the average person the study of music implies merely
the attainment of a certain amount of vocal or instrumental
efficiency. That, however, does not come within the present
scope of University tuition; it is a valuable asset to the
course of study, and a concurrent development of the power
to interpret music for oneself is, naturally, a helpful factor,
But as a preliminary, a moderate
amount of skill is all that is necessary.
The particular type of study designed
is of the kind generally known as
"theoretical," but the term is misleading.
The majority of a student's
energies will be devoted to the
acquirement of a certain amount of
craftsmanship with the actual
material of music. One cannot appreciate
the beauties of pictorial art unless
one learns the elements of drawing
and painting by the actual process
of doing. Theorising may lead so far, but intimate knowledge
of essential principles can only be obtained by using pencil
and brush. With music the key to the understanding of great
works of art is found by the process of learning to write
for oneself. The principles of architecture in sound, the
relation of harmonic combinations, texture, and colouring
to the whole so vital to a real knowledge of music — are
best realised in the practical shaping of sounds, in succession,
in combination. Moreover, the mental ear is cultivated, and
the mind learns to think in terms of musical idioms. In
addition to this branch of work a certain amount of musical
history will be studied, not for the purpose of learning facts
and dates, but to understand the development of the art
and its relation to other phases of human thought. Certain
prescribed works will be studied by means of scores and the
gramophone. Opportunities for this laboratory work are
provided, and a large collection of records is being built up
so that students may extend their knowledge of music of
the past and present. It will be the musical equivalent
of a library of books.
While the M.A. course will be valuable for those who may
wish to teach music among other school subjects, it is chiefly
designed to make music a branch of general culture. Within
recent years the pressure of other subjects has temporarily
driven music from the proud position it held for many
centuries, that of a necessary part of an all-round education,
but a broader outlook is now reinstating it. Its relation to
other subjects of the Arts course scarcely needs emphasis.
The problems of literature are largely identical, and that
a knowledge of the music of a period is essential to a
complete understanding of its literature is as indisputable
a fact as the converse. The music of any age is as much
a revelation of the tendencies of civilisation as are its
paintings and its buildings, its social movements and its
customs. The student of languages finds that the development
of his musical sense aids enormously his grip of
phonetic subtleties and his acquirement of that modulation
of voice which varies with each tongue, and that the surest
and quickest approach to poetry of other nations is through
musical settings. Its connection with mathematics may
seem less obvious, yet in mediaeval times the two subjects
were inseparable (the first notable British musician of
whom we have record, John of Dunstable, was famous in
both subjects), and in higher mathematics the realm of
speculative thought is closely allied with certain phases
of music. As a branch of general culture, music, by its
contact with all European nationalities, its universal yet
extraordinarily diversified language, its position in every
grade of society, cultivates a deep sympathy and a wide
knowledge; and just as a study of literature affords one a
lifetime of ever-widening interests, an early and systematic
study of music enables one to participate in the loftiest and
most spiritual flights of man's imagination. To be
acquainted with the works of Palestrina, Byrd, Bach,
Beethoven, Mozart, to name only a few writers, is to possess
an infinitely rich heritage.
The Bachelor of Music degree is mainly a professional one,
though amateurs with sufficient leisure frequently graduate,
and it is mainly occupied with harmony, counterpoint, fugue,
orchestral scoring, and practical composition, to which are
added playing from figured bass and from score, acoustics,
form, general knowledge of history, etc. A certain standard
of practical attainment, either vocal or instrumental, is
expected. The majority of students will generally be those
who wish to add the University degree to their credentials
as executants. The minimum item in which the degree can
be taken is three years, but it may be spread over a longer
period, and it is generally desirable to do so. In that case
it is possible to reduce the number of attendances in any
particular year, as the sum total may be spread over several
sessions. Details may be settled between student and
professor. Attendance for the Higher Ordinary M.A. in
music is counted towards the first professional examination.
While the University Musical Societies do not lie officially
within the domain of the Department, they are of vital
interest to it, a means of contact with the general musical
life of students and teaching staff. The Orchestral Society
welcomes anyone who can take part, however moderate his
or her ability (there is no admission test), and the practical
acquaintance with symphonies, overtures, and other forms
of orchestral music gained through its rehearsals is not only
a delight in itself, but a tremendous stimulus to musical
interest in future life. A beginning has been made to build
up a collection of orchestral instruments which will be
available on loan to students who wish to learn them and
participate in the work of the Society.
Twenty-four rehearsals were held last session, with a
playing membership of over fifty. Symphonies by Mozart
and Beethoven, and works by other composers ranging
from Gluck to Vaughan Williams were performed at the
two public concerts. In the current session Dvorak's
Symphonic Variations and other works will be rehearsed.
Meetings are held on Tuesdays, 5.30 to 7.30.
The Choral Society during the past sessions has sung
Hoist's "Two Psalms," Bach's Church Cantata "Christ
Lay," Purcell's "Ode to St. Cecilia's Day," and "Ye
Tuneful Muses," Brahms' "Nanie," Vaughan Williams'
"Toward the Unknown Region," and numerous Motets
and Madrigals. This session, in addition to the practice of
unaccompanied numbers, the Society will join the Glasgow
Bach Choir and the Academy Bach Cantata Choir in the
combined performance of the "Passion according to St.
Matthew," which will be held in March, to celebrate the
250th anniversary of Bach's birth. Vocal equipment and
reading powers matter little or nothing, enthusiasm and
regular attendance compensate for any lack of skill.
Meetings are held on Wednesdays, 5.45 to 7.15.
By WILLIAM BOYD, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil.
STUDENTS with teaching as their
prospective career frequently ask
— Is the Ed.B. degree of any
use? Is it worth spending two
years or more at the end of an
M.A. or a B.Sc. course to get
what may prove to be a mere
paper qualification.
The answer to be given to
these questions depends on the
person who asks them and the
occasion on which they are
asked. In a tutorial discussion
on the status of the teacher as a
professional man or woman, one
would be inclined to stress the
fact that the course for the
degree is the nearest approach to a sound scientific training
for educational work of any kind to which we have yet come
in Scotland, or, for that matter, in Great Britain. Following
on that, one would urge the students who wanted the best
possible equipment for their future work and realised the
value of a training comparable with that required for the
older professions to round off the more practical studies of
the Training College with the Ed.B. degree.
But that is not the answer that most questioners want.
When they ask concerning the worth of the degree, what
they really desire to know is, what will it be worth to
themselves. On that point the first comment is that it
depends on themselves. The Ed.B. degree is not everybody's
degree. The first or Diploma stage is on the higher
ordinary standard, and the final stage is an Honours degree;
and the going is all the harder because the Ordinance allows
the whole course to be accomplished in two years' time. As
a rule, only students with a good record in their previous
studies can be recommended to go in for the full degree.
Others who may wish to carry their studies in Education
beyond the level of the Arts class in the subjects are
advised to try for the Diploma, and to leave over the
decision about completing the degree till they find how they
fare in the Diploma classes.
And will it pay to prolong the years of study to get the
degree? Most assuredly. The degree is still young, and
not very widely known; but already it is becoming evident
that it is the kind of qualification which is going to help
to their goal those who aspire to the higher posts in the
educational service as inspectors, administrators, school
medical officers, training college lecturers, and school heads.
For certain of these posts it may soon be indispensable;
and for all of them it is the extra feature which makes one
stand out from the crowd and increases the chances of
appointment and promotion. If demonstration of that is
needed it is to be found in the record of the Glasgow Ed.B.'s.
Two conditions must be satisfied by candidates for this
degree. The one is the possession of another degree (M.A.,
B.Sc., M.B., as the case may be) from an approved University;
the other, that before sitting the first examination
the student must get a certificate of practical proficiency
by attending a training college for at least one year. A
third condition — not mentioned in the University Calendar
is the capacity for hard work in order to get over the
ground which must be covered in the all too brief space of
two years.
The course of study is divided into two stages — the first
or Diploma, and the final, or Honours, stage, each capable
of being accomplished in an academical year. The Diploma
stage includes courses in Psychology, History and Theory
of Education, Educational Methods, Physiology, and
Hygiene. It may either be taken subsequent to training
or concurrent with the post-graduation year of study. In
the latter case arrangements have been made between the
University and the Training College to have the Methods
work of the college qualify for the degree, and for exemption
to be granted from the college work in the subjets taken
at the University as well as in certain other subjects. The
Honours stage, with advanced courses in Psychology and
Education and a course in Educational Administration, is
taken by those who are not content to stop at the half-way
house of the Diploma, and it completes the degree.
The simplest and most satisfactory way of getting the
degree is to take the first stage concurrently with the post-graduation
training, and to devote the following year
exclusively to the final studies. But it is possible for teachers
whose schools are not more than a half-hour's journey from
the University to put in their attendance at the classes,
provided they spread the Diploma work over two years
and spend two years more on the Honours stage. For
their convenience the Psychology and Education classes
for the Diploma are all held between 3.30 and 5.30, and
the Physiology and Hygiene classes are taken in the early
morning. The Honours classes similarly are arranged to
suit their convenience. The table of class hours will be
found at the end of the section on the degree in the
University Calendar. Students wanting further information
concerning the arrangements for the Ed.B. classes
should consult me.
By Professor G. G. HENDERSON, M.A.,
D.Sc., LL.D., F.I.C., F.R.S.
BY the affiliation of the Royal
Technical College to the University,
under an Ordinance of
the University Court which was
approved by His Majesty in
Council in February, 1913, the
opportunities which the
University can offer for
advanced study and research
in the domain
of Applied Science, and
especially in all branches
of Engineering and of
Applied Chemistry, have
been considerably increased.
The Royal
Technical College traces
its origin to Anderson's
University, founded in 1796, under the will of John
Anderson, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy
in the University. In 1830 separate chairs of Natural
Philosophy and Chemistry were constituted, and in 1870
a second chair of Chemistry, the "Young" Chair of
Technical Chemistry, was endowed by Dr. James Young
of Kelly and Durris. The staff of Anderson's University
contained several of the foremost men of science of their
day, and its Professors of Chemistry in particular brought
great credit to the institution; it is sufficient to mention
the names of Garnett, Birkbeck, Ure, Graham, Thorpe,
Dittmar, Mills, Carey Foster, Herschel, and Forbes. Of
the students of the College may be named Livingstone,
Playfair, Young, Gilbert, Crum, and Muspratt.
In 1886, by an order of Her Majesty Queen Victoria in
Council, Anderson's College, the College of Science and
Arts (an offshoot of Anderson's), and certain other institutions
were amalgamated to form the Glasgow and West of
Scotland Technical College; at the same time the Medical
School of the Andersonian was dissociated from the College
and removed to its present position near the Western
The new building, which was completed in 1910, has cost,
with equipment, about £400,000, and provides ample facilities
for scientific study and research. In 1912 His Majesty
King George V. honoured the College by directing that in
future it should be known as "The Royal Technical
College, Glasgow."
With the great expansion during recent years of the
College staff, buildings, and equipment, the opinion was
gradually formed that a closer connection between the
University and the College was desirable if the scientific
resources of the West of Scotland were to be fully utilised.
That closer connection has been obtained by the Affiliation
The chief provisions of the Ordinance, so far as they need
be specified here, may be summarised as follows:-
(1) Approved courses of instruction given in the daytime
in the College are equivalent to courses taken in the University
for the purposes of graduation in Applied Chemistry,
in Engineering Science, in Architecture, and in Pharmacy.
(2) The Preliminary Examination is the same for College
as for University students.
(3) The fees for approved College courses must not be
less than the fees for the University courses in the same
or corresponding subjects.
(4) For the purposes of the tenure of bursaries, prizes,
scholarships, studentships, and fellowships tenable in the
University, the Senatus has power to determine that attendance
on an approved College course shall be equivalent to
attendance on a University course, and that a special
course of study or research in the College shall be equivalent
to the like course in the University.
(5) In each subject of the examinations for graduation in
Applied Science the examiners shall be the University Professor
or Lecturer (if any) conducting the University course
in the subject, the College Professor or Lecturer (if any)
conducting the approved College course in the subject, and
an Additional Examiner appointed by the University Court.
It is important for the student to note that his attendance
at any College class does not qualify for purposes of graduation
unless he has previously matriculated at the University.
For detailed information students should refer to the
College Calendar, or to the Director of the College.
LIBRARIES are the laboratories
and workshops of the
Arts student; and though he
is not superintended at his
bench, like his scientific
brother, the Glasgow Arts
man is fortunate in having
at his disposal resources (if
not accommodation) that
compare not unfavourably
with those provided in other
faculties. The University
Library is stronger in some
departments than in others,
but it offers in almost all an
adequate, in some a very
valuable, collection for the
use of students. The Hunterian,
Hamilton, and Euing
collections contain many
rare and interesting books
which may be read in the
Photo by Lafayette.
Mistress of Queen Margaret College.
Library only, on application to the Librarian. Some of
these book treasures are worthy of mention. In the Hunterian
we have several Caxtons, including "The Golden
Legend," his greatest effort; "The Chronicles" of the St.
Albans Printer; books from the presses of Julian Notary,
Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde; Colard Mansion's "Estrif de
Fortune" (one of the two extant copies); Sweynheim and
Pannartz's "Lactantius," the first book printed in Italy;
and examples of all the great continental presses — Aldus,
the Estiennes, Plantin, Elzevir, etc. In the collection there
are about 500 books printed before the year 1500. The
Euing, among other precious books, contains a First Folio
(1623) of Shakespeare. The Hamilton room contains the
Aristotelian collection, while in another room is housed a
precious and voluminous collection of Bibles. In concluding
this short list, one or two MSS. might be mentioned, such
as the Psalter of about 1170; various mediaeval medical
MSS.; a series of 15th century MSS. of English and French
prose and poetry, including the unique Chaucerian
"Roman de la Rose," and Tardif's "Fauconnerie."
A deposit of £1 entitles any matriculated student to
borrow from the Library four volumes at a time, or six in
summer. (Note. — To borrow important class-books, or
books recommended for essays, and to keep these out any
longer than is required for their perusal is bad form, and
marks the ruffian). The privilege of access to the shelves
of the Library is granted by the Library Committee to such
students as are recommended by their Professor or Lecturer.
This invaluable privilege is, in practice, granted to all
Honours students who desire it. Permits to work in the
Library are renewable yearly, and students should apply
early in the session for the recommendation required.
The Library Catalogue, which is arranged under authors'
names only, has been completed in thirty-six volumes in
recent years. A subject catalogue which, like so many
other things, stopped in 1914, will be found in an upright
case in the entrance hall; in this, items are arranged
chronologically in their kinds, and a bound manuscript
volume acts as a key to the list. Much time wasted
in the search for material could be saved by the use of
the bibliographies contained in most text-books, in the
Dictionaries of Biography, and in encyclopaedias; of
the classified catalogues of the British Museum and the
London Library; of the book-list of the Publishers'
Association (all in the Library); and of the indexes of
books reviewed in periodicals, e.g., the annual index
of the Times for modern books. If a serious gap in
any collection is discovered by the specialist student, he
should report to some member of the staff of his department,
giving title, publisher, and date of the work desired.
(Note for students and others working in the Library. —
Books taken from the shelves should be put back in their
proper places; books are more easily lost in a Library than
out of it, and the staff is too small to keep a constant check
on such a large collection).
The Library is open daily from 10 till 5 (Saturdays,
10 till 1), except in July and August and during the
Christmas Vacation, when the hours are 10 till 2 and 10
till 3 respectively (Saturdays closed). The Library is also
closed for nine days during the Annual Inspection in April
A reference collection of texts, dictionaries, commentaries,
etc., is available in the Reading Room from 9 till 4 daily
(Saturdays, 9 till 12). The Library is supplemented by
Class Libraries in Classics, English, Geography, History,
Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Economy, Russian,
Celtic, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Chemistry,
Engineering, Naval Architecture, Psychology, Arabic,
Education and Law, the last being housed in Baillie's
Institution, 153 West Regent Street.
By Professor T. H. BRYCE, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.
" The only chap I knew who ever went near the Hunterian paid a
visit every Friday afternoon, and always signed the book in the name
of the Bishop of London."—MITYA.
THE interest and importance of the Hunterian Museum is
too little appreciated by the general mass of the students.
In the collections it contains the University possesses an
asset which is in some respects unique. The Museum was
founded by Dr. William Hunter, who by his will, dated
1783, left all his collections to his Alma Mater. He was a
great teacher of anatomy, a scientific investigator, and the
foremost obstetrician of his day in London. But he was
also a collector of things of all sorts — pictures, manuscripts,
mediaeval books and coins, as well as anatomical preparations,
zoological and mineral specimens. The whole formed
a nucleus for a notable University Museum. Since the date
of Hunter's legacy many donors have added to the treasures
of the collections, and in recent years much has been done to
extend and enrich the Museum. The collection of anatomical
preparations, which at one time was exposed to the
public and was the main feature of the Museum in early
days, was some years ago removed to the anatomical
department, where it is in constant use in teaching, as Dr.
Hunter intended it should be. It is of professional interest
only, and was wisely isolated from the general collections,
which are open to the public, free of charge, on week-days
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in winter and 5 p.m. in summer.
The Museum occupies the north side of the Last Quadrangle,
and is approached by the staircase to the Bute Hall.
Access is obtained by sounding the bell at the door. This
gives entry to the Hunterian Library, which contains a very
valuable and interesting collection of manuscripts and books,
an elaborate catalogue of which has recently been published.
In the table cases are to be seen interesting specimens of
early printed books and illuminated manuscripts. A number
of interesting pictures are exhibited in the Library,
including a fine portrait of the founder of the Museum by
The room next to the Hunterian Library, and the anteroom
to the great hall of the Museum, is reserved for personal
memorials of the founder. The antique table and
chairs came from the old College Museum. On the table
is the cup which was presented to William Hunter by his
pupils; his microscope is exhibited on the table on the south
side, while there is also to be seen the small anatomical
figure in wax which Hunter is seen to hold in his hand in
the Chamberlen portrait. The pictures on the walls all
hung in William Hunter's house in London, with three
exceptions. These are the portraits of Cullen, his master;
of Tobias Smollett, his friend — both by Cochrane, the Scottish
portrait painter; and of Francis Hutcheson, whose
teaching of Moral Philosophy helped to mould Hunter's
Character as a young student. The collection as a whole is
of interest as that of an amateur of the arts of the third
quarter of the eighteenth century. The most notable
pictures are three by Chardin, the great French master
of genre painting. There is also a fine Reynolds, a small
but beautiful Rembrandt, and a number of interesting
examples of the Italian and Dutch schools of painting.
In the large hall the greater part of the floor level is
devoted to the exhibition of a general cultural collection,
while the gallery is reserved for the valuable geological
and mineralogical collections. A small palaeontological
collection occupies the east end of the hall on the ground
On the south side of the hall the cases contain examples
of relics of ethnological interest — from South Africa,
Australia, and the South Seas. A case in the Central area is
reserved for specimens which were collected during Captain
Cook's voyages and acquired by William Hunter.
On the north side the cases contain from east to west
specimens illustrating the cultures of the Palaeolithic, the
Neolithic, the Bronze, and the Iron Ages. Most of the
specimens in the last three categories are of Scottish
At the west end on this side there is a collection of relics
from Egypt, flanked by a central case in which are
exhibited life-size reproductions by Dr. Cohn Campbell of
the paintings of the tomb chapel of Mena, a Royal Steward
of the eighteenth dynasty.
The west wall is occupied by a fine collection of inscribed
slabs, milestones, and altars from the Roman Wall between
Forth and Clyde, and the cases in the west area contain
relics from the Roman Stations at Bar Hill (Kilsyth),
Balmuildy, and Old Kilpatrick.
The collections are being constantly added to by friendly
donors. Former students who go abroad may serve their
Alma Mater after they have left by securing specimens for
the Museum. The value of their gifts may often be greatly
added to if the advice of the members of the staffs of the
various departments be sought regarding the kinds of specimens
specially desired from the particular region to which
they may be going. Those visiting tropical countries may
often be of great help in obtaining desiderata for the Natural
History collections.
By Professor W. R. SCOTT, M.A., D.Phil., Litt.D., LL.D.,
F. B . A . (Convener).
THE full title of this Committee is that on External Examinations
and Appointments. It has thus two main
activities relating to each of these two classes of openings
for students and graduates. Its services are free to
members of the University, no fee being charged either
for registration or when an appointment has been secured.
(A) External Examinations.
Undergraduates who are thinking of the Civil Service
as a possible career ought to consult Dr. W. R. Cunningham,
University Librarian, in the first year of their University
course, so that a suitable curriculum may be sketched out
for them. Dr. Cunningham will be available for consultation
in the Library on Thursdays during term-time from
3.30 p.m. until 5 p.m. He will also be glad to see at the
same hours students whose curriculum has been fixed in a
previous session, so that desirable re-adjustments of their
subjects may be fully discussed with them.
Entry to the Civil Service may be obtained by competitive
examination or by competitive interview with a
qualifying examination, or by competitive interview only.
The two main competitive examinations are that for the
Administrative Group (which embraces the Administrative
Class in the Home Civil Service, and in the Civil Service of
Northern Ireland, the Indian Civil Service, the Foreign
Office and Diplomatic Service, and the Consular Services
and Department of Overseas Trade and, by very recent
arrangement, certain major posts in the London County
Council Service) and that for the Tax Inspectorate Group,
which includes the post of Third Class Officer in the Ministry
of Labour, as well as the post of Assistant Inspector of
Taxes under the Inland Revenue. A smaller but important
competition covers posts in the Patent Office. The second
class includes posts of Inspectors of Factories under the
Home Office, and of Chemists in the Government Laboratory
and certain Museum posts. The third class includes
appointments in the Colonial Service, and in the Sudanese
Service, in the Public Record Office, the National Library
of Scotland and the Historical Department of the General
Register House, Edinburgh. Vacancies in the smaller
departments occur very infrequently and at irregular
Details of all posts in the Civil Service open for competition
may be found in Civil Service Examinations, published
by the Civil Service Commission. This concise
work may be consulted in the General Reading Room of
the University. Good accounts of the organisation and
work of the Home Civil Service may be found in the Report
on the Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1929-1931
(Lord Tomlin's Commission) with the minutes of evidence
and the different appendices, and in the various volumes of
The Whitehall Series, General Editor, Sir James Marchant,
in which the distinguished heads of various Government
Departments give full and illuminating descriptions of
the history, development, staffing and methods of the
offices under their direction. For the Indian Civil Service
there is the lucid and balanced account by Mr. L. S. S.
O'Malley, entitled The Indian Civil Service, 1601-1930,
published by John Murray, 1931. The last chapter of this
book, entitled Civilians and Literature, deals with contributions
by Indian Civil Servants to literature and scholarship.
Naturally there are references to works which give
vivid pictures of the life, duties and amusements of
members of the Service. The novels of Mr. Hilton Brown
are particularly lively and instructive.
(B) Other Appointments.
A suitable University career qualifies for many fields of
activity. Amongst these may be mentioned the Professions
— Law, Medicine, Engineering (in its various
branches), openings in business which include many subdivisions
(such as Applied Chemistry, Engineers, Naval
Architects, Botanists, Geologists, Mining Engineers, Metallurgists,
Statisticians, Economists, and others who are
selected on the managerial side, Commercial Representatives
and Salesmen, trained Secretaries and Welfare
Workers), Education, concerning which notifications of
vacancies on University and College staffs in schools, both
in Great Britain and overseas, are constantly being
received. Also there is Agriculture, Architecture, Journalism,
Social Work, Management of House Property,
Hospital Almoners, Secretaryships (other than in business),
Insurance (including Actuaries), Accountancy, and a large
variety of miscellaneous occupations.
Two points are to be noted:-
1. Almost all these careers require a specialised training,
therefore it is essential that students should decide as early
as possible the career for which they propose to fit themselves.
They can always consult Dr. Thomson, who is
both Adviser of Studies and Secretary of the Appointments
Committee, first as to the prospects of various careers, and
then as to the course of study which is necessary or
2. An important element in this decision which should
be decided early is whether the student, when his course is
finished, is prepared to go overseas. While there are a
number of openings at home for qualified men or women,
it must be recognised that the graduate who confines himself
or herself to these is limiting the prospects of success,
for competition for these appointments of every kind is
exceedingly keen. The Dominions and Colonies and some
times foreign countries offer a wide field. In business, and
also in the professions, there are, in normal times, numerous
openings overseas. There is often a reluctance to go
abroad, and the reason usually offered is that parents will
not hear of it. Start thinking of going abroad, then talking
of it; through time your parents will be reconciled to your
going. If the distance is greater the rewards are also
There are four stages in connection with appointments.
i. As already explained, the work of the Committee is
closely linked with that of the Adviser of Studies.
Therefore the first step is to consult the Adviser on a
career. In the case of Women Students the Mistress
of Queen Margaret College should be consulted first.
ii. During the Undergraduate stage Dr. Thomson sometimes
hears of temporary posts, such as tutorships,
and students requiring these should see Dr. Thomson.
iii. The next stage comes at graduation, when the graduate
is either ready to enter on his career, or is
proceeding to add to his qualifications by further
study. Each graduand receives a form which is to
be filled up specifying if he already has a post, in
which case he gives its nature. If he has no post,
he next states if he is proceeding to further study.
