Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 160 Title: Lowland Scotch as Spoken in the Lower Strathearn District of Perthshire Author(s): Wilson, Sir James THE AUTHORITIES LOWLAND SCOTCH AS SPOKEN IN THE LOWER STRATHEARN DISTRICT OF PERTHSHIRE. BY SIR JAMES WILSON, K.C.S.I. M.A. EDIN. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS HUMPHREY MILFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH, GLASGOW, NEW YORK TORONTO, MELBOURNE AND BOMBAY 1915 DEDICATED BY GRACIOUS PERMISSION TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND STRATHEARN K.G., K.T., ETC., ETC. A FOREWORD THE scholarly study of Scottish dialects is no new thing. More than a century ago its foundations were firmly laid by the extensive and careful work of Dr. Jamieson, whose dictionary still remains the great source of information on the subject. There have been other good and active workers since his day, but much remains to be done before the task can be regarded as completed. For the deficiencies which still have to be made good there are in the main two reasons. One of these is that the Lowland dialects are not at all sharply divided from each other, so that there is little apparent ground for dealing with each of them separately. The tendency has thus been to consider Scottish speech as a whole, instead of as a collection of dialects, — a view which has been greatly assisted by the use of a more or less standard form for literary purposes. The other reason is that greater attention has been given to the vocabulary than to the sounds of the language, though even here the recorded information is often lacking in fullness and precision, leaving it doubtful how far a particular word is in use over a given area. It is only within recent times that the exact form of individual dialects has become a subject of serious study, but in some countries of Europe this branch of philological investigation has already been carried on very extensively. A fair number of English dialects have now been dealt with in this way, and others are being gradually added to the list, but in Scotland the work is only now beginning to be seriously undertaken. There can be no doubt that if it is to be done at all, it should be done without delay; another generation is certain to modify most dialects in certain respects, and may possibly obliterate distinctions which at present are quite clear. It is therefore a matter for satisfaction that one of the first studies of a single Scottish dialect — that here presented to the reader — has been carried out with so much thoroughness, and presents so complete a survey of its special theme. It is only by an elaborate display of the dialect in its several aspects that the outsider can obtain some idea of its character as a whole. What the author has aimed at, and on what principles he has conducted his investigations, are explained in his own Introduction, and need not be anticipated here. There are broad and narrow ways of dealing with dialects as well as with other things, and Sir James Wilson has preferred the broad method, as being more likely to attract and interest others who may have opportunities to do similar work. A narrower method, involving a more elaborate and exact notation of sounds, would have been likely to appeal only to a limited number of professional philologists or phoneticians. Even these, however, if at all acquainted with the ordinary basis of Scottish speech, will seldom be in doubt as to the precise sound intended. Although some excellent studies of English dialects have been made by scholars who never spoke them, it is a great advantage to an investigator to possess that familiarity with his theme which can only result from an early acquaintance with, and personal use of, the speech of the people. In the present work several points are clearly brought out one probably for the first time in print — which would almost certainly have escaped the notice of an outsider, however well equipped for his task. Above all, it is only this early familiarity with a dialect that can give the sure and certain touch in dealing with it which will be evident to every Scot who scans the pages of the present volume. May worthy successors to it arise freely within the next few years! W. A. CRAIGIE. PREFACE SIR JAMES MURRAY, in the Historical Introduction to his Account of the Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland, which, though published forty years ago, is still the standard authority on Scottish dialects, expressed the hope that a complete dictionary of the Northern variety of English speech would be compiled, and that by way of preparation for such a dictionary a worker in each district would record the local pronunciation of all the words used in his dialect. Much has been done in this direction by the publication of Professor Wright's English Dialect Dictionary, but the ground covered by that work is so wide that it is difficult to extract from it general information regarding any particular dialect or group of dialects ; and the Scottish Branch of the English Association is now engaged in collecting materials for a new Scotch Dictionary, which will give a complete account of all the dialects now spoken in the Lowland parts of Scotland. Partly with a view to helping in this useful and patriotic work, and still more from a love for my native tongue, I have in this volume recorded the results of a careful study of the dialect with which I was familiar in my boyhood. In order to avoid confusion I have confined my inquiries to the dialect spoken in the valley of the Earn in the south-east of Perthshire, between the Grampians and the Ochil Hills, which forms part of the tract called by Sir James Murray 'The Highland Border', and is included in the area defined by Professor Wright as 'North Middle Scotland'. I have not attempted to trace the history of the words, but have contented myself with giving a true account, accurate up to the standard at which I have aimed, of the words, grammar, and idioms actually used by the best living speakers of the local dialect within that area. I am not without hope that this book may be of interest, not only to scientific students, but to all who feel the charm of the homely pithy speech of the village folk, and that it will show the ordinary reader how he can study any dialect of English, wherever spoken, without necessarily mastering unfamiliar symbols, which often make works on local dialects difficult to understand without special study. Should any one follow my example, and carefully record the native speech of the people among whom he lives, he will find that the inquiry itself becomes fascinating, and that it brings him closer to his neighbours and affords him a better insight into their character, ideas, and modes of thought and life. I have to express my acknowledgements to Sir James Murray and Dr. Craigie of the New English Dictionary, to Mr. Grant of the Scottish Branch of the English Association, and to others who have kindly helped me out of the wealth of their experience, as well as to Mr. Robert Davie, Mrs. Allan, Mrs. Hume, and my other old friends at Dunning, whose thorough and accurate knowledge of our mother-tongue has been of the greatest use to me. J. WILSON. 59 CADOGAN SQUARE, LONDON, February, 1915. CONTENTS PAGE THE AUTHORITES . . . . . . Frontispiece A FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . 1 PREFACE . . . . . . . . . 3 SPELLING ADOPTED . . . . . . . . . 7 ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . 8 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . 9 REPRESENTATION OF SOUNDS . . . . . . . . . 13 PRONUNCIATION . . . . . . . . . 20 Consonants . . . . . . . . . 21 Vowels . . . . . . . . . 30 Stress on Syllables . . . . . . . . . 57 GRAMMAR . . . . . . . . . 58 Nouns . . . . . . . . . 58 Adjectives . . . . . . . . . 69 Articles . . . . . . . . . 80 Pronouns . . . . . . . . . 81 Adverbs . . . . . . . . . 93 Prepositions . . . . . . . . . 105 Conjunctions . . . . . . . . . 112 Interjections and Exclamations . . . . . . . . . 114 Negatives . . . . . . . . . 117 Verbs . . . . . . . . . 118 LISTS OF WORDS CONNECTED IN MEANING . . . . 139 Parts of the Body . . . . . . . . . 139 Parts of Animals . . . . . . . . . 141 Food . . . . . . . . . 141 Drink . . . . . . . . . 144 Clothes . . . . . . . . . 145 Buildings . . . . . . . . . 146 Furniture and Utensils . . . . . . . . . 148 Domestic Animals . . . . . . . . . 172 Wild Animals, Birds, Fish, Insects, &c. . . . . 154 Gardening . . . . . . . . . 156 Trees and Plants . . . . . . . . . 158 Crops and Farming . . . . . . . . . 159 LISTS OF WORDS CONNECTED IN MEANING (continued) PAGE Harness, Carts, &c. . . . . . . . . . 161 Farm Buildings, Tools, &c. . . . . . . . . . 162 Christian Names . . . . . . . . . 163 Surnames . . . . . . . . . 165 Place Names . . . . . . . . . 166 Weather . . . . . . . . . 168 Time . . . . . . . . . 169 Days, Months, and Terms . . . . . . . . . 170 Directions . . . . . . . . . 171 Weights and Measures . . . . . . . . . 171 Weaving and Spinning . . . . . . . . . 173 Common Occupations . . . . . . . . . 174 Games . . . . . . . . . 174 Health and Sickness . . . . . . . . . 177 Ceremonies . . . . . . . . . 178 Common Adjectives . . . . . . . . . 180 Physical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 181 Mental and Moral Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 182 Relations . . . . . . . . . 184 Terms of Endearment . . . . . . . . . 185 Words applied to a Girl or Woman . . . . . . . . . 186 Expressions applied to a Miser . . . . . . . . . 186 Expressions relating to Drunkenness . . . . . . . . . 186 PROVERBS AND SAYINGS . . . . . . . . . 187 CHARACTERISTIC AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS . . . 196 Conversation in Vowels between Draper and Customer 208 Conversations about Health . . . 208 Threats and Abuse . . . . . . . . . 209 Drinking and Drunkenness . . . . . . . . . 211 IDIOMATIC USES OF WORDS . . . . . . . . . 212 VERSES CURRENT IN STRATHEARN . . . . . . . . . 216 Riddles . . . . . . . . . 216 Children's Rhymes . . . . . . . . . 219 Other Verses . . . . . . . . . 222 Mummers' Verses on the Last Day of the Year . . 226 Toasts . . . . . . . . . 227 NAMES OF SOME WELL-KNOWN SONGS . . 228 A LOCAL BALLAD . . . . . . . . . 230 DICTIONARY . . . . . . . . . 234 SPELLING ADOPTED IN this book the letters used in spelling Scotch words and in giving the pronunciation of English words represent the following sounds. The consonants are to be pronounced as they ordinarily are in English, with the following qualifications: c, k, q have the sound of k in 'kick'. g has the sound of g in 'gag'. th has the sound of th in 'thick ', 'thin'. dh has the sound of th in 'this', 'then'. hw has the sound of wh in 'which', 'when', as pronounced in the North of England and Scotland. r in Scotch words has a distinct trill. s has the sound of the sibilant in 'hiss'. z has the sound of the sibilant in 'buzz'. sh has the sound of the sibilant in 'shop'. zh has the sound of the sibilant in 'measure'. kh has the sound of the German ch in 'Nacht'. ch has the sound of ch in 'church'. The vowel sounds are represented as follows: Spelling Sound as in the E. words Written Spoken a man man aa father faadher ai or ay rain, day rain, day au or aw caught, paw caut, paw e hen hen ee see see i pin pin ii eye ii o hot hot oa road road oi or oy oil, boy oil, boy oo foot foot ou or ow out, cow out, cow u sun sun ei and ui are not found in Southern English. ei is the vowel sound in 'mine' as pronounced by a Scotchman. ui is nearly the French eu in 'peu'. ABBREVIATIONS a. adjective. adv. adverb. art. article. cf. compare. comp. comparative. conj. conjunction. dem. demonstrative. E. Standard English e. g. for example. esp. especially. exc. exclamation. f. feminine. fut. future. i. intransitive. i. e. that is. int. interrogative. inteij. interjection. m. masculine. n. noun. neg. negative. neut. neuter. nom. nominative. num. numeral. obj. objective. obs. obsolescent. pa. past. pa. p. past participle. part. participle. pass. passive. pers. personal. pl. plural. poet. used in poetry. poss. possessive. prep. preposition. pres. present. pron. pronoun, pronounced. pr. p. present participle. ref. reflexive. reg. regular. S. Scotch as spoken in Lower Strathearn. sing. singular. sl. slurred. st. stressed. subj. subjunctive. sup. superlative. t. transitive. v. verb. v. aux. verb auxiliary. v. i. verb intransitive. v. t. verb transitive, INTRODUCTION MY object in compiling this book has been to present a fairly complete and accurate account of one of the various dialects of Lowland Scotch, which are really dialects of English speech. I have selected as my study the dialect spoken in the parish of Dunning, in which I was brought up, and have noted down its pronunciation and idioms from the mouths of the village folk, not from books. Both in this country and elsewhere, the indigenous speech of the people varies considerably from district to district, almost from village to village, and natives of other parts of Scotland will no doubt notice many departures from the pronunciation familiar to their ears. I find that even such a short distance away as Crieff, some thirteen miles off, there is a marked difference in the sound of some of the commonest vowels, and that east of Perth other differences make their appearance. It seems safe, however, to call this dialect that of Lower Strathearn, as the differences to be found within that area are comparatively insignificant. It will be understood therefore that in this compilation, when I describe words or expressions as 'Scotch', I mean Scotch as at present spoken in the Lower Strathearn district of Perthshire. To avoid confusion, I have resisted the temptation to make comparisons with other dialects of the English tongue spoken either in England, or in the Lowlands of Scotland. But in order to show more clearly what the speech of Strathearn really is, I have made a fairly full comparison of the words and expressions used in this dialect with those of standard English. The subject of my study is the language as spoken by the people, and for my present purpose it does not matter how either it or standard English is written. It is the sound that matters. I have therefore, as a general rule, placed the standard English word, as spoken, alongside the Scotch word, spelling the sound of both according to the system of representing sounds which I have adopted. This plan has also the advantage of showing clearly what are the sounds I intend to represent by the different letters or combinations of letters. There is one serious difficulty which no doubt presents itself to all students of dialect in this country. The people from whose mouths it must be studied have almost all been taught to read and to speak standard English, and are mostly familiar with the language as employed in the Bible and other books, or in the newspapers. Thus, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, they use in ordinary speech the English word or phrase which they have learned in place of the one peculiar to their mother-tongue, especially if the standard pronunciation is not very different from that of their own dialect. Similarly, in the same village, each of different men, or even the same man at different times, will alter the pronunciation, especially of vowel sounds, according to the state of his own feelings or his ideas of the intelligence or preference of the person he is addressing; and it is often difficult to decide which of the various pronunciations represents the true dialect of the locality. The safest plan in such circumstances seems to be to watch carefully the unthinking speech of the oldest residents, to note and compare their pronunciation, and to select that which is most unlike standard English, provided that it is frequently repeated, as probably representing the original speech of the people, the true dialect of the district. As my desire is to present a fairly complete picture of my native dialect, I have not confined my notes to those points on which it differs from standard English, but have included those common words and grammatical forms which are the same in Strathearn speech as in standard English. Indeed, from the point of view of the student of language, the resemblances are quite as important and as interesting as the differences. There is sometimes a difficulty in deciding, when the pronunciation of a word or a grammatical form or expression is the same in the dialect as in standard English, whether it is indigenous to the dialect or has been learnt at school or from books, but in the case of almost all the commonest words and phrases it is fairly certain that they must have been handed down from mouth to mouth for generations, and must be a natural development of the old native speech. When we eliminate from the common speech of the village folk of Lower Strathearn, along the northern foot of the Ochils, all that they have probably adopted from books, it will be found that their dialect is a pure English, with very little admixture of other tongues, even of Gaelic, although for centuries the people who spoke it lived within sight of the Grampians, beyond which the language commonly spoken was, and still is, Gaelic, and although they must from time to time have absorbed into their communities many Gaelic speakers of Celtic blood. It seems probable that in the main the present-day dialect is a direct descendant of the language spoken by the first Angle invaders who, some eight centuries ago, pushed their way north of the Forth and settled in the valley of the Earn. The absorption of Celtic blood is still in progress. The Gaelic surnames which are common in Strathearn show that the ancestors of many of its inhabitants came from across the Highland line; and what happens now in our own experience has no doubt been going on for centuries. A Highlander, whose native tongue is Gaelic, and therefore quite unintelligible to his Scotch-speaking neighbours, comes down from his ancestral home north of the Grampians, and settles down in some Lowland village, perhaps marrying a Lowland wife. He gradually picks up the dialect of the people among whom he lives, but never entirely forgets the Gaelic he spoke when he was a boy, and speaks Scotch with a Gaelic accent and some Gaelic words and idioms. His children, brought up among Scotch speakers, remember some of their father's Gaelic, but the influence of their playmates and schoolmaster is all in favour of the Scotch dialect they hear spoken and the standard English they are taught; and in the third generation, though the Highlander's grandchildren may be of pure Celtic blood, there is little trace left in their speech of their grandfather's Gaelic; they speak a pure dialect of English speech, with hardly any Gaelic accent or idiom. Possibly, however, it is due to the fact that the ancestors of many of the present residents of Crieff were Gaelic speakers, that in that town the pronunciation of some of the vowel sounds differs from that current on the southern side of the Strath. In Dunning two of the most characteristic vowel sounds are au and ui, as in aw for 'all' (aul), auld for 'old' (oald), guid for 'good', spuin for 'spoon': in Crieff, in these and other similar words these vowel sounds become aa and ee, as aa, aald, geed, speen. I have some hope that this account of the Strathearn dialect may be of use to others in studying their own native dialects of English, whether in Scotland or England, or beyond the seas. To such students I may be allowed to offer the following suggestions: (1) Get rid, as far as possible, of your preconceived ideas as to the pronunciation of words, due to the traditional methods of spelling standard English and local dialects. They are often most misleading. (2) Adopt some definite system of spelling sounds, either the one I have adopted or some other, but having adopted it, stick to it, and always spell the same sound in the same way. (3) To show what sounds you represent by your spelling, give the corresponding standard English words spelt according to your system. (4) Get away from books, and do not trouble about the past history of the words. Confine yourself to an accurate representation of the living speech of the existing generation, taken straight from the mouths of people accustomed to speak it without conscious effort, as the natural vehicle for their thoughts. (5) Poetry is an unsafe guide. The poet, searching for a word to fit his rhyme or his metre, often mixes up different dialects or even manufactures a dialect of his own. (6) Get the schoolmaster to pick out ten or a dozen of the boys and girls who have been born in the parish and who speak the broadest dialect. They will soon get interested and supply you with numerous words, idioms, and rhymes clearly pronounced; but do not trust the material they give you until it has been corroborated by their elders. (7) The best authorities are the oldest residents, born and bred in the parish; but they all know something of standard English, and have all their days been accustomed, when they thought of the words they were using, to try to speak standard English. It is difficult for them to get out of this habit, when asked directly 'What is the Scotch for' this or that? They get confused and cannot tell. The best plan is to get them to talk naturally among themselves of old times and old ways of life, and carefully note how they actually pronounce the words and what idioms they use. It is a slow process requiring much patience (on both sides!), and many first impressions have to be corrected. But the student who perseveres in it will learn much, besides acquiring a mere knowledge of the dialect, and will reap an ample reward for his pains. At the same time he will give some pleasure to the old folk, who love to find their familiar mother-tongue appreciated. There is no doubt that here, as elsewhere, the native dialect of the people is rapidly disappearing, and as each generation passes away, some of the good old pithy words and phrases pass away with it. Books and newspapers are teaching the people, even in remote villages, to think and speak in something like standard English. But the chief enemy of local dialects is the schoolmaster. He rightly holds it one of his first duties to teach the village boys and girls to read, write, and speak as correct standard English as he can, and in pursuit of this aim discourages the use of local peculiarities of pronunciation and idiom. I am inclined to think that this is not the best way to attain his object. If he would first himself master the local dialect by some such method as I have suggested, and would carefully point out to the children what their own native dialect is, and how it differs in pronunciation, idiom, and accent from standard English, they would have a much more accurate idea as to what standard English really is, and would be more likely to avoid provincialisms in afterlife, as they would have a better knowledge of what the provincialisms were into which they were most likely to fall. The detailed comparison between the local dialect and standard English would also be a useful training for their minds, similar to that which is obtained from the study of some language other than one's own. In any case he would give them a precious possession, for they would carry with them to the ends of the earth a better knowledge of the homely speech of their fathers and grandfathers, which would often warm their hearts when far away in distant lands. He need not trouble overmuch about their accent. A Scotch accent is not a bad thing for a man to have, anywhere in the wide world. REPRESENTATION OF SOUNDS The system of spelling the sounds which I have adopted is based on two principles: first, that the same sound should always be represented by the same letter or combination of letters, and second, that the letters employed should be those which will most readily suggest the sound they are intended to indicate to the reader familiar with ordinary English. In representing vowel sounds, I have thought it, on the whole, less confusing to employ the somewhat clumsy expedient of using combinations of vowels, such as are common in writing English, instead of using diacritical marks or unfamiliar symbols. In such cases it must be remembered that, as in English, two or more letters often represent a single, simple vowel sound. I have avoided the general use of accents, either to indicate that a vowel sound is long or short, or to show on which syllable of a word the stress comes. Generally it may be understood that the stress falls on the same syllable as it does in the corresponding English word. I have sometimes adopted the plan, common in English, of doubling a consonant to show that the preceding vowel sound is short, or that the stress falls on that syllable. I have retained the use of the letter j, although the sound might be represented by dzh; of x, where it is pronounced ks; of c hard before a, o, or u, and of q, which have exactly the same sound as k; of ch, which might be written tsh, and of the familiar combinations ng, sh, and th, which represent single, not double sounds. For a similar reason I spell the sound ai at the end of a word ay (as in day), au at the end of a word aw (as in paw), and ou at the end of a word ow (as in cow). CONSONANTS The consonant sounds may be grouped thus: This follows closely the grouping adopted by Mr. W. Grant in his Pronunciation of English in Scotland, p. 16. I also use the following letters for compound consonants not entered in the above table: ch = tsh(tʃ) j = dzh (dʒ) x = ks hw = (ʍ) In this table those consonants are classed as 'breathed' which pass through the throat, unimpeded by the vocal chords, while those classed as 'voiced' have to force their way through the vocal chords drawn over the exit to the windpipe. Stop consonants are those in pronouncing which the air-passage in the mouth is completely blocked for a moment, so that these sounds cannot be prolonged. Open consonants are those in pronouncing which a narrow air-passage is left open in the mouth, so that the sound can be prolonged at will. In pronouncing the Side consonant l, the air-passage in the mouth is divided, and the air escapes at the side in two uninterrupted streams. In pronouncing Nasal consonants, the air-passage in the mouth is stopped completely, and the air escapes through the nose in an uninterrupted stream. In pronouncing the Trilled consonant r, the tip of the tongue vibrates. Lip Consonants are made by bringing the two lips together. Lip Back Consonants are made at the back of the tongue and the rounded lips. Lip Teeth Consonants are made between the lower lip and the upper teeth. Point Teeth Consonants are made between the point of the tongue and the upper teeth. Point Consonants are made between the point of the tongue and the teeth ridge. Fore Blade Consonants are made between the front of the blade of the tongue and the teeth ridge. After Blade Consonants are made between the back of the blade of the tongue and the teeth ridge. Middle Consonants are made between the middle of the tongue and the hard palate. Back Consonants are made between the back of the tongue and the soft palate. Throat Consonants are made between the vocal chords in the throat. p is the sound twice repeated in pup. b is the sound twice repeated in babe. m is the sound twice repeated in mamma. w is the sound beginning the words wife, went. But at the end of a word aw sounds au as in paw, and ow ou, as in cow. f is the sound twice repeated in fife. v is the sound twice repeated in vivid. th represents the breathed dental sound in thin, thick, breath, bath. dh represents the voiced dental sound in the, this, that, breathe, bathe. t represents the sound twice repeated in taught. d represents the sound twice repeated in did. n is the sound twice repeated in nun. 1 is the sound twice repeated in lull. r is pronounced in Scotch differently from the English r, being always given a distinct trill, whether at the beginning or end of a word, and it does not, as often in English, alter the pronunciation of a preceding vowel sound. In representing the sound of English words, I have not attempted to indicate the numerous and complicated ways in which in English r affects the preceding vowel sound. The spelling I give in such a case represents the sound of the English word as pronounced by a Scotchman who has not attempted to master the English r. s is the breathed sibilant sound in hiss, which is twice repeated in sister. In English this sound is often spelled with a c before e or i, as in peace (pronounced pees), and in city (pronounced siti). z is the voiced sibilant sound in buzz, which is twice repeated in disease. In English it is often written s, as in is (iz), was (woz), shoes (shooz). sh represents the breathed sibilant sound in shop, dish. zh represents the voiced sibilant sound in measure, vision. kh represents the rough aspirate, which is not now found in standard English, but is common in Scotch words such as nikht (night), fekht (fight), loakh (loch), and in German words such as Nacht. The sound is often written ch, but I employ this combination of letters only for the sound tsh which it commonly represents in English. In reality there are two rough aspirates, pronounced at the middle or back of the tongue according to the vowel preceding, as in dreekh, loakh, but they sound much the same to the ear and I have represented both by kh. y is the sound beginning the words you, yes. But ay at the end of a word sounds ai (as in day). I indicate the vowel sound in such words as tune, mute, few, dew by yoo. k also written c and q, has the sound twice repeated in cock. g is always guttural, as in gag, never palatal as in gin. ng represents the sound twice repeated in singing. h is a mere breath, pronounced at the beginning of a word, as in hen, hare. It is more distinctly pronounced in Scotch than in English. The only word which has h at the end of it is the interrogative interjection aih? = eh? what? ch represents the sound twice repeated in church. j represents the sound twice repeated in judge. x might in most words be written ks, but I have retained it in words corresponding to those written with an x in English. Where it is pronounced gz, as in exact, example, I have written the sound gz. hw represents more accurately than wh the double sound at the beginning of such words as what, when, which in Scotch consists of a distinctly breathed h before, not after, the w. TABLE OF CONSONANTS FOUND IN STRATHEARN SCOTCH, ARRANGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ASSOCIATION. The letters used in the above table, and in this book, are those adopted by the Association, with the following exceptions: I also use the following letters for compound consonants not found in the International table: ch = tsh (tʃ) j = dzh (dʒ) x = ks VOWELS In Scotch the vowel sounds are usually simple, single sounds, not a combination of different vowel sounds, as is often the case in English words in which the vowel is long. Generally speaking, the Strathearn Scotch folk speak more slowly and make their vowel sounds longer than do most Englishmen, so that to an English ear a Scotch short vowel sounds long, and a Scotch long vowel sounds drawled. Some speakers lengthen their vowels more than others, and the same speaker will alter the length of a vowel according to the rapidity of his utterance. The spelling I have employed is as follows: Spelling Sound as in the English words a man, hat aa calves (caavz), mamma (mumaa), Ah! (aa), far (faar), father (faadher) ai or ay maid, sail, day, may au or aw haul, all (auI), awe (aw), paw e hen, pet, best ee feet, deed, see, me (mee) ei Not found in English, but common in the pronunciation by a Scotchman of such English words as mine (mein), night (neit), tile (teil). i pin, mist, mill Spelling Sound as in the English words ii I (ii), eye (ii), my (mii), die (dii), mine (miin) o hot, fond, lost oa road, go (goa), roll (roal) oi or oy oil, boy, moist oo foot, food, cool, would (wood) ou or ow our, house, how, cow u sun, but, must ui Not found in English ; something like the French eu, or German ö. In Lower Strathearn it is between oo and i, but nearer i than oo; e.g. spuin is nearer spin than spoon. Most of these vowels may be either short or long. When short, the sound is practically the same as the E. short vowel; when long it is the sound of the first part of the E. long vowel in shouting or singing on a long note. It is not easy to say when a vowel is short and when it is long, as that greatly depends on the way of speaking of the individual speaker. Except in the case of o and au, where I have employed o for the short sound and au or aw for the long sound, as in E. hot, haw, I have not attempted to distinguish between short and long vowels. Almost the only general rules that can be laid down are that — (1) i, o, and u are always short, as in E. pin, hot, sun. (2) ay and ee are short at the end of a word of more than one syllable, as in S. wunnay (will not), cheenee (china). But in bawbee, soaree, coamitee, the ee is long. Some words are generally pronounced with a longer vowel sound than others, especially when the vowel comes at the end of the word. Examples: Vowel sound Short vowel Long vowel aa caannay (can't) ca̅a̅̅nay (gentle) e hen bētur (better) bĕll pēticoat (petticoat) bĕd brēd (broad) ai daith (death) bāīth (both) ain (one) āīn (own) pain (pane) pāīn (pain) maid (made) māīd (maid) hai1 (whole) hāīl (hail) haid (head) plāīd (plaid) Vowel sound Short vowel Long vowel ui duin (done) dui (do) fuil (fool) crui (sty) oo doon (down) coo (cow) roond (round) soo (sow) au auld (old) snaw (snow) ei jein (join) ei (always) The spelling I use corresponds as follows with the symbols adopted by (1) The International Association (followed by Mr. Grant); (2) The New English Dictionary; (3) The English Dialect Dictionary: Besides these simple vowel sounds there are also found in Scotch the following double vowel sounds: PRONUNCIATION NOTE. In making the following comparison between Strathearn Scotch and standard English as spoken, when I use such phrases as 'dropping of consonants', 'addition of consonants', 'change of consonants', I do not mean to imply that the Scotch dialect is derived from standard English, or even that in all cases the corresponding words are cognates, but merely to point out the differences between it and standard English, taking the latter as the basis of comparison. CONSONANTS DROPPING OF CONSONANT SOUNDS. 1. As compared with standard English, many Scotch words omit certain consonant sounds. The sound most often omitted is that of l, especially at the end of a word, and after the vowel sounds au, oo, and ou. There is also a tendency to omit it before t or d. Examples: English Scotch Written Spoken all aul aw ball baul baw call caul caw fall faul faw gall gaul gaw hall haul haw small smaul smaw stall staul staw wall waul waw wool wool oo full fool foo pull pool poo poll poal pow roll roal row knoll noal tnow bristle brissul burs trample trampul traamp false fouls faus fault fault faut malt mault maut salt sault saut English Scotch Written Spoken coulter coalter cootur poultry poaltry pootray bolster boalster boustur colt coalt cout smolt smoalt smout scald scauld scaud build bild big soldier soaljer soajur shoulder shoaldur shoodhur solder solder soudhur gold goald goud hold hoald haad or hudd golf golf gouf bulk bulk book gulp gulp goup pulpit poolpit poopit hollow holloa how cloak cloak kyuk There are, however, a number of exceptions, e. g. auld (oald), bauld (boald), cauld (coald), fauld (foald), boul (boal), roul (ravel), fool (fowl), tool (towel), youl (howl). l is not often omitted after the vowel sounds aa, ai, e, ee, ei, oa, u, or ui. e. g. shaal (shawl), hwaal (wail), waal (well); hail (hail), nail (nail), tail (tail), mail (meel); bell (bell), tell (tell), sell (sell); eel (eel), hweel (weel), heel (heel), feel (feel); eil (oil), beil (boil), jeil (jail); coal (coal), foal (foal), hoal (hoal); ull (ill), dull (dull), bull (bool), spull (spoil); stuil (stool), scuil (scool), cuil (cool). Where in E. an l has been dropped, as shown by the spelling, S. drops it also, e. g. haaf for half (haaf), cauf for calf (caaf). 2. There is a tendency to omit labial sounds, in comparison with E. In a number of words the labial sound b is omitted, especially before 1. Examples: E. S. Written Spoken bramble brambul brummul grumble grumbul grummul jumble jumbul jummul rumble rumbul rummul tremble trembul trummul tumble tumbul tummul tumbler tumbler tumlur thimble thimbul thummul timber timbur tummur The labial sound v is often dropped, especially at the end of a word. Examples: E. S. Written Spoken of ov oa dove duv doo love luv loo brave braiv braw give giv gee gave gaiv gay given givn geen E. S. Written Spoken devil devil deel twelve twelv twell silver silver sullur serve sery sair harvest haarvest hairst ravel ravel roul The labial sound f is dropped in the words sel for self, twelt for twelfth. The labial sound w is dropped in the words soon for swim, soop for sweep, koa for quoth, oo for wool, oo for woo. 3. There is also a tendency to omit dental sounds as compared with E. The dental sound t is often dropped, especially at the end of a word, after the guttural k. Examples: E. S. Written Spoken act act aak fact fact faak contact contact coantaak intact intact intaak connect connect connek correct correct correk direct direct direk effect effect effek E. S. Written Spoken expect expect expek object object oabjik tighten tiiten tikhun lightning liitning likhnin fetch fech fesh hoist hoist heez cushat cushat cushay attempt attempt uttemp Strathearn Scotch does not, like some other Scotch dialects, drop the dental d at the end of many words after n ; e. g. we say haund for hand, laund for land, find for find (fiind), wund for wind, pund for pound, waurld for world (wurld). But it does drop the d after n in un for and, and between n and 1, or n and r in the following words: E. S. Written Spoken candle candul caunul handle handul haunul spindle spindul spunnul founder founder foonur thunder thunder thunnur wonder wunder wunnur kindle kindul kennul 'Hundred' becomes hundur. 'Worsted' (woorsted) becomes wursut. Th is dropped at the end of the words koa for quoth, froa for froth, wee for with. Dh is dropped in claiz for clothes (cloadhz), smuir for smother (smudhur). 4. Other consonant sounds dropped as compared with E. are: E. S. Sound dropped Written Spoken k cream creem raim taken taiken tain next next neest n kiln kiln kull drunken drunken drukkun r partridge paartrij paitrik s worse wurs waur corpse corps coarp sneeze sneez neez since sins sin moustache mustaash mootaash For 'from' we say fay, not fray. In some words the g pronounced after ng in E. is omitted in S. E. S. Written Spoken finger fing-ger fing-ur hunger hung-ger hung-ur English Ing-glish Ing-lish single sing-gel sing-ul ADDITION OF CONSONANT SOUNDS. 1. It is curious to note that in the matter of pronouncing or not pronouncing an h at the beginning of a word S. agrees in almost every case with standard E., so that, in this respect, standard E. has adopted the general usage of the northern dialects of English instead of the southern. The only words in which I have noticed a difference are: E. S. Written Spoken it it hut us us hiz, huz owl oul hoolut heritor heritor erritur humour hyoomur yoomur 2. Words which, as spelt in E., begin with wh, and are in E., as spoken in the south of England, pronounced as if they began with w only, are pronounced in S. as if they began with hw, both letters being distinctly sounded. E. S. Written Spoken when wen hwaan what wot hwaat where wain hwaur why wii hwei E. S. Written Spoken whale wail hwaal whey way hwii white wiit hweit whip wip hwup The E. who (hoo) becomes hwaw; 'whole' (hoal) becomes hail. 3. In a number of words S. has a consonant sound not found in E. E. S. Sound added Written Spoken r pin pin preen skimp skimp scrimp spout spout sproot thistle thissel thrissul 1 dregs dregz dregglinz tinker tinker tinklur kitten kitten kittlin v lark laark laivruk E. S. Sound added Written Spoken n ballad ballad baalund minnow minnoa minnin rat rat roatun slake slaik sloakhun starry (sky) staaray staarnay d sign siin seind y earth erth yird itch ich yukk tough tuff tyukh tug tugg tyugg hook hook hyuk nook nook nyuk enough enuff unyukh duck duck dyuk w sword sord swurd wrestle ressul waarsul wright riit wrikht (obs.) z hie hii hiiz pea pee piz (obs.) t knee nee tnee knife niif tneif knock nokk tnoakk knob nob tnoab knoll noal tnow knot nott tnoat castle caasl caastul owl owl hoolit k know noa ken slate slait sklait slap slap sklaaf, skelp elbow elboa elbuk window window winduk NOTE. The consonant sound pronounced before the n in such words as tnee, tnow, &c. (spelt in E. kn), is between t and k, but nearer t than k. CHANGE OF CONSONANT SOUNDS. 1. One of the most common points of difference between E. and S. is that while in E. the present participle and gerund end in ing, in S. (as in almost all local dialects of English) they end in in without the guttural nasal. A similar difference of pronunciation exists as regards other E. words ending in ng, except mono-- syllables, which retain the ng in S. Examples: E.S. Written Spoken Pres. part. singing singing singin speaking specking speekin saying saying sayin Other words: among among amoan herring herring hairin legging legging leggin pudding pooding puddin shilling shilling shullin morning morning moarnin gelding gelding geldin Monosyllables. Bring, ring, sing, thing, tung (tongue), yung (young) are pronounced as in E. 'King' becomes keeng, thrang means 'busy' 'song' becomes saang, 'wrong' (rong) raang, and 'long' becomes laang or laung. 'Nothing' (nuthing) becomes naithing. On the other hand 'onion' (unyun) becomes ing-in. 2. As compared with E., S. has a liking for guttural sounds, and more especially it retains the hard aspirated guttural sound kh (usually written ch), which is common in German, but has been dropped in standard English, though a number of E. words show by their spelling that it was pronounced in Old English. Examples: E. S. Written Spoken laugh laaf laakh draught draaft draakht straight strait straakh ought ant aukht high hii heekh laughed laaft luikh light liit likht might miit mikht night niit nikht right riit rikht tight tiit tikht tighten tiiten tikhun E. S. Written Spoken lightning liitning likhnin enough enuff unyukh bright briit brikht fright friit frikht wright riit wrikht eight ait ekht fight fiit fekht height hiit hekht weight wait wekht neigh nay nikhur Michaelmas Mikulmas Mikhulmus E. S. Written Spoken bought baut boakht daughter dauter doakhtur hough hok hoakh aught aut oakht naught naut noakht wrought raut roakht E. S. Written Spoken sought saut soakht thought thaut thoakht trough trof troakh sigh sii sekh rough ruff rukh tough tuff tyukh Other S. words in which the sound kh is found are: E. S. Written Spoken charlock chaarlock skellukh (wild mustard) low loa laikh maggot maggot maukh flea flee flekh pant pant pekh flicker flicker flikhur flutter flutter flikhtur snowflake flaik flikhun E. S. Written Spoken lake laik loakh slake slaik sloakhun shuffle shufful shaukhul screech screech screekh stiff stiff stekhay a shepherd's plaid raukhun hollow with steep sides hyookh trench shyukh The guttural sound k (or c) is found in S. where other sounds are found in E. Examples: E. S. Sound altered Written Spoken ch chalk chauk cauk churn churn kurn chaff chaff caaf chest chest kist church church kirk breeches brichiz breeks birch birch burk such such sikk pitch pitch pikk stitch stitch steek thatch thatch thaak itch itch yukk larch laarch lerruk much much mukkul j partridge paartrij paitrik p peep peep keek spill spill skell chops chops chouks plump n. plump plunk E. S. Sound altered Written Spoken t two too kwaw twelve twelv kwaal in children's games twenty twenti kwintee between between akween brittle brittul bruklay On the other hand pocket becomes pooch, scowl becomes shoul. Similarly the guttural g is found in S. in place of other sounds in E. E. S. Sound changed Written Spoken j ridge rij rigg bridge bnij brigg sedge sej segg w wizened wizzend geizund y yawn yaun gaant The E. 