If he has no post and is not proceeding to further
study, and wishes to register with the Appointments
Committee, he is given a card to fill up with all his
qualifications, and it is on this basis and Dr. Thom-son's
knowledge of him that notice of vacancies for
which he is qualified will be sent him. Women are
advised to hand in a duplicate card to the Mistress
of Queen Margaret College.
234 Sauchiehall St., Glasgow Phone: Douglas
The 'Varsity Typewriting Office
LET . .
'Phone : West. 332
EVERY student who intends to enter the teaching profession
should, before commencing his or her University
course, make a careful study of the Regulations for the
Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of
Teachers for various grades of Schools. (H.M. Stationery
Office, 120 George Street, Edinburgh; or through any bookseller,
price 8d.). These regulations show that every
teacher must undergo a regular course of professional training
before the Teacher's Certificate is awarded. Further,
they should consider carefully the inclusion of subjects of
school value in their University curricula, as qualifications
to teach these subjects in the higher classes of the Day
School and in the lower classes of the Secondary School may
be gained. According to the regulations no man who is not
a Graduate may henceforth be admitted to training; a
woman who holds the Leaving Certificate of the Scottish
Education Department and has successfully undergone a
course of preliminary training at school may be admitted to
a four years' course of training concurrent with her University
For University Graduates two courses of training are
(1) The course leading
to the Teacher's
Special Certificate,
open to Graduates
with 1st or 2nd Class
Honours only;
(2) The course leadingto the Teacher's
General Certificate,
open to all Graduates.
Further particulars
may be had from the
Director of Studies,
Training Centre, Jordanhill,
Glasgow, with
whom an interview
may be had by
"I HOPE that the honest pride
for which my countrymen are
distinguished will prevent
claims from those who do not
require assistance, and that
the invidious task of inquiring
into the circumstances of each
candidate need not be imposed
upon the trustees."—(Extract
of letter, dated 7th June,
1901, from Mr. Carnegie to
Lord Elgin).
I. Age.—Applicants must
be over sixteen years of age.
must be of Scottish birth or
extraction, or must have given
two years' attendance after
the age of fourteen at a school
or institution under inspection
of the Scottish Education
III. Preliminary Education.—Applicants qualified under
the two previous regulations who have been pupils of schools
under the Scottish Education Department will be eligible
for assistance in the payment of class fees if they have
obtained the Leaving Certificate of the Department
with a minimum of three higher grade passes, provided
that it bears evidence of such preliminary education
as is required by the Universities for their respective
graduating curricula, or, if it does not, provided that it has
been supplemented by such passes either in the Scottish
Universities Preliminary or other examination as will satisfy
the above requirements of the Universities.
Where applicants have not been pupils of schools under
the Scottish Education Department, or where other good
ground for not having obtained the Leaving Certificate can
be shown, the Executive Committee have power to accept
instead what they deem equivalent evidence of attainments
in the shape of passes gained either in the Scottish Universities
Preliminary or other examination, provided that
applicants will not be considered eligible who have not
obtained three higher grade passes, or who require to pass
any further preliminary examination before they can
complete their graduating curricula.
No Applicant in Medicine is eligible for assistance until
pre-Registration subjects have been passed at any centre
where pre-Registration examinations are required.
IV. Course of Study.— Applicants in the Faculties of Arts
and Science must have had their course of study for each
academic year approved by the University Adviser of
V. Degree Examinations.— Applicants must have passed
the graduation examinations belonging to the previous stage
of their curriculum before becoming eligible for assistance
in the payment of fees of classes belonging to a further stage.
VI. Reports on Attendance and Work.— Beneficiaries
come under an obligation to submit to the Executive Committee
at the end of each session particulars as to their
attendance and work, any distinctions they may have
gained, and any graduation examinations they may have
VII. Annual Allowances in the various Faculties. — The
Annual Allowances towards payment of Class Fees offered
to beneficiaries by the Trust in the various Faculties are
as follows:— In Arts (Ordinary), £9 for three years, and
(Honours) £9 for four years, in all £27 and £36 respectively;
in Science (Ordinary), £18 for three years, and
(Honours) £18 for four years, in all £54 and £72 respectively;
in Medicine, £20 for four years, in all £80; in
Dentistry, £15 for two years, and £10 for one year, in
all £40; in Divinity, Music, Law (LL.B.), and Commerce,
£7 for three years, in all £21; and in Law (B.L.), £5 for
three years, in all £15: Any unexpended part of a grant
will be carried forward to the succeeding year.
VIII. Annual Allowances in Combinations of Faculties.—
In combinations of Faculties the allowances available for
beneficiaries are:—(1) Arts and Commerce, three Arts
Grants of £9 and two Commerce Grants of £7, in all £41;
subject had he sampled life in one of our University Halls.
In these, not only is the flesh sustained by everything that
could refresh it (vide supra), but the assimilation of knowledge
is facilitated and encouraged by "Silence Hours" and
various other devices, from a judicious admixture of fish
in the Hall diet to portraits of Lord Kelvin and the
Principal above the mantelpiece.
You will now better understand the popularity of the
Halls and be the more surprised to learn that for all these
good things a member pays but a paltry £17 10s. per term,
with a reduction to £16 16s. per term if he is wise enough
to book for the three full terms of about ten weeks each.
Small wonder, therefore, that vacancies are filled before they
occur to let our Irish blood assert itself for a moment.
It only remains for you to choose your clan and your
tartan. There is Maclay Hall, Park Terrace, C.3., which
was gifted to the University by Lord and Lady Maclay in
memory of two sons killed in the Great War. Nearby is
MacBrayne Hall, Park Circus Place, C.3, the gift of
Laurence MacBrayne, Esquire, in memory of his father,
the late Mr. David MacBrayne, of the Glasgow and Highland
Royal Mail Steamers. The former Hall was opened in
1922 and the latter in 1923. To meet the growing demands
upon them both residences have recently been considerably
extended and improved.
The Halls are splendidly situated above the West End
Park, at a few minutes' walk from the University and
Mitchell Library, and convenient also to the affiliated
Colleges, the Infirmaries, the Police Office, and other
centres of "Kultur."
Applicants are advised
to get their names early
on the waiting list.
Further particulars may
be had from the respective
Wardens, who will
be pleased to show visitors
over the Halls at any
THE primary purpose of
the Students' Handbook
is to give Freshmen
some idea of the part
which the undergraduate
plays in the University.
It is their
compendium, in which
they may find, if they
will, such knowledge as
is necessary before they
begin to act in the
academic community.
Any article on the Students'
Council, therefore, ought
to inform them how
they may use that insti-tution,
and profit by its
The S.R.C. is constituted by Act of Parliament:
it is, in this sense, the only official undergraduate
body in the University. It is recognised by the Crown;
and it is recognised by the ruling academic powers — the
University Court, the Senatus Academicus, the Principal.
It exists to provide an effective link between the students
and the professors, and to foster the Corporate Life. If,
after the first week on Parnassus, you dislike the design of
your professors' shirts, let the S.R.C. know about it, and if
any change in the offending colour scheme seems desirable
and at all possible they will make it for you. A personal
complaint will not be merely so effective. If you have more
serious dissatisfactions, the S.R.C. will be even more happy
to deal with them, and it will be much more hopeful of
remedying them. It exists in order to do that sort of thing.
And it also exists in order to teach men the lawful pride
of belonging to such a community as ours. This is a high
and worthy ideal, and, if the Council is indifferently successful,
at any rate it tries hard and accomplishes a considerable
deal. For example, it makes you a gift of this Handbook!
A more gracious welcome than the Registrar's, you
will admit. Every fortnight it publishes the G.U.M.
The G.U.M. has always been the best University
magazine in the kingdom; and as such publications
go, it is probably the biggest threepence-worth you will
ever lay hands on. When you have passed your exams. the
Book Exchange will sell your books for you, at your own
price. If, again, when the vacation comes round you are
bent on travelling abroad, you ought to look up the Convener
of the International Academic Committee; he has
schemes and powers whereby you may cover the Continent
at an amazingly small expense. All these things the S.R.C.
does for vou, and many more. It produces "College
Pudding," that remarkable revue with the discouraging
name. It organises Charities Day and runs the Freshers'
So you see the S.R.C. does much. And it does everything
in the belief that the contact of you University men
with each other will provide you with by far the most
precious knowledge that you will ever acquire on this
wonderful hill, and to the end that you may be encouraged
to make and cement such contacts. It tries to instil
into the student that subtle essence which will make him
the cultured, the complete man — and without which, should
he win even a whole library of prizes, he will go down something
of a discredit to his ALMA MATER, something less
than a son of the family.
Now you can't all be members of the S.R.C., but you all
have a duty to perform in electing your representative.
It is only by the interest of each and all that the Council
can be truly representative. Record your vote intelligently
at the Poll in November. The S.R.C. can be the most
helpful, the most useful organisation in the University, if
you furnish it with competent members. See to it.
Photo by Lafayette.
Chaplain to the University.
President—MR JOHN GOOD.
Senior Vice-President—MR ALLAN MACKINNON.
Junior Vice-President—MR ALASTAIR CAMERON, M.B., Ch.B.
Convener, Q.M.Section—MISS VICTORIA A. C. MOIR.
Additional Members of the Executive—MISS JANET MACARTHUR,
McKECHNIE. B.Sc., The Editor of the G.U.M. and the Convener
of the I.A.C. Committee ex-officiis.
Clerk of Council—MR JOHN MACINTYRE.
Treasurer—MR G. F. Toni), C.A.
Editor of the G.U.M., 1934-35—MR HUGH JOHNSTONE.
Finance Manager of the G.U.M., 1934-35—MR JOHN PATERSON.
Convener of I.A.C. Committee—MR HAROLD H. MUNRO.
Convener of Book Exchange Committee—MISS MARGARET D. HOOD.
Students who wish for
May obtain a full list of Addresses at ENQUIRY Box
Service begins at 11 a.m., unless otherwise indicated.
I.—List of Preachers for Session 1934-35.
14th October.
The Rev. Professor WILLIAM FULTON, B.Sc., D.D.,
University of Glasgow.
21st October.
The Very Rev. W. R. MATTHEWS, D.D., Dean of
28th October.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
4th November.
The Rev. A. W. SCUDAMORE FORBES, D.D., The Park
Church, Glasgow.
11th November.
The Rev. A. BOYD SCOTT, M.C., D.D., The Barony
Church of Glasgow.
18th November.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
25th November (Students' Representative Council Sunday).
The Rev. J. HUTCHISON COCKBURN, D.D., Dunblane
2nd December (Queen Margaret Settlement Sunday).
The Rev. A. J. CARLYLE, D.D., D.Litt., Oxford.
9th December.
The Rev. A. C. Craig, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
13th January.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
20th January.
The Rev. Professor G. H. C. MACGREGOR, B.D., D.Litt.,
University of Glasgow.
27th January (Missionary Sunday).
The Rev. J. STEWART, M.A., Sin Pin, Manchuria.
3rd February.
The Very Rev. K. C. H. WARNER, D.S.O., M.A.,
Provost of St. Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow.
10th February.
The Rev. ROBERT M. MINTO, M.A., S.T.M., Assistant
Minister, Kelvinside (Botanic Gardens) Church,
Service at 3 p.m. in Bute Hall. (Gaelic Service).
St. Columba's (Gaelic) Church, Edinburgh.
17th February.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
24th February. (Hospital Sunday).
The Rt. Rev. The Moderator of the General Assembly
of the Church of Scotland (Dr. P. D. THOMSON).
3rd March. (Student Christian Movement Sunday).
The Rev. Canon TISSINGTON TATLOW, D.D., Rector
of All Hallows, Lombard Street, London, E.C.
10th March.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
21st April.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
28th April.
The Rev. Professor JOHN MAUCIILINE, B.D., Trinity
College, Glasgow.
5th May.
The Rev. JAMES BLACK, D.D., St. George's West
Church, Edinburgh.
O.T.C. Church Parade: Service at 3 p.m. in Bute Hall.
The Rev. Professor ARCHIBALD MAIN, D.Litt.,
D.D., University of Glasgow, Hon. Chaplain to
the Corps.
12th May.
The Rev. J. H. DUNCAN, M.A., B.Phil., Laigh Kirk,
19th May.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
26th May.
The Rev. R. W. WADDELOW, Adelaide Place Baptist
Church, Glasgow.
2nd June.
The Rev. Professor P. CARNEGIE SIMPSON, M.A., D.D.,
Westminster College, Cambridge.
9th June.
The Rev. Professor G. T. THOMSON, B.A. (Oxon.),
B.D., University of Aberdeen.
16th June.
The Rev. A. C. CRAIG, M.C., M.A., Chaplain to the
II.—The Chaplain's Meetings.
THE University Chaplain, the Rev. A. C. Craig, will conduct
a series of meetings on Sunday evenings during the winter
and spring terms. These meetings will be held in the Men's
Union, beginning at 6.30. They are open to all students
and are intended to provide an open forum for the discussion
of religion and its problems.
The general subject which will be treated in the addresses
is "Christian Ethics." A detailed syllabus can be had in
the University Office, at the entrance to the Chapel, or on
application to Mr Craig.
III.—Monthly Evening Services
(with special Music by the University Chapel Choir).
THESE Special Services were instituted with the object of
providing an hour of worship, with the opportunity of
hearing some of the riches of Church Music, ancient and
Undernoted are the arrangements for the current session,
and a glance at the outline will be sufficient to indicate
that these Services present a unique opportunity of
becoming acquainted with a beautiful literature little known
or sung elsewhere.
As the Chapel is always filled on these occasions, it is
advisable to be forward in good time. The Stalls on the
North side of the Chapel are reserved for members of the
Staff until 6.20.
Oct. 21st HENSCHEL: MASS (or Service) in C; for 8-part "A
Cappella" Choir. (By desire).
Nov. 18th "A Cappella" Church Music (from the 16th to the 20th
Dec. 16th Carols and Christmas Music.
Jan. 20th Church Music for Choir, Violin and Organ.
Feb. 17th Church Music by Modern Composers.
Apr. 21st Easter Music.
IV.— Organ Recitals.
MR. A. M. HENDERSON, A.R.C.M., University Organist,
gives a short Organ Recital weekly, from October to
December, on Fridays at 1.30 p.m., in the Memorial
Chapel. These recitals, which are intended in the first case
for Staff and Students, are timed to last a little less than
half an hour. These recitals give an excellent opportunity
of becoming acquainted with the best organ music. The
programmes are attractive and of interest to everyone, and
form a refreshing interlude in the week's studies. The first
recital will be held on Friday, 19th October.
The following is a sketch of the programmes planned for
the first term. These recitals are free,
Glasgow University Union.
THE difference between the Union and
all other University clubs is that you
can get along all right without joining
the others. With the Union, membership
is a necessity. The University
without the Union would be unthinkable
— a sort of Death in Life.
From the foregoing remarks you may
have gathered that we approve of the
Union. Let us proceed farther, that
you, too, may come to see things in
their true light.
Except your mother, nothing on
earth, save the Union, will feed you,
wash you, bath you, and cut your hair,
all at less than down-town prices. But
not even your mother will further provide
billiards, ping-pong, chess, and a
weekly palais: still at less than downtown
To be more explicit: the Union is a men's club in the
fullest sense of the word. It contains a first-class Dining
Room, a Quick-Lunch Buffet, a Smoke Room, a Cloak
Room, a Billiard Room, several Bathrooms, and a Private
Locker Room. There is also a luxurious Reading Room
(supplied with all the best papers and magazines), a Silence
Room (for swotting and sleeping), and a Library, free to
members and containing all the books you have wanted to
read for years. Finally, there are a Debating Hall and
several smaller rooms which have not yet been christened.
This is the Union during the day and on five evenings
out of seven. But on Saturday nights a subtle change is
noticeable. The Debating (now Dance) Hall becomes
brightly lit and gay with happy boys and girls. The Reading
(now Resting) Room becomes dimly lit and even gayer:
in a word, the Union Palais is in progress.
Further activities of this versatile organism include four
debates per annum, some lunch-hour addresses by various
celebrities, and Daft Friday, the greatest night known to
And what, you ask, is the cost of all this ? A paltry
guinea. Twenty-one simple shillings, and you arrive at
the mecca of student pilgrimage. It would be a home from
home, but home was never like this. Come along and
inspect it free, for the first three weeks of term: thereafter
dear reader, we shall, without doubt, be fellow members.
President—JOHN R. CRAY.
Vice-Presidents—PROF . STOCKMAN, M.D., LL.D.
SIR TAIN COLQUHOUN, Bart., of Luss, D.S.O.
Hon. Secretary—M. MACLEOD, M.A.
Hon. Treasurer—A. J. BARBER FLEMING, LL.B.
Hon. Asst. Secretary and Treasurer—H. C. MCLAREN.
Convener of Debates—D. K. HuTCHIsoNr.
Convener of Games—D. C. RALSTON.
Convener of Library—A. MACKINNON.
Former Students—J. THOMSON, Ph.D.; H. R. McLENNAN, M.D.,
M.C.O.G.; PROF. E. P. CATHCART, C.B.E., M.D., D.Sc., LL.D.,
F.R.S.; the REV. R. M. MINTO, M.A., S.T.M.
Present Students—President of S.R.C., ex-officio; President of
G.U.A.C., ex-officio; D. H. NEWBIGGING ; D. FRASER, B.Sc.;
Large and
Stock of all
and Pure
For use in Schools, Colleges, and Works' Laboratories
Telegraphic Address : "Argand," Glasgow. Telephone No. Douglas 2842-3
Queen Margaret College Union.
UNION, in laying its claims
before the women student, is not on a
par with other University clubs and
societies. These will appeal to certain
groups and individuals and not to others, but the Union
should play a part in the University life of every woman
student. "Communal life" is a phrase which must be
practically meaningless to non-members of the Union,
since it implies a social intercourse which is impossible
without some centre round which it may move. Such a
centre is provided most effectively and attractively by
Q.M. College Union.
The facilities offered to members include an extremely
comfortable lounge and drawing-room, guest rooms, a
study, a library, and luncheon and tea rooms, where very
moderately-priced meals are served. Further conveniences
are continually being added.
The subscription is £1 3s. per year, on payment of which
the member receives a very useful diary containing all the
most important University dates, the officials of University
societies, and other valuable information.
In October the Union holds its Freshers' Social, to which
all first year students are invited. Debates, political and
otherwise, take place throughout the session. The Daft
Friday Dance, judging by its successful inauguration last
year, promises to be a feature of Varsity life. The
definitely social side of the Union has improved tremendously
since the appointment of a Convener of Amusements,
and this year still greater improvements are expected
in this direction.
The Union is open to all women students until the end of
October, so that Freshers and others may see for themselves
its advantages. All matriculated students, graduates and
members of the General Council are eligible for membership.
Hon. Secretary—M. MURIEL GIBSON.
Hon. Treasurer—MRS J. B. MCLENNAN, C.A.
Hon. Asst. Secretary—LORNA J. TILLOTSON.
Resident Secretary—Miss M. H. LAIRD.
In 1894 the Queen Margaret Hall Company was formed by
the Queen Margaret College Students' Union Association to
provide a conveniently placed hall of residence for University
women students. In 1924 this Company was dissolved,
and the Hall transferred to the University of Glasgow.
Queen Margaret Hall has accommodation for 36 students
in single or double study-bedrooms in addition to common
Residence fees, which are payable terminally in advance,
vary according to room. They are at the rate of 30s.
(shared room) to 35s. 6d. per week without luncheon, or
32s. to 37s. 6d. with full board.
Enquiries and applications for admission should be
addressed to The Warden.
The gift of a house to the University by Mr. J. M. Robertson
made it possible to open, in October, 1926, this Hall of
residence and study for matriculated women students. It
is in the care of a Warden who is a member of the University
teaching staff.
Robertson Hall stands conveniently between the University
buildings at Gilmorehill and Queen Margaret College.
It has accommodation for 21 residents in study-bedrooms
and divided rooms. It also has for the common use of
students a Dining Room, Common Room, and Reading
Residence fees, which are payable terminally in advance,
vary according to the room allotted. They are at the rate
of from 35s. per week, with full board.
For prospectus, terms of admission, etc., apply to The
founded in 1897 by old students of Queen Margaret College.
The centre of its activities is the Settlement House, 77 Port
Street, Anderston, which has a number of resident, and
many non-resident, workers.
For thirty-seven years this has been the women's
University Settlement in Glasgow, but in May, 1934, the
Constitution was widened to admit men to membership
and so enlarge Queen Margaret Settlement into the Glasgow
University Settlement in the full sense of the name.
The object of the Settlement is to promote friendship
between the residents and workers in the Settlement and
the people of the neighbourhood, and to give the latter
such assistance — social, intellectual, advisory, and cultural
— as they may need or desire. The Settlement is also
a valuable training ground for anyone wishing to study at
first hand economic problems and social conditions. The
Glasgow School of Social Study and Training (under the
auspices of the University) uses the Settlement as its centre
of practical training under the direction of the Settlement
Warden, who is also Tutor in Practical Work to the School
of Social Study (syllabus from the Hon. Sec., Miss Story,
21 Ashton Road, Glasgow, W.2).
The activities of the Settlement cater for all ages, tastes,
and conditions, too numerous to be detailed here, but they
include clubs for men and women, boys, girls and children,
Banks, Nursery School, a free Legal Dispensary (the work
of which has lately been undertaken by the University
Law Society), Summer Camps, sport, drama, and other
interests. The first Work Club in Glasgow for Unemployed
Men was started by the Settlement at 168 Stobcross Street,
and a second much larger Work Club, with a membership
approaching 500 men, has been instituted at Haugh Road.
An Allotment Association has been organised and attached
to these clubs. A centre for unemployed women and girls,
and unemployed men's wives has also lately been opened
at the Settlement in connection with the existing Girls'
Club there.
The Settlement depends on voluntary help and voluntary
contributions for its widely-spread existence. Many
University students, usually when College days are over,
have generously supported its efforts from the beginning,
either with work or subscription, but, generally speaking,
the Settlement has not been well enough known to the body
of the students, and therefore has not yet received from
them the assistance it requires. Now, since May, 1934,
any University man or woman may be a member for the
sum of half-a-crown, and all may help to raise funds for the
University's own Settlement from other sources.
Offers of help in Settlement work and applications for
membership will be gladly received at any time. Application
may also be made for residence in the Settlement
House (now available for both men and women) and for
any other particulars to the Warden, Miss Batting, J.P.,
77 Port Street, Anderston, Glasgow, C.3.
Hon. President — THE PRINCIPAL.
Hon. Secretaries — MISS GRACIE, M.A., 9 Cleveden Crescent,
Glasgow, W.2., Miss MACLAY, 17 Kew Terrace, Glasgow, W.2.
Acting Hon. Treasurer—Miss A. M. STEPHEN, M.A., Invergare, Rhu.
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249 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, C.I
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All Requisites for Medical Students
Bags and Complete Outfits for Medical Men
WHEN a man joins the O.T.C. he thinks not of himself
only but of his unit, his Contingent, his University, and his
The Fresher cannot join every club and society at the
University; he must therefore decide which organisation
will provide the greatest diversion and relaxation from
his studies.
The student of the University of Glasgow has the opportunity
of joining one of four units of the O.T.C.-
Artillery, Engineer, Infantry or Medical. The conditions
of service are far from exacting, and can be carried
out by the most conscientious student without interfering
with his attendance at lectures.
Although many cadets have been granted Commissions
in the Auxiliary Forces, and some in the Regular Army, it
must be clearly understood that membership of the
O.T.C. involves no legal liability to service.
Full details can be obtained at O.T.C. Headquarters,
but it may be mentioned that a Recruit is expected to
attend 30 instructional parades before Camp, and a
Trained Cadet or former member of the Junior Division
O.T.C. is expected to attend 15 parades for the same period.
The Annual Camp, which is generally regarded as the
greatest attraction, is held in July for 15 days. Recent
Camps include Fleetwood, Scarborough, Peebles and Nairn.
Fixtures, in addition to the Annual Camp, include the
Spring Camp at Dechmont during the Easter vacation, the
Annual Smoker, Dance, and Inter-Unit Miniature Range
Competition. Shooting is encouraged and teams are sent
to Risley. All members of the Artillery Unit are taught
to ride.
Another consideration will probably be a financial one.
A nominal subscription to the Cadets' Recreation Fund is
collected at Camp annually. No other expense need be
Kit and Equipment are the property of the Contingent
and are issued free, but must be returned in good order by
the Cadet when he leaves the Contingent.
Come along to our Headquarters in University Avenue
and have a look round for yourself. If you join you will be
welcome, and you are not likely to regret it.
THIS is one of those customs, like women and degree exams,
which are more honoured in the breach than in the observance.
Its sole virtue, if any, is that of courtesy. It is a
formal obeisance. Its chief vice is that of stating the
obvious. And platitudes, to all but professors, are stale,
flat and unprofitable.