'singe' (sinj) becomes sing. 3. Another tendency is for S. to have a 'breathed ' sound in place of a 'voiced' one in E. Examples: E. S. Change of sound Written Spoken k for g grease grees creesh ch for j porridge porrij paarich t for d -ed -ed it (termination of past tense and pa. p.) th for dh though dhoa thoa scathe scaidh scaith heathen heedhen heethen mouths moudhz mooths paths paadhz peths f for v vetches vechiz fichiz shovel shuvvul shufful nephew nevyoo neffay wives wiivz weifs knives niivz tneifs loaves loavz loafs halves haavz haafs sheaves sheevz shaifs shelves shelvz shelfs Stephen Steeven Steefen s for z lose looz loss wise wiiz weiss Instances to the contrary are: E. S. Change of sound Written Spoken g for k cravat cravatt graavut z fors us us hiz dose doas doaz precentor prisentor prizentur d for t bottom bottom boddum warrant worrant waarund 4. There is no particular tendency as to aspirating consonant sounds except that dh is often substituted for d between two vowels. Examples: E. S. Change of sound Written Spoken th for t drought drout drooth d for th earth erth yird d for dh smithy smidhi smuddee dh for t to-day too• day dhe-day to-night too-niit dhe-nikht to-morrow too-morroa dhe-moarn together toogedher dhegidhur dh for d bladder bladder bledhur ladder ladder ledhur adder adder edhur udder udder edhur fodder fodder fudhur powder pouder poodhur solder solder soodhur shoulder shoalder shoodhur 5. Other consonant changes are: E. S. Change of sound Written Spoken s for sh ashes ashiz ess bush boosh buss sh for s grease grees creesh fleece flees fleesh rustle russul reeshul sew soa shoo soon soon shuin wincey winsay winshay E. S. Change of sound Written Spoken sh for sk scowl skoul shoul zh for z poison poizon poozhun pheasant fezant faizhun l for n chimney chimnay chumlay n for 1 clock clock tnoak p for ch catch cach kep t for ch scratch scrach scaart sh for ch fetch fech fesh n for r garter gaarter gertun t for p peep peep teet f for p trump trump trumf f for th Thursday Thurzday Fuirzday h for th three three hree (also three) y for h howl houl youl Mrs. (missiz) is pronounced in full — mustris TRANSPOSITION OF CONSONANT SOUNDS. In a few words the consonant sounds are transposed: E. S. Written Spoken grin grin girn grass gras girs gristle grissil girsul bristle brissil burs board board broad burnt burnt brunt curds curdz crudz scratch scrach scaart tickle tikkil kittul pretend pretend purtend profession profeshun purfaishun third thurd thrud apron aipron aipurn VOWEL SOUNDS The differences in vowel sounds between S. and E. are much more numerous, and more important as affecting the sound of the language, than are the differences in consonant sounds. Aa. The aa sound, which is common in S. and in many other languages, is found in comparatively few words in E. In a few words the E. aa is represented in S. by the same sound: E. S. Written Spoken are aar aar bar baar baar far faar faar hard haard haard barn baarn baarn half haaf haaf E. S. Written Spoken laugh laaf laakh dark daark daark market maarket maarkut park paark paark spark spaark spaark aunt aant aantay But in most cases the E. aa is replaced in S. by e, sometimes broadened into ai. Examples: E. S. Written Spoken art aart ert heart haart hert part paart pert smart smaart smert tart taart tert cart caart kert card caard kerd arm aarm errum farm faarm ferrum harm haarm herrum yarn yaarn yern harp haarp herp clerk claark clerk E. S. Written Spoken March Maarch Merch charge chaarj cherj large laarj lerj hearth haarth herth starve staarv sterv garden gaarden gerdun master maaster mestur plaster plaaster plestur nasty naasti nestay party paarti pertay Martinmas Maartinmus Mertimus In these words the e sound is most commonly heard, but sometimes it is broadened into ai, as in pairt, cairt, caird, gairdun, &c., and in the following words: E. S. Written Spoken yard yaard yaird father faadher faidhur Charlie Chaarli Chairlay harvest haarvest hairst E. S. Written Spoken lark laark laivruk partridge paartrij paitruk starch staarch stairch This sound again is sometimes narrowed into e, as in yerd, sterch, Cherlay, fēdhur. It is sometimes neither a distinct e nor ai, but a sound between the two. In some words E. aa is broadened into au: E. S. Written Spoken mamma mamaa maw papa papaa paw calf caaf cauf E. S. Written Spoken barley baarlay baurlay psalm saam saum The sound u is found for E. aa in the slurred form of ur for 'are' (aar). A short. The peculiar short a, which is so characteristic of standard E., is not found in S., its place being usually taken by aa, au, e, or ai. E. a replaced by S. as: E. S. Written Spoken can can caan man man maan back bak baak black blak blaak bat bat baat cat cat caat hat hat haat E. S. Written Spoken that dhat dhaat lamb lam laam bad bad baad bank bank baank hash hash haash thatch thach thaak E. a replaced by S. au: E. S. Written Spoken lad lad laud lass lass laus laddie laddi laudee lassie lassi lausay land land laund hand hand haund sand sand saund E. S. Written Spoken chaff chaff cauf candle candul caunul handle handul haunul salmon samon saumun wax wax waux tobacco tobacco tubaukay The younger generation show a tendency to turn this sound into aa, as in haand, laad, laas, but the older people make it a broad au, as in E. law, paw. E. a replaced by S. e: E. S. Written Spoken have hav hev has haz hez had had hed cap cap kep clad clad cled ashes ashiz ess brass brass bress class class cless glass glass gless grass grass grass flat flat flet glad glad gled sack sack sekk Jack Jack Jekk thank thank thenk branch bransh brensh path path peth adder adder edhur E. S. Written Spoken gather gadher gedhur ladder ladder ledhur bladder bladder bledhur saddle saddul seddul hackle hakkul hekkul carry carri kerray marry marri merray parish parish perish after after eftur bracken bracken brekkun manner manner mennur matter matter mettur granary granari grennuray alley allay ellay Saturday Saturday Setturday natural natyooral netturul shadow shadoa shedday E. a replaced by S. ai: E. S. Written Spoken have hav hay ash ash aish apple appul aipul cabin cabin caibun crag crag craig E. S. Written Spoken plaid plad plaid plait plat plait jacket jacket jaikut nag nag naig family famili faimlay Here again, the older generation has a tendency to pronounce the vowel sound ai, and the younger generation e, e. g. pairish or perish (parish), jaikut or jekut (jacket), faimlay or femlay (family). In hing for hang, i replaces a in E.; and in a number of common short words when rapidly pronounced, E. a becomes u: E. S. Written Spoken a, an a, an u, un that dhat dhut, ut and and un E. S. Written Spoken than dhan dhun ploughman plowman ploomun Ai. In a considerable number of words, E. ai is represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken day day day may v. may may clay clay clay they dhay dhay gave gaiv gay acre aicur aicur acorn aicorn aicoarn maid maid maid blade blaid blaid bake baik baik cake caik caik rake raik raik hail hail hail nail nail nail sail sail sail tail tail tail name naim naim pain pane pain pain E. S. Written Spoken taken taiken tain bare bear bair bair care cair cair fair fair fair hair hair hair mare mair mair pair pear pair pair share shair shair stair stair stair swear swair swair tear tair tair face fais fais place plais plais great grait grait plate plait plait blaze blaiz blaiz mason maison maisun In a good many words E. ai becomes e, especially when followed by n: E. S. Written Spoken chain chain chen fain fain fen gain gain gen again again ugen rain rain ren drain drain dren grain grain gren train train tren faint faint fent paint paint pent acquaint aquaint uquent dainty dainti dentee E. S. Written Spoken change chainj chenj strange strainj strenj game gaim gem hames haimz hemz trade traid tred eight ait ekht weight wait wekht gate gait yett break braik brek wages waijiz wejuz lady laidi leddee Other vowel sounds which in S. replace the E. ai are as follows: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken aa make maik maak shake shaik shaak take taik taak gauge gaij gaaj whale wail hwaal halfpenny haipnay haapnay au away away awaw brave braiv braw dare dair daur where wair hwaur bacon baicon baucun potato potaitoa tautay ee neighbour naibur neebur staple staipul steepul ei aye ay ei hay hay hei May May Mei pay pay pei stay stay stei way weigh way wei jail jail jeil wade waid weid bailie baili beilay tailor tailor teilyur i table taibul tibbul stable staibul stibbul ii whey way hwii Au or aw. In a few words E. au is represented by the same sound in S., but in others its place is taken by aa, oa, or some other vowel sound. E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken au all aul aw ball baul baw call caul caw fall faul faw hall haul haw wall waul waw E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken au saw n. and v. saw saw draw draw draw hawk hauk hauk awful awful aufay aa war waur waar warm waurm waarm want waunt waant water wauter waatur shawl shaul shaal ai straw straw stray haunch haunsh hainsh e bald bauld beld broad braud bred oa ought aut oakht bought baut boakht wrought raut roakht brought braut broakht nought naut noakht sought saut soakht thought thaut thoakht daughter dauter doakhtur ou thaw thaw thow It will be noticed that (1) a number of E. words ending in aul end in aw (au) in S.; (2) a number of words which in E. begin with wau, begin with waa in S.; and (3) a number of E. words ending in aut end in oakht in S. E. In a few words E. e is represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken bed bed bed said sed sed ell ell ell bell bell bell hell hell hell sell sell sell tell tell tell hen hen hen men men men ten ten ten E. S. Written Spoken end end end send send send says sez sez help help help learn lern lern feather fedhur fedhur heather hedhur hedhur best best best better better bētur In a number of words E. e is replaced by ai in S.: E. S. Written Spoken dead ded daid head hed haid lead led laid bread bred braid deaf def daif death deth daith breath breth braith earth erth airth early erli airlay earnest ernest airnist threaten thretten thraitun pearl perl pairl E. S. Written Spoken tenant tenant tainunt hedge hej haij verse vers vairs yes yes yais serve serv sair guess gess gais stretch strech straich memory memori maimray precious preshus praishus regiment rejiment raijmunt Perth Perth Pairth Other vowel sounds found in place of E. e are as follows: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken aa then dhen dhaan wren ren raan well n. well waal swell swell swaal let let laat step step staap heard herd haard west west waast weft weft waaft wrestle ressul waarsul wedding wedding waadin fellow felloa faalay yellow yelloa yaalay ee well a. well weel devil devil deel jelly jelly jeelee wet v. wet weet thread thred threed breast brest breest friend frend freend second second seecund ei sweat swet sweit i egg egg igg leg leg lig beg beg big beggar beggar biggur chest chest kist get get git E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken oa any enni oanay many menni moanay u the dhe dhu web web wub yet yet yut when wen hwun her her hur cherry cherri churray merry merri murray twenty twenti twuntee ui bury berri buiray Ee. In many words the E. vowel sound ee has the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken be bee bee bee bee bee he hee hee key kee kee me mee mee knee nee tnee see see see sea see see she shee shee tree tree tree three three three ye yee yee field feeld feeld feed feed feed heat heet heet meet meet meet need need need seed seed seed sweet sweet sweet cheek cheek cheek speak speek speek week week week creel creel creel eel cel eel E. S. Written Spoken feel feel feel heel heel heel steel steel steel wheel weel hweel bean been been clean cleen cleen mean meen meen creep creep creep deep deep deep keep keep keep sheep sheep sheep sleep sleep sleep steep steep steep dear deer deer here heer heer near neer neer year yeer yeer cheese cheez cheez freeze freez freez geese gees gees piece pees pees thief theef theef sleeve sleev sleev needle needul needul In many other words E. ee becomes ai in S.: E. S. Written Spoken leaf leef laif leave leev laiv sheaf sheef shaif deal deel dail heal heel hail meal meel mail real reeul rail steal steel stail beam beem baim dream dreem draim seam seem saim even eeven aivun evening eevning aivnin lean leen lain scene seen sain cheap cheep chaip heap heep haip fear feer fair tear teer tair please pleez plaiz peace pees pais tease teez taiz bead beed baid beat beet bait E. S. Written Spoken beard beerd baird cheat cheet chait eat eet ait east eest aist heed heed haid lead leed laid meat meet malt neat neet nait peat peet pait seat seet sait treat treet trait beast beest baist least leest laist creature creetyoor craitur decent deesunt daisunt secret seekrut saikrut serious serious sairaius treacle treekul traikul conceited conseeted consaitit reason reezon raizun weak week waik easy eezi aizee season seezun saizun It will be noticed that in many words which are spelt with ea in E. the vowel sound is pronounced ee in E. and ai in S. ; but there are a number of exceptions to this rule. The names of the letters of the alphabet which in E. end in ee end in ay in S., e. g. bay, say, day, for bee, see, dee. Other vowel sounds which in S. take the place of the E. ee are E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken ei glebe gleeb) gleib bleach bleech bleich lea lee lei weed weed weid deacon deekon deikun e knead need ned beneath beneeth uneth ou leap leep Loup ui bleed bleed bluid i pea pee piz I. In a number of words the E. vowel sound i is represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken in in in him him him (also hum) his hiz hiz six six six (sex or saax) E. S. Written Spoken ink ink ink drink drink drink sing sing sing thing thing thing In a considerable number of words E. i is replaced by cc in S.: E. S. Written Spoken drip drip dreep give giv gee gig gig geeg given given geen pin pin preen pity piti peetee sick sik seek wick wik week stir stir steer king king keeng with with wee swish swish sweesh breeches brichez breeks finish finish feenish exhibition exibishun exibeeshun spirit spirit speerut original original oareejnul similar similar seemlur particular partikyoolar purteeklur snivel snivul sneevul position pozishun pozeeshun women wimmen weemin Most commonly E. i becomes u in S.: E. S. Written Spoken rib rib rub ribbon ribbon rubbun clip clip clup dip dip dup E. S. Written Spoken grip grip grup whip wip hwup lip lip lup big big bug E. S. Written Spoken brick brik bruk stick stik stuk fill fill full hill hill hull ill ill ull kill kill kull mill mill mull will will wull shilling shilling shullin lift lift luft stilt stilt stult mist mist must bit bit but it it hut ditch dich duch dish dish dush wish wish wuss fish fish fush E. S. Written Spoken milk milk mulk pin pin pun him him hum thimble thimbel thummul miss miss muss Mrs. missis mustris swirl swirl swurl witch wich wuch smith smith smuth live liv luv wit wit wut this dhis dhus whistle wissel hwussul little littel luttul sister sister suster pistol pistol pustul history histori hustray timber timber tummur In some of these and other similar words the older generation pronounce a distinct u sound, e. g. mulk rhymes with E. sulk, muss with E. fuss, ull with E. dull, &c., while the younger generation tend to pronounce them with an i as in E., or more often with a sound between E. i and u. Other vowel sounds which take the place of the E. i are: E. S. Vowel Written Spoken e still n. still stell think think thenk dinner dinner dennur thirty thirti therty kindle kindul kennul ei ticking tiking teikin April Aipril Apreil Ii. In a few words E. ii is represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken ay ii ii buy bii bii dry drii drii E. S. Written Spoken lie v. lii lii (e. g. to lie down) my mii mii E. S. Written Spoken pie pii pii rye rii rii sly slii slii tie tii tii try trii trii E. S. Written Spoken fire fiir fiir five fiiv fiiv scythe siith siith ply plii plii In a few words E. ii becomes ee in S.: E. S. Written Spoken by bii bee die dii dee eye ii ee fly flii flee E. S. Written Spoken lie n. lii lee china chiina cheenee oblige obliij obleej But most commonly E. ii becomes ei in S.: E. S. Written Spoken fine fiin fein kind kiind keind like liik leik lime liim leim mine miin mein mile miil meil nine niin nein swine swiin swein mind miind meind pint piint peint knife niif tneif E. S. Written Spoken drive driiv dreiv wife wiif weif shire shiir sheir pipe piip peip wild wiild weild ice iis eis rise riiz reiz why wii hwei white wiit hweit bible biibul beibul In a number of words E. ii is shortened into i in S.: E. S. Written Spoken bind biind bind blind bliind blind find fiind find grind gri-ind grind light liit light E. S. Written Spoken might miit mikht night niit nikht right riit rikht tight tiit tikht behind behiind uhint Other vowel sounds which in S. take the place of the E. ii are: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken aa I ii aa by bii baa my mii maa u climb cliim clum wild wiild wuld O. E. short o is, as a general rule, broadened into oa in S. Almost the only word in which it is o in both E. and S. is the word 'or'. E. S. Written Spoken job job joab clock clock cloak cock cok coak cottage cottaj coatuj dock dok doak hock hok hoakh lock lok loak Jock Jok Joak stop stop stoap spot spot spoat short short shoart sort sort soart moth moth moath broth broth broath froth froth froa trough troff troakh shop shop shoap cord cord coard lord lord loard nod nod noad thorn thorn thoarn horn horn hoarn scone scon scoan torn torn toarn storm storm stoarm fond fond foand E. S. Written Spoken box box boax cross cross croas horse hors hoars often offen oafun robin robin roabin solid solid soalid bottle bottul boatul common common coamun morning morning moarnin office offis oafis offer offer oafur copy copi coapay hobby hobbi hoabay holly holli hoalay belong belong biloang orange orinj oarunj possible possible poasubul ordinary ordinary oardnur corner corner coarnur copper copper coapur closet clozet cloazit constable constabul coanstubul coffin coffin coafun promise promis proamus modern modern moadurn comical comical coamicul to a number of words E. o becomes aa in S., especially when the vowel-sound is preceded or followed by a lip letter: E. S. Written Spoken drop drop draap off off aaf loft loft laaft E. S. Written Spoken soft soft saaft croft croft craaft pot pot paat E. S. Written Spoken sob sob saab want wont waant throng throng thraang song song saang wrong rong raang long long laang, also laung swan swon swaan top top taap hop hop haap E. S. Written Spoken wash wosh waash wasp wosp waasp what wot hwaat bother bodher baadhur hollow holloa haalay holiday holiday haaliday dwarf dworf dwaarf porridge porrij paarich warrant worrant waarund quantity quontiti quaantitay Other vowel sounds which in S. take the place of the E. o are: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken ai lord lord laird cloth cloth claith tongs tongz taingz au long long laung (also laang) e hot hot het ou solder solder soudhur u dog dog dug bog bog bug clog clog clug was woz wuz for for fur lodge loj luj lodgings lojjingz lujjinz sword sord swurd body boddi buddee Oa. The E. vowel sound oa is, in some words, represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken coal coal coal foal foal foal hole hoal hoal pole poal poal slow sloa sloa folk foak foak choke choak choak door doar doar E. S. Written Spoken before befoar ufoar boar boar boar nose noaz noaz froze froaz froaz rose n. roaz roaz story stoari stoaray open oapen oapun In a number of words E. oa becomes ou (ow) in S., pronounced as in the E. word 'house' (hoas): E. S. Written Spoken row roa row bow boa bow tow toa tow grow groa grow hoe hoa how bowl boal boul poll poal pow soul soal soul roll roal row E. S. Written Spoken knoll noal tnow hope hoap houp colt coalt cout four foar four gold goald goud over oavur our pony poani pounee bolster boalster bouster smolt smoalt smout Still more commonly E. oa becomes ai in S., especially at the end of a word: E. S. Written Spoken own oan ain alone aloan alain home hoam haim comb coam caim moan moan main stone stoan stain go goa gay no a. noa nay so soa say sloe sloe slay whole hoal hail low a. loa laikh oats oats aits more moar mair sore soar sair hoarse hoars hairs rose v. roaz raiz most moast maist E. S. Written Spoken throve throav thraiv rope roap raip potato potaitoa tautay tobacco tobaccoa tubaukay oath oath aith both boath baith soap soap saip load load laid toad toad taid loaf loaf laif yellow yelloa yaalay tallow talloa taalay harrow haaroa herray fellow felloa faalay elbow elboa elbay narrow naroa nerray barrow baroa baaray pillow pilloa pullay In a few words E. oa becomes au in S.: E. S. Written Spoken sow v. soa saw crow croa craw snow snoa snaw blow bloa blaw E. S. Written Spoken old oald auld cold coald cauld fold foald fauld bold boald bauld Other vowel sounds which in S. take the place of the E. oa are E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken oo coarse coars coors sew soa shoo pour poar poor court coart coort flown floan floon shoulder shoalder shoodhur poultry poultry pootray coulter coulter cootur aa no interj. noa naa spoke spoak spaak broke broak braak hold hoald haad ee widow widdoa weedee u hold hoald hudd mourn moarn murn cloak cloak cluk or kyuk ui floor floar fluir board board buird ford foard fuird Oi. The E. oi generally becomes ei in S., but in some words another sound takes its place: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken oi coin coin kein join join jein joiner joiner jeinur point point peint oil oil eil boil boil beil voice vois veis quoit koit keit oo poison poizon poozhun u spoil spoil spull ui oil oil uilee The E. sound yoo generally becomes in S. either u or ui: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken u creature creetyoor craitur picture piktyoor piktur mixture mixtyoor mixtur ui use v. yooz uiz use n. yoos uis refuse refyooz refuiz excuse n. excyoos excuis excuse v. excyooz excuiz Oo. In a few words E. oo is represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken blue bloo bloo flew floo floo rue roo roo true troo troo you yoo yoo book book book hook hook hook E. S. Written Spoken look look look full fool foo pull pool poo wool wool oo could cood cood room room room More frequently E. oo becomes ui in S.: E. S. Written Spoken brew broo brui do doo dui shoe shoo shui too too tui good good guid stood stood stuid boot boot buit brute broot bruit fruit froot fruit root root ruit shoot shoot shuit soot soot suit cool cool cuil fool fool fuil rule rool ruil school scool scuil E. S. Written Spoken spool spool spuil stool stool stuil broom broom bruim loom loom luim moon moon muin tune tyoon tyuin June Joon Juin spoon spoon spuin sure shoor shuir poor poor puir goose goos guis took took tuik proof proof pruif roof roof ruif truth trooth truith toothache toothaik tuithik In some words E. oo becomes u in S.: E. S. Written Spoken wood wood wud would wood wud crook crook cruk bull bool bull bullet boolit bullut your yoor yur E. S. Written Spoken bush boosh buss foot foot fut put poot putt fully foolli full-lay woman woomun wummun Other vowel sounds which in S. take the place of the E. oo are: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken ai to too tay au who hoo hwaw two too twaw ee tooth tooth teeth ei juice joos jeis o lose looz loss oa brood brood broad ou loose loos lous chew choo chow ewe yoo yow Ou. The vowel sound on in E. generally becomes oo in S.: E. S. Written Spoken bow bow boo brow brow broo cow cow coo now now noo plough plow ploo sow sow soo crowd croud crood drought drout drooth doubt dout doot out out oot stout stout stoot spout spout spoot E. S. Written Spoken clout clout cloot trout trout troot count count coont mouth mouth mooth house hous hoos louse lous loos mouse moos Moos foul foul fool owl oul hoolit towel touel tool brown broun broon crown croun croon E. S. Written Spoken down doun doon town tours toon our our oor flour flour floor flower flouer floor power pouer poor scour scour scoor E. S. Written Spoken sour sour soor shower shower shoor round round roond south south sooth couch couch cooch powder powder poodhur Only in a few words is the E. sound ou represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken growl groul groul howl houl youl Some other vowels which in S. take the place of the E. on are: E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken u cloud cloud clud ground ground grund pound pound pund au found found faund U. In a number of words E. u is represented by the same sound in S.: E. S. Written Spoken touch tuch tuch rough ruff rukh dull dull dull come cum cum dumb dum dum some sum sum hunt hunt hunt month munth munth sun sun sun son sun sun tongue tung tung E. S. Written Spoken young yung yung up up up sup V. sup sup word wurd wurd work v. wurk wurk us us us but but but cut cut cut uncle ungkul ungkul worm wurm worm snuff snuff snuff In others, E. u is replaced in S. by oo: E. S. Written Spoken duck v. duk dook suck suk sook bulk bulk book plum plum ploom thumb thum thoom dove duv doo E. S. Written Spoken love v. luv loo us us oos double dubbel doobul supple suppel soopul Russian Rushyan Rooshyun In a few words E. u becomes ui in S. E. S. Written Spoken blood blud bluid cud cud cuid done dun duin just just juist E. S. Written Spoken above abuv ubuin cousin cuzin cuizun shovel shuvul shuil Thursday Thursday Fuirzday Other vowel sounds which in S. take the place of the E. u are E. S. Vowel sound Written Spoken aa one wun waan once wuns waans work n. wurk waark worst wurst waarst rush n. rush raash stomach stumak staamak ai one wun ain nothing nuthing naithing au worse wurs waur world wurld waurld e udder udder edhur ee slush slush sleesh i us us hiz church church kirk churn churn kirn such such sik other udher idhur brother bredher bridhur mother mudher midhur oa among amung amoan oven uvn oavun colonel curnul coarnul Qu sup n. sup soup PREVALENCE OF THE U-SOUND. As in E., there is in S. a strong tendency to turn almost any vowel sound in an unstressed syllable into the indeterminate vowel sound u, pronounced as in the E. words 'sun', 'but', 'rub'. This seems to be the vowel sound which can be pronounced with the least effort of the vocal organs, and the natural laziness in speaking of the majority of mankind has led to its adoption in many words and syllables where the traditional spelling shows that formerly some other sound was heard. It has thus become the commonest vowel sound in the language. In S. there are a number of words frequently used in ordinary speech, which, when emphasized, have a stronger vowel sound, but when slurred or unstressed or rapidly spoken have this sound of u. This is more especially the case with words which have in their emphasized form the sound of aa. Examples: E. S. Written Spoken Emphatic Unstressed man man maan mun when wen hwaan hwun then dhen dhaan dhun what wot hwaat hwut that dhat dhaat dhut were wer waar wur are aar aar ur them dhem dhem dhum their dhair dhair dhur us us hiz, huz, oos us it it hit, hut ut yet yet yet yut his hiz hiz huz, us this dhis dhis dhus for for for fur your yoor yoor yur A number of other words frequently used, which in E. have an a or other vowel sound, are almost always pronounced in S. with a u-sound. Examples: L. S. Written Spoken a a u an an un and and un the dhe dhu him him hum E. S. Written Spoken was woz wuz fifty fifti fuftay miss miss muss little littel luttul The most characteristic differences as regards vowel sounds between E. and S. are that, generally speaking (though there are many exceptions), we find the following changes. Examples: E. S. E. S. Vowel sound Vowel sound Written Spoken aa e heart haart hert arm aarm errum a e has haz hez glad glad gled aa cat cat caat man man maan au lad lad laud hand hand haund ai e rain rain ren eight ait ekht ei hay hay hei way way wei au an (after w) warm waurm waarm water wauter waatur oa brought braut broakht thought thaut thoakht e ai head hed haid deaf def daif aa step step staap west west waast ee well a. well weel friend frend freend ee ai fear feer fair eat eet ait ee sick sik seek women wimmen weemin u ill ill ull whip wip hwup ii ei fine fiin fein bible biibul beibul o oa cock cok coak stop stop stoap aa off off aaf song song saang E. S. E. S. Vowel sound Vowel sound Written Spoken oa ai home hoam haim go goa gay ou grow groa grow four foar four oi ei oil oil eil join join jein oo ui do doo dui good good guid ou oo cow cow coo out out oot u oo suck suk sook thumb thum thoom Looked at the other way, we find the S. vowel sounds most commonly represented in E. by the following vowel sounds. Examples: S. E. S. E. Vowel sound Vowel sound Spoken Written aa a maan man man ai maak maik make au waatur wautur water o taap top top e waast west west ai e haid hed head oa maist moast most ai hair hair hair ee ait eet eat au a laud lad lad ai hwaur wair where oa auld oald old e aa hert haart heart a gless glass glass ai ren rain rain ee ee mee mee me ii ee ii eye e weel well well i seek sik sick S. E. S. E. Vowel sound Vowel sound Spoken Written ei ii teim tiim time ai pei pay pay oi eil oil oil i ii find fiind find u midhur mudhur mother e igg egg egg oa oa doar doar door au boakht baut bought o coarn corn corn oo oo y oo yoo you oa shoo soa sew ou hoos hous house it thoom thum thumb ou oa four foar four u u sun sun sun e wub web web oo bull bool bull i mulk milk milk o dug dog dog ui oo buit boot boot u bluid blud blood oa buird board board yoo uis yoos use Some S. words containing the vowel sound ui, to which there is no corresponding word in E., are: S. E. crui pig-sty cruizee oil-lamp cuif fool cuit ankle S. E. huil pod, husk guissee pig luif palm tuim empty There is a tendency among the younger generation to substitute ay for ui at the end of a word ; e. g.: E. S. Written Spoken Old New do doo dui day shoe shoo shui shay too too tui tay sty crui cray TERMINATION IN ay OR ee. Many words in S., and especially diminutive nouns, which are much more: commonly used than in E., end in a short vowel sound (generally spelt y or ie), which is usually a distinct ay or ee short, though sometimes it is a sound between the two, difficult to distinguish. When such a word is sung to a tune which makes a long note fall on the last syllable, or is shouted, e. g. in calling a child by its diminutive name, the emphasis on the last syllable generally shows whether it is ay or ee. The following rules seem to apply: 1. If the last consonant of the word is a breathed one, i. e. p, f, th, t, s, sh, k or kh, the sound added is a short ay. Examples: Last consonant Word Meaning Word Meaning k Joakay little John Hekkay little Hector chukkay round pebble hwuskay whisky Gleskay Glasgow Graankay Granco (Street) rookay misty paukay shrewd ch Erchay little Archibald t Kaitay little Catherine Kurstay little Christina Bettay little Elizabeth aantay little aunt boatay little boat claurtay dirty buttay little bit tautay potato thertay thirty foartay forty fuftay fifty ekhtay eighty daaftay a daft person p coapay copy gruppay gripping, grasping shoapay little shop f Effay little Euphemia aufay awful daifay adeaf person s Crissay little Christina Betsay Bessay little Elizabeth Jessay little Jess laussay little lass 2. If the last consonant of the word is a voiced one, i. e. b, v, dh, d, z, g (other than m, n, l, r, or ng), the sound added is a short ee. Examples: Last consonant Word Meaning Word Meaning g Duggee little Duncan duggee little dog Maaggee Peggee little Margaret coagee little coag (bowl) naigee little nag waagee water wagtail d Saundee little Alexander Joardee little George lauddee little lad daaddee little father leddee lady buddee body smuddee smithy cuddee donkey weedee widow caandee candy braandee brandy windee window b Roabee Boabee little Robert Baabee little Barbara Tibbee little Isabella coarbee raven v Daivee little David z Luzzee little Elizabeth Eezee little Isabella Meizee little May aizee easy toozee dishevelled cruizee oil-lamp 3. If the vowel sound in the preceding syllable is ee, ei, oo, or ou, the termination is ee whatever be the consonant between. S. E. deeree darling sweetee sweetmeat weeree weary jeelee jelly cheenee china cheeree cheerful greedee greedy Jeenee little Jane Beelee Billy weifee little wife S. E. Teenee little Christina Beenee little Robina skeelee slate-pencil creepee low stool peetee pity droothee thirsty cookee small bun poossee pussy Louree little Lawrence hweilee little while 4. Otherwise, if the last consonant of the word is m, n, l, r, or ng, the sound added is a short ay. More especially the negative added to a verb is a short nay. S. E. duinay don't caanay can't wunnay won't maannay mustn't coodnay couldn't S. E. wudnay wouldn't boanay bonnie bairnay little child coalay collie oanay any S. E. moanay many graanay grandmother Aidinburray Edinburgh braulay well daidlay pinafore baaray barrow kerray carry merray marry haapnay halfpenny Aundray little Andrew Chairlay little Charles Daanay little Daniel Hairay little Harry S. E. Jaimay little James Joanay little John Taamay little Tom Wullay little Will Aanay little Ann Naanay little Nan Faimay little Euphemia Jinnay little Janet Lullay Lily Mairay Mary Sairay Sarah Saalay Sally STRESS ON SYLLABLES In almost all words in S. the stress (accent, emphasis) comes on the same syllable as in E. Exceptions are: E. S. Written Spoken April Aípril Upreíl July Joolíi Jóolay mattress máttress matréss mischief míschif muschéef discord díscord discóard soiree swáray soarée committee comíttee cóamitee magazine magazéen máagizin massacre mássacur masáacur covenanter cúvenanter coavenéntur GRAMMAR NOUNS FORMATION OF NOUNS. AMONG the different ways in which nouns are formed the following may be noticed: 1. Diminutives expressive of smallness, endearment, or contempt are very commonly formed from other nouns by adding the sound of ay (as in E. may) or ee (as in E. see) to the original noun or to a contraction of it. Examples in ay: S. E. Dim. Written aant aantay aunt auntie bairn bairnay child little child boat boatay boat little boat burn burnay brook little brook but buttay bit little bit graandmidhur graanay grandmother granny laam laamay lamb little lamb lauss laussay lass little girl maan maanay man little man maw maamay mamma mammy shoap shoapay shop little shop yaird yairday garden little garden yow yoway ewe little ewe Examples: A wee but maanikay. Quite a little mannikin. A wee but yairday. A tiny little garden. Examples in ee: S. E. coag coagee wooden bowl small wooden bowl daw daadee father daddy dugg duggee dog doggie hweil hweilee while little while laud lauddee lad little boy naig naigee nag (pony) little pony 2. A similar termination added to an adjective means a person or object possessing the quality expressed by the adjective. Examples: S E. daaft daaftay mad mad person daif daifay deaf deaf person deer deeree dear darling dumm dummay dumb dumb person sweet sweetee sweet a sweet saaft saaftay soft soft-headed person, noodle 3. The addition of the sound ur to a verb forms a noun which means the person who does the action implied by the verb. When added to a noun it means the person who has to do with the object implied by the noun. S. E. Verb Noun baik baikur bake baker daans daansur dance dancer dail dailur deal dealer jein jeinur join joiner lee leeur lie liar loup loupur leap leaper pent pentur paint painter shair shairur reap reaper shoo shoostur sew sempster sing singur sing singer speek speekur speak speaker weev weevur weave weaver Noun Noun duch duchur ditch ditcher ferm fermur farm farmer flesh fleshur flesh (meat) butcher haij haijur hedge hedger mull mullur mill miller seddul seddlur saddle saddler wub wubstur web weaver 4. Some nouns are formed from adjectives by the addition of t or th with a change in the body of the word, to denote the quality expressed by the adjective. S. E. Adj. Noun Spoken Written drii drooth drii drout dry drought heekh hekht hii hiit high height laang laingth long length long length troo truith troo trooth true truth If the adjective ends in t or d no consonant sound is added. S. E. Adj. Noun Spoken Written bred breed braud bredth broad breadth cauld cauld coald coald cold cold het hait hot heet hot heat 5. Many nouns have the same form as the verbs with which they are connected. S. E. Verb Noun Spoken Written fair fair feer fear fear laakh laakh laaf laugh laugh sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep staap staap step step step stoap stoap stop stop stop 6. The verbal noun in in (the same in form as the present participle) is commonly used. Examples: Beitin un scaartin'z Scoach foak's wooin. Biting and scratching is Scotch people's form of wooing. Spaak oa loupin our a linn. Spoke of jumping into a deep pool. NUMBER. As in standard E., the plural is usually formed by adding a sibilant sound, z or s, to the singular; but if the noun itself ends in a sibilant sound, including ch (which is the same sound as tsh), j (which is the same sound as dzh), and x (which is the same sound as ks), the sound added to mark the plural is iz (spelt es in E.). 1. Nouns ending in a vowel sound add z for the plural. Examples: S. E. Spoken Written Sing. P1. Sing. Pl. Sing. P1. baw bawz baul baulz ball balls craw crawz croa croaz crow crows day dayz day dayz day days bairnay bairnayz small child small children bee beez bee beez bee bees buddee buddeez boddi boddiz body bodies wei weiz way wayz way ways doo dooz duv duvz dove doves ploo plooz plow plowz plough ploughs row rowz roal roalz roll rolls yow yowz yoo yooz ewe ewes 2. Nouns ending in a voiced non-sibilant consonant (b, m, v, dh, d, n, l, r, g, ng) add z for the plural. S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. wub wubz web webz web webs laam laamz lam lamz lamb lambs nev nevz fist fists haid haidz hed hedz head heads hen henz hen henz hen hens heel heelz heel heelz heel heels faidhur faidhurz faadher faadherz father fathers igg iggz egg eggz egg eggs dug dugz dog dogz dog dogs thing thingz thing thingz thing things 3. Nouns ending in a sibilant sound (s, z, ch, j, sh, zh, x) add iz for the plural. S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. gless glessiz glass glassiz glass glasses noaz noaziz noaz noaziz nose noses much muchiz cap caps haij haijiz hej hejiz hedge hedges dush dushiz dish dishiz dish dishes boax boaxiz box boxiz box boxes 4. Nouns ending in a breathed non-sibilant consonant (p, f, th, t, k, kh) add s for the plural. S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. haip haips heep heeps heap heaps shoap shoaps shop shops shop shops taap taaps top tops top tops munth munths munth munths month months smuth smuths smith smiths smith smiths caat caats cat cats cat cats cout couts coalt coalts colt colts caik caiks caik caiks cake cakes paitrik paitriks paartrij paartrijiz partridge partridges flekh flekhs flee fleez flea fleas pekh pekhs pant pants screekh screekhs screech scrcechiz screech screeches 5. Unlike E., in which most nouns ending in the breathed sound f change it into the voiced sound v, and add z for the plural, in S. they retain the f and add s for the plural. S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. cauf caufs caaf caavz calf calves haaf haafs haaf haavz half halves laif laifs loaf loavz loaf loaves shaif shaifs sheef sheevz sheaf sheaves shelf shelfs shelf shelvz shelf shelves theef theefs theef theevz thief thieves tneif tneifs niif niivz knife knives weif weifs wiif wiivz wife wives 6. Nouns ending in the breathed sound th retain that sound and add s for the plural, instead of changing it into the voiced sound dh and adding z, as some do in E. (but not all ; see month, death, breath). S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pt. mooth mooths mouth moudhz mouth mouths peth peths paath paadhz path paths 7. As in E., nouns ending in s generally retain that sound before the iz of the plural, e.g. gless, glessiz; cless, clessiz; buss (bush), bussiz. Sometimes one hears the plural hoosiz, instead of hooziz, corresponding to the E. houziz, plural of 'house' (hous). 8. As in E., one or two nouns form the plural by adding n instead of a sibilant. S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. P1. ee een ii iiz eye eyes shui shuin shoo shooz shoe shoes A curious double plural is sometimes heard: Taak aaf baith yur shuinz. Both of you take off your shoes. Steek baith yur eenz. Both of you shut your eyes. 9. Some nouns have the plural the same as the singular. S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pt. Sing. Pt. Sing. Pl. burs burs brissul brissulz bristle bristles coad coad cod cod cod cod dizn dizn duzn duzn dozen dozen deer deer deer deer deer deer fush fush fish fish fish fish grous grous grous grous grouse grouse hairin hairin herring herring herring herring hoars hoars hors horsiz horse horses nout nout bullock bullocks piz piz pee peez pea peas reis reis twig twigs saumun saumun saamon saamon salmon salmon scoar scoar scoar scoar score score sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep teeth teeth tooth teeth tooth teeth Examples: Hoo moanay hoars hay yee? How many horses have you? Three pair oa hoars un an oaray baist. Three pairs of horses and an odd one (beast). 10. Some nouns denoting time, weight, length, area, or distance, make no change after a numeral or numeral adjective. Hee'z three munhh auldur'n mee. He's three months older than me. Shee'z ekht yeer auld. She's eight years old. A twaal yeer auld coo. A twelve-year-old cow. Aa gay um twaw pound. I gave him two pounds (£2). Hut weiz foartay pund dhe bushel. It weighs forty pounds the bushel. Hee'z abuin dhe four scoar. He's above fourscore (eighty years old). Hut'll bee four aikur oanaywei. It will be four acres at least. Hoo moanay yeer iz'd sin sein? How many years is it since then? Ten stain oa hei. Ten stones of hay. Hoo moanay meil iz'd tay Dinnin? How many miles is it to Dunning? Hut'll bee ekht moil fay hoer. It will be eight miles from here. Fiiv bow oa mail. Five bolls of meal. Four dizzin (oa) iggz. Four dozen eggs. Ekht scoar (oa) sheep. Eight score sheep. 11. Some nouns form the plural irregularly: S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. cheeld chuldur children boy, lad children coo kii cow couz, kiin cow cows, kine soo swein sow swiin sow, pig swine guis gees goos gees goose geese loos leis lous liis louse lice moos meis mous miis mouse mice maan men man men man men wummun weemin woomun wimmin woman women baist bais beest beests beast beasts fut feet foot feet foot feet pennay puns penni pens penny pence claith claiz cloth cloaz cloth clothes NOTE. Cheeld in S. means a boy or lad, chuldur means children. Soo means pig in general, as well as sow, e. g. soo'z crui, a pigsty. The plural of pennay is puns when a sum of money is spoken of, e. g. tuppuns, thruppuns, sixpuns, but if a number of penny pieces is meant the plural is pennayz. As in E., claith has two plurals, claiths meaning cloths, and claiz meaning clothes. 12. As in E., some nouns are used only, or most commonly, in the plural, or have a special meaning when used in the plural. S. E. bellusiz bellows taingz tongs pliiurz pincers nuppurz pincers sheers scissors taut a scourge of leather hemz hames (on a horse's collar) bauks balance (for weighing) glessiz spectacles speks spectacles peips bagpipes mainz home farm poalisayz enclosed park round country seat plenstainz pavement flaagz pavement juggz pillory sellz police cells ess ashes pigz crockery finninz smoked haddock kippurz dried herring groats oats with the husks off aits oats coallups minced meat meeluks crumbs murlinz crumbs scumminz skimmings dregglinz dregs airninz rennet speeruts whisky saipay suds soapsuds dudz rags, old clothes S. E. claiz clothes brawz finery steiz corset gaalusiz braces coats a woman's skirts huggurz footless stockings breeks trousers nikkurz knickerbockers murninz mourning roulinz ravelled worsted haarnz brains guts bowels likhts lungs munnaypliiz third stomach of a ruminant haarigulz entrails hunkurz bent legs baats an illness of animals buffits mumps mizulz measles poax smallpox shaakurz staggers doadz sulks bledhurz nonsense claivurz gossip haivurz nonsense oadz odds, difference mennurz manners aurlz earnest money wejiz wages teendz tithe feers officially fixed average prices of grain leinz lines, certificate of proclamation of marriage S. E. caarichiz catechism gutturz mud quikkunz a grass with trailing roots S. E. fichiz vetches, tares foarbeerz ancestors eeldinz equals in age paiks licking 13. A number of nouns denoting semi-liquid food are plural: S. E. paarich porridge kail broth broath broth broaz a preparation of oatmeal soa-inz a preparation of oatmeal hoach poach broth with a mixture of vegetables crudz curds Thay'z guid kail. That's good broth (lit. those are). Taak a hween mair crudz. Take a little more curds (lit. a few more). Gee's a draap paarich. Give me a little porridge. Shee maid az moanay paarich az wud sair tull dennerteim She made as much porridge as would serve till dinner-time. Dhur paarich ull bee our cauld, gin yee duinay taak dhem suin.This porridge will be too cold, if you don't take it soon. GENDER. As regards most nouns, there is nothing in the sound of the word to show the gender. That is determined only by the meaning, nouns being masculine, feminine, common, or neuter according as they denote males, females, either sex, or something without life. A few words denoting persons or animals have different forms for the masculine and feminine. S. E. Spoken Written Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem. Masc. Fern. maan wummun man woomun man woman maan weif man wiif husband wife laud laus lad lass lad lass lauddee laussay laddi lassi laddie lassie faidhur midhur faadher mudher father mother sun doakhtur sun dauter son daughter bridhur sustur brudher sister brother sister guchur graanay grandfather grandmother S. E. Spoken Written Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem. unkul aantay unkul aant uncle aunt neffay nees nevyoo nees nephew niece keeng queen king queen king queen loard leddee lord laidi lord lady bull coo bool cow bull cow stoat quei bullock heifer staig mair mair stallion mare cout fullay coalt filli colt filly boar soo boar sow boar sow tuip yow ram yoo ram ewe wedhur gimmur castrated male sheep ewe in her second year draik dyuk draik duk drake duck coak hen cok hen cock hen dug bich dog bich dog bitch CASE. There are, as in E., three cases — nominative, objective, and possessive. The objective case of a noun is always the same as the nominative. POSSESSIVE SINGULAR. The possessive singular is formed like the regular plural, by adding a sibilant to the nominative, the sibilant being z, iz, or s, according to the same rules as determine the sibilant added to make the regular plural, so that in the case of all nouns which merely add a sibilant or iz to form the plural, the possessive singular has exactly the same sound as the nominative plural. In writing, in order to distinguish between the two cases, it is usual to insert an apostrophe in the possessive singular, but this does not affect the sound. Examples: S. E. Dhe bairnay'z fut. The small child's foot. Dhe yow'z hoarn. The ewe's horn. Dhe dug's tail. The dog's tail. Dhe laam'z haid. The lamb's head. Dhe juj'iz wig. The judge's wig. Dhe dyuk's neb. The duck's bill. Dhe caat's lug. The cat's ear. Daith's dear. Death's door. As in E., the sound of the possessive singular differs from that of the nominative plural only in those nouns which make some change in the body of the word to form the plural or which have the plural the same as the singular. Examples: S. E. Poss. Sing. Nom. Pl. Poss. Sing. Nom. Pl. coo'z kii cow's cows deer'z deer deer's deer hoars'iz hoars horse's horses maan'z men man's men moos'iz meis mouse's mice sheep's sheep sheep's sheep wummun'z weemin woman's women POSSESSIVE PLURAL. As in E., when a noun adds a sibilant sound to form the plural, the sound of the possessive plural is the same as that of the nominative plural ; but in writing an apostrophe is added to mark the difference of case. Examples: yowz' hoarnz ewes' horns laamz' haidz lambs' heads Sometimes another sibilant (iz) is added to form the possessive plural. Example: Dhe bairnz'iz claiz. The children's clothes. Dhe dugz'iz lugz. The dogs' ears. When the nominative plural is not formed by adding a sibilant to the singular, the possessive plural adds a sibilant to the nominative plural, as if it were a singular. S. E. Nom. Pl. Poss. Pl. Nom. Pl. Poss. Pl. deer deer'z deer deer's hoars hoars'iz horses horses' kii kii'z cows cows' men men's men men's sheep sheep's sheep sheep's weemin weemin'z women women's meis meis'iz mice mice's hoars'iz tails horses' tails men'z coats men's coats sheep's haidz sheep's heads weemin'z claash women's gossip As in E., it is uncommon to use the possessive of a word denoting an inanimate object. It is more usual to express the sense of belonging to, connected with, or used for, by simply placing one word before the other without any sibilant, a hyphen being sometimes put between the two words in writing them to show the connexion between them. Examples: S. E. Meaning. kail-paat broth-pot pot used for making broth paat-lud pot-lid lid of a pot paarich-spurtul porridge-stick stick used for stirring porridge shoap-doar shop-door door of a shop mull-daam mill-pond pond for a mill Sometimes a word meaning an animal is used in the same way. Examples: S. E. Meaning. coo-shairn cow-dung the dung of cows hoars-dung horse-dung the dung of horses hoars-hair horsehair the hair of horses swein-saim hogs' lard the lard of hogs But we say sheep's oo (sheep's wool), not sheep-oo; sheep's haid (sheep's head), not sheep-haid. ADJECTIVES FORMATION OF ADJECTIVES. The commonest derivative adjectives are formed from nouns or verbs by the addition of the vowel sound ay or ee. Examples: S. E. Noun or Verb Adj. Noun or Verb Adj. grupp gruppay grip miserly maukh maukhay maggot maggoty cheer cheeree cheer cheery creesh creeshee grease (grees) greasy dudd duddee rag ragged reek reekee smoke smoky A number of adjectives are formed by adding sum to a noun or verb: Noun or Verb Meaning Adj. Meaning aw awe awsum awful fair fear fairsum fearful groo shudder groosum ghastly way woe waysum woeful Others again are formed by adding fay (corresponding to the E. ful) to a noun or verb. Examples: Noun or Verb Meaning Adj. Meaning aw awe awfay awful Bair care cairfay careful way woe waifay woeful In these cases the meaning is that of possessing or being characterized by the object or quality indicated by the noun or verb. On the other hand, the termination lus (corresponding to the E. less) has the opposite meaning. Examples: Noun or Verb Meaning Adj. Meaning haund hand haundlus handless cair care cairlus careless thoakht thought (thaut) thoakhtlus thoughtless INFLEXION OF ADJECTIVES. As in E., adjectives do not change their form, whatever be the ;ender, number, or case of the nouns to which they refer. The only exceptions are the following adjectives, which change their form in the plural: S. E. Spoken Written Sing. Pl. Sing. Pt. Sing. Pl. dhaat dhay dhat dhoaz that those dhus dhur dhis dheez this these luttul noa moanay littel little few mukkul moanay much menni much many COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. Adjectives usually form the comparative by adding the sound ur to the positive, and the superlative by adding the sound ist to the positive. But, as in E., though not so commonly, the comparative, especially of long adjectives, may be formed by prefixing the word mair (more), and the superlative by prefixing maist (most) to the positive. Examples: S. E. Positive Comparative Superlative Positive Comparative Superlative auld auldur auldist old older oldest deep deepur deepist deep deeper deepest faar faarur faarist far farther farthest heekh heekhur heekhist high higher highest thikk thikkur thikkist thick thicker thickest aufay aufayur aufayist or maist aufay awful more awful awfullest, most awful aivun aivunur aivunist even more even most even haunday haundayur haundayist handy handier handiest auld-- faarund auld-- faarundur auld-- faarundist old-- fashioned more old-- fashioned most old-- fashioned Sometimes a double comparative is heard. Examples: Hee'z mair auldur nor mee. He's older than me. Hut's mair sweetur nor hweit. It's sweeter than wheat. A few adjectives form their comparative and superlative irregularly: S. E. Positive Comp. Superl. Positive Comp. Superl. u11 waur waarst bad, ill worse worst foar furst foarmost (before) first guid bettur best good better best hindur hinmust (behind) hindmost luttul less laist little less least mukkul or moanay mair or may maist much many more most neer or neerhaund neerur neest or nixt near nearer nearest or next Examples: S. E. Neest year. Next year. Ut's yoo nixt. It's you next. Deel tank dhe hinmust. Devil take the hindmost. Several adverbs and nouns of place are compared and used as adjectives. Examples: S. E. Adverb or noun Comp. Superl. Adverb or Noun Comp. Superl. up uppur upmust up upper top doon doonmust down lowest uneth nedhur nethmust beneath lower lowest in innur inmust in inner inmost oot ootmust out outer outermost aist aistur aistmust east farther east easternmost waast waastur waastmust west farther west westernmost NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. S. E. Spoken Written ain, waan wun one twaw, kwaw too two three, hree three three four foar four fiiv fiiv five six, sex (obs. saax) six six saivun, sivn seven seven ekht (obs. aakht) ait eight nein niin nine ten ten ten ulaivun eleven eleven twaal, twel, kwel twelv twelve therteen thirteen thirteen foarteen foarteen fourteen fufteen fifteen fifteen sexteen sixteen sixteen saivunteen seventeen seventeen ekhteen, aakhteen aiteen eighteen neinteen niinteen nineteen twuntee, kwuntee twenti twenty twuntee-ain twenti-wun twenty-one twuntee-twaw twenti-too twenty-two S. E. Spoken Written thertay thirti thirty foartay forti forty fuftay fifti fifty sextay sixti sixty saivuntay seventi seventy ekhtay aiti eighty neintay niinti ninety hundur hundred hundred thoozunt thouzand thousand ORDINALS. furst first first seecund second second thurd, thrud third third foart forth fourth fuft fifth fifth sext sixth sixth saivint seventh seventh ekht aitth eighth neint niinth ninth tent tenth tenth ulaivunt eleventh eleventh twelt, &c. twelfth, &c. twelfth, &c. twunteeuth twentieth twentieth hundurt hundredth hundredth thoozunt thousandth thousandth NOTE. Ain is much more commonly used than waan, which is an emphatic form. Although we say four (not foar as in E.) we say foart, foarteen, foartay. In the ordinal numeral adjectives up to nineteen the termination is not th as in E., but t, except in seecund and thurd or thrud, where, as in E., it is d. As in E., the numerals can be used in the plural to signify groups: S. E. Spoken Written ainz wunz ones twawz tooz twos threez threez threes The half-hours are described as before the next hour instead of after the past hour as in E.: haaf ekht = half past seven haaf twel = half past eleven Multiples are sing-ul (singgul), doobul (dubbul), three-plii (triple, three-ply), and twawsum, threesum, foursum, ekhtsum, i. e. arranged by twos, threes, fours, eights. Fractionals are haaf (haaf ), thurd or thrud (thurd), foart (foarth), &c.; quaartur (quorter) is also used for a fourth part. ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS OF NUMBER AND QUANTITY. Number and quantity are sometimes designated by adjectives, sometimes by nouns. In the latter case the noun is generally followed by the preposition oa (of) before a pronoun, but the oa is often omitted before a following noun. S. E. Dikht, doakun, tikk, tikkay, tait, but, thoakht, gren flikhun, hair. A bit, a whit, a little bit, a tiny bit. A draap, a wee draap. A little drop. A wee, A little. A wee but, a wee thoakht. A little bit. A hween. A few. A pukkul. A little, a small quantity, a few. Oa'd. Some (of it). A junt. A chunk. Twaw three, twaw hree, twaw'r three. Two or three, several. A guid but, a guid hween, a gei hween. A good bit, a good deal, a good few. A currun. Several, a number of. A grait dail oa, a grait haip oa. A lot of; a great many. A grait pees oa. A good many, a good deal of. A haantul oa. A considerable number of. Dhe weil oa. The pick of. Dhe fekk oa. The greater part of, most of. Dhe hail oa. The whole of. Dhe laiv oa. The rest, the remainder of. Dhe leik oa. The like of (persons or things), like. Oaray. Odd. Examples: S. E. Aa dinnay cair a dikht (doakun). I don't care a bit. Juist a tikk, juist a wee tikkay, juist a wee tait. Just a very little. Noa a tait. Not a bit. Juist a but bairn. Just a little child. Yur but bairn. Your little child. A but loon. A little lad. A but shoapay. A little shop. A wee thoakht hwuskay. A small drop of whisky. Noa a hair oa mail in aw dhe hoos. Not a grain of meal in the whole house. Aa'll juist taak a but hair. I'll just take a very little. Gee's a draap waatur. Give me a drop of water. Aa'll taak a wee draap paarich. I'll take a little porridge. Aa'll be baak in a wee. I'll be back in a little. Gee's a wee but kebbuk. Give me a little bit of cheese. Aa'll juist taak a hween mair (or may). I'll just take a few more. A hween puir buddeez. A few poor people. Aa hunnay seen um dhis hween yeerz. I haven't seen him for a few years back. A pukkul ait-mail. A little oatmeal. Dhe weif baikit a pukkul oa scoanz. My wife baked a few scones. A pukkul ee coarn. A little of the corn. Dhur'z oa'd ee press. There's some in the cupboard. Twaw three auld weifs. Two or three (a few) old women. Juist a currun haivurz. Just a pack of nonsense. A currun laussayz. A number of girls. Juist a currun scaartz. Just a few scratches. A grait dais oa weevurz. A great many weavers. A haantul oa groazurz. A lot of gooseberries. Ut's a gei hweil noo. It's a fairly long time ago now. Dhe weil oa dhum aw. The pick of them all. Dhe fekk oa dhum. Most of them. S. E. Yee see dhe fekk oa'd. You see most of it. Dhe hail oa'd. The whole of it. Dhe hail nikht. The whole night. Dhe laiv oa'd. The rest of it. Juist aw dhe leik oa dhay thingz. Just all that sort of thing. Aa nair saw dhe leik oa'd. I never saw anything like it. Aa nair saw dhe leik oa dhay. I never saw anything like those. Aa nair saw dhe baist dui dhe leik oa dhaat afoar. I never saw the beast do anything like that before. Ulkay buddee heznay dhe leik oa dhaat. Not everybody has that sort of thing. Floorz un dhe leik oa dhaat. Flowers and things of that sort. Wuz ivvur dhe leik oa dhaat! Was there ever anything like that! Three pair oa hoars un an oaray ain. Three pairs of horses and an odd one. QUANTITATIVE AND DISTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS. S. E. oanay any (eni), either moanay many (meni) luttul little mukkul much aw all (aul) ulkay each, every noa no (noa) nain none (nun), neither (needhur) awbuddee, ulkay buddee everybody awthing everything naybuddee nobody (noabodi) naything nothing (nuthing) sum some (sum) sumbuddee somebody (sumbodi) sumthing something (sumthing) sikk, sikkleik, sikk a, sikkun such, such and such saim same (saim) baith both dhe tay, dhe t'ain — dhe t'idhur the one — the other sum — idhur some (sum) — other (udher) ay, ain — unidhur one — another idhur other, each other oanay idhur buddee anybody else S. E. sum idhur buddee somebody else nay idhur buddee nobody else aw idhur thing everything else nay idhur thing nothing else dhe tay haaf oa'd one half of it dhe t'idhur haaf the other half noa a thing not a thing, nothing at all Examples: Oanay oa dhe twaw ull dui. Either of the two will do. Ur dhay oanay fekk oa waatur ee waal? Is there much water in the well? Dhur noa mukkul waatur ee burn dhe-day. There's not much water in the brook to-day. Ulkay blaid oa gress keps uts ain draap oa dyoo. Every blade of grass catches its own drop of dew. Ulkay craw thinks hur ain burd hweitist. Every crow thinks her own bird whitest. Hee caam in hiz ulkay day'z claiz. He came in his everyday clothes. Ulkay buddee kenz dhur ain wei best. Everybody knows his own way best. Nain oa dhum. None of them. Nain oa dhe twaw. Neither of the two. Dh'ull nain oa dhe twaw oa yee'll gaang. Neither of you shall go. NOTE. Although awbuddee (everybody), ulkay buddee (everybody), oanaybuddee (anybody), and sumbuddee (somebody) are singular, the possessive pronoun referring to them is used in the plural. Examples: Awbuddee hez dhur ain draaf-poak tay kerray. Everybody has his own draff-sack to carry. Hwun a buddee'z raang wee dhur meind. When a person is wrong in his (or her) mind. Sumbuddee'z left dhur futmaarks uhint dhum. Somebody's left his foot-marks behind him. Ut's noa oafun oanaybuddee finds dhur wei dhair. It's not often that anybody finds his way there. Ye'er aidhur awthing or naything wee um. You're either everything or nothing to him. Sikk a buddee, sikkun a buddee. So-and-so. Dhur noa sikk a thing noo. There's no such thing now. Sikkin a foak's gaun tay bee merraid. So-and-so is going to be married. In sikk a gait fay sikk a buddee. In such-and-such a way from so-and-so. Baith dhe twaw oa yee. Both of you. Fay dhe tay yeer'z end tay dhe t'idhur. From one year's end to another. Yee'll noa ken dhe t'ain bee dhe t'idhur. You won't know the one from the other. Baith dhe t'ain un dhe t'idhur. Both the one and the other. Dhe t'ain'z nair weel un dhe t'idhur'z nair foo. The one's never well and the other's never full. Dhe t'idhur day. The other day. Dhay wur baith leik idhur. They were both alike (like each other). Dhay wur nay idhur thing neerhaund ut. There was nothing else near it. NOTE. The word thing is sometimes used with reference to a preceding noun. Examples: Aa duinay leik saut buttur; hay yee nay sweet thing? I don't like salt butter; have you no fresh? Wee'll hay sum nyoo thing in dhe moarn. We'll have some new in to-morrow. Wud yee leik blaak ink, or wud yee taak sum bloo thing? Do you want black ink, or would you take blue? NOTE. Ay is an adjective meaning 'one, only'. Ain is a numeral adjective meaning 'one' (wun), but may be used as a noun, and has a plural ainz, 'ones' (wunz). Ains is an adverb meaning 'once' (wuns). There is another word ain (with a longer vowel sound) meaning 'own' (oan). Examples: S. E. Ay day. One day. Ay shui oan un ay shui aaf. One shoe on and one shoe off. Ay-ee'd Joak. One-eyed Jock. A weif's ay doakhtur. A woman's only daughter. Hur maamay'z ay bairn. Her mother's only child. S. E. Dhay ainz iz aw rikht. Those ones are all right. Aa kent a laud ains. I once knew a lad. Aa'm gled ma hert's ma ain. I'm glad my heart's my own. Ulkay ain. Every one. Gif dhay bee guid ainz. If they are good. Dhay'z unkay smaw ainz. Those are very small. Aa waant yoo ainz heer. I want you people here. Shee'z hur midhur'z t'ay ee. She's her mother's only eye (the apple of her eye). INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVE. Hwaatnay is used as an interrogative adjective, singular or plural, in place of the E. what or which. Sometimes it means what kind of; what sort of. The old form hwulk is rarely heard. Examples: S. E. Hwaatnay coo'z dhaat? Which cow is that? Hwaatnay baakay'z dhaat? What sort of tobacco is that? Hwaatnay auld dudz iz dhay? What old rags are those? Hwaatnay haund wull yee taak? Which hand will you have? Hwaatnay yeer wur dhay merraid in? In what year were they married? Hwaatnay cuntraymaan ur yee? Hwaatnay cuntray dui yee belaung tull, cum fay. What (part of the) country do you belong to, come from? Hwaatnay ain oa yee duid dhaat? Which of you did that? Hwaatnay leik buddee'z yon? What sort of person is he? Hwulk ull yee taak ? Which will you take? Hwulk ain oa yee'z cummin wee mee? Which of you is coming with me? DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES. S. E. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. dhis, dhus dhur this (dhis) these (dheez) dhaat dhay that (dhat) those (dhoaz) yon, dhon yon, dhon yonder yonder NOTE. Dhis and dhur primarily refer to objects near the speaker, dhaat and dhay to objects near the person spoken to, and yon or dhon to objects farther off in place or time. They thus correspond to the personal pronouns (1) Aa, (2) yoo, and (3) hee. You or dhon is used much oftener than yonder in E. You is no doubt the more archaic form, but dhon is now more commonly used in Strathearn, the initial consonantal sound having probably been adopted through the influence of the words dhis and dhaat. Examples: Aa dinnay leik dhur tautayz. I don't like these potatoes. Hwaw'z bairnz iz dhay? Whose are those children ? D'yee see dhon tree? Do you see that tree over yonder? Aa oafun meind oa yon teim. I often think of that time (long ago). Hee'z a rail tummur-haid, dhon. That man's a downright blockhead. Dhis is often used idiomatically in phrases relating to time. Examples: Aa hunnay seen um dhis laang teim, dhis moanay a yeer. I haven't seen him for a long time, for many a year. ARTICLES The definite article dhe is used in the same way as the E. 'the' (dhe) both in the singular and plural. In ordinary conversation the vowel sound in dhe is more like u (as in sun, cut) than e (as in net, pen), and it might be written dhu rather than dhe. NOTE. Dhe is sometimes used where in E. a possessive pronoun would be used. Examples: Dhe weif. My (your or his) wife. Dhe guidmaan. My (your or her) husband. Dhe weif wuz ee gairdun wee's. My wife was in the garden with me. Hoo'z dhe guidmaan dhe-day? How is your husband today? Ur yee oot fur plaizhur, or iz dhe weif wee yee? Are you out for pleasure, or is your wife with you? Shee clawd dhe much aaf mee. She tore off my cap. Aa ei keep ut ee pooch. I always keep it in my pocket. Dhe is often expressed in S. where it is omitted in E. Examples: At dhe kirk — at dhe scuil. At church — at school. Hee wuz begun dhe dailun. lIe had begun dealing (trading). The indefinite article a or an is used as in E. before a singular noun. Before a consonantal sound, including w and y, a is used, and an before a vowel sound. In rapid conversation the vowel sound in the article itself is slurred into u (as in sun, cut), and it might be written u, un. Examples: S. E. u maan a man u wummun a woman u yow a ewe un aufay day an awful day NOTE. Sometimes the indefinite article is omitted altogether. Examples: Dhur'z moanay ain duiz dhaat. Many a one does so. Moanay teim. Many a time, often. PRONOUNS PERSONAL PRONOUNS. As in E., the personal pronouns refer to three sets of persons: first, the person speaking, as Aa, wee, maa, oor; second, the person spoken to, as yee, yoor ; third, the person or thing spoken of, as hee, shee, hut, dhay. As in E., the personal pronouns make no distinction of gender in the first or second persons, or in the plural of the third person, the only distinction of gender being in the singular of the third person, as hee, shee, hut. As in E., the use of the second person singular, dhoo, dhaa, dhee, has entirely dropped out of ordinary speech, and is found only in prayers and poetry. It is still common in several dialects of E. spoken in England, but as it seems to have disappeared several generations ago from the dialect of Lowland Scotch with which I am dealing, I omit it from my list. As in E., the plural of the second person is used for the singular, as yee for dhoo. The First Person (Masculine or Feminine). Sing. Pl. Case Ordinary Emphatic Ordinary Emphatic Nominative Aa Ii wee Nominative absolute mee us, oos hiz, huz Possessive maa mii oor, wur Objective mee, 's, 'z us, oos, 's, 'z hiz, huz The corresponding E. forms are: Sing. Pl. Nominative I (Ii) we (wee) Nominative absolute me (mee) us Possessive my (mii) our Objective me (mee) us Second Person. Masculine or Feminine, Singular or Plural. S. E. Case Ordinary Emphatic Nom. yee yoo you (yoo) Nom. absolute yoo you (yoo) Poss. yoor, yur yoor your (yoor) Obj. yee yoo you (yoo) Third Person. Sing. Pl. Casse Masc. Fem. Neuter All genders Nom. hee shee hut, ut, it dhay Nom. abs. hum, him hur hut dhem Poss. huz, hiz hur huts, uts, its dhair, dhur Obj. hum, him, um hur, ur hut, ut, it, 't, 'd dhem; dhum The corresponding E. forms are: Sing. Pl. Case Masc. Fern. Neuter All genders Nom. he (hee) she (shee) it they (dhay) Nom. abs. him her it them (Them) Poss. his (hiz) her its their (dher) Obj. him her it them (dhem) The pronouns are especially liable to be slurred in rapid speech, and the commonest forms are those I have described as ordinary ; but some of them have different forms when emphasized, and I have given these forms separately. What I have called the nominative absolute is the same in form as the objective, but is really a nominative, like the French moi, toi, lui. It is not unknown in E., for, regardless of grammarians, we say in ordinary speech, 'It's me', 'That's him', but it is much more common in S. than in E. When two pronouns of different persons come together, unlike E. which places the first person last, in S. the first person is put first. Examples: S. E. Mee un yoo. You and I — you and me. Mee un hum. He and I — him and me. Us un dhem. They and we — them and us. FIRST PERSONAL PRONOUN. In ordinary rapid conversation the old S. form Aa is still in common use, but it is being supplanted by the E. form Ii, and this is the pronunciation of the word when emphasis is put upon it. Similarly, in the possessive the ordinary pronunciation is maa, but the E. mii is used when the word is emphasized. Before a vowel maa is sometimes slurred into m'. In the plural nominative absolute and objective, us is the commonest form, but oos is also common, and when the word is emphasized, the pronunciation hiz or huz is often heard. (Note not only the addition of the initial aspirate but the change of s into z.) After a vowel us is often slurred into 's, sometimes into 'z. Examples: Aa'm noa shuir. I'm not sure. Aa coodnay say. I couldn't say. Ii dinnay ken. I don't know. Maa dautay. My little pet. Dhaat's mii tneif. That's my knife. Noa i mii day. Not in my time. Mii mooth juist buds a jull. My mouth just holds a gill. Claw yoo mii baak un Aa'll claw yoorz. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Nain oa's goat naything. None of us got anything. M'unkul un m'aantay. My uncle and my aunt. Gee mee a caanay oor at een. Give me a quiet hour in the evening. Maa ermz uboot maa deeree, Oa! My arms around my darling, O! Hut wuznay mee. It wasn't me. Noa mee. Not I. Mee un hum'z noa freendz. He and I are not on friendly terms. Wee gaid haim. We went home. Hee kenz oos (or us) fein. He knows us well. Hut's noa fur dhe leiks oa huz (hiz). Its not for people like us. Ut peid fur books tull oos. It paid for books for us. Wur tee wuz reddee hwun we caam haim. Our tea was ready when we came home. Hiz laussayz ei gaid tee shairin. We girls always went to the reaping. As in colloquial E., the plural form us (usually slurred into 's or 'z) is often used in the sense of mee, that is, in a singular sense, just as yoo commonly is. Examples: Gee's a likht. Give us (meaning give me) a light. Gee's a luft. Give us (meaning give me) a help (lift). Gee's yur haund. Give us (meaning give me) your hand. Gee's a but pees. Give me a snack. Shee broakht ut tull's. She brought it to me. Hee criid oan's. He called to me. Dhe weif wuz ee gairdun wee's. My wife was in the garden with me. Aa goat a guid pees uwaw wee's ee moarnin. I took a good snack away with me in the morning. Gee's an ell fur a braat. Give me an ell (of cloth) for an apron. Caw dhe waal for's. Work the well for me. Gee's a draw oa your peip. Give me a puff of your pipe. Lay'z ulain — laat's ubee. Leave me alone. Hee wudnay hay'z. He wouldn't have me. Aa'v seen'z maakin a bettur joab oa'd. I have seen myself making a better job of it. Tell oos uboot ut. Tell me about it. The word see is sometimes used with the meaning gee's (give me). Examples: S. E. See a hud oa dhaat. Give me a hold of that. See a haank oa yairn. Give me a skein of yarn. See a faag. Give me a cigarette. See a but oa'd. Give me a bit of it. SECOND PERSONAL PRONOUN. In ordinary speech the nominative and objective are yee, but when the word is emphasized, and always in the nominative absolute, it is pronounced yoo. The possessive is, as in E., yoor, but in rapid speech it is slurred into yur. S. E. Yee ken. You know. Aa tellt yee dhaat. I told you so. Aa'll gee yee'd. I'll give it you. Dhaat's noa fur yoo. That's not for you. Mee un yoo'll gaang dhegidhur. You and I will go together. Steek yur gaab. Shut your mouth. THIRD PERSONAL PRONOUN. Masculine Singular. Hee, hiz, him are pronounced much the same as in E., but hiz is sometimes pronounced huz, and him more often hum, or in the slurred form 'urn. Examples: S. E. Hee'z daaft. He's mad. Hee broakht ut wee um. He brought it with him, Dhaat's noa hiz dug. That's not his dog. Mee un hum'z noa cheef. He and I are not friends. Aa tellt um. I told him. Duid yee git oanaything fay um? Did you get anything from him? Hiz is sometimes slurred into 'z. Examples: S. E. Dhe pedlur un'z paak. The pedlar and his pack. Ut fell oot ee'z haund ee fluir. It fell out of his hand on to the floor. Feminine Singular. Shee and hur are pronounced much the same as in English, but in rapid speech hur is often slurred into ur. Examples: S. E. Shee'z duiin fein. She's doing well. Shee beidz wee ur midhur. She lives with her mother. Mee un hur'z neeburz. She and I are neighbours. Aa hunnay seen ur. I haven't seen her. Yee gay ur ur dyoo. You gave her her due. Laat ur gaang. Let her go. Neuter Singular. The English form it and its are frequently heard, but are often pronounced ut and uts, and the old Scotch forms hut and huts are still quite common, especially when the word is emphasized. Hut is often contracted into ut or in the objective into 't, or more commonly into 'd, which is almost invariably the sound it takes after a vowel or a voiced consonant, such as 1, m, n, r, z. Examples: Oa'd — wee'd — fay'd — tui'd, tull'd, tull' t. Of it — with it — from it — to it. Aaf't — for'd — eftur'd — afoar'd. Off it — for it — after it — before it. Throo'd — in'd — oan'd (also in't, oan't). Through it — in it — on it. Intul'd — iz'd — wuz'd. Into it, in it — is it — was it. See'd — gee'd — dui'd — duin'd. See it — give it — do it — done it. Tain'd — goatun'd — puttin'd — luittun'd. Taken it — got it — putting it — let it. S. E. Dhaat's hut noo. That's it now. Hwaw'z hut? Who is it? (in a game of tig). Aa cood taak hut fein. I could take it well. Dhay gits 't ulkay day. They get it every day. Hee hed oa'd in. He had some in (cattle in a sale): Aa meind oa'd fein. I remember it well. Look at dhe haid oa'd. Look at its head. Hwaat iz'd? hwaat wuz'd? What is it? what was it? Duid yee seed? Did you see it? Laat's see'd. Let me see it. Aa coodnay dui'd. I couldn't do it. Hee caannay keep fay'd. He can't keep from it (resist it). Shee wuz puttin'd in. She was putting it in. S. L. Dhay wur naithin g in't. There was nothing in it. Aa coodnay putt a naim oan'd. I could not give it a name (put a name on it). putt dhe lud oan't. Put the lid on it. Shea spaan'd aw hursel. She span it all herself. Wud yee ken'd gin yea saw'd ugen? Should you know it if you saw it again? Hwaat ull yee gee's for'd? What will you give me for it? Hay yee goatun'd? Have you got it? Gee'd tee maan — gee dhe maan'd Give it to the man. When two pronouns, one of which is ut in the objective, come together, the ut generally follows the other pronoun, instead of preceding it, as in E. Examples: S. E. Gee mee'd — gee's't. Give it me. Gee um'd — gee ur'd. Give it him — give it her. Gee oos't — gee hiz'd. Give it us — give it to us. Aa'll gee yee'd. I'll give it you. Gee dhum'd. Give it them. Aa'll tell yee'd. I'll tell it you. Aa gay um'd — ur'd — dhum'd. I gave it him — her — them. Hee gay mee'd — yee'd — oos't — dhum'd. He gave it me — you — us — them. Yee'll noa gee's't bank ugen. You'll not give it me back again. Duid yee tell um'd? Did you tell it him? Third Personal Pronoun, Plural, all Genders. As in English, the plural of the third personal pronoun is dhay, which in this dialect is the same as the plural of the demonstrative pronoun dhaat, viz. dhay (E. that, those). The possessive dhair (vowel sound as in hair, pain) is not quite the same in pronunciation as the English their, which is more like a lengthened form of dher. In rapid speech it is often slurred into dhur. The objective dhem is often slurred into dhum, but not the nominative absolute, which is always dhem. Examples: S. E. Dhay'r aw weel. They're all well. Ut wuznay dhem uvaw. It wasn't them at all. Mee un dhem'z noa cheef dhe noo. They and I are not on friendly terms at present. Dinnay gay neer dhum. Don't go near them. NOTE. In S. the possessive pronoun is sometimes used where it is omitted in E. S. E. Cawaw tay yur tee. Come along to tea. Aa haynay goatun maa den nur yet. I haven't had (got) dinner yet. Hee'z uwaw haim tull hiz suppur. He's gone home to supper. DETACHED POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. When a possessive pronoun is not followed by a noun it ends in a sibilant sound. S. E. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. 1st Pers meinz oorz mine (miin) ours (ours) 2nd Pers. yoorz yours (yoorz) 3rd Pers. hiz, hurt, huts dhairz his, hers, its theirs (dherz) NOTE. These forms are used whether the preceding noun is singular or plural. Note that meinz ends in a sibilant, which is wanting in the E. mine. Examples: S. E. Dhis dug'z noa meinz. This dog is not mine. Dhur'z meinz un dhay'z yoorz. These are mine and those are yours. Ain (own) is added to the possessive pronouns to give them emphasis. Example: Ut wuz mun ain oanay wei. It was my own at any rate. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS. The reflexive pronouns are formed by adding the word sel (self) or in the plural selz (selves) to the possessives. S. E. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl.. 1st Pers. masel oorselz myself ourselves 2nd Pers. yursel yurselz yourself yourselves 3rd Pers. hissel, hursel, itssel dhurselz himself, herself, itself themselves NOTE. While in the third person E. adds the word self or selves to the objective form of the pronoun, S. adds it to the possessive form, viz. hissel (himself), dhurselz (themselves). For itssel the phrase dhe sel oa'd (the self of it) is sometimes used. The reflexive pronoun is intensified by inserting ain (own = oan) between the possessive and the word sel or selz, e. g. maa ain sel, oor ain selz. Examples: S. E. Aa'll duid masel. I'll do it myself. Wee'll gaang oorselz. We'll go ourselves. Wee'll speek dhaat our umoan oorselz. We'll talk that over among ourselves. Taak tent oa yursel. Take care of yourself (one per-- son). Taak tent oa yurselz. Take care of yourselves (more than one). Gaang uwaw yur twaw selz. You two, go along by yourselves. Hee hurtit hissel. He hurt himself. Dhe burd hurtit itssel (or dhe sel oa'd). The bird hurt itself. Dhay wur aw bee dhurselz. They were alone (all by themselves). Yee maan keep dhur bu dhurselz You must keep these by themselves. Ut wuz staundin dhe sel oa'd. It was standing by itself. Ut wuz lii-in bu dhe sel oa'd. It was lying alone. Fair play tellz dhe sel oa'd. Fair play tells of itself. Aa maid ut maa ain sel. I made it quite by myself. Hee did ut hiz ain sel. He did it quite by himself. NOTE. The possessive of the reflexive pronoun is formed by adding ain (own = oan) to the possessive form of the simple pronoun, e. g. maa ain, hiz ain, oor ain, dhur ain. Example: Shee caannay thoal hur ain foak. She can't endure her own people. The word lain (lone = loan) is used as a noun much in the same way as sel (self). Sing. P1. 1st Person maa lain oor lainz 2nd Person yur lain yur lainz 3rd Person hiz, hur, uts lain dhur lainz In English the meaning is expressed by the phrases by myself', 'by ourselves', &c., or in all cases by the word 'alone' (aloan). Examples: S. E. Aa wuz aw maa lain. Aa wuz aw maa lee lain. I was all alone, or by myself. He wuz aw hiz lain. He was all alone, or by himself. Trii gin ut'll staund uts lain. Try if it will stand alone. Wee gaid oor lainz. We went alone, or by ourselves. Dhay baid dhur lainz. They lived alone, or by themselves. Shee wuz suttin hur lain. She was sitting alone, or by herself. INDEFINITE PRONOUN. The E. indefinite pronoun 'one' is generally expressed by the phrase 'a buddee', the corresponding possessive pronoun being 'dhur' (their). Examples: Dhaat duiz a buddee guid. That does one good. A buddee wudnay hurt dhursel One wouldn't hurt oneself. Dhem is often used indefinitely where in E. the words 'he', they', 'those', or 'whoever ' would he used. Dhem ut wull tay Coopur maan tay Coopur. He that will (go) to Cupar must (go) to Cupar. Geed baak tay dhem ut's aukht ut. Give it back to whoever it belongs to. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. The demonstrative adjectives dhus, dhur, dhaat, dhay, yon or dhon are used by themselves as pronouns, as the corresponding words are in English. Examples: S. E. Dhur'z guid neeps. These are good turnips. Dhay'z boanay bairnz. Those are pretty children. Yon'z a mukkul tree. That's a big tree over there. Dhus iz a fein day. This is a fine day. Dhaat wuz a guid saang. That was a good song. Dhon wuz graund teimz. Those were fine times (long ago). Dhaat ull bee fein. That will be capital. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. The relative pronoun for all numbers, genders, and cases is ut, but it is often omitted altogether. No word corresponding to the E. 'which' is used as a relative, and hwaw, hwaw'z, corresponding to the E. 'who' (hoo), 'whose' (hooz), are used only as interrogatives, not as relatives. Examples: Dhaat's dhe maan ut Aa saw. That's the man that I saw. Dhe lauss ut Aa loo. The girl that I love. Hee's our dhe hullz ut Ii loo weel. He's over the hills whom I love well. Hwaw wuz dhon maan ut wuz heer dhe-day? Who was that man that was here today ? Dhe waarst ut ivvur Aa saw. The worst that I ever saw. Ut's an ull burd ut feilz uts ain nest. It's a bad bird that dirties its own nest. Dhe saangz maa midhur saang. The songs my mother sang. Aa kent a maan gayd oafun dhair. I knew a man who often went there. Dhe maan yee gay'd tay'z noa weel. The man to whom you gave it is ill (not well). Duid yee ken you wummun ut Aa wuz speekin wee? Did you know that woman to whom I was speaking? For the possessive case of the relative, 'whose', or 'of which ', a circumlocution with ut is employed. Examples: Dhaat's dhe maan ut hiz bairn deed dhestreen. Dhaat's dhe maan ut hed a bairn deed dhestreen. That's the man whose child died yesterday evening. Dhon wuz dhe wummun ut Aa kent hur sun. That was the woman whose son I knew. Gimmee dhe stick ut dhe haid oa'd'z broakun. Give me the stick with the broken head. Dhaat's dhe dug ut goat uts lig run our. That's the dog whose leg was run over. Dhe auld maan ut goat huz lig broakun caam hurplin oot. The old man whose leg was broken came limping out. Dhe tree ut hee sellt dhe fruit aaf's daid. The tree whose fruit he sold is dead. Hee beidz ee hoos ut yee see dhe end oa'd. He lives in the house the end of which you see. Hwaat is used as a relative and sometimes expressed where it is omitted in E. Examples: Dhaat's mair nor hwaat Aa thoakht. That's more than I thought. Deer kenz aw hwaat hee sed. Goodness knows what he said. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. The interrogative pronoun hwaw, like the E. 'who' (hoo), is masculine or feminine, singular or plural, and, like the E. 'who' in ordinary conversation, is used for the objective as well as the nominative. There is no hwaam, corresponding to E. 'whom' (hoom). The possessive case in both genders and both numbers is hwaw'z, corresponding to E. 'whose' (hooz). The neuter, both singular and plural, nominative and objective, is hwaat, E. 'what' (wot), often slurred into hwut. S. E. Masc. and Fem. Neuter Masc. and Fem. Neuter Nom. hwaw hwaat who (hoo) what (wot) Poss. hwaw'z whose (hooz) Obj. hwaw hwaat whom (hoom) what (wot) Examples: S. E. Hwaw'z dhaat? Who is that? Hwaw ur yee? Who are you? Aa kennay hwaw yee bee — aar. I don't know who you are. Hwaw'z bairn'z dhaat ? Whose child is that? Hwaw'z shuin'z dhay? Whose shoes are those? Hwaw duid yee see? Whom did you see? Hwaw wuz aukht dhis hoos afoar yee boakht ut? Who did this house belong to before you bought it? Hwut's yur wull? What do you say (what's your will)? ADVERBS Some of the commonest adverbs are connected with pronouns in form and meaning. S. Pronoun Adverb Place Time Manner Inter. hwaw hwaur hwaan hoo Relative hwaw (poetic) hwaur hwaan, hwun hoo Dem. dhis heer noo dhaat dhair dhaan say, dhaat dhon or yon dhondur or yondur CORRESPONDING ENGLISH FORMS. Pronoun Adverb Place Time Manner Inter. who (hoo) where (wair) when (wen) how (how) Relative who (hoo) where when how Dem. this (dhis) here (heer) now thus (dhus) that (dhat) there (dher) then (dhen) so (soa) yonder yonder NOTE. The interrogative and relative adverbs, like the corresponding pronouns, begin with the sound hw, except in the case of hoo (how), where the sound of w has been absorbed in the following vowel. As in English, the relative adverbs are the same in sound as the corresponding interrogatives, except that the relative hwaan (when) is often slurred into hwun. The adverb of manner 'thus' (dhus), which has almost dropped out of English as ordinarily spoken, is not used in Scotch, its place being taken by the expression dhus wei (in this way). The word corresponding to the English 'why' is not used in pure Scotch, its place being taken by the phrase hwaat wei (in what way), or hwaat fur, meaning 'for what reason'. Say (so = soa) is used, but often the E. 'so' is represented in S. by ut or dhaat. The word dhondur or yondur, referring to things at a distance, is used much more commonly than yonder in E. Examples: S. E. Hwaur (ur) yee gaun? Where are you going? Hwaan duid hee cum? When did he come? Hoo'z aw wee yee? How are you all (all with you)? S. E. Hee wuz weel hwun Aa saw um. He was well when I saw him. Cum 'eer — beid dhair. Come here — stay here. It's moanay yeer sin dhaan (sein) It's many years since then. Aa'm non dhaat (say) weel. I'm not so well. Ut's noa dhaat ull. It's not so bad (not at all bad). Aa dinnay think ut. I don't think so. Aa wudnay say dhaat. I shouldn't say so. Hee tellt oos dhaat oafun. He often told us so. Shee wuz dhaat prood. She was so proud. Gaang our dhondur. Go over there. Ut's noa dhaat mukkul. It's not so large (as that). Aa wuz dhaat faird. I was so frightened. Hwaat wei noa? Why not? Aa wull dhaat Aa'll dui dhaat I will do so. — I will indeed. — Right you are! Aa'm sayin dhaat. I'm saying so (that's what I say). Aa tellt yee dhaat. I told you so. Hwaat is sometimes used in place of hoo: Hwaat mukkul dhay wur dhaan! How big they were then! As in English, many prepositions of place and time are used as adverbs, e. g. in, oot (out), up, doon (down), ufoar (before), uhint (behind), uboot (about), ubuin (above). Other adverbs are: Adverbs of Place. uwaw, waw, away, along heeruwaw, hereabouts dhairuwaw, thereabouts hwawruwaw, whereabouts our, over (oavur), away. unour (in over), farther in, in. utour (out over), farther out, or off, back. but, into or in the outer room. ben, into or in the inner room. neer, neerhaund, near, nearly. faar, far. yont, along, farther along, through. sumwei, sum gait, somewhere. oanay gait, anywhere. awgait, everywhere. haaf gait, halfway. bii, past. in bii, inside, indoors. neer bii, near. oot bii, outside, out of doors. our bii, over the way, a little way across. foarut, forwards. baak, back, backwards. dhegidhur, together. ujee, uglei, to one side, off the straight, squinting, awry. haim, home. foarun, abroad. Examples: Cum uwaw (cawaw). — Gay waw haim. Come along. — Go along home. Aa'm gaun uwaw tee waal. I am going along to the well. Dhur noa sik a thing heeruwaw. There's no such thing here-abouts. 'Oa hwawruwaw gaat yee dhaat auld crookit pennay?' Oh, whereabouts got you that old crooked penny? Gay haim our wee yee. Go away home. Cum uwaw unour tee fiir. Come along nearer (farther in — inside) to the fire. Cum utour. Come out (e. g. of a cart). Hud utour fay dhe fiir. Keep back from the fire (farther off). Aa hunnay been utour dhis ekht dayz. I haven't been out of bed for a week. Hee pood dhem utour. He pulled them back (or away). Gaang but. Go into the outer room. Cum uwaw ben. Come along into the inner room. Aa'v ain ben heer. I've one here in the inner room. Aa wuz neerhaund daid. I was nearly dead. Sut yont a but. Sit a little farther along. Ur yee cumin yont dhe toon? Are you coming through the village? Hee'z up uboot Ing-lund sumwei. He's somewhere in England. Aa caannay find ut oanay gait. I can't find it anywhere. Aa'v luikit augait for'd. I've looked everywhere for it. Shee gaid bii weeoot speekin. She went past without speaking. Cum in bii. Come inside, indoors. Baak un foarut. Backwards and forwards. Heesht yee baak. Come back soon (haste you back). Shee fuish unour dhe boatul un paat doon dhe kebbuk. She brought (fetched) over the bottle and set (put) down the cheese. Hee roakht oot bii. He worked outside, out of doors. As in E., dhair, dhur (there) is used at the beginning of a sentence beginning with some tense of the auxiliary verb bee (be) merely as an introduction, but after dhur the verb iz is often omitted. Examples: S. E. Dhur a maan at dhe doar. There's a man at the door. Dhur naybuddee in. There's nobody in. Dhur nay doot uboot dhaat. There's no doubt about that. Adverbs of Time, and Number. noo, now. dhe-noo, just now, at present, immediately. eenoo, just now (in the now). dhaan, dhun, then. sein, sin, then, ago. yet, yut, yet. ei, always, still. hweilz, sometimes. u hweil sin, some time ago. ay day, one day. ay teim, at one time, once. ains oan a day, once upon a time. uwaw, ago. dhis moanay a day, for many a day now. ains, once. tweis, twice. threis, thrice. ivvur, ever. nivvur, nair, never. shuin, suin, soon. ugen, again. oafun, often. moanayteim, many a time, often. nooz un dhaanz, now and then. a wee, a little while. in a wee, in a little, soon. laung, for long. faar back, long ago. air, early (erli). lait, late (lait) A number of adverbial phrases which begin in E. with 'to' (too), begin in S. with dhe. S. E. dhe-day to-day (too-day) dhe-moarn to-morrow (too-morroa) dhe-nikht to-night (too-niit) dhegidhur together (toogedher) Similarly we have dhe-yeer (this year) and dhe-noo (just now); and dhe-streen is more common than yustreen for 'yesterday evening' (but yusturday is used for 'yesterday'). Dhe moarn'z moarnin is 'to-morrow morning' and dhe moarn'z night 'to-morrow night'. Examples: Juist uboot dhe noo. Just about now. Noa dhe noo. Not just now. Aa'll bee eenoo. I'll be there immediately. Shee wuz heer eenoo. She was here just now. Sein Aa gaid haim. Then I went home. Auld laung sein. Old long ago (long, long ago). Ut's a gei laang hweil sin sein. It's a good long time since then. Aa'm ei waarslin oan. I'm still struggling on. Hee'z ei tee foar. He's still to the fore (still alive). Ei weis uhint dhe haund. Always wise after the event. Hee cum'z heer hweilz. He comes here sometimes. Hweilz Ii un hweilz noa. Sometimes yes and sometimes not. Ut's thertay yeer uwaw. It's thirty years ago. Noa az ivvur Aa haard oanay wei. Not as I ever heard at any rate. Dhe tren ull shuin bee heer. The train will soon be here. Aa'v aitun dhaat moanay teim. I've eaten that often. Dhe moarn cum ekht dayz. A week to-morrow. Dhe neeps iz noa guid dhe yeer. The turnips are not good this year. Beid a wee. Wait a little. Duinay beid laang. Don't stay long. ADVERBS OF QUANTITY OR DEGREE.. oanay wei, at least, at any rate, anyhow. a wee — a wee but — a wee thing, a little. a thoakht, a thought (thaut), the least bit. keind oa, keinoa, somewhat, by way of, half, rather. leik, like (liik), as it were. aleik, alike, similarly. gei, geiun, rather, pretty. juist, just, exactly, only. fein, well, thoroughly, easily. weel, well. mukkul, much. a haip, a lot, often. our, too, excessively. awdhegidhur, altogether (aultoogedher). dhaat, so (soa). brawlay, very well. inyukh, enough (enuff). leik inyukh, likely enough, possibly. unkay, very. uvaw, at all. neer, neerhaund, nearly, almost. ubee, alone, as it is. aivun, even, straight, right. aivun oan, without stopping. een, just. maist, almost. throo, done, finished. fell, remarkably, very, thoroughly. Examples: S. E. Ut's wurth twaw pound oanay wei. It's worth two pounds at any rate. Shee's a wee but daaft. She's a little mad. Aa wuz hundurd a wee thing. I was a little delayed. Ut's a wee thing jimp. It's a little skimpy. Dhaat's a thoakht our laang. That's the least bit too long. Hee'z keind oa queer. He is somewhat eccentric. Hee wuz keind oa gaun uwaw tay tack a weif. He was by way of going to get married. Juist keind oa middlin. Very ordinary (just kind of middling). Aa wuz keind oa ull aboot ut — staartin dhe craitur. I was rather unhappy about it —startling the creature. Dhur wuz haips leik. There were heaps, as it were. Aa wuz keind oa faird leik. I was somewhat afraid, as it were. Hee spaak grumlay leik. He spoke rather grumblingly. Aa'm noa verray weel leik dhe day I'm not very well, as it were, to-day. Aa'm gei thraang. I'm rather busy. It's gei saaft dhe-day. It's rather wet to-day. A gei hween. A good few. Shee'z gei auld. She's pretty old. Dhaat's gei leik ut. That's pretty like it. Hee'z a gei queer chaap. He's a very funny fellow (odd). A gei sair beil ut wuz tui. A pretty painful boil it was too. Shee'z lookin geiun soabur. She's looking rather ill. Aa'm geiun weel. I am pretty well. Aa'm geiun soabur. I am rather poorly. Juist dhaat. Just so. Fein dhaat. Quite well, easily. Aa ken um fein. I know him well. Hee caan duid fein. He can do it easily. It's braw tay bee weel leikit. It's good to be well liked. Shee wuz mukkul thoakht oa. She was much thought of. Yee'v puitun in our mukkul saut You've put in too much salt. Hee caam a haip uboot Dinnin. He often came to Dunning. Yee'v cumd our shuin. You've come too soon. Dhur our moanay oa dhum awdhegidhur There are too many of them altogether. Aa wuz dhaat faird. I was so frightened. Shee wuz dhaat keind. She was so kind. Aa ken um brawlay. I know him very well. Dhaat's guid inyukh. That's good enough. S. E. Shee'z unkay queer. She's very eccentric. Hee'z unkay guid. He's very good (too good). Dhaat's nay guid uvaw. That's no use at all. Laat's ubee. Let me alone. Shee juist gaaburd aivun oan. She simply jabbered without stopping. Ur yee noa throo yet? Haven't you finished yet? Hee wuz a fell guid ministur. He was a remarkably good minister. Hee'z fell weel cumd in noo. He's thoroughly well trained (come in) now. Shee keind oa kent oa'd tui. She knew something of it too. Shee fleitit aivun oan — shee nair divauldid. She scolded without ceasing — she never stopped. Ut gayz aivun throo. It goes straight through. Aivun up dhe bray. Straight up the hill. AD.JECTIVES USED AS ADVERBS. As in English, many adjectives are used as adverbs. Unlike English, Scotch rarely adds the equivalent of E. ly to an adjective to make it an adverb, so that it is more common in S. than in E. to find an adjective used, without any change of pronunciation, as an adverb ('very', 'well', 'pretty', and a few others are similarly used in E.). S. E. Adj. Adv. Adj. Adv. aufay aufay awful awfully, very caanay caanay gentle gently cleen cleen clean quite dufrund dufrund different differently fair fair fair fairly, quite fein fein fine well fell fell remarkable remarkably laang laang long long leik leik like likely lood lood loud loudly, loud mukkul mukkul much much neer neer near nearly quik quik quick quickly rail rail real (reeul) really, very, quite rikht rikht right very, really tairubul tairubul terrible terribly, very, exceedingly ull ull ill, bad ill, badly sair sair sore (soar) sorely, thoroughly, well Among the few exceptions are: S. E. S. E. brawlay splendidly, thoroughly haardlay hardly shuirlay surely (shoorli) full-lay fully (foolli) this last word being used frequently in the sense of 'quite', 'rather more than', 'a good deal', 'on the whole'. NOTE. The word 'quite', so common in English, is not used in Scotch, its place being taken by some such word as full-lay, fair, cleen. So, too, verray (very) is seldom used, the meaning being expressed by such words as rikht, rail, aufay, tairubul. Examples: S. E. Dhaat's aufay guid — aufay naitThat's awfully good — awfully neat. Hee'z aufay rich. He is very rich. Aa'm aufay thraang dhe-day. I am very busy to-day. Hee wuz tain uwaw aufay suddun He was taken away (died) very suddenly. Caw caanay. Drive gently, take it easy. Hee'z cleen daaft. He's quite mad. Aa'm cleen duin. I'm quite exhausted. Dhaat ain't dufrund maid. That one is made differently. Aa wuz fair dumfoonurd. I was struck quite dumb. Dhay'z tairubul fein nowt. Those are exceedingly fine bullocks. I'm duiin fein — brawlay. I'm doing well — capitally. Aa kent hum brawlay. I knew him very well. Hee'z a fell guid-naiturd laud, yon That's a remarkably good- natured fellow. Full-lay Jek hii. Rather beyond the Jack (at bowls). Coorsur full-lay dhaan dhe floor. A good deal coarser than flour. Dhay wur full-lay a scoar oa dhum. There were quite a score of them. Full-lay dhaat. Quite that. Noa mikhtay mukkul. Not very much. Dhe dug wuz neer wud. The dog was nearly mad. Dhe coarn'z neer reip. The corn is nearly ripe. Aa'm rail weel dhe-day. I'm quite well to-day. Dhay'z rail fein peeps. These are very fine turnips. Aa wuz rail weel plaizd. I was very pleased indeed. Dhur kail'z rail guid. This broth is quite good. Weer rail cheef dhe noo. We're quite friendly at present. S. E. Dhaat's a rikht auld ain. That's a really old one. Hut's rikht foarnent yee. It is straight in front of you. Hee'z rikht foo dhe-nikht. He's quite drunk to-night. Dhay claiz iz cumperatif auld. Those clothes are comparatively old. Shee fleits coanstant. She's constantly scolding. Aa wuz fair daivd wee dhur din. I was quite deafened by the noise they made. Shoe wuz greetin sair, puir laussay. She was crying bitterly, poor girl. Hee'z noa sair plaizd uboot ut. He's not greatly pleased about it. Hee wuz sair fluttun tull hwun hee caam haim. He was thoroughly well scolded when he came home. Shee nivvur divauldz. She never ceases. Hur tung gaangz coanstant. Her tongue is constantly wagging. Shee juist gaaburz aivun oan. She simply jabbers without stopping. NOTE. In E. 'likely' is more an adjective than an adverb. It is not good English to say, as many Scotchmen do, 'I shall likely be there' ; but, curiously enough, one may say 'I shall very likely be there.' The Scotch for this would be Leik inyukh Aa'll bee dhair. The E. 'else' is expressed by the use of the adjective idhur (other), e. g. Nay idhur buddee (nobody else), oanay idhur thing (anything else). Examples: S. E. Aa'll leiklay meet yee. I shall probably meet you. Wur dhay nay idhur buddee wee yee? Was there nobody else with you? Wur dhay oanay idhur thing yee wuz seekin? Did you want anything else? NEGATIVE ADVERBS. S. E. S. E. noa not naigait nowhere nay n't nair, nivvur never Examples: S. E. Yee'll noa dui dhaat. You'll not do that. Noa mee. Not I. NOTE. When noa (not) is used after its verb it is usually slurred into nay, which corresponds to the E. n't for not. The sound of the verb, too, is sometimes slurred. S. E. Slurred Full Slurred Full iznay iz noa isn't is not wuznay wuz noa wasn't was not wunnay wull noa won't will not duinay, divnay div noa don't do not caannay caan noa can't cannot maannay maan noa mustn't must not hunnay, hevnay hev noa haven't have not hednay hed noa hadn't had not neednay need noa needn't need not kennay ken noa don't know cairnay cair noa don't care Examples: S. E. Aa hunnay been ee toon yut. I haven't been into the village yet. Yee neednay thraip ut doon maa throat. You needn't force me to swallow it (some assertion). The use of a double negative is common: S. E. Aa duinay cair uboot nain oa'd. I don't care for any of it. Aa duinay taak nay mair nor a gless. I don't take more than a glass. Aa nivvur saw nain oa hut. I never saw any of it. Aa nivvur aits nay beef. I never eat any beef. Yee coodnay maak nay idhur oa'd. You couldn't make anything else of it. Aa hunnay seen nain oa dhum. I haven't seen any of them. Yee caannay luppun oan um wee naything. You can't trust him about anything Aa'm noa fur nay mair oa'd. I don't want any more of it. Aa hunnay seen ur naygait. I haven't seen her anywhere. Dhur noa nay teim at nikht. There's no time at night. Hee nivvur kent nay mair. He never knew any more. Shee hednay nain naidhur. Besides she hadn't any. OTHER ADVERBS AND ADVERBIAL EXPRESSIONS. aiblinz, perhaps. aidhur, however. ain'z airund, (one's errand) specially, for that alone. a wee, a little. aw weiz, in every way. az laiv, az leef, rather. bii-oardnur, extraordinarily. bii-wee'd, (by with it), done for, as good as dead. deed, indeed, to be sure. dhaat wei, in that way, like that. dhe wei oa'd, the way of it, how it goes. ee coantur, on the contrary. eent, indeed. foarun, (foreign), abroad. furbii, besides. lood oot, aloud. mebbee, may be. noa a gren, not a grain, not in the least. noa a hait, not a whit, not in the least. suinur, shuinur, rather (raadher). sumwei, somehow or other. thoa, though (dhoa). throo, (through), over, completed. tui, tay, too. ubee, as it is, alone. ulow, on fire. unaw, as well, also, too. un aw dhaat, and all that sort of thing. un dhaat, and so on, etcetera. Examples : S. E. Yee aiblinz mikht. Perhaps you might. Ut's noa mulk naidhur. It's not milk, however. Dinnay gaang ain'z airund. Don't go for that alone (specially for that purpose). Dhe lum'z ulou — up. The chimney's on fire. Hee broakht hiz sun unaw. He brought his son too. Aa'll taak dhaat ain unaw. I will take that one as well. Mulkin kii un aw dhaat. Milking cows, and all that sort of thing. Shee wuz gleid a wee. She squinted a little. Aa'd az laiv beid at haim. I'd rather stay at home. Aa wud az leef dui'd. I would rather do it. Dhay piz iz bii-oardnur fein. Those peas are extraordinarily fine. Hee'z bii wee'd. He's past recovery. Deed Ii; deed noa. Yes, indeed; no, indeed. Ut wuznay dhaat wei uvaw. It wasn't like that at all. It iz eent. It is indeed. Aa'm eent. Indeed I am. I duid eent. I did indeed. Iz hee gaun uwaw foarun? Is he going abroad? S. E. Faar uwaw beez foarun. Much farther than abroad. Un moanay mair furbii. And many more besides. Reed ut lood oot. Read it aloud. Mebbee Ii, un mebbee noa. Perhaps yes, and perhaps not. Aa'm noa joakin a gren. I'm not joking at all. Aa'm noa a gren faird. I'm not in the least afraid. Aa wad suinur gay haim. I would rather go home. Shee'z hiz aantay sumwei. She's his aunt somehow or other. Wuz ee thoa? Was he indeed? Duid yee thoa? Did you indeed? Aa wull thoa. I will though. His teim wuz throo. His time was over. Ur yee throo? Have you done? Laat's ubee. Leave me alone. NOTE. The word oanlay (only) to a Scotch ear has an affirmative sense, and to an English ear a negative sense, so that when meaning to agree with a sentence containing only a Scotchman says 'Ii' (yes), while an Englishman says 'No'. Example: It's only five miles to Crieff. Answer from a Scotchman: Ii, but it's uphill. Answer from an Englishman: No, but it's uphill. COMPARISON OF ADVERBS. Adverbs, like adjectives, form their comparative by adding ur, and their superlative by adding ist to the positive. Examples: S. E. Pos. Comp. Sup. Pos. Comp. Sup. suin suinur suinist soon sooner soonest laang laang-ur laang-ist long longer longest Some adverbs form their comparative and superlative irregularly: S. E. Pos. Comp. Sup. Pos. Comp. Sup. luttul less laist little less least (leest) mukkul mair maist much more (moar) most (moast) weel bettur best well better best ull waur waarst ill worse (wurs) worst (wurst) The comparative is sometimes formed by prefixing mair (more), and the superlative by prefixing maist (most), to the positive. NOTE. Adverbs are sometimes given a place in the sentence different from that given them in E. S. E. Hut cumz ei oot ee gloamin. It always comes out in the twilight. Noa mebbee duiin mukkul. Perhaps not doing much. PREPOSITIONS. PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. aaf, off, away from. aaf oa, off, away from. at, at. baak, towards the back. ben, towards the sitting-room or bedroom. bii, by, past, besides. but, towards the kitchen. doon, down. eftur, after. fay, from. foarnent, in front of. in, i', in. intay, into. intul, into, inside. neer, near (neer). oan, on. oot, out. oot oa, out of. our, over (oavur), across. roond, round. tay, tee, tull, to, till. throo, through (throo). ubloa, below. uboot, about. ucroas, across. ufoar, before. uhint, behind (behiind). ulaang, along. umoan, among (among). uneth, beneath (beneeth). unour, inside (insiid). up, up. useid, beside (besiid). utween, between. utour, outside. uyont, beyond. wee, with. yont, along. NOTE. A number of prepositions begin with u, corresponding to the E. a, as ubuin, uboot, umoan, but we have also uneth, ufoar, uhint, useid, utween, uyont for the E. 'beneath', 'before', 'behind', 'beside', 'between', 'beyond'. Examples: S. E. Aa tuik ut aaf um. I took it from him (i.e. off his person). Hee tuik dhe coat aaf oa mee. He took my coat off me, or away from me. Baak dhe cloas. In the entry, back from the street. S. E. Gaang ben dhe hoos. Go into the inner room (bedroom or parlour). Bii dhe glessiz. Besides the glasses. Wee hed idhur keindz bii dhay. We had other kinds besides those. Aa gaid bii um. I went past him. Hut's but dhe hoos. It's in the outer room (kitchen). Hwaur d'yee cum fay? Where do you come from? Foarnent dhe doar. In front of the door. Lay yur luif i' meinz, lauss. Lay your palm in mine, lass. Aa nivvur putts a fut intul'd. I never set a foot inside it. Dhur'z piz intut'd. There are peas inside it. Hwaat's intul'd. What's inside it? Oot dhe road. Out along the road. Hee loupit our dhe burn. He jumped across the stream. Az Aa caam our dhe brig. As I came across the bridge. Cumin throo dhe rii. Coming through the rye. Hwaur (ur) yee gaup tull? Where are you going to? Geed tull um. Give it to him. Wee gaid haim tull oor dennur. We went home to dinner. Uboot Dinnin. In the neighbourhood of Dunning. Sumwei uboot dhe Pininshoolur Waur. Somewhere in the Peninsular War. Taak yur auld cluk uboot yee. Take your old cloak round you. Shee beidz doon uboot Lundun. She lives somewhere near London. Hee'z uboot Ing-lund sumwei. He's somewhere in England. Ubuin dhem aw yee taak yur plais. Above them all you take your place. Ufoar dhe doar. Before the door. Cum oot umoan dhe neeps. Come out from among the turnips. Our dhe muir umoan dhe hedhur. Over the moor among the heather. Putt ut uneth dhe tibbul. Put it below the table. Aa wunnay gaang unour yur doar. I won't go inside your door. Dhay wur suttin useid idhur. They were sitting side by side .Hee saat doon useid mee. He sat down beside me. Wee wudnay gaang utour dhe doar fur fair oa boagulz. We would not go outside the door for fear of goblins. Dhe smuddee staundz uyont dhe burn. The smithy stands beyond the brook. Yont dhe toon. Along through the village. Yont dhe road. Along the road. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME. As in English, many prepositions of place are also used as prepositions of time, e. g. ufoar, eftur, utween, at, neer, uboot, fay, in. Other prepositions of time are: S. E. gin by or till sin since (sins) Examples: S. E. Aa'll bee ekhtay gin Mei. I'll be eighty by May. Hee'll bee heer gin nikht. He'll be here by nightfall. Wee'll aw bee daid gin dhaan. We'll all be dead by then. Shee'll bee haim gin Weddunzday. She'll be home by Wednesday. Aa roakht ma stoakin or denner-teim. I knitted (worked) my stocking till dinnertime. It's moanay yeer sin sein. It's many years since then. OTHER PREPOSITIONS. beez, bee, ba, beside, in comparison with. bunnay, except. but, without. fur, for. leik, like (liik). oa, of (ov). tay, in comparison with. weeoot, without. waantin, short of, without. Examples: S. E. Hee'z auld ba mee. He's old in comparison with me (older than me). Faar noarth beez dhis. Far north in comparison with this (farther north than this). Ut brunt leik maad. It burned furiously. Noa tay hwaat it wuz ains. Not in comparison with what it once was. Aa'll noa gaang waantin hur. I'll not go without her. Dhe laud waantin a lig. The youth short of a leg (with one leg) He caam haim waantin dhe breeks. He came home without his trousers. Aa caannay see waantin dhe glessiz. I can't see without spectacles. IDIOMATIC USE OF PREPOSITIONS. NOTE. Before an infinitive, fur tay or fur tull (for to) is often used for the E. to. Examples: S. E. Hee ettuld fur tay gaang. He meant to go. Aa gaid fur tay see'd. I went to see it. Hee sent a maan fur tay git ut. He sent a man to get it. In some phrases the article dhe is expressed in S. though omitted in E. Examples: S. E. At dhe kirk. At church. At dhe scuil. At school. Oan dhe noak. O'clock. A gem at dhe boolz. A game at marbles or bowls. Hee'z uwaw at dhe curlin. He's away curling. Ur yee cumin tee (tay dhe) curlin. Are you coming to curl? Up dhe stair. Upstairs. Doon dhe stair. Downstairs. Up dhe bray. Uphill. Doon dhe bray. Downhill. Wee dhe tren. By train. Duid yee cum wee dhe tren? Did you come by train? Naa, Aa trevulld. No, I came on foot (walked). Hee'll bee heer wee dhe fiiv tren. He'll be here by the five o'clock train. Some prepositions are used in a different way from what they are in English: better oa, better for. waur oa, worse for. caw fur, call on. crii oan, call to. cum at, think of. cum oot wee, utter. faird fur, afraid of. in a praizunt, as a present. luppun oan (or tull), trust. maak up oan, overtake. meind oa, remember. merray oan, marry to. putt fay, put off. reit, write to. sleep in, oversleep oneself. slip uwaw, die. speek wee, speak to. speer at, ask. wait oan, wait for. aaf, from. bee, from. wee, for, owing to, because of. our, on. tay, for. Examples: Aa'm dhe better oa dhaat. I'm the better for that. Nain dhe better oa yoor speerin. None the better for your asking. Hee'z dhe waur oa drink. He's worse for drink. Nain dhe waur oa dhaat. None the worse for that. Duid yee caw for Mustris Bug? Did you call on Mrs. Boag? Hee criid oan's. He called to me. Aa caanay cum at a naim for'd. I can't think of a name for it. Ur yee faird fur um? Are you afraid of him? Aa'm noa faird fur yoo, oanay wei. I'm not afraid of you, at any rate. Aa goat dhaat in a praizunt. I got that as a present. Yee caanay luppun oan um wee naything. You can't trust him for anything. Hee'z noa tay luppun tull. He's not to be trusted. Aa maid up oan um. I overtook him. Aa meind oa hum fein. I remember him well. Hwaw'z shee merraid oan? Who's she married to? She'z merraid oan maa cuizin. She's married to my cousin. Ut's noa aizee puttin dhum fay'd. It's not easy to put them off it. Aa roat um laast week. I wrote to him last week. Shee sluppit uwaw laast nikht. She died last night. Aa wuz faird Aa wud sleep in. I was afraid I should oversleep myself. Aa duidnay speek wee ur. I didn't speak to her. Speer at yur midhur. Ask your mother. Yee neednay speer at hum. You needn't ask him. Aa wuz waitin oan a maan. I was waiting for a man. Hee caam oot wee an aith. He uttered an oath. A but coalup aaf dhe soo. A small cut from the pig (a rasher of bacon). Hee het me our dhe haid. He hit me on the head. Maa midhur shood ut timmay (tay mee). My mother sewed it for me. Aa coodnay git sleepit wee dhe likhnin. I couldn't go to sleep owing to the lightning. Aa coodnay git sleepit wee dhe dugz baarkin. I couldn't go to sleep owing to the dogs' barking. Hiz peenee'z aw cuissen wee sun. His pinafore is quite faded (cast) owing to the sun. (The sun has taken all the colour out of his pinafore.) Aa wuz hirdin wee a maan twaw yeer. I was shepherd to a man for two years. Aa'm noa throo yut. I haven't finished yet. Iz dhe kirk throo? Is service over? Aa caannay gaang throo wee'd. I can't go through with it (finish it). Aa gaid throo sum auld foak wee um. I went over (talked about) some old people with him. Hiz fingur wuz cuttit wee gless. His finger was cut by the glass. Dhe floorz iz sair taasht wee dhe ren. The flowers are badly battered by the rain. CONTRACTIONS. The prepositional phrases oa dhe (of the), i dhe (in the), are very commonly slurred into ee. So also, but more rarely, are at dhe and oan dhe. Examples: For oa dhe (of the): Dhe haid ee toon. The head of the town (the highest part of the village). At dhe baak ee kirk. At the back of the church. Bee hair ee haid. By the hair of the head. Ee playgrund ee auld scuil. In the playground of the old school. A draap oot ee kail-paat. A drop out of the broth-pot. For i dhe (in the) or intay dhe (into the): Ee moarnin, ee gloamin. In the morning, in the twilight. Ee big hoos. In the mansion house. Ee baak end ee yeer. In the end of the year. Tweis ee day. Twice a day (in the day). Ee noo. Just now (in the now). Put ut ee oavun. Put it in the oven. Coalups frii-in ee paan. Steaks frying in the pan. Dhur a blaast ee waast ee noo. There's a shower in the west just now. Aa'v been seein fairlayz ee fiir. I have been seeing strange things in the fire. Aa ei juist keep ut ee pooch. I always just keep it in my pocket. Tautayz bursuld ee ess. Potatoes roasted in the ashes. Hee'z waast ee haw. He's west in the hall. Hut's broon ee cullur. It's brown in (the) colour. Aa roakht ee shoap wee Baaray. I worked in the shop with Barry. Dhe kii wuz gaun ee paark. The cattle were set to graze (going) in the park, Wee goat aukhteen pens ee day. We got eighteen pence in the day (a day). Dhay wur a femin ee twintee-six. There was a famine in the 26 (1826). Putt ut ee paat. Put it into the pot. Aa hunnay been ee toon yut. I haven't been into the village yet. Hee gaid plunk ee burn. He went plump into the brook. For at dhe (at the): Glour ee muin un faw ee middun. Gaze at the moon and fall on the dungheap. For oan dhe (on the): Dhay wuz rowin ee fluir. They were rolling on the floor. A sclaaf ee lug. A slap on the ear. A lik ee chaafts. A crack on the jaws. Hee beidz ee t'idhur seid oa Creef. He lives on the other side of Crieff. Ut fell oot ee'z haund ee fluir. It fell out of his hand on to the floor. Ee coantur. On the contrary. Tee is used as a slurred form of tay dhe (to the): Aa'm gaun uwaw tee waal fur waatur. I am going along to the well for water. Ur yee gaun tee kirk? Are you going to church? Gaang tee hoos un kaim yur hair. Go to the house and comb your hair. Hee wuz in tee nekk. He was in up to the neck. Dinnay gaang tee law. Don't go to (the) law. Dhe snaw wuz up tee pooch-ludz. The snow was up to my (the) pocket-flaps. Dhay tiid a stuk tee snek ee doar. They tied a stick to the latch of the door. Ut gaid tee doar oan uts ain feet. It went to the door on its own feet. Aa'm ei tee foar. I am still to the fore (still alive). Wee is used for wee dhe (with the): Tay sup wee deel. To sup with the devil. Aa'll gee yee a craak wee poakur. I'll give you a blow with the poker. By dhe (by the) sometimes becomes bee: Yee hay dhe raang soo bee lug. You have the wrong pig by the ear. In rapid speech the preposition tay (to) is sometimes slurred into a: Aa'm gaun a gee yoo sumthing. I am going to give you something. Other constructions are: Hee tuik ut fimmay (fay mee). He took it from me. Hee geed ut timmay (tay mee). He gave it to me. Tay sometimes becomes tee before yee: Un Aa cum tee yee. If I come to you. Special prepositions or adverbs are commonly used in Dunning speech in connexion with particular places: In tay Pairth. Our tay Gaask, Creef, Glendevon. Throo tay Gleskay (Glasgow), Aidinburray (Edinburgh). Doon tay Dundee. Doon dhe Cleid (Clyde). Up tay Kippun, Inverness. Noarth tay Eburdeen (Aberdeen). Aist tay Furtevvut (Forteviot). Waast tay Aakhturairdur (Auchterarder). CONJUNCTIONS. As in E., many common adverbs and prepositions are used also as conjunctions, such as hwaur (where), hwun (when), hoo (how), hwaat wei (why), ufoar (before), eftur (after). Other conjunctions are: aidhur — or, either (iidhur) — or. az, uz, 'z, 's, as (az). beez, bii, beside, in comparison with, than. bunnay, except. but, except, without. cuz, because (bicauz). ut, 't, that (dhat). fur, for, notwithstanding that. fur fair, lest. gif, gin, in, un, if. hwei, why. hwun, while. naidhur — nor, neither — nor. nor, nur, dhun, un, 'n, than (dhan). or, until, till, before. or ains, or else. say, so. sein, then. sin, since. suppoazin, supposing, if. thoa, though (dhoa). un, and. weeoot, unless. dhe saim uz, as if Examples: Aa nair saang bunnay hwun Aa wuz ee kirk. I never sang except when I was in (the) church. Yee'r hweit but hwaur yee'r beld. You're white except where you're bald. Wee nivvur saw floor scoanz but on Haansul Mundayz. We never saw flour scones except on Hansel Mondays. Aa'll taak dhum baith gin yee leik. I'll take them both if you please. Gin a buddee meet a buddee. If a person meet a person. Gin (un) Aa cum tee yee. If I come to you. Cuz Aa wuznay biddun. Because I wasn't invited. Shee'z bettur'n shee'z boanay. She's better than she's pretty. Dhay wur mair nor ain. There were more than one. Aa'm mair nor obleejd tay yee. I am more than obliged to you. Wait or Aa see. Wait till I see. Beid heer or Aa cum baak. Stay here until I come back. Hud yur tung or ains Aa'll gee yee'd. Hold your tongue or else I'll give it you. Cawaw haim or ains Aa'll tell yur midhur. Come away home or else I'll tell your mother. Aa buid gay or ains beid at haim. I had to go or else stay at home. Staund baak or Aa trii'd masel. Stand back till I try it myself. Hee wuz auld sin Ii meind. He's been an old man so long as I remember. Dhe saim uz yee wuz booin doon. As if you were bowing down. Noa sin Ii meind. Not since I remember. Un yee taak dhaat laud, moanay a needlus preen yee'v puittun in. If you take that youth, you've stuck in many a needless pin (you needn't have taken so much trouble to dress up) Gin yee leik yur midhur bettur nor me, joist beid wee ur. If you like your mother better than me, just stay with her. Noa ut Aa ken oa. Not that I know of (Not so far as I know). Beez or bii is often used with the positive of an adjective where in E. the comparative with than would be used: Yeer auld beez mee. You're older than me. Sullur'z reif noo beez ut wuz i' mii day. Money's plentiful now compared with what it was in my day. Dhe bairnz iz stroang noo beez hwun Ii wuz at dhe scuil. The children are healthy now in comparison with what they were when I was at school. Yee'r an auld maan beez Aa thoakht yee wuz. You're an older man than I thought. Sum hez hii heelz beez idhurz. Some have higher heels than others. Dhur noa moanay foak heer noo bii dhur wuz at dhaat teim. There are fewer people here now than there were at that time. NOTE. But, with the indicative mood, is used where in E. without is used followed by a participle: Yee nivvur see green cheez but yur eon reelz. You never see green cheese without your eyes dancing. Aa nivvur yut gay bii dhe doar, but ei Aa faw a-laakhin. I never yet go past the door without bursting into laughter. INTERJECTIONS AND EXCLAMATIONS. S. E. Aa coodnay say. I couldn't say (I don't know). Aa daursay. I dare say. Aa divnay ken. Aa duinay ken. I don't know. Aa hay yee noo. I have you now (Now I understand). Aa'm noa sayin. I'm not saying (I dare say). Aa sez — sez Ii. Says I. Aa'z uphaad. I'll uphold (I warrant). Aa'z waarund yee. I'll warrant you. Aa weel a waat. Well I wot (Well I know). Aa wudnay say. I shouldn't say (I hardly think so). Ai! Oh! Aih? Eh? As shuir'z daith. As sure as death. Az shuir'z oakht. As sure as anything. S. E. Beid a wee. Wait a minute (a little). Bigg paardun. I beg your pardon. Caw caanay. Drive gently, take it easy. Cawaw, mun. Come along, man. Chaaps mee dhe theevul! Bags me the porridge-stick! Cum 'eer. Come here. Daagoan yee! Damn you! Daagoan 't! Damn it! Deed Ii. Yes, indeed. Deed noa. Indeed not. Deel a but. Devil a bit. D'yee see? Do you see? E! Ah! (aa) Faigz — faith! Faith! Feekh — keekh ! Faugh! (faw) an exclamation of disgust. Fein dhaat. Well, thoroughly, easily. Gaang uwaw. Get away. Gaang tay Baamff ! Go to Jericho! Gay haim wee yee. Go along home. Gay waw (gawaw) wee yee. Get away. Geid'z aw. Guide us all. Guid kenz. God knows. Gwaw haim. Go along home. Haavurz. Halves. Hay! taak dhaat! Here, take that! Haivurz. Nonsense. Hay!! Here (take this). Hee sez — sez hee. Says he. Heesht yee Heeshtee. Hurry up, make haste. Hooray! Hurrah! (hooray). Hoot, hoots, huts. Tut. Hoot Ii. Yes, indeed. Hoots noa. Not at all. Hoot toot. Tut tut. Hud yur tung. Hold your tongue (tung). Hud yur weesht. Be quiet. Hud yur pais. Hold your peace. Huilay, huilay. Gently, slowly. Hwaat's yur wull? What did you say? Ii. Ay (ii), yes. Ii, ii. Yes, yes. Ii, fein. Yes, well. Koa Ii, koa hee, koa shee. Said I, said he, said she. Laa um ulain. Let him alone. Lay'z ulain. Laat's abee. Let me alone. S. E. Leik. As it were, so to say. Loash bluss mee. Lord bless me. Loash me. Lord. Maa coanshunz! My conscience! Meind yee. Remember. Mii! My! Mil saang. mii sertay. Mii troath. My faith. Mikhtay mee. Meggistay mee. My eye. Naa. No (noa). Naa, naa. No, no. Nay fair. No fear. Nivvur haid. Never mind (heed). Nivvur leet. Don't tell. Noa a steek. Not a stitch. Oa, ow, ai, hekh! Oh! Oa, yee'r waalcum. Don't mention it. Ow Ii. Oh yes. Steek yur gaab. Shut up. Thenk yee. Thank you. Waulay. Alas. Way'z mee. Woe's me. Weel. Well. Weesht. Be quiet. Yee ken. You know. Yee see. You see. NOTE. It is very common to interject the word maan, wummun, laud, laudee, lauss, or laussay, according to the sex and age of the person addressed. When maan does not begin the sentence it is slurred into mun. Examples: S. E. Maan, Aa divnay ken. Man, I don't know. Ii, mun. Noa, mun. Yes, man. No, man. Gay waw wee yee, mun. Get away with you. Ai wummun, wummun! Oh, woman! Beid a wee, laudee. Wait a bit, boy. Gwaw haim, laussay. Go along home, girl. NOTE. Leik (like) is often added to a sentence or clause, without much meaning except that of indefiniteness, like 'so to say'. Examples: Ut wud sair dhe bais aw day, leik. It would last (serve) the cattle all day, so to say. Hur fais wuz aw begruttun leik. Her face showed marks of weeping, so to say. Ii, pronounced like the English 'eye', or 'ay' in the phrase 'ay or no', is still in very common use, but the English 'yes' is taking its place, and is often pronounced yais, with a drawl. Ii is capable by an alteration of tone of expressing a great variety of meanings, from simple agreement to ready or doubtful acquiescence, and Ii Ii is often used simply to fill up a pause in the conversation. Such, too, are the uses of the corresponding inarticulate sound, which cannot be exactly expressed in writing. If you say aahaa in a natural way, and then, with the mouth open, say it through your nose, you have unhun, which is a lazy way of expressing assent; then, if you shut your mouth and again try to say aahaa, letting the breath pass entirely through your nose, you have the still more lazy umhum, a very common sound in Scotland. Another sound which cannot be exactly represented is something like chk, and expresses exultation, e. g. Chk, laud! yee dinnay ken hwaat Aa'v goatun. Lad, you don't know what I have got. NEGATIVES. As in English, most negatives begin with the sound of n S. E. naa interj. no (noa) noa adv. not nay adv. n't ('not' after auxiliary verbs) nay adj. no nain pron. none (nun) nair-nivvur adv. never naidhur conj. neither (niidher) nor conj. nor naybuddee n. nobody (noabodi) naything n. nothing (nuthing) noakht n. naught (naut) naygait adv. nowhere The E. words few and seldom are generally expressed in S. by noa moanay (not many) and noa oafun (not often). Sometimes noa weel is used where E. would have ill. VERBS. The moods and tenses of verbs and the use of auxiliary verbs are very much the same in S. as in E., except that: (1) The subjunctive mood is rarely used, the indicative being employed in its place. (2) The active infinitive is often used where in E. the passive infinitive is used. Examples: Hee's noa tay luppun tull. He's not to be trusted. Iz dhis hoos tay let? Is this house to be let? (3) The present participle with the verb 'to be' is more frequently used than in E., e. g.: Aa'm thinkin, Aa'm sayin, Aa'm noa sayin dhaat, Aa'm noa cairin (I don't care). As regards number and person, the chief difference between S. and E. is that in the present tense the ending in z or s, which marks the third person singular, is in S. often used in all persons of the plural unless the verb follows immediately after a single pronoun, and also in the first person singular, especially when the present is used for a narrative past. This sibilant sound is, as in E., the only inflexion of the verb now surviving, except those of the past tense and the participles. The rules which determine whether it shall be z or s are much the same as those which regulate the formation of the plural of nouns. That is to say, to form the third person singular of the present tense, most verbs add a z, but if the verb ends in a breathed sound (except s, ch, or x) the sibilant sound added is s. If the verb ends in a sibilant sound including ch, j, and x, the sound added is iz. Examples: Verbs ending in a vowel sound, which add z in the third person singular present: S. E. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. dee deez die (dii) dies (diiz) dui duiz do (doo) does (duz) faw fawz fall (faul) falls (faulz) gay gayz go (goa) goes (goaz) grow growz grow (groa) grows (groaz) loo looz love (luv) loves (luvz) pei peiz pay pays (payz) say sez say says (sez) Verbs ending in a voiced non-sibilant consonant (g, ng, d, n, b, m, r, l) which add z: S. E. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. beid beidz live lives (livz) bid bidz bid bids (bidz) big bigz build (bild) builds (bildz) braidh braidhz breathe (breedh) breathes (breedhz) cum cumz come (cum) comes (cumz) heer heerz hear (heer) hears (heerz) rin rinz run runs (runs) sing singz sing sings (singz) tell tellz tell tells (tellz) Verbs ending in a sibilant sound (s, z, ch, j, sh, zh, x) which add iz: S. E. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. juj jujiz judge (juj) judges (jujiz) muss mussiz miss misses (missiz) pooch poochiz pouch pouches (pouchiz) reiz reiziz rise (riiz) rises (riiziz) wush wushiz wish wishes (wishiz) Verbs ending in a breathed non-sibilant consonant (k, kh, t, th, p) which add s: S. E. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. Verb 3rd pers. sing. pres. ait aits eat (eet) eats (eets) lik liks lick (lik) licks (liks) pekh pekhs pant pants sleep sleeps sleep sleeps PRESENT TENSE OF ken (know). S. E. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. 1st pers. Aa ken. Wee ken. I know (noa). We know. 2nd pers. Yee ken. You know. 3rd pers. Hee kenz. Dhay ken. He knows (noaz). They know. NOTE. As already noted, although we say wee ken, yee ken, dhay ken, yet when the subject is any other word or words than these pronouns standing alone, the plural of the verb generally takes the sibilant that marks the third person singular. Examples: S. E. Mee un yoo kenz dhaat fein. You and I know that well. Mee un hum gaangz dhegidhur. He and I go together. Hwun dhe kii cumz haim. When the cows come home. Green growz dhe raashiz, Oa! Green grow the rushes, Oh! Sum caws dhum dhaat. Some call them that. And, as already noted, the verb sometimes takes the sibilant ending of the third person singular even in the first person singular; and it sometimes does so even after a single plural pronoun, especially when it is used in narrative for the past. Examples: S. E. Aa sez. I said (said I). Wee cumz utour. We came away back. Aa nivvur seez um noo. I never see him now. Aa nivvur putts a fut intul't. I never set foot inside it. Aa nivvur gits. I never get there. Aa nivvur drinks nain oa'd. I never drink any of it. In Aa cumz. In I came. Aa hez tay pei twaw pound. I have to pay two pounds. Aa nivvur sleeps a wink haardlay. I hardly ever sleep a wink. OTHER TENSES. As in E., verbs (other than the auxiliary verb bee) make no change for number or person in any tense but the present. AUXILIARY VERBS. The auxiliary verbs are much the same as in E. and are used in much the same way. They are: S. E. Infin. Pres. Past Infin. Pres. Past bee iz wuz be (bee) is (iz) was (woz) hev, hay hez hed have (hav) has (haz) had caan cood, cud can could (cood) may mikht may might (miit) maan, mun buid must had to wull wud will would (wood) suid, shuid should (shood) dui duiz duid do (doo) does (duz) did daur daur daurd dare dare dared need need wunt used Bee, iz, wuz. The present tense of the auxiliary verb bee is as follows after a single pronoun: S. Sing. Pl. Full Slurred Full Slurred 1st pers. am 'm aar, ur 'r 2nd pers. aar, ur 'r 3rd pers. iz 'z, 's aar, ur 'r E. Sing. Pl. Full Slurred Full Slurred 1st pers. am 'm are (aar) 're 2nd pers. are 're 3rd pers. is 's are 're Examples: S. E. Heer yee aar. Here you are. Wee'r fein hwaur wee aar. We're all right where we are. As in E., in ordinary conversation and especially after a pronoun, the slurred form is commonly used. Examples: S. E. Aa'm, shee'z, hee'z, ut's. I'm, she's, he's, it's. wee'r, yee'r, dhay'r. we're, you're, they're. As in E., the uncontracted form of the third person singular is pronounced iz, but the slurred form is z or s according to the rule which regulates the sibilant sound in the plural of nouns, i.e. after a vowel sound or a voiced unsibilated consonant (g, ng, d, n, b, m, r, l) it is z, and after a breathed unsibilated consonant (k, kh, t, th, p) it is s. After a sibilated consonant the full form iz is used. Examples: S. E. Hee'z heer, shee'z heer. He's here, she's here. Hwaw'z dhaat? Who's that? Hoo'z hee duiin ? How's he doing? Dhe shoa'z oapun. The show's open. Dhaat dug'z meinz. That dog's mine. Aw thing'z heer. Everything's here. S. E. Hur haid'z our wee. Her head's too small. Oor laam'z daid. Our lamb's dead. Dhe waal'z drii. The well's dry. Dhe loak's broakun. The lock's broken. It's heer. It's here. Dhaat's rikht. That's right. Dhe munth's our. The month's over. Dhis sheep's noa weel. This sheep's ill. Dhay aar (slurred form, dhur) is used for 'there is'. Examples: S. E. Dhur naybuddee in. There's nobody in. Dhe dufrins ut dhay aar noo ! What a difference there is now! Dhur noa mukkul raang wee dhum. There's not much wrong with them. Dhur nay idhur wei oa'd. There's no other way of it. (It must be so.) Dhur nay gain uthoot pain. There's no gain without pain. Dhur noa nay teim at nikht. There's no time at night. NOTE. Begin takes as auxiliary the verb bee instead of the E. have. Example: S. E. Hee wuz begun dhe dailin. He had begun to deal. Duin ('done', in the sense of 'finished') takes bee as its auxiliary instead of the E. have. Examples: S. E. Aa'm noa duin yet. I haven't done yet. Ur yee duin? Have you finished? Unlike E., after any subject except a single pronoun, i. e. wee, yee, or dhay, the plural present is the same as the third person singular, i. e. iz, z, or s, as the case may be, in accordance with the foregoing rule. Thus, while it is usual to say wee'r, yee'r, dhay'r, we have such expressions as the following. Examples: S. E. Mee un hum'z noa cheef. He and I are not friends. Hiz un hum'z freendz. He and we are related to each other. S. E. Dhur'z boanay floorz. These are pretty flowers. Dhay'z fein nout. Those are fine bullocks. Dhur'z noa moanay foak kenz dhaat. There are not many people who know that. Maa haundz iz nivvur hail. My hands are never whole. Iz dhay yoorz? Are those yours? Dhon'z meinz. Those over there are mine. Dhem ut cumz furst's furst saird. Those who come first are first served. The past tense of the auxiliary verb bee is wuz, both in the singular and the plural, except that in the third person plural, before or after the pronoun dhay, it is waar (slurred form wur). Dhay wur is also used for dhur wuz, 'there was', or 'there were'. Examples: S. E. Yoo wuz dhair. You were there. Wuz yee noa dhair? Were you not there? Hwaur wuz yee gaun? Where were you going? Wee wuz gaun haim. We were going home. Wuz wee dhair? Were we there? Wee wuz. We were. Hwaur d'yee think wee wuz? Where do you think we were? Bais wuz chaipur dhaan. Beasts (cattle) were cheaper then. Dhay waar dhaat. There was indeed. Ains dhay wur a maan. Once there was a man. Wur dhay moanay oa dhum? Were there many of them? Dhay wur ain dhair. There was one there. Dhay waarnay ain. There wasn't one. Dhay wur nay Foarbus Makinzee dhaan. There was no Forbes Mackenzie (Act) then. Dhay wur nay pailinz, yee see. There was no fence, you see. Wur dhay baith dhair? Were they both there? Dhay waar. They were. Wuz baith oa dhum dhair? Were both of them there? Baith oa dhum wuz dhair. Both of them were there. NOTE. Bee for is used in the sense of 'want'. Examples: S. E. Hwaat ur yee for noo ? What do you want now? (What will you take now ?) Aa'm noa fur nay mair, I don't want any more. SUBJUNCTIVE. The subjunctive of bee for both numbers and all three persons is in the present bee and in the past waar or wur. It is seldom used except in proverbs and poetry. Hev (hay), hez, hed. For E. 'have', both hay and hev, often slurred into 'v, are used, the former being more common and the latter more emphatic. As an auxiliary verb it is used in the same way as in E., except that, in accordance with the usual rule, the present plural in all persons is hez except after a single pronoun, when it is hey, generally slurred into 'v; thus we say wee'v, yee'v, dhay'v. Hez is often slurred into a mere sibilant, which is z or s according to the same rule which applies to is. Hey is often slurred into a. Examples: S. E. Aa'v been dhair aafun. I've often been there. Hee'z gain uwaw haim. He's gone off home. Mee un hum'z hed a gem. He and I have had a game. Moanay oa dhe laamz hez deed. Many of the lambs have died. Mee un yoo hez laang been uquent. You and I have long known each other. Aa cood a stuiddun dhe twaw. I could have stood the two. Hwaw wud a thoakht ut. Who would have thought it. Naidhur hev Ii. Neither have I. Hee wud a cumd our hweilz. He used to come (would have come) over sometimes. Aa cood a tellt yee dhaat. I could have told you that. PRESENT TENSE. S. E. as spoken. Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl. 1st pers. hay, hev, 'v hay, hev, 'v, hez, 'z, 's hav, 'v hav, 'v 2nd pers. hay, hev, 'v, hez, 'z, 's hay, 'v 3rd pers. hez, 'z, 's hay, hev, 'v, hez, 'z, 's haz, 'z, 's hav, 'v Dui, duiz, duid; Caan, cood; May, mikht; Maan, buid; Need; Daur, daurd. Dui, duiz and duid, caan and cood (seldom cud), may and mikht, maan (slurred into mun), and daur, daurd are used in the same way as the corresponding words in English. Buid or butt is probably connected with the English 'behoved' and has much the same meaning as 'ought to ', 'had to'. Dui is sometimes strengthened into div. Examples: S. E. Aa coodnay say. I couldn't say (I don't know). Yee mun gaang haim. You must go home. Ii, but yee maan. Yes, but you must. Aa buid tay gaang. Aa butt tay gaang. I had to go. Aa divnay ken. I don't know. Aa daur say. I dare say. It mikht bee. It might be (perhaps). Hoo div yee ken? How do you know? Dhay div aw dhaat. They do all that. NOTE. Caan is used, unlike E., as an infinitive in the sense of 'be able to'. Example: Yee'll noa caan gaang dhe moarn. You won't be able to go to-morrow. NOTE. It is interesting to note that, like the corresponding words in E., caan, may, maan, wull, and sometimes daur do not add a sibilant in the 3rd pers. sing. pres. Sometimes in interrogative sentences the past of the verb is used where in E. the auxiliary 'did' would be used. Examples: Hwaur haard yee dhaat? Where did you hear that? Hwaur goat yee yur skuilin? Where did you get your schooling (go to school)? Wull, wud, shuid. Wull (often slurred into 'll) and wud (rarely pronounced waad and sometimes slurred into 'd) are used where 'will' and 'would' are used in E., and also where 'shall' and 'should' are used in E., except where 'should' is used in the sense of 'ought to', its place being then taken in S. by suid or shuid. The word 'shall' is not used in S. at all in ordinary conversation; hence the difficulty a Scotchman has in knowing when to use 'shall' and 'should' in speaking E. Examples: S. E. Wull yoo bee dhair? Shall you be there? Ii, but yee wull thoa. Yes, but you shall. Aa'll gee yee'd. I'll give it you. S. E. Aa wud think dhaat. I should think so. Yee suid gaang. You should (ought to) go. Yee shuidnay dui dhaat. You shouldn't do that. Aa'll noa say. I'll not say. (Possibly.) Aa wudnay say but hwaat yee may bee rikht. I shouldn't say but what you may be right. (Perhaps you are right.) Aa wudnay wundur. I shouldn't wonder. (Possibly.) Aa wull dui dhaat. I shall do that. NOTE. There is a curious use of 'z for 'll in the phrases Aa'z uphaad (I'll uphold) and Aa'z waarund (I'll warrant), and sometimes in other expressions. Examples S. E. Aa'z waarund yee. I'll warrant you. Wee'z noa gaang haim dhe nikht. We'll not go home to-night. Yee'z noa beid dhair laang. You'll not stay there long. NOTE. Wunt takes the place of 'used' in E. S. E. Dhay wunt tay caw'd dhaat. They used to call it that. Aa wunt tay gaang dhair. I used to go there. Dhe auld foak wunt tay say dhaat. The old people used to say that. Hee wunt tay sing leik a lintee. He used to sing like a linnet. Wee wunt tay get mailay kail. We used to get broth with oatmeal in it. Foak wunt tay gay tay Pairth oan dhur feet. People used to walk to Perth. Dhay duidnay wunt tay bee. They used not to be. NEGATIVE AUXILIARY VERBS. The adverb noa after an auxiliary verb is generally slurred into nay, just as in E. the corresponding adverb not is slurred into n't. S. E. iznay, wuznay, waarnay. isn't, wasn't, weren't. hevnay, hunnay, hennay, heznay, hednay. haven't, hasn't, hadn't. S. E. caannay, coodnay. can't couldn't. maynay, mikhtnay. mayn't, mightn't. maannay. mustn't (musnt). wunnay, wudnay. wont (woant), wouldn't (woodnt). shuidnay. shouldn't (shoodnt). dinnay, divnay, duiznay, duidnay. don't (doant), doesn't (duznt). daurnay, durstnay. daren't. neednay. needn't. NOTE. Am and ur (are) usually take the full form of the adverb — aa'm non, wee'r noa, yee'r noa, dhay'r noa. Iz noa, 's noa or 'z noa is also more common than iznay. Examples: S. P. Aa'm noa weel. I'm not well. It's noa. It isn't. Yee'r noa blait. You aren't shy. Dhay'r noa meinz. They aren't mine. Aa caannay cum. I can't come. Aa coodnay say. I couldn't say (I don't know). Aa mikhtnay bee aibul. I mightn't be able. Yee maannay dui dhaat. You mustn't do that. Shee wunnay cum. She won't come. A buddee wudnay hurt dhursel. One wouldn't hurt oneself. Aa wudnay say. I shouldn't say no. (Perhaps.) Aa wudnay hay thoakht ut. I shouldn't have thought so. Yee shuidnay say dhaat. You shouldn't say that. An divnay ken. I don't know. Duinay dui dhaat. Don't do that. Yee neednay gaang. You needn't go. Hee duidnay taak ut. He didn't take it. An daurnay tell. I daren't tell. Aa duinay hay dhe wurdz oa dhaat. I haven't the words of that (song). An duinay hay oanay uday wee dhaat. I have nothing to do with that. Aa hevnay met oanay buddee. I haven't met any one. Aa'm noa cairin thoa yoo duinnay gaang. I don't care if you don't go. Aa'm noa verray cairin tay gaang. I'm not very keen to go. Aa'm noa sayin'd. I don't say so. Aa'm noa musdootin yee. I'm not doubting you. INTERROGATIVE USE OF VERBS. As in E., an interrogative sentence, unless when it begins with an interrogative pronoun or adverb, generally begins with one of the auxiliary verbs followed by the subject. Examples: S. E. Am Aa noa rikht? Am I not right? Ur yee shuir? Are you sure? Hwaur ur yee gaun? Where are you going? Hwaw duid yee see? Who did you see? Duinnay yee ken? Don't you know? Caannay yee cum? Can't you come? Wull yee noa gaang? Won't you go? Wud yee leik a but? Would you like a bit? Iz dhur yoorz? Are these yours? Hwaw'z aw yon? Who are all those? Iz dhe bairnz beddit yet? Have the children been put to bed yet? NOTE. Like dhay wur for dhur wuz (there was or there were), we have the curious corruption ur dhay? for iz dhur ? (is there? or are there?) Example: Ur dhay oanay buddee in? Is there anybody in? PAST TENSE. Regular verbs form their indefinite past tense by adding to the present the syllable -it, which corresponds to the E. '-ed'. Examples: S. E. Present Past Present Past creep creepit creep crept droap droapit drop dropped (dropt) flutt fluttit flit flitted grup gruppit (or graap) grip (catch) gripped (gript) hurt hurtit hurt hurt keek keekit peep peeped (peept) keep keepit keep kept leik leikit like liked (liikt) likht likhtit light lighted likk likkit lick licked (likt) look lookit look looked (lookt) loup loupit leap leapt luft luftit lift lifted S. E. Present Past Present Past pent pentit paint painted raap raapit rap rapped (rapt) roat roatit rot rotted sherp sherpit sharpen sharpened sing singit singe (sinj) singed (sinjd) sleep sleepit sleep slept slup sluppit slip slipped (slipt) sook sookit suck (suk) sucked (sukt) soop soopit sweep swept stoap stoapit stop stopped (stopt) NOTE. It will be seen from the above examples that some verbs in S. have the regular past, while the corresponding verbs in E. form it somewhat irregularly. Some verbs ending in l, n, s, form the past by adding t to the present. Examples: S. E. Present Past Present Past sell sellt sell sold (soald) skell skellt spill spilt spull spullt spoil spoilt stail stailt steal (steel) stole (stoal) tell tellt tell told (toald) ken kent know (noa) knew (nyoo) meen meent mean (meen) meant (ment) daans daanst dance (dans) danced (danst) loas loast lose (looz) lost wuss wusst wish wished Verbs ending in a vowel sound, and some ending in r, l, m, n, v, form the past by adding d to the present: S. E. Present Past Present Past gay gaid go (goa) went lay laid lay laid caw cawd drive drove dee deed die (dii) died (diid) pei peid pay paid saw sawd saw (wood) sawed saw sawd sow (soa) sowed (soad) throa t.hroad throw (throa) threw (throo) boo bood bow, bend bowed, bent S. E. Present Past Present Past loo lood love (luv) loved (luvd) poo pood pull (pool) pulled roo rood rue (roo) rued shoo shood sew (soa) sewed (soad) grow groud grow (groa) grew (groo) louz louzd loosen loosened dui duid, did do (doo) did gaar gaard make made gedhur gedhurd gather (gadher) gathered (gadherd) fair faird fear (feer) feared (feerd) draigul draiguld draggle draggled full fulld fill filled kill killd kill killed swaal swaald swell swelled taigul taiguld hinder hindered trevul trevuld walk walked clum clumd climb (cliim) climbed tuim tuimd empty emptied lairn lairnd learn learned daiv daivd deafen (deffen) deafened liv livd live (liv) lived uiz uizd use (yooz) used NOTE. As in E., the verb uiz, 'use' (yooz) forms its past in d with its ordinary meaning, but in t when it means `was wont to'. Examples: S. E. Aa ei uizd taar. I always used (yoozd) tar. An ei uist tay gaang. I always used (yoost) to go. As in E., many common verbs form their past irregularly, but there is a tendency (1) to have the past end in d or t, and (2) when the vowel sound of the verb is changed, to have in the past the sound of aa, ai, e, oa, ui, or au. Examples (1): S. E. Present Past Present Past begin begood begin began caan cood (or cud) can could (cood) div duid do (doo) did gaang, ging, gay gaid go (goa) went heer haard hear (heer) heard (herd) hev, hay hed have (hav) had S. E. Present Past Present Past maak maid make made say sed say said (sed) wull wud will would (wood) aw aukht owe (oa) owed (oad) bii boakht (or koaft) buy (bii) bought (baut) bring broakht bring brought (braut) burn brunt burn burnt daur durst dare dared may mikht may might (miit) meind meint mind minded mend ment mend mended neel nelt kneel (neel) knelt tein tint lose (looz) lost thenk thoakht think thought (thaut) wurk roakht work worked, wrought (raut) Examples (2): bind baand bind bound brek braak break (braik) broke (broak) cum caam come (cum) came (caim) clum claam (or clumd) climb (cliim) climbed (cliimd) ding daang beat (beet) beat (beet) drink draank drink drank furgit furgaat forget forgot git gaat get got greet graat weep wept hing haang hang hung putt paat put (poot) put (poot) quit quaat rid, quit rid, quitted reit raat write (riit) wrote (roat) rin raan run ran ring raang ring, wring rang, wrung sing saang sing sang speek spaak speak (speek) spoke (spoak) spin spaan spin span spit spaat spit spat strik straak strike (striik) struck sut saat sit sat sweit swaat sweat (swet) sweated (sweted) weet waat wet wet wun waan get got beid baid (or bed) stay stayed dreiv draiv drive (driiv) drove (droav) S. E. Present Past Present Past reid raid ride (riid) rode (road) reiz raiz rise (riiz) rose (roaz) riiv raiv split split threiv thraiv thrive (thriiv) throve (throav) gee gay give (giv) gave (gain) lii lay lie (lii) lay ait ett (or uit) eat (eet) ate (ett) belt bet bite (biit) bit bend bent bend bent bluid bled bleed bled breed bred breed bred cleed cled clothe (cloadh) clothed (cloadhd) faw fell fall (faul) fell feed fed feed fed fleit flett scold scolded heid hed hide hid hit het hit hit laid led lead (leed) led laiv left leave (leev) left meet met meet met redd redd arrange arranged reed red read (reed) read (red) bair boar bear (bair) bore (boar) fekht foakht fight (fiit) fought (faut) freez froaz freeze (freez) froze (froaz) shair shoar shear (sheer) sheared shuit shoat shoot shot swair swoar swear (swair) swore (swoar) tair toar tear (tair) tore (toar) wair woar wear (wair) wore (woar) caach cuich catch caught (caut) cast cuist cast cast fesh fuish fetch fetched haad huid hold (hoald) held laakh luikh laugh (laaf) laughed (laaft) laat luit let let maan buid must had to shaak shuik shake shook staund stuid stand stood taak tuik take took thresh thruish thresh threshed waash wuish wash washed S. E. Present Past Present Past blaw bloo blow (bloa) blew (bloo) craw croo crow (croa) crew (croo) flee floo fly (flii) flew (floo) bid baud bid bade (baid) find faund find (fiind) found See saw see saw waat wust know (noa) knew (nyoo) Some verbs which end in t or d make no change for the past tense. Examples: S. E. Present Past Present Past bait bait beat (beet) beat (beet) slut slut slit slit splut splut split split spred spred spread (spred) spread (spred) NOTE. Sometimes, but rarely, the pa. p. is used for the past tense in seen for saw, tain (taken) for tuik. Examples: S. E. Aa seen urn peer dhe-streen. I saw him here yesterday evening. Hee tain twaw hree.He took two or three. PRESENT PARTICIPLE. The present participle is formed by adding the sound in to the present. Examples: S. E. Present Pres. part. Present Pres. part. ait aitin eat (eet) eating dee deein die (dii) dying drink drinkin drink drinking poo pooin pull (pool) pulling NOTE. Gaang, ging, or gay has its present participle slurred into gaup for gayin. Examples: S. E. Hwaur yee gaun? Where are you going? Aa'm gaun tee waal. I'm going to the well. NOTE. As in English, the present participle is often used as a verbal noun or as an adjective. Examples: S. E. Plooin'z noa aizee waark. Ploughing's not easy work. A gaun-uboot buddee. A going-about person, a tramp. A deein maan. A dying man. PAST PARTICIPLE. Regular verbs form their past participle in the same way as the past tense, by adding -it (corresponding to -ed in E.) to the present. Its form is therefore, in the case of such verbs, the same as that of the past tense. Examples: S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. creep creepit creep crept grup gruppit grip gripped (gript) keep keepit keep kept leik leikit like liked (liikt) likht likhtit light lighted loup loupit leap (leep) leapt luft luftit lift lifted raap raapit rap rapped (rapt) sleep sleepit sleep slept stoap stoapit stop stopped (stopt) As in the case of the past tense, some verbs ending in g, l, n, s, kh, sh, form the past participle by adding t to the present. Examples: S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. sell sellt sell sold (soald) skell skellt spill spilt tell tellt tell told (toald) ken kept know (noa) known (noan) lairn lairnt learn (lern) learnt (lernnt) loas loast lose (looz) lost laakh laakht laugh (laaf) laughed (laaft) faash faasht bother bothered meen meent mean (meen) meant (ment) wuss wusst wish wished (wisht) caach caacht catch caught (caut) Some verbs ending in a vowel sound, or in r, 1, m, n, v, or z, add d to the present. Examples: S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. caw cawd drive driven craw crawd crow (croa) crowed (croad) grow growd grow (groa) grown (groan) pei peid pay paid boo bood bow bowed (baud) loo lood love (luv) loved (luvd) poo pood pull (pool) pulled shoo shood sew (soa) sewed (soad) fair faird fear (feer) feared (feerd) gaar gaard make, compel made, compelled draigul draiguld draggle draggled kill killd kill killed swaal swaald swell swollen (swoallen) cum cumd come (cum) come (cum) daam daamd damn (dam) damned (damd) droon droond drown drowned liv livd live (liv) lived shaiv shaivd shave (shaiv) shaved louz louzd loosen loosened As in E., many common verbs form their past participle irregularly, with a tendency (1) to make it end in d, t, or n ; and (2) where the vowel sound of the verb is changed, to make it u, ui, oa, aa, or e. Examples (1): S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. begin begood begin begun dee daid die (dii) dead (ded) hing haangd hang hanged heer haard hear (heer) heard (herd) lay laid lay laid maak maid make made say sed say said (sed) shui shoad shoe (shoo) shod aw aukht owe (oa) owed (oad) bend bent bend bent bii boakht buy (bii) bought (baut) bring broakht bring brought (braut) burn brunt burn burnt S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. laiv left leave (leev) left lend lent lend lent neel nelt kneel (neel) knelt (nelt) seek soakht seek sought (saut) teech taakht, toakht teach (teech) taught (taut) tein tint lose (looz) lost think thoakht think thought (thaut) wurk roakht work (wurk) wrought (raut), worked ait aitun eat (eet) eaten (eeten) bee been be been beid biddun stay stayed bid biddun bid bidden blaw blawn blow (bloa) blown (bloan) dreiv drivvun drive (driiv) driven dui duin do (doo) done (dun) faw faun fall (faul) fallen (faulen) gay, gaang, ging gain go (goa) gone (gon) gee geen give (giv) given (givn) haad haadun hold (hoald) held hay, hev hain have (hav) had heid hiddun hide hidden hit hittun hit hit laid laidun load laden (laiden) lii lain lie (lii) lain reed ruddun read (reed) read (red) reid riddun ride (riid) ridden reiz rizun rise (riiz) risen (rizn) riiv rivun split split saw sawn saw (wood) sawn saw sawn sow (soa) sown (soan) see seen see seen sleid sliddun slide (sliid) slid sut suttun sit sat tack tain take (taik) taken (taiken) Examples (2): beit buttun bite (biit) bitten bind bund bind (biind) bound caast cuissn cast cast drink drukkun drink drunk find fund find (fiind) found fleit fluttun scold (scoald) scolded (scoalded) hing hung hang hung S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. reit ruttun write (riit) written (ritten) ring rung ring rung rin run run run sing sung sing sung spit sputtun spit spat strikk strukkun strike (striik) struck sweit swuttun sweat (swet) sweated (swetted) threiv thruvun thrive (thriiv) thriven (thriivn) weet wuttun (or waat) wet wet laakh luikhun laugh (laaf) laughed (laaft) laat luittun let let putt puittun put (poot) put (poot) shaak shuikun shake shaken staand stuidun stand stood thresh thruishun thresh threshed waash wuishun wash washed bair boarn bear (bair) born brok broakun break (braik) broken (broakun) fekht foakhun fight (fiit) fought (faut) freez froazund freeze frozen (froazn) furgit furgoatun forget forgotten roat roatun rot rotted shair shoarn cut corn with a sickle shuit shoatun shoot shot speek spoakun speak (speek) spoken (spoakn) swair swoarn swear (swair) sworn tair toarn tear (tair) torn wair woarn wear (wair) worn quit quaat quit quit weet waat (or wuttun) wet wet bluid bled bleed bled breed bred breed bred cleed cled clothe (cloadh) clothed (cloadhd) feed fed feed fed laid led lead (leed) led meet met meet met Some verbs, particularly those which end in d or t, make no change for the past participle. Examples: S. E. Present Past part. Present Past part. redd redd arrange arranged spred spred spread spread (spred) ucquent ucquent acquaint acquainted slut slut slit slit splut splut split split wun wun win won Examples: Hee'z foakhun humsel duin. He's fought himself done. (He's worked himself out.) Hay yee luittun'd gaang? Have you let it go? Hay yee louzd dhe coo? Have you let the cow loose? Dhe auld weif roakht stoakuns. The old woman worked (knitted) stockings. Sing-it sheep'z haid. Singed sheep's head. Aa maan gaang un git begood tay ma waark. I must go and get begun to (go and begin) my work. Dhe dugz ull noa git foakhun. The dogs won't get fought (won't be able to get a fight). Aa coodnay git suttun doon. I couldn't manage to sit down. Aa coodnay git spoakun tull um. I couldn't manage to speak to him. LISTS OF WORDS CONNECTED IN MEANING NOTE. These lists will be found useful in working out the vocabulary of any dialect. PARTS OF THE BODY English Scotch Written Spoken head hed haid poll poal pow hair hair hair brains haarnz face fais fais, mug brow brow broo eye ii ee, pl. een eyebrow iibrow ee-broo eyelid iilid winkur tear teer tair nose noaz noaz, neb mouth mouth mooth, gaab, mug tooth tooth teeth tongue tung tung jaw chaaft, chouk cheek cheek cheek chin chin chin lip lip lup, fuppul ear lug moustache mustaash mootaash whisker wisker hwuskur beard beerd baird neck craig throat hauz windpipe thraapul breast brest breest back bak baak rib rib rub lungs likhts heart haart hert stomach stumak staamuk, weim belly keit English Scotch Written Spoken bowels guts bladder bladder bledhur rump rump rump shoulder shoalder shoodhur arm-pit oaxtur arm aarm erm elbow elboa elbay, elbuk wrist shaakul hand hand haund finger fing-ger fing-ur thumb thum thoom little finger littul fing-ger luttul fing-ur knuckle nukkul nukkul palm luif fist nev handful nevfay double handful goupunfay haunch haunsh hainsh hip hip hup buttock hurdee hams hunkurz thigh hoakh leg leg lig, shaank knee nee tnee knee-cap nee-cap lud ee tnee shin shin shin ankle cuit foot foot fut feet feet feet heel heel heel toe toa tay big toe big toa mukkul tay right riit rikht left caar left-handed caaray cuppay caar-haundit breath breth braith smell smell smell yawn gaant grin grin girn scowl scoul shoul sneeze sneez neez snore snoar snoar nod nod noad cough hoast PARTS OF ANIMALS English Scotch Written Spoken horn horn hoarn tail tail tail udder udder edhur hoof hoof huif cloven hoof cluit mane main main fetlock cuit pastern pastern pestur pluck draakht liver livver livvur lungs likhtz maw of ruminant haagus pudding pooding puddin entrails haarigulz 3rd stomach of ruminant munnaypliiz beak beek neb feather fedher fedhur egg egg igg bone boan bain knee-bone naap-bain gristle grissul girsul soft gristle fix-faax lean leen lain fat fat faat grease grees creesh hog's lard swein'z saim bristle brissul burs FOOD ' (See 'Names of Animals', 'Parts of the Body', 'Parts Animals', 'Vegetables'.) English Scotch Written Spoken food mait meat flesh beef beef beef mutton mutton muttun pork pork poark ham ham haam bacon baicon baucun singed head sinjd hed sing-it haid English Scotch Written Spoken cut of meat, rasher coalup minced meat mins coalups thin cut over lower ribs runnur oa beef tripe triip treip dish served in sheep's maw haagus pudding sausage pooding puddin pie pii pii dripping kichin-fee mutton of diseased sheep braaxay fish fish fush smoked haddock finnin haadee dried herring kippurz trout trout troot herring herring hairin flour flour mail, floor-mail oatmeal oatmeel ait-mail barley-meal baarlay-meel baurlay-mail pease-meal peez-meel piz-mail kiln-dried oats without the husks groats dough levin loaf loaf laif bread bred laif-braid bread not newly made a cuttin laif small loaf taamay-roond slice of bread shaif oa braid thick cake toasted on girdle baanuk biscuit biskit buskit soft biscuit baik soft biscuit made with butter buttur-baik a floury roll faarul cake of gingerbread paarlay roll roal row cake caik caik scone scon scoan flat scone made of batter droappit scoan scone cooked on a girdle girdul scoan small, round, plain bun cookee reaper's loaf shairur'z baap shortbread shoart-braid small cakes smaw braid thick cake made of oatmeal ait baanuk oatcake oatcaik ait-caik oatmeal scone ait-mail scoan potato scone tautay scoan pease-meal cake piz baanuk coarse barley bread bair braid English Scotch Written Spoken thick cake made of coarse barley bair baanuk scone made of coarse barley bair scoan butter butter buttur fresh butter sweet buttur salt butter saut buttur cheese kebbuk curds and cream crudz un raim whey way hwii rennet airninz porridge porrij paarich brose, a mixture of boiling water and oatmeal broaz gruel grooel grool anything eaten with bread kichin salt saut pepper pepper peppur treacle treekul traikul sugar shoogur shoogur soda soada soadee jam jam jaam jelly jelli jeelee honey hunni hunnay treacle roll traikul row roly-poly roali-poali roulay-poulay tart taart tert a sweet curlay-aandray black sausage blaak puddin red sausage bluiday puddin oatmeal sausage mailay puddin broth made with several kinds of vegetables hoach poach broth kail leavings broaks dregs dregglinz crumbs meeluks murlinz murlikinz scrambled eggs rummuld iggs mashed potatoes chaapit tautayz roasted potatoes bursuld tautayz potatoes and gravy tautayz un dup hash hash haash stew styoo styoo breakfast paarich dinner dinner dennur tea tee tee E. S. high tea toozee tee tee un tull'd supper suppur half-fermented cream or butter-milk with oatmeal added raim croudee flummery, made from husks of oats soaunz breadberry, sops, bread and milk saaps mixture of potatoes and cabbage rummultay thump cow or bullock fattened and killed about Martinmas to be salted for winter use mert DRINK English Scotch Written Spoken water wauter waatur milk milk mulk fresh milk sweet mulk skim milk skum mulk churn milk, butter-milk kurn mulk cream creem raim whey way hwii tea tee tee coffee coffi coafay whisky in tea a sindur in't whisky wiski hwuskay ale ail ail beer beer beer porter porter poartur toddy toddi toadee small beer smaw beer spruce beer sproosh beer mulled porter mulld poartur pies and porter piiz un poartur treacle beer traikul peeree treacle ale traikul ail small ale smaw ail brew broo brui oatmeal and water cauld steer stooree drink mailay drink raspberry wine cuddul-ma-deeree stand your hand pay for a dram staund yur haund pay for a dram produce your old stocking (used as a purse) draw yur huggur CLOTHES English Scotch Written Spoken clothes cloadhz claiz cloth cloth claith rag or clout clout cloot clothes, especially old ragged clothes dudz bits of rags buts oa cloots dish-cloth dush-cloot household linen naipray blanket blaankit shepherd's plaid raukhun cap cap kep broad blue bonnet bred bloo baanut chimney-pot hat lum-haat night-cap kilmaarnuk nikht-kep coat coat coat shirt shirt saark waistcoat waiscoat waiscoat jacket jaket jaikut a short coat or blouse corsekkay knickerbockers