To describe the G.U.M. in anything but the vaguest
terms would be exceedingly rash. It is, then, like the
Ghost in Hamlet, a thing. The most searching metaphysical
insight would declare it to be nothing more than
an appearance or phenomenon. It is a fortnightly apparition
which harrows the College with fear and wonder. If
your animal faith is leonine enough, you may confront the
fact that it is a Chameleon-like something which the
janitors aerate periodically. Farther than this I dare not.
Defining the G.U.M., like defining poetry, is a thankless
and quite unnecessary task. If you want to know what the
magazine was like, apply to the Union Library for bound
volumes of past issues. If you want to know what it is
like, the first issue for session 1934-35 will appear some
time in October, and three paltry pence will secure you a
copy. Early in the first term you will be roused abruptly
from your several cults of bovine beatitude, paideumic
apathy or umbilical mysticism by a bright bill, e.g., Prof.
Good Goes Nude. Snaffle a copy while the censor sleeps.
1. A classical and too-respectable-to-be-raspberried myth
asserts that the G.U.M. is the best university magazine in
Britain. This myth might be prettily capped, but I prefer
to leave it in its pseudo-sanctity and instead to invite you,
as one ardent youth to another, to collaborate with the
G.U.M. staff in an endeavour to win fresh laurels and,
oblivious of extramural repute, to make the magazine one
which the civic will be bound to read.
2. Each of you has something to say, something worth
writing out fair, on one side of the paper, and posting in the
box under the Tower, or on the Union letter-rack. It may
be a wise-crack overheard in the tram; it may be an epic
which has dogged you since you were so high. Let's have it.
3. Past editors have especially vetoed two things—(a)
the word "bloody," (b) satires on the S.R.C. I veto nothing.
Satirise till you are satisfied. "Bloody" till you are
anaemic. So long as you are intelligible, responsible,
legible, and on one side of the paper you'll be welcomed
with a fatted calf and as much space as you can fill.
4. Good prose has always been the rarest star in our
firmament. Aeroliths of verse are frequent enough; and
good verse, of course, is exceedingly precious. But our
most urgent demand is for prose, pure honest-to-goodness
King's English, prose with a point.
5. Lastly, at all times think for yourselves. Let no
bellwether, intramural or otherwise, seduce your ewe-lamb
mentalities. Be self-governing and self-critical.
Perhaps you might adjust yourselves the more happily
to this corporate phenomenon if I suggested that the
G.U.M. is a place for letting off steam. I assure you it offers
fine scope to all who practise the poet's creed: nothing
but enjoy. QUETZAL.
Western Mutual Assurance
(Founded 1832)
To those who are not possessed of substantial capital
Life Assurance and Health Insurance
are virtual necessities — the one to meet the pecuniary embarrassments
attendant upon early death (while providing in the event
of survivance an ATTRACTIVE ENDOWMENT), the other to
cover LOSS OF INCOME consequent upon illness or accident.
Neither is costly if effected with the old WESTERN MUTUAL,
whose twin features throughout its long RECORD OF SUCCESS
Remarkably Low Premiums and
an Impregnable Financial Position
In the matter of Insurance delay is DOUBLY DANGEROUS.
Post at once for Prospectus and full particulars.
A. J. GREEN, F.F.A., Actuary and Manager.
To many readers of this Handbook, the Gilmorehill Globe
is a familiar feature of University life, but to the errant
pilgrim who has just graduated to this seat of learning, it
may be no more than a name.
The Gilmorehill Globe is the weekly newspaper of the
University. It is published by a Management Committee
composed of representatives from the S.R.C., Athletic
Club, Men's Union, O.M. Union, the Medico-Chirurgical,
Dialectic and Engineering Societies, and three members
of the University staff. It appears every Monday during
term — price one penny.
Its object is the promotion of a closer corporate life
within the University by circulating news of student
activities, and by providing a forum for the discussion of
student problems.
All aspects of student life are covered. The first year
club is reported alike with the S.R.C. Nothing, as far as
is humanly possible, that affects student life, is omitted.
The Editorial policy owns allegiance to no society or
organisation, political or otherwise, but seeks only the
well-being of the student body.
To those who intend entering the world of journalism,
no better training ground could be desired. The Globe
offers an all-round experience, from reporting to the actual
laying out of the paper. Experience is not required, but
enthusiasm is essential.
Applications are invited from students, male or female,
desiring to join the staff, and should be addressed to the
Editor, Gilmorehill Globe, c/o Union.
The first number of the Globe will be on sale on Monday,
8th October. Avoid disappointment by securing your copy
early. Don't rely on your neighbour buying a copy and
tearing off the back page to give to you, who are only
interested in the Athletic Club's activities. Buy a copy for
yourself, and buy early.
Inter-Academic Committee.
THIS cumbersome title is usually cloaked by its members
under the practically unintelligible group of initials, I.A.C.
It may be termed briefly the Travel Department of the
S.R.C., for its convener deals mostly with the Travel
Department of the Students' Representative Councils of
Scotland, arranging for the local entertainment of foreign
student visitors and vacation course tourists. To this end
he recommends and sells the Handbook of Student Travel
in Europe (2s. 3d. post free) and the International Student
Identity Card (fee 2s. 6d.). Particulars can be obtained of
foreign vacation courses of study, and the various conferences
for students abroad and at home, together with
concessions available in residence and travel for holders of
the Identity Card.
An important piece of work at home comes through our
affiliation with the Scottish Youth Hostels Association,
procuring for all students a reduction for individual
membership of the S.Y.H.A. The association, which is but
four years old, aims at establishing as comprehensive a
Youth Movement as that of Germany. To attain this ideal
it requires whole-hearted support, especially from 'Varsity
men and women. Its rapid progress has created great
facilities for visiting the finest districts in Scotland, inexpensively
and in comfort. Large numbers from the other
'Varsities are already members; we do not believe that
Glasgow will fall short of their enthusiasm. You will enjoy
the genial camaraderie of the hostels, and you will mix
with students of all nationalities. Spend the next vac. in
a hostel tour. Particulars may be obtained from the Convener,
Harold H. Munro. Mention must also be made of
the two notice boards, one in each quad., placed at the
disposal of the Convener, although the ordinary University
society notice boards are utilised too.
Any application for information should be made to the
Convener at the Union or S.R.C. Room.
Students! Support Your Advertisers
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,
and some few to be chewed and digested."
WE ourselves have never approved the selling of one's
books, but in truth be it said — some books are for reference.
When you have tasted these, shun them, or better still,
bring them to the Book Exchange. There is good money
to be had for such. If they are in fine condition you may
ask two-thirds of the published price, which is considerably
more than second-hand booksellers will give you. Why
does the S.R.C. do it? Pure philanthropy, cives. But that
is no invitation to remove our books without the little
ceremony of paying for them. What do you think the
Library is for?
Now then, freshers and old lags, come here for your books.
We have a fine stock of carefully annotated text-books in
all languages, the important medical books, etc., to say
nothing of the vulgar sciences.
Come early and do good business. You will find us in
the S,R.C, room under the Tower.
convener—MARGARET D. HOOD,
THE Apparatus Exchange is run on the same lines as the
Book Exchange. Students desiring to make up their
apparatus, or to dispose of it, may do so most advantageously
through the Exchange. Apparatus is sold at
half the market value. There is also room for storing
apparatus, the charge being 6d. per term; the same charge
is made for storing apparatus over the vacation.
Any person desiring to use the Exchange should apply
to the Convener, Apparatus Exchange, Chemistry Department.
Church of Scotland Students' Residence.
THE Residence situated at 11 Oakfield Avenue, within a
few minutes' walk of the University, was opened in 1903.
Originally it was intended for students in Divinity, but
with the years this has changed, and students of any
faculty are accepted, though a preference is still given to
students intending to be ministers in the Church of
There is accommodation for twenty students, together
with a large dining-room, library, drawing-room and smoke-room.
Each bedroom is fitted up as a study, and is equipped
with a gas fire. There is also bathroom accommodation,
cloak-room, store-room, and a garden.
The advantages derived from students living together in
the Residence has been fully borne out by the large number
of prizes and honours taken by these students, while in the
athletic world members have shown their ability. The
football eleven has an unbeaten record, while a tennis
tournament and bridge and hockey matches are also
arranged. A Residence Magazine is published throughout
the session.
The common meals are arranged for such hours as may
be most convenient for the general body of the students,
and each student is provided with a latch-key. Further
particulars may be had from the Warden at the Residence.
OWING to the peculiar workings of Providence and the
S.R.C., by the time you read this, various apes and plug
uglies will have cajoled, bullied or otherwise enticed you
into joining innumerable clubs. (If they haven't, there has
been a slip up among those pariahs and untouchables, the
whips. We know, we were a whip ourselves once). Many
of you will he glad to have escaped with your lives and will
be quite content to lose your subscriptions. But, apart
from this being a Scottish University, why not make use of
the clubs you have joined?
Elsewhere in this book you will find glowing and probably
mendacious descriptions of the clubs which infest the
College. Read these carefully and decide to keep in with a
political club. No one who takes their politics seriously
can be a member of more than one club, we are told — but
join one anyway. We are always presuming that you will
naturally gravitate towards the Unions as well. In
addition to these two, join at least one other club — you may
be interested in poetry, motor bikes, hearing yourself
speak, or newts. All of those have clubs built round them.
"And why," says you, "should I do all this ? I'm here
to get a degree — and I can't get one if I do all these things."
"Oh," says we, all smug and patronising, "you can get a
degree and do all this. Go to classes, do the work, be lucky
and a degree will follow. But there's more to a 'Varsity
education than that. The one thing the Corporate Life
can teach you is to look after yourself — depend on yourself
with the knowledge that you will not be let down. You
must develop the faculty of meeting and talking on an
equal basis with other people. Don't agree with what they
say if you don't agree — but do meet them. You will never
develop that faculty by borrowing lectures from the fellow
next you in class, or by asking for the 'Parnassus' at the
"The degree you collect in three years will be useless if
you can't make the very best of it: you can't do that if you
don't tell people what a great guy you are anyway: you
can't do that if you can't approach them. Ergo, learn the
proper approach. And the way to begin is by taking a
part, no matter how small, in the Corporate Life."
Don't think we recommend the Life purely from its
business aspect. As the old films said, "You'll learn a
little and laugh a lot," only you will learn a lot too. In the
Handbook you will read of clubs whose aims interest you.
Get to know more about them by asking the secretary
(that's what he's there for, anyway). A 'Varsity training
means more than copying down three lectures a day, and
the Corporate Life will supply that something more. There
is a part that appeals to you — take part and you will never
regret it.
And oh, before we forget, form a year club. It lets you
meet the other poor freshers and you can make all the
mistakes you like without some blase second year man
laughing at you. Besides, you might meet a cute little
number — if you do, drop a line with her height, weight,
reach and 'phone number to
Your loving instructors,
In the next few pages we give a short calendar of
'Varsity activities due to take place during this
session. Freshers in particular should study this
section of the Handbook carefully.
SOMEWHERE in the mausoleum of unread masterpieces
which form the opening pages of this Handbook, you will
find an article on the Rector — who he is, what he is, and if
so, why. To most generations of cives, the Rector is a
nebulous functionary who leads a highly non-academic
existence somewhere in Downing Street or the Outer
Hebrides, answering begging letters from presidents of
political clubs.
Rectors, however, unlike Editors of the Handbook, are
made, not born, and next month you are going to make
one of your very own. Divers philanthropists will invite
you to smokers and dances, hand you scurrilous pamphlets,
make speeches at you, kidnap you, offer to buy your vote,
and kiss your babies for weeks before the Election. And
when der Tag arrives, you will be bombarded with assorted
missiles ranging from peasemeal and rotten eggs to old
boots and choice morsels from the Anatomy Department
In spite of all this, no one really cares who wins. But
the Election provides an opportunity for a triennial
ebullition of concentrated Corporate Life and Academic
Debauchery that will remain green in your memory until
you are toothless dotards. So tear yourselves away from
your dear professors, boys and girls; join in the orgy and
make this the Hottest Rectorial in history. And if you
are alive, sober, and out of jail on 27th inst., turn out in
your thousands and vote.
Rectorial Election, 27th Oct., 1934
Regulations for the Nomination of Candidates
1. Each nomination shall be made on an
official form to be obtained from the Clerk
of Senate. Each form is required to be
signed by ten sponsors who must be
matriculated students entitled to vote in
the election.
2. All nominations must be entered officially
at a special meeting of a Nomination
Court consisting of the Principal (or his
Deputy), the Clerk of Senate, the President
and Secretary of the Students'
Representative Council, and two of the
sponsors of each of the nominees.
3. A special meeting of the Nomination
Court for the purpose of receiving nominations
will be held in the Senate Room
of the University at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday,
17th October, 1934, being the tenth
day prior to the polling day.
The names of the candidates and their
sponsors will thereafter be displayed on at
least one University Notice Board.
Clerk of Senate.
AT a meeting last session the Union Committee of Management
decided, after some discussion, that this year it would
celebrate the Jubilee of the Union. The reason for the
discussion was that, the early history of the Union being a
trifle involved, it was rather difficult to decide whether
should be commemorated the actual opening of the original
Union buildings, the drawing up of the first constitution, or
the first meeting of Union members. Eventually the committee
were of the opinion that since a new building had
now arisen on a different site, and since the constitution
had at various times been much altered, the first meeting,
not of Union members, but when the idea of a Union was
first publicly mooted, should be observed.
The report of Mr J. H. Harley, M.A., first president of the
Union, at the first meeting of members in 1889, makes
reference to this initial meeting and its subsequent results.
"The idea of 'Glasgow University Union' arose, in the
first place, from a conference between the various students'
societies in the University, and a consequent general meeting
of students and graduates in the Bute Hall, on Saturday,
the 14th day of February, 1885. At that meeting the
following resolution was unanimously agreed to :--- 'That
it is desirable to form a Glasgow University Union for the
purpose of promoting social intercourse among the students,
past and present, of Glasgow University, and of acting as a
central body representing students' interests, and, especially
for making adequate provision for the accommodation of
the various College Societies.' A Provisional Committee
was appointed to give effect to this resolution, and negotiations
were immediately commenced with a view to a site
for such a Union being obtained from the Senate on the
college grounds. Some progress had already been made in
such negotiations when the committee became convinced
of the immediate necessity of establishing a Students'
Representative Council for the purpose of satisfying one,
at least, of the wants hinted at in the resolution unanimously
carried at the preliminary meeting. . . ."
Thus this meeting to found the Union was a momentous
one in that it not only took the first steps in forming the
Union, but also gave rise to the S.R.C. in order to make
these steps practicable. As events turned out, this latter
was unnecessary since, towards the end of 1885, an anonymous
donor gave the sum of £5000 for the erection of
Union buildings, which were finally approved by the
Senate on 24th May, 1886. On March 23rd, 1888, a constitution,
after some difficulty due to the Senate's desire
for an absolute veto, was accepted by donor, Senate and
students, and in 1889 the first meeting of Union members
was held in the Debating Hall of the new building. These
were the results of the meeting on the 14th day of February,
1885, which has now, after many changes, given rise to one
of the finest Unions in Britain, and which it is now intended
to commemorate on Friday, 15th February, 1935.
The exact form of the celebrations has not yet been
decided, but it is suggested that the debates, which have
always been a feature of the Union's activities, should be
recognised by holding a special debate in which distinguished
student orators of past and present generations be invited
to speak. It is also suggested that those twin functions,
the dinner and the dance, which have, perhaps more in
recent years, made up so large a part of the Union's life,
should be incorporated in the festivities on or about the
15th of February. But of all these more will be heard
OUR University has a debating tradition peculiarly her
own; and, in the opinion of a gentleman well fitted to say
so, a debating standard inferior to that of no University
in the kingdom. In the older English Universities the Union
Society exists primarily, and in some cases almost solely,
as a debating organisation. In Glasgow the real forum of
debate is the Dialectic Society of ancient foundation — and
if you are a true student of oratory you will not fail to
make that your training-ground.
But four times a year there happens the biggest event
in student life — the Parliamentary Debate. If on coming
up for the first time you want to catch something of the
atmosphere of your University, there is no surer place to
find it than in a Union Debate; if you wish to see the men
that have given most to and got most from their Alma
Mater in the past few years; if you wish to meet those of
your contemporaries who will leave their mark on the
student body of your own time — it is at a Union Debate
that you will see and meet them; if you can put up with
some drivel and would hear much genuine fun, there is
no surer place to find both than at a Union Debate; if you
wish to learn something of Parliamentary procedure, to be
convinced that public speaking is not a dying art, to listen
to the cream of University oratory, to drink in some of the
life's blood of your Alma Mater, the first and surest place
to do it is at the First Political Debate of the session on
the evening of Friday, 2nd November. 1934.
About which you ought to know that:-
1. The debate is a Political Debate on the House of
Commons model.
2. Although the leading part is taken by the nominees
of the Political Clubs, the debate is open for
anyone to speak.
3. Every matriculated student — not members of the
Union only — may attend, and has a vote in the
4. The Distributist Party will be in power.
5. Q-Emmas are permitted to occupy the gallery.
6. In order that you may make full preparation the
"orders of the day" are printed, and will
be available in the Union two or three days
before the Debate.
7. The Debate is followed by a Supper. (Price 2s. 6d.).
This year's debates are on Fridays.
Dates of Debates: November 2nd, 1934 — First Union
Debate; November 30th, 1934 — Inter-'Varsity Debate;
February 1st, 1935 — Union Dialectic Debate; March 1st,
1935 — Last Union Debate.
Convener—D. K. HUTCHISON.
Members—Messrs A. M. FYFE, A. M. MACFIE, H. H. MuNRO,
C. N. RIBBECK, H. RYAN, and A. STEWART, together with
the President and Secretary ex-officio.
IN November occurs the tenth edition of 'Varsity's Annual
Revue. College Pudding is produced by students, with
students, and, to a certain extent, for students: wherefore
students should do all in their power to help.
If you can sing, dance, elocute, act, conjure, juggle, stand
on your head, or otherwise entertain the multitude, come
and let us have the first laugh. You'll probably be made
a star right away — you've no idea how low our standards
Seriously, even if you are a Fresher, don't know anybody,
and can only do card tricks and Gunga Din, we shall be
delighted to welcome you; and you'll have a very enjoyable
entrance to College life. So give in your name at once to
the Convener, C. NORMAN RIBBECK, at the Union.
The Regent Restaurant
51 West Regent Street
at Renfield St.
The Regent
for a rare meal
at the right price
3-Course Lunch —
2-Course Tea - 2i'
Snack Tea
Special Theatre Supper
(4 courses) - 21'
Open till 10.45 p.m.
First Official Announcement.
CHARITIES DAY was originally started as a "rag" by a
small group of kindred spirits. Now it is a huge organisation
depending for its success on innumerable committees.
Several, of these committees commence work about the
beginning of December, as six or seven weeks of preparation
are necessary for all the details of Charities Day.
During the past year or two there has been a noticeable
falling off in the number of student collectors. This has
given rise to the question — is the enthusiasm of the students
for Charities Day waning?
If enthusiasm is waning then let us drop Charities Day
altogether. During the past twelve years over £130,000
has been collected by means of Charities Day.
In 1930 a record amount of £17,300 was collected. I
think this record could be easily broken and pushed up to
£20,000 provided the Glasgow students would this year
display the same enthusiasm as in the earlier years. In
conclusion let me say that the success of this day depends
upon the whole-hearted support of the students, either on
organising committees or as collectors. Therefore, turn
out in your thousands to show there is still a demand for
Charities Day, and to make 1935 the greatest of all.
The best verse published in the G.U.M.
(and that means the best verse published
in Scotland) has been collected, and may
be had at the
The book costs { 4d. (in paper covers)
1/- (bound in cloth)
"After all, what are the chief differences between man and the
brute creation, but that he clothes himself, that he cooks
his food, that he uses articulate speech."—Quiller-Couch.
THIS article is for Freshers only; because after you've been
up at the University a year, you'll begin to envy the brute
When you're young, however, it's only right to try to
differ from it. And of the three distinguishing marks the
Public Decency Act will see that you observe the first,
unless you're a Scottish Nationalist; the inner man will
see that you observe the second, unless you're a vegetarian;
and, unless you're as dumb as a Professor without his notes,
the Dialectic Society will attend to the third.
Mind you it's not "speech" that differentiates man from
beast, it's "articulate speech." Any yammering yahoo
can speak; but, for all the difference it makes to him, his
speech might be the caterwauling of a bilious hyaena. But
the men the Dialectic Society wants to hear and to make
are men who can speak appropriately, speak clearly, speak
accurately, speak convincingly; men whose speech is
"Poets," it has been said (probably by one), "are born,
not made." Orators, however, have never had any such
illusions about themselves. The Freshers' Competition
will give the weaker brethren among you an opportunity
of making themselves speakers. The second officer of the
Lightship, "Nantucket," had never been able to swim
before the Olympic rammed his boat; but he can now.
So don't be afraid of making your first speech at the Freshers
Competition on November 28th.
But maybe some of you can speak already. You may
have made your maiden speech when you were in petticoats.
Well, there is an additional inducement for you to
speak in the Freshers' Competition; you may get the prize
which Sir Robert Horne has kindly presented. Remember
" He who shies
At such a prize
Is not worth a maravedi."—Gilbert
HAVE you ever lived in camp? Have you ever spent a
week of your holidays under canvas in beautiful English
park-land, with every possible variety of game and sport to
tickle the jaded muscles of your limp and wearied body,
wearied with the exactions of those ruthless hounds that
harry your poor life from exam to exam? You will have
difficulty in suppressing the flow of rhetoric that pours forth
like water from a broken tap if you happen to meet a man
who has been to Swanwick. Ask Professor Bowman, who
was there recently, ask Mr. Craig, ask Dr. Yellowlees, ask
any S.C.M. man or woman.
What is Swanwick? It is the annual summer camp-conference
of the Student Christian Movement. It is
usually attended by 1,200 men and women drawn from
every University and College in Great Britain, and composed
of every colour and nationality. The finest speakers
and the most outstanding "personalities" of the day
address you in the mornings and evenings, and there is
ample time to discuss and question all that these men, or
all that your fellow-campers, may dogmatise upon.
And there is a bookstall containing every S.C.M. publication,
all of which you could read on a rainy day without
charge! Rally round, you Scots!
You can have your choice of two programmes, one in the
second week of July, and one on Glasgow Fair Week. The
camp is really extraordinarily cheap; you can buttonhole
to yourself for a whole week some of the greatest thinkers
and leaders of our time and all for L2 2s. (I'm sorry, Q.
Emmas, you pay a little more, for you live under a roof).
Now's the time to start saving for next summer, and it's
not too soon to start planning the long vacation now, either!
Student Societies may advertise in the
G.U.M. at Reduced Rates
THE East and West Conference of Students in Scotland
has become such a permanent institution that without it
something would seem amiss in the life of our Scottish
Universities. Although called the East and West Conference,
its scope is bounded by no such trivialities as
points of the compass. At these conferences Scottish students
and foreign students from many lands meet informally
for a week (usually during the Spring holidays), and discuss
various pressing questions of international interest.
No student interested in the big world-wide problems
facing us to-day should miss this conference. Those who
come have the privilege not only of listening to some of the
keenest minds of to-day, but they can enter into informal
discussions with them. The Scottish student will meet
men from other lands, will play with them, sing with them,
and, best of all, engage in discussions on vital questions with
them. The foreign student will get an excellent chance to
fathom the mysterious mind of the "dour Scot." In our
discussions there is a tradition of frankness and openness that
lends a zest to some which, under ordinary conventional
conditions might be very dry.
All men students in the Scottish Universities are eligible
to attend. The cost is extremely moderate considering
what you can get out of it. The next conference will be
held during the Spring holidays - 7th-14th April — at Bonskeid
House, near Pitlochry. Further particulars may be
obtained from Mr. Appadurai Aaron or N. Macdonald, at
the International Club.
Do You Know?
Restaurant and Smoke Room 17 Renfield Street
is open till 10 p.m.
Just the Place for Supper, a Snack or
Cup of Coffee after the day's work
HIGH TEAS - - Two Courses, 1/6 and 2/-
This, the mother of all the Sections, should appeal to all
Freshers, as without any bother or fuss on their part they
are members. There is no gentle persuasion, no pestering
by wild officials. Automatic membership is the rule. The
ethical side of that question is reserved for pages more
august than these. In the meantime our duty is to persuade
you to become an "active member," a well-worn
phrase, with a meaning clear to all.
Membership also entitles you to come along to Westerlands
to watch the curious antics performed there. Then
there is this "tea in the pavilion" business. Prices are
cheap and the company affable. So far so good, we do want
spectators, for they have been sadly lacking in the past.
But to us the real sort of encouragement is that which will
swell the section roll-books and will put the G.U.A.C.
right at the top in every branch of sport.
All this has been blethered of before, but this year we
have good reason for asking you to swell the section ranks.
New ground. At last the wishes and efforts of a long list
of presidents are satisfied. The twenty acres we so casually
mentioned last year are ready for you to the tune of seven
new pitches. No more will Freshers be hindered in their
search for a game, and no more need we cast envious glances
at the enormous fields of our neighbours.
You simply must come to Westerlands and Garscadden
and see for yourselves; whereupon, being immediately convinced
by the immense acreage and the rest, you may
pause to consider which section to join. The gentle
reminder below of our activities shows what a grand place
a University is for taking up a new form of sport. Pass
over the "names just names" part and you will be right
in the midst of them.
A final tip. A late president has written of the glories of
the honest lads and bonnie lassies of Westerlands, and some
doubts have been cast upon his words. Its up to you to
come and be convinced of this truth, or to remedy the
matter as you see fit.
OFFICE-BEARERS, 1934-1935.
Hon. President—PROFESSOR A. MAIN, D.D.
President—R. J. GOURLAY.
Vice-Presidents—Miss M. W. PEARSON, G. P. RICHARDSON.
Hon. Secretary—R. N. M. ROBERTSON.
Hon. Treasurer—DR J. THOMSON.
Hon. Assistant Secretary—H. M. MURRAY.
Convener of Catering—T. R. MACNAUGHTON.
Convener of Entertainments—J. M. SCOTT.
Convener of Equipment—J. MONTGOMERY.
Convener of Finance—J. H. CHAPMAN.
Convener of Grounds—D. BURNETT.
Convener of Q.M.—Miss R. DUVOISIN.
Additional Members of Council—Miss J. MACARTHUR, T. H. SOUTER.
Representative from Senate—PROF. G. G. HENDERSON.
Representatives from Court—SIR FAIN COLQUHOUN, DR J. FERGUS.
ASSOCIATION SECTION. — The "Soccer" Section runs
three teams each year, and fixtures are also arranged for a
"C" XI., if the membership is large enough.
The three XI.'s play in the First, Second and Third
Divisions of the Scottish Amateur League, and the first
XI. also competes for the Qualifying, Scottish Amateur,
and West of Scotland Amateur Cups.
Every soccer-playing student should offer his services
to the 'Varsity teams, and if this were done there would
undoubtedly be ample talent available to ensure for 'Varsity
a proper high place in amateur football in Scotland.
Intending members should communicate with the
Secretary, or hand in their names at Westerlands.
ATHLETICS SECTION. — Although the most progressive of
all the sections, and beyond all question the foremost club
of its kind in Scotland, the Athletics Section does not enjoy
a full share of the popularity it undoubtedly deserves.
It is true that it includes among its members one or two
men who occupy the front rank in British athletics, and
not a few of Scottish Championship standard. A club,
however, must never allow its honours to be borne on the
shoulders of the few, since the real gauge of its strength is
the efficiency of the average member.
"Did nothing in particular,
And did it very well." —GILBERT.
"Lo, one who loved true honour more
than fame,
A real goodness, not a studied name."
"He was always late on principle, his
principle being that punctuality is the
thief of time." —Oscar WILDE.
"Woe unto you, when all men shall
speak well of you."
President, S.R.C., 1933-34
"Very excellent at telling secrets."
"A little, tiny, pretty, witty, charming
darling, she." —LUCRETIUS.
Secretary, S.R.C., 1933-34
"I am always at a loss to know how
much to believe of my own stories."
"I never dare to write
As funny as I can."
Convener, Q.M. Section, S.R.C., Senior Vice-President, S.R.C., 1933-34
Photos by Lafayette.
Now considering that the subscription is the ridiculously
low sum of one shilling it is indeed surprising that more
students do not avail themselves of the facilities offered by
this section.
Members may indulge in training at practically any hour
of the day during the entire year, and on Wednesday afternoons
and Saturday mornings (from April till July) they
may have the services of Mr Robertson, the section masseur.
Then handicap meetings are held once a month during the
winter, and twice a week during the summer, terms. In
addition, the Inter-Faculty Sports take place in March,
the G.U.A.C. Championships in May, and the Inter-'Varsity
Championships in June. The student athlete may
also display his abilities at the St. Peter's A.A.C. Contest
for the News of the World trophy, and at the various invitation
events throughout the sports season.
To Freshers, therefore, upon whose brows the laurels
of school athletics are yet fresh we say, "Come out and
train, it is your duty to maintain the prestige of your
Alma Mater." To those who nurse a secret ambition to be
athletic, we offer a cordial invitation to turn up at Wester-lands
where they will receive access to first-class equipment,
the accumulated wisdom of Charlie Durning, our coach,
and the healthy society of a number of fellows who delight
in the athletic life. Finally to the "apathetic civis"
whose nerves are cracking up under the tension of self-inflicted
academic discipline we offer this unique and
inexpensive opportunity of recapturing his long lost joie
de vivre. In fact to all and everyone we offer the best
shillingsworth in the 'Varsity.
Hon. President—DR R. M. BROWN.
Hon. Vice-PresidentsMESSRS
Captain—A. S. KITCHIN.
Vice-Captain—J. R. M'GIBBON.
Hon. Secretary—R. G. WHITELAW (Tel. 188 Wishaw). Address :
The Manse, Wishaw.
BADMINTON SECTION.—Of all winter games none is more
suitable for the student than Badminton, and this seems to
be supported by the fact that the Badminton Section has a
larger membership than any of the other Athletic Club
sections. However, we always welcome new members,
particularly Freshers, nor do we expect them to have much
knowledge of the game, for it will not take long to learn
which end of the racquet to hold, and that in itself is a
good beginning. The members of the club are proud of
their sociability, so that the new member will soon be
"made at home."
Our court, unfortunately singular, is in the gymnasium,
where all conveniences are to be had, and is open for play
for four hours on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings,
while there are also short sessions on Monday and
Thursday evenings. Afternoon play is held on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday.
As regards the financial aspect of the game the subscription
is 15s. 6d. exclusive of Athletic Club membership.
Particulars may be had from the Secretaries in either Q.M.
or the Men's Union.
BOATS.—The Boat Club extends a hearty welcome to all
new members. Those who have rowed before will, of
course, be joining us, but for that great number who
haven't we have special coaching and tuition. The
'Varsity Sport is the greatest of them all. Give it a trial
and you'll find out just how true this is. We have quite
a fleet of boats. Three clinker fours, three fine carvel
fours, two pair-oared outrigger gigs, two "funnies" or
skiffs. But we can honestly say that we have a solidity
and good fellowship second to none in 'Varsity. Our Club
Supper is a unique social event.
For our prowess we might refer you to our long and
splendid tradition, but last year's record will suffice. Our
first crew won the Wooton Cup, the Maclay Cup, the
Gibson Quaich, and dead-heated in the Scott-Skirving
Cup. In the 18 events of the season it won 15, drew 1,
and lost 2. Our second crew in 15 events won 13 and lost 2.
So long as it remained in its original personnel it was
undefeated, Our third crew, in 7 events, won 4 and lost 3.
We have defeated Edinburgh, Leeds, and Queen's Universities.
We were semi-finalists in inter-'Varsity championships.
We had, I think, undoubtedly the best athletic
record of any section of the Athletic Club. We will make
you more than welcome; we need you to keep up our
record and tradition. Our clubhouse is at Glasgow Green,
James St. Bridge. We will be holding a recruiting meeting
in the Union. Watch out for it. There we will tell you
all about it. Come and be one of us. The Captain,
Secretary, or any committee member will be pleased to
conduct you to our clubhouse.
BOXING.-"By two black eyes my heart was won" — but
don't be afraid of boxing. It looks worse than it is. Our
trainer is very gentle with novices, and you will be surprised
to find how keen you will become on it. Ask any
member of the Section about it, or, better still, come down
to the gym. any training night and see for yourself.
Your presence will be welcomed and there is no admission
Boxing is the finest indoor training for any sport —
including exams. It develops wind, eye, speed and
muscles generally and coolness and confidence in particular.
Then again, how can you possibly protect that frail little
creature that you knock around with unless you understand
the rudiments of the noble art?
We have the finest record of any of the 'Varsity Boxing
Clubs, and we are determined to enhance our reputation
this year. Come along, chaps, don't be shy. All you
need is a pair of pants to become a member of the most
successful Section in the G.U.A.C. (We'll chase you for
your sub. later).
The Scottish Inter-'Varsity Championships are at
Aberdeen in November, and we will, of course, with your
help, carry off the trophy. We have also Field Day
fixtures with other 'Varsities, and one with Queen's
University in December. In addition there are the
Western District Championships, the Scottish Amateur
Championships, and the British 'Varsity Championships,
dates for which will be announced later. The Club will
also hold novice championships during the year.
For further information apply to the Secretary, or
"Prof." J. Wingate, in the gym. on Tuesday and Thursday,
from 4 to 6 p.m., and on Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. The
subscription is 10s.
CRICKET SECTION. — The standard of Varsity Cricket
has improved greatly in the last few years, and to maintain
and even improve on its present performances, it must
continue to increase its membership.
If you have ambitions to become a member of the first
eleven, or even it you only know which end of the bat to
hold, come out to Westerlands in the summer term and
join the Cricket section.
Three elevens are run, and they all have fixtures till the
end of June. Practice commences in the Easter vacation,
so speak to the secretary, or come out to the nets on
practice days.
Hon. President—EMER. PROF. G. MILLIGAN.
President—PROF. J. D. MACKIE.
Captain—D. BURNETT.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—C. N. YOUNG.
Committee—R. O. MACKENNA, T. B. FROOD.
FIVES SECTION. — It would be useless to attempt to name
all the benefits derived from Fives, but a few of those
points in which it has an immense advantage over other
games played at 'Varsity may be noted here.
1. It can be played no matter what the weather
2. It can be played during any of the twenty-four
hours of the day, as the courts are fitted with electric light.
3. It can be played in the University grounds; you
can go straight from any class-room to the courts in two
4. After three-quarters of an hour of hearty Fives you
will be absolutely done.
These are only a few of the salient features of the game.
It is the ideal game for training, giving the maximum
of exercise in the minimum of time. It cultivates a keen
eye, a quick foot, and an alert mind, which are the essentials
of all games. Those people who find that they haven't
time to go out to Westerlands to train will find the courts
beside the Gym. the remedy for their troubles.
The fact of not having played before need deter no one;
any amount of pleasure may be derived from the game,
no matter what your standard of play. Anyone desirous of
learning the game will find all members of the committee
ready to give them one.
During the year matches are played against Edinburgh,
Leeds, Durham, and Cambridge Universities, and also
against all the Scottish schools which play Fives. It is
a notable fact that during the past four seasons we have
never been beaten in Scotland. There is a freshers'
tournament in the spring term, and the Adamson Cup
singles handicap competition is played during the winter.
GOLF SECTION. - The Committee strongly urge all new members of the University who play golf either seriously
or in a more leisurely fashion to join the golf section. We
are able, through the courtesy of many clubs around and in
Glasgow, to hold monthly meetings on first-class courses,
prizes being awarded to the winners. In addition to these
meetings, there are inter-club matches with the Greenock,
Pollock, Glasgow and other clubs, as well as Inter-University
duels either at home or away. The Stockman Cup and
the Fraser Medal are annually competed for under handicap
conditions, while the President's Prize goes to the fortunate
individual who wins the Club Championship.
Last season (1933-34) we finished second in both the
Western District Team Trophy and in the Inter-University
Golf Championship held at Glasgow. We should be able to
better this performance during the coming season, but in
order to do so we need a good, solid basis to work on,
namely, the support and enthusiasm of new members
coming up for the first time, and of all old members, and of
those of their friends who are able to wield a golf club but
who have not already joined the club.
The annual subscription is a modest one of 5s., and for it
members can enjoy many friendly tussles on such courses
as Hilton Park, Pollock, Killermont, etc. Consult any old
member and he will tell you unhesitatingly to join the
G.U.A.C. Golf Club.
Hon. Secretary — G. A. MACGREGOR.
WOMEN'S GOLF SECTION. — A cordial invitation is extended
to all who golf — in any way — to join our club.
Unfortunately, this year we had a slight decrease in membership,
which may have been due to the loss of our former
course, Lethamhill; but now, by the courtesy of Bishopbriggs
Golf Club, we hold our weekly meetings and matches
over the Bishopbriggs course, which is very enjoyable to
play over and easy to reach from town. Next year we will
again have an attractive fixture list, including Inter-'Varsity
matches. The subscription is only 10s., so we look forward
to welcoming many new members. Further particulars
may be had from the secretary.
Secretary and Treasurer—NANCY STEEDMAN.
"Better to run in fields for health unbought
Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught.
The wise for cure on exercise depend," etc.,
said somebody somewhere, or, at least, something like
this. Anyhow, if people can even write poetry about cross-country
running, surely the section does not need further
Freshers! To you we extend a specially hearty welcome.
We are always glad to have young blood among us. Some
of our best men last season were freshers just like you.
Now ye old-timers! Ye who have been up two, three,
four . . . n years! If you've spent the summer vac. in
luxury and idleness, come up to Westerlands and the Hares
and Hounds will help get rid of the too, too solid flesh.
Or if you've lost your bloom through spending weary
months preparing, perhaps vainly, to satisfy examiners
(wae's me), we'll put the sparkle back in your eye, the
spring back in your step.
Lastly, you who have already done some cross-country
running! Why not run with us the few short years you
are up. In a sense, it is your duty to 'Varsity.
If it's glory you seek, we run various trials throughout
the season for districts championships, and inter-'Varsity
contests with Dublin, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. If you
aspire to be middle-distance champ. on the track, then you
must build up stamina by cross-country work. But if
you're more sensible and want some real fun, then don't
hesitate. This is the section for you.
Now as to how we do things — we run three packs, slow,
medium and fast. These packs run just as fast and as slow
as you wish to make them.
Another important matter, we hold the section smoker
early in the first term — free to Freshers and new members.
This is always a "riot."
Watch out for notices in the quad. or the Union; or
better still, come out to Westerlands any Wednesday or
Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
If you still want convincing, coaxing or encouraging, see
some of the committee. They'll only be too pleased to
"rope you in."
There's another trifling matter, the section subscription
is 2s. 6d.
Hon. President—DR R. M. BROWN.
Vice-Captain—W. H. KIRKWOOD.
Secretary—J. CRAIG.
Asst. Secretary and Treasurer—A. MACK.
Committee Members—R. A. REID, R. G. MANSON, A. R. P. HALL.
HOCKEY SECTION. — The Hockey Section has a record
for recent seasons which compares favourably with that of
any other section of the Athletic Club. Were it not for
lack of ground, the section would undoubtedly be represented
by more than the three strong teams which exist at
present. There will, however, probably be vacancies for
those who desire to take up the game this season, as rather
more members have gone down this year than is usual.
New members will find plenty of scope in University hockey,
since each team has a representative and very full list of
local fixtures, and in addition Inter-'Varsity games have
been arranged for both First and Wanderers XI.'s. The
First XI. will also be on tour in England for four days in
Freshers who have no outstanding ability at any winter
game, and who desire to keep thoroughly fit, cannot do
better than take up hockey.
WOMEN'S HOCKEY SECTION. — If you have played hockey
before, come out and show us how it's done; if you have
never played before, come out and be shown. You will
get to know people better after a game of hockey than you
will in a lecture room; your mind will be so fresh that your
work will seem simple! Come out and try it.
Apart from personal benefits it is your duty to your
University to offer your services on its behalf. Matches
are arranged for three elevens every Saturday, and can be
arranged for a fourth eleven if there are sufficient members.
There are also practices every Wednesday, starting in
The first three elevens travel to Edinburgh, the first and
second to St. Andrews, and the first eleven goes on tour in
Further information can be had from the Secretary.
Hon. President—DR G. E. ALLAN.
Hon. Vice-President—MR R. A. Ross.
Hon. Secretary—SHEENA M. DOBBIE,
Hon. Treasurer—JANET G. MCARTHUR.
Extra Member of Committee—MARY W. PEARSON.
RUGBY SECTION. — If you have played Rugger at school,
or even if you haven't, you would be well advised to join
the Rugger Club. Here are a few facts that prospective
members should know.
The Rugger Club maintains a high position among the
Scottish and Irish Universities. If this position is to be
maintained and improved on, it needs your youthful
enthusiasm to replace the gaps in its ranks which appear
with every graduation.
It's the most popular club; the subscription is moderate
(12s. 6d.), and to suit the earnest student who wants to
keep fit, matches and practices are arranged so that they
do not clash with classes and 'Varsity holidays. It offers
you good fun, good teamfellows, and a good hard game in
which all your faculties will be exercised.
There are five XV's, and this year we may run more.
Practices will be held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at
3 o'clock, and these commence on the 1st of September,
Notices for new members will be posted on the notice
boards in the Union and at Westerlands.
Hon. President—Roy YOUNG.
Captain—H. C. MCLAREN.
Vice-Captain—T. F. STEWART.
Hon. Secretary—E. F. HILL.
Hon. Assist. Secretary—J. E. TIELorsoN.
Additional Members of Committee—D. M. ARMSTRONG, H. M. MURRAY
SHINTY SECTION.—This is one of the best sections in the
University. The game itself dates back to the second century,
though rumour has it that it was while playing shinty
that Cain lost his rag and socked Abel. However, be that as
it may, dear fresher, we offer you one of the oldest games
that is now being played. It may be that you have never
handled a stick, in that case come up and learn. On the
other hand you may be an accomplished player, so join the
section and you are sure of your place in the 1st XII. The
subscription is small, and the game offers you everything
in the way of exercise, for shinty is the only game in which
every muscle in the body is called into use.
The club did not shine last year, but great things are
expected this session. We intend having a game with
Dublin University, to be played in Ireland, sometime
about November.
The following are the office-bearers :-
President—A. J. FRASER.
Captain—R. ALLISON.
Vice-Captain—R. J. CAMPBELL.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—D. M. MACINNES.
Assistant Secretary—J. MACLEAN.
Additional Member—D. CURRIE.
MEN'S SWIMMING SECTION. — The Good Book says
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness," and this comparatively
young but thriving section will teach you to approach as
near to natural piety as Varsity life will allow. We have a
place for everybody. To the learners we offer help and
sympathy, to the more expert, the opportunity of representing
Glasgow in Inter-Varsity events (which include
such fixtures as Aberdeen, Dublin, Edinburgh, etc.), and
also in the water polo league.
Combine all this with the thought that swimming is the
Sport of Beggars and you have the alluring vision that can
be realised for the insignificant sum of 7s. 6d., which
includes admission to the pond on practice nights.
A word to Freshers: to prevent that feeling of something
the dustman forgot to collect which usually clouds the first
few months at Varsity, join an athletic club, preferably
one like this whose size enables you to be quickly adopted
as something human.
If you are interested enough to desire fuller particulars, a
note left on the Union board will receive prompt attention.
Captain—R. COULTER.
Vice-Captain—C. TOWERS.
Hon. Secretary—L. G. MACLACHLAN.
Hon. Treasurer—I. HUTCHIESON.
WOMEN'S SWIMMING SECTION. — Be in the splash! We
want U in! (Sorry, Mr Green!). If you can't swim we
will hold up your chin, and if you can, do come along.
Even if you swim for another club there is nothing in
either the Western Counties' or the G.U.A.C. rules to
deter you from representing your University.
We have vacancies in our teams, and we are looking for new
talent to uphold our records. Be a member of the team
and see Britain! This session we were as far south as
Leeds and as far north as Aberdeen.
Practices and training at Cranstonhill Baths every
Monday from 8.45 p.m.-9.30 p.m. There are two ponds —
one for our section only, and one for mixed bathing with
the men's section.
The annual subscription for three terms is 5s., and the
summer term alone costs you 2s. 6d., both these subs.
including admission to the pond.
Come up and see us sometime!
President—METTA NELMES, B.Sc.
Vice-President—R6ss McLEon.
The Dialectic Society
"My wet tears washed my weary cheek,
I could have died but could not speak."
W. C. Roscoe.
MEN who speak do so in one of two ways,
either through the hole in their hat or
through the orifice with which an indulgent
Providence has endowed them. The Dialectic
Society exists to cure the former and
encourage the latter. And lest such
encouragement should cause the tongue
to wag the man, he is constantly being
reminded that floods of eloquence can only
be used to generate conviction when they
are damned.
There is, however, another breed of men for whom the
majestic periods of Cicero are so much bunk. Such men
believe that Silence and Strength are synonymous. By
giving to them an opportunity and a stimulus to pour forth
their invective, to rise in rhapsodies and generally to show
Cicero how he ought to have done it, the Dialectic Society
is a safety valve for the embittered.
The Fresher, however, is in a class by himself. He is a
fastidious bird (rara avis) and gets special treatment. The
tit-bit for him is the Sir Robert Horne Competitive Prize,
about which an announcement appears elsewhere in this
Now it takes all sorts, if we may indulge in a generalisation,
to make a world. So if any there be who dislike or
despise the Dialectic let them come to our meetings and
cough it up. They will at least relieve their feelings,
though they may not change the Society.
Speech is proverbially silver; but gold has been universally
abandoned. And surely everyone, except Mr Roscoe,
realises that Death, preferable though it be to Dishonour,
is too hefty a price to pay for silence.
" . . . a little list
Of Society offenders . . ."
Hon. PresidentPresident—A.
Senior Vice-President—G. C. WISHART.
Junior Vice-President—R. BROWNING.
Treasurer—L. S. ROBERTSON.
Whip Secretary—H. C. HOWIE.
Assistant Secretary—W. M. HENDRIE.
Secretary—G. S. SMITH.
"If such there be, go mark them well."
THIS Society offers all facilities for acquiring the valuable
accomplishment of expressing one's opinions lucidly,
audibly, and, it is sincerely hoped, gracefully. Subjects
chosen for debate are particularly attractive this season,
and it is hoped that the big opening meeting in October
will introduce the committee to many Freshers anxious to
develop their talents. Incidentally, the Society offers
unrivalled opportunities for social intercourse, and the
Annual Supper provides models of after-dinner oratory.
The subscription is 1s.
President—AVRIL, M. K. READING.
Secretary—MARY LYLE.
Assistant Secretary—LORNA TILLOTSON.
member yet to be elected.
The Mermaid Club.
THERE were many taverns in London
town, but what were the extra attractions
of the now famous Mermaid
which commanded the attendance of
the chief Elizabethan dramatists?
Nymphs may have served the goblets
of sack, may even have drunk it with
the poets, but the chief attraction, we
of the modern Mermaid believe, lay in
keen discussion of topics artistic and
otherwise. So we emulate them by meeting on Tuesday
evenings every fortnight to read a play, refresh ourselves
(with coffee), and then discuss the chosen drama. The
syllabus is comprehensive, including Restoration comedy,
plays by Shakespeare and the minor Elizabethans, a
specimen of Ibsen's realism, modern British drama, and a
Greek play. The discussion is never dull. It is usually
witty, sometimes hilarious and seldom fails to produce
original and profound opinions, a storehouse of which
exists in the minute books of the club. These are indeed
priceless possessions showing the early promise of men now
high in other spheres. Other attractions are the meeting
with the Twelve Club, and the Annual Supper, where
members and staff meet informally.
Membership is limited to about thirty, and is drawn from
the matriculated male students of any faculty. There will
be vacancies this year, and preference is given to students
in the English Honours school, but a leaven of medicals,
divines, and scientists will be welcomed. A special invitation
is extended to men in Higher Ordinary and junior
Honour classes. The annual subscription is 2s. 6d. (3s. for
non-Union members) plus a levy of 6d. per head at each
meeting to cover expenses and coffee.
Applications for membership will be considered at the
first meeting of the Club. They should be addressed to the
Secretary, c/o the Union, not later than 23rd October,
1934, and should state faculty and year, home and town
addresses. It is also necessary for old members wishing to
remain in the club to inform the secretary accordingly.
Hon. Presidents—
Hon. Vice-President—AIR PETER ALEXANDER.
President—I. J. HISLOP.
Vice-Presidents—W. E. MUIR, M.A., R. BURNS, D. C. JOHNSTON.
Queen Margaret College Twelve Club.
THIS Club came into being to satisfy a definite need in
Q.M. College life, its object being the informal discussion
of works of dramatic interest.
To ensure that informality which is the principal feature
of the Club, the membership (which is open to all women
students of any Faculty or School) is restricted to Twelve.
This winter there are three vacancies, however, and all
those desiring to become members are invited to apply in
writing to the Secretary before 23rd October, 1934, when
the first meeting will be held to discuss the plays for the
Subsequent meetings are held fortnightly and at each
meeting a paper is read on the chosen play, this being
followed by open discussion. There is an annual joint
meeting with the Mermaid Club, and this year the Twelve
will act as hostesses. As this year is the Tenth Anniversary
of the foundation of the Twelve Club, we hope to invite the
former members — who rejoice in the "fishy" title of the
"Whales" — to visit us and celebrate the occasion in
proper fashion. The Twelve Club also holds a dinner at
the close of the Summer Term. Subscription 3s, 6d.
President—ENID S. DOBBIE.
5ecretary—ANNIE DICK.
The Poetry Society.
"Beauty is truth . . ."