nikkurz breeches brichiz breeks trousers trouzers troozurz spats spats spaats collar coller coalur cravat cravat graavut braces gaalusiz pocket pokit pooch breast pocket, pocket under the arm oaxtur-pooch hip pocket hup-pooch mittens, glove with thumb but no fingers mittunz mitts stockings without feet huggurz stockings stockingz stoakinz boot boot buit shoe shoo shui shay, pl. shuin old boot or shoe baukhul old slipper sclaaf handkerchief neepkin brooch broach broach bead beed baid loose jacket poalkay petticoat coat, pêticoat chemise shuft English Scotch Written Spoken corset steiz gown goun goon frock frok froak sort of blouse with tails outside the skirt shoart goon cap much plain cap soobaak much embroidered cap boardee much small woven cloth with fringes, used as a shawl naipyin apron aipron aipurn coarse working apron braat pinafore daidul daidlay peenee shawl shaul shaal plaid plad plaid garter gaarter gertun ribbon ribbon rubbun frill frill frull embroidery (flowering) floorin linen and wool linzay woolzay a woman's large hanging pocket waalut leather ledher ledhur silk silk sulk trousseau (mounting) muntin collection of clothes, &c., made by a girl in readiness for her possible marriage proveidin cloak cluk, kyuk hood hood huid BUILDINGS English Scotch Written Spoken house hous hoos castle caasl caastul manor house big hoos parsonage maans coal-house coal-hous coal-hoos wash-house waashin-hoos hen-house hen-hoos barn baarn baarn stable staibul stibbul English Scotch Written Spoken byre (cow-shed) biir pigsty soo'z crui lodge loj luj shed shed shaid loft, gallery loft laaft iron ii ron eirun brass brass bress glass glass gless tin hweit eirun steel steel steel clay clay clei lead led laid brick brik bruk thatch n. thaak to thatch v. thach theek an old thatched building an auld thaak biggin flag, slab flag flaag pavement flaagz, plainstainz paved floor flaag fluir plaster plaster plestur kerb kerb kerb pig's trough troff soo'z troakh rack for holding fodder haik pond embankment daam-haid-deik pump pump, waal suckers sukerz sookurz bar baar staple staipul steepul cottage coatuj avenue avenyoo uproach wall waul waw roof roof ruif floor floar fluir ceiling seeling seelun rafter cuppul, bauk window windoa windee, winduk door doar doar latch snek small bolt of a door snib chimney lum, vent, chumlay tap spiggut oven uvin oavun shutters shutterz shutturz shelf shelf shelf mantelpiece lumhaid, brais, chumlay pees English Scotch Written Spoken hearth haarth herth fire-place ing-ul corner by the fire-place ing-ul nyuk fireside ing-ul-seid fire fiir fir small cupboard in wall near fire bunkur sink jaw-boax cesspool jaw-hoal dung-heap middun gutter under eaves roan (gutter) open drain in street streip tannery taanaree brewery brooeri broouree open drain trow or staank well, pump well waal soot soot suit flakes of coal dust coom soft stone used for polishing hearthstone caamstain eave eev aiv FURNITURE AND UTENSILS English Scotch Written Spoken chair chair chair armchair _armchair erm chair stool stool stuil low table with leaves to fold down buffit-stuil low stool creepee table taibl tibbul piano pyano peeannay looking-glass lookin-gless an old kind of dresser haamuk dresser dressur plate-rack plait rak plait-raak meal-bin girnul boiler boiler beilur ash-box ess-baakit salt-box saut-baakit screen screen screen picture pictyoor pictur cupboard open in front, used for keeping bread, &c. aumray English Scotch Written Spoken top of drawers draurz' haid cupboard press bed bed bed box bed boax bed mattress matréss ticking teikin valance paand footstool fut cushun cushion cushun pillow coad feather pillow fedhur coad bolster boustur-coad ewer yooer yoor towel touel tool towel-rail tool-rail nail nail ornaments oarnamints chain chen ring ring link link pot-hook cruk swinging rod at fire for hanging pots on swei clock tnoak clock with visible pendulum waag-at-dhe-waw bar across inside of door to fasten it steibaand knob nob noab door-mat baass spoon spoon spuin fork fork foark knife niif tneif cup cup cup saucer sauser sausur cups and saucers cups un fletts plate plait plait weight wait wekht round vessel for holding corn (like a sieve, but with a bottom of skin) wekht wooden bowl coag small wooden bowl coagee churn kirn basin baisin baisun bowl boal boul small two-handled dish or cup bikkur English Scotch Written Spoken flat basin in which milk is put to cream fluttay milk-dish, for holding cream boain milkingpail haandee wooden pail for milk mulk bouay milk sieve mullsay wooden cup with one handle luggee mould shaip jug joog jug which will hold a chaapin = 2 muchkins chaapin joog jug with a spout pooree joog kettle kettul pot paat teapot teepot teepaat spout, of kettle or teapot stroop spout spout spoot pot-lid (wooden) paat broad lid lud handle haunul preserving-pan jeelee paan porridge-pot porrij-pot paarich-paat dish dush large meat-dish aashut bucket bukkit slop-pail sloap-pail stick for stirring porridge broth, &c. theevul, spurtul potato-masher chaapin stuck tautay beetul rolling-pin roaling-pin roalin-pin receptacle for refuse, pig's pail broak dush tool gibbul bottle bottul boatul glass glass gless tumbler tumbler tumlur crystal cristal krustul flagon flagon flaigun decanter decantur dikaantur vessel for holding liquid stoup (nerray at dhe taap) whisky decanter Jeroboam toddy tumbler (like a large wineglass) toadee rummur toddy ladle laidul toadee laidul tray tray servur English Scotch Written Spoken whale oil wail oil hwaal eil oil and wick lamp cruizay uilee cruizay rush wick raashay week tallow candle baubee dup candle caunul wax waux tinder-box tindur-boax flint and steel flunt un steel box of matches boax oa spunks clothes basket claiz baaskit washing-tub bukkit tub tuib mangle, wringer ringur scrubbing-board waashin-buird soap-suds greth (= saipay sudz) soap saip stick for thumping blankets poachur to wash blankets by stamping on them traamp blaankits lukewarm lookwaurm loowaarm shrunken or leaky, like a dry tub geizund Italian iron, for goffering caps, goffering-iron taalyun eirn fur peipun up dhe muchiz broom bruim besom beezom bizzum poker poaker poakur tongs tongz taingz shovel shuvel shufful sieve riddul bellows belloas bellusiz bag or sack poak fringe frinj freenj reel purn needle needul needul thimble thimbul thummul pin pin preen pin-cushion preen-coad tape nuttin spectacles spektakulz speks, glessiz razor raizor rauzur shoehorn shoohorn shuihoarn brush brush comb coam reddin caim English Scotch Written Spoken hoop for a barrel gird change of abode, removal of furniture fluttin a fetching of water a gaang (or a raik) oa waatur strain, filter sii boil beil fry noisily frizzul furniture, equipment plenishin a kind of match mach fyoozee small-toothed comb bain-caim DOMESTIC ANIMALS English Scotch Written Spoken dog dog dug collie collie coalay dog teik poor old dog puir auld teik puppy pup cat cat caat, baudrinz pussy poosi poosay kitten kittlin donkey cuddee pig pig pig, grumfay, guissay young pig greis (obs.) sow, pig sow soo boar boar goat goat poultry poaltri pootray hen hen clucking hen cloakin hen chicken chikun cock coak tame rabbit maapay goose goos guis (pl. gees) duck duk dyuk drake draik draik turkey-cock bubblay joak tame pigeon puddee doo hive skep domesticated bee skep bee horse hors hoars (pl. hoars) stallion staig pony poni pounee English Scotch Written Spoken small pony sheltay colt colt cout gelding gildin filly filli fullay nag nag naig foal caast beast, a head of horned cattle beest baist (pl. bais) cattle (horned) caatul horned cattle caatul baist bull bool bull bullock nout, stoat a cow or bullock to be killed at Martinmas for winter use mert cow cow coo (pl. kii) heifer kwei cow (not in calf or giving milk) yeld coo calf caaf cauf 1st-winter calf sturk sheep sheep sheep (pl. sheep) ram tuip ewe yoo yow lamb lam laam 1st-winter lamb hoag (m. or f.) ewe in her 2nd year before lambing gimmur castrated male sheep of any age wedhur an old ewe past bearing croak drove or herd droav drover, herdsman droavur wool oo hair hair hair cow dung coo shairn horse dung hoars dung sheep's dung sheep's purlz fowl dung hen pen bellow rout neigh nikhur grunt grumf howl houl youl chirp cheep bark bark call to a pigeon pud, pud „ „ hen chuk, chuk tik, tik, tikkay „ „ duck leg, leg „ „ sheep suk, suk „ „ calf proo, proo English Scotch call to a cow twrrooay, preechay „ „ cat poos, poos — chee, chee pussay, pussay „ „ dog iskay, iskay „ „ horse foalay poalay „ „ pig guisay, guisay „ „ tame rabbit maap, maap calls to a horse — come to left hii stop! woa, sst go on! (hurry up!) jee, jeeup go to right woabaak go faster hud up accustomed to stay in a particular place heftit or thirld stoak All the calves are one-year-olds after Halloween. Aw dhe caavz iz sturks eftur Haallayeen. WILD ANIMALS, BIRDS, FISH, INSECTS, ETC. English Scotch Written Spoken monkey puggee pole-cat foomurt hare hair hair hare, rabbit maukin weasel hwutrik badger broak otter oatur rat roatun mouse mous moos mole moudeewurt hedgehog hejhog haijhug squirrel squrrul lark laivruk swallow swalloa swaallay sparrow sprug linnet linnet lintee (red, green, gray, roaz) owl hoolut cuckoo gouk thrush maivis, maivee corncrake corncraik coarn-skreekh swift skreekh robin roabin starling sturlin, stukkee hedge-sparrow bloojennay sand-martin saandmertin English Scotch Written Spoken chaffinch shulfay wagtail wagtail wullay waagee, waagtail crow croa craw raven coarbee jackdaw cay blackbird blaakay hooded crow hoodee craw bullfinch bullay sand-piper saand-peipur titmouse oaxee yellow-hammer yaalay yeit wren ren rennay, raan wood-wren hwii-burd water-crow waatur-craw, waatur-hen water-hen waatur coot wood-pigeon cushay doo plover pluver tyukhut, pluvur seagull seemaw, pitaarnay curlew hwaup buzzard gled hawk hauk hauk partridge paitrik pheasant fezant faizhun grouse grous grous wild duck wild dyuk bat bat baat bee bee bee humble-bee bumbee = fuggaybee hweit ersay red ersay bee's nest fuggay's nest wasp's nest waasp's beik butterfly butturflee moth moath midge mij muj fly flii flee ant emmik spider spiider netturcup, etturcup, speidur beetle cloak flying beetle bum cloak daddy-long-legs spinnin maagee, jennay-laang-legz gadfly gleg, cleg bug bug bug flea flee flekh earwig foarkee tail, gouluk a tiny red spider red soajur English Scotch Written Spoken lady-bird Virjin Mairay louse lous loos (pl. leis) wood-louse slaitur maggot maukh worm wurm wurm cobweb mooswub striped worm braamay wurm, brummul caterpillar hairay wurm snail snail snail's shell buckay newt aask adder edhur fresh herring caallur hairin herring hairin salmon samun saumun young salmon paar smolt smoalt smout roe roa raun spawn of fish, frogs, &c. redd foul fish kelt trout trout troot pike piik peik perch perch grilse grils gruls haddock haadee minnow minnoa baagee minnin eel eel whale wail hwaal crab paartun toad toad taid frog pudduk tadpole puddukpounee, kail laidul GARDENING English Scotch Written Spoken garden garden gerdun cottage garden kail-yaird yard or garden yaird bush bush buss hedge hej haij gravel chaanul grass grass gress, girs green kale kail kale or cabbage stock kail runt English Scotch Written Spoken turnip neep onion unyun ing-in carrot caarut pea pee pee pea-pod peez-coad shelling peas huilin pees bean been been leek leek fruit froot fruit pear pair pair apple appul aipul plum ploom potato plum tautay bullut rhubarb roobarb rooburt raspberry raazberri raasp-s red currants rizzurz black currant blaakbairay gooseberry groazur flower flouer floor rose roaz roaz china aster cheenee aastur marigold mairay goald poppy poapay weed weid seed seed shovel v. shuvel shuil shovel with a shovel shuil in wee a shufful dig delv, houk tool gibbul wheelbarrow baarray hedge-bill hej-bill haij-bull hoe hoa how Dutch hoe duch how saw saw saw rake raik raik fork foark short fork with several prongs graip spade spaid spaid shovel n. shuvel shufful dibble dibbil dubbul trowel trouel trouin sickle hyuk scythe siidh siith shears sheerz sheerz knife niif tneif line or cord liin lein TREES AND PLANTS English Scotch Written Spoken oak oak aik (obs.) acorn aicorn aikoarn ash ash aish elm elm ellum fir fir fur spruce sproos sproosh birch birch burk beech beech beech larch larch lerruk (obs.), lerch rowan, mountain ash rouan roadun hazel haizul hizzul alder aarn willow saukh elder boontree elderberry boontreebairay wild cherry geen hawthorn haw-thoarn laburnum burnum cherry churray lilac liilac lullayaik, Meifloor sloe sloa slay bramble, blackberry brummul holly holli hoallay wood wood wud plantation plaantin root root ruit firewood broul twig reis branch gren moss fug broom broom bruim furze, gorse hwun heather hedhur hedhur fern fern fairn bracken bracken brekkun nettle nettil nettul dock dock doakun earth-nut loosay aarnut sorrel sooruk toadstool pudduk stuil thistle thissel thrussul a grass with long roots quikkunz hips and haws haups un hawz English Scotch Written Spoken wild mustard field mustard, charlock skellay, skellukh sedge sej seg southernwood aippul ringay rush rush raash blue cornflower blawward foxglove bluidee fingurz daid maan'z bells crow's foot croa's foot crawtayz speedwell caat's ee large field daisy gouun daisy daizi daizay blade, leaf of a tree blaid blaid long, coarse grass bent ragwort weebee bilberry blaybairay CROPS AND FARMING English Scotch Written Spoken crop crop craap grain grain gren harvest harvest hairst corn, oats corn coarn oats oats aits barley barley baurlay coarse barley bair wheat weet hweit rye grass rii grass rii gress clover cloaver cloavur potato tautay, spud potato haulms tautay shauz mangel wurzel maangulz mungo weesul lea, old grass lee lei ploughed land red laund tares tairz tairz ploughing plouing plooin ridge rig mark off ridges by ploughing feer, drawin a feerin harrow harroa herray sprout (e. g. corn, turnips), first appearance above ground breer n. and v. a good sprout a fein breer has sprouted well hez breerd fein English Scotch Written Spoken is sprouting well iz breerin fein thinning turnips sing-lin neeps trench turnips hyookh = shyookh neeps stripping turnips of leaves shawin neeps hoeing potatoes houin tautayz broad-hoeing potatoes bred-houin tautayz weeding by hand haund weidin harvest home raantin kirn reap with the sickle shair reaping, harvest shairin lifting and binding luftin un bindin bundle of straw boatul oa stray sheaves sheevs shaifs shock of corn (12 sheaves of wheat, 14 sheaves of oats) stook covered shock hoodit stook two stooks thraiv beard (of barley, &c.) aun bearded aunay part of mill for removing awns aunur knock awns off barley hummul baarlay chaff chaff caaf twister (for making straw ropes) thraw cruk last corn cut on a field caach dhe maidun Is your corn all in? Iz yur coarn aw in? Ur yee aw led yet? carting crops from the field Wee'r laidin dhe-day winnowers faanurz officially fixed average prices of grain feerz, streikin dhe feerz dried in the wind (as grain) wun, weel wun foundation of stack stethul support for stack boas haycock made by hand haund coal haycock coal putting the hay into cocks coalin dhe hei larger than a cock and smaller than a stack traamp-coal stack stack staak oblong haystack soo rick, large stack rick rukk swing of scythe, and grain cut by one swing swei length of cutting bout injured by frost froastit fodder fudhur English Scotch Written Spoken rack for fodder haik meadow medoa meedee strip of unploughed land between two fields bauk cutting peats peets caastin dhe paits cut with an axe, chop haak empty by upsetting coup binder of sheaves baandstur foreman of a gang gaafur, foarmun farm overseer greev youth, stripling haaflun, lauddee odd man oaraymun ploughman ploomun herdsman caatulmun market at which farm servants are hired feein maarkit a day's work of horse, man, and cart or plough given without payment luv daarg rent paid in kind cain HARNESS, CARTS, ETC. English Scotch Written Spoken trace-horse thait-hoars trace thait trace of a cart draakht shaft traam hangers hangerz hingurz chain over saddle of a horse that bears weight on its back rigwuddee sliding catch of rigwuddee sleidur saddle saddel seddul bridle briidel breidul bit bit but chin-strap chouk-straap blinkers blundurz girth bellaybaand round buttock under tail bruchin hames on a horse's collar haimz hemz collar brekhun hearing-rein bairing-rain bairin-rain nose-band noaz-band noaz-baand reins rains leinz head-stall hed-staul haid-stull horse's shoes horsiz shooz hoars-shuin English Scotch Written Spoken corn-cart coarn-kert cart with movable body coup-kert cart with fixed body cloas-kert, boax-kert axle axel exul wheel weel hweel hoop rung spoke spoak spoak nave naiv naiv swingletree mesturtree, swungultree nails through body of cart and axle cathul nailz movable board put on side of a cart to increase its capacity shellmun, shellmunt FARM BUILDINGS, TOOLS, ETC. English Scotch Written Spoken farm farm ferm farmhouse fermhoos farm buildings steddin land attached to a mansion house, generally encircled by a wall poalisayz home farm mainz croft, cottage craaft cottage for unmarried ploughmen boathay mill mill mull mill-wheel mill-weel mull-hweel granary granari grenuray stackyard staakyaird coarnyaird enclosed court for cattle caatul-reed small sheep-fold faank small enclosure for sheep bukht pigsty soo'z crui wall deik wooden fence pailin garret garret gaarut trap-door trap-doar traap-doar gap in wall, fence, or hedge slaap back door baak doar front door foar doar above back door baak stikh drain in cowshed grip plough plow ploo English Scotch Written Spoken handle of plough stult curved side of plough buird scythe siidh siith sickle hyuk grindstone griindstoan grunstain wheelbarrow hurlbaaray hurdle flaik stake staik stoab turf fail balance for weighing bauks ladder ladder ledhur stump of a tree used to chop sticks on cloag basket for potatoes tautay creel foot-rule foot-rool fut-ruil pair of pincers pair oa pliiurz pair oa nuppurz tool for killing weeds weeduk mallet mallet mell crowbar guddul drill drill dreel axe ax aix back of an axe houzul muck-hoe haarl wooden corn measure kept in coarn kust luppay red ochre keel CHRISTIAN NAMES The following are among the more common Christian names, with their shortened and diminutive forms. A child is generally called by the diminutive form, which may cling to it through life or be replaced by the shortened or full form as it grows older. MASCULINE NAMES. E. S. Written Spoken Full Name Short Name Diminutive Aeneas Eeneeus Eenus Aang-us Aang-ay Alexander Alexander Aaluxaandur Aaluk Saundee Andrew Androo Aundray Aundray Archibald Aarchibald Erchbuld Erch Erchay Baulday Charles Chaarlz Chairlz Chairlay Daniel Dan yel Dainul Daan Daanay E. S. Written Spoken Full Name Short Name Diminutive David Daivid Dauvud Daiv Daivee Donald Donald Doanuld Daan Daanay Duncan Duncan Duncun Dunk Duggee George Jorj Joarj Joardee Hector Hector Haictur Hek Hekkay Henry Henry Hendray Hairay James Jaimz Jaimz Jaim Jaimay Jimmay John Jon Joan Joak Jekk Joakay Jekkay Joanay Laurence Laurins Laurins Lour Louree Malcolm Malcom Maakum Michael Miicul Mikhul Mik Mikkay Peter Peeter Peetur Pait Peet Paitay Robert _Robert f Roaburt Roabin Raab Boab Bert Roabee Boabee Bertay Thomas Tommas Taamus Taam Taamay William Willyam Weelum Wull Beel Wullay Beelee FEMININE NAMES. E. S. Written Spoken Full Name Short Name Diminutive Agnes Agnez Naanzay Naan Naanay Anne Ann Aan Aanay Barbara Barbara Baarbara Baab Baabee Catherine Catherin Kaitrun Kait Kaitay Kittay Christina Cristeena Kurstiina Kurstun Criss Teen Kurstay Crissay Teenee Elizabeth Elizabeth Leezbuth Luz Bet Bess Luzzee Bettay Betsay Bessay Euphemia Yoofeemia Yoofaimia Effay Faimay Grace Grais Grais Girzay Isabella Izabella Iizabella Bell Bellay Eezee Tibbee Jane Jain Jain Jeen Jeenee E. S. Written Spoken Full Name Short Name Diminutive Janet Janet Jennut Jess Jinnay Jessay Jemima Jemiima Jemiima Mem Memmay Jaimay Lily Lilly Lullay Lull Lullay Marion Mairion Mairun Margaret Maargaret Maargut Maag Meg Peg Maagee Meggee Peggee Mary Mairy Mairay Mair Mairay Poalay May May Mei Meizee Minnie Minni Meenee Robina Robeena Roabeenee Been Beenee Sarah Saira Sairay Sairay Saalay SURNAMES E. S. Written Spoken Bailie Bailay Beilay Balmain Balmain Bamáin Boag Boag Bug Campbell Cambell Caamul Cunningham Cunningam Cuinikum Chalmers Chaamerz Chaumurz Christie Cristi Creistay Crichton Criitun Crikhtun Douglas Duglas Dooglus Dougal Doogal Doogul Dunn Dun Duin Dewar Dyooar Dyoor Deuchar Dyookar Dyukhur Flockhart Flokart Floakurt Forbes Forbz Foarbus Fulton Fooltun Fultun Gardner Gaardnur Gairdnur Gibbons Gibbonz Gibbunz Gordon Gordon Goardun Graham Grai-am Graim Guild Gild Gild Hally Hallay Haalay Hogg Hogg Hugg Leighton Laytun Likhnin Lord Rollo Lord Rollo Loard Roallay E. S. Written Spoken Leuchars Lookarz Lookhurz Macpherson Macfersun Mucfairsun Mackenzie Makenzee Mukinzee Malcolm Malkum Maakum Marshall Maarshal Mershul Martin Maartin Mertun Menzies Meengus Ming-us Millar Miller Mullur Mitchell Michel Muchull Monteith Monteeth Muntaith Oliphant Olifant Oalufunt Oswald Oswald Oazit Paton Paitun Paatun Paterson Patersun Pettursun Robertson Robertsun Roabisun Ross Ross Roas Salmon Saamun Saumun Scott Scot Scoat Scougall Scoogul Scoogul Somerville Sumurvill Summurul Sword Sord Swurd Watt Wot Waat Westwood -Westwood Waastwud Wilson Wilsun Wulsun Winton Wintun Waantun Wright Riit Rikht Young Yung Yung PLACE NAMES E. S. E. S. Egypt Aijup America Amerikay England Ing-lund English Ing-lish New Zealand Nyoo Zailund Russian Rooshyan Scotch Scoach Edinburgh Aidunburray Aberdeen Aiburdeen Dundee Dundee Glasgow Gleskay London Londin Perth Pairth Forfar Faarfur Fife Feif Highlands Heelundz Highland Heelunt Strathearn Straathairn Auchterarder Aakhturairdur (Oakhturairdur) Brechin Breekhun Crieff Creef Dunning Dinnin Dunblane Dumblain Forgandenny Foargun Forteviot Furtevvit Gask Gaask Highlandman Heeluntmun Kinross Kinroas Comrie Coamray E. S. Cultoquhey Kultohwai Kippen Kuppun Madderty Meddertay Muthill Muithil Muckart Mukkart Monzie Munee Scone Skuin Trinity Gask Taarantay Methven Meffun River Earn Waatur Airn Forth Foarth River May Waatur oa Mei Tay Tay Loch Katrine Loakh Kaiturin (Lochs near Dunning) Clevij Moass Coo'z Moass Hweit Moass Keltay Moass Grampians Graampiunz Ochils Oakhulz Hills north of the Earn Brayz ee Airn Cairnie Hill Cairnay Bray Craig Rossie Craig Roasay Gask Hill Gaask Bray Dhe Gled Bray Dhe Knoak Dhe Tnouz Dhe Law (Between Dunning and Perth) Needcessitay Bray (Below Dupplin) Dhe Shaw Brayz TheBlackPool Blaak Duib (Gorge in Roassay Burn) Bain Kist Rossie Law Roassay Law Bridge of Earn Brig ee Airn Toaray Brig Thortur Brig Badhead Baadhaid Barnyards Baarnyairdz Baldinnies Badinnis Balgowan Bagouun Balgour Bagour Balquhandy Bahwandee E. S. Bridgefold Brigfauld Boghall Bughaw Broadlees Bruidleiz The Broom Dhe Bruim Caldhome Cauldhaim Cockersfold Caukurzfauld Corb Coarb Crofts Craafts Dalreoch Daraikh Dragon Draigun Duncrub Duncroob Inverdunning Endurdinnin Invermay Endurmei Garvock Gaarik Gateside Gaitseid Gatherleys Gedhurlaiz Granco Graankay Haughend Haukhend (A gorge in the May) Hummul Bummul Littlerig Luttulrig Midgemill Mijmull Mount Taabor Muirhead Muirhaid Pitmeadow Pitmidday Sheelnouz Thimble Row Thummulraw brook burn a wide stretch of level land along a river caars common C oamun crag craig a small, deep, wooded valley den narrow valley glen top of the hill haid ee hekht hollow with steep sides hyukh hill hull a round-topped hill law rocky pool linn lake loakh bog, marshy pool moass E. S. moor muir valley straath spring , pool of water in a bog waal-ee E. S. river waatur village vullaij town, village, farm buildings toon WEATHER E. S. Written Spoken sky luft clouds cloudz cloodz or cludz blast, shower, squall blaast blaast wind wind wund windy day fein reevin day thunder thunder thunnur lightning liining likhnin summer lightning wuldfiir dew dyoo dyoo hail hail hail snow snoa snaw snow-drift reeth melting snow snaw-brui ice iis eis cold coald cauld hot hot het misty rookay gleam glint frost frost froast freeze, froze, frozen freez, froaz, froazun frosty froastay, reimay keen nuppay frost in the air to-day a nup ee air dhe-day its a frosty morning it's a froastay (reimay) moarnin hoar-frost reim black frost blaak froast fresh caalur sharp, keen snell thaw thaw thow rain rain ren wet saaft pouring laashin a heavy shower a doonrikht poor shower shouer shoor heavy fall of rain plaash heavy fall of rain, especially when accompanied by thunder plout, spoot E. S. Written Spoken wet day weet day a wet day a weetee day a wet night niit weet nikht rather wet wee thing saaft don't get wet duinay weet yursel pouring hail waatur rennin hail waatur beating rain or snow oan ding pretty heavy shower a but oan ding very warm aufay waarum close, muggy day maukhay day very close aufay cloas cold, wet fog (from the east) aisturlay haur haur slush slush sleesh cold weather in May when cows go out coo-quaak cold weather in July after shearing yow-trummul indistinct rainbow waatur-gaw rainbow renbow halo round the moon brukh TIME E. S. Written Spoken day day day morning morning moarnin evening eevning een night niit nikht twilight gloamin late evening daarknin morning, before 12 o'clock foarnuin afternoon efturnuin about noon dennur-teim week week week month munth munth year yeer yeer hour ouer oor minute minit meenut time tiim teim term term terrum breakfast (porridge) paarich dinner dinner dennur tea tee tee supper supper suppur E. S. Written Spoken to-day dhe-day to-night dhe-nikht to-morrow dhe-moarn this year dhe-yeer now, at present dhe-noo yesterday yesturday yesterday evening yestreen, dhestreen last night laast nikht to-morrow week dhe-moarn cum ekht dayz this week past dhis ekht dayz harvest haarvest hairst winter wuntur summer summur spring spring late autumn baak-end season seezun saizun DAYS, MONTHS, AND TERMS E. S. Written Spoken Sunday (Sabbath day) Saubuth day Monday Munday Munnunday Tuesday Tyoozday Tiizday Wednesday Wenzday Wuddunzday Thursday Thurz day Fuirsday Friday Friiday Freiday Saturday Saturday Setturday Dhus iz luttul Setturday, Dhe-moarn'z Saubay-saw; Munnunday'z up un tull'd agen, Un Tiizday'z caw awaw. Wuddunzday'z dhe muddul ee week, Or Fuirsday yee may say; Un gin Freiday'z a guid moarnin Yee may bee shuir oa a guid day. E. S. Written Spoken January Janyooary Jaanwur February Febrooary Faiburwurray March March Merch E. S. Written Spoken April Aipril Upréil May May Mei June Joon Juin July Jóolíi Jóolay August August August September September Septembur October Octoaber Oktoabur November November Novembur December Desember Dizembur New Year's Day Nairzday The first Monday after the New Year Haansul Munday 2nd February Caunulzmus, Caunulzday 15th May (legal term) Hwuttsunday 1st August Laamus Michaelmas Mikhulmus 31st October Haalayeen 11th November for banking 28th November for removals Mertimus 31st December Huggmunay DIRECTIONS E. S. Written Spoken direction, point of the compass ert north north noarth south south sooth east eest aist west west waast WEIGHTS AND MEASURES E. S. whisky jar graybaird large vessel for whisky joarum large tumblerful of beer scoonur oa beer boll, a measure of capacity bow WEIGHT. E. S. Written Spoken ounce ouns uns pound pound pund hundredweight hundurwekht ton tun tun LIQUID MEASURE. 2 donnulz = 1 jull 4 jullz = 1 muchkin (taapit hen) 2 muchkinz = 1 chaapin 2 chaapinz = 1 peint 8 peints = 1 gaalun = 3 imperial gallons CORN MEASURE. 4 luppayz = 1 pekk 4 pekks = 1 furlut 4 furluts = 1 bow 16 bowz = 1 chauldur 1 furlut of oats = 1.46 of imperial bushel AREA. 36 ellz = 1 faw 40 fawz = 1 ruid 4 ruidz = 1 aicur = 1.26 of imperial acre = 6,104 square yards LENGTH. E. S. Written Spoken foot-rule foot-rool fut-ruil yard yaard yaird ell ell ell mile miil meil VALUE. E. S. Written Spoken pound, £1 pound sovereign soavrun £1 note noat crown croun croon half-crown haafcroun a haaf-a-croon guinea ginni geenee shilling shullun, boab penny pennay halfpenny haipni maik, haapnay, baubee fourpence groat farthing faardun fistful nevfay double handful goupunfay pound in money pund in weight a haank oa yern a hank of yarn (wool) a cut oa wursut a cut (one-twelfth of a hank) of worsted WEAVING AND SPINNING E. S. Written Spoken weave weev weev web, warp wub, waarp weft, woof waaft maker of web waarpur weaver wubstur reel purn filler of purns purnay shuttle shuttel shuttul spool spool spuil hand-loom hand-loom haund-luim beam beem baim a gap in the woof jesp hank of yarn hesp to miss threads in weaving scoab v. the part of the loom which lays the threads of the web parallel lay shrink (of cloth) wauk in v. bleach bleech bleich rock rock roak spindle spindel spunnul spin spin spin spinning-wheel spinnin-hweel thread thred threed band band baand reel reel reel yarn yaarn yern bobbin bobbin boabin cloth cloth claith cotton cotton coatun wincey winsay winshay dressing dressing dressin lint lint lint tow toa tow footboard board futbuird dust of threads in weaving caadis COMMON OCCUPATIONS E. S. Written Spoken church officer baidul baker baiker baikur blacksmith blaksmith blaaksmuth cadger, hawker caajur caajur cooper cooper coopur horse-dealer coupur dealer deeler dailur doctor doctor doaktur schoolmaster doamunay, mestur drainer drainer drennur ditcher dieher duchur butcher boocher fleshur gardener gaardiner gairdnur grocer groaser groasur hedger hejer haijur joiner joiner jeinur carrier carrier kerriur mason maison maisun minister minister ministur miller miller mullur pedlar pedler paakmun, peddlur seller of crockery pigmun precentor presentor prizentur reel-filler purnay wright riit rikht slater slaiter sclaitur saddler saddler seddlur sempstress shoostur smith smith smuth cobbler sootur tailor tailer teilur auctioneer aukshoneer ungshuneer weaver weever weevur, wubstur GAMES E. S. a feat to be imitated baistay game gem English and French (a game) Scoach un Frensh hop-scotch beddeez, boax dhe beddeez hockey shintay wrong side (in hockey) curshaamyee blind man's buff blind-boalay touch tig pax, a truce while playing tig baurlay E. S. tig round the stacks baurlay braaks it (in playing tig) hut home (in playing tig) den pitch and toss pich un toas a children's game eelee pigz leap-frog fut un a haaf variations of leap-frog baanutay, tuppnay nuppnay, saumun'z loup knuckle stones chukkay stainz hop, skip, and jump haap, staap, un loup tossing the caber toassin dhe caibur putting the stone puttin dhe stain spinning-top peeree to spin a teetotum burl a teetoatum indiarubber ball gaasay baw draughts daambroad clear the board shuil dhe broad pop-gun baalin-gun potato bullets tautay bulluts stop pushing, in swinging laat dhe caat dee to catch hold of any one by shoulders and feet and dump his back on the ground benjee, gee um benjee old maid auld maid catch the ten caach dhe ten knave jekk golf gouf fore foar caddie caudee tip-cat caattay un duggee marbles boolz line taw variegated glass marble glessay clay marble hard haid, brickay little, coloured clay marbles steeneez a game of marbles placed in a circle ringay a game of marbles in several holes scraped in the ground houlay dumps play first furst dreep play fair fair wunnay play for stakes dreep to play a marble sharply with thumb and first finger nikkul to hit the marble aimed at with the marble played daab hitting the marble aimed at from the line daabur fay taw E. S. play marble from hollow of forefinger poosee nikkul keep marbles won to end of game and then give them back funnee dreep football futbaw goalkeeper goalay curling curlin curling-stone curlin-stain (1) a set of four a side at curling (2) the length of ice on which a game is played rink captain of a rink skup iron sheet, indented to grip the ice, on which the curler stands to throw his stone craamp or craamput broom, besom cow, bruim a line drawn across the ice seven yards from the tee or Jack hug pot-lid (a curling-stone played so as to rest on the tee) paat-lud bias on the ice twust passageleft between two curling-stones poart throw a stone so that it draws in towards the tee from the right-hand side play dhe foar haund from the left-hand side baak haund rather beyond the tee full-lay Jeck-hii play straight up to lie near the tee draw cannon off a stone and lie shot wick un curl in knock out a stone and lie in its place chaap un lii 'sweep him up' (quicken the speed of a stone by sweeping the path clear in front of it) soop um up hold up the broom, do not sweep hud up not a bosom! (don't sweep in front of the stone) noa a cow, nivvur a cow let him alone! (don't sweep in front of the stone) laa'm ulain give me a guard (a stone placed so as to protect another from being dislodged) gee's a gaird I'm as narrow as a match Aa'm az nerray'z a spunk I'll sweep his stone out Aa'll git um he's off the ice (has made a wide shot) hee'z aaf dhe eis E. S. your stone has not come far enough yee'r noa heer, mun it won't come far enough ut heznay feet you're too far out yee'r weid you're narrow (too near the straight line to the tee) yee'r nerray a game in which no stone lies near the tee a weid end that's the shot (the stone nearest the tee) dhaat's dhe shoat 'shake that man' — by way of congratulation on a good shot shaak dhaat maan you for a curler! (well played!) yoo fur a curlur take your will of it (do as you please) taak yur wull oa'd that's a very bad shot for a skip to play dhaat's an aufay-leik shoat fur a skup tay play to sit on one's heels sliding down a slide kurshang HEALTH AND SICKNESS E. S. Written Spoken ague aigyoo aigee rheumatism roomatism roomatizm erysipelas dhe roaz pleuro-pneumonia plooroa cholera colera coaluraa scarlet fever rush fivvur measles meezelz mizulz smallpox smallpox poax pock-marked pod-markt poak-maarkit fever feever fivvur mumps buffits deformed paulay bandy-legged bouzay lifting foot too high cleekit blind bliind blind deaf def daif — dull oa heerin squinting gleid, skellay-ee'd dumb dum dum stutter maant headache sair haid toothache toothaik sair teeth, tuithik stomach-ache sair weim E. S. Written Spoken fester, suppurate bail whitlow hwuttul bailin heal heel hail mole moal moal chilblain chilblain froast-buttin, chulblain corn corn coarn. boil boil beil wart raat cough hoast whooping-cough kink-hoast bronchitis bronkiitis broonkaidees croup croop Croop sore throat claap oa dhe hauz staggers, megrim shaakurz a disease of poultry gaips disease of sheep, trembling loupin ull internal inflammation in sheep braaxay, waaturay haid swoon dwaam a spasm came over my heart a dwaam cumd our ma hert faint faint fent pang, intermittent pain stoond I've had a terrible pain Aa'v hain an aufay stoond a pain at the heart a stoondin at dhe hert trembling aw oa a trummul a great shock an aufay shaak founder foonur infectious smuttul tired out fair wubbit chapped hands chappt chaapit haakit haundz sick sik seek decline, fall off, fade away dwein consumption diclein what's the matter to-day? hwaat ailz yee dhe-day? well well weel, brawlay ill ill ull, baadlay CEREMONIES E. S. Written Spoken baptism babtizm baabteezm baptised babtiizd baabteezd christening krisning crusnin E. S. Written Spoken first person met on New Year's morning or on the way to a baptism (he gets a pees) furst fut wedding wedding waadin married to marrid merraid oan messenger sent out to fetch guests for a wedding sendz banns called criid fee for calling banns crii-in sullur banns called in church criid ee kirk certificate of banns, marriage, or church membership leinz licence liicense leeshuns poor marriage (only cakes of barley-meal) bairmail merrij marriage to which guests contribute food, &c. pennay waadin who is she marrying? hwaw's shee gittin? Shorter Catechism dhe sing-ul caarichiz day of preparation for Communion faast-day kept the fast-day keepit dhe faast Sacrament, Holy Communion saikrimunt bread and wine for Holy Communion dhe elimunts address before Communion fensin dhe taibulz to attend Holy Communion for the first time gaang foarit metal ticket of admission to Holy Communion toakun bury berry buiray funeral buiraiul laid out streekit corpse corps coarp coffin coffin coafun funeral pall paul moarclaith symbols of mourning on hat and sleeves baand un weepurz Bible Biibel Beibul Gospel Gospel Goaspul church church kirk Established Church Auld Kirk Free Church Free Kirk United Presbyterian (U. P.) Yoo ray pray pray pray prayer praier prair E. S. Written Spoken sermon sermun sermun precentor presenter prizentur elder elder eldur chief elder roolin eldur church officer baidul precentor's desk lattern pew pyoo pyoo deacon deekon deikun bailie baili beilay collection collekshun coalekshun collecting-box with long handle laidul collection plate broad, plait heritor, landowner erritur pulpit poolpit pooput old metrical version of the 100th Psalm Auld Hundur bride briid breid bridegroom briidgroom breidgruim best man best maan bridesmaid best maid When a newly-married couple go to church for the first time after marriage it is said of them, Dhay wur kirkit dhe-day. COMMON ADJECTIVES E. S. Written Spoken bad bad baad good good guid old oald auld new nyoo nyoo young yung yung big, great grait mukkul, grait small, little smaul, littil smaw, wee, luttul well well weel ill, bad ill ull many meni moanay few noa moanay broad braud bred wide wiid weid narrow narroa nerray thick thik thik thin thin thin high hii heekh low loa laikh E. S. Written Spoken long long laang, loang, laung short short shoart before befoar foar behind hindur straight strait straukht crooked, awry gleid, skyould hot hot het cold coald cauld loose loos lous tight tiit tikht smooth smoodh smuidh rough ruff rukh empty emti tuim full fool foo hollow boas strong strong stroang weak week waik white wiit hweit black black blaak yellow yelloa yaalay brown broun broon red red rid blue bloo bloo green green green grey gray gray PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS FAVOURABLE. E. S. Written Spoken well well weel strong, healthy stroang strong, well, healthy stoot quick, active clivvur pretty boanay buxom, well conditioned, pleasant-- looking soansay comely, stately dentee plump, buxom, handsome gausay good-looking, sensible, sane weisleik neat, trim trig well-dressed woman gaash wummun smart, well set up swaank good-looking weel-faurd UNFAVOURABLE. E. S. Written Spoken ill ill ull sick sik seek unnaturally thin, shrivelled, pinched shulpit lean, weak sullay delicate dweinin thin, of little bulk, shrunken luttul-bookit skeleton, very thin juist a rikkul oa bainz peaked, thin-faced pyookit corpulent foazay ugly ull-faurd dishevelled toozee shuffling shaukhlin limping, lame hurplin bungling, useless, clumsy fuiturin squinting gleid dumb dum dum blind bliind blind deaf def daif somewhat deaf dull oa heerin exhausted furfoakhun bald bauld beld MENTAL AND MORAL CHARACTERISTICS FAVOURABLE. E. S. quick, sharp, clever gleg knowing, wide-awake smart fellow burkay glad, happy, cheerful bliith merry, light-hearted likhtsum cheerful cheeree cosy, comfortable, familiar coothay common sense gumshun slow, gentle, cautious caanay sober, respectable, honest, modest doos precise, particular purjink old-fashioned, sagacious, shrewd, quaint auld-faarund a funny person coamic exact (pointed) peintit handy, clever with the hands haundee UNFAVOURABLE. E. S. slow dull sad, gloomy, dismal douay sulks doadz sulky doadee down in the mouth hingin dhe fuppul an easy-going person sug without pith or strength, weak fulzhunlus, puiflus lacking energy, strength, or purpose thaivlus lout, blockhead, stupid sumf fool, idiot, clown full, goamurul nervous, excitable, not all there skeeree mad, foolish, idiotic, silly daaft crazy craakit idiotic, silly, muddled, making mistakes stupidly deitit stupid donnurd in a state of dotage dottul blockhead dundurhaid stupid lump doavay careless, forgetful, feeble feklus giddy girl glaik, glaikit jaud (through other), anyhow, untidy, unmethodical throoidhur romping, hoydenish haalikit skittish, frolicsome skeeree malinkee capricious maagutay rash, hasty, clumsy raamstaam dawdling, pottering daidlin reluctant sweer hesitate swidhur mean, treacherous footay hard, obstinate, stubborn door miserly, avaricious gruppay shrewd, sly, tricky paukay twisted, ill-natured, crusty, crossgrained thraun crabbed, cross-grained craabit struck dumb with astonishment dumfoondurd a dirty person clert niggling, fussy about trifles purnikkitay, finnikin one who abuses hospitality skunj, soarnur unreasoning dislike, disgust scunnur fatigued, worried traakhuld drudge, worrying worker traakhul mean, shabby scuffay E. S. disreputable waafay sharp of speech, snappish cluppay nasty nestay greedy greedee-leik light-fingered, pilfering taaray-fingurd sulky glumshay grumpy goulin babbler bledhurskeit RELATIONS Masculine. E. S. Written Spoken father faadher faidhur son sun sun brother brudher bridhur grandfather guchur (obs.), graandfaid uncle uncul nephew nevyoo neffay father, daddy, &c. paw, daw, daadee husband guid-maan father-in-law guid-faidhur son-in-law guid-sun brother-in-law guid-bridhur widower weedeeur family famli faimlay Feminine. E. S. Written Spoken mother midhur daughter dauter doakhtur sister sister sustur grandmother graanay aunt aant aantay niece nees mother maw, maamay wife wiif guid-weif mother-in-law guid-midhur daughter-in-law guid-doakhtur sister-in-law guid-sustur widow widdoa weedee Common. E. S. Written Spoken cousin cuzn cuizin grandchild oa (obs.) forefathers foarbeerz relation freend NOTE. The terms neffay and nees are not often used, the more common mode of description of the relationship being bridhur'z sun, sustur'z doakhtur, &c. So, too, it is more usual to speak of sun'z doakhtur, doakhtur'z sun, &c., than to use the terms graandsun, graanddoakhtur. A man often speaks of his wife as hur, or hur dhair, or dhe weif, or dhe mustris, and hardly ever mentions her by name. A woman calls her husband dhe guid-maan, or dhe mestur, or mii mann, or mentions him by name, or says hum dhair. A man or woman speaking of a child says oor Joak or oor Jeenee. The terms guchur and oa for grandfather and grandchild are obsolescent. Oa is sometimes used for a nephew or niece. One's own relations are mii foak, oor foak, maa ain foak. The older generation are dhe auld foak. The younger generation, dhe yung foak. TERMS OF ENDEARMENT E. S. little trout trootay dove doo little lamb laamay little bird burdee little pet dautay darling deeree pretty little girl boanay wee laussaikay my little cooing pigeon maa wee croodlin doo Who called you crab-faced, my little lamb? Hwaw cawd yee paartun-faist, maa wee laam? Who stole your treacle scone, my little lamb? Hwaw stailt yur traikul scoan, maa wee laam? poor little girl puir wee laussay WORDS APPLIED TO A GIRL OR WOMAN E. S. girl kummur, quein, hizzee a comely girl a dentee quein a good-looking girl a weel-faurd kummur a teidee kummur an active, clever girl a clivvur hizzee a comely girl a dentee hizzee a good-looking person a dentee buddee a bold, conceited, proud lass a croos laus a woman, especially an elderly woman a lukkay a queer one a gei lukkay jade jaud wild, bad woman cuttay bad lot lummur besom bizzum stupid girl taupay very wild girl hempay idle girl, slut eidul taupay you great stupid yee mukkul taupay she's an empty pea-pod shee'z a tuim peez-coad EXPRESSIONS APPLIED TO A MISER E. S. very hard gei haard as hard as a stone as haard'z a stain very near (stingy) aufay neer humsel avaricious gruppay he would get change for a halfpenny hee wud chenj a baubee coining money hee'z fair keinin sullur he's too near (stingy) to be honest hee'z our neer tay bee eanist he would skin a louse for its fat hee wud skin a loos for dhe faat reluctant to part with cash sweer tay pert wee dhe clink EXPRESSIONS RELATING TO DRUNKENNESS E. S. he's been having a little whisky hee'z been taistin he's had a good drop hee'z hed a guid draapay half on haaf oan well on weel oan blind drunk blind foo fighting drunk fekhtin foo E. S. weeping drunk greetin foo mortally drunk moartul not able to keep his feet noa aibul tay keep a fut taking the breadth of the road (staggering from side to side of the road) taakin dhe breed ee road as drunk as a pig az drunk's a soo now and then slightly tipsy nooz un dhaanz a wee fuilish forgets himself furgits humsel PROVERBS AND SAYINGS An ken yur meenin baa yur mumpin. I know your meaning by your mumbling. A boanay breid's suin buskit. A pretty bride is soon dressed A brunt bairn draidz dhe fir. A burnt child dreads the fire A full un his sullur'z suin n pertit. A fool and his money are soon parted. A gaangin fut's ei gittin, un ut bee but a thoarn. A going foot is always getting, be it only a thorn. A geen coo shuidnay bee lookit ee moo. A given (received as a present) cow should not be looked in the mouth (to see its age). Eng. equivalent: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. A green Yuil maaks a faat kirk-yaird. A green Christmas makes a fat churchyard. A guid sikht fur sair een. A good sight for sore eyes (a pleasant sight). A hairay maan's a gairay maan, A hairay weif's a wuch. A hairy man's a wealthy man, A hairy woman's a witch. Ain tay saw, ainn tay naw, Un ain tay pei dhe laird withaw. One to sow, and one to gnaw, And one to pay the laird with. The meaning of this is, that of the gross produce of a farm, one-third pays the expenses of cultivation, one-third the cost of the farmer's household, and one-third goes in rent. An auld maid's bairn'z ei weel-bred. An old maid's child is always well-bred. An ull shairur nair gaat a guid hyuk. A bad reaper never got a good reaping-hook. A rouin stain gedhurz nay fugg. A rolling stone gathers no moss. A shaif aaf a broakun kebbuk's nair musst. A slice from a cut cheese is never missed. A smaw buss iz bettur'n nay beeld. A small bush is better than no shelter. A smuth ull maak a pek oa mail Az faast's hiz weif ull baik ut. A smith will make a peck of meal As fast as his wife will bake it. Aw buddee hez dhur ain draaf-poak tay kerray, but sum hingz seidur beez idhurz. Every one has his own draff-sack to carry, but some hang lower than others. A weifs ay bairn, un a coatur'z ay coo, Dhe tain'z flair weel, un dhe tidhur'z nair foo. A woman's only child, and a cottar's only cow, The one's never well, and the other's never full (well-fed). Aw things hez an end, un a puddun hez twaw. All things have an end, and a sausage has two. Ay maan'z mait's unidhur maan's poozhun. One man's meat is another man's poison. Az blaak's a slay. As black as a sloe. Az blind'z a baat. As blind as a bat. Az boas az a baarul. As hollow as a barrel. Az daark az pik. As dark as pitch. Az daif's a doer-nail. As deaf as a door-nail. Az dhe soo fulls dhe draukht soorz. As the pig fills the swill sours. Az drii'z a hwussul. As dry as a whistle. Az drii'z a rid hairin. As dry as a red herring. Az foo'z a fiddlur. As drunk as a fiddler. Az queit az dhe cruk hingz. As quietly as the hook hangs. Az tuim's a hwussul. As empty as a whistle. Az tyukh's dhe wuddee. As tough as the hangman's rope. Az weel bee haangd fur a sheep uz a laam. As well be hanged for (stealing) a sheep as a lamb. Bettur a fingur aaf nor ei waagin. Better a finger off than always wagging. Bettur an auld maan'z dautay nor a yung maan'z dunt-aboot. Better an old man's pet than a young man's slave (knock-about). Bettur a tuim hoos nor an ull tainunt. Better an empty house than a bad tenant. Bettur suin nor sein. Better soon than late. Bettur wair shuin dhun sheets. Better wear out shoes than sheets. Beitin un scaartin'z guid Scoach ooin. Biting and scratching are good Scotch wooing. Boad fur a sulk goon un yee'll mebbee git dhe sleev oa'd. Aim at a silk gown and you'll perhaps get its sleeve. Burdz un bairnz maan ei bee pikkin. Birds and children must always be picking. 'Caan dui' is aizee kerraid uboot. 'Can do' is easily carried about. Cauld kail het ugen. Cold broth heated up again. Caw saut tay Diizurt. Drive salt to Dysart (Carry coals to Newcastle). Chenjiz iz likhtsum, az dhe weifee sed hwun hur maan deed. Changes are pleasant, as the woman said when her husband died. Chenjiz iz likhtsum, un fuilz iz ei foand oa dhum. Changes are pleasant, and fools are always fond of them (Variety's pleasing). Claw yoo mii baak un Aa'll claw yoorz. Scratch you my back and I'll scratch yours. Clivvur midhurz maaks daidlay doakhturz. Active mothers make dawdling daughters. Coantentit wee luttul un caantay wee mair. Contented with little and cheerful with more. Coarbeez duiznay peik oot coarbeez' een. Ravens don't pick out ravens' eyes. Creep ufoar yee gaang. Creep before you walk. Daansin leik a hen oan a het girdul. Dancing like a hen on a hot baking-pan (restless). Dhay'r aw guid ut geez. They are all good who give. Dhay wur waur loasiz at dhe Shurraymuir. There were worse losses at the (battle of) Sheriffmuir. Dhe auld weif ut tuik hwaat shee hed un nair waantit. The old woman who took (used) what she had and never was in want of anything. Dhe claurtayur dhe coazeeur. The dirtier the cosier. Dhe fiir'z dhe best floor ee gairdun. The fire is the best flower in the garden. Dhe keeng may cum i dhe caajur'z gait. The king may come in the cadger's way. Dhe laussaiz iz aw guid, but hwaur div dhe ull weifs cum fay? The girls are all good, but where do the bad wives come from? 'Dhe mair hurray dhe less speed,' Koa dhe wee teilur tee laang threed. 'More hurry, less speed,' Quoth the little tailor to the long thread. Dhem ut aits laangist livz laangist. Those who eat longest live longest. Dhem ut biiz beef biiz bainz, Dhem ut biiz laund biiz stainz. Those that buy beef buy bones, Those that buy land buy stones. Dhem ut cumz furst's furst saird. Those that come first are first served. Dhe neerur dhe kirk, dhe faarur fay grais. The nearer the church, the farther from grace. Dhe pruif ee puddin'z dhe preein oa'd. The proof of the pudding is the tasting of it. Dhe shuimaakur'z weif's ei waarst shoad. The shoemaker's wife is always the worst shod. Dhur ei sum waatur hwaur dhe sturkay'z droond. There is always some water where the young bullock is drowned. Dhur nay fuil leik an auld fuil. There's no fool like an old fool. Dhur nay gain weeoot pain. There's no gain without pain. Dhur'z a sluppay stain afoar dhe haw door. There's a slippery stone before the door of the hall. Dhur'z an unkay uday hwin caajurz reid. There's a great to-do when hawkers ride. Dhur'z ei a mukkul sluppay stain at ulkay buddee'z doar. There's always a big slippery stone at everybody's door. Dhur'z luttul wut intul dhe pow Dhut likhts dhe caunul at dhe low. There's little sense in the head that lights a candle at the flame. Dhur'z moanay a lee tellt at dhe neb oa a pen. There's many a lie told at the point of a pen. Dhur'z nay reek ee laivruk's hoos dhe-nikht. There's no smoke in the lark's house to-night (said when the night is cold and stormy). Dugz un bairnz kenz hwaw'z guid tay dhum. Dogs and children know who's good to them. Duinay bii a pig in a poak. Don't buy a pig in a sack. Duinay draid dhe day yee nivvur saw. Don't dread the day you never saw (the future). Duinay hing ee brichin. Don't hang on the brichin (tail-strap). Don't hang back. Duinay scaud yur tung wee idhur foak's kail. Don't scald your tongue with other people's broth. Ei gaar dhe haid ee soo meet dhe tail ee greis. Always make the head of the pig meet the tail of the young pig (in arranging household expenditure). Ei hay yur coagee oot hwin ut renz kail. Always have your bowl out when it rains broth. Fair play tellz dhe sel oa'd. Fair play tells the self of it — its own self (speaks for itself). Flee laikh, flee laang. Fly low, fly long. Fuilz un bairnz shuidnay hay chaapin-stuks. Fools and children shouldn't have potato-mashers. Fuilz un bairnz shuidnay see haaf-duin waark. Fools and children shouldn't see half-done work. Gaantin'z waantin sleep, mait, or maakin oa. Yawning (means) being in need of sleep, food, or being made of (attention). Giff gaaf maaks guid freendz. Exchange of presents (or civilities) makes good friends. Gin Caunulzday bee daark un duil, Haaf dhe wuntur'z bii at Yuil. Gin Caunulzday bee cleer un fair, Haaf dhe wuntur'z tay cum, un mair. If Candlemas be dark and gloomy, Half the winter's past at Christmas. If Candlemas be clear and fine, Half the winter's to come, and more. Gin dhe luft wuz tay faw, dhe laivruks wud bee smuird. If the sky were to fall, the larks would be smothered. Gin yee caanay dui a buddee a guid turn, duinay dui dhum an ull. If you can't do one a good turn, don't do him an ill. Gin yee frii stainz in buttur, dhe brui ull bee guid. If you fry stones in butter, the sauce will be good. Gin yee'r seekin a guid neep, ei weil a cleen shaw. If you're looking for a good turnip, always choose a clean haulm. Glour ee muin un likht ee middun. Gaze at the moon and fall into the dung-heap. Guid foak's scairs — taak tent oa yursel. Good people are scarce — take care of yourself. Guid gair'z luttul-bookit. Good gear has little bulk. Haarknurz nair haard a guid tail oa dhurselz. Listeners never heard a good account of themselves. 'Hay' gaar'z a daif maan heer. 'Take this' makes a deaf man hear. Hee hez a bee in his baanut. He has a bee in his bonnet (a screw loose). Heekh hoosiz iz oafun tuim ee taap stoaray. High houses are often empty in the top story. Hee'll aidhur maak a spuin or spull a hoarn. He'll either make a spoon or spoil a horn. Hee'll nair liv tay scaart un auld pow. He'll never live to scratch an old head. Hee'll riiv hiz faidhur'z baanut yet. He'll split his father's cap yet (i.e. he'll be cleverer than his father). Hee needz a laang spuin ut sups wee deel. He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil. Hee wuz naidhur tay hud nor tay bind. He was neither to hold nor to bind (uncontrollable). Hee'z our auld a caat tay draw a stray ufoar. He's too old a cat to draw a straw before. Hee'z waur tay sloakhun nor tay coarn. He's worse to water (slake) than to corn (feed). Hum ut wull tay Coopur, maan tay Coopur. He that will to Cupar, must to Cupar. Hungur'z guid kichin. Hunger is good seasoning. Hwaat caan ye expek oa a soo but a grum? What can you expect of a pig but a grunt? Hwaur dhe gray mair foald dhe fiddlur. Where the grey mare foaled the fiddler (at the back of beyond). Hwaur dhe coo cauvd dhe cuddee. Where the cow calved the donkey (at the back of beyond). Hwaur dhe Heeluntmun faand dhe taingz. Where the Highlander found the tongs (in the fender). Jook un laat dhe jaw gay bii. Duck and let the splash go past. Keep a caum sookh. Keep an even mind (take things quietly) (lit. a calm breath). Keep a thing saivun yeer un yee'll find a yuis fur'd. Keep a thing for seven years, and you'll find a use for it. Keep yur ain fush-guts tull yur ain seemawz. Keep your own fish-guts for your own seagulls. (Don't wash your dirty linen in public.) Laakh un grow faat. Laugh and grow fat. Laang may yur lum reek. Long may your chimney smoke. Laat dhaat flee stuk faast tee waw. Let that fly stick fast to the wall. Laat dhe bairnz fend fur dhurselz. Let the children provide for themselves. Laat dhe tow gaang wee bukkut. Let the rope go with the bucket (down the well). Leik drawz tay leik — an auld hoars tull a fail deik. Like draws to like — an old horse to a turf wall. Livin at heck un mainjur. Living at rack and manger. (Having the run of his teeth.) Maa sun'z maa sun or hee gits um a weif; Maa doakhtur'z maa doakhtur aw dhe dayz oa hur leif. My son's my son till he gets him a wife My daughter's my daughter all her life. Mair baa guid luck nor guid geidin. More by good luck than good management (guiding). May a moos nair rin our yoor girnul wee a tair in uts ee. May a mouse never run over your meal-chest with a tear in its eye. Mei burdz iz ei cheepin, Mei breidz iz ei greetin. May birds are always chirping; May brides are always weeping. Moanay a breid breks hur elbay oan dhe kirk lintul. Many a bride breaks her elbow on the church door-post (grows lazy after marriage). Moanay haundz maaks likht waark. Many hands make light work. 'Mukkul crii un luttul oo,' Koa dhe deel hwun hee cluppit dhe soo. 'Much cry and little wool,' Quoth the devil when he clipped the sow. Naidhur fush nor flaish nor guid rid hairin. Neither fish nor flesh nor good red herring. Nair caast a cloot or Mei bee oot. Never cast a bit of clothing till May be out. (Don't leave off wearing winter things till the end of May.) Nair kep a fawin tneif. Never catch a falling knife. Naithing'z goattun uthoot painz but durt un laang nailz. Nothing's got without pains but dirt and long nails. Nivvur leet, but laakh. Say nothing, but laugh. Oo-biiurz kenz oo-sellurz. Wool-buyers know wool-sellers. Proaviduns ei taaks tent oa bairnz, fuilz, un foo foak. Providence always takes care of children, fools, and drunk people. Pukkul un pukkul maaks a mukkul. Little and little make much. Quik at mait, quik at waark. Quick at food, quick at work. Set a stoot hert tull a stei bray. Set a stout heart to a steep hill. Shee wudnay taak dhe waukurz un dhe reidurz gaid bii. She wouldn't take the walkers and the riders went past. Shee'z bettur un shee'z boanay. She's better than she is pretty. Shee'z cut dhe crookit stik at laast. She's cut the crooked stick at last (i. e. taken the inferior wooer). Steek dhe aumray, loak dhe kist, Or ains sum gair may weel bee mist. Shut the cupboard, lock the chest, Or else some stuff may well be missed. Stuks un stainz ull brek yur bainz, But naimz ull nivvur herm yee. Sticks and stones will break your bones, But names will never harm you. Sullur'z haundee fur gaun an airund wee. Money (silver) is useful for running messages with. Taip dhe mooth ee poak, un dhe tail ull taip dhe sel oa'd. Economize the mouth of the sack and the bottom will economize itself (the self of it). Tell dhe truith un shaim dhe deel. Tell the truth and shame the devil. Ulkay coak crawz croos oan hiz ain middun-haid. Every cock crows boldly on its own dungheap. Ulkay maan fur hissel, un dhe deel taak dhe hinmust. Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. Ut's an ull burd ut feilz uts ain nest. It's a bad bird that fouls its own nest. Ut's an ull wund ut blawz nay guid. It's an ill wind that blows no good. Ut's awbuddee fur dhurselz i dhus waurld. It's every man for himself in this world. Ut's braw un aizee craakin, But noa say aizee aakin. It's fine and easy to talk, But not so easy to act. Ut's braw tay bee boanay un weel leikit. It's a good thing to be pretty and well liked (popular). Ut's braw tay bee hungray un ken oa malt. It's nice to be hungry and know of food. Ut's cumin wee dhe blind kerrayur. It's coming by the blind carrier (not coming at all). Ut's noa fur noakht dhe gled hwussulz. It's not for nothing that the buzzard whistles. Ut's noa loast a freend gits. It's not lost a friend gets (what a friend gets is no loss to oneself). Ut's ull bringin but hwaat's noa ben. It's difficult to bring out what's not inside. Ut's ull taakin dhe breeks aaf a Heeluntmun. It's difficult to take the trousers off a Highlandman (because he has none on). Ut's ull waitin fur daid men'z shuin. It's bad to wait for dead men's shoes. Ut wuznay dhe baanut, but dhe haid ut wuz in ut, Gaard awbuddee speek oa Raab Roarisun'z baanut. It wasn't the cap, but the head that was in it, That made everybody speak of Rob Rorison's cap. Weemin'z kittul caatul. Women are ticklish customers (cattle). Wulfay waist maaks waifay waant. Wilful waste makes woeful want. Wuntur'z thunnur'z summur'z hungur. Winter's thunder is summer's hunger. Yee caannay hwussul un chow mail. You can't whistle and chew meal (at the same time). Yee caannay maak a sulk purs oa a soo'z lug. You can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear. Yee hay baith yur mait un yur mens. You have both your food and your reputation for hospitality. (Said when an invitation has been declined.) Yee hay dhe raang soo bee lug. You have the wrong sow by the ear. Yee'll gaang faarur un fair waur. You'll go farther and fare worse. Yee'll liv laang eftur yee'r laakht at. You'll live long after you're laughed at. Yee may leik dhe kirk weel inyukh, un noa ei reid oan dhe riggin oa'd. You may like the church well enough without always riding on its roof (ridge). Yee neednay ait dhe coo un wurray oan dhe tail. You needn't eat the cow and trouble about the tail. Yee neednay keep a dug un baark yursel. You needn't keep a dog and bark yourself. Yee nivvur see green cheez but yur een reelz. You never see green cheese without your eyes dancing. (You wish for anything you see.) Yee'r ei weis uhint dhe haund. You're always wise when it's too late (behind the hand). Yee'r luppnin yur baak tull a slaap. You're trusting your back to a gap in the wall. Yee'r mair baadhur nor yee'r wurth. You're more bother than you're worth. Yee'v a craap fur aw coarn. You've a crop for all corn. CHARACTERISTIC AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS Aa caannay bee faasht. I can't be bothered. Aa caannay meind. I can't remember. Aa caannay meind oa'd. I can't remember it. Aa caannay see a steim. I can't see the least bit. Aa coodnay caw a bumbee aaf a daizay. I couldn't knock a humble-bee off a daisy. Aa coodnay git quaat oa dhum. I couldn't get rid of them. Aa coodnay git uwaw wee'd. I could not get away with it (get it started). Aa divnay see nay oadz oan um. I see no difference in him. Aa doot it. I suppose so. (I doubt it.) Aa duinay leik. I'm too shy. (I don't like.) Aa duinay see mukkul oadz. I don't see much difference. Aa felt (or faand) a stink. I noticed a smell. Aa gaat a staang wee a bee. I was stung by a bee. Aa gaat ut in a praizunt. I got it as a present. Aa gaid dhair a grait dail fur hwii. I often used to go there for whey. Aa gay dhum a rid fais. I gave them a red face (startled them). Aa hed a laud swaald heer — hee swaald sair. I had a boy (a tooth) swollen here — he (it) swelled badly. Aa hennay hed teim tay cleen masel. I haven't had time to wash (clean myself). Aa juist draank dhe hwuskay un luit ut seip tee sair. I just drank the whisky and let it soak through to the sore. Aa'll gee yee a but on maa haapnay. I'll give you a bit of my halfpenny. Aa'll gee yee a vairs on Aanay Louree. I'll give (sing) you a verse of 'Annie Laurie'. Aa'll haark ut i yur lug. I'll whisper it in your ear. Aa'll hay tay lay bii noo. I must stop work now (lay by). Aa'll neefur wee yee, gin yee leik. I'll exchange with you, if you like. Aa'll noa seek. I shan't try. Aa'll tank a shaif aaf dhe laif. I'll take a slice from the loaf. Aa'm duin. — Aa'm throo. I've finished. Aa meind on dhaat fein. I remember that well. Aa'm no dhaat faar ben wee um. I'm not so familiar with him. Aa'm noa seekin tay gaang. I've no wish to go. Aa'm noa weel uquent wee um. I'm not well acquainted with him. Aa'm sair furfoakhun wee traukhlin up un doon. I'm thoroughly worn out from dragging myself up and down. Aa'm sair haadun doon wee yoan bubblay-joak. I'm greatly oppressed by that turkey-cock. Aa nair haard tell oa'd. I never heard of it. Aa nivvur fell in wee dhe leik oa um. I never met his like. Aa nivvur laat oan An haard um. I never showed I heard him. (I pretended not to have heard him.) Aa nivvur meindz oa ivvur gittin tee i maa midhur's hoos. I do not remember ever getting tea in my mother's house. Aa nivvur taist. I never take whisky. Aa putt a pee i dhur lug I put a pea in their ear. (Said something unpleasant.) Aa putt uwaw a letter tull um. I sent him a letter. Aa saat undur um, moanay a day. I attended his church for many a day. Aa soopit dhe poopit. I swept the pulpit. Aa thoakht a wunnur. I wondered. Aa thoakht shaim tay bee seen wee um. I was ashamed to be seen with him. Aa took maa twaw nevz tull um. I took my two fists to him. Aa wud shuinur muss dhe hail sermun nor dhe cleesh-maa-claivur at dhe kirk-doar. I would rather miss the whole sermon than the gossip at the church-door. Aa wuss Aa saw um. I wish I could see him. Aa wuz fair stawd wee'd. I was fed up (surfeited) with it. Aa wuz finnisin tay wun uwaw. I was fidgetting to get away. Aa wuz in a fair haabul. I was in a regular quandary. Aa wuz in a guid meind tay gaang. I was much inclined to go. Aa wuz juist gaun uwaw tay waash masel. I was just going to have a wash. An wuz juist wutturin tay git dhum tee doar. I was just scheming to get them to the door (to go away). An wuz needin maa waark. I wanted to get to work. A been buddee. A well-to-do person. A cairt oa coalz. A cart-load of coals. A fais leik a noar-waast muin wee ridness. A face as red as a north-west moon. A free coup. A place where rubbish may be emptied out without charge. A maan cuist up fay Amerrikay. A man turned up from America. A meldur oa mail cumin fay dhe mull. A milling of meal coming from the mill. An auld bunk oa a thaak hoos un twaw endz. An old box of a thatched house with two ends. An auld thaak biggin. An old thatched building. A sair fut or dhe leik oa dhaat. A pain in the foot, or something of the sort. A see soajur. A marine. Ask a blissin. Say grace. Aw hekhts un howz. All heights and hollows. (Very uneven ground.) Az faak's oakht, Aa wuz dhair. As a matter of fact, I was there. Az shuir'z daith. As sure as death. Az shuir'z oakht. As sure as anything. Caw caanay. Drive gently. (Take time.) Chaapit tautayz. Mashed potatoes. Cood yee gee's a hurl haim? Can you give me a drive home? Cum in, gin yur feet's cleen. Come in, if your feet are clean (welcome). Cum inbii un shuft yur feet. Come inside and change your shoes and stockings. Cum inbii un scoog dhe shoor. Come inside and take shelter from the shower. Cum uwaw un cleen yursel. Come along and have a wash. Cum uwaw unour un gee's yur craak. Come inside and give me your chat. Cur oan yur hunkurz. Crouch on your bent legs. (Resting the thighs on the calves.) Dee yee wush tee? Will you have tea? Dhaat baits aw. That beats everything. Dhaat bringz mee in meind oa a stoaray. That reminds me of a story. Dhaat couz aw. That beats everything. Dhaat couz dhe gou-un. That beats the daisy (everything). Dhaat daurz dhe thrussul shaw tay peel. That dares to strip the thistle of its leaves. Dhaat dingz aw. That beats everything. Dhaat gaarz mee meind oa um. That makes me remember him (reminds me of him). Dhaat gaarz yur teeth waatur. That makes your mouth water. Dhaat putt um fay dhe fekhtin. That stopped him from fighting. Dhaat's dhe tukkut fur tautay-soop. That's the ticket for potato-soup. (That's right.) Dhaat's gei neer dhe but. That's pretty near the bit. (Nearly right.) Dhaat's noa dhe wei oa'd noo. That's not what happens now. Dhay caud um faaktur baa hiz naim. They called him factor by name. Dhay twaw hay faun oot (or cuissun oot) uboot naithing uvaw. Those two have fallen out (quarrelled) about nothing at all. Dhay wur nay staitit thing oa'd. There was nothing fixed about it. Dhe aufayist rig ut ivvur yee saw. The greatest joke that you ever saw. Dhe beef's ee daid-thrawz. The beef is getting cold (in the death-struggle). Dhe burn's doon. The brook is in flood. Dhe claash ut's gaun uboot. The gossip that's going about. Dhe coarn wudnay shair. The corn wouldn't cut. Dhe hoars wuz luittun lous. The horses were let loose. Dhe kail-paat's juitlin our. The broth-pot is running over. Dhe kirk's skelt gei shuin dhe day. The church has dispersed (service is over) rather soon to-day. Dhe knoak chaapit twel. The clock struck twelve. Dhe maidsun wudnay beid waast fur aw Aa cood dui. The medicine wouldn't stay west, for all I could do. (Said by a patient lying with head to the east.) Dhem ut foalayz fraits, fraits ull foalay dhem. Those who are on the look-out for omens will be followed by omens. Dhe skii wuz verray staarnay dhe-nikht. The sky was very starry to-night. Dhe waal'z aaf dhe faang. The pump doesn't work. Dhe waasps iz verray thik eenoo. Wasps are very plentiful just now. Dhon'z a graund mait-hoos. That's a grand food-house. (A house where you get a good feed.) Dhur scoanz iz haimuld maid. These scones are home-made. Dhuez nay idhur wei oa'd. There's no other way of it. (No alternative.) Dhur'z sumthing oancaanay uboot ut. There's something supernatural about it. Dinnay gaang ainz airund. Don't go for that purpose only. Dinnay temp Proaviduns. Don't tempt Providence (by running into unnecessary danger). Draw in bii. Draw your chair farther in. Duinay daiv mee wee yur din. Don't deafen me with your noise. Dui yee noa feel (or find) a smell? Don't you notice a smell? Dung gaars dhe bair grow — un bair maaks gair. Dung makes the barley grow — and barley makes wealth. Dup in un shaak aaf. Dip (your bread) in (the dish) and shake off (the dripping). Durl un ding dhe Soodhurn cheel. Hammer and beat the Southern fellow. Ei hudd waast. Always keep (going) west. Ei plesturin uwaw, noa maakin naithing oa'd, leik a bee amoan taar. Always floundering along, not making anything of it, like a bee among tar. Fesh unour dhe boatul, auld weif, un laat's hay a draam. Bring over the bottle, old woman, and let us have a drink. Gaang yur ain gait. Go your own way. Gaang yur weiz. Go your ways. (Off you go.) Gee's a vairs oa'd. Give us a verse of it. Haark in tull um. Whisper to him. Haarknin at dhe wundee. Listening at the window. Hay oanay oa yee oanay oan yee? Have any of you any about you? Hay yee a likht oan yee? Have you a match about you? Hee daurnay gee a cheep. He daren't chirp — say a word. Hee hez a sclait lous. He has a slate loose (a mental want). Hee hez dhe guft ee gaab. He has the gift of the mouth. (He's a great talker.) Hee keind oa gaid uwaw tay taak a weif. He went away as if to take a wife. Hee laid hiz lugz uboot um. He laid his ears about him. (Had a good tuck in.) Hee'll smut yee. He'll infect you. He'll speer dhe guts oot oa ye. He'll turn you inside out with his questions. Hee nivvur sent a scraip. He never sent a letter (scrape). Hee sluppit uwaw laast nikht. He died last night. Hee snufft coanstunt; dhe boax wuz nivvur oot ee'z haund. He was constantly taking snuff; the box was never out of his hand. Hee staapit hiz lum-haat uneth hiz oaxtur. He stuffed his chimney-pot hat under his arm. Hee waan hiz hinmust baanuk. He earned his last cake. (He worked till he died.) Hee wud hay caw'd dhe verray ruif aaf. He would have driven the roof itself off. Hee wud skin a loos fur dhe heid un taalay. He would skin a louse for its hide and tallow. Hee wuz a droothay neebur — leikit a draam, yee ken. He was a thirsty neighbour — liked a dram, you know. Hee wuz aufay ull at it. He was very much displeased with it. Hee wuz dhe aufayist singur yee ivvur haard i yur leif. He was the worst singer you ever heard in your life. Hee wuz driivin coalz. He was carting coals. Hee wuz ettlin tay gaang dhair. He was intending to go there (making for that place). Hee wuz hiizin haim. He was making for home. Hee wuz sweer tay pert wee dhe clink. He was reluctant to part with cash. Hee wuz taakin dhe breed ee road. He was taking the breadth of the road (staggering from side to side of the road). Hee'z a gei taaray-fingurd buddee. He's a very light-fingered, pilfering person. Hee'z a luttul wurth craitur. He's a useless creature. Hee'z an auld-faarund cheeld. He's a quaint old fellow. Hee'z a rail divert. He's a real diversion (great fun). Hee'z a rikht trait, yon laud. He's a real treat, that fellow. Hee'z a thraun loon. He's a cantankerous fellow. Hee'z aufay dull ee up-taak. He's dreadfully slow in understanding (in the up-take). Hee'z hirdin wee a fremd buddee — wee fremd. He's working as a herd with a non-relative. Hee'z noa tay luppin tull. He's not to trust to (to be trusted). Hee'z noa wurth hiz mait. He's not worth his food. Hee'z noa wurth saut tull hiz kail. He's not worth salt to hiss broth. Hee'z can dhe shoart leet. He's on the list of selected candidates. Hee'z shuirlay fei; oot oa hiz oardnur; raang wee hiz meind. He's surely bewitched; out of his ordinary state of mind; wrong in the mind (acting strangely). Hee'z tain dhe doadz. He's taken the sulks. Hee'z uwaw tee fremd. He's gone away from home. His burs wuz up dhe-day. His bristles were up to-day. (He was in a bad temper.) Houp wuz thin hwin yee bait um. Hope felt small when you beat him. Hud yur goupun un Aa'll full'd. Hold your hands together, and I will fill them. Hur fais wuz aw begruttun, leik. Her face showed some marks of weeping. Hwaat gaarz yee hing yur fuppul dhe-day? What makes you hang your under-lip to-day? (Why are you so down in the mouth?) Hwaat ur yee seekin dhe-day? What do you want to-day? Hwaat's cum our yee? What's come over you? (What's wrong?) Hwaw'll bee aukht dhis hoos a hundur yeer eftur dhis? Who'll be owner of this house a hundred years after this? Hwaw wuz aukht you dyuks ut gaid throo dhe burn? Whose were (who owned) those ducks that went through the brook? Hwaw'z shee gittin? Who is she going to marry? It duidnay wait loang at a shullin. It didn't stay long at a shilling. It ei juist goat dhaat. It was always just called so. It gaid aw tay spunks. It all went into splinters. It's a faak. It's a fact. — It's true. It's a rikht brikht muinlikht nikht dhe-nikht. It's a fine bright moonlight night to-night. It wad tair dhe claiz aaf dhe vaaray deel. It would tear the clothes off the devil himself. It wuz ull gittin at dhe plais. It was difficult to get at the place. Iz dhe tee infuizd yet? Is the tea made (infused) yet? Jentul un sempul. Gentle and simple. (High and low.) Juist a but un a ben. Only two rooms — a kitchen and a bedroom. Juist a loat oa bledhurz. Just a lot of nonsense. Juist a loat oa weemin foak. Just a lot of women. Juist sair yurselz noo. Just help (serve) yourselves. Juist sair yursel or yur bairnz grow up. Just do for yourself till your children grow up. Keep tay dhe but. Keep to the point. Keep twaw soups gauin. Keep two sups (spoonfuls) going. (Sup fast.) Laat ma weim seg a wee. Let my stomach shrink a little. Leik buttur ee blaak dug'z hauz. Like butter in the black dog's throat. Leik snaw aaf a deik. Like snow off a wall. Loot yee doon a wee. Stoop a little. Maa midhur nivvur wuz sweer tay likk. My mother was never reluctant to flog. Maan, ut wuz an aufay sain. Man, it was an awful scene (an extraordinary affair). Maan, yee'r aufay doadee. Man, you're very sulky. Ma een'z noa neeburz. My eyes are not neighbours. (I don't see clearly.) Mii cauf-cuntray'z Feif. My call-country's Fife (native place). Nain oa yur caipurz! None of your nonsense! Nay moochin! No pilfering! Nivvur laat daab. Don't mention it. Nivvur leet, but laakh. Don't let on — don't tell — but laugh. Noa wurth a snuff. Not worth a snuff. Oan dhe chaap oa twel. On the stroke of twelve. Oor ministur hed un unkay poor oa waatur; he graat un spaat un swaat leik muscheef. Our minister had an extraordinary power of water (a good supply of moisture); he wept and spat and perspired like mischief. Oor swein'z our sib bred. Our pigs are too much in-bred. Putt dhaat i yur boddum draur. Put that in your bottom drawer. (Girls are said to keep a collection of clothes, &c., in a 'bottom drawer', in readiness for possible marriage.) Reip yur pooch. Search your pocket. Hee reipit maa pooch. He rifled my pocket. Reip dhe rubz. Clear out the bars (of a grate). Say uwaw. Say away. (Say grace.) Say uwaw tay yurselz. Say grace to yourselves. Say ut fell oot. So it befell. See a spunk. Give me a match. See un bring'd haim wee yee. Take care that you bring it home with you. See un full yur weim noo. See that you fill your stomach now. See un noa faw. Take care you don't fall. Shee caanay fleip hur huggurz. She can't turn her stockings inside out. (Is good for nothing.) Shee ei gits Jeenee. She is always called Jeanie. Shee goat ut fur haaf naithing. She got it for half nothing (very cheap). Shee hed hain mair dayz. She had had more days; had longer to live. Shee hednay a saark tull hur baak. She hadn't a chemise for her back. (She was badly supplied with a trousseau.) Shee held dhe laussay traakhlin dhe hail day our, nikht un moarnin, haundz mebbee bluidin. She kept the girl drudging the whole day long, morning and evening, perhaps with bleeding hands. Shee hez nay gumshun uvaw. She has no common sense at all. Shee'll bee suttin wutturin oan hur tee. She'll be sitting longing for tea. Shee maitit hursel. She provided her own food. Shea nair divauldit — juist spaak aivun oan. She never ceased — just spoke without a stop. Shee raizd oan mee leik a liiun. She turned on me like a lion. Shee staartit oan um. She began to scold him. Shee wuz aufay ull at um. She was very angry with him. Shee wuz aw in a curfufful. She was in a great state of excitement. Shee wuz fair geizund fur hur tee. She was quite leaky (like a dry barrel) for her tea. Shee wuz gaun uboot dhum hweilz. She sometimes visited them. Shee wuz juist juiturin uwaw; duiin juitray waark. She was just putting off time; doing odds-and-ends of work. Shee wuz laidund leik a cuddee. She was laden like a donkey. Shee wuz sair left tull hursel. She was very much left to herself. (Acted on a foolish impulse.) Shee'z a rail weel duiin buddee. She's a really excellent woman (well-doing person). Shee'z caw'd hur hugz tull a puir hull. She's driven her sheep to a poor hill (made a poor marriage). Shee'z fair kerraid uboot it. She's just full of it; obsessed with it. Shee'z juist a traakhul, ei in a haarukh, nivvur gittin hur waark duin. She's just a worrying worker, always in a fuss, never getting her work done. Shee'z unkay ull tay dui wee. She's very ill to do with (get on with). Sik a caipur; sik a kerray oan! What a to-do! Sik a stoor uboot naything. Such a hullabaloo (dust) about nothing. Sin dhe ministur caam, hee'z dung the guts oot oa twaw Beibulz. Since the minister came, he's thumped the inside out of two Bibles Singin leik a lintee. Singing like a linnet. Smeilin leik a beild tautay. Smiling like a boiled potato. Staap yur mooth wee yur mait. Stuff your mouth with your food. Steek dhe doar. Shut the door. Suttin oan hiz hunkurz. Sitting on his bent legs. Sut yoant a but, un noa burz mee intee coarnur. Sit along a bit, and don't squeeze me into the corner. Taak ut a cloor wee houzul ee ex. Give it a blow with the back of the axe. Taip dhe mulk. Use the milk sparingly; make it last. Tummur tay tummer. Timber to timber. (Said when two people knock their heads together.) Twel oa cloak oan dhe knoak. Twelve o'clock by the clock. Ut'll bee faar bettur tay putt hur tee fremd (tay dhe fremd). It'll be far better to send her away from home (among strangers). Ut's a peetee yee coodnay fleip ur. It's a pity you couldn't turn her inside out. Ut's our loang tay meind. It's too long to remember. Ut waamuld i ma weim aw nikht. It rumbled in my stomach all night. Ut wud hay teendit yee tay see dhum. It would have made you jealous to see them. Ut wuz an aufay rig — waark — sain.. It was an extraordinary sight (joke, work, scene). Ut wuz a toon'z craak. It was the talk of the village. Ut wuz laid tull um. It was ascribed to him. (He was accused of it.) Ut wuz oan dhe baak oa twaal. It was a little past twelve (o'clock). Waisturz cumz ei tay waant. Wasters always come to want. Wee dinnay waant nain oa yur laang-nebbit wurdz. We don't want any of your long-nosed words. Wee draikit dhe claiz wee hen-pen. We soaked the clothes with hen's dung. Wee ei cleend steel wee smuddee spaarks. We always cleaned steel with sparks from the smith's anvil. Wee hennay mukkul troak wee dhem. We haven't many dealings with them. Wee'r puttin fay'd. We're put from it (turned away from it). Wee tuik dhe law oan'd. We went to court about it. Wee'v hed nivvur a cheep fay um. We've never had a chirp from him (not heard a word). Wee wuz traampin dhe blaankuts. We were treading blankets. Wull Aa yoak dhe misheen? Shall I put the horse to? Wull yee taist? Will you have a little whisky? Wull yoo raiz dhe tyuin? Will you start the tune? Wumman, yee'v a tung ut wud clup cloots. Woman, you have a tongue that would clip clouts (a sharp tongue). Wuz yee laidin dhe-day? Were you leading (bringing in the corn) to-day? Yee'd bettur be dui-in wee'd. You'd better be doing (content) with it. Yee'll daiv foak wee yur din. You'll deafen people with your noise. Yee'll git dhe nikk. You'll be put in the police-cells. Yee'll git yur paiks. You'll get a licking. Yee'll noa taak a tellin. You won't take warning (advice). Yee'll set hiz daundur up. You'll rouse his temper. Yee'll taak an eek. You'll take a little more. Yee'll taak a taist. You'll take a little whisky. Yee'll taak beit un soup wee oos. You'll take bite and sup with us. Yee neednay cum heer seekin sullur. You needn't come here asking for money. Yee neednay faash yur thoom. You needn't trouble your thumb (worry about it). Yee neednay thraip ut doon maa throat. You needn't force your opinion down my throat. Yee'r crawin gei croos dhe-day. You're crowing quite boldly to-day. Yee'r noa our kirk-greedee. You're not particularly keen about going to church. Yee'r rikht full dhe-day. You're very proud to-day. Yee'r shuirlay fei dhe-day. You're surely bewitched to-day. Yee'v droond dhe mullur. You've drowned the miller (put in too much water). Yee'v hed a laung sidairunt. You've had a long sederunt (sitting). Yur fingurz iz aw thoomz. Your fingers are all thumbs. CONVERSATION IN VOWELS BEWEEN DRAPER AND CUSTOMER Scotch English C. Oo? C. Wool? D. Ii, oo. D. Yes, wool. C. Aw oo? C. All wool? D. Ii, aw oo. D. Yes, all wool. C. Aw ay oo? O. All one wool? D. Oa ii, ei aw ay oo. D. Oh yes, always all one wool. CONVERSATIONS ABOUT HEALTH Aa'm gled tay see yee'v goatun our'd. I am glad to see you have got over it. Hee'z az hweit's a dush-ctoot. He's as white as a dish-cloth. Hoo'r yee keepin? How are you keeping? Hoo ur yee dhe-day? How are you to-day? Hoo'z aw wee yee? How are all with you? (How are you all?) Hwaat's leik dhe mettur? What's the matter with you? Iz hee bii hiz oardnur? Is he out of his usual health? Ur yee brawlay? Are you well? Yee'v goatun a fell but shaak. You've got a pretty severe shake (had a pretty bad time). Aa caanay cumplen. I can't complain. (I'm not very bad.) Aa'm brawlay; hoo'z yursel? I'm well; how are you yourself? Aa'm rail weel dhe-day. I'm wonderfully well to-day. Aa'm ei gaun uboot. I'm always (still) going about. Aa'm ei huddin foarut. I'm always holding forward (improving). Aa'm ei tee foar. I'm always to the fore (still alive). Aa'm keepin bettur. I'm keeping better. Aa'm noa cumplenin. I'm not complaining. (I'm pretty well.) Thenk ye, Aa'm waarslin oan. Thank you, I'm struggling on. Wee'r aw in oor oardnur. We're all in our usual health. Aa caanay git quaat oa'd. I can't get quit (rid) of it. Aa'm gei faar throo. I'm pretty far gone. Aa'm geiun soabur. I'm rather poorly. Aa'm juist gei middlin. I'm just pretty middling. Aa'm noa dhaat weel. I'm not so well. — I'm not very well. Aa'm noa varray braw, but Aa maanay complen. I'm not very brisk, but I mustn't complain. Aa'v a sair haid — a sair teeth — a sair hoast — a sair weim. I've a headache — a toothache — a bad cough — a stomach-ache. Hee'z sair aulturd; yee wud haardlay ken um. He's much changed; you could scarcely recognize him. Juist a but glusk ee cauld. Just a little touch of (the) cold. Maan, Aa'v an aufay hoast. Man, I've a bad cough. Shee'z gei caanay. She's rather quiet (poorly). THREATS AND ABUSE Aa'll bring yee tay yur hunkurz. I'll bring you to a squatting position. Aa'll claash yur mooth. I'll smash your mouth. Aa'll cloor yee. I'll smash you. Aa'll cum our yur hurdeez wee maa baukhul. I'll come across your buttocks with my old shoe. Aa'll dikht yur neb fur yee. I'll wipe your nose for you. Aa'll ding yur haarnz oot. I'll knock out your brains. Aa'll gee yee a lik ee chaafts — a sclaaf ee lug. I'll give you a crack on the jaws — a slap on the ear. Aa'll gee yee a skeit ee ee. I'll give you a blow in the eye. Aa'll hay law oan yee. I'll have the law against you. Aa'll nair look yoor ert agen. I'll never look your way again. Aa'll plunk yee ee burn. I'll plump you into the brook. Aa'll raax yur craig fur yee. I'll stretch your neck for you. Aa'll scoar yur hups un putt saut oan dhum. I'll score your hips, and put salt on them. Aa'll steek yur gaab fur yee. I'll shut your mouth for you. Aa'll taak dhe coat aaf yur baak. I'll take the coat off your back. Aa'll taak dhe skin aaf yee. I'll take the skin off you. Aa'll taak yee a ring ee lug. I'll give you a blow on the ear. Aa'll thraapul yee. I'll throttle you. Aa'll thraw yur nek. I'll twist your neck. A haundlus bizzum. A handless besom (clumsy creature). Cum oot oa dhaat. Come out of there. Dikht yur neb un flee up. Wipe your nose and fly up (like a hen roosting for the night). E, yee luttul rulyun, Aa'll gee yur lug a reeshul. Oh, you little wretch, I'll give your ear a sounding blow. Gawaw haim un redd yur hair. Go along home and tidy your hair. Hud yur mooth. Shut (hold) your mouth. Hud yur weesht. (Hold your silence) be quiet! shut up! Mii saang, Aa'll gee yee yur paiks, gin Aa git a hud oa yee. By my faith, I'll give you a licking if I get hold of you. Mii saang, yee'll git yur thraapul raaxt yut. By my faith (blood), you'll get your throttle stretched yet (be hanged). Rin awaw haim. Run along home. Steek yur gaab. Shut (stitch) your mouth. Un Aa wur at yee, daagoan yee. If I were at you, damn you. Un Ii cum tee yee. If I come to you. Uwaw un hud yur tung. Go along and hold your tongue. Uwaw wee yur haivurz. Go along with your nonsense. Yee baiz luttul cuttay. You bad little girl. Yee grait mukkul claurtay soo! You great big dirty pig! Yee haundlus jaud; yur fingurz iz aw thoomz. You clumsy jade; your fingers are all thumbs. Yee laizee hwulp. You lazy whelp. Yee laizee taid. You lazy toad. Yee'll git dhe nikk. You'll be put in the police-cells. Yee luttul braat ut yee aar. You little brat (that you are). Yee mukkul soo! You great pig! Yee'r a fuizhunlis doakin. You're a pithless dock (a weak creature). Yee'r an impidunt puggee. You're an impudent monkey. Yee stinkin broak. You stinking badger. Yee'r juist a bizzum. You're just a besom. (Retort): Dhe durt gaangs afoar dhe bizzum. The dirt goes before the besom. (or) Gin Ii'm dhe bizzum yoo'r dhe shaank, Ii caan sweep, un yoo caant. If I'm the besom, you're the shank, I can sweep, and you can't. DRINKING AND DRUNKENNESS Git oan dhe baw. Get on the spree, on a drinking bout. Hee taaks a gless. He takes a little too much whisky. Hee turns up his luttul fingur our oafun. He turns up his little finger too often (is given to tippling). Hee wuz az foo'z a coapur stoup cood maak um. He was as drunk as a copper tankard could make him. Maan, Aa'm leim drii. Man, I'm as dry as lime. moarnin, morning glass of whisky. oan dhe spree, on a drinking bout. speeruts, whisky (spirits). taist, a nip (taste) of whisky. Yee'll taak a draam. You'll take a dram (a drink of whisky). Yee'll taak an eek. You'll take a little more (whisky). Yee'll taak a sindur in't. You'll take a cinder (a little whisky) in it. IDIOMATIC USES OF WORDS Aist, waast, noarth, sooth. These words (east, west, north, south), and especially the first two, are very often used in S. in describing direction, where they would not be used in E. E.g. Hee'z waast ee haw (He's west in the hall). Shee gaid aist dhe toon (She went east through the village). Hee'z awaw noarth tay Gaask (He's away north to Gask). Aa saw um waast dhe road (I saw him on the road to the west). An old lady, describing how she could not keep her medicine down, said: It wudnay beid waast, fur aw Aa cood dui' (It wouldn't stay west, for all I could do). Aufay (adj. or adv.), awful, very. This word is in even more common use in S. than 'awfully' in E., in the sense of 'very ', 'excessive'; e.g. Maan, yee'v been an aufay hweil (Man, you've been a long time). Aukht (verb), owed, is used in the ordinary sense of owed ; pa. p. of aw (owe); e. g. Hee aukht mee four shullin (He owed me four shillings); but it is also used in the sense of belonging; e.g. Hwaw'z aukht dhis baanut? (Who is owed this cap? i.e. To whom does this cap belong?) Bray (noun) means the slope of a hill, either up or down; e.g. Up dhe bray (uphill); doon dhe bray (downhill); dhe brays oa Bahwidhur (the hill-slopes of Balquhidder); Loudun'z boanay wudz un brayz (Loudon's lovely woods and slopes). Buddee (noun), body, person. This word is in very common use in S., usually with a diminutive, affectionate, pitying, or disparaging sense attached to it; e.g. Puir buddee! Poor thing! A puir buddee. A poor man or woman. Guid auld buddeez. Good old people. A daaft buddee. An idiot. A gaun-uboot buddee. A going-about person; a gipsy or tramp. A shaukhlin buddee. A shuffling, jointless person. A haivurin buddee. A talker of nonsense. Caanay (adj.), slow, gentle, cautious; e.g.: Caanay wee thing. Gentle little thing. Caw caanay wee dhe buttur. Deal gently with the butter; lit. drive gently. (Don't flatter too much.) A caanay cheeld. A cautious fellow. Caw caanay wee dhe waatur. Be cautious with the water, i. e. don't put in too much. Caw (verb). There are in S. two distinct meanings for this verb: (1) 'Call' (caul), with much the same meaning as in E. NOTE. In E. we say 'call on' a person, in S. 'caw for' a person. In E., to call for a person means to call and take him on with you. (2) Caw means 'drive', 'make to go', 'set to work' ; e. g. Caw dhe waal. Work the pump. Caw dhe yowz tay dhe tnouz. Drive the ewes to the hillocks. Caw awaw. Drive away; go ahead. Caw caanay. Drive gently, take it easy. Caw dhe kirn. Work the churn. Complen (verb), complain, is used much as in E., but is also used in the sense of to be out of sorts ; e. g. Hee'z been complenin dhis laang teim. He's been ailing for a long time. Cf. E. 'complaint' = illness. Craitur (noun), creature, is frequently used in much the same way as buddee, with a sense of pity or contempt; e.g.: A daaft craitur. A silly creature. Find (verb). In S. we find a smell or a stink ; in E. we notice it. Fluttin (noun), removal; a change of residence, with removal of one's household goods; e.g.: A muinlikht fluttin. A clandestine removal. Foo (adj.), full, satisfied, drunk; e.g. Dhe poak's foo. The sack is full. Aa'm foo. I'm satisfied. — I've had enough. Hee'z blind foo. He's blind drunk. Az foo'z a fiddlur. As drunk as a fiddler. Freend (noun), friend (frend), is also used in the sense of relative; e. g. Hee'z a freend oa meinz. He's a relative of mine. In the plural it is used in the sense of friendly, like the S. word cheef; e.g.: Hee'z noa freendz (or cheef) wee oos dhe noo. He's not on good terms with me at present. Gaar (verb), make, in the sense of 'compel' (make, in the sense of 'construct', is maak in S.) ; e. g. Hwaat gaard yee dui dhaat? What made you do that? Hwaw gaard yee greet? Who made you cry? Aa'll gaar yee gaang. I'll make you go. Gin (adv.), if; e. g. Gin a buddee meet a buddee. If one meet somebody; e. g.: if a girl meet a man. Git (verb intrans.), get, is often used in the sense of 'reach', 'arrive', 'be able to go '; e.g. Aa coodnay git. I wasn't able to go. Yee'll noa caan git. You won't be able to go. It is also used with the past participle of a verb in the sense of 'be able to'; e.g.: Aa coodnay git sleepit wee dhe dugz youlin. I couldn't go to sleep because of the dogs howling. Aa coodnay git spoken wee ur. I couldn't get a chance of speaking to her. Yee'v goatun quaat oa dhaat hoast. You've got rid of that cough. Git is also used in the sense of 'be called'; e.g. Hee ei goat 'Raabut'. He was always called Rabbit Hindur-end (noun), foar-end (noun), baak-end (noun). S. distinguishes between the two ends of a thing; e.g.: The 'foar-end' and the 'hindur-end', is the end in front, and the end behind. 'Dhe baak-end ee year', or simply 'Dhe baak-end', means the late autumn or early winter. Lern (verb) means 'teach ' as well as 'learn'; e.g. Shee lernt dhe laiv at dhe luim. She taught the rest at the loom. Mait (noun), meat (meet), means food in general, not only butcher-meat, which is flaish (flesh), a butcher being known as a flaishur; e. g. Dinnay quaarul wee yur mait. Don't quarrel with your food. Meind (verb) is used like 'mind' in the sense of 'take care' e. g.: Meind yursel (take care of yourself); also in the sense of 'intend', e.g.: Aa wuz meindin tay gaang (I was intending to go); also very commonly meind oa is used in the sense of 'remember'; e. g.: Aa meind oa hum fein (I remember him well); Aa caanay meind (I can't remember). A common interjection is Meind yee (Remember, take note). Oaxtur (noun) is the armpit; e.g. Putt dhaat i yur oaxtur. Put that under your arm. Dhay gaid oaxtur un oaxtur, or Hee oaxturd ur haim means 'He had his arm round her waist', while Dhay cleekit (hooked) means 'They went arm in arm'. Pees (noun), piece (pees); snack. A pees means a piece of bread, scone, or cake, generally with something added to it, such as butter, cheese, jam, or meat. It means a snack of something to eat; e.g.: Hay! dhair'z a pees tee yee. Here! there's something for you to eat. An hed a pees ee pooch. I had something to eat in my pocket. Skell (verb), spill ; e. g.: Maan, yee'r skellin aw dhe waatur. Man, you're spilling all the water. It is also used of a meeting dispersing; e.g.: Dhe kirk's skellin (The church is spilling, i.e. The people are coming out of church). We also say, Dhe kirk's cumin oot — gaun in, meaning, The people are coming out of church, or going in to church; service is over or beginning. Tairubul (adj. or adv.), terrible, terribly, is used much in the same way as E. awful, awfully, to mean excess of any kind; e.g. A tairubul craap. A very heavy crop. Thraw (verb and noun), twist, literally and metaphorically; e. g.: Aa'll thraw yur craig. I'll twist your neck. A thrawn teik. A twisted dog; an ill-natured beast. Dinnay thraw wee ur. Don't quarrel with her. Hee'z tain dhe thraw. He's taken the sulks. Wun (verb), is used like the E. 'get' to mean 'arrive', 'reach', e. g. Duid yee wun dhair i teim? Did you get there in time? Mann, Aa coodnay wun. Man, I couldn't go — or come. Yee caanay wun intul't. You can't get inside it. NOTE. In S. we say Aa coodnay git, but it is not E. to say 'I couldn't get', without some word after it. Wurd (noun), is used in the sense of 'news'; e.g. Hay yee oanay wurd oa ur? Have you any news of her? Aa goat wurd oa hur daith. I got news of her death. Aa nivvur haard wurd oa dhaat. I never heard of that. VERSES CURRENT IN STRATHEARN I. RIDDLES. II. CHILDREN'S RHYMES. III. VERSES. IV. TOASTS. I. RIDDLES Gaisiz. Aa gaid utween twaw wudz, un Aa caam utween twaw waaturz. I went between two woods, and I came between two waters. Answer. Going to the well carrying two wooden pails empty, and bringing them back full. Aa gaid un Aa goat ut, Aa saat un Aa soakht ut, Un hwun Aa coodnay find ut Aa caam awaw haim wee'd. Ans. A thoarn i yur fut. I went and I got it, I sat and I sought it, And when I couldn't find it I came away home with it. Ans. A thorn in the foot. A luttul wee hoosay, foo foo oa mait, Wee naidhur dour nor wundee, tay laat mee in tay ait. Ans. An igg. A tiny little house, full of food, With neither door nor window to let me in to eat. Ans. An egg. A luttul wee maan wee a tummur haat, Un aw dhe weim oa urn waamlin. Ans. Dhe paat oan dhe fiir. A tiny little man with a wooden hat (pot-lid), And all the belly of him rumbling. Ans. The pot on the fire. Az hweit's mulk — nt's noa mulk aidhur; Az green'z gress — ut's noa gress aidhur; Az blaak's coal — ut's noa coal aidhur. Ans. A slay-berray. As white as milk — it's not milk, however; As green as grass — it's not grass, however; As black as coal — it's not coal, however. Ans. A sloe. Az roond'z dhe muin, az blaak's a coal, A laung tootoo, un a pumpin hoal. Ans. Dhe stroop oa a kettul. As round as the moon, as black as a coal,A long bent pipe, and a pumping hole. Ans. The spout of a kettle. As roond'z dhe muin, as yallay'z oakur; Gin yee duinay tell mee dhaat, Aa'll gee yee a craak wee poakur. Ans. An oarunj. As round as the moon, as yellow as ochre; If you don't tell me that, I'll give you a blow with the poker. Ans. An orange. Cum a riddul, cum a riddul, cum a roat, toat, toat; A wee, wee maan wee a rid, rid coat, A staaf in hiz haund, un a stain in hiz throat. Cum a riddul, cum a riddul, cum a roat, toat, toat. Ans. A churray. A small, small man with a red, red coat, A staff in his hand, and a stone in his throat. Ans. A cherry. Hikkay bikkay oan dhus seid ee waatur, Un Hikkay bikkay oan dhaat seid ee waatur; Un yee tuch Hikkay bikkay, ut'll beit yee. Ans. Nettles. Hikkay bikkay on this side of the water, And Hikkay bikkay on that side of the water If you touch Hikkay bikkay, it will bite you. Hwaat gayz intee burn hweit, un cumz oot blaak? Ans. Dhe mullur'z shui. What goes into the brook white, and comes out black? Ans. The miller's shoe. Hwaat'll ging up dhe lum doon, but ull noa cum doon dhe lum up? Ans. An umburellay. What will go up the chimney down, but will not come down the chimney up? Ans. An umbrella. Laung ligz un nay tneez, Roond feet leik baubeez. Ans. Dhe taingz. Long legs and no knees, Round feet like ha'pennies. Ans. The tongs. Throo dhe wud, un throo dhe wud, un throo dhe wud Aa raan, Un for uz luttul'z Aa wuz, Aa kull'd a mukkul maan. Ans. A bullet. Through the wood . . . I ran, And though I was so little, I killed a big man. Throo dhe wudz, un throo dhe wudz, un throo dhe wudz Aa raan, Un ulkay buss Aa caam tull, Aa left ma raagz un raan. Ans. A sheep. Through the woods . . . I ran, And every bush I came to, I left my rags and ran. II CHILDREN'S RHYMES A geenee goud waach tay tell hiz naim, tay tell hiz naim, tay tell hiz naim A geenee goud waach tay tell hiz naim, a haansul murraymun taanzee. A guinea gold watch to tell his name, a hansel merryman tanzy. Az Ii gaid up dhe gairdun, Aa faand a luttul faardun; Aa geen ut tay maa midhur, Tay bii a luttul bridhur. Maa bridhur wuz a sailur, Hee saild acroas dhe see, Un aw dhe fush dhut hee cood caach Wuz ain, twaw, three. As I went up the garden, I found a little farthing I gave it to my mother, to buy a little brother. My brother was a sailor, he sailed across the sea, And all the fish that he could catch were one, two, three. Baibee, baibee, buntin, Daadee'z awaw tee huntin, Tay git a wee but laamay-skin, tay row hiz baa buntin in. Baby, baby, bunting, Daddy's away to the hunting, To get a little lamb-skin, to wrap his baby bunting in. Baik a puddin, baik a pii; Send ut up tay Joan Mukii. Joan Mukii's noa in; Send ut up tee maan ee muin. Dhe maan ee muin'z maakin shuin, Tuppins dhe pair un dhay'r aw duin. Bake a pudding, bake a pie Send it up to John Mackay. John Mackay's not in; Send it up to the man in the moon. The man in the moon's making shoes, Twopence the pair, and they're all done. Dizzay Dizzay daandee, Blaak shoogur caandee. Gee yur bairnz hwaat yee leik, But nivvur gee dhum braandee. Dizzy dizzy dandy, Black sugar candy.Give your children what you like, But never give them brandy. Eenitay, feenitay, fikkitay fay, Ell, dell, doamun ay, Urkay burkay stoaray roak, Aan taan toozee Joak. (A nonsense rhyme for counting out at games.) Eez oaz maan's broaz, eez oaz oot. (The same.) Hei, Joak Macuddee, Macuddee'z oan dhe deik. Un if yee middul Macuddee Macuddee ull gee yee a beit. Ho! Jock Macuddee, Macuddee's on the wall, And if you meddle with Macuddee Macuddee will give you a bite. Hikkuray dikkuray doak, Dhe moos raan up dhe tnoak. Dhe tnoak straak waan, Doon dhe moosee raan. Hikkuray dikkuray doak. Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, Down the mousie ran. Hickory dickory dock. Hushay baa, loo laam, tay yur craidul yee maan Hush-a-bye, loo lamb, to your cradle you must go. Hwaw'll cum intay mii wee ring, tay mii wee ring, tay mii wee ring? Hwaw'll cum intay mii wee ring, tay maak ut a wee thing biggur? Who'll come into my wee ring, to make it a little bigger? Joan Smuth — a faallay fein, Caan yee shut dhus hoars oa mein? Yais, Aa wull, un dhaat Aa caan, Juist az guid az oanay maan. Putt a butt upoan dhe tay, Tay gaar dhe pounee clum dhe bray. Putt a butt upoan dhe heel mudz Tay gaar dhe pounee pais weel, pais weel. skup dhe dubz. Dhair'z a nail, un dhair'z a noad, Dhair'z a pounee weel shoad. John Smith — a fellow fine, Can you shoe this horse of mine? Yes, indeed, and that I can, Just as well as any man. Put a bit upon the toe, To make the pony mount the hill. Put a bit upon the heel midst To make the pony pace well. skip the puddles. There's a nail, and there's a nod, And there's a pony well shod. Neevee, neevee, nikk-naak, Hwaatnay haund wull yee taak? Bee'd dhe rikht or dhe raang Aa'll begeil yee gin Aa caan. Fisty, fisty, nick-nack, Which hand will you take? Be it the right or the wrong I'll beguile you if I can. (Said when offering the choice of two closed hands, one containing something and the other empty.) Taam, Taam, dhe funnay wee maan, Waasht hiz fais in dhe friiin-paan; He caimd hiz hair wee dhe ligg oa a chair, Taam, Taam, dhe funnay wee maan. Tom, Tom, the funny little man, Washed his face in the frying-pan He combed his hair with the leg of a chair, Tom, Tom, the funny little man. A common prayer taught in English to children in Stra is This night when I lie down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Bless father and mother, Sister and brother, And make me a good boy (or girl). III. VERSES Az Ii gaid bii maa graanay's dour Aa faand dhe smell oa bun. Aa gaid in un soakht a but; Shee wudnay gee's a crum. Say Ii tuik up dhe bellusiz Un blawed hur up dhe lum. As I went past my grannie's door I noticed a smell of bun. I went in and asked for a bit; She wouldn't give me a crumb. So I took up the bellows And blew her up the chimney. Address to a bat: Cheez un braid fur dhe baat, baat, baat. Cum intay maa haat, haat, haat. Cheese and bread for the bat, bat, bat. Come into my hat, hat, hat. Cruppul Dick upoan a stik, Saundee oan a soo, Reid uwaw tay Alloaw Un bii a pund oa oo. Cripple Dick upon a stick, Sandy on a sow, Ride away to Alla And buy a pound of wool. Dhe broon bull oa Baaburtun Gaid our dhe hull tay Haaburtun, Un daasht uts haid ukween kwaw stainz Un caam hweit mulk haim. The brown bull of Baberton Went over the hill to Haberton, And dashed its head between two stones And came white milk home. Dhe lintee un dhe laivruk, dhe roabun un dhe raan, Gin yee herray oanay oa dhay burdz' nests, yee'll nivvur threiv ugen. The linnet and the lark, the robin and the wren, If you harry any of these birds' nests, you'll never thrive again. Dhe laussayz oa Turnaaway, nay wunnur un dhay bee dun, Tween Mertimus un Caunulzmus dhay nivvur see dhe sun. The girls of Turnaway, no wonder if they are sallow, Between Martinmas and Candlemas they never see the sun. Dhe low oa Louree'z lum'z reekin, Reek, lum, reek. The flame of Laurence's chimney's smoking, Smoke, chimney, smoke. (To be said fast.) Dhe oo'z our fein, Un dhe saark's our coors, Aa caannay wun uwaw, Fur a grait mukkul loos. The wool's too fine, And the shirt's too coarse I can't get away For a great big louse. Duggeez tee mull, caatayz tee kull, Un laussayz tee maarkit-day, day, day. Dhay tain a lik oot oa dhus weirs poak, Un a lik oot oa dhaat weif's poak, Un a lik oot ee mull-ring Un a drink oot ee mull-daam, Un dhay caam aw aist dhe toon, Skuppin un loupin un lukkin dhur lups. Little dogs to the mill, little cats to the kiln, And girls to the market-day. They took a lick out of this woman's sack, And a lick out of that woman's sack, And a lick out of the ring round the mill-stones, And a drink out of the mill-pond, And they all came east through the village, Skipping and jumping and licking their lips. Gee Broonee coat, gee Broonee saark, Yee'll git nay mair oa Broonee's waark. Give Brownie coat, give Brownie shirt, You'll get no more of Brownie's work. (This expresses the superstition that the little brown elf, who sometimes does the work of the farmer or housekeeper by night, is offended if offered any remuneration for his friendly help.) Hay, dhe buttun — hoa, dhe buttun, Gais yee hwaw hez dhe buttun. Hay, the button — ho, the button, Guess you who has the button. Hwun Craig Roassay gits a taap, Dhe Loalundurz iz shuir oa saap. When Craig Rossie gets a top (of cloud), The Lowlanders are sure of sap (rain). Leddee Munnay floo uwaw Our dhe deiks un faar uwaw. Lady Money flew away Over the walls and far away. Address to a hail-storm Rennay, rennay raatul-stainz, Duinay ren oan mee. Ren oan Joanay Groat's hoos, Faar uyont dhe see. Rainy, rainy, rattle-stones, Don't rain on me. Rain on John o' Groat's house, Far over the sea. Roabun, Roabun rid-breest, dhe laivruk un dhe ren, But hwaw'll herray mii nest, ull nivvur threiv ugen. Robin, robin red-breast, the lark and the wren, But who will harry my nest, will never thrive again. Saandee Kuldaandee, dhe laird oa Kulnaap, Suppit hiz broaz un swaalayd hiz caap, Un eftur aw hoe wuznay foo, He gaid tee biir un swaalayd dhe coo. Sandy Kildandy, the owner of Kilnap, Supped his brose and swallowed his wooden bowl, And after all he wasn't satisfied, He went to the cow-house and swallowed the cow. Scaartay, beitay Aiburdeen Sellt hiz faidhur fur a preen, Sellt hiz midhur fur a needul, Scaartay, beitay Aiburdeen. Scratching, biting Aberdeen Sold his father for a pin, Sold his mother for a needle, Scratching, biting Aberdeen. Snail, snail, put oot yur hoarn, Ut'll bee a fein day dhe-moarn. Snail, snail, put out your horn, It will be a nice day to-morrow. Sum sez dhe Deel'z daid Un buirraid in Kircaudee. Sum sez hee'll reiz ugen, Un fligg dhe Heelunt laudee. Some say the Devil's dead And buried in Kirkcaldy. Some say he'll rise again, And frighten the Highland laddie. MUMMERS' VERSES ON THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR Giizur'z vairs at Hugmunay. Dhe-nikht's Hugmunay, Dhe-moarn'z Hugmunaanay. Faar acroas dhe see, Tay see maa Soozeeaanay. Sum foaks sez Aa'm daaft, Sum foaks sez Aa'm craakit: Oafur mee a haaf-a-croon Un see if Aa'll noa taak it. Aa tuik hur tay a baw, Aa tuik hur tay a suppur; She fell our dhe tibbul Un stuk hur noaz ee buttur. To-night's Hugmunay, To-morrow's Hugmunaanay. Far across the sea, To see my Susiana. Some people say I'm mad, Some people say I'm crazy: Offer me half-a-crown And see if I won't take it. I took her to a ball, I took her to a supper; She fell over the table, And stuck her nose in the butter. (THE SAME.) Reiz up, guidweif, un duinay bee sweer, Un dail yur gair az laang'z yee'r heer. Dhe day ull cum hwun yee'll bee daid, Yee'll naidhur dhaan need mail nor braid. Rise up, good woman, and don't be reluctant, And deal out your goods as long as you're here. The day will come when you'll be dead, You'll then need neither meal nor bread. (THE SAME.) Reiz up, guidweif, un shaak yur fedhurz, Yee neednay thenk ut wee ur beggurz. Wee'r oanlay bairnz cum oot tay play, Reiz up un gee'z maa Hugmunay. Rise up, good woman, and shake your feathers, You needn't think that we are beggars. We're only children come out to play, Rise up and give me my Hugmunay gift. IV. TOASTS Heerz tay yoo un yoorz, Un hwun yoo un yoorz cumz tay oos un oorz, Oos un oorz ull bee uz keind tay yoo un yoorz Uz ivvur yoo un yoorz wuz tay oos un oorz. Here's to you and yours, And when you and yours come to us and ours, We and ours will be as kind to you and yours As ever you and yours were to us and ours. (Another version.) Heer'z tay yoo un yoor foak, noa furgittin us un oor foak, Un gin yoo un yoor foak leiks us un oor foak Az weel az us un oor foak leiks yoo un yoor foak, Yoo un yoor foak leiks us un oor foak az weel az foak caan leik foak. Here's to you and your people, not forgetting us and our people, And if you and your people like us and our people As well as we and our people like you and your people, You and your people like us and our people as well as people can like people. NAMES OF SOME WELL-KNOWN SONGS Aa hay laid a hairin in saut. I have laid a herring in salt. Aa loo nay a laudee but ain. I love not a laddie but one. Aa'm wairin uwaw, Jeen. I'm passing away, Jean. A guid Nyoo Yeer tay ain un aw. A good New Year to one and all. A maan's a maan fur aw dhaat. A man's a man in spite of all that. Auld laung sein. Long long ago. Beid yee yet. Just wait a little. Caalur hairin. Fresh herring. Caw dhe yowz tay dhe tnowz. Drive the ewes to the hillocks. Coarn-rigz un baarlay-rigz. Corn-ridges and barley-ridges. Cum undur maa plaidee, dhe nikht's gaun tay faw. Come under my cloak, the night's going to fall. Dhe auld hoos oa Gaask. The old house of Gask. Dhe boanay bliith blink oa maa ain fiirseid. The lovely bright glow of my own fire-side. Dhe burks oa Endermei. The birches of Invermay. Dhe dyuk's dung our maa daadee, oa! The duck has knocked over my father, oh! Dhe floorz on dhe foarist. The flowers of the forest. Dhe laund oa dhe lail. The land of the leal. Dhe weeree pund oa tow. The weary pound of tow. Dhur grouz a boanay breeur-buss in oor kailyaird. There grows a bonny briar-bush in our garden. Dhur'z nay luck uboot dhe hoos. There's no luck about the house. Doon dhe burn, Daivee, laud. Down the brook, Davie, lad. Ei waukin, oa! Always wakeful, oh! Gin a buddee meet a buddee. If one meet somebody. Green growz dhe raashiz, oa! Green grow the rushes, oh! Haim caam oor guidmaan at een. Home came our good man at evening. Hee'z our dhe hullz ut Ii loo weel. He's over the hills that I love well. Hwaat's aw dhe steer, kummur? What's all the stir, woman? Hwaur hay yee been aw dhe day, mii boy Taamay? Where have you been all the day, my boy Tommy? Hwaw wudnay fekht fur Chairlay? Who wouldn't fight for Charlie? Hwun dhe kii cumz haim. When the cows come home. Hwun yee gaang uwaw, Jimmay. When you go away, Jamie. Hwussul our dhe laiv oa'd. Whistle over the rest of it. Jennay daang dhe weevur. Jenny beat the weaver. Laast Mei a braw oour caam doon dhe laang glen. Last May a fine wooer came down the long glen. Maa hert iz sair fur sumbuddee. My heart is sore for somebody. Maa hert'z i dhe Heelunts. My heart is in the Highlands. Maa midhur ment maa auld breeks. My mother mended my old breeches. Maa oanlay joa un deeree, oa! My only sweetheart and darling, oh! Maa weif hez tain dhe gee My wife has taken the pet. Oa aw dhe erts dhe wund caan blaw. Of all the directions the wind can blow. Oa, dhus iz noa maa am n laussay. Oh, this is not my own lassie. Oa, duinay aask mee gin Aa loo yee. Oh, do not ask me if I love you. Oa, duinay thenk, boanay laussay, Aa'm gaun tay laiv yee. Oh, do not think, pretty maid, I am going to leave you. Oa, hwussul un Aa'll cum tee yee, maa laud. Oh, whistle and I'll come to you, my lad. Oa, Wullay brood a pekk oa maut. Oh, Willie brewed a peck of malt. Our dhe muir amoan dhe hedhur. Over the moor among the heather. 'Saw yee Joanay cumin?' koa shee. 'Saw you Johnny coming?' quoth she. Taak yur auld cluk uboot yee. Take your old cloak about you. Ulkay blaid oa gress keps uts ain draap oa dyoo. Every blade of grass catches its own drop of dew. Up un waur dhum aw, Wullay. Up and beat them all, Willie. Wee a hundur peipurz unaw, unaw. With a hundred pipers as well, as well. Wull yee gaang tay dhe Heelunts, Leezee Linzay? Will you go to the Highlands, Lizzie Lindsay? Wull yee gaang tay dhe yow-bukhts, Mairun? Will you go to the ewe-folds, Marion? Wull yee noa cum baak ugen? Will you not come back again? Dhe Peddlur un'z paak. (A local ballad.) Dhe peddlur cawd in baa dhe hoos oa Glennyook, Hwin dhe femlay wuz bii wee dhair brekfust un book; Dhe laussayz wuz caimin un curlin dhur hair, Tay gaang tay dhe breidul oa Maagee Mucnair. 'Guid moarn,' koa dhe peddlur, foo fraank un foo free, 'Cum see hwaw dhis day wull bee haansul tay mee; Un giff an ull baargin shee haapun tay maak, Aa'll gee hur maasel un dhe hail oa maa paak'. 'Ahaa,' koa dhe guidweif, 'Gif Ii'v oanay skull, Dhaat wud bee but maakin waur oot oa ull, Fur, sertay, maa doakhturz oa waark wud bee slaak Tay truj throo dhe cuntray un kerray a paak.' 'Guidweif,' koa dhe peddlur, 'ut's oanlay a joak,' Uz hee flaang doon hiz waallut tay shoa dhem hiz stoak. Hwin shee saw hiz ruch caargay, shoe rood air shee spaak Say likhtlay oa aidhur dhe peddlur or'z paak. Dhe laussayz droo roond um wee cleer glaansin een, Tay glour oan hiz wair dhaat mikht futtit dhe Queen. Dhey weild un dhay boakht saitunz, rubbing, un lais, Tull dhay raizd moanay a lurk oan dhe laird's niggurd fais. Hiz broachiz un braisluts wee diimunz enrucht, Dhay greend fur tull baith hert un een wuz bewucht; But boanay bliith Nellay stuid ei a but baak, Stailin looks at dhe peddlur, but nair meint dhe paak. Dhis boanay yung laussay hiz faansay did moov, Hee saw dhaat hur blinks wuz dhe glaansiz oa luv. Say a neklus hee geed ur wee pairlin beset, Sayin, 'Hwaw kenz but us twaw may bee merraid yet?' Hur hert laap wee joy ulkay teim hee caam roon, Tull hee tellt hee hed tain a braw shoap i dhe toon. Dhe blush left hur cheek, un her haid likht did reel, For shee dreedid dhis wud bee his hinmust fairweel. 'Look bliith, mii deer laussay, yur fairs baanish aw, Yur pairunts may fleit un yur tuttayz may jaw; But dhay'll hertilay roo yet, ut air dhe joak braak Say lukhtlay on mee hwin Aa kerraid dhe paak.' Un dhe auld weif kent noakht oa dhe saikrut uvaw, Hwin ay day tay dhe kirk shee gaid voagay un braw; But hur hert tull hur mooth laap, dhe sweit on hur braak, Hwin shee haard Nellay criid tay dhe cheeld wee dhe paak. Shee saat wee a fais haafunz roassun wee shaim, Sein uwaw at twaal oorz shee gaid scoorin straakht haim. Shee meint nay dhe text, or ay wurd dhe preest spaak, Aw hur thoakhts wuz tain up wee dhe peddlur un'z paak. 'Hwaat's raang,' koa dhe laird, 'ut yee'r haim heer say suin, Dhe kail'z noa loang on; iz dhe day-sairvis duin?' 'Naa, naa,' koa dhe kummur, 'but Aa'v goat un uffrunt, Dhaat fur munths tay cum wull ma boazum gaar dunt. 'Dhaat glaikit sluit Nell, dhaat wee'v dautit say weel, Shee'z geen us a purn ut ull sair us tay reel. For aw wee'v waurd oan ur oa pound un oa plaak, Shee'z threis criid dhis day tay dhe cheeld wee dhe paak.' 'Ahaa,' koa dhe laird, 'gin shee bee sik a fuil, Hee'll git hur az bair az dhe burk-tree at Yuil. Hwaur iz shee, dhe sluit, if I cood hur but fin, Fient haad mee, but I wud reeshul hur skin.' But Nell, shee foarsaw hwaat dhe upshoat wud bee, Say shee gaid croas dhe muir tull a freend'z hoos a wee; Hwin a chais un pair caam, un hwunair daylikht braak, Shee set aaf wee dhe peddlur, unfaasht wee dhe paak. Hee raiz up in welth, hee raiz up in faim, Un dhe teitul oa Beilay affixt tull hiz naim. Noo dhe laird oa Glennyook uboot naithing ull craak Saif dhe Beilay, but nair hints a wurd oan dhe paak. (Translation.) THE PEDLAR AND HIS PACK. The pedlar called in at the house of Glenneuk, When the family had done with their breakfast and family worship. The girls were combing and curling their hair, To go to the wedding of Maggie Macnair. 'Good morning,' quoth the pedlar, quite frankly and freely, 'Come see who to-day will be the first to buy something from me, And if a bad bargain she happen to make, I'll give her myself and the whole of my pack.' 'Aha,' quoth the laird's wife, 'if I've any skill, That would be but making worse out of ill, For truly, my daughters would have little to do Before they would trudge through the country and carry a pack.' 'Good lady,' quoth the pedlar, 'it's only a joke,' As he flung down his wallet to show them his stock. When she saw his rich cargo she rued having ever spoken So lightly of either the pedlar or his pack. The girls drew round him with clear glancing eyes, To gaze at his ware that might have been fit for the Queen. They chose and they bought satins, ribbons, and lace, Till they raised many a scowl on the laird's niggardly face. His brooches and bracelets with diamonds enriched They longed for till both heart and eyes were bewitched But pretty, bright Nellie stood always a little behind, Stealing looks at the pedlar, but took no notice of the pack. This pretty young girl his fancy did move, He saw that her looks were the glances of love, So a necklace he gave her, set with seed pearls, Saying, 'Who knows but that we two may be married some day '. Her heart leaped with joy every time he came round, Till he told her he had taken a fine shop in the town. The blush left her cheek, and her brain reeled, For she feared this would be his last farewell. Look happy, my dear girl, your fears banish all, Your parents may scold, and your sisters may chatter But they'll heartily rue yet that ever jokes were passed So lightly about me when I carried the pack.' And the old lady knew nothing of the secret at all, Till one day to the church she went vain and smart But her heart to her mouth leaped, and perspiration broke out on her, When she heard Nellie's banns proclaimed with the fellow with the pack. She sat with her face half roasted with shame, Then off she went at twelve o'clock, rushing straight home. She paid no heed to the text, or to one word the priest said, All her thoughts were taken up with the pedlar and his pack. 'What's wrong,' quoth the laird, 'that you're home here so soon? The broth has not been long on the fire. Is the service over?' 'No, no,' quoth the woman, 'but I've had an insult That for months to come will make my heart beat. 'That giddy slut Nellie, whom we petted so much, She's given us a reel that will take (serve) us to fill. In spite of all we've spent on her of pound and penny, Her banns have been thrice proclaimed to-day to the fellow with the pack.' 'Aha,' quoth the laird, 'if she be such a fool He'll get her as bare as the birch-tree at Yule. Where is she, the slut; if I could but find her, Devil take me, but I would rattle her skin.' But Nell foresaw what the upshot would be, So she went across the moor to a relation's house for a little while When a chaise and pair came, and as soon as ever daylight broke, She set off with the pedlar, unburdened with the pack. He grew in wealth, he grew in fame, And the title of Town Councillor was affixed to his name. Now the laird of Glenneuk about nothing will chat Save the Town Councillor, but never hints of the pack. DICTIONARY A or Aa (as in English Ah! alms, far,father.) A, indef. art. a (pronounced u). A, v. slurred for hay, have. Aa, pers. pron. I (Ii). Aaf, prep. off (of). Aak, n. and v.i. act. Aakht, obs. num. eight (ait). Aantay, n. aunt (aant). Aanturin, a. occasional, rare. Aargee, vi. argue. Aargee baargee, n. argument, quarrel, hot discussion. Aarn, n. alder. Aarnut, n. earth-nut (erth-nut). Aashut, n. large dish. Aask, n. newt. Ai (see separate letter). An, indef. art. an (pronounced un). At, prep. at. Au (see separate letter). Az, adv. as. Ai (as in E. aim, pain, raise, pale, day, dame, fate). Aiblinz, adv. perhaps, possibly. Aibul, a. able (aibl). Aicur, n. acre (aicur). Aidhur, adv. and conj. either (eedhur), however. Aigee, n. ague (aigyoo). Aih? interj. eh? Aij, n. edge (ej). Aik, n. oak. Aikoarn, n. acorn. Ail, n. ale (ail). Ailay, n. alley (allay). Aimuk, n. ant. Ain, num. one (wun); pl. ainz. Ain (long vowel), ref. adj. own (oan). Ains, adv. once (wuns). Ainz airund, adv. (one's errand), specially, for that alone. Aipitaaf, n. epitaph. Aipul, n. apple. Aipulringay, n. southernwood. Aipurn, n. apron (aiprun). Air, n. 1. air ; 2. heir (air), v.i. succeed to, inherit property from 'hee aird hiz unkul.' Air, a. early (erli). Airlay, a. early (erli). Airn, v.t. curdle (milk). Airninz, n. pl. rennet, made from a calf's stomach. Airnist, a. earnest (ernest). Airskep, n. heirship, inheritance. Airth, n. earth (erth). Airthquaak, n. earthquake (erthquaik.). Airund, n. errand. Aish, n. ash. Aist, n. east (eest). Ait, v. t. eat (eet); pa. ett or uit; pp. aitun. Ait-caik, n. oatcake. Aith, n. oath. Aitmail, n. oatmeal. Aits, n. pl. oats. Aitun, pa. p. of ait, eaten (eeten). Aiv, n. eave (eev). Aivnin, n. evening (eevning). Aivun, a. even (eeven); adv. straight, right. Aix, n. axe. Aizee, a. easy (eezi). Ay! interj. Oh! Ah! Ay, a. one (wun), only; ay day, adv. one day. Au (see also O) (as in E. awe, paw, dawn, fall). Aubuddee, n. everybody. Audhegidhur, adv. altogeth er. Aufay, a. awful; adv. awfully, very. Aufayleik, a. bad, ugly, disgraceful, disreputable. Augait, adv. everywhere. August, n. August. Aukht, a. owed. Aukhteen, num. eighteen (aiteen). Auld, a. old (oald). Auldfaarund, a. old-fashioned, sagacious, shrewd, quaint. Auld Kirk, n. Established Church. Auld Maid, n. Old Maid (a game). Auldun, a. olden. Aumray, n. cupboard. Aun, n. awn, beard of grain. Aunsur, n., v.t. and i. answer (anser). Aunur, n. part of a mill for removing aunz. Aurld, a. engaged as a servant. Aurlz, n. pl. earnest money. Ausum, a. awful. Authing, n. everything. Auwuld, a. lying on its back (of a sheep). Aw, a. all (aul), every. Aw, v.t. owe (oa); pa. p. aukht. Aweel-a-waat, interj. well! well! (well I know!). B (as in E.). Baa, prep. by (bii). Baabteez, v.t. baptize. Baabteezm, n. baptism. Baad, a. bad. Baadhur, n. and v.t. bother. Baadlay, a. ill. Baagee, n. minnow. Baak, n., v.t., adv., and prep. back (bak). Baak-cumin, n. return. Baak-doar, n. back-door. Baak-end, n. the end of the year, late autumn. Baak-haund, n. back-hand, with the bias to the right (at bowls). Baakit, n. wooden box for salt, ashes, &c. Baalin-gun, n. pop-gun. Baalund, n. ballad. Baand, n. band. Baand, v. pa. of bind, bind. Baandstur, n. binder of sheaves. Baandz, n. minister's bands. Baank, n. bank; v. put in a bank, deal with a bank. Baanuk, n. thick cake toasted on girdul. Baanut, n. bonnet, cap. Baanut-laird, n. small landowner, yeoman. Baap, n. roll of bread. Baar, n. bar. Baaray, n. barrow (barroa). Baark, n. and v. bark (baark). Baarn, n. barn. Baarul, n. barrel. Baas, n. door-mat. Baash, n. blow, dent; v. knock in, dent. Baat, n. bat. Baats, n. bots (a disease of animals). Baid, vi. pa of beid, stayed. Baid, n. bead (beed). Baidul, n. church officer, beadle (beedul). Baik, v.t. bake (baik); n. soft biscuit. Baik-hoos, n. bakehouse. Baikur'z dizun, n. thirteen. Bail, v.i. fester, suppurate. Baim, n. beam (beem). Bain, n. bone (boan). Bair, a. bare (bair); n. coarse barley. Bair, v.t. bear (bair); pa. boar; pa. p. boarn. Bairay, n. berry. Baird, n. beard (beerd). Bairfut, a. bare-footed. Bairin-rain, n. bearing-rein. Bairn, n. child. Bairnlay, a. childish. Bais, of baist, beasts (beests). Baisun, n. basin. Baist, n. beast (beest), a head of horned cattle; pl. bais, cattle. Bait, v.t. beat (beet); pa. bait. Baith, a. both (boath). Baiz, a. bad (applied to a person), base (bais). Baubee, n. halfpenny. Baubee dup, n. tallow candle. Baucun, n. bacon (baicon). Baud, vpa. of bid, bade (bad). Baudrinz, n. pussy. Bauk, n. balk (bauk), a strip of unploughed land between two fields; rafter; beam of a pair of scales. Baukhul, n. old shoe or boot. Bauks, balance for weighing. Bauld, a. bold (boald). Baund, n. band. Baurlay, n. (1) barley (baarlay); (2) parley, truce (at tig). Baurlay-braaks, n. game of tig round the stacks. Baurlay-mail, n. barley-meal. Baw, n. ball (baul). Bed, n. bed; v. put to bed, prepare a bed for. Bed, v. pa. of beid, stayed. Beddeez, n. hopscotch. Bee, n. bee; v. aux. be (bee); pa. wuz; pa. p. been; prep. beside, in comparison with. Beech, n. beech-tree. Beef, n. beef. Beeld, n. shelter. Been, n. bean (been). Been, adj. well off, prosperous. Been, v. pa. p. of bee, been. Beer, n. beer. Beestee mulk, n. the first milk of a cow after calving. Beetul, n. potato-masher. Beez, conj. beside, in comparison with, than. Begin, v.t. begin; pa. begood; pa.p. begood. Begood, v., pa. and pa. p. of begin, began, begun. Begruttun, a. showing signs of weeping. Behuddun, a. beholden, indebted. Beibul, n. Bible (biibul). Beid, v.i. abide (abeid), wait, stay, dwell, endure; pa. baid or bed; pa.p. biddun. Beik, n. nest of wild bees or wasps. Beil, n. and v.t. boil. Beilay, n. town magistrate. Beilur, n. boiler. Beit, n. and v.t. bite (biit); pa. bet ; pa. p. buttun. Bekk, v.i. curtsey. Beld, a. bald (bauld). Bell, n. bell; v.t. proclaim by sound of bell. Bellaybaand, n. .girth. Bellusiz, n. bellows (belloaz). Ben, n. an inner room, bedroom, or sitting-room. Ben, adv. and conj. towards the inner room or sitting-room. Bend, v. bend. Benjee, n. bumping a person on the ground. Bent, n. a long coarse grass. Best, adj. best. Bet, v. pa. of' beit, bit. Bettur, a. better. Betwixt, prep. between. Bich, n. bitch. Bid, v.i. bid ; pa. baud ; pa. p. biddun. Biddun, v. pa. p. of bid, bidden, and of' beid, stayed. Big, a. big, proud. Bigg, v.t. and i. (1) build (bild), (2) beg. Biggin, n. building, house. Biggur, n. beggar. Big hoos, n. manor-house. Bii, v.t. buy (bii); pa. and pa.p. boakht. Bii, adv. by, past; prep. past, beside, in comparison with, besides; conj. in comparison with. Bii-oardnur, a. extraordinary; adv. extraordinarily. Biir, n. cowhouse. Biius, n. bias (biius). Bii wee'd, by with it, dead, done for. Bikkur, n. a small two-handled dish or cup. Bilaiv, v.t. believe (beleev). Billay, n. young fellow. Biloang, v.i. belong. Bind, v.t. bind (biind); pa. baand; pa.p. bund. Bing, n. heap. Bink, n. wooden shelf. Binnay, conj. except. Birl, v.t. spin (e.g. a bawbee or a teetoatum). Bizzum, n. besom (bezom). Blaak, a. black. Blaakay, n. blackbird. Blaakbairray, n. black currant. Blaak puddin, n. black sausage. Blaankit, n. blanket. Blaast, n. blast, shower, squall. Blaid, n. blade (blaid), leaf of a tree. Blait, a. shy, bashful, sheepish. Blaiz, n. and v.i. blaze. Blaun, v. pa.p. of blaw, blown (bloan). Blaw, n. blow (bloa); v.i. and t. blow, boast; pa. bloo; pa.p. blaun. Blawwurd, n. blue corn-flower. Bled, v., pa. and pa.p. of bluid, bled. Bledhur, n. bladder. Bledhurz, nonsense. Blegyerd, a. blackguard (blagaard). Bleich, v.t. bleach (bleech). Blekkay, n. black man, smut in wheat. Blem, n. and v.t. blame (blaim). Bliith, a. glad, happy, cheerful. Blind, a. blind (bliind). Blind-boalay, n. blind-man's-buff. Blink, n. glance, glimpse, twinkle. Blissin, n. grace before meat. Bloo, a. blue (bloo). Bloo, v. pa. of blaw, blew (bloo). Bloojennay, n. hedge-sparrow. Bluidee fingurz, n. foxglove. Bluidee puddin, n. red sausage. Bluim, n. blossom, bloom. Blundurz, n. blinkers. Bluss, v.t. bless. Boab, n. shilling. Boabee, n. policeman. Boabin, n. bobbin. Boad, n. bid at an auction. Boad, v.i. wish. Boadee, n. body. Boadul, n. old coin of small value. Boagul, n. goblin Boain, n. flat dish in which milk stands to cream. Boak, v.i. belch. Boakht, pa. and pa. p. of bii, bought. Boal, n. (1) recess in wall for holding small articles; (2) rude window. Boalt, n. bolt (boalt). Boanay, a. bonny, pretty, beautiful. Boar, of bair, bore (boar). Boar, n. boar. Boaray, v.t. borrow. Board, n. border of a much. Boardee much, n. embroidered cap. Boarn, pa.p. of bair, born. Boas, a. hollow; n. support for a haystack. Boat, n. boat. Boathay, n. cottage for unmarried ploughmen. Boatul, n. bottle. Boatul oa stray, n. bundle of straw. Boax, n. box. Boax-bed, n. closed-in bed in wall of room. Boax-dhe-beddeez, n. hopscotch. Boddum, n. bottom. Boin, n. tub. Boo, v.t. and i. bow (bou), bend; pa. and pa.p. bood, bent. Bood, pa. and pa.p. of boo, bent. Book, n. (1) bulk; (2) book. Bool, n. playing marble, playing bowl (boal). Boolin-green, n. bowling-green. Boon-tree, n. elder. Booz, v.i. drink, carouse. Bouay, n. wooden pail. Boul, n. bowl (boal). Boustur, n. bolster (boalstur). Boustur-coad, n. bolster. Bouzay-liggit, a. bandy-legged. Bow, n. (1) bow (boa); (2) boll (boal), a measure of capacity. Braak, of brek, broke (broak). Braamay-, Brummul-wurm, n. striped worm found in dung-hills, used as bait. Braandee, n. brandy. Braang, broakht, v. pa. of bring, brought. Braat, n. a coarse washing apron. Braaxay, n. an internal inflammation in sheep; mutton from a diseased sheep. Braid, n. bread (bred). Brais, n. mantelpiece. Braith, n. breath (breth). Braulay, a. and adv. quite well, well enough. Brawz, n. pl. finery. Bray, n. slope, side of a hill. Bred, v. pa. and pa.p. of breed, bred. Bred, a. broad (braud). Breed, n. breadth. Breed, v t. breed; pa. and pa.p. bred. Breeks, n. pl. breeches (brichiz). Breer, v.i. sprout (e.g. corn or turnips); n. the first appearance of a crop above ground. Breer-buss, n. briar-bush. Breest, n. breast (brest). Breid, n. bride (briid). Breidgruim, n. bridegroom. Breidul, n. bridle, head of a plough. Brek, v. break (braik); pa. braak; pa. p. brukkun. Brekhum, n. horse's collar. Brekkun, n. bracken, fern. Brensh, n. branch (bransh). Brent, n. smooth. Bresh, n. brush, a short attack of illness, a mild epidemic. Bress, n. brass. Brichin, n. strap round horse's quarters under the tail. Bridhur, n. brother (brudher). Brig, n. bridge (brij). Brik, n. brick. Brikht, a. bright (briit). Bring, v.t. bring; pa. braang or broakht; p a . p. broakht. Broach, n. brooch (broach). Broad, n. pot-lid, the plate at the church door for offerings, draught-board, brood. Broak, n. badger. Broak-dush, n. receptacle for refuse, pig's pail. Broaks, n. leavings, refuse. Broakht, v. pa. and pa. p. of bring, brought (braut). Broath, n. pl. broth. Broaz, brose, a mixture of oatmeal with boiling water. Broazay, a. fat. Broo, n. brow (brou). Broon, a. brown (broun). Broonee, n. a beneficent elf who does people's work for them. Broonkaidees, n. bronchitis. Broouree, n. brewery. Broul, n. firewood. Brug, n. shoemaker's awl. Brui, n. and v.t. brew (broo). Bruim, n. broom. Bruit, n. brute (broot). Bruk, n. brick. Brukkul, a. brittle. Bruklay, a. brittle. Brummul, n. bramble, blackberry. Brumstain, n. brimstone. Brunt, and pa. p. of burn, burnt. Bubblay-joak, n. turkey-cock. Buddee, n. person. Buffits, n. pl. mumps. Buffit-stuil, n. a low table with leaves to fold down. Buid, v. pa. of maan, behoved, had to, ought to. Buiraiul, n. burial, funeral (berrial). Buiray, v.t. bury (berri). Buird, n. board, curved side of a plough. Buirdlay, a. stout, stalwart. Buit, n. boot. Bukht, n. sheep-pen; v.t. pen sheep. Bukkay, n. sea-snail, spiral shell. Bukkit, n. washing-tub, bucket. Bull, n. bull (bool). Bull, n. bill. Bullay, n. bullfinch. Bullut, n. bullet (boolit). Bum, v.i. hum. Bumbee, n. humble-bee. Bum-cloak, n. flying-beetle. Bung, v.t. throw. Bunk, n. box. Bunkur, n. small cupboard in wall near fire. Bunnay, conj. and prep. except. Burd, n. bird. Burdee, n. little bird, term of endearment. Burk, n. birch. Burkay, n. smart fellow. Burlay, n. uproar, tumult. Burn, v.i. and t. burn; pa. and pa.p. brunt. Burnum, n. laburnum. Burr, n. burr. Burray, n. borough (buroa). Burs, n. bristle. Bursay, a. bristly, quarrelsome. Bursul, v.t. parch, scorch, roast. Bursuld tautayz, n. roast potatoes. Burz, v.t. press, squeeze. Bushul, n. bushel (booshul). Busk, v.t. dress. Buskit, n. biscuit. Buss, n. bush (boosh). But, n. bit, the point. But, n. an outer room, kitchen end of a house. But, adv., conj. and prep. towards the outer room or kitchen, without, except. But, v. pa. same as buid, behoved, had to, ought to. Buttun, n. button. Buttun, pa. p. of beit, bitten. Buttur, n. butter; a. bitter. Buttur-baik, n. soft biscuit made with butter. Butturflee, n. butterfly. Buznus, n. business (biznis). C (hard as in E. kick). See also K. Caab, v.t. pilfer. Caach, v.t. catch (cach); pa. and pa.p. caacht. Caach-dhe-ten, n. Catch-the-Ten (a card-game). Caadis, n. dust of threads in weaving. Caaf, n. chaff. Caajur, n. hawker with a cart, cadger. Caalant, n. boy. Caalur, a. fresh. Caam, v. pa of cum, came (caim). Caamstain, n. soft stone used for polishing hearthstones. Caamsteeree, a. wild, unmanageable. Caan, v. aux. can; pa, cood or cud. Caanay, a. slow, gentle, cautious. Caannay, v. can't (caant). Caantay, a. happy, jolly, cheerful. Caap, n. wooden bowl, cup. Caar, a. left (hand). Caaray,Caarhaundit, a left-handed. Caarichiz, n. pl. catechism. Caarl, n. man, especially an old man. Caars, n. a wide stretch of level land along a river. Caarut, n. carrot. Caast, v.t. cast; pa. cuist; pa.p. cuisn. Caast, v. weed out, reject, cut (peat or turf). Caast, n. foal. Caast oot wee, v.i. quarrel with. Caastul, n. castle (caasl). Caast up, v.i. turn up; v.t. accuse. Caat, n. cat. Caat-belt, n. knitted garter of fancy yarn. Caat's ee, n. speedwell. Caattay un duggay, n. tip-cat Caatul, n. horned cattle of the ox kind. Caatul-baist, n. a head of horned cattle. Caatulmun, n. cattle-man. Caatul reed, n. enclosed court for cattle. Caibur, n. caber. Caik, n. cake (caik). Caim, n. comb (coam). Cain, n. rent paid in kind. Caipurz, n. antics, nonsense. Cair, n. and v.i. care (cair); Aa'm no cairin (I don't care). Cairfay, a. careful. Cairn, n. loose heap of stones. Cathul nails, n. nails through body of cart and axle. Caudee, n. caddie, carrier of golf-- clubs Cauf, n. calf (caaf). Cauf-cuntray, n. native place. Cauk, n. chalk (chauk). Cauld, n. and a. cold (coald). Cauldreif, a. always cold, susceptible to cold. Cauld steer, n. oatmeal and water. Caum, a. calm; n. slate-pencil. Caundee, n. candy. Caunul, n. candle. Caunulzday, Caunulzmus n. Candlemas, 2nd of February. Causay, n. causeway. Caw, n. and v. call (caul). Caw, v. drive, knock, set a-going Cay, n. jackdaw. Ch (see separate letter). Claag, v.t. clog (e.g. with mud). Claam, of clim, climbed (cliimd). Claamjaamfray, n. a lot of people (contemptuous). Claap, n. and v.t. clap. Claash, n. gossip, scandal; v.t. smash. Claith, n. cloth. Claivur, v.i. talk idly. Claivurz, n. pl. idle chatter. Claiz, clothes (cloadhz). Claiz-baaskit, n. clothes-basket. Claurtay, a. dirty. Claw, v. scratch. Cled, p. of cleed, clad, clothed. Cleed, v.t. clothe (cloadh); pa. and pa. p. cled. Cleek, n. cleek, large hook; v.t, and i. hook, take an arm. Cleekit, a. arm in arm; (of a horse) nerved, lifting the foot too high. Cleen, a. clean (c/een); v.t. clean adv. quite. Cleer, a. clear (cleer). Cleesh ma claivur, n. idle gossip. Clei, n. clay. Cleip, v.i. tell tales. Cleipay, n. tell-tale. Clerk, n. clerk (clark). Clert, n. a dirty person. Cless, n. class. Clink, n. cash. Clivvur, a. agile, clever, active. Cloag, n. stump of a tree. Cloak, n. (1) beetle; (2) clock. Cloakin-hen, n. sitting-hen. Cloas, n. entry, narrow passage. Cloas, a. stifling. Cloavur, n. clover (cloaver). Cloazit, n. closet (clozet). Cloodz, n. clouds. Cloor, n. and v.t. bruise, dent, blow. Cloot, n. strip of cloth, clout, patch. Cloot, v.t. patch, mend. Clout, n. knock, blow. Clud, n. cloud. Clug, n. clog. Cluit, n. cloven hoof. Cluk, n. cloak. Clum, v.i. and t. climb (cliim); pa. claam, pa. p. clumd. Clumd, v. pa. p. of clum, climbed (cliimd). Clup, v.t. clip, shear, cut (grass). Cluppay, a. sharp of speech, snappish. Coa, v. pa. quoth. Coad, n. pillow, cushion. Coadul, v.t. coax, wheedle. Coafay, n. coffee. Coaft, v. pa. bought. Coafun, n. coffin. Coag, n. wooden bowl. Coagee, n. small wooden bowl. Coak, n. cock. Coakay-leekee, n. chicken soup with leeks in it. Coal, n. coal, haycock. Coalay, n. collie dog. Coalay shaangay, n. dog-fight, uproar, noisy row. Coalekshun, n. collection. Coal-hoos, n. coal-house. Coalup, n. a cut of meat, rasher. Coalur, n. collar. Coaluraa, n. cholera. Coamic, n. funny person. Coamikul, a. comical. Cóamitee, n. committee. Coansait, n. conceit (conseet). Coansaitit, a. conceited (conseeted). Coanstunt, adv. constantly. Coansurt, n. concert. Coantaak, n. contact. Coantur, a. contrary, opposite; v.t. contradict, oppose. Coapee, n. and v.t. copy. Coapur, n. copper. Coarbee, n. raven. Coard, n. cord. Coarn, n. corn, oats. Coarn-skreekh, n. corn-crake. Coarnul, n. colonel (curnul). Coarnur, n. corner. Coarp, n. corpse (corps). Coast, n. and v.t. cost. Coat, n. coat, petticoat. Coats, n. pl. petticoats, skirts. Coatuj, n. cottage. Coatun, n. cotton. Coazee, a. cosy, snug, comfortable. Complen, v.i. complain, be out of sorts. Connek, v.t. connect. Coo, n.f. cow (cow); pl. kii. Cooch, n. couch; interj. sound made to drive a dog away. Cood (or cud), v. aux. pa. of caan, could (cood). Coodnay, v. pa. couldn't (coodnt). Cook, n.f. and v.t. cook. Cookee, n. small, round, plain bun. Coo-lik, n. hair sticking up in front. Coom, n. is. coal-dust, flakes of soot. Coont, n. and v.i. count. Coopur, n. cooper. Cooquaak, n. cold weather in May, when the cows go out. Coors, a. coarse. Coors, n. course (coars). Coort, n. and v.t. court (coart), woo. Coothay, a. cosy, comfortable-looking, familiar, kindly. Cootur, n. coulter (coalter). Correk, a. correct. Corsekkay, n. a short coat or blouse. Coup, v. (1) upset so as to empty out; (2) deal, buy and sell. Coup, n. upset, place where rubbish may be emptied out. Coupur, n. dealer. Cout, n. colt (coalt). Cow, n. branch of broom or juniper, besom Cow, v. beat, surpass. Craabit, a. ill-natured, fretful, sulky. Craaft, n. croft. Craak, n. and vi. chat, gossip, talk. Craakit, a. crazy. Craap, n. crop, the top of a wall. Craidul, n. cradle. Craig, n. (1) neck; (2) crag, precipice. Crain in, v.i. shrink, contract. Craitur, n. creature (creetyoor). Craw, n. crow (croa), rook; vi. crow; pa. croo; pa. p. crawd. Crawd, v. pa. p. of craw, crowed (croad). Cray, n. pigsty. Creel, n. creel, coarse basket. Creep, v.i. creep ; p. and p.p. creepit. Creepee, n. a low stool. Creepit, v. pa. and pa. p. of creep, crept. Creesh, n. grease (grees). Creeshee, a. greasy (greezi). Cress, v.t. and n. crease (crees). Crii, v. and n. cry (crii), call, publish intention of marriage in church. Crii-in sillur, n. fee for calling banns. Croak, n. an old ewe past bearing. Croap, n. crop. Croas, n. cross. Croo, v. pa. of craw, crew (croo). Crood, n. crowd (croud). Croodul, v.i. coo. Crool, a. cruel (crooil). Croon, n. crown. Croop, n. croup. Croos, a. bold, brisk, conceited, proud. Croudee, n. whisked cream with oatmeal. Cruch, n. crutch. Crudz, n. pl. curds (curds), junket. Crui, n. pigsty. Cruizay, n. oil and wick lamp. Cruk, n. crook, large hook, iron hook on which pots are suspended over the fire. Cruppul, a. cripple. Crusnin, n. christening. Cud, cood, of v. aux. caan, could. Cuddee, n. donkey. Cuddul, vi. and t. hug, embrace, nestle. Cuddul-ma-deeree, n. raspberry wine. Cuid, n. cud. Cuif, n. fool. Cuil, v.t. cool. Cuissn, pa.p. of mast, cast, (of colour) faded. Cuist, of caast, cast. Cuit, n. ankle-bone, fetlock. Cuizin, n. cousin (cuzn). Cullur n. colour (cullur). Cum, v.i. come (cum); pa. caam ; pa. p. cumd. Cumd, pa. p. of cum, come (cum). Cummur, n. gossip, woman, girl. Cuntray, n. country (cuntri). Cup, n. cup. Cuppul, n. rafter. Curch, n. and v.i. curtsey. Curfufful, a. agitation, whirl. Curl, v. curl. Curlay-aandray, n. sugared coriander seed. Curlin, n. a game played with stones on ice. Curr, v.i. crouch, curtsey. Curraybukshun, n. disorderly gathering. Currhung, v.i. slide in a crouching attitude. Curran, a. a few, several. Currunt, n. currant. Cushay, n. wood-pigeon. Cushun, n. cushion (cooshun). Cut, v. cut, castrate; n. cut, a short way. Cuttay, n.f. bad lot (of a woman); a. stumpy. Cuttay-peip, n. short, stumpy pipe. Cuttin-laif, n. a loaf not newly made. Cuvinéntur, n. covenanter. Ch (as in E. church). Chaaft, n. jaw. Chaafur, n, small stove for heating lead. Chaans, n. chance (chans). Chaansay, a. safe to risk. Chaanul, n. gravel. Chaap, n. fellow. Chaap, v.t. strike, knock, beat, mash, pound; n. stroke. Chaapin, n. a measure of liquid = 2 muchkins. Chaapin-joog, n. a jug which will hold 2 muchkins. Chaapin-stuk, n. potato-masher. Chaapit tautayz, n. pl. mashed potatoes. Chaaps mee, an exclamation claiming something. Chaip, a. cheap (cheep). Chaipul, n. chapel. Chair, n. chair. Chairj, n. charge (chaarj). Chairlay, n. dim. for Charles. Chait, v. and n. cheat (cheet). Chauldur, n. a measure of grain = 16 bolls. Cheef, a. on friendly terms. Cheek, n. cheek. Cheeld, n. fellow. Cheenee, n. china (chiina). Cheenee aastur, n. China aster. Cheep, v.i. chirp, speak low; n. chirp, word. Cheeree, a. cheerful. Cheez, n. cheese (cheez). Cheis, n. choice (chois). Chen, n. chain. Chenj, n. and v.t. change (chainj). Chikin, n. chicken. Chin, n. chin. Chittul, v.i. backbite. Chittur, v.i. shiver, chatter (with cold). Choak, vi. and t. choke (choak). Chouks, n. pl. jaws, chops. Choukstraap, n. chin-strap. Chow, n. and v.t. chew (choo). Chuiz, v.t. choose (chooz). Chukkay-stain, n. rounded white stone. Chulblen, n. chilblain. Chuldur, n. pl. children. Chumlay, n. chimney. Chumlay-pees, n. chimney-piece. Churray, n. cherry. D (as in E. dog, door, bad). 'D, pron. slurred form of hut, it. Daab, v.t. hit a bool in a game at marbles. Daab, v.i. (laat) let on, tell. Daabur-fay-taw, n. good player at marbles, clever fellow. Daad, n. lump, chunk, thump, blow. Daadee, n. father. Daadee-laang-legz, n. spinning-- jenny. Daaf, v.i. sport, flirt. Daaft, a. mad, idiotic, silly, crazy. Daaftay, n. idiot, lunatic. Daagoan't, interj. damn it! Daam, n. pond. Daam, v.t. damn (dam). Daam-broad, n. draught-board. Daam-haid, n. water headed up by a dam, pond. Daam-haid deik, n. pond-embankment. Daang, v. beat; pa. p. of ding, beat. Daans, n. and v.i. dance (dans). Daarg, n. a day's work. Daark, n. and a. dark. Daarknin, n. late evening. Daid, a. dead (ded). Daidlay, n. pinafore. Daidlin, a. dawdling, pottering. Daid-thrawz, n. pl. death-struggle (said of meat getting cold). Daidul, n. pinafore. Daidul, v.i. dawdle, trifle, potter. Daif, a. deaf (def). Daifay, n. a deaf person. Dail, n. and v.t. deal (deel). Dailur, n. dealer (deeler). Daisunt, a. decent (deesant), respectable. Daiv, v.t. deafen. Daundur, n. temper, anger. Daundur, v.i. and n. saunter, stroll. Daur, v.i. dare (dair); pa. durst. Daurnay, vi. dare not; pa. durstnay. Daut, v.t. fondle, pet, dote on. Dautay, n. little pet. Daw, n. father. Day, n. day (day). Day, v.t. do (doo). Declein, n. decline, consumption. Dee, v.i. die (dii). Deel, n. devil. Deel a but, intej. devil a bit. Deel'z bairn, n. devil's child, bad lot. Deel'z books, n. pl. playing-cards. Deel'z dizin, n. thirteen. Deel'z dung, n. asafœtida. Deel'z snuff-boax, n. the common puff-ball. Deep, a. deep. Deer, n. dear, deer. Deeree, n. darling. Deik, n. stone wall. Deikun, n. deacon (deecon). Deit, n. fool, idiot. Deitit, a. idiotic, stupid. Dekaantur, n. decanter. Delv, v.t. dig Demuird, a. bamboozled. Den, n. a small, deep wooded valley. Dennur, n. dinner. Dennur-teim, n. dinner-time, about noon. Dentee, a. dainty, comely, stately. Dh; see separate letter. Dich-how, n. Dutch hoe. Diizd, a. damned. Dikht, v.t. and n. wipe. Din, n. din, noise. Ding, v.t. beat, knock; pa. daang; pa.p. dung. Dinnay, v.a. don't (doant). Dirdum, n. scolding, blame. Direk, a. and v.t.. direct. Disait, n. deceit (deseet). Discoard, v.i. quarrel. Discoors, n. discourse (discoars). Distullur, n. distiller. Div, v.a. do (doo). Divauld, v.i.. stop, cease. Divert, n. amusement; v.t. amuse. Divnay, irreg. v. do not. Divut, n. piece of turf, sod. Dizembur, n. December. Dizen, n. dozen (du'zn). Dizzee, a. dizzy. Doab, v.t. prick. Doabee, a. prickly. Doad, interj. God. Doadee, a. sulky. Doadz, n. pl. sulks. Doakhtur, n.f. daughter (dauter). Doakun, n. dock-plant. Doal, n doll. Doalup, n. lump; dhe hail doalup, the whole lot. Doaminay, n. schoolmaster. Doar, n. door (doar). Doavay, n. stupid lump. Doavur, v.i. doze (doaz). Doazund, a. benumbed (wee cauld). Doit, n. a bit. Donnul, n. half a gill. Donnurd, a. stupid. Doo, n. dove (duv), pigeon. Doobul, a double (dubbul). Dook, v.i. and t. duck, dip, bathe. Dookin-stuil, n. chair worked by a lever, for ducking scolds. Dookit, n. dove-cot. Doon, adv. and prep. down (doun). Doonrikht poor, n. heavy shower. Door, a. hard, stern, obstinate, stubborn. Doos, n. thud. Doos, a. quiet, sober, sedate, respectable, modest, decent. Doot, v.t. and i. doubt (dout), suspect, suppose. Dottul, n. refuse of a pipe of tobacco. Dottul, a. in a state of dotage. Douay, a. sad, gloomy, dismal, out-of-sorts. Doup, n. bottom, buttocks. Draakht, n. sheep's pluck. Draakht, n. trace of a cart. Draam, n. a measure of capacity, a drink of whisky. Draank, v. pa. of drink, drank. Draap, n. drop. Draid, v. dread (dred), fear. Draigul, v.i. wet, soak; pa. p. draiguld. Draigun, n. paper kite (dragon). Draik, v.t. moisten, soak (e.g. meal), steep (clothes). Draik, n. drake (draik). Draim, n. and v.i. dream (dreem). Draipur, n. draper (draiper). Draiv, v.t. pa. of dreiv, drove. Draur, n. drawer. Draurz' haid, n. press, open in front, used for keeping bread, &c. Draw, v.t. draw, play to lie near the mark (at curling or bowls). Draw yur huggur, v. pay for a dram. Dree, v.t. suffer, expect death. Dreekh, a. tedious, wearisome. Dreel, n. drill. Dreep, v.i. drip. Dreep, n. play for stakes in marbles. Dreepin, n. dripping. Dreg, v.t. squeeze the last drops of milk from a cow, which are considered to be specially nutritious. Dregglinz, n. pl. leavings of liquid, last drops, dregs. Dreiv, n. and v t. drive (driiv), cart; pa. draiv; pa. p. drivun. Dreivur, n. driver (driivur). Dren, n. drain. Dressin, n. size (for stiffening cloth). Dressur, n. dresser. Dribbul, n. small drop, slaver; v. drop slowly, slaver. Drii, a. dry (drii), thirsty. Drink, v.t. drink; pa. draank; pa.p. drukkun. Drivun, of dreiv, drove. Droan, n. humming noise, bass of bagpipes. Droappit scoan, n. flat scone made of batter. Droav, n. drove (droav); v. crowd. Droavur, n. drover (droaver). Drook, v.i. drench. Droon, v.t. drown. Drooth, n. drought (drout), thirst. Droothay, a. thirsty. Drukkun, pa. p. of drink, drunk, drunken. Drumlay, a. muddy, discoloured. Drunk, n. drinking bout. Dub, duib, n. puddle. Dubbul, n. and v. dibble. Duch, n. ditch. Duchur, n. ditcher. Duddee, a. ragged. Dudz, n. pl. clothes, especially rags, old clothes. Dufrins, n. difference. Dufrund, a. different; adv. differently. Dug, n. dog. Dui, v.t. and aux. do (doo); pa. duid, did; pa. p. duin. Duid, v. pa. of dui, did. Duin, v. pa.p. of dui, done (dun). Dull, a. dull, slow. Dull oa heerin, a. somewhat deaf. Dumfoondurd, a. struck dumb with astonishment. Dumm, a. dumb (dum). Dummay, n. a dumb person. Dundurhaid, n. stupid person. Dung, n. dung. Dung, v. pa.p. of ding, beaten. Dunt, a. (1) bump, knock, thump; (2) a large piece. Dunt-aboot, n. knock-about, person treated with little consideration. Dup, n. dripping (of roast meat). Dup, n. and v.t. dip, candle. Durl, n. tingling, vibrating pain. Durl, v.i. tingle; v.t. make to tingle Durst, v. pa. of daur, dared (daird). Durstnay, v. irreg. p. of daurnay, daren't. Dush, n. dish. Dush-cloot, n. dish-cloth. Dustuns, n. distance (distans). Dwaam, n. swoon. Dwein, v.i. (uwaw), decline, fall off, fade away. Dweinin, n. decline, consumption. D'yee, slurred for dui yee, do you. Dyoo, n. dew (dyoo). Dyuk, n. duck. Dh (as in E. this, that, the). Dhaan, adv. then (dhen). Dhaat, dem. that (dhat); pl. dhay. Dhaat, adv. so Dhair, pron. their (dher); poss. of dhay. Dhair, adv. there (dher). Dhairz, pron. a. theirs (dherz). Dhay, pron. they (dhay). Dhay, dem. those (dhoaz), pl. of dhaat. Dhe, art. the (dhe), pronounced dhu. Dhe-day, adv. to-day. Dhegidhur, adv. together (toogedhur). Dhem, pron. them (dhem), obj. of dhay. Dhe-moarn, adv. to-morrow. Dhe-nikht, adv. to-night. Dhe-noo, adv. just now, at present. Dhe-streen, adv. yesterday. Dhe-yeer, adv. this year. Dhon, dem. yon. Dhondur, adv. yonder. Dhum, pron. them (dhem), obj. of dhay. Dhun, conj. than. Dhur, pron. these (dheez), pl. of dhus. Dhur, pron, slurred for dhair, their. Dhur, adv. slurred for dhair, there. Dhus, dem. this (dhis). Dhut, rel. pron. that (dhat), who, which. Dhut, conj. that (dhat). E (as in E. met, pen). Ee (as in E. meet, seem). Ei (as in S. fein, wei). E! interj. Oh! Ebb, a. shallow, near the surface, not deep in the ground (as of a drain). Eddicaishun, n. education (edyoocaishun). Edhur, n. (1) udder; (2) adder. Ee, n. eye (ii); pl. een. Ee, slurred for i dhe, oa dhe, oan dhe, in the, of the, on the (see under Prepositions). Ee-broo, n. eyebrow. Eek, n. something additional, supplement. Eel, n. eel. Eeldrinz, n. pl. of the same age. Eelee pigz, n. a children's game. Een, n. pl. of ee, eyes (iiz). Een, n. evening (eevning). Een, adv. just. Eenoo, adv. just now. Eent, adv. indeed. Eeree, a. ghostly, supernatural, affected by dread of the supernatural. Effek, n. effect. Eftur, n. after, past. Efturnuin, n. afternoon. Ei, adv, always, still. Eidul, a. idle (iidil). Eil, n. oil. Eirun, n. iron (iiron). Eis, n. ice (iis). Ekht, num. eight (ait), eighth (aitth). Ekhtay, num. eighty (aity). Ekht-dayz, n. sing, a week. Ekhteen, num. eighteen (aiteen). Elbay, Elbuk, n. elbow (elboa) Eldur, n. alder-tree. Eldur, n. an ordained lay member of the Kirk Session. Elimunts, n. bread and wine used at Holy Communion. Ell, n. ell, a measure of length and area. Ellay, n. alley. Ellum, n. elm. Emmik, n. ant. End, n. end, a round at bowls. Endeeun-rubber, n. indiarubber. Ermchair, n. armchair. Erritur, n. heritor, landowner. Errum, n. arm. Ers, n. bottom. Ert, n. (1) direction, point of the compass; (2) art (aart). Esp, n. asp. Ess, n. ashes. Ess-baakit, n. ash-box. Ess-hoal, n. ash-pit. Ett (or uit), v. pa. of ait, eat (eet). Ettul, v.i. aim at, propose, intend. Etturcup, n. spider. Exibeeshun, n. exhibition. Expek, v.t. expect. Exul, n. axle. F (as in E. fun, stuff). Faak, n. fact. Faaktur, n. factor, steward. Faalay, n. fellow (felloa). Faand, of find, found. Faang, n. hold (used of a pump). Paank, n. sheep-fold. Faanurz, n. winnowers. Faar, a. far; comp. faarur; sup. faarist. Faar baak, adv. long ago. Faardun, n. farthing (faardhing). Faarist, a. sup. of faar, farthest (faardhest). Faarul, n. floury roll. Faarur, a. comp. of faar, farther (faardhar). Faash, v.t. worry, trouble; pa. and pa. p. faasht. Faashus, a. worrying, troublesome, hard to please. Faast, n. and a. fast. Faast-day, n. day of preparation for Holy Communion. Faat, n. fat. Faiburwurray, n. February. Faidhur, n. father (faadhur). Fail, n. turf. Faimlay, n. family Fain, a. willing, happy. Fair, n. (1) fair (fair), market; (2) fear (feer). Fair, a. fair, thorough; adv. quite. Fair, n. and v.i. fear (feer); pa. p. faird. Faird, a. afraid. Fairfay, a. fearful. Fairin, n. present given at a fair. Fairlay, n. a curiosity, wonder, strange thing. Fairn, n. fern. Fairn-tikkul, n. freckle. Fairsum, a. fearful, alarming. Fais, n. face (fais). Faith, n. and interj. faith. Faizhun, n. pheasant (fezant). Fauld, n. and v. fold (foald). Faun, v. pa. p. of faw, fallen (fauln). Faus, a. false (fauls). Faut, n. fault. Faw, v. and n. fall; pa. fell; pa. p. faun. Faw, n. a measure of area, a Scotch pole. Faw oot, v.i. happen, quarrel. Fay, n. foe. Fay, prep. from. Fed, v. pa. and pa. p. of feed, fed. Fedhur, n. feather (fedhur). Fedhur coad, n. feather pillow. Fee, n. fee, hire, wages. Fee, v.t. hire as a servant. Feed, n. fodder, food-stuff, feed; v.t. feed; pa. and pa. p. fed. Feein-maarkit, market at which farm servants are hired. Feekh, intej. exclamation of disgust. Feel, v.t, feel, smell; pa. and pa.p, felt. Feeld, n. field (feeld). Feenish, v.t. finish. Feent, in interjections fiend (feend), devil. Feer, v.t. mark off ridges by ploughing. Feerz, n.p1. officially fixed average prices of grain. Feet, n. pl. of fut, feet. Fei, a. bewitched, doomed, acting strangely. Feik, n. fuss, a fussy person. Feikay, a. fussy about trifles. Feil, v.t. dirty, defile. Fein, a. fine (fin); adv. well. Fekht, a. and v.t. fight (fiit); pa. foakht or fuikht; pa. p. foakhun. Fekk, n. most, greater part, plenty. Feklus, a. feeble, careless, forgetful. Fell, a. remarkable; adv. remarkably, very. Fell, v. pa. of faw, fell. Fellay, n. fellow. Felt, v. pa. and pa. p. of feel, felt. Femin, n. famine (famin). Femlay, n. family Fen, a. fain. Fend, v.i. provide, shift. Fendur, n. fender. Fensin dhe taibulz, address before Communion. Fent, n. and v.i. faint (feint). Farm, n. farm. Fermhoos, n. farmhouse. Fermur, n. farmer. Ferray, n. ferry. Fesh, v. fetch (fech), bring; pa. fuish; pa. p. fuishun. Fichiz, vetches (vechiz). Fiddul, n. fiddle. Fiddlur, n. fiddler. Fiir, n. fire (fiir). Fiiv, num. five (fiiv). Find, v. find (find); pa. faand pa. p. fund. Fingur, n. finger (finggur). Fingur un tay, n. a disease of turnips. Finnikin, a. fussy about trifles. Finnin haadee, n. smoked haddock. Finninz, n. pl. smoked haddocks. Finnis, v.i. fidget, itch, be all on edge. Fivvur, n. fever (feevur). Fixfaax, n. soft gristle. Flaag, n. paving-stone, slab of stone; flaagz, pl. pavement. Flaggfluir, n. paved floor. Flaigun, n. flagon, pitcher. Flaik, n. hurdle. Flaikit, a. piebald. Flail, n. flail. Flee, n. and vi. fly (flii); pa. floo; pa. p. floon. Fleesh, n. fleece (flees). Fleip, v.t. turn outside in (e.g. a stocking). Fleit, v.i. scold; pa. flett; pa. p. fluttun. Flekh, n. flea (flee). Flesh, n. flesh, butcher-meat. Fleshur, n. butcher. Flett, adj. and n. flat, saucer. Flett, v. pa. of fleit, scolded. Flig, n. and v.t. fright, frighten. Flii, a. knowing, wideawake. Flikhturay, a. flighty, fickle. Flikhun, n. snow-flake, small fall of snow, small particle. Flikhur, v.i. flicker. Fling, v.t. throw. Fling, n. dance, dance-tune. Floo, of flee, flew (floo). Floon, of flee, flown (floan). Floor, n. flour (flour), flower (flouer). Floord, a. embroidered. Floorin, n. embroidery. Floor-mail, n. flour. Flug, n. fright (friit); v.t. scare, frighten. Fluir, n. floor (floar), story. Flunt, n. flint. Flutt, v.i. flit, change one's abode; pa. and pa.p. fluttit. Fluttay, n. flat basin in which milk is put to cream. Fluttin, n. flitting, change of abode, removal of furniture. Fluttun, v. pa. p. of fleit, scolded. Foach, v.t. turn over (e.g. scoan