IN a day of frenzied individualism, it is good while we have
leisure and before our souls are deadened by a cosmopolitanism
of culture, to lay aside momentary politics and seek
fellowship with the great minds of all ages. Outwardly in
the world, we have denied the right of the wise men to
guide us towards the things they have found most worth
while in life, and the petty treacheries of the market-place
have permeated all social intercourse. We have lost our
natural morality and with it our whole sense of values, and
all tradition is suspect.
Few ways are left by which the fundamental human
sympathies and broad "understanding" of ends may be
restored. In the Poetry Society we do not seek "the moral
of the piece" — for the meaning and content of art is of an
entirely different order from that of the more practical
moralists of the pulpit and tract — it is purely subjective.
The poets are the most acutely sensible of all human beings,
and only at such a time as this are they neglected — and so
the wisdom of the ages, which is the fruit of bearing without
complaint the whole burden of the mystery, is also lost
to us.
If we seek then to maintain within these University walls
some vestiges of an orthodoxy of feeling, you will find it a
different orthodoxy from that of the lecture-room, and we
are not hidebound by dogma or traditional outlook.
Naturally, the great masters of English verse absorb most
of our discussions, but where a member has peculiar views
on the merit of a Francois Villon, he is encouraged to give
reason why they should become generally accepted. From
this year we are admitting women to full membership of the
Society. We are a comparatively small group and would
not have it otherwise, but our engrossing purpose prevents
us degenerating into a society for mutual admiration.
The only credential for membership is a real enthusiasm
for Poetry.
Hon. President—PROF. Wm. D. NIVLN, D.D.
Hon. Vice-President—MR R. G. AUSTIN, M.A.
Secretary—SIDNEY ADAMSON, M.A., The Union.
Dramatic Club.
THIS club has changed its policy in the past year. Last
season we had very few meetings for the reading of plays and
three productions in the Unions of the University, besides
four union productions outside. These have proved very
popular and successful, and the production policy has been
approved by the club and will continue next year.
All the productions will be in the Union, and the provisional
programme is as follows:-
December, 1934 Shaw's Man of Destiny.
Baring's Catherine Parr.
A one-act play by Dio.
January, 1935 Shaw's Dark Lady of the Sonnets, and
other one-act plays.
April, 1935 Rudolph Bisier's Barretts of Wimpole
A social evening will be announced early in the first
term, to which freshers will be cordially invited.
These productions, of course, are still to be cast, and we
hope that freshers will come to the casting meetings as they
are announced. Anyone willing to take on stage-management
work or costume and scene designing will be welcomed
with open arms, as the Union stage and lighting
arrangements present some ticklish problems which will
take some energy and ingenuity to solve.
Make this a record year for the Dramatic Club, ye freshers
and other enthusiasts!
Musical Society.
DON'T be scared out of reading this by thinking that we are
a very erudite society. The society was founded for the
benefit of those people who like music but do not know
much about it. There must be, amongst all of you, a great
number who would like to understand the music which you
enjoy so much. We want to help all of you as much as we
can, and this we aim to do by a number of instrumental and
gramophone recitals.
Come along, all of you, and support us. If you are
interested you will see an opening announcement on the
notice boards, or, if you prefer, leave a note on the Union
notice board for CLIFFORD HYMANS, interim secretary.
"Among the smaller duties of life, I
hardly know any one more pleasant
than that of not praising where praise
is not due." —SYDNEY SMITH.
"No one can economise like me."
"The right divine of kings to govern
wrong.'' —POPE.
"His was the subtle look and sly
That, spying all, seems nought to spy."
"Did you ever see a dream walking?"
President, The Union, 1934-35
"To call her a young lady, with all
its niming associations, would be to
offer her an insult." —STEVENSON.
"Her stature tall, I hate a dumpy
woman." —BYRON.
Secretary, The Union, 1934-35
"Some have greatness thrust upon
President, Q.M. Union, 1934-35
Secretary, Q.M. Union, 1934-35
Photos by Lafayette.
The Ellington Society.
(By permission of Duke Ellington).
ALTHOUGH not a University Society, many members of the
Ellington Society are students, and it is hoped that by the
time this notice appears, many more students will be
The purpose of the Society is to further the understanding
of modern Negro music and particularly that of Duke
Ellington, by increasing facilities for hearing it and comparing
views. At present, informal meetings are held once
a fortnight. However, efforts are being made to obtain a
private club-room, in which case meetings will be more
The only necessary qualifications are, first, an interest in
"Swing Music," and second, the ability to pay 2s. per
Hon. President—DUKE ELLINGTON nominated.
Secretary—IAN MUNRO-SMYTH, 29 Lansdowne Crescent,
Assistant Secretary—FRED. I. CHRISTIE.
Camera Club.
LAST session a small but enthusiastic band of camera-owners
met regularly under the title of "The Photo-Art
Club." Not a few of us were at first entirely ignorant of
everything in photography, except that you pressed the
button, handed the film to a chemist, and hoped for the
best. Yet it was found that many outside the club
regarded us as a set of highbrows who prowled around
armed with massive cameras and tripods, diving below a
black cloth at the slightest provocation, and whose talk
was too technical for ordinary consumption. Upon cross-examination
we traced this fallacy to an unsuspected
origin — the name, "Photo-Art" — and accordingly we
changed it to the title of this article.
The Camera Club is for all cives who use a camera, be it
box Brownie or whole-plate reflex. If you know nothing
about photography you can learn how to improve the
quality of your snapshots and how to save money by doing
your own developing and printing. We have members
who will be glad to give advice and help. If you already
know a lot, come and learn more. We have talks and
demonstrations by some of the best photographers in and
out of Glasgow.
Exhibitions of members' work will be held occasionally
throughout the session, so that you can compare your own
work with that of others.
The syllabus will include a number of talks and demonstrations
by amateurs and professionals, photographic
expeditions, and visits to places of photographic interest.
The club subscription of 1s. 6d. includes the use of a
dark room. Look out for the notice of the first meeting,
and roll up whether you are already a member or not.
Hon. Secretary—ANGUS M. THOMSON.
Hon. Treasurer—E. LUNDEOLAI.
Q.M. Convener and Secretary—Miss D. PATERSON.
Photographers by Appoint-ment
to His Majesty KING
University Students
Special Reduction of
331/3% allowed to all
University Students
Tekphone: 2393 Douglas.
TelePhone: 2393 Douglas.
Student Christian Movement.
THE Student Christian Movement is the largest student
organisation in the world. It is part of the World
Student Christian Federation, whose 300,000 members are
represented in almost every country where there are
colleges or universities. Membership is open to all
students who "desire to understand the Christian Faith
and live the Christian Life." This desire, which obviously
involves no denominational restrictions, is the only condition
of membership.
The main activity of the movement is centred in its
study circles. These meet once a week at the most convenient
hour, and at them members meet and discuss
Christianity in all its aspects. A series of open meetings
will be held during the winter at 1.15 p.m., and at these we
hope to have as speakers men of international reputation.
The Student Volunteer Missionary Union is an integral
part of the S.C.M. It is composed of those who have
signed the declaration: "It is my purpose, if God permit,
to devote my life to missionary service abroad."
An opening smoker will be held at the beginning of term,
to which all students are invited. Freshers will be specially
These are the chief of the many varied activities of the
S.C.M., and not least important is the fellowship which is
to be found in the movement. Such a fellowship, founded
on the Christian faith, can and does have a lasting influence
on students as individuals, and on the University as a
whole. Come along and join us.
Hon. President—DR. W. D. LAMONT.
Hon. Vice-President—DR. R. P. GILLESPIE,
President—L. W. G. GRAY.
Secretary—DAVID C. ORR.
Study Secretary—NORMAN BOWMAN,
Treasurer—G. S. SMITH.
Freshers' Secretary—D. MACFARLAN.
inter-Collegiate Secretary—ROBERT MILLER, M.A.
Student Christian Movement in Queen Margaret
THE S.C.M. in Q.M.C. is a fellowship of women who desire
to understand the Christian Faith and to lead the Christian
life. This desire is the only condition of membership.
To this end study circles are held for those who wish to
devote some of their time to studying the religious, social
and international problems of the day. Informal talks are
given and discussions held at 3d teas on Tuesday afternoons
and Friday forenoons. Prayers are held jointly with
S.C.M. in G.U. every week.
Bills of all our activities are put up and should be
studied in Q.M. Union.
'We invite all women who are interested in the aim of the
Movement to come to any of our meetings, and we hope
that all Freshers will make a point of coming to one of our
opening meetings to discover for themselves how real is the
fellowship within the Movement.
Hon. Presidents—
Secretary—ANNA M. KEITH.
Study Secretary—BARBARA M. REID.
Glasgow University Christian Students' Fellowship.
(Affiliated to the Inter-'Varsity Fellowship of Evangelical
THE Christian Students' Fellowship is a society of men and
women who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and
God, and believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
The Fellowship exists to help its members to a better
understanding of the Christian truths and to lead other
students to a personal experience of Christ's saving and
keeping power.
A variety of meetings are carried through in the "C.S.F.
Room" in Hillhead House, University Avenue. One of the
few societies which meets daily, the Fellowship holds a
prayer meeting each day at 1.30 p.m.; and devotional,
discussion and missionary meetings — duly advertised — are
held throughout the session. Informal meetings are held on
Friday afternoons at 4 p.m., and study circles are arranged
later at times to suit members.
A Retreat is held at Craigmore in the week-end immediately
preceding opening of 'Varsity and during the Easter
vacation the corresponding societies of the four Scottish
Universities unite in a Conference at Bonskeid House,
Pitlochry; while a similar Conference for all British Universities
is held at High Leigh, Herts.
A cordial invitation is given, therefore, to all men and
women students of all faculties to come and share this
fellowship. There is no annual subscription, but the
financial needs are met by voluntary gifts. The secretary
or any other member of the committee will be glad to
supply further particulars.
Hon. President—THE RT. HON. SIR THOMAS INSKIP, P.C., K.C.,
C.B.E., M.A., M.P.
Secretary—FRANCIS R. BADENOCH, 28 Arlington Street,
Glasgow, C.3.
Treasurer—Miss ELLA M. DALE.
Missionary Secretary—W. E. C. TAYLOR.
Church of Scotland Undergraduate Union.
IT is very strongly desired to bring the existence and
activities of this society to the notice of all matriculated
students of the University and Extra-mural colleges.
The society primarily exists to promote social intercourse
among its members, and to discuss literary, social and
religious topics, but it is fervently hoped that the cohesion
thus caused among the students will act as a bond of
strength and faith throughout their lives.
A very attractive session is promised by the current
syllabus, which shows a variety of socials and debates,
which will be held fortnightly in Trinity College, Lynedoch
Street, on Saturday evenings, as advertised.
A special invitation is extended to all freshers, who need
not feel bashful about joining, for it is the society's pleasure
to make everyone feel "at home."
The subscription is now ls., and notice of the first meeting
will be advertised in October.
Hon. President—The REV. W. MACKINTOSH MACKAY, D.D.
Vice-President--Miss C. B. MACGREGOR.
Secretary—MISS MARY G. Ross, 1 Park Drive, C.4.
Treasurer—ROBERT F. R. LOGAN.
Glasgow University and Trinity College Theological
THE Society exists for the purpose of discussing theological
subjects and practical questions concerning Church and
religion. During session 1934-35 meetings will be held
usually on alternate Monday evenings in Trinity College.
All students in theology are eligible for membership. The
annual subscription is sixpence.
Hon. President—PROF. D. M. BAILLIE, D.D.
President—HENRY R. FERRIE, M.A.
Vice-President—HUGH 0. DOUGLAS, M.A.
Treasurer—GEORGE W. H. LOUDON, M.A.
Catholic Men's Society.
THE primary object of this Society being "to provide a
University centre for religious facilities for Catholic
students," membership is essential to all Catholic men
students if their University life is to be complete; moreover,
it is a duty which we hope you will recognise.
The chaplaincy for students is at 1 St. John's Terrace,
Southpark Avenue, where Mass is said daily. All Catholic
freshmen should call on the chaplain, Rev. W. E. Brown,
M.A., D.D., in the first fortnight of term.
The success of the Catholic Students' Societies depends
on the work you put into them. We ask you, therefore,
to take an active part in our functions, particularly to
attend monthly Mass and Communion on the first Saturday
of every month at 8.45 a.m. at St. Aloysius', Garnethill.
Breakfast is served for those desiring it in the Catholic
Institute at a cost of 1s. 3d.
Study circles meet frequently to discuss medicine, law,
and philosophy. Noted Catholic speakers will address
meetings in the Union from time to time. The syllabus
supplies all information as regards social functions.
Come to the inaugural meeting on October 23rd.
Hon. President—STEUART N. MILLER, M.A.
University Chaplain—REV. . W. E. BROWN, M.A., D.D., 1 St. John's
President—JOHN A. MCKAY.
Senior Vice-President---D. GEMSON, M.A.
Junior Vice-President—J. G. CHAMBERS.
Hon. Secretary—P. G. MCGRATH, 60 Novar Drive, W.2.
Hon Treasurer—T. KYLE, 44 Kilmaurs Street, Glasgow, S.W.
Hon. Sen. Treasurer—J. R. LYONS, M.A., LL.B.
Assistant Secretary—JAS. A. O'Coxxon.
Convener, Lanarkshire Group—J. M'NALLY.
Catholic Women's Association.
THE Society was founded:-
1. To unite Catholic University women in common
interests and to promote social intercourse among
2. To establish international friendly relations with
Catholic students of other Universities;
3. To assist in work relating to social reconstruction,
especially in Glasgow.
Those eligible for membership are all Catholic women,
past or present students of Glasgow University. Throughout
the session lectures are given on religious, literary and
social subjects.
The annual subscription, payable in October, is 2s. 6d.
Ossianic Society.
(Instituted 1831).
THE Ossianic Society has proved a valuable asset to many
a Highland student in the past — and it does so still! It
provides the best introduction to the less serious side of
University life, and so acts as the all-essential tonic to aid
the digestion of the more serious bookwork.
The Ossianic is one of the oldest societies in the University,
having an honourable history of one hundred and
three sessions; and many distinguished Gaels have been
numbered among its members. The lapse of years has but
added to its activities and interest, and it is at present one
of the most vigorous and successful, not only of University
societies, but of Highland societies in Glasgow. It forms a
centre for social intercourse among students from the North
and West, and so constitutes for them both a link with
home and an introduction to the corporate life of
The object of the Society is the discussion of subjects
of literary and topical interest, to stimulate Celtic ideals,
and to uphold the honourable traditions of the past, its
motto being Ossian's advice to Oscar — "Leansa dluth ri
cliu do shinnsear":"Close follow in your father's noble
The atmosphere of all the meetings is very homely, and
the diffidence which is so apt at first to beset the young
student is quickly dispelled; quite unconsciously he soon
finds himself taking an active part in the discussions.
Ordinary meetings are held from October to March on
Fridays at 7.30 p.m. in the Political Economy class-room.
Two meetings are conducted entirely in Gaelic, and there
are also inter-debates with Glasgow Ceilidh nan Gaidheal
(in Gaelic), and with the Dialectic Society and the Dumfries
and Galloway Society. An inter-debate with the
Celtic Societies of Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities
is held each year in each city in turn. The Society has also
various social activities, including a Picnic, a Re-Union
Dance, and a number of Musical Evenings and Dances
throughout the session (including a Charities' Day Fancy
Dress Dance).
The membership fee is only 2s. 6d., and all interested
are eligible for membership — men or women — whether
at Gilmorehill, Jordanhill, or any other college in the city.
Gather round, Freshers, and help make this a bumper
session. After you have seen the Adviser of Studies, roll
along to our Freshers' Smoker and meet the committee —
your older brothers and sisters, who are eagerly awaiting
you. There is no charge for this Smoker, and ladies who
don't smoke will be carefully catered for.
The Secretary is always ready to give you extra information,
and any member of the committee will be delighted
to sell you a syllabus — and even "tick" is not unknown.
Give us a trial. If you are satisfied, tell your friends; if
not, tell us.
" Thigibh 'nur ceudan, is gheibh sibh failte is furan."
Hon. President—NEIL Ross, B.D., D.LITT.
HECTOR A. MACLEAN, 5 Beltane Street, C.3.,
Dumfries and Galloway Society.
THE year after Bishop Turnbull founded the University,
history relates that someone started the D. and G. Society:
But though old and hoary, we're very young at heart.
Saltire House (that's in Ashley Street, off Woodlands
Road) is a revelation on D. and G. evenings. We dance,
debate, picnic and dine, Palais on occasions, and even
support Queen of the South en masse and with great gusto.
All our meetings have an original touch about them!
Even those who doubt it and come to scoff remain to play.
So, if you belong to Dumfries, Galloway or the Stewartry,
come along and meet all your old friends. If by misfortune
you weren't horn in God's Own Counties, we'll overlook it
and in return for the modest sub. of 2s. 6d. make you one of
ourselves. Watch the quad. for our opening notices!
President—A. G. SILLITO.
Vice-Presidents—Miss N. EWART, J. H. GIBSON.
Secretary—J. D. CRAWFORD, The Union.
Treasurer—W. McNAE.
Glasgow Indian Union.
GLASGOW Indian Union has been doing very useful work in
the past in pursuance of the following aims and objects:-
1. To bring together Indians in Glasgow and (by
meetings and social gatherings) to promote interest
amongst them in affairs relating to India and her
2. To encourage free interchange of views amongst its
members on subjects conducive to the welfare of
the Union and its members;
3. To extend a knowledge of India among British
people and foreigners.
The activities of the Union comprise meetings, social
gatherings, dances, sports, also picnics, outings, and inter-society
debates. The last items are specially arranged with
a view to disseminating the knowledge of real Indian life
amongst the British people in order to foster mutual
friendship between the two countries.
The membership is open to all Indians (including
Burmese and Ceylonese), and others are welcome to join
as "Associate Members," for which a subscription of 5s.
per annum is levied.
Come all, give what you can and take what we have.
The more the merrier.
Tea is served at all the meetings. Interested friends
are cordially invited to all our functions.
flln. President—E. RosSLYN MITCHELL, ESQ., LL.B., J.P.
President—D. D. WATTS, Esg., M.Sc.
Vice-President—H. C. RAUT, ESQ., B.A.
Treasurer—D. C. DASGUPTA, ESQ., B.Sc.
Information Secretary—S. C. GHOSH, ESQ.
Athletic Secretary—N. C. S. KUMAR, ESQ., M.Sc.
Librarian—A. K. DUTT, ESQ., B.Sc.
Glasgow University African Races Association.
The Association was founded in 1917 to afford opportunity
for intimate intercourse among African students in the
The aims and objects of the Association are1.
The promotion of closer union of Africans and
African descendants in the British Isles.
2. The discussion of subjects pertaining to, or affecting,
the general welfare of the African race.
3. The reading of papers from time to time by its
members or such members of other races as are
interested as representatives of the particular
country or colony from which they come, or
with which they are acquainted.
The Association has had an interesting programme
during the past session. A few of the best items included
lectures from Professor Graham Kerr and Professor Stockman,
and an Inter-Society Debate with the Students'
International Club.
We hope to make the next session more interesting still,
and members of other societies, and interested friends,
are always welcome to our Lectures and Open Debate.
League of Nations Union.
(Affiliated to the British Universities League of Nations
No matter to what political party
or religious creed you may belong,
we welcome you in this society.
Even if you should be a rabid
militarist we invite you to join
us and to take part in our activities
These are difficult days for the
League of Nations, and those who
support its tenets. If you believe
in the League it is your plain duty
to let others take knowledge of
your attitude, and you cannot do
this more effectively than by joining
the League of Nations Union, which is affiliated to the
British Universities League of Nations Society, thus linking
our branch to the numerous University branches throughout
The League may not have accomplished all that has been
expected of it, but it stands in a world of distress and chaos
as a place of asylum for the beleaguered nations. Above
all, it keeps before the eyes of the world the hitherto more
or less unfamiliar figures, Justice and Peace.
As a University Society do we justify our existence?
Most certainly. We hold a series of lunch-hour meetings in
the Debating Hall of the University Union during the
winter and spring terms, and to these meetings we invite
famous public men, who are authorities on their particular
aspects of the complex problem of peace.
We hope to offer you further fellowship with the members
of the society through our study circles. In these you
will hear the opinions of others and be able yourself to make
a contribution to the thought and spirit of the group.
There is also an excellent library, small but up-to-date,
including reports of royal commissions and books by the
leading economists and politicians of our day.
By your attitude towards peace and the circumstances
of your life, you may be able to make a very worthy contribution
to the life and work of the League of Nations
Union. Won't you let us have that contribution ?
President—PERCY A. RODGER.
Vice-President—D. ALLAN EASTON.
Assistant Secretary—IAN YOUNG.
Hon. Treasurer—JAMES G. MCBURNIE.
Librarians—Miss M. CONNOLLY, ALEX. TODD.
Student International Club.
WITH a membership of several hundred students representing
about thirty nationalities, the Student International
Club offers perhaps the fullest possibilities for social
and cultural activity of any club connected with the
University. And unlike most other such clubs we are the
fortunate and proud possessors of handsome and commodious
rooms, at 11 University Gardens. Here British
students have the best possible advantage of coming into
contact with, and understanding overseas people. A great
deal is being said at the present about the respective merits
of the creeds of Nationalism and Internationalism. If it is
meant that by adopting one view a person naturally rules
out the other it is surely a mistake. True Nationalism
consists not in the short-sighted eulogy of one's native
land, but in a proper appreciation of its contribution to
humanity, which, naturally, cannot be properly understood
without some knowledge and appreciation of the contributions
of other countries. Thus the two ideas are not contradictory,
but complementary. The International Club
exists largely to this end. Its weekly lectures and discussions
are formulated with a view to this object, and in
the past they have proved of immense interest and value.
Our club-house at 11 University Gardens is a centre
where students can meet at almost any hour of the day to
play billiards, ping-pong, or the piano, or gather round the
By Appointment to the University
A representative is in attendance in the Exam.
Hall on Graduation Days to HIRE GOWNS
"Unlearned, he knew no schoolman's
subtle art,
No language, but the language of the
By nature honest, by experience wise,
Healthy by temperance, and by
exercise." —POPE.
"His square-turned joints and strength
of limb
Showed him no carpet-knight so trim."
"He was made for the ruination of our
sex." -STERNE.
President, Athletic Club, 1934-35
"Perhaps no person can be a poet,
or even enjoy poetry, without a certain
unsoundness of mind." -MACAULAY.
"Satire's my weapon, but I'm too
To run amuck, and tilt at all I meet."
Secretary, Athletic Club, 1934-35
"To play billiards well is the sign of a
misspent youth." -SPENCER.
"His is the look and manner
Of one who thinks he knows."
Editor, G.U.M., 1934-35
Finance Manager, G.U.M., 1934-35
Photos by Lafayette.
This examination usually takes place during the first
week in September and the first week in March. After
receiving a reply from the Scottish Universities' Entrance
Board, apply to the Registrar's office at the University
for full particulars regarding this examination. This information
is issued free as a pamphlet which gives the
necessary subjects for the examination and recommends
text-books for it. Facilities for private coaching are
Students requiring detailed information and further
advice regarding any course of study should apply to the
Adviser of Studies. For each Faculty a leaflet containing
details of the curriculum is published annually.
A. Engineering B.Sc.—Four-year Honours Course for either
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, or Chemical
Engineering and also for Naval Architecture.
Fee, - - - - £112
B. Medical M.B., Ch.B.—Five-year course.
Fee, - - - - - £250
C. Applied Chemistry B.Sc.—(Either on Technical Chemistry
side or Metallurgical side). Four-year course.
Fee, - - - - - £112
D. Agriculture B.Sc.—Four-year course for Honours arid three
years for Ordinary Degree.
Fee, - - - - - £112
E. Arts or Pure Science M.A. or B.Sc.—Four-year course for
Honours or three years for Ordinary Degree.
Fee M.A. (Ordinary), - - £62
M.A. (Honours), - - £80
M.A. and B.Sc. combined, £148
F. Education Ed.B.—Two-year course. Candidates must
already hold a Degree of a Scottish University or other
University approved by the University Court.
Fee, - - - - - £52
G. Higher Degrees.—Ph.D. in all Faculties. Three years'
research and an approved thesis are required.
Fee, 10 guineas for each entry.
For Ph.D. in the Faculty of Science or Engineering, Laboratory
fee extra.
Approximately, - - - £70
D.Sc. in Science and Engineering. Five years must elapse
after graduation.
Fees as indicated include Tuition and Laboratory Fee,
Matriculation Fee, and Degree Examination Entrance Fee.
The figures given are approximate.
A. The Royal Technical College.—Attendance in Day Courses
at this College is recognised for graduation at the
University for Engineering in all branches, in Applied
Chemistry, in Pharmacy, and in Architecture. Conditions
for courses of study and fees, &c., are the same as
at the University.
B. Glasgow and West of Scotland Agricultural College.—
For B.Sc. Degree in Agriculture. The College also
awards its own Diploma. Attendance at this College is
also recognised for National Diploma in Agriculture
N.D.A. (Leeds)
Diploma in Triple Qualification, viz. :—L.R.C.P.(Edin.),
L.R.S.C.(Edin.), L.R.F.P. and S.(Glas.).
A. Five-year Course. Fee about f150. These examinations
are held every three months either in Edinburgh or
Glasgow. Students who hold qualifications granted by
recognised Universities and Colleges abroad or have
passed any Professional Examinations can obtain certain
exemptions. They must apply to the Secretary, Faculty
Hall, 250 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.
B. Diploma in Dentistry (L.D.S.).—Four-year course.
Fee, - - - - - £125
Apply to the Dental College, 15 Dalhousie Street,
Glasgow, C.3.
Veterinary College.-83 Buccleuch Street, Glasgow, C.3.
Diploma in Veterinary Science. Five-year course.
Fee, - - - - - f108
This can be obtained at the Royal Technical College.
The following courses can be taken:—
A. Sugar Technology.
B. Dyeing, Bleaching, and Calico Printing.
C. Weaving and Textiles.
D. Metallurgy.
These are three-year Day Courses for the Diploma or
four years for the Associateship (A.R.T.C.) of the College.
On the same conditions students can obtain Diplomas or
Associateship in all branches of Engineering and in Applied
Exemptions according to qualifications.
Instruction is also given in various Technical Courses
in the evenings, viz.:—
A. Engineering in all Branches.
B. Technical Chemistry.
C. Textiles.
D. Metallurgy.
E. Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, &c., &c.
Attendance in the evening is NOT recognised for graduation
For fuller particulars apply to the Director, The Royal
Technical College, Glasgow.
A. The University follows the "Sandwich System" of instruction
in Engineering only, i.e., students attend the
University for Lectures and Laboratory instruction
during the winter and are expected to acquire practical
training for six months during the summer in workshops
or with engineering firms.
B. Medical graduates will find many opportunities for postgraduate
work in the clinics of the various General and
Special Hospitals and Infirmaries.
The Students' Representative Council and the Student
International Club assist students in the planning of holidays
by placing at their disposal information regarding
travel facilities both in Great Britain and abroad.
The average cost for board, lodging, clothing, holiday,
and incidental expenses is about L200 per annum, fees
and books extra.
Satisfactory lodgings cannot be obtained for less than
35s. per week. There are no entrance scholarships available
for foreign students. It is not possible for a student
to obtain any employment to assist towards his maintenance
while in the University.
There is in connection with the University a Student
International Club which will he glad to render any service
to intending students.
Distributist Club.
WHILE Dictatorships flourish furiously
in many countries of the world we
fondly imagine that in Great Britain
the Spirit of DEMOCRACY wafts
its weary wings in protection over
us. The truth is that in this country
more perhaps than in any other, save
Russia, the totalitarian state is making
a steady but covert approach.
Under the guise of benevolence the
state by forcing a large section of the
population to remain in supportable
idleness; by taking both the post- and
ante-natal duties of parenthood on its own shoulders; by
setting up Socialistic boards in Agriculture; is fast encroaching
on the individual responsibilities of citizens, which, by
their very nature, compose the very essence of freedom.
These are some of the reasons for the existence in our
University of the Distributist Club. It realises that a
population depending directly on a state for its sustenance
can never really be free, just sa a state can never really be
free if such a section of the community exists. It insists
that the state has no right to usurp the privilege and
duties of parenthood, and that the upbringing and education
of children is primarily a matter for the parents. It
realises that many of our population are either wage or
dole slaves, and that the only way in which our people can
really be liberated is to gvie them as individuals the
opportunities of ownership.
This necessity for individual ownership forces the Distributist
to concentrate at first on the problem of re-population
of the land. Agriculture must be the basis of every
well-constructed economic edifice, and therefore the Distributist
attempts to build his political and industrial policy
upon the foundation of a vast field of peasant ownership.
It would be wrong, however, to imagine that the Distributist
policy stops at the land. Its leading principles can
be applied just as successfully to every shade of industrial
life. It is the only policy now in existence which can stand
against the insistent onrush of materialism, and it struggles
constantly against the evils of Communism and Capitalism
That such ideas have found favour with a large number
of undergraduates in our University is evidenced by the
overwhelming success of the Distributist Club during last
session, when it created a record. by winning the first and
only three debates in which it participated. It does not
neglect the social side, and Distributist dances are among
the few successes in the College.
Hon. President — G. K. CHESTERTON. President—J. QUIGLEY.
Secretary—J. A. O'CONNOR, The Union.
Whip Secretary—J. C. CRAIG. Q,M. Convener—Miss MURRAY.
The Liberal Club.
THE Glasgow University Liberal
Club exists to form a centre of
Liberalism in the University, and
to keep students of Liberal opinions
in touch with Liberalism throughout
the country. Our activities in the
University include Rectorial, Union
Parliamentary Debates, study
circles, dances, smokers, and other
social functions. Outside the Uni-versity
we send delegates to the
Conference of University Liberal
Clubs (which was held in Glasgow this year); we assist at
General Elections, bye-elections, campaigns, and many of
the smaller meetings which are continually being held.
In the past the Club has taken part in activities all over the
country — Cheshire, Flintshire, Manchester, Galloway, Cambridge,
Argyllshire, Ayrshire, Stirlingshire, East Fife, and
Kilmarnock are some of the districts we have visited in the
course of our activities — and all expenses are paid, so all
that is required of you is the time and enthusiasm. Last
session the Club did not do very much in this direction, but
in the coming session we intend to develop this side of our
activities again, and are looking for speakers. Begin by
attending the study circles and learning the Liberal policy.
To have no association with any party, to have no interest
in politics, to know nothing about politics, seems to be the
highest ambition of many students to-day students who
are supposed to be at 'Varsity to get a general education.
But Democracy requires that all citizens shall have some
interest in politics: otherwise apathy opens the door to
corrupt government, dictatorship, and other evils. University
graduates have been given an extra vote in the
belief that they know more about politics and are entitled
to a larger share in the government of the country. Justify
that belief! Play a leading part in politics! Start now!
If you do not know what your political sympathies are,
come along to our study circles, come along to any study
circles, and find out. If you are a Liberal begin by joining
the Club — apply to the Whip Secretary or Q.M. Whip
Secretary — membership 6d. But that is not enough.
With our large membership it is impossible to keep in
touch with all our members. Come along to study circles,
debates, and dances. Get to know some of the committee;
the members of our committee are drawn from every sphere
in the University, so you will be seeing some of them every
day in classes and elsewhere; we have a well-organised
Q.M. section. Our committee members are pledged to
make every effort to get into touch with you.
There is little room in this article to deal with our policy,
but a few general principles can be given. Liberalism
exists to uphold the principles of Peace, Liberty, and
Social Justice. It is a creed for all classes, it is opposed to
any form of class war, and seeks to do justice by all classes.
Liberalism is not dead any more than Christianity is dead:
Liberalism cannot die so long as Christianity is a force in
the world. The goal of Liberalism is still far from being
attained. Many people say that the politics of the future
will be Unionism against Socialism, with the Liberals as an
insignificant middle party, and other policies nowhere:
but really (behind the scenes at the moment) the fight will
be between Liberalism and Distributism on the one side,
and Socialism and Fascism on the other, with the Unionists
somewhere in between. It would be nearer the mark to
put Liberalism between Socialism and Distributism than
between Socialism and Unionism. As for Scottish Nationalism,
it stands rather apart. The Liberals support the
principle of Scottish Home Rule, but differ in many ways
from the Nationalists. The Liberal Club regards the policy
of "Scotland first, last, and all the time" as selfish, anti-Liberal,
and narrow-minded; and hence as being utterly
un-Scottish. The Liberals have a very definite and very
comprehensive policy to put before the country, a policy
which is entirely distinct from the policies of other parties.
Look out for notices of study circles and addresses by
prominent Liberals.
Now, as ever, we want your help; every vote is needed;
turn out and vote for us whenever you can. But remember,
we can also help you and give you ample return for anything
you do for us. Liberal social functions never vary—
they are always a great success from every point of view.
At Union debates and elsewhere we can give you training
and opportunities for public speaking. A University
political club has often been the first step in a great political
Now at this time of crisis, when people are turning from
the so-called National Government, the Liberals are ready
to offer an alternative to Socialism. The University
Liberal Club has had a glorious past, but we do not dwell
on that. We are looking forward to still greater successes
in the future, starting, we hope, this session. Join the
Liberal Club. Vote Liberal.
Hon. President—SIR ARCHIBALD SINCLAIR, Bart., C.M.G., M.P.
President—T. H. Souma.
Vice-Presidents—(Senior)—NIALL KENNEDY.
(Junior)—A. L. WILSON, J. H. HIGH.
Hon. Secretary—WILLIAM FORSYTH, The Union.
Whip Secretary—ROBERT T. THOMSON.
Correspondence Secretary—DAVID AITKEN.
Convener of Social Activities—H. B. COWAN.
Assistant Secretary—A. D. WEIR.
Assistant Whip Secretary—WILLIAM BELL.
Q.M. Convener—Miss ISOBEL J. ROGERS.
Q.M. Secretary—MISS ANNE FYFE.
Q.M. Whip Secretary—MISS DORA L. PHILP.
Q.M. Assistant Secretary—Miss JESS. WATERS.
Scottish Nationalist Association.
No one, I think, will deny that Scotland
is to-day in desperate straits.
She is impoverished, not only financially
and industrially, but also in the
cultural and spiritual sense. It is
obvious that Scottish affairs cannot
possibly receive proper attention at the
Westminster Parliament, that Scottish
trade is being sacrificed for the benefit
of England, and that, through this
state of affairs, Scotland is suffering
intellectually, morally, and socially.
It was the recognition of these facts
which caused a group of students in 1928 to form Glasgow
University Scottish Nationalist Association. The objects
of this Association were, and still are, twofold:—(1) to
secure self-government for Scotland within the British
Empire, and (2) to advance the ideals of Scottish culture
within and without the University. It is only by these
means that we can restore the fallen prestige of Scotland.
And now six years have elapsed, and the Association has
accomplished much. In the first year of its existence, it
fought the Rectorial Election with Mr R. B. Cunninghame
Graham as candidate. Mr Graham was very narrowly
defeated by Mr Baldwin, the Tory nominee, who at that
time was Prime Minister of Great Britain. On the men's
vote, indeed, he actually beat Baldwin, but, unfortunately,
sentiment caused the Q.M. electors to vote solidly for the
Prime Minister, and this finally won the day for our opponents.
The spark which was set glowing by that fight burst
into a triumphant flame in 1931 when Mr Compton MacKenzie
was returned as the first Nationalist Lord Rector
in face of opposition from four powerful political opponents.
And now we have come to another Rectorial. Mr R. B.
Cunninghame Graham, "the most gifted of living Scots,"
has consented to stand again as the Nationalist nominee.
Here stands a man who represents the very best of Scottish
life, a man of outstanding literary and cultural distinction,
a man who towers head and shoulders over carpet-bagging
politicians and local landlords. It is your duty to see that
this fine man, representing a cause which is progressive and
non-political in the sense of being super-political, it is your
duty, I say, to ensure that such a man tops the poll by a
record majority.
The Association, non-partisan and non-sectarian in formation,
welcomes men and women of every shade of
political opinion. All we ask of them is to consider the
interests of their country first. A Scottish Nationalist is
not necessarily an enemy of other countries, and the Association
welcomes to its meetings students of all Nationalities
for exchange of views and opinions.
We also run a great number of social meetings during the
winter, and we invite all students to attend these. When
you join — the membership is only sixpence — you will find
a list of all these events in our syllabus. Don't delay joining,
you'll find that we give a real Scottish welcome to new
members, and that you have joined the finest and most
efficient organisation in the whole of university life.
Hon. President—R. B. CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM, D.L., J.P.
Hon. Vice-PresidentsTHE
President—HAROLD H. Mulgao.
Vice-Presidents—MISS IsA MACKAY and G. S. THOMSON.
Honorary Secretary—EWEN G. S. TRAILL.
Honorary Treasurer—J. W. SEGGIE.
Whip Secretaries—Senior, IAIN MACALISTER; Junior, ALAN
Q.M. Secretary—Miss MOIRA WHYTE.
(Recognised Teacher of Public Speaking and Reading to Glasgow University and Trinity College)
Telephone :
Douglas 4074
Socialist Club.
WE are living to-day in a world whose
chief characteristics are confusion and
misunderstanding. Our civilisation is
obviously breaking, and the resultant
disorder has placed men and women
everywhere in positions of want and
insecurity. So far as production is
concerned, the problem of poverty is
solved. We live in a world of plenty
and millions of people are destitute.
We live in an age of peace and every
nation is burdened with ever-increasing
armaments and oppressed by the fear
of war. The truth is, that capitalism has failed. An
industrial system based on individual profit has proved
itself incapable of meeting the needs of the modern world.
All over Europe we see the terror of those to whom the old
system means security and unworked-for comfort and
wealth. By limitation of output and destruction of crops,
by economic nationalism demonstrated by the raising of
tariff barriers and currency manipulation, and most significant
of all, by the growth of Fascism, the capitalists seek
to bolster up a system which is rotten and outworn, by
methods whose inevitable outcome is war. This atmosphere
of impending conflict and intense nationalism makes
recovery appear to be a fantastic dream. There does exist
a solution, and that is Socialism. The development and
progress of the U.S.S.R. has proved conclusively that a
Socialist state can exist and prosper in an otherwise
capitalist world.
Tories and Liberals, hampered by a past which shackles
them to the ideals of Victorian timocracy, range themselves
with the older generation, whose management of the
nation's affairs has been so singularly futile, in viewing
with apprehension change and revolution. But the younger
generation, you and I, would be sacrificing our rights if
we failed to hail the breaking of a new day. It is to the
future we must look, not to the mistakes and wrangles of
the past. Socialism alone has the future before it, and a
vast system to reconstruct in the interest of public service.
It stands for the eradication of class distinctions, equality of
opportunity, a true internationalism which will ensure peace
and the right of every man to self-expression in an individuality
that will reach its highest end in the promotion
of the common good.
If this movement has not your support, let it have at
least your consideration. Come to the conference we are
holding in the University in January; attend the study
circles and the mid-day meetings, particulars of which will
be found in the syllabus. Our dances, too, are famous, and
are second to none for genuine pleasure and happy informality.
Even Tories admit this.
This is Rectorial Year. We appeal to every Socialist in
the University, to everyone who is interested in the movement,
for their support. The Socialist Club should, and
can be, the most influential and important group in the
University. Membership is open to all students, graduates,
and members of the staff of the University, who are in
agreement with the aims of the Club. The annual subscription
is 1s. 6d.
Hon. Vice-PresidentsTHE
Hon. Secretary—R. G. WHITELAW.
Treasurer—W. M. HENDRIE.
Whip Secretary—HARRY WILSON.
Asst. Whip Secretary—R. C. BRECHIN.
Q.M. Convener—Miss MARGARET HOOD.
Q.M. Secretary—MISS JEAN HORN.
Q.M. Whip Secretary—Miss M. COUSINS.
Unionist Club.
MEMBERSHIP of the University Unionist Club is open to
all those who are interested in the principles of the party
and who desire to learn more about them.
It is clear that in the present state of industry and
agriculture, changes are necessary and reforms must be
brought about. The question that the country asks is
how are these to be accomplished. The Unionist Party
seems to present the most reasonable view of how to
achieve a more equitable and prosperous state of society
throughout the whole of the Empire without completely
overturning the complex organism which is existing at
present. It is the aim of Unionism to preserve the existing
structure of our social system and to remodel it by all
constitutional means into the most perfect state of society
possible. This is the only feasible means of obtaining the
reforms, the necessity for which is obvious to all. The
Party stands for International Peace, but at the same time
it will safeguard the country from aggression by a foreign
power. Social Reform is in the forefront of the party's
policy, and freedom of the individual and his labour will
always be protected and encouraged.
It is the aim of the University Unionist Club to provide
a means whereby members of the club may become better
informed about party policy, and may be able to advance
this policy at Union debates and other political meetings.
The Club has a reputation for successful meetings and constructive
speaking at the debates.
Our syllabus for next year contains many items which
will attract and interest all students. We have arranged
for inter-club and inter-university debates; we have private
meetings, when the club will discuss various important
points of policy. Another Club activity — the Conference
of the Federation of University Unionists, is to be held in
Edinburgh this year. Also we have arranged for numerous
social functions, including a dinner, which we hope will be
attended by many well-known Unionists.
To those who are seriously interested in the continued
prosperity and improvement of the country, membership
of the Unionist Club seems essential.
Hon. President—SIR ROBERT S. HORNE, G.B.E., K.C., M.P.
President—ALAN M. FYFE.
Vice-Presidents—MALCOLM MACLEOD, M.A.
Hon. Treasurer—ROBERT M. CLUGSTON.
Convener—ANN KELLY, M.A.
Hon. Secretary—HARRIE HUNTER.
The Alchemists' Club.
THE principal objects of the Alchemists' Club are to provide
opportunities for discussion and debate on matters
of chemical and scientific interest, and to advance the social
well-being of the members. During the session addresses
are given on subjects in the forefront of chemical discussion,
social meetings and debates are held, and visits to factories
representative of various industries are arranged. An
annual reunion is held in the Christmas vacation, dances
throughout the session, and a picnic in the summer term.
The Club Magazine, The Alchemist, is published five times
a year.
Membership is open to all past and present students of
the Senior Chemical Laboratories, and to all past and
present members of the Staff of Glasgow University.
The entrance fee and the annual subscription are each
2s. 6d.
President—A. H. LAMBERTON, B.SC.
Vice-Presidents—J. KERR, J. M. TAIT.
Hon. Secretary—C. L. WI',soli, M.Sc.
Hon. Treasurer—D. McNEIL.
Hon. Former Students' Secretary—W. MCMEEKING, B.Sc.
Editor of "The Alchemist"—W. P. BELL.
Business Manager of "The Alchemist"—R. DOUGLAS.
The Alexandrian Society.
THE University boasts an undergraduate Classical Club
which, in turn, boasts the name of the Alexandrian Society.
Like most kindred bodies in our midst, it is intended to save
the remnants of the students' self-respect, so cruelly hit by
the discovery that he or she is merely one number in the
matriculation roll, and another in the class register.
The ordinary meetings, to the number of eleven, including
three of a social character, are held in Q.M. Union at 7
p.m. on alternate Thursdays; and the subjects of paper and
discussion are, we hope, so chosen as alike to satisfy the
civis in search of further erudition, and to interest the person
who merely attends the meeting as an excuse for not
being able to construe in class the next day.
The Society is primarily intended for members of the
Latin, Greek and English classes; but any others, notably
historians, or those whose very language is romance, are
Another privilege belongs to Alexandrian members;
they may attend all the lectures given under the auspices
of the Glasgow Centre of the Classical Association of Scotland
without obligation to render a subscription to that
august body. Nor is this a negligible privilege, for the
speakers are scholars of international repute.
For all these advantages the annual subscription is 2s. 6d.,
a modest request, considering the expenses which a University
club must incur. Of course, for participation in the
various choreutic occasions small extra charges are made.
If you are interested — or amused — come along to our
opening social, and help us to sing our very own Latin
Litteris exerciti ludimus in loco,
Temperantes otio seria atque loco, etc.
Hon. President—MR R. G. NISBET, M.A.
• President—MR W. E. MUIR, M.A.
Secretary—MR R. K. MARSHALL.
Assistant Secretary—Miss J. PATERSON.
Treasurer—MR A. BUCHANAN.
Le Chardon.
" Et l' on voit sur le bond de la mer
Fleurir le chardon bleu des sables." — VICTOR HUGO.
OUR Chardon is flourishing too, and we hope you'll help
to make it go on flourishing. There are many differences
between the chardon and the other common or garden
vegetables that surround you at Varsity, but the most
obvious is that its beneficial influence can only be enjoyed
by members of the Honours French Class and graduates of
the class. This exclusive club aims at being something
intellectual like a "salon," but the entertainment is not
limited to the sparkling French conversation of its members.
Among the other attractions are vocal and instrumental
music, readings, charades, plays, etc., followed by
tea, and then by a very enjoyable "sauterie."
In the summer term a picnic is organised, and carried
out as successfully as the weather of "la brumeuse Ecosse"
Hon. President—PROF. CHARLES A. MARTIN, M.A., O.I.P.
Secretary—Miss R. MULLIN.
Treasurer—MR I. A. McEWAN.
The Education Society.
You need not be an orator, but you can, at least, voice an
opinion on education. Who cannot? who does not?
Come, then, and give tongue to your thoughts. Our aim
is discussion on matters educational. Men and women
distinguished in this wide field are invited to address the
society, and all members are encouraged to take part in the
informal discussions which follow. To lend variety, visits
to institutions of educational interest are arranged and,
lest all this learning should drive you mad, a country
dance night is proposed for an early date in November.
Membership is open to all interested, and meetings are
held on alternate Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. in Hillhead House.
The syllabus is 2s. 6d.
Hon. Presidents—
Secretary—Miss P. M. HUNTER, M.A.
Treasurer—Miss M. G. BONE, M.A.
Glasgow University Engineering Society.
THOUGH Engineering has become a highly specialised calling,
it is none the less a condition of success for the engineer
to be acquainted in some measure with all its various
branches. The Engineering Society exists for such a
purpose. It provides lectures by distinguished engineers;
it arranges instructive visits to works, where every member
may obtain practical insight by first-hand acquaintance
with the actual processes. Interest in lectures and visits
alike is assured by the avoidance of unnecessary technicalities.
Refreshments are provided after every meeting of the
society, and there are also such enjoyable annual functions
as the Dinner, the Dance, and the Bonally Supper.
Two rooms in the Engineering Department are reserved
for members during the term. There is a useful library of
reference works and textbooks. The society affords a
pleasant rendezvous both for study and social intercourse.
Five shillings a year is the subscription. Membership is
open to all past and present students of the Faculty of
First-year students are cordially invited, and strongly
urged to join, as, owing to the way in which the curriculum
has been arranged, they are otherwise out of touch with
the Department, and membership of the society assures
and preserves the necessary contact between staff and
Our first meeting? Freshers' Tea, on October 16th.
Hon. President—H. A. REINCKE, EsQ.
President—C. A. OAKLEY, Esq., B.Sc., En.B.
joint Secretaries—JOHN GRAHAM, D. McK. HENDERSON.
joint Treasurers—T. E. MCDONALD, J. G. GRAHAM.
They get all their Laboratory Materials
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17 Sauchiehall St.
Students suffering from Eye-Strain should
call and have their sight tested.
Telephone—Douglas 1277.
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10 First Class Tables
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"His tongue
Dropped manna, and could make the
worse appear
The better reason." —MiltoN.
"I'm modest, diffident and shy."
"I'm the softest lad in all the college."
"We rearrange the rumbling universe,
And map the course of man's regeneration
Over a pipe." -HENLEY.
President, Scottish Nationalist Assoc.,
I.A.C. Convener, S.R.C., 1933-34
" An experienced, industrious, and
often quite picturesque liar."
President, Dialectic Society, 1934-35
"I labour for peace, but when I speak
unto them thereof, they make them
ready to battle." -COMMON PRAYER.
Editor, "Gilmorehill Globe," 1934-35
President, League .of Nations Union,
Photos by Lafayette.
Geographical Society.
HAVING awakened from our beauty sleep, we put the
trumpet to our lips and summon all disciples of Strabo to
join our Society. Its objects are:-
(a) The furtherance of the geographical outlook;
(b) The promotion of social intercourse among the
students of the class;
(c) The study of geographical features in the field.
The meetings are held alternately in the Geography
Department and in Q.M. Union, and a syllabus of very
fine lectures has been drawn up.
The annual dance is held in January, and a social evening
at the end of the winter term. Tea and a small informal
"hop" at the meetings are included in the annual subscription
of 3s.
Membership of the Society is not confined to students in
the class of Geography, but is open to all interested in the
Hon. President—
Hon. Vice-PresidentsA.
STEVENS, EsQ., M.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E.
E. B. BAILEY, EsQ., M.A., M.C., F.R.S.
Hon. Treasurer—J. S. Moms, ESQ., B.Sc.
President—WM. H. KIRKWOOD, ESQ.
Secretary and Treasurer—R. C. MITCHELL, EsQ.
Minute Secretary—Miss M. D. MACKAY,
Geological Society.
THE object of this Society, since its inauguration in 1907,
has been the promotion of the study of Geology, enabling
students interested in the subject to extend their knowledge
beyond the limits of their class work. Meetings are held
during the Winter and Spring Terms every fortnight in the
Geological Department, when discussions and questions
are encouraged.
The social side of University life is by no means neglected
in this Society. It is usual to run an annual dance, and
besides this, meetings are held jointly with other University
Membership of the Society carries with it the privilege
of becoming an associate member of the Glasgow Geological
Society at a nominal subscription. The latter Society
arranges, besides Winter Lectures, an interesting series of
Summer Excursions.
Membership is open to all students, past and present,
of the Geology Class. The annual subscription is 2s. 6d.
Hon. President—PROF. E B. BAILEY, M.C., M.A., F.R.S.
Hon, Vice-PresidentsMiss
E. D. CURRIE, B.Sc., PH.D. ; B. H. BARRETT, M.A., B.Sc. ;
W. F. FLETT, B.Sc.; J. WEIR, M.A., D.Sc., PH.D.
President—J. G. C. ANDERSON, M.A., B.Sc.
Hon. Secretary—R. J. S. MCCALL, B.Sc.
German Club.
THE aim of the German Club is to foster a spirit of friendly
companionship among students of German. The meetings
of the club are of a social nature, the programme usually
consisting of a short lecture on some subject bearing on
the art, music, literature, or life of Germany, or a humorous
sketch in German by some of the students. Tea, dancing,
and the singing of German choruses are other attractions.
Of special interest are the short musical programmes at
each meeting.
Membership is open to all students, past and present, of
any of the German classes. The subscription is 6s. for
undergraduates, and 7s. for graduates.
Secretary, Miss HELENE DEAS, 17 Lefroy Street, Coatbridge.
Film Society.
THE Glasgow University Film Society is associated with
the Film Society of Glasgow, and was formed in 1931 to
allow not more than fifty students, who must be matriculated,
to join the Film Society at an annual subscription
of eight shillings instead of the usual thirteen shillings.
Enrol at Cranston's Picture House on Sunday, 14th
October, after 6.30 p.m. Films for the year include La
Maternelle, Liebes Kommando, L'Ordonnance, Charlemagne,
Liebelei, and Le Petit Roi.
Presidents—C. A. OAKLEY, B.Sc., Ed.B., R. H. THOULASS, Ph.D.
Law Society.
A SMALL band of law students of
vintage 1929-30 had long been conscious
of something lacking in their
Faculty. That missing something
was a Society devoted to the interests,
and furthering the welfare, of the
law student. However, towards the
end of session 1930, what had previously
been a formless idea took
unto itself material existence. Backed
up by the invaluable assistance and
patronage of Principal Rait and
Professor Gloag, men of a large
understanding, the Law Society
sprang into life.
This ought to be enough to make
any intellectually alive person join
the Society just to see what it is all
about, but probably a few words as
to the objects and programme of the
Society would help to strengthen the
resolve to join, which, I am convinced,
you have already made. Briefly, the
objects of the Society are:-
1. To bring as large a share as possible of the social
life of the University within the reach of the law
student. In other words, to make it easier for the
LL.B. and B.L. undergraduate to have what the
ordinary well balanced M.A. feels he can't do
without - some high spots during the session — and
to introduce the law agent to them. The fact
that the law student has to combine his practical
with his theoretical work makes him a much
preoccupied being, but some social life is essential
for everyone. The Law Society at one and the
same time supplies this need and yet its meetings
are not frequent enough to be distracting.
2. Probably of greater importance, to bring the
present law student into touch with the present
lawyer — the boys of to-day being the "bhoys" of
to-morrow. This end is served by a series of
mid-day luncheons in city restaurants, when prominent
city lawyers address, improving and otherwise,
words to a replete audience.
3. To give practice in speaking two debates and a
moot are held during the session, with an open
period to which you are invited to contribute.
4. The Society is a medium by, and through which,
law students may discuss questions and problems
affecting their life as law students and their future
precarious existence as members of the noblest
profession. You are warmly invited to castigate
your professors, overthrow religion and morality,
disparage law, propagate your politics and generally
stultify your home training at the Society's
5. We run, as big features, an annual dinner at which
distinguished guests, your boss and yourself attend
to swop stories, and a dance to which you can,
and no doubt will, bring the girlfriend to have a
bit o' life.
Incidentally, the subscription is a mere two shillings and
sixpence (2s. 6d.) sterling.
Further information may be obtained if desired from the
Secretary and any member of the council.
Medico-Chirurgical Society.
THE Medico-Chirurgical Society stands in a unique position
among the University Societies, both in respect of its
interests and of its distinguished past history. "As far as
we can trace, there existed no society in Glasgow for the
discussion of medical topics until the beginning of the
present century: the earliest in point of time seems to have
been the Medico-Chirurgical Society of the University, a
students' society inaugurated in 1802, which still continues
in vigorous health." This statement occurs in the Memorial
of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow,
and is substantiated by the minutes of the Senate. Among
the names of distinguished members are those of Lord
Lister, Sir Wm. Leishman, and Sir Wm. Macewan. The
name of practically every member of the present flourishing
Glasgow School is to be found scattered throughout the
minutes of the Society either as an office-bearer or an
enthusiastic member. The Society has never lapsed from
its vital position in the medical education of Glasgow.
Having as its object the prosecution of study and
research in all branches of medical science, the promotion
of esprit-de-corps and good fellowship between the members
of the various years in medicine, and on occasion the
representation of student opinion in such College affairs
as affect their interest, the Medico-Chirurgical Society
appeals to the generous support of the medical students of
the University. No student should neglect the opportunity
the Society offers of meeting his fellows in a semi-professional
capacity, and building up those professional and private
relations which are essential to the successful general
Last year the Society had a membership of between
400 and 500, and all the meetings were well attended. The
majority of the meetings take the form of addresses
delivered by eminent medical men, and are always open
to discussion. Clinical nights, consisting of demonstrations
of cases and treatment, surgical and medical, are held
throughout the session. In previous years a "Members'
Night" has been held in the summer term, at which
papers have been read by members of the Society, there
being prizes awarded for those adjudged to be the best.
This session it is hoped to increase the number of such
"Members' Nights," which have always been very successful,
and in other ways to increase the part played by
the members in the active affairs of the Society.
There is a well-equipped library in the Union in connection
with the Society, which is open daily to members.
An up-to-date catalogue of the library has been prepared,
which contains an account of the many valuable books:
these fall into three classes — standard text-books, medical
histories and similar works, and books of historical interest.
Meetings are held in the Union on Thursday evenings at
7.30 p.m., unless otherwise announced.
The annual subscription is two shillings, and the
membership card entitles the member to a substantial
discount in purchasing instruments.
Hon. President—DR JOHN GRACIE, F.R.F.P.S. (Glas.).
President—MR JAMES LECKIE, B.Sc.
Senior Vice-President—MR WM. LAURIE.
Junior Vice-President--MR DAN ZAHN.
Corresponding Secretary—MR DAVID A. CANNON, B.SC.
Minute Secretary—MR NORMAN J. MCQUEEN.
Treasurer—MR JOHN D. UYTMAN.
Librarian—MR WM. S. MILLER.
Demonstrator—MR ROBT. D. MENZIES.
Philosophical Society.
(Incorporating Queen Margaret College Philosophical Society).
THE object of the Society is to provide an opportunity for
the discussion of subjects of philosophical interest and
importance. Throughout the winter and spring terms,
meetings are held fortnightly on Mondays at 7.30 p.m.
Papers are read by members of the Society, graduate and
undergraduate, and these are followed by informal discussions
in which all members of the Society are encouraged
to take part. We are also privileged to hear papers
from certain of the more distinguished philosophers of the
The Society consists of members of the philosophy staff
and undergraduates of the University. And while the
undergraduate members are drawn mainly from the
honours classes in philosophy, we wish to emphasise that
the membership is open to all matriculated students of the
University. We extend accordingly a very cordial welcome
to any students who may be interested in philosophical
matters. The annual subscription is 2s. 6d. Notices of
meetings will be posted on the Moral Philosophy class
notice-board. Any further information may he had from
the secretary or from any member of the Committee.
Hon President—PROF. C. A. CAMPBELL, M.A.
President—MR D. R. CousiN, B.A.
Vice-President—MR G. B. ANDERSON, M.A.
Secretary and Treasurer—MR J. DEVINE.
Assistant Secretary—MR R. CLUGSTON.
Physical Society.
THE Physical Society, one of the oldest and most popular
departmental societies in the University, is entering on its
fifty-first session this year.
The aim of the Society is two-fold - to discuss scientific
subjects, and to promote social intercourse between the
members. The ordinary meetings generally take the form
of an address delivered by some eminent man, followed by a
discussion in which all members are invited to take part.
The subjects cover a wide range, and the lectures are often
illustrated by lantern slides, or practical demonstrations of
apparatus and experiments. In addition, visits are arranged
to places of interest, and several social functions are held
during the session.
The Society possesses a well-equipped library for the use
of its members. This contains one or more copies of many
standard works on the various branches of natural philosophy,
and copies of degree exam. papers for the past
few years. It is expected that considerable additions will
be made to the library early in this session.
Membership of the Society is open to all past and present
students of the department. The annual subscription is
3s., and members become life members on payment of their
fifth annual subscription.
All students of Natural Philosophy, and especially those
who intend to take honours, are advised to join this
society. Meetings take place at 3 p.m. on alternate Wednesdays
in the Natural Philosophy Institute. Tea is provided
prior to all ordinary meetings.
Hon. President—PROF. E. TAYLOR JONES, D.Sc.
Hon. Vice-President—R. A. HOUSTOUN, M.A., D.Sc.
President—BIRRELL RUSSELL, M.A., B.Sc.
Secretary—ROBERT W. WHITE.
Minute Secretary—LEONARD J. ASH.
Librarian—PETER WHYTE.
Zoological Society.
ANY matriculated or ex-matriculated student is Welcome to
this Society, which exists to promote interest in matters
Zoological and to stimulate Student Research.
Frequent meetings are held throughout the winter
session. Papers by matriculated students constitute half
the programme. The other half is made up of papers by
research workers from other University Departments,
notably Pathology, Physiology, Anatomy, and Geology.
The syllabus is thus of interest to Medical Students.
Excursions to places of zoological interest are held during
the summer session.
The ordinary meetings are held at 4.30 p.m. in the
Zoology Department, tea being srved at 4.0 p.m. before
each meeting. The annual subscription is 2s. 6d.
Hon. President—PROF. J. GRAHAM KERR, M.A., F.R.S.
Vice-President--H. H. BROWN, EsQ., B.A.
Drawing Instruments
For Engineering Drawing Classes
Miller's Drawing Materials Ltd.
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Orchestral Society.
THE aim of this Society is the study
and practice of Orchestral Music.
Playing Members. — All students and
members of staff who play string,
wood-wind or brass instruments, are
invited to join. The playing membership
now exceeds 50. There is no test
for admission. The annual subscription
is 5s.; music is supplied free.
Honorary Members. — Non-playing
members of staff and non-students are
invited to support the society by joining
as Honorary Members. Each honorary member
receives a free invitation to the concerts for self and friend.
Annual subscription, 5s. upwards.
Associate Members.—This is a special class of membership
for non-playing students. Like the honorary member,
each associate receives a free invitation to the concerts for
self and friend. Annual subscription, 2s. 6d.
Honorary and Associate Members may attend rehearsals
and study the scores. Two symphonies and several other
works are performed each year.
Two concerts are given each year in the Hunter Hall.
Rehearsals are held in the Hunter Hall on Tuesdays from
5.30 to 7.30 p.m., starting on the first Tuesday of term.
Among the works to be studied this year are:-Dvorak,
Symphonic Variations; Paradisi, Concerto (solo pianist,
Mrs Kitto); Sibelius, Set of Historic Scenes; Haydn
Hon. Conductor—PROF. W. G. WHITTAKER, M.A., D.Mus.
Joint Librarians—Messrs J. C. and R. T. S. GUNN.
Hon. Treasurer—R. HAROLD THOMSON, B.Mus.
lion. Secretary—W. A. MACDONALD, M.A., 176 Crofthill Road, S.4.
'32 Club.
THE '32 Club has reached the close of its second year.
It was formed with a definite purpose — to enable Arts
and Science freshers of 1932 to get to know one another.
This aim — common to all year clubs — has generally,
hitherto, necessitated a life of three to four years. Our
two years have been so successful that in the opinion of the
present committee the club has achieved the end for which
it was created, and that no reason now remains for its
The fate of the club, however, is in the hands of the
members and the ultimate decision lies with them.
A meeting to approve or reject the committee's proposal
will be convened, and held, in October. Due notice will
be given through the usual channels.
On behalf of the committee,
MARY M. LYLE, } Joint Secretaries.
THE "33" CLUB.
WE'VE been told it so often that we are beginning to
believe it ourselves: we are the best of the year-clubs for
a long time. Our membership is about 250, but that
represents only a small proportion of our contemporary
Arts and Science students. We want more of you to
join us!
The past year, however, our first in University life, has
been one of complete success. The "Sign of the Double
3" has always been the guarantee of a pleasant dance.
And our "own" meetings — the Smoker was good entertainment,
and a good introducing-place; the Debate was
strong dialectically, socially even better; and the
"Mystery Tour to Balmaha" (blessed by the weather
clerk and the G.U.M.) a grand climax. We gathered
together parties for College Pudding, Charities' Day, a
show in the King's, and for Union Palais Nights. Finally
— here mark the true purpose of year-clubs — we got to
know everyone that was anyone, asyermightsay.
So, all you with that superior, sophisticated second-year
look, meet us again at our A.G.M. in October. If you have
any hints, suggestions, or business for discussion, pass them
on to the present secretaries,
THE Club was formed in the Engineering Department in
October, 1933. It was originally called "The Engineers'
Hiking Club," but for certain reasons known to members
only was later called the "Woobee Club." The hike last
Christmas was a tremendous success, and another will be
run during the coming Christmas vacation, at which
representatives from foreign universities are expected.
Other activities during the past year included a rugby
match against final year engineers, which resulted in a
win for the club by 5-0; also a charities day party. Girls,
do you remember Pollokshields?
Hon. President — JAMES SCOBIE, ESQ., B.Sc.
President and Trail Boss — H. MCARTHUR.
Secretary — J. M. COWAN.
Treasurer — J. G. GRAHAM.
Quartermaster and Dietician — W. DAVIES.
Motor Cycle Club.
OFFICIALLY opened by Prof. Cormack on April 14th, the
Chalet now offers exceptional attractions to members.
Ideally situated in the Upper Clyde Valley at Symington,
well equipped, and with electric light, as a week-end and
holiday centre for motoring, climbing, swimming, and
fishing, it is quite unique among University institutions.
Vacancies still exist for new members, who, incidentally,
need not be motor cyclists.
Any interested should leave address, etc., in the Union,
for the Chalet Secretary, when further details will be
forwarded. Annual Subscription is 10s.
4th Glasgow Lone Rangers.
THE fact that there exists in Q.M. College a company of
Lone Rangers is not very widely known. Many girls when
they are at Varsity have not enough time to attend the
regular meetings of an ordinary Guide Company, but they
still want to be kept in touch with the Guide Movement.
That need is filled by Lone Rangers.
We hold one or two meetings each term, when we usually
have some prominent person in the Guide world to speak
to us about Guiding in its many aspects.
It is not essential to have been a Guide before joining
Lones. We shall welcome new recruits as well as those who
are already Guides or Rangers.
Watch the notice-boards for dates of meetings.
College Secretary, 1934-35—HELEN C. MURDOCH, Q.M. Union.
Dionnasg Gaidhlig na h-Alba
GLASGOW University is still a leading force in Celtic culture
and no mere idle spectator, as some have supposed, of the
great spiritual re-birth through which the soul of our
beloved land is passing. One of the directions in which this
new consciousness is manifesting itself, is the revival of the
Language and Tradition of the Gael. It may be said in
passing that Scotland is a predominantly Gaelic country
from Shetland to Solway, notwithstanding the pleasing
fictions of Sir Walter Scott to the contrary. The Gaelic
League is one of the results of this new attitude towards
our native culture.
Three years ago four enthusiasts set themselves to draw
up a scheme of Gaelic lessons and a system of teaching,
which were tried out in a small class. These lessons interested
the editor of a popular daily, and eventually appeared
as a weekly feature in that newspaper. The class developed
into a society named "Croilean Gaidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu,"
or "The Glasgow University Gaelic League." The membership
of the society increased so rapidly that it was
decided to reconstitute it as "Dionnasg Gaidhlig
h-Alba," or "The Gaelic League of Scotland," in order to
admit affiliated branches. The League is still a Glasgow
University society, but students of our Alma Mater have
now scope to work within an organisation which offers
them all Scotland as a minimum field of endeavour.
The aims of the League are:
1. The restoration of Gaelic to its former status as a
national language;
2. The fostering of Celtic art and letters;
3. The formation of friendly ties with other Celtic
nations as a basis of international goodfellowship.
The Gaelic classes of the League are graded to suit all
students elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The
system of teaching is so arranged that a useful working
knowledge of the language may be acquired without undue
effort. Part of the scheme has consisted in the formation
of "Conversational Groups," and a "Gaelic Rambling
Club." The League text book, "Gaelic Without Groans,"
has achieved an immediate and wide popularity, and has been
recommended by certain universities outwith Scotland as a
suitable introduction to Scots Gaelic.
During the coming session the Gaelic League will promote
a series of lectures and discussions which should have a wide
cultural appeal. The culminating event of the social season
will, of course, be our "Grand Caledonian Night." Our
last Caledonian Night, held in the Berkeley Hall, was an
event which will long live in the memory of all who were
present, and our next effort will certainly live up to the
standard which we have set for ourselves.
The membership fee for the League is merely nominal:
3s. per annum. A warm welcome is extended to all,
irrespective of creed or politics, and membership is also
open to the public. Watch the University notice-boards
and the daily press for League announcements. Full
information may be obtained by leaving a note for the
secretary at the porter's box in the Union.
Hon. Vice-PresidentsTHE
Hon. Secretary—JOHN BLACKWOOD.
Hon. Assistant Secretary—MISS ELLA RUSSELL.
Hon. Treasurer—Miss JEAN M. DOUGLAS.
An Important
Footwear Service
Our Brands of Boots, Shoes and Slippers ("Elcho" and
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BROOMHILL—319 Crow Road. GOVANRILL—472 Cathcart Road.
ANNIESLAND—1628 Gt. Western Rd. RUTEIERGLEN—224 Main Street.
PARTICK—103 Byres Road. GREENOCK—8 Grey Place.
POLLOKSHIELDS—218 Albert Drive. 43 Hamilton Street.
And other Branches throughout Glasgow and Suburbs.
Glasgow Post-Graduate Medical Association.
IT should be known by the future medical graduates of the
University that this Association exists to provide facilities
for post-graduate medical teaching in Glasgow. During the
summer months (June to October) special courses are
arranged in the general and special Hospitals, and a
whole-time course is conducted for four weeks, which covers
Medicine, Surgery, and most of the specialities. During the
winter months (November to May) a series of weekly
demonstrations is given, including practically all the
branches of medicine. In addition, clinical assistantships
are arranged for at any time of the year in many of the
The Chairman of the Board of the Association is Professor
Sir Robert Muir, and the Secretary, Dr. James
Carslaw, Glasgow, Post-Graduate Medical Association, The
University, Glasgow.
Graduates intending to join the General Medical and
Surgical Courses should enrol with, and pay fees to, the
Secretary. Those desirous of taking particular classes or
of becoming Clinical Assistants must enrol and pay fees
at the institutions concerned. Any further information
will be supplied on application to the Secretary.
Glasgow University Women's Club (London).
WOMEN Graduates are eligible for membership, and, in
addition, any who have been connected officially with
Glasgow University may become associate members.
There are two meetings each year, one being the annual
For further information, apply to the Honorary Secretary,
Miss L. BUIST, M.A., 3a Eton Road, Hampstead,
London, N.W.3.
Glasgow Association of the British Federation of
University Women.
THE aims of the Federation are:-
(1) To create an organisation which shall
represent University women in all
professions, and enable them to
take concerted action in all matters
affecting their interests in public
and private life.
(2) To promote co-operation between the
University women of Great Britain
and to stimulate friendship between
University women throughout the
(3) To encourage independent research work by
University women.
(4) To stimulate the interest of University women in
municipal and public life.
(5) To advise University women as to training and
prospects of employment in work other than
Membership is open to women who hold University
degrees or equivalents. Students in their last year and
graduates within one year of the date of graduation may be
accepted as temporary associate members.
The Association offers to a woman graduate who is or
who shall become a member of an association of the
B.F.U.W. a small grant in aid of scholarship or research
towards cost of fees, maintenance, equipment, or travelling,
Application should be made before November to the
Hon. Secretary, B.F.U.W., Glasgow Association, Queen
Margaret College.
Life Membership Fee, L 7s,
Annual Subscription, 10s,
Temporary Associate Annual Subscription, 5s.
Entrance Fee, ls,
"The Rt. Hon. Gentleman has retired
into what might be called his political
cave of Adullam." —BRIGHT.
"That fixed mind,
And high disdain from sense of injured
merit." -MILTON
,'An unhappy bag of Parliamentary
eloquence." —CARLYLE.
A man whose eloquence has power
To clear the fullest house in half an
hour." --JENYNS.
President, Distributist Club, 1934-35
"The rising hope of those stern and
unbending Tories." —MACAULAY.
"I grow intoxicated with my own
eloquence." —DISRAELI.
President, Liberal Club, 1934-35
"His particularly rapid, unintelligible
Isn't generally heard, and if it is, it
doesn't matter." —GILBERT.
"Such as have need of milk, and not
of strong meat." —SHAKESPEARE.
President. Unionist Club, 1934-35
Photos by Lafayette.
President, Socialist Club, 1934-35
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Telephone: DOUGLAS 1903
Luncheon & Tea Rooms
JAMES CRAIG (Glasgow) Ltd.
Be good, sweet maid, and let the men be clever.
I CAN begin in no better way than by drawing your attention
to the quotation which heads this article. In it you
will find the whole secret of success in your new role of
Undergraduette — a slang word meaning Q. Emma — and if you adhere to it faithfully during the next three years there is no reason in the world why your College career
should be other than a triumphal progress.
First of all let us consider this business of being good.
Do not misunderstand me. I do not intend that goodness
which consists in acting as if you had never heard of all
those things your mother never told you. No. As far
as that is concerned you may be either good or bad, so
long as you are never indifferent. But you must be good
in the fuller sense, the sense in which a painting is good if
the colours be shrewdly applied; a bottle is good if it hold
the right amount; a torch is good if it shine in the dark.
That is the kind of good you will have to be.
And for the latter half of our initial advice, you must
let the men be clever. God knows it is sometimes difficult,
but do your best. If you get seventy in a class exam. and
the Juvenile Lead only gets thirteen, don't talk about it.
Rather describe a three-stroke motor cycle you once saw,
and let him restore his self respect by telling you just how
and why there is no such thing. Beautiful-but-dumb is a
dangerous line, but after class exams. it becomes not only
advisable but necessary.
Of course, the best way is to take classes other than
those patronised by the Heartbeat. This removes all
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Students have special facilities and
:: :: special terms for dances :: ::
possibility of competition, and allows you to agree that
Ordinary English must be ten times as stiff as Logic. But
it is frequently difficult to assess, during the enrolment
period, the probabilities of mid-session entanglements;
so perhaps you had better rely on beautiful-but-dumb
after all.
And now let us consider a few less general points.
When the Escort, grabbing his courage in both hands,
lures you into the Lounge at a Union Palais, be suitably
coy and impressed. Remarks such as Oh, I never noticed
that picture before, or even Why, the lights are on to-night,
have an almost fatal effect on the ingénue line.
When the Attachment, having got in with the Right
Crowd, becomes Deputy Macer of the Diagnostic Club,
don't laugh at him. You will have to accept without
comprehending the fact that men are rather proud of that
sort of thing. It is called Corporate Life, and is much
more important than Mere Work. It is also much easier;
but conceal your knowledge of this point.
When coming out of a class, emerge alone. Nobody
knows how many coffee dates have died unborn because
the prospective victim arrived in the Quad accompanied
by three or four apparently undetachable companions.
When the Complication tells you that migawd he was
drunk last night, you may make several kinds of reply;
but don't say either Were you very sick? or How much did
you have? In the first case, you are recalling a painful
subject; in the second, inviting an embarrassed overstatement.
On the whole, probably Oh George, you WEREN'T!
will serve your purpose best.
And finally, when God's Gift to Girlhood is depressed
and in danger of realising what a fool he is, flatter him;
but in no ordinary way. The texture of his hair and the
shape of his nose are poor subjects for congratulation.
Rather tell him that you want him to write an essay for
you. Better still, and less risky, ask him how he understands
women so well.
Or best of all, accuse him of having written this article.
Professor PERCY A. HILLHOUSE, D.Sc., M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Whitworth,
Busby. T. Giffnock 182. (Naval Architecture).
Professor WILLIAM J. GOUDIE, D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., M.A.S.M.E.,
A.M.Inst.C.E., 1 Kay Park Terrace, Kilmarnock. T. Kilmarnock
501. (Heat Engines).
Professor G. W. 0. HOWE, D.Sc., M.I.E.E., Lismore House, Kelvin
Drive, N.W. T. Maryhill 1128. (Electrical Engineering).
Professor ARCHIBALD MAIN, D.Litt., D.D., 8 The University, W.2.
T. Western 2560. (Ecclesiastical History).
Professor J. R. CURRIE, M.A., M.D., D.P.H., Institute of Hygiene,
The University, W.2. T. Western 3999. (Public Health).
Professor ARCHIBALD YOUNG, T.D., J.P., M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G.,
F.A.C.S., 5 Park Gardens, C.3. T. Douglas 4500. (Surgery).
Professor PETER PATERSON, M.B., 10 Sandyford Place, C.3. T.
Douglas 1453. (Surgery — St. Mungo Chair).
Professor ERNESTO GRILLO, M.A., D.Litt., LL.D., D.C.L., 1 West-bank
Quadrant, W.2. (Italian).
Professor ARCHIBALD A. BOWMAN, M.A., Litt.D., 4 The University,
W.2. T. Western 5507. (Moral Philosophy).
Professor E. TAYLOR JONES, D.Sc., 11 The University, W.2. T.
Western 5525. (Natural Philosophy).
Professor JOHN LOUDON, M.A., C.A., 86 St. Vincent Street, C.2.
T. Central 5209. (Accountancy).
Professor WILLIAM RENNIE, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D., 6 The University,
W.2. T. Western 969. (Greek).
Professor JAMES HENDRY, M.A., B.Sc., M.B., F.C.O.G., 7 Clairmont
Gardens, C.3. T. Douglas 5260. (Obstetrics and GynaecologyMuirhead
Professor JOHN GIRVAN, LL.B., 11 Cleveden Gardens, W.2. T.
Western 2631. (Conveyancing).
Professor THOMAS M. MACROBERT, M.A., D.Sc., 10 The University,
W.2. T. Western 5799. (Mathematics).
Professor HERBERT J. PATON, M.A., D.Litt., 5 The University,
W.2. T. Western 5797. (Logic).
Professor ANDREW HUNTER, M.A., B.Sc., M.B., F.R.S.E., 34
Huntly Gardens, W.2. T. Western 6559. (Physiological
Professor J. J. CRAIK HENDERSON, B.L., 190 St. Vincent Street,
C.2. T. Central 9005. (Mercantile Law).
Professor W. GILLIES WHITTAKER, M.A., D.Mus., F.R.C.O.,
F.R.C.M., A.R.A.M., Scottish National Academy of Music, St.
George's Place, C.2. T. Douglas 4101. (Music).
Professor E. B. BAILEY, M.C., M.A., F.R.S., 81 Oakfield Avenue,
W.2. T. Western 6633. (Geology).
Professor J. D. MACKIE, M.C., M.A., 30 Ashton Road, W,2. T.
Western 3088, (Scottish History and Literature),
Professor JOHN WALTON, M.A., D.Sc., 23 Lilybank Gardens, W.2.
T. Western 1217. (Botany).
Professor GEOFFREY B. FLEMING, M.B.E., B.A., M.D., 13 Lynedoch
Crescent, C.3. T. Douglas 4529. (Medical Paediatrics).
Professor J. SHAW DUNN, M.A., M.D., M.Sc., 25 Bute Gardens,
W.2. T. Western 2802. (Pathology — St. Mungo Notmau
Professor ANDREW BROWNING, M.A., D.Litt., Westdel, Dowanhill,
W.2. T. Western 1205. (History).
Professor JOHN GLAISTER, J.P., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., 5 Kew
Terrace, W.2. T. Western 5733. (Forensic Medicine).
Professor WILLIAM C. ATKINSON, M.A., Andorra, Manse Road,
Bearsden. T. Bearsden 776. (Spanish).
Professor ANDREW M. BRYAN, B.Sc., M.I.Min.E., Dava, 47 Auld-house
Road, East Kilbride. T. East Kilbride 135. (Mining).
Professor GEORGE H. C. MACGREGOR, M.A., B.D., D.Litt., The
University, Glasgow, W.2. (Biblical Criticism).
Professor A. DEWAR GIBE, M.A., LL.B., 1 The University, W.2.
Professor A. W. HARRINGTON, M.D., F.R.F.P.S.G., 3 Park Circus,
C.3. T. Douglas 4338. (Medicine — Muirhead Chair).
Professor C. J. FORDYCE, M.A., 3 The University, W.2. (Humanity)
Professor S. J. CAMERON, M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., F.C.O.G., 15 Lynedoch
Street, C.3. T. Douglas 4505. (Midwifery).
Clerk of Senate — Professor J. R. CURRIE, M.A., M.D., D.P.H.
Professor F. 0. BOWER, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S., 2 The Crescent,
Ripon. T. Ripon 219. (Botany). 1924
Professor DUDLEY J. MEDLEY, M.A., LL.D., Ashby, Tydehams,
Newbury, Berks. T. Newbury 533. (History). 1931
The Very Rev. Professor GEORGE MILLIGAN, J.P., D.D.,
LL.D., D.C.L., 2 University Gardens, W.2. T. Western
3832. (Biblical Criticism). 1932
Professor GILBERT A. DAVIES, M.A., c/o Master of Works.
Office, The University, W.2. (Greek). 1934
Professor JOHN M. MUNRO KERR, M.D., 7 Grosvenor Crescent,
W.2. T. Western 5590. (Midwifery). 1934
Professor WALTER K. HUNTER, M.D., D.Sc., 7 Woodside
Place, C.3, T. Douglas 1533. (Medicine—Muirhead
Chair). ..... , 1934
PETER ALEXANDER, M.A., 15 Kirklee Circus, W.2. (English).
G. E. ALLAN, D.Sc., 56 Turnberry Road, W.1. (Applied Physics).
STANLEY ALSTEAD, M.D., 9 Westbank Quadrant, W.2. T. Western
1332. (Matevia Medica).
ALAN B. ANDERSON, B.Sc., Ph .D . , M. R. C. S I.. R. C. P , Royal
Infirmary, C.4. (Bio-Chemistry — Royal Infirmary).
JOHN A. ANDERSON, M.A., Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial
College, St. George's Place, C.2. (Spanish).
NORMAN C. ANDERSON, M.A., L.-es-L., 544 Clarkston Road, Cathcart.
T. Merrylee 1443. (French).
WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.A., 148 Carmunnock Road, S.4. (Mathematics).
ROLAND G. AUSTIN M.A., 75 Hamilton Drive, W.2. (Humanity).
ARTHUR J. BALLANTYNE, M.D., 11 Sandyford Place, C.3. T.
Douglas 4556. (Ophthalmology).
B. HILTON BARRETT , M.A., B.Sc., 17 Glasgow Street, W.2. T.
Western 4733. (Geology).
GEOFFREY L. BIC KERSTETH, M.A., 4 St. John's Terrace, W.2.
JOHN W. S. BLACKLOC K, M.D., F.R.F.P.S.G., 58 Kelvin Drive,
N.W. T. Maryhill 719. (Pathology of Diseases of Infancy and
Childhood — Royal Hospital for Sick Children).
ROBERT D. BLAIR, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.I.C., Eastleigh, Drymen Road,
Bearsden. (Chemistry).
GEORGE BOND, B.Sc., Ph.D., 24 Crawford Drive, Drumchapel.
WILLIAM BOYD, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., Edradour, Dalmuir.
HUGH G. BRENNAN, M.A., L.-es-L., B.Sc., 57 Kersland Street,
W.2. T. Western 5907. (Russian).
GEORGE BROWN, M.A., 48 Lilybank Gardens, W.2. T. Western
5801. (Logic).
R. M. BROWN, Ph.D., D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., 49 Kelvinside Gardens,
N.W. T. Maryhill 505. (Engineering).
CHARLES BUCHANAN, B.Sc., Ph.D., 3 Doune Quadrant, N.W.
(Organic Chemistry).
C. DELISLE BURNS, M.A., D.Litt., The University, W.2. (Citizenship).
JOHN A. BUYERS, M.A., Poundland House, Pinwherry, Ayrshire.
(Economic History).
Rev. GEORGE CALDER, B.D., D.Litt., 77 Oakfield Avenue, W.2.
T. Western 5266. (Celtic).
ISOBEL M. CASE, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., 43 Finnart Street, Greenock.
DONALD CHISHOLM, B.Sc., Ph.D., 209 Auldhouse Road, Newlands,
S.3. (Chemistry).
JAMES CRUMLEY, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., Thalassa, Thorn Drive,
Bearsden. T. Bearsden 654. (Oceanography).
JAMES M. CLARK, M.A., Ph.D., 13 Kelvinside Terrace, N.W.
T. Western 5466. (German).
CHARLES COCHRANE, M.A., B.Sc., 16 Ruthven Street, Hillhead,
W.2. T. Western 991. (Natural Philosophy).
DAVID R. Cousix, B.A., 7 Lorraine Gardens, W.2. T. Western
2724. (Logic).
JAMES CROCKET, M.D., D.P.H., F.R.C.P.Ed., 17 Royal Crescent,
C.3. T. Douglas 4175. (Clinical Tuberculosis).
P. R. CROWE, B.Sc., 90 Novar Drive, W.2. (Geography).
ROBERT CRUICKSHANK, M.D., D.P.H., 6 Craigton Gardens, Milngavie.
(Bacteriology — Royal Infirmary).
JAMES CUNNISON, M.A., 19 Montrose Gardens, Milngavie. T.
Milngavie 173. (Social Economics).
ETHEL D. CURRIE, B.Sc , Ph.D., 3 Hazelwood Road, Dumbreck,
S.1. (Palaeontology).
DAVID P. CUTIIBERTSON, M.B., D.Sc., 3 Wilmot Road, W.3. T.
Scotstoun 1159. (Physiological Chemistry).
J. S. DICKIE, M.A., B.Sc., 38 Sutherland Street, W.2. (Moral
DAVID L. EVANS, B.Sc., M.I.N.A., 10 Kersland Street, W.2. T.
Western 6222. (Naval Architecture).
MARJORIE M. FERGUSON, M.A., 7 Doune Terrace, N.W. T.
Western 4683. (French).
J. STRUTHERS FULTON, M.D., M.R.C.P.Ed., D.R.Ed., 2 Northpark
Terrace, W.2. T. Western 6658. (Medical Radiology).
IAN GARVIE, B.Sc., 57 Queensborough Gardens, W.2. T. Western
6207. (Engineering Production).
ERNEST W. GEYER, B.Sc., 19 Penrith Avenue, Giffnock. (Engineering
— Heat Engines).
DAVID T. GIBSON, D.Sc., 121 Fotheringay Road, S.1. T. Queen's
Park 1216. (Chemistry).
ROBERT P. GILLESPIE, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., Macbrayne Hall, 11 Park
Circus Place, C.3. T. Douglas 5626. (Mathematics).
RITCHIE GIRVAN, M.A., 11 Cleveden Gardens, W.2. T. Western
2631. (English Language).
A. W. GOMME, B.A., 1 Kersland Street, W.2. T. Western 6669.
(Greek and Greek History).
STANLEY GRAHAM, M.D., F.R.F.P.S.G., 18 Woodside Place, C.3.
T. Douglas 5201. (Medical Diseases of Infancy and Childhood).
M. MURIEL GRAY, M.A., 27 Munro Road, W.3. T. Scotstoun 1060.
ROBERT C. GRAY, M.A., D.Sc., Varfell, Stirling Drive, Bearsden.
(Applied Physics).
GEORGE GREEN, M.A., D.Sc., 64 Partickhill Road, W.1. (Applied
BERNARD HAGUE, D.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.E.E., 89 Hyndland Road,
W.2. (Electrical Engineering).
WILLIAM J. HAMILTON, M.B., D.Sc., 51 Hillhead Street, W.2.
JAMES HARPER, M.A., M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., 21 Woodside Terrace,
C.3. T. Douglas 5377. (Diseases of the Ear, Throat and Nose
— Royal Infirmary).
Professor ROBERT HAY, B.Sc., Ph.D., Chanting Hall, Hamilton.
T. Hamilton 77. (Metallurgical Chemistry — Royal Technical
GEORGE H. HAYDOCK, M.A., B.Litt., 53 Old Mearns Road, Clarkston.
T. Giffnock 691. (Logic).
J. FERGUSON HEGGIE, B.Sc., M.B., 1 Woodrow Circus, S. I. T.
Ibrox 1278. (Pathological Histology).
ANDREW HENDERSON, M.A., B.Sc., 3 Vennel Street, Dairy, Ayrshire.
(Inorganic Chemistry).
IAN G. HISLOP, M.A., Riversdale, Church Avenue, Cardross. T.
Cardross 71. (History).
ROBERT A. HOUSTOUN, M.A., D.Sc., 45 Kirklee Road, W.2.
(Physical Optics).
WILLIAM B. INGLIS, M.A., Ed.B., Ph.D., Donavourd, 50 Lanfine
Road, Paisley. T. Paisley 3852. (Education).
MARGARET W. JEPPS, M.A., Zoology Department, The University,
W.2. (Zoology).
SAMUEL G. JONES, D.Sc., Broomfield, Kilmacolm. (Botany).
J. EDGAR KEOWN, B.Sc., 26 Kingsbrae Avenue, Cathcart. (Engineering
Drawing and Design).
H. D. F. KITTO, B.A., 4 Southpark Avenue, W.2. T. Western
6255. (Greek).
JOSEPH KNOX, D.Sc., 31 Tinto Road, Newlands, S.3. (Chemistry
for Medical Students).
WILLIAM B. KYLES, M.B., 41 Marlborough Avenue, W.I. T.
Western 4734. (Bacteriology).
WILLIAM D. LAMONT, M.A., D.Phil., 83 Oakfield Avenue, W.2.
T. Western 5399. (Moral Philosophy).
ROBERT M. LEES, M.A., 128 University Avenue, W.2. (British
MARGARET J. LEVETT, M.A., 36 Kersland Street, W.2. (Logic).
NEIL M'ARTHUR, M.A., B.Sc., 1 Holyrood Crescent, N.W. (Mathematics).
WILLIAM J. M'CALLIEN, D.Sc., 37 Partickhill Road, W.I. (Geology).
WALTER P. M'CULLOCH, B.Sc., 27 Essex Drive, W.4. (Chemistry).
JAMES H. MACDONALD, M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., Howford House,
Crookston, S.W.2. T. Ibrox 1681. (Psychological Medicine).
WALTER M'FARLANE, M.A., B.Sc., 19 Kelvinside Gardens, East,
N.W. (Natural Philosophy).
ALEC L. MACFIE, LL.B., Torbeg, Milngavie. T. Milngavie 49.
(Political Economy).
PATRICK M'GLYNN, M.A., D.Litt., 72 Garthland Drive, E.1.
WILLIAM M'GREGOR, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., 62 Douglas Park Crescent,
Bearsden. (Engineering).
HAROLD M'INTOSH, LL.B., 124 St. Vincent Street, C.2. T. Central
5136. (Jurisprudence).
F.R.S.E., 9 Park Circus, C.3. T. Douglas 4741. (Gynaecology).
ARCHIBALD D. MACKINVEN, M.A., Marshend, Mugdock Road,
Milngavie. (Italian).
ALLISON D. MCLACHLA N, M.D., 5 Somerset Place, C.3. T. Douglas
691. (Dermatology — Western Infirmary).
NORMAN H. W. MACLAREN, Ph.D., Culrieshaw, West Kilbride. T.
14'. Kilbride 30. (Embryology).
A. BRUCE MACLEAN, M.D., 12 Newton Place, C.3. T. Douglas
5061. (Medical Radiology — Royal Infirmary).
DONALD A. S. M'LEISH, LL.B., 199 St. Vincent Street, C.2. T.
Central 1659. (Evidence and Procedure).
ALEXANDER MACLENNAN, M. B., 6 Woodside Terrace, C.3. T.
Douglas 4309). (Surgery and Orthopaedics in Relation to Infancy
and Childhood).
ANGUS MACNIVEN, M.B., M.R.C.P.Ed., D.P.M., 2 Whittinghame
Gardens, W.2. T. Western 3594. (Psychiatry—Mental
JOHN M' WH AN, M.A., Ph.D., 84 Munro Road, W.3. T. Scotstoun
1360. (Mathematics for Engineering Students).
JOHN A. MAIR, B.Sc., Ph.D., 53 Cunningham Street, C.1. (A nalyti -
cal Chemistry).
ALICE J. MARSHALL, M.B., 31 Snowdon Place, Stirling. T. Stirling
554. (Pathology — Royal Infirmary).
MAUDE G. MAY, M.A., 15 Huntly Gardens, W.2. T. Western
1071. (English).
ALEXANDER G. MEARNS, B.Sc., M.D., D.P.H., 6 Ormiston Avenue,
W.4. (Public Health).
JOHN C. MIDDLETON, M.A., B.Sc., M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., 778 Crow
Road, W.3 T. Scotstoun 1093. (Materia Medica — Royal Infirmary)
AGNES E. MILLER, M.A., 57 Kirklee Road, W.2. T. Western
1235. (Zoology).
STEUART N. MILLER, M.A., 15 Doune Terrace, N .W . (Roman
STOTHERD T. R. S. MITCHELL, D.Sc., Ph.D., Rosebank, Bishopbriggs.
(Physical Chemistry).
NOAH MORRIS, B.Sc., M.D., D.P.H., Barone, West Chapelton
Crescent, Bearsden. T. Bearsden 453. (Bio-Chemistry — Royal
Hospital for Sick Children).
JOHN C. MORRISON, B.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.A.E., c/o MacKay, 3 Bower
Street, W.2. (Engineering).
WILLIAM E. MUIR, M.A., 13 Onslow Drive, E.1. T. Bridgeton
2859. (Greek).
J. SPENCER MUIRHEAD, D.S.O., M.G., T.D., LL.B., 205 St. Vincent
Street, C.2. T. Central 6848. (Civil Law).
D. B. MUNGO, LL.B., 27 Quadrant Road, S.3. T. Merrylee 2576.
(Constitutional Law and History).
AGNES T. NEILSON, M.A., 41 Ashley Street, C.3. (Geology).
RODERICK M. NICOL, LL.B., 116 West Regent Street, C.2. T.
Douglas 695. (Public and Private International Law).
THOMAS NICOL, M.B., D.Sc., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.S.E., 77 Fotheringay
Road, S.1. T. Queen's Park 1786. (Regional Anatomy).
JAMES W. NISBET, LL.B., 3 Wilton Gardens, N.W. T. Maryhill
498. (Political Economy).
ROBERT G. NISBET, M.A., 20 Southpark Avenue, W.2. (Humanity).
CHARLES A. OAKLEY, B.Sc., Ed.B., 188 Hyndland Road, W.2.
T. Western 6597. (Industrial Psychology).
JAMES ORR, B.Sc., Ph.D., 7 Sefton Terrace, Rutherglen. (Engineering).
CHARLES W. PARSONS, M.A., 1 Chapelton Terrace, Bearsden. T.
Bearsden 921. (Zoology).
EDOUARD M.J. PERROY, D.-es-L., 34 Kersland Street, W.2. T.
Western 269. (French).
IDRIS W. PHILLIPS, M.A., 6 Lothian Gardens, N.W. (Moral
JOHN W. PIRIE, M.A., 969 Sauchiehall Street, C.3. T. Western
6218. (Humanity and Comparative Philology).
LEON M. PITOY, M.A., L-es-L.Phil., B.Sc., 7 Lynedoch Street, C.3.
T. Douglas 5210- (French).
Madame M. C. PITOY M.A., 7 Lynedoch Street, C.3. T. Douglas
5210. (French).
GEORGE S. PRYDE, M.A., Ph.D., 8 Lauderdale Gardens, W.2.
(Scottish History and Literature).
JOHN W. R. PURSER, B.A., 30 Huntly Gardens, W.2. (English).
RICHARD A. ROBB, M.A., B.Sc., M.Sc., 27 Moor Road, Eaglesham,
Renfrewshire. (Mathematics).
JAMES ROBERTS, M.A., F.C.S., 6 Rokeby Terrace, W.2. (Inorganic
Rev. JAMES ROBSON, M.A., 55 Cecil Street, W.2. (Arabic).
GEORGE O. SAYLES, M.A., D.Litt., History Dept., The University,
W.2. (History).
JAMES 'SCOBIE, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., 96 Baronald Drive, W.2. (Electrical
R. CECIL.. SILVER, M.A, L.-es-L., 19 Southpark Avenue, W.2.
T. Western 1805. (French).
ALLAN J. SMALL, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., 216 Woodlands Road, C.3.
(Electrical Engineering).
JAMES SMALL, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.M.I.Mech.E., 28 Polwarth Gardens,
W.2. T. Western 1913. (Engineering — Heat Engines).
J. FERGUSON SMITH, M.A., M.B., 17 Woodside Place, C.3. T.
Douglas 5136. (Dermatology — Royal Infirmary).
ROBERT A. STAID, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., Glenlea, Lasswade,
Midlothian. T. Roslin 56. (Zoology).
ALEXANDER STEVENS, M.A., B.Sc., Glenhall, Milngavie. T. Milngavie
9. (Geography).
THOMAS S. STEVENS, B.Sc., D.Phil., Marsden, Glebe Street, Renfrew.
T. Renfrew 107. (Organic Chemistry).
W. J. TALBOT, B.Sc., Geography Department, The University, W.2.
STEPHEN V. TELFER, B.Sc., M.B., Bio-Chemical Department,
Western Infirmary, W.1. (Bio-Chemistry — Western Infirmary).
ALEXANDER Thom, D.Sc., Ph.D., Thalassa, The Hill, Dunlop,
Ayrshire. (Engineering).
JOHN S. THOMS, B.Sc., Geography Department, The University,
W.2. (Geography).
GEORGE THOMSON, B.Sc., Ph.D., 43 Glebe Crescent, Airdrie.
(Physical Chemistry).
JOHN THOMSON, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., 2 Chartwell Terrace,
Bearsden. T. Bearsden 619. (Botany).
JOHN THOMSON, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., 8 Kirklee Quadrant, W.2.
T. Western 4859. (Natural Philosophy).
ROBERT H. THOULESS, M.A., Ph.D., The Anchorage, Garscadden
Road, Bearsden. T. Bearsden 184. (Psychology).
S. HORWOOD TUCKER, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.I.C., A.R.C.S.E., 33
Lacrosse Terrace, W.2. (Organic Chemistry).
Mrs. GRETA C. TWEEDDALE, M.A., Nyeri, Ledcameroch Crescent,
Bearsden. T. Bearsden 633. (History).
G. W. TYRRELL, Ph.D., D.Sc., A.R.C.Sc., Cassiobury, 23 Lochend
Drive, Bearsden. (Geology).
ALEX. M'L. WATSON, M.A., Ph.D., 32 Austen Road, W.3. T.
Scotstoun 1445. (Histology).
DAVID WATSON, M.B., 116 Blythswood Street, C.2. T. Douglas
1672. (Venereal Diseases).
JOHN WEIR, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., 18 Botanic Crescent, N.W.
T. Maryhill 285. (Palaeontology).
ALEXANDER K. WHITE, M.A., Meadows, Kilmacolm. T. Kilmacolm
182. (Political Philosophy).
SAMUEL WILLIAMS, Ph.D., D.Sc., 27 Lindsay Place, W.2. (Botany
—Plant Morphology).
JAMES WILSON, B.Sc., B.Com., 56 Busby Road, Clarkston. T.
Giffnock 1099. (Engineering).
JOHN A. WILSON, M.B., Mearnskirk Hospital, Newton Mearns.
T. Giffnock 1166. (Clinical Tuberculosis).
GEORGE M. WISHART, B.Sc., M.D., 92 Stewarton Drive, Cambuslang.
T. Cambuslang 409. (Physiology).
BERNARD A. WRIGHT, B.A., 2 Hillhead Street, W.2. T. Western
4762. (English).
ROBERT WRIGHT, M.A., D.Sc., 33 Traquair Drive, Cardonald,
S.W.2. (Physical Chemistry).
GEORGE M. WYBURN, M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., 1 Falcon Terrace, Mary-hill,
N.W. T. Maryhill 406. (Anatomy).
GAVIN YOUNG, M.C., M.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., 5 Newton Place, C.3.
T. Douglas 5497. (Diseases of the Ear, Throat and Nose—
Western Infirmary).
ALEXANDER J. YOUNGER, M.A., B.Sc., Applied Physics Dept.,
The University, W.2. (Applied Physics).
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both men and women.
DESIGNATION. The designation of members of
the Corporation is CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT,
the initial letters relative thereto being F.C.R.A.,
or C.R.A., denoting Fellow, and A.C.R.A.,
denoting Associate.
ADMISSION. Admission to membership is by examination,
together with satisfactory professional
experience and character. Service under Articles
of Indenture is not a pre-examination requirement.
EXAMINATIONS. The examinations of the Corporation
(Preliminary, Intermediate, and Final) are
held in June and December of each year.
Candidates may be exempted from the
preliminary examination on production of the
certificate of such University, College or Academy,
or such other certificates or evidence of fitness as
the Council may approve.
Full Particulars and Information may be obtained from
Registered Office: 121 West George Street,
Glasgow, C.2.
London Office: 314-317 Moorgate Station Chambers,
Moorfields, E.C.2.
J. STIRLING BROWN, F.C.R.A., Secretary.
Everything for the Student
Printed by The Hamilton Advertiser, Ltd., 237 West George Street, Glasgow, C.2.
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Glasgow University Students' Handbook. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 31 March 2025, from
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"Glasgow University Students' Handbook." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 31 March 2025.
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Glasgow University Students' Handbook," accessed 31 March 2025,
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.