on girdul). Foak, n. folk (foak), people, persons. Foakht (or fuikht), v. pa. of fekht, fought (faut). Foakhun, v. pa. p. of fekht, fought. Foal, n. foal. Foalay, v.t. follow (folloa). Foand, a. fond. Foar, n. fore (foar), front; adv. before, fore; intej. look out in front (at golf). Foarbeerz, n. pl. ancestors. Foardoar, n. front-door. Foarhaund, n. forehand, with the bias to the left (at bowls). Foarit, adv. forwards. Foark, n. fork. Foarmun, n. foreman. Foarnent, prep, right in front of. Foarnuin, n. forenoon (foarnoon), morning. Foart, num. a. fourth (fourth). Foartay, num. forty. Foarteen, num. fourteen. Foartin, n. fortune (fortyoon). Foarun, a. foreign; adv. abroad. Foarust, n. forest. Foazay, a. corpulent, puffy. Foo, a. full (fool), tipsy; adv. quite. Fool, a. foul. Fool, n. fowl (foul). Foomurt, n. pole-cat. Foond, n. foundation. Foondur, v.i. and t. founder, drink too much water, break down from overwork. Footay, a. mean, treacherous. Foozhun, n. fizz, pith, spirit, strength. Foozhunlis, a. pithless, insipid, weak, spiritless. Forrit, n. forward, in football or hockey. Four, num. four (foar). Fraik, v.t. coax, cajole, wheedle. Fraikay, a. coaxing, wheedling. Fraish, a. fresh. Frait, n. superstition, omen. Free, a. free. Freend, n. friend (frend), relation; pl. on speaking terms. Freenj, n. fringe. Freez, v.i. freeze (freez); pa. froaz; pa. p. froazund. Freiday, n. Friday (Friiday). Fremd, a. strange, not a relative. Frii, v.t. fry (frii). Frikht, n. and v.t. fright (friit). Frizzul, v.i. fry noisily. Froa, n. froth. Froak, n. frock. Froast, n. frost. Froastay, a. frosty. Froastit, a. injured by frost. Froaz, of freez, froze (froaz). Froazund, pa. p. frozen (froazen). Froazun-buttun, a. frost-bitten. Fruit, n. fruit (froot). Frull, n. frill. Frush, a. fragile, easily torn or broken, brittle. Fudhur, n. fodder. Fuft, num. a. fifth. Fuftay, num. fifty. Fufteen, num. fifteen. Fugg, n. moss. Fuggay, a. mossy. Fuggay-bee, n. humble-bee. Fuikht, foakht, of fekht, fought (feat). Fuil, n. fool. Fuird, n. ford (foard). Fuirsday, n. Thursday. Fuish, v. pa. of fesh, fetched. Fuishun, p. of fesh, fetched. Fuitur, v. do work clumsily, fiddle with one's work. Fuiturur, n. bungler, useless worker. Fuizhunlus, a. without pith or strength, weak. Full, a. proud. Full, v. fill. Fullay, n. filly. Full-lay, adv. fully (fooli), rather, on the whole, rather more than. Fund, p. of find, found. Fuppul, n. under-lip. Fur, n. fir. Fur, prep. for; fur tay, in order to. Furbii, adv. besides. Furfoakhun, a. exhausted. Furgaat, v. pa. of furgit, forgot. Furgedhur, v.i. meet, meet by chance. Furgee, v.t. forgive. Furgoatun, v. pa. p. of furgit, forgotten. Furlut, n. a measure of grain. Furnitur, n. furniture. Furrin, adv. abroad (foreign). Furst, num. a. first. Fush, n. fish. Fut, n. foot; pl. feet. Fut-baw, n. football. Fut-cushun, n. foot-stool. Fut-ruil, n. foot-rule (foot-rool). Fut un a haaf, n. leap-frog (foot and a half). Fyoozee, n. a kind of match. G (as in E. gig, gun, rug, always guttural). Gaab, n. mouth, chatter, offensive talk. Gaab, v.i. chatter, talk offensively. Gaabur, v.i. gabble, jabber, chatter. Gaaf, n. gaff for landing salmon. Gaafur, n. gaffer, foreman of a gang. Gaaj, n. and v.t. gauge (gaij), measure. Gaajur, n. gauger (gaijur), exciseman. Gaalun, n. gallon. Gaalusiz, n. pl. braces. Gaang, n. a turn of' going for something. Gaang, v.i. go; pa. gaid; pa. p. gain. Gaang-urul, n. tramp. Gaant, n. and v.i. yawn. Gaar, v.t. make, compel. Gaarut, n. garret. Gaas, n. gas. Gaasay bow, n. indiarubber ball. Gaash, a. well-dressed, smart. Gaat, v. pa. of git, got. Gaid, v. pa. of gay, or ging, went. Gain, v. pa. of gay, gone (gon). Gaip, v.i. gape (gaip). Gaips, n. pi. a disease of poultry. Gair, n. goods, wealth, stuff. Gairay, a. wealthy. Gais, n. and v.t. guess (gess), riddle. Gaist, n. ghost (goast). Gait, n. way, road. Galaashiz, n. pl. goloshes. Gauin, gaun, v. pres.part. of gaang, going. Gauk, n. an awkward person. Gaukay, a. awkward. Gausay, a. plump, buxom, handsome. Gaw, v.t. gall (gaul). Gawaw, interj. go away! Gay, v.i. go (goa); pa. gaid; pa.p. gain. Gay, v. pa. of gee, gave (gaiv). Gedhur, v.t. gather (gadher). Gee, n. pet. Gee, v.t. give (giv); pa. gay; pa. p. geen. Geeg, n. gig. Geen, v. pa. p. of gee, given. Geen, n. wild cherry. Geenee, n.. guinea (gini). Gees, n. pl. of guis, geese (gees). Gei, a. peculiar. Gei, geiun, adv. rather, pretty, very, peculiarly. Geid, v.t. guide (giid). Geid'z aw, intej. guide us all! Geit, a. mad, out of one's senses. Geizund, a. shrunken and leaky (like a dry tub), wrinkled, withered, wizened. Gem, n. game. Gerd, n. and v.t. guard. Gerdnur, n. gardener. Gerdun, n. garden. Gertun, n. garter. Gibbul, n. tool. Giff-gaaf, n. mutual giving. Giizur, n. mummer, masquerader, especially on Huggmunay. Gildin, n. gelding. Gimmur, n. ewe in her second year before lambing. Gin, prep. by. Gin, conj. if. Ging, v.i. go (goa); pa. gaid; pa. p. gain. Gird, n. hoop. Girdul, n. round iron plate for baking baanuks and cakes. Girn, n. (1) gin, snare; (2) grin, whine, snarl. Girnul, n. chest for holding oatmeal. Girs, n. grass. Girsul, n. gristle (grissul). Git, vt. get, reach, be called; pa. gaat; pa. p. goattun. Glaak, n. gap, dip in a line of hills. Glaamur, n. charm. Glaik, n. a giddy, light-headed girl. Glaikit, n. giddy, light-headed. Glaur, n. mud. Glauray, a. muddy. Gled, n. buzzard. Glad, a. glad. Gleg, n. gadfly. Gleg, a. sharp, quick, clever. Glei, v.i. look out of corner of eye, look askance. Gleib, n. glebe (gleeb). Glei, Gleid a. squinting, off the straight, taking a wrong view of things. Glen, n. narrow valley. Gless, n. glass; pl. glessiz, spectacles. Glint, a. and v.i. gleam, glance. Gloamin, n. twilight. Glour, n. and v.i. stare. Glumsh, v.i. pout, frown, look sulky. Glumshay, a. sulky. Glusk, n. glimpse, glance. Goad, n. God. Goalay, n. goalkeeper. Goamurul, n. stupid fool. Goaspul, n. Gospel. Goat, n. goat. Goattun., v. pa. p. of git, got. Goo, n. taste. Goon, n. gown. Goud, n. gold. Gouf, n. golf. Gouk, n. cuckoo, fool. Gouk's airund, n. fool's errand. Goulin, a. grumpy. Gouluk, n. earwig. Goup, n. gulp. Goupun, n. hollow made of the two hands held together. Goupunfay, n. double handful. Gouun, n. daisy. Graanay, n. f.: grandmother. Graandfaidhur, n. grandfather. Graap, gruppit, of grupp, caught, gripped. Graat, v. pa. of greet, cried, wept. Graavut, n. cravat. Graip, n. a short fork with several prongs. Grait, a. great (grait). Graiv, n. grave (graiv). Graund, a. grand, splendid. Graundfaidhur, -midhur, -sun, daukhtur, grandfather, -mother, -son, -daughter. Gray, a. grey (gray). Graybaird, n. jar of whisky. Gree, v.i. agree. Greed, n. greed. Greedee, a. greedy, avaricious. Green, v.i. long. Green, a. green. Greeshukul, n. hot embers. Greet, v.i. cry, weep; pa. graat; pa. p. gruttun. Greev, n. farm overseer. Greis, obs. n. young pig. Gren, n. (1) grain; (2) a bit; (3) branch. Grenuray, n. granary. Gress, n. grass. Gret, n. grate (grait). Greth, n. soapsuds. Grind, v.t. grind (griind); pa. and pa. p. grund. Grip (in biir), n. drain in cowhouse. Groasur, n. grocer (groasur). Groat, n. fourpence. Groats, n. pl. oats with husks off. Groazur, n. gooseberry (goozberri). Groo, n. and v.i. shudder. Grool, n. gruel. Groosum., a. frightful, making one shudder. Groul, v.i. growl. Grous, n. grouse (grous). Grow, v.i. grow (groa). Gruip, n. cow-house drain. Gruipay, n. farm-servant. Gruls, n. grilse (grils). Grumf, n. grunt. Grumfay, n. pig. Grumlay, a. and pres. part. grumbling. Grummul, vi. and n. grumble. Grund, n. ground. Grund, v. pa. and pa. p. of grind, ground. Grunstain, n. grindstone (griindstoan). Grupp, n. and v.t. grip, catch, grasp; pa. graap,gruppit; pa.p. gruppit. Gruppay, a. grasping, avaricious, miserly. Gruppit, v. pa. and pa. p. of grupp, gripped. Grust, n. grist. Gruttun, v. pa. p. of greet, wept. Guchur, n. obs. grandfather. Guddul, v.i. fish with the hands. Guddul, n. crowbar. Guff, n. whiff Guid, a. good. Guid-faidhur, -midhur, -sun, -daukhtur, a. father, &c., Guid-maan, n. husband. Guid-weif, n. wife. Guim, n. gum. Guis, n. goose (goos); pl. gees. Guiss, interj. call to a pig. Guissay, n. pig. Gullay, n. large butcher's knife. Gummur, n. ewe in her second year before lambing. Gumshun, n. common sense. Guts, n. pl. bowels. Gutsay, a. gluttonous. Guttay-perkay, n. gutta-percha. Guttur-gaw, n. raw flesh on the bare foot. Gutturz, n. pl. mud. H (as in E. hen, hot, him). Haabul, n. squabble. Haad or hud, v.t. hold; pa. huid; pa.p. haadun. Haadee, n. haddock. Haadun, v. pa. p. of haad, held. Haaf, num. n., a., and adv. half (haaf); pl. haafs. Haaflun, n. lad, youth, stripling. Haaf-oan, a. half tipsy. Haagus, n. sheep's stomach; a dish made in a sheep's stomach. Haak, n. cut; v.t. cut (e. g. with an axe), chop. Haakit, a. chapped (e. g. hands in cold weather). Haalayday, n. holiday. Haalayeen, n. All-Hallows Eve, 31st October. Haalikit, a. romping, hoydenish. Haam, n. ham. Haamuk, n. old-fashioned kitchen dresser. Haamur, n. hammer. Haandee, n. milking-pail Haang, v. pa. of hing, hung. Haangd, hung, v. pa. p. of hing, hanged, hung. Haank, n. hank. Haansul, n. a present given in honour of a first occasion, e.g. on beginning a New Year; v. take the first piece of anything, be first in doing anything lucky. Haansul-Munday, n. the first Monday of the New Year. Haantul, n. a good many, a good deal, a considerable number, a lot. Haap, n. and v.i. hop. Haap, v.t. wrap, cover. Haapnay, n. halfpenny (haipnay). Haard, a. hard. Haard, v. pa. of heer, heard (herd). Haard haakz, n. clay marble. Haardlay, adv. hardly. Haarigulz, n. pl. entrails. Haark, v.i. whisper, listen. Haarkin, v.i. listen. Haarknur, n. listener. Haarl, n. muck-hoe. Haarld, a. (of a wall) covered with a mixture of mortar and small gravel. Haarnz, n. pl. brains. Haarukh, n. and v. fuss, worry. Haash, v.t. spoil, make shabby. Haashay, a. careless of dress, slovenly. Haavurz, interj. and adv. halves (haavz). Haid, n. head (hed). Haid, v.t. heed, care, mind. Haid-stull, n. head-stall. Haij, n. hedge (hej); haij-hug, hedgehog; haij-bull, hedgebill. Haik, n. rack for holding fodder. Hail, a. and n. whole (hoal); v. heal (heel). Hail, n. hail. Hailsum, a. wholesome (hoalsum). Haim, n. home (hoam). Haimuld, a. home-made, home-- bred. Hain, v.t. save, spare, economize, take care of. Hain, v.t. and of hay, had. Hainsh, n. haunch (haunsh). Haip, n. and v.t. heap (heep). Hair, n. (1) hare; (2) hair. Hairay wurm, n. caterpillar. Hairin, n. herring. Hairs, n. hearse (hers). Hairs, a. hoarse (hoars). Hairst, n. harvest. Hait, n. (1) heat (heet); (2) whit, a little bit. Haithun, n. heathen (heedhen). Haivur, v.i. talk nonsense. Haivurul, n. one who talks nonsense. Haivurz, nonsense. Hauk, n. hawk (hauk). Haukh, n. holm (hoam); low-lying flat land near a river. Haulay, n. hollow (holloa). Haum-spun, a. homespun. Haund, n. hand; -oa reit, hand-- writing. Haundee, a. handy. Haundless, a. handless, clumsy, awkward. Haunul, n. handle. Haup, n. hip of the rose. Haur, n. cold wet fog. Hauz, n. throat. Haw, n. (1) hall (haul); (2) haw. Hawthoarn, n. hawthorn. Hay, v.t. and aux. have (hav); pa. hed; pa. p. hain. Hed, v. pa. of hay, had. Hed, v. pa. of heid, hid. Hedhur, n. heather (hedher). Hee, pron. he (hee). Heekh, a. high (hii). Heel, n. heel. Heelund, a. Highland. Heelundz, n. the Highlands of Scotland. Heer, v.t. hear (heer); pa. and pa. p. haard. Heer, adv. here (heer). Heer tell oa, v.t. hear of. Heesht yee, heeshtee, interj. make haste. Heez, v.t. hoist, lift up. Heft, n. handle (e. g. of a knife). Heftay, a. heavily built, stout. Heftit, a. accustomed (as sheep to a grazing ground). Hei, n. hay; -soo, oblong hay-- stack. Heid, v.t. or i. hide; pa. hed; pa. p. hiddun. Hekht, n. height (hiit). Hekhun, v.t. heighten (hiite n). Hekkul, n. hackle; v.t. dress flax, cross-examine. Hell, n. hell. Help, n. help. Hempay, n. a romp. Hems, n. pl. hames on a horse's collar. Hen, n. hen. Hen-hoos, n. hen-house. Hennay, v. neg. haven't; pa. hednay. Hen-pen, n. hen-dung. Herp, n. harp. Herray, n. harrow (harroa). Herray, v.t. harry. Herrum, n. and v.t. harm. Hert, n. heart. Herth, n. hearth (haarth). Hesp, n. hank of yarn. Het, a. hot. Het, v. pa. of hit, hit. Hev, v.t. and aux. have (see hay). Hez, v. aux. 3rd pers. sing. of hay, has (haz). Hiddlin, a. secret, underhand. Hiddun, v. pa. p. of heid, hidden. Hii, interj. come to left! (to a horse). Hiiz, v.i. hie (hii), make for a place, go along with some object in view. Him, pron. obj. of hee, him. Hindur, a. the one behind; sup. hinmust. Hindur-end, n. end, last few days. Hung, v.t. and i. hang ; pa. haang, pa. p. haangd, hung. Hingurz, n. hangers. Hinmust, a. sup. of hindur. Hinnur, a. hinder. Hird, n. herd, shepherd, cowherd; v.t. herd, look after sheep or cattle, guard, protect from: hirdin sheep, hirdin crawz. Hit, v. t. hit; pa. het; pa. p. hittun. Hittun, v. pa. p. of hit, hit. Hiz, pron. us, we. Hizzee, n. f. girl. Hizzul, n. hazel (haizel). Hoabay, n. hobby (hobbi). Hoach-poach, n. broth made with several kinds of vegetables. Hoag, n., m. or f. first-winter lamb. Hoakh, n. hock of an animal, ham of a man. Hoal, n. hole (hoal). Hoaliday, n. holiday. Hoallay, n. holly. Hoarn, n. horn. Hoars, n. horse (hors); pl. hoars. Hoars-shuin, n. pl. horseshoes. Hoast, n. and v. i. cough. Hoo, adv. how (how). Hoodee craw, n. hooded crow. Hoodit stook, n. shock of corn. Hook, n. hook. Hoolay, interj. slowly, gently. Hoolut, n. owl (oul); v.t. hen-- peck. Hoolutit, a. henpecked. Hooray, interj. hurrah! (hooray). Hoos, n. house (hous). Hoots, toots, interj. Tuts! Oh! Houdee, n. midwife. Houdul, v.i. huddle, hurry-scurry in a crowd, like ants or rabbits. Houf, n. haunt. Houk, v.t. dig Houp, n. and v.i. hope (hoap). Houzul, n. back of an axe. How, n. and v.t. hoe (hoa). How, n. hollow (holloa). Hree, num. a. slurred for three. Hubeekee, interj. cry given when one throws anything to be scrambled for. Hud, v.t. and i. hold (hoald), keep. Huddee craw, n. hooded crow. Huddin, n. holding (hoalding), farm. Hudhur, v.i. do a thing in a slovenly manner. Hud up, interj. go faster (to a horse). Hugg, n., m. or f a sheep in its first winter. Hugg, n. (1) distance-score in curling; (2) a stone not over the hugg. Huggmunay, n. New Year's Eve, 31st December. Hugguray, a. wrinkled (of clothes), untidy. Huggurz, n. pl. footless stockings. Huid, n. hood. Huid, v. pa. of haad, held. Huif, n. hoof. Hull, n. husk, skin, pod, shell; v.t. shell (e.g. peas). Huilay, intej. gently, slowly. Hull, n. hill. Hullay, a. hilly. Hum, pron. obj. of hee, him. Hummul, v.t. knock awns off bair or barley. Hundur, nuns. hundred. Hundur, v.t. hinder, prevent. Hundurwekht, n. hundredweight (hundredwait). Hung-ray, a. hungry. Hung-ur, n. hunger (hungger). Hunkurz, n. pl. hams. Hunnay, n. honey (hunnay). Hunt, v.t. hunt. Hup, n. hip. Hup-pooch, a. hip-pocket. Hur, pron. poss. and obj. of shee, her. Hurdee, n. buttock. Hurl, n. drive in a wheeled vehicle; v.t. wheel. Hurlay, n. toy barrow. Hurl-baaray, n. wheelbarrow. Hurpul, v.i. limp. Hurray, n. scolding. Hursul, v.i. move along in a sitting, crouching, or lying posture, move gently along; hursul yont, move along. Hursul, n. flock of sheep. Hurt, v.t. hurt. Hurz, pron. poss. hers (herz). Hustray, n. history. Hut, pron. neut. it. Huz, pron, we, us. Huzzee, n, a girl (used contemptuously), a romp. Hw; see separate letter. Hyookh, n. hollow with steep sides, pit. Hyookh, v.t. trench (turnips, &c.). Hyuk, n. sickle. Hw (both h and w distinctly pronounced). Hwaal, n. whale (wail). Hwaal-eil, n. whale-oil. Hwaan, int. and rel. adv. when (wen). Hwaang, n. chunk, big piece. Hwaat, int, and rel. pron. what (wot); adv. how. Hwaat fur, int, and rel. adv. why (wii) Hwaatnay, int, and rel, a. what, which, what sort of. Hwaat wei, int. and rel. adv. why (wii) Hwaup, n. curlew. Hwaur, int, and rel. adv. where (wair). Hwauzul, v.i. wheeze (weez). Hwaw, int, and rel. pron. who (hoo). Hwaw'z, int. and rel. pron. whose (hooz). Hweel, n. wheel (weel). Hween, a. few. Hwei, conj. why. Hweil, n. while (weil), time. Hweilz, adv. sometimes. Hweit, a. white (weit). Hweit, n. wheat (weet). Hweit eirun, n. tin. Hweit-ersay, n. a kind of humblebee. Hweitnin, n. whitening, white lime. Hweit-puddin, n. oatmeal sausage. Hwii, n. whey (way). Hwii-bird, n. a wood-wren. Hwin, conj. when (wen). Hwug, n. Whig (wig). Hwulp, n. whelp (welp), pup. Hwummul, v.t. turn upside down, overturn, capsize. Hwun, n. whin, gorse, furze. Hwunstain, n. whinstone, trap-- rock. Hwup, n. whip (wip). Hwup-dhe-caat, n. itinerant tailor; v.i. to go on rounds, as an itinerant tailor. Hwuskay, a. whisky (wiski). Hwuskur, n. whisker (wisker). Hwussul, n. and v.i. whistle (wissel). Hwut, rel. pron. and adv. what (wot). Hwutrik, n. weasel. Hwuttsunday, n. Whit-Sunday term, 15th May. Hwuttul bailin, n. whitlow. I (as in E. in, pit, dish). Ii (as in E. I, eye, my). I', prep. in. Idhur, a. other (udher). If, conj. if. Igg, n. egg. Ii, pron. I. Ii, interj. yes. Iiday, n. idea (iideea). Iivay, n. ivy (iivi). Impidunt, a. impudent. In, adv. and prep. in. Incrainz, v.t. boil to nothing. Incumin, a. coming-in, future. Infuiz, v.t. infuse (make) tea. Infurmuray, n. infirmary. Ing-in, n. onion (unyan). Ing-lish, a. English (Ingglish). Ing-lund, n. England (Ingland). Ing-ul, n. fireplace. Ing-ul-nyuk, n. corner by the fireplace. Ing-ul-seid, n. fireside. Ink, n. ink. Insh, n. inch (insh). Intaak, a. intact. Intay, prep. into (intoo). Inteitult, a. entitled, deserving of. Intul, prep. into (intoo). Invintur, n. inventory. Inyukh, adv. enough (enuff). It, pron. it. Its, pron. poss. its. Ivvur, adv. ever. Ixcuiz, v.t. excuse (exkyooz). Iz, v. aux. 3rd pers. sing. is (iz). J (as in E. jam, judge). Jaag, v.t. prick. Jaam, n. jam. Jaanwur, n. January. Jaikut, n. jacket. Jalooz, v.i. suspect. Jaud, n.f. jade. Jaup, v.t. splash, bespatter; n. splash. Jaw, n. splash. Jaw-boax, n. sink. Jaw-hoal, n. cess-pool. Jeel, v.i. set in a jelly. Jeelee, n. jelly. Jeelee-pan, n. preserving-pan. Jeenee, n.f. dim. of Jane. Jeil, n. jail. Jein, v.t. join. Jeint, n. joint. Jeinur, n. joiner, carpenter. Jeis, n. juice (joos). Jekk, n. Jack, the knave in cards, the mark at bowls. Jennay, Jessay, n.f. dim. of Janet. Jennaylaanglegz, n. daddy-longlegs. Jeroboam, n. whisky-decanter. Jesp, n. a gap in the woof, flaw. Jigot, n. hindquarter of mutton. Jimp, a. slender, scanty, short. Jimmay, n. m. dim. of James. Jink, v.t. dodge, elude. Joa, n. sweetheart, dear. Joab, n. job, difficulty. Joak, n. and v.i. joke (joak). Joakay, n. dim. of John. Joardee, n. dim. of George. Joarum, n. a large vessel for holding whisky. Joog, n. jug. Jook, v.i. duck, bend the head or body. Jookuray-paukuray, n. trickery, juggling. Joolay, n. July (Joolii). Juggz, n. pl. pillory. Juin, n. June (Joon). Juist, adv. just, only. Juitray, a. odd, miscellaneous. Juitul, v.i. run over (of a pot). Juitur, v.i. idle, waste time. Jull, n. gill, a measure of liquid. Jull-stoup, n. a vessel containing a gill. Jummul, v.t. muddy. Jummul, v.t. jumble. Jundee, v.t. jostle, jog, Junt, n. a large piece, chunk. Jupsay, n. gipsy. K (as in E. kick). See also C. Kail, n. curly-headed cabbage, broth. Kail-laidul, n. tadpole. Kail-runt, n. stump of cabbage or kail. Kail-yaird, n. cottage garden. Kaim, n. comb (koam). Kebbuk, n. cheese. Kee, n. key (kee). Keek, n. peep, glimpse, glance; v.i. peep, glance. Keekh, interj. an exclamation of disgust. Keel, n. red ochre. Keeng, n. king. Keep, v.t. keep; pa. and pa. p. keepit. Keep fay, v. resist, avoid,. Keepit, v. pa. and pa. p. of keep, kept. Keepur, n. gamekeeper. Kein, n. coin. Keind, n. and a. kind (kiind). Keind oa, kein oa, adv. half, as it were, somewhat, rather. Keit, n. (1) quoit (koit); (2) protruding belly. Kej, n. cage (caij). Kelt, n. a foul fish. Ken, v.t. know (noa); pa. and pa.p. kent. Kennin, n. knowledge. Kennul, v.t. kindle. Kenspekul, a. easily recognizable. Kent, v. pa. and pa. p. of ken, knew (nyoo), known (noan). Kep, v.t. catch, intercept. Kep, n. cap. Kerb, n. kerb. Kerd, n. card (caard). Kerraid, a. unhinged, obsessed, preoccupied, full of, above oneself. Kerraiur, n. carrier. Kerray, v.t. carry. Kerray oan, v.i, go on (scolding). Kerruj, n. carriage (carrij). Kert, n. cart. Kettul, n. kettle. Kichin, n. seasoning, any tasty addition to plain food. Kichin-fee, n. dripping. Kul, n. pl. of coo, cow. Kikk, n. kick; git dhe kikk, be dismissed. Kilmaarnuk, n. nightcap. Kilt, n. kilt. Kin, n. kin. Kink-hoast, n. whooping-cough. Kippur, v.t. cure fish by drying. Kippurz, dried herring. Kirk, n. church. Kirk-greedee, a. fond of going to church. Kirk-yaird, n. churchyard. Kirn, n. churn, harvest-home; v. churn. Kirnmulk, n. buttermilk. Kist, n. chest. Kith, n. kindred. Kittlin, n. (1) kitten ; (2) tickling. Kittul, v.t. tickle. Kittul, a. ticklish, difficult, not easily managed. Knee, n. knee (nee). Kneif, n. knife (niif). Knoab, n. knob (nob). Knoak, n. clock, knock (nok). Knot, n. knot (not). Koa, v.t. quoth. Krustul, n. crystal. Kull, n. kiln. Kull, v t. kill. Kummur, n.f. woman. Kuppay, a. left-handed. Kuz, conj. because. Kwaal, num. twelve (twelv). Kwaw, num. two (too). Kwintee, num. twenty (twenti). Kyuk, n. cloak. L (as in E. love, lily, ill). Laaft, n. loft, gallery. Laakh, n. and vi. laugh (at); pa. luikh; pa.p. luikhun. Laam, n. lamb (lam). Laamay, n. little lamb (term of endearment). Laamus, n. Lammas, 1st August. Laang, v.i. long (also pron. loang). Laang-ij, n. language (langgwij). Laap, loupit, v. pa. of loup, leaped. Laash, n. and v.t. lash. Laashin, a. pouring (of rain). Laasikay, n. little girl. Laast, a. last. Laat, v.t. let; pa. luit; pa.p. luittun. Laat .oan, v.i. show, admit, reveal, notice, betray. Laid, n. (1) lead (led); (2) load; (3) mill-race. Laid, v. pa. and pa.p. of lay, laid (ascribed). Laid, v.t. (1) lead, cart crops from the field; pa.p. led; (2) load. Laidul, n. a kind of collecting-box with a long handle. Laidund, a. laden. Laif, n. (1) leaf (leef); (2) loaf, pl. laifs. Laikh, a. low (loa). Lail, a. leal (leel). Lain, n. a. and v. (1) being by oneself; (2) lean (leen). Lain, v. pa. p. of lii, lain. Laingth, n. length. Laird, n. owner, landowner, squire, landlord. Lairn, v. (1) learn; (2) teach; pa. and pa. p. lairnt. Laist, a. least (leest). Lait, a. late (lait). Laith, a. loath. Laiun, v. pa.p. of lii, laid (lade). Laiv, v.t. leave (leev); pa. and pa.p. left. Laiv, n. the rest, the remainder. Laizee, a. lazy (laizi). Laivruk, n. lark. Lattern, n. precentor's desk below the pulpit. Laud, n. lad, boy. Laudee, n. boy; dim. of laud. Lauin, n. reckoning, score. Laund, n. land. Laung, a. long. Laus, n. lass. Laussay, n. lassie, girl. Law, n. law; law-plee, law-suit. Law, n. a round-topped hill. Lawwur, n. lawyer. Lay, v. t. leave (leev). Lay, v.t. lay, ascribe; pa. and pa.p. laid. Lay, v.i. pa. of lii, lay. Led, v.t. pa. and pa.p. of laid, led. Leddee, n.f. lady (laidi). Ledhur, n. (1) leather (ledher); (2) ladder. Lee, n. and v.i. lie (lii). Leef, adv. willingly. Leek, n. leek. Leeshuns, n. licence (liisens). Leestur, n. salmon-spear. Leet, n. list of selected candidates. Leet, v.i. (let on), mention, betray. Left, v. pa. and pa.p. of laiv, left. Leggin, n. legging. Lei, n. lea (lee), old grass-land. Leif, n. life (liif). Leik, n. and a. like (liik); adv. likely, as it were. Leik, v.t. like (liik). Leim, n. lime (liim). Lein, n. line (liin), cord. Leinz, (1) reins; (2) certificate. Lend, v.t. lend; pa. and pa.p. lent. Lerch, n. larch. Lerj, a. large (laarj). Lerruk, n. obs. larch. Levin, n. dough. Lig, n. leg. Lii, v.i. lie (lii); pa. lay; pa.p, laiun. Lik, n. lick, blow; v.t. lick, beat. Likhnin, n. lightning (liitning). Likht, n. and a. light (liit), match. Likht, v.t. light (lilt); v.i. alight pa. and pa.p. likhtit. Likhts, lungs. Likhtsum, a. merry, light-hearted, pleasant. Lilt, n, melody, cadence, swing of a tune, happy rhythm; v. sing cheerfully. Ling-un, n. shoemaker's thread. Link, n. pot-hook. Linn, n. rocky pool. Lint, n. lint. Lintee, n. linnet. Lintul, n. lintel, door-post. Linzay-woolzay, n. linen and wool. Liv, v.i. live (liv). Livvur, n. liver. Loaf-braid, n. bread. Loak, n. and v.t. lock. Loakh, n. lake (laik). Loan, n. lane (lain). Loang, a. long. Loard, n. lord. Loas, v.t. lose (looz); pa. and pa. p. loast. Loast, v. pa. and pa. p. of loas, lost. Loat, n. lot. Loazun, n. lozenge, pane of glass. Loo, v.t. love (luv). Look, v.i. look. Lookin-gless, n. looking-glass. Loon, n. boy, lad, fellow. Loondurin, n. a severe beating. Loos, n. louse (lous). Loosay aarnut, n. earth-nut. Loot, v.i. stoop, curtsy. Loowaarm, a. lukewarm. Loup, n. and vi. leap, jump, spring; pa. loupit, laap; pa. p. loupit. Loupin-ill, n. a disease of sheep. Loupit, v. pa. and pa.p. of loup, leaped. Lous, n. loose (loos). Louz, v.t. loosen, unfasten, unyoke. Low, n. flame. Lud, n. lid. Lud ee tnee, n. knee-cap. Luft, n. sky. Luft, n. and v.t. lift, take away, pick up, steal, collect (rents) pa. and pa. p. luftit. Lug, n. ear. Luggee, n. a wooden cup with one handle, wooden milk-pail. Luif, n. palm of the hand. Luikh, of laakh, laughed. Luim, n. loom. Luit, v. pa. of laat, let. Luittun, v. pa. p. of laat, let. Luj, n. lodge (loj). Lukkay, n. woman, especially an elderly woman. Lullay-aik, n. lilac. Lum, n. chimney. Lum-haat, n. chimney-pot hat. Lum-haid, n. mantelpiece. Lummur, n.f. wild bad woman. Lunnin, n. linen. Lup, n. lip. Luppay, n. a small measure of grain = ¼ peck. Luppun, v.i. trust (with oan or tull). Lush, v.i. listen (lisn). Lust, v.i. enlist. Luth, v.t. wring a hen's neck, break one's neck. Luttul, a. little. Luttul-bookit, a. thin, of little bulk, shrunken. Luv, n. love (luv). Luv-daarg, n. a day's work given without payment. M (as in E. men, ham, maim). 'M, slurred for aam, am. Maa, pron. poss. my (mii). Maad, a. mad, furiously angry. Maagee, dim. of Margaret. Maagutay, a. capricious. Maak, v.t. make (maik); pa. and pa. p. maid. Maamay, n. mother. Maan, n. man, husband. Maan, v. aux. must; pa. buid. Maangulz, n. mangel-wurzels. Maans, n. manse (mans), minister's house. Maant, v. and n. stutter. Maapay, n. tame rabbit; intej. call to rabbit. Maaray, n. match, equal, like. Maarkut, n. market. Maarld, a. mottled, variegated in colour. Magazeen, n. magazine. Maid, v. pa. p. of maik, made (maid). Maidsun, n. medicine. Maidun, n. the last corn cut on a farm. Maik, n. a halfpenny (haipnay). Mail, n. meal (meel), especially oatmeal or flour. Mailay, a. mixed or covered with oatmeal. Mailay drink, n. oatmeal and water. Mailay puddin, n. oatmeal sausage. Maimray, n. memory. Main, n. (1) mane (main); (2) moan. Main, v.i. moan. Mainz, n. pl. home farm. Mair, n. mare (mair). Mair, a. more (moar). Mairaygoald, n. marigold. Maist, a. most (moast). Maisun, n. mason (maisun). Mait, n. meat (meet), food in general; v.t. provide food for. Maittur, n. and v. matter. Maivee, n. thrush. Maivis, n. thrush. Masáacur, n. massacre. Masel, ref. pron. myself. Matréss, n. mattress. Maukh, n. maggot. Maukhay, a. maggoty, muggy, close. Maukhlus, a. incapable of moving. Maukin, n. hare, rabbit. Maut, n. malt (mault). Maw, n. (1) mother; (2) gull. Mebbee, adv. may be, perhaps. Mee, pron. me, I. Meedee, n. meadow (medoa) Meeluks, n. crumbs. Meen, v.t. mean (meen); pa. and pa. p. meent. Meenee, n. dim. of Williamina. Meenut, n. minute (minit). Meeshmaash, n. medley. Meet, v.t. meet; pa. and pa. p. met. Meggistay mee, interj. exclamation of surprise. Mei, n. May. Meil, n. mile (miil). Mein, a. mine (miin). Meind, v.t. mind (miind); v.i. remember (with oa). Meinz, a. mine (miin). Meis, of moos, mice (miis). Meldur, n. the quantity of meal ground at one time; a milling. Mall, n. mallet. Men, of maan, men. Mend, v.t. mend; pa. and pa. p. ment. Mennurz, n. pl. manners. Mens, n. reputation for hospitality. Merch, n. (1) March; (2) boundary, border. Merch, v.i. (1) march; (2) adjoin. Merraid, v. pa. and pa. p. of merray, married. Merray, v.t. marry; pa. and pa. p. merraid; merray oan, marry to. Mert, n. a cow or bullock to be killed at Martinmas for winter use. Mertimus, n. Martinmas: 11th of November in banking; 28th of November for removals. Mertin, n. martin. Mestur, n. master, Mr. (mistur). Mestur-tree, n. bar combining action of swingle-trees. Met, v., pa. and pa. p. of meet, met. Mettul, n. metal, broken stones for making a road. Mettur, a. matter. Middul, n. middle; v.t. meddle with. Middun, n. dung-heap, rubbishheap. Midhur, n. f. mother (mudher) -tung, mother-tongue. Mii, a. my (mii). Mikht, n. and v. might (miit). Mikhtay, a. and adv. mighty (miiti) Mikhulmus, n. Michaelmas, 29th September. Ministur, n. minister, clergyman. Minnin, n. minnow (minnoa). Mins coalups, n. minced (fresh) meat. Miscaw, v.t. slander, abuse. Misheen, n. machine (masheen), trap, conveyance. Misluppun, v.t. neglect. Mittun, mitt, n. glove with thumb but no fingers. Mix, v.t. mix. Mixtay-maaxtay, n. a confused mixture. Mixtur, n. mixture (mixtyoor). Mizulz, n. measles. Moadurn, a. modern. Moal, n. mole (moal). Moalaygraant, v.i. whine, complain. Moanay, a. many (menni). Moanay-pliiz, n. pl. intestines. Moarn, n. morrow (morroa). Moar-claith, n. funeral pall. Moarnin, n. morning. Moas, n. bog, marsh, marshy pool. Moath, n. moth. Mooch, v.t. pilfer, steal. Moochur, n. loafer, pilferer. Moos, a. mouse (mous); pl. meis. Mooswub, n. cobweb, spider's web, gossamer. Mootaash, n.moustache (moostash). Mooth, n. mouth; p1. mooths. Moudeewurt, n. mole (moal). Much, n. a woman's cap. Muchkin, n. a measure of capacity = 4 gills. Mud, n. small nail in heel of shoe. Mug, n. mouth, face. Muin, n. moon. Muir, n. moor. Muirland, a. belonging to the moors. Muizik, n. music (myoozik). Muj, n. midge (mij). Mukk, n. mire, liquid dung. Mukkul, a. big, large, much; adv. much. Mulk, n. and v.t. milk. Mulk-bouay, n. wooden pail for milk (mij). Mull, n. mill. Mull-daam, n. mill-dam. Mulld poartur, n. mulled porter. Mullsay, n. milk-strainer. Mullur, n. miller. Mumpin, verbal n. mumbling. Mun, interj. slurred for maan. Mungo-weezul, n. mangel-wurzel. Munnunday, n. Monday (Munday). Munth, n. month (munth). Muntin, n. mounting, trimming, bride's trousseau. Murkay, a. dark. Murl, v.t. crumble. Murlinz, murlikinz, n. pl. crumbs. Murn, v.i. mourn (moarn). Murninz, n. pl. mourning. Murray, a. merry, slightly intoxicated. Murraymun, n. clown at a circus. Muscheef, n. mischief (misschif). Musdoot, v.t, doubt (dout). Mushaantur, n. accident. Muss, n. and v.t. miss. Must, n. mist, fog. Mustaak, n. and v. mistake. Mustris, n.f. mistress, Mrs. (missiz). Muttun, n. mutton. N (as in E. none, not, pen). Naa, intej. no (noa). Naap-bain, bone of the knee. Naibuddee, n. nobody (noabuddi). Naidhur, conj. neither (needher). Naig, n. nag, pony. Naigur, n. nigger, negro. Nail, n. nail (nail). Naim, n. name (naim). Nain, pron. none (nun), neither. Naipray, n. household linen. Naipyin, n. small woven cloth with fringe, used as a shawl. Nair, adv. never. Nair-dui-weel, n. ne'er-do-well, a hopeless character. Nairzday, n. New Year's Day Nait, a. neat (neet). Naithing, n. nothing (nuthing). Naitrul, a. natural (nattyooral). Naitul, n. nettle. Naitur, n. nature (naityoor). Nay, a. no (noa). Nay, adv. (after aux. verbs), not. Neb, n. nose, beak, bill. Ned, v.t. knead (need). Neebur, n. neighbour (naibor). Need, n., v.i. and t. need, want. Needcessitay, n. necessity. Needul, n. needle. Neefur, v.t. barter, swop, exchange. Neel, v. i. kneel (neel); pa. and pa.p. nelt. Neep, n. turnip. Neepkin, n. pocket-handkerchief. Neer, adv. and prep. near (neer). Neerhaund, a. and adv. near (neer). Nees, n.f. niece (nees). Neest, a. next, nearest. Neez, v. and n. sneeze. Neffay, n. nephew (nevyoo). Nein, num. nine (niin). Neint, num, a. ninth (niinth). Neintay, num. ninety (niintay). Neinteen, num. nineteen (niinteen). Neis, a. particular. Nelt, v. pa. and pa. p. of neel, knelt (nelt). Nerray, a. narrow (narroa). Nest, n. nest. Nestay, a. nasty (naastay). Netturcup, n. spider. Nev, n. fist. Nevfay, n. fist-full. Nik, v.t. nab. Nik, n. police-cells. Nikht, n. night (niit). Nikhtkep, n. night-cap. Nikhur, n. neigh (nay). Nikkurz, knickerbockers. Nivvur, adv. never. Nixt, adv. and prep. next. Noa, adv. not. Noab, n. knob (nob). Noad, v.i. nod. Noak, n. clock. Noakht, n. nought (naut). Noakhtay, a. unreliable. Noarth, a. north. Noat, n. note (noat), a pound-note. Noaz, n. nose (noaz). Noazbaand, n. nose-band. Noo, adv. now (now). Nooz un dhaanz, adv. now and then. Nor, conj. nor, than. Not, n. knot (not). Nout, n. bullock; pl. nout. Novembur, n. November. Now, n. knoll (noal), hillock. Nukkul, n. knuckle (nukkel). Nup, v.t. nip, pinch. Nuppay, a. keen. Nuppurz, pincers. Nut, n. nut. Nuttin, n. tape (knitting). Nyoo, a. new (nyoo). Nyoo-cawd, a. newly churned (butter). Nyoo-faanguld, a. novel, new-- fashioned. Nyuk, n. corner, nook. O (as in E. on, hot, shop). Oa (as in E. road, owe, go). Oo (as in E. moon, fool, food). Ou (as in E. our, out, how). Oa, interj. oh! (oa). Oa, prep. of (ov). Oa, n. obs. grandchild. Oabjik, n. object. Oa'd, slurred for oa hut, of it (ov it), used for 'some'. Oadz, n. pl. odds (oddz), difference. Oafis, n. office (offis). Oafun, adv. often (offen). Oafur, n. and v.t. offer. Oakht, n. aught (aut), anything. Oakur, n. ochre. Oan, prep. on. Oanay, a. any (eni); oanaybuddee, anybody; oanaything, anything; oanaygait, oanaywei, any way, at any rate, anyhow. Oancaanay, a. unnatural, supernatural. Oan-ding, n. beating rain or snow. Oangaunz, on-goings, goings on. Oapeenyun, n. opinion. Oapun, a. and v.t. open (oapen). Oar, n. oar. Oaray, a. odd; oaraymun, n. odd man. Oarchurd, n. orchard. Oardnur, a. ordinary; n. usual state of body or mind, or of things. Oareejnul, a. original (orijinul). Oarnamints, ornaments. Oarunj, n. orange (oranj). Oarunj-coatun, n. orange-peel. Oatur, n. otter. Oavun, n. oven (uven). Oax, n. ox; pl. oaxun. Oaxee, n. ox-eye, titmouse. Oaxtur, n. arm-pit; v.t. take under the arm. Oaxtur-pooch, n. breast-pocket, pocket under the arm. Obleej, v.t. oblige (obliij). Octoabur, n. October. On, prep. on. Oo, n. wool. Oo, v.t. woo. Oor, n. hour (our). Oor, poss. pron. our. Oorselz, pron. ourselves. Oorz, poss. pron. ours (ourz). Oos, pron. us. Oot, prep. and adv. out. Ootbii, adv. outside, out of doors. Ootcum, n. outcome, issue, result, out-turn. Ootgaang, n. outgo, expenditure. Oour, n. wooer. Or, conj. (1) or; (2) until, before, ere (air); (3) prep. till. Our, prep, and adv. over (oaver), too. Ourcum, n. chorus of song, refrain. Ow, interj. oh! (oa). P (as in E. pup, pen, cap). Paand, n. valance for a bed. Paar, n. young salmon. Paarich, n. pl. porridge, breakfast. Paark, n. park. Paarlay, n. cake of gingerbread. Paartun, n. crab. Paat, n. pot. Paat, v. pa. of putt, put (poot). Paat-broad, wooden pot-lid. Paiks, licking. Pail, n. pail. Pailin, n. paling, wooden fence. Pain, n. (1) pane (pain); (2) pain. Pair, n. (1) pear (pair); (2) pair. Pairl, n. pearl (perl). Pais, n. peace (pees). Pait, n. peat (peet). Pait, n. dim. of Peter. Paith, n. path, pass between hills. Paitrik, n. partridge. Paukay, a. sly, tricky, shrewd. Paulay, n. deformed. Paumay, n. a stroke on the palm. Paw, n. father. Peddlur, n. pedlar, packman, hawker. Pee, n. pea ( pee). Peeaanay, n. piano (pyanoa). Peenee, n. pinafore. Peeree, n. (1) spinning top; (2) treacle beer. Pees, n. piece (pees), bread, &c., snack; jeelee pees, bread and jelly. Peetee, n. pity. Peeweep, peezweep, n. lapwing. Peez-baanuk, n. thick cake of peasemeal. Peez-stray, n. pease-straw. Pei, v.t. pay; pa. and pa. p. peid. Peid, v. pa. and pa.p. of pei, paid. Peik, n. pike (piik). Peik, v.t. peck, lick. Peikin, n. licking. Peint, n. and v.i. (1) point; (2) pint (piint). Peintit, a. exact (pointed). Peip, n. pipe (piip); peips, bagpipes. Peip-up, v.t. goffer. Pekh, n. and v.i. pant. Pekk, n. peck, a measure of grain. Pen, n. dung of fowls. Pendikul, n. small piece of ground, appendage. Pennay, n. penny; pl. puny. Pent, n. and v.t. paint. Pentur, n. painter. Peppur, n. pepper. Perch, n. perch. Perish, n. parish. Pertay, n. party. Pestur, n. pastern. Peticoat, n. petticoat. Phiss, interj. sound used to drive a cat away. Pich un toas, n. pitch and toss. Pig, n. pig; a. earthenware. Pigmun, n. seller of crockery. Pigz, crockery. Pii, n. pie (pii). Piiut, n. magpie. Pik, n. and v. pick. Pik, n. pitch. Piktur, n. picture (pictyoor). Pitaarnay, n. seagull. Piz, n. sing. and pl. pea, peas, pease, e.g. piz-baanuk, piz-broaz, piz-- coad, piz-mail, piz-wusp. Plaantin, n. plantation. Plaash, n. splash, heavy fall of rain. Plaid, n. plaid (plad). Plais, n. place (plais). Plait, n. plate (plait). Plait, v.t. plait (plat). Plait-raak, n. plate-rack. Plaiz, v.t. please. Play, v.t. play. Plen, a. plain. Plenishin, n. furniture, equipment. Plenstainz, n. pl. pavement. Plestur, n. plaster, botch. Plii, n. fold (foald), twist. Pliiurz, n. pincers. Ploi, n. frolic, expedition for amusement, outing, bit of fun. Ploo, n. plough (plow). Ploomun, n. ploughman. Ploom, n. plum. Plooroa, n. pleura-pneumonia. Plout, n. heavy fall of rain, especially when accompanied by thunder. Pluitur, v.i. dawdle, waste time, potter about. Plunk, n., v.t., and adv. plump. Pluskay, n. trick. Pluvur, n. plover (pluver). Poach, n. pound, stamp, trample muddy ground (like cattle). Poachur, n. stick for pounding blankets. Poak, n. bag, sack; poakmun, bagman. Poak-maarkit, a. marked with smallpox. Poakur, n. poker. Poalisayz, n. pl. land attached to a mansion-house, generally encircled by a; private demesne. Poalismun, n. policeman (poleesman). Poalkay, n. loose jacket. Poand, n. pond. Poapay, n. poppy. Poark, n. pork. Poartur, n. porter. Poast-oafis, n. post-office. Poasubul, a. possible. Poax, smallpox. Poiut, n. poet (poaet). Poiutray, n. poetry. Poo, v.t. pull (pool); pa. and pa.p. pood. Pooch, n. pocket. Pood, v. pa. and pa. p. of poo, pulled (poold). Poodhur, n. powder (poudur). Poopit, n. pulpit (poolpit). Poor, n. power; v. pour (poar). Pooree, n. a jug with a spout. Poossay, n. pussy, cat. Pootray, n. poultry (poaltri). Poozhun, n. poison (poizon). Pound, n. pound in money. Pounee, n. pony (poani). Pow, n. poll (poal), the hair of the head. Pozeeshun, n. position (pozishun). Praishus, n. precious (preshus). Praizunt, n. present (prezent). Pree, v.t. taste. Preech, v.i. and t. preach (preech). Preen, n. pin. Preen-coad, n. pin-cushion: a bood preen, a bent pin. Press, n. press, cupboard. Prig, v.i. haggle, importune, insist. Prizentur, n. precentor, who leads the singing in church. Proamus, n. and v.t. promise (promis). Proapurtay, n. property. Proavust, n. provost, chief magistrate of a town. Proveidin, n. clothes, &c., provided by a girl in view of her possible marriage. Pruif, n. proof. Pruiv, v.t. prove (proov). Puddee, n. pigeon. Puddee-doo, n. tame pigeon. Puddin, n. pudding (pooding), sausage. Pudduk, n. frog. Pudduk-pounee, n. tadpole. Pudduk-stuil, n. toadstool. Puggee, n. monkey. Puiflus, a. without pith or strength. Puir, a. poor. Puir buddee, n. a poor person (a common interjection). Puirzhoos, n. workhouse. Puittun, v. pa p. of putt, put (poot). Pukkul, n. little, a small quantity or number. Pullay, n. (1) pulley (poolay); (2) pillow (pilloa). Pullyunz, n. pl. old clothes, rags. Pump, n. pump. Pun, n. pin Pund, n. a pound in weight. Puns, n. pl. of pennay after a numeral. Pup, n. pup. Purfaishun, n. profession. Purjink, a. precise, particular. Purl, n. dung of sheep, rabbit, or mouse. Purn, n. reel. Purnay, n. a filler of purnz. Purnikitay, a. fussy about trifles, niggling Purteeklur, a. particular. Purtend, v.i. pretend. Pustul, n. pistol. Puth, n. pith. Putt, n. pit. Putt, v.t. put (poot); pa. paat; pa. p. puittun; putt awaw, v.t. send, dismiss; putt dhe stain, throw the puttin-- stain. Puttin-stain, n. the heavy stone used for puttin, a competition as to who can throw a heavy weight farthest. Pyoo, n. pew (pyoo). Pyookit, a. peaked, pinched, thin-- faced. Qu ( = kw), as in E. queen. Quaak, v. (1) quake (quaik) (2) quack (quak). Quaantitay, n. quantity (quontiti). Quaarray, n. quarry. Quaarul, v. find fault with, challenge. Quaat oa, a. rid of. Quaat, v. pa. and pa. p. of quit, rid. Quaw, num. two (too). Queen, n.f. queen. Queer, a. queer. Quei, n.f. heifer. Quein, n.f. girl Queit, a. quiet. Quel, num. twelve. Quikkunz, n. a grass with long roots. Quit, vi. rid ; pa. arid pa.p. quaat. Quuntee, num. twenty. R (as in E. rise, run pronounced with a distinct trill). 'R, slurred for ur, are (aar). Raaftur, n. rafter. Raak, n. wreck, wreckage; v. wreck, tie a latch so that the door will not open. Raakul, a. sturdy. Raam-staam, a. hasty, clumsy, rash. Raan, n. wren (ren). Raan, v. pa. of rin, ran. Raandee, n.f. scolding woman. Raang, a. wrong (rong). Raang, v. pa. of ring, rang. Raant, v.i. make noisy mirth; raantin kirn, n. harvest-home. Raap, v.i. rap; pa. and pa. p, raapit. Raash, n. rush. Raashay, a. made of rushes. Raashay week, n. rush wick. Raasp, n. raspberry (razberri). Raat, n. wart. Raax, v.t. stretch, overstrain, reach (reech). Raid, v.t. and i., pa. of reid, rode. Raijmunt, n. regiment. Raik, n. (1) rake (raik); (2) roamer; (3) a turn. Raik, v.i. roam about. Rail, a. real (reeal); adv. really, very, quite. Raim, n. cream (creem); v.t. skim milk. Raim croudee, n. half-fermented cream or buttermilk with oatmeal added. Rain, n. harping on a grievance. Raip, n. rope (reap). Rais, n. a turn in going for something. Raith, n. ghost. Raiz, v. pa. of reiz, rose (roaz). Raiz, v.i. turn excitedly (on any one). Raizun, n. reason (reezon). Raukhun, n. shepherd's plaid. Raun, n. roe of a fish. Rauzur, n. razor (raizor). Raw, n. row (roa). Raw, a. raw. Red, v. pa. of read, read (red). Red-ersay, n. a kind of humble-- bee. Red laund, n. ploughed land. Redd, n. refuse, rubbish, spawn. Redd, redd up, v.t. sort, arrange, put in order, tidy, clear up; pa. and pa.p. redd up. Reddee, a. ready. Reddin-caim, n. comb. Reed, n. enclosed court for cattle. Reed, v.t. read (reed); pa. red; pa.p. riddun. Reek, n. and v.i. smoke. Reekee, a. smoky. Reel, n. (1) reel; (2) a dance, dance-tune. Reeshul, v.i. rustle, scrape, rummage; n. resounding blow. Reeth, n. snowdrift. Reevin, a. high, strong (of wind). Reglur, a. regular (regyoolar). Reid, v.i. and t. ride (riid); pa. raid; pa.p. riddun. Reif, a. plentiful. Reim, n. hoar-frost. Reip, a. ripe (riip). Reip, v.t. rifle (a pocket), clear out. Reis, n. twig, brushwood. Reit, v.t. write (riit); pa. raat; pa. p. ruttun. Reis, v.i. rise (riiz); pa. raiz; pa. p. rizun. Ren, n. (1) rain; (2) rein (rain); v.i. rain. Rennay, a. rainy. Rennay, n. wren (ren). Rid, a. red. Riddlinz, n. pl. siftings. Riddul, n. sieve (siv). Riddul, v. sift. Riddun,v. pa. p. of reed, read (red). Rifaar, v.t. and i. defer. Rifuiz, v.t. refuse (refyooz). Rig, n. (1) ridge in a field (rij); (2) row, disturbance, rough joke, ragging. Rig, v.t. chaff, rag, joke, make fun of. Riggin, n. ridge of a building. Rigwuddee, n. the rope or chain over the saddle of a horse that bears the weight of the cart on its back. Rii, n. rye (rii). Rii-gress, n. rye-grass Riiv, v.t. burst, split, tear; pa. raiv; pa. p. rivvun. Rikht, a. right (riit), real. Rikht, n. wright (riit). Rikht, adv. quite (kwiit). Rikkul, n. loose heap. Rin, v.i. run; pa. raan; pa. p. run. Ring, n. (1) ring; (2) blow. Ring, v.t. ring; pa. raang; pa.p. rung. Ring, v.t. wring (ring). Ringur, n. wringer (ringer), mangle. Rink, n. a set of four a side at curling; the length of ice on which a game is played. Rizun, v. pa.p. of reiz, risen (rizen). Rizun, a. (of clothes), half dried in the open air. Rizzur, n. currant. Roa, n. roe-deer. Roabin, n. robin. Road, n. road, way. Roadun, n. rowan, mountain-ash. Roak, n. rock. Roakht, v. pa. and pa. p. of wurk, wrought (raut). n. rolling-pin. Roan, n. gutter under eaves. Roar, n. roar, a shout in passing. Roat, v.i. rot; pa. roatit; pa.p. roatun. Roat, v. pa. of reit, wrote (roat). Roatit, v. pa. of roat, rotted. Roatun, v. pa. p. of roat, rotted. Roatun, n. rat. Roaz, n. (1) rose; (2) erysipelas. Roazut, n. resin. Roid, a. wild, mischievous. Roo, v.t. rue (roo). Rooburt, n. rhubarb (roobarb). Rookay, a. misty. Room, n. room. Roomatizm, n. rheumatism (roomatizim). Roond, a., adv., and prep. round. Rooshyun, n. Russian (Rushyan). Roost, n. rust. Roostay, a. rusty. Roulay-poulay, n. roly-poly (roa-- lay-poalay). Roulinz, n. pl. ravelled worsted, waste ends of web. Roup, n. and v.t. auction. Rout, v.i. bellow. Row, n. and v.t. roll (roal); row (roa), wind. Rowl, v.t. ravel. Rub, n. rib, bar of a grate. Rubbun, n. ribbon. Ruch, a. rich. Ruft, v.i. belch. Rug, v.i. pull roughly,tug; n. tug, good bargain. Ruid, n. rood. Ruif, n. roof. Ruil, n. rule (rool). Ruit, n. root. Rukh, a. rough (ruff). Rukk, n. rick, large stack. Rulyun, n. wretch, rascal. Rummul, v.i. rumble; v.t. turn about. Rummuld igg, n. scrambled egg. Rummul-tay-thump, n. potatoes and cabbage mixed. Rummur, n. toddy tumbler, shaped like a large wine-glass. Rump, n. end of the back-bone. Run, v.i., pa. p. of rin, run. Rung, n. thick stick, cudgel. Rung, v. pa. p. of ring, rung. Runkul, n. and v.t. wrinkle, crease. Runnur oa beef, n. thin cut over lower ribs. Runt, n. stump of a cabbage, kail, or cauliflower, stump of a tree. Rush-fivvur, n. scarlet fever. Ruttun, pa. p. of reit, written (ritten). S (as in E. sit, sister, miss). 'S slurred for iz after a hard consonant. 'S slurred for us, meaning mee. Saab, n. and v. sob. Saaft, a. soft, wet. Saaftay, n. soft-headed person, noodle. Saand-mertin, n. sand-martin. Saand-peipur, n. sand-piper. Saang, n. song. Saang, intej. faith (blood), e.g. Mii saang! (my faith!). Saang, v. pa. of sing, sang. Saap, n. sap. Saaps, n. pl. breadberry, bread steeped in water. Saark, n. shirt. Saat, v. pa. of sut, sat. Saattul, v.t. settle. Saax, (obs.), num. six. Saaxpins, n. sixpence (sixpins). Saidlur, n. saddler. Saidul, n. saddle. Saikrimint, n. Sacrament, Communion. Saikrut, n. and a. secret (seekret). Saikund, num, a. second. Sail, n. (1) sale (sail); (2) sail. Sail, v.i. sail. Saim, n. (1) hog's lard; (2) seam (seem), parting of hair. Saim, a. same (saim). Saimpul, n. sample. Sain, n. scene (seen), sight, business. Saip, n. soap. Saipay-sudz, n. pl. soapsuds. Sair, a. sore (soar), painful, difficult; sair haid, headache; sair teeth, toothache; sair weim, stomachache. Sair, adv. sorely, badly, very. Sair, v.t. serve (serv). Sairaius, a. serious (seerius). Saishun, n. session (seshun). Sait, n. seat (seet). Saivun (obs.), num. seven. Saivunt, num. seventh. Saivuntay, num, seventy. Saivunteen, num. seventeen. Saizun, n. season (seezun). Saubuth-day, n. Sunday. Saukh, n. willow. Saul, n. soul (soul). Saum, n. psalm (saam). Saumun, n. salmon (saamun). Saumun'z loup, n. a kind of leap-- frog. Saund, n. sand. Saundee, n. dim. of Alexander. Sausur, n. saucer (sauser). Saut, n. salt (sault). Saut-baakit, n. salt-box. Saw, n. saw. Saw, v.t. saw (wood); pa. sawd; pa. p. sawn. Saw, v.t. sow (soa); pa. sawd; pa. p. sawd. Saw, v. pa. of see, saw. Sawn, v. pa. p. of saw (wood), sawn. Say, adv. so (soa). Say, v.t. say; pa. and pa. p. sed; 3rd pers. sing. sez. Sayin, n. saying, proverb. Scaabit, a. poor, mean, shabby. Scaart, n. and v.t. scratch. Scairs, a. scarce. Scaith, n. scathe (scaidh), harm, hurt. Scaud, v.t. scald (scauld). Scaum, v.t. burn, scorch, singe (e. g. so far as to take colour out of cloth). Sclaaf, n. slap, an old slipper. Sclaaf, v. and n. shuffle. Sclait, n. slate (slait). Sclaitur, n. slater. Scluttur, n. hurry-scurry, confusion, muddle. Scoab, v.i. miss threads in weaving. Scoab, n. splint; v.t. put in splints. Scoach, a. Scotch. Scoach-un-Frensh, n. name of a game (French and English). Scoan, n. scone (scon). Scoar, v.t. score. Scoatlund, n. Scotland. Scoog, n. and v.t, shelter, screen, take shelter from. Scoonur, n. draught of beer. Scoop, v.t. scoop. Scoor, v.t. scour, clean. Scoot, n. and v.t. squirt. Scoudhur, v.t. scorch. Scraip, n. letter. Screed, n. a rent, a torn strip, a long story, a harangue; v.t. tear, rend. Screekh, n. (1) screech; screekh oa day, break of day; (2) the swift. Screev, v.i. talk at length. Screev, n. a long story. Screevur, n. great talker. Scrimp, v. skimp, stint. Scuff, v.t. graze, tarnish in wear, make shabby. Scuffay, a. shabby, mean. Scuil, n. school (scool). Scuilin, v. schooling, education. Scuilmestur, n. schoolmaster (scoolmaster). Scullur, n. scholar (scoller). Scum, v.t. skim. Scum-mulk, n. skim-milk. Scunj, n. sponger, one who abuses hospitality; vi. sponge on. Scunnur, n. repugnance, unreasoning dislike; v.t. disgust. Scunnurd, a. disgusted. Sed, v. pa. and pa. p. of say, said (sed). Seddlur, n. saddler. Seddul, n. saddle. See, n. sea (see). See, v.t. see, take care; pa. saw; pa. p. seen. Seecund, a. second. Seed, n. seed. Seek, a. sick. Seek, v.t. seek, ask for, want, wish, try. Seelun, n. ceiling (seeling). Seemaw, n. seagull. Seemlur, a. similar. Seen, v. pa. p. of see, seen. Seevul, a. civil. Seg, v.i. sag, sink, shrink. Seg, n. sedge (sej). Seid, n. side (siid). Seidur, a. comp. of seid, awkward. Sein, adv. then, ago. Seind, v.t. (1) rinse; (2) sign (siin). Seip, v.i. ooze, percolate. Sekh, n. and v.i. sigh (sii). Sekk, n. sack. Sel, n. self. Sell, v.t. sell; pa. and pa. p. sellt. Selluray, n. salary. Sellz, n. pl. police cells. Sempul, a. simple. Send, v.t. send. Sendz, n. messenger at wedding. Septembur, n. September. Sermun, n. sermon. Servur, n. tray. Set, v.t. (1) set, grant in lease, become, suit (soot); (2) jib. Settur, n. a jibbing horse. Setturday, n. Saturday. Sez, v. pres. of say, says (sez). Sh; see separate letter. Sib, a. akin, related by blood. Sidairunt, n. sederunt, sitting. Sii, v.t, strain, filter. Siith, n. scythe (siidh). Siivur, n. grating over drain. Sikht, n. sight (silt). Sikk, sikkun, a. such, such-and-such. Sin, prep. since; adv. ago. Sindur, n. cinder: a little whisky in tea. Sindur, v.t. sunder, separate. Sing, v. sing; pa. saang; pa. p. sung. Sing, v. singe (sinj); pa.p. singd or singit. Singit-haid, n. singed head. Sing-ul, a. single; v.t. thin (turnips). Sink, v.i. sink. Sink, n. sink for dirty water. Sinkur, n. weight to make a rope or line sink. Siskin, n. a kind of finch. Six, num. six. Sixt, num. a. sixth. Skeekh, a. shy, skittish. Skeelee, n. slate pencil. Skeeree, a. queer, not all there, excitable. Skeeree ma linkee, a. skittish, frolicsome. Skeit, n. (1) blow; (2) objectionable person. Skeit, v.i, slip, rebound in a slanting direction, glance, ricochet. Skelb, n. splinter, thin slice. Skell, v.i. and t. spill, empty, disperse; pa. and pa. p. skelt. Skellay, a. squinting. Skellay, n. wild mustard. Skellukh, n. wild mustard, field mustard, charlock. Skelp, n. and v.i. smack, slap. Skelp, v.i. walk smartly, move quickly. Skelt, v. pa. and pa. p. of skell, spilled, emptied. Skep, n. hive of domesticated bees. Skin, n. skin. Skirl, n. and v.i. scream, frizzle. Skreen, n. screen. Skum, v.t, skim. Skum-mulk, n. skim-milk. Skup, n. captain of a rink at curling or bowls. Skwaajee, n. drudge. Skyould, a. crooked, off the straight. Slaap, n. gap in a wall, fence, or hedge. Slaivur, n. slaver. Slay, n. sloe (sloa). Sled, v. pa. of sleid, slid. Sleekit, a. sly, deceitful. Sleep, n. and v.i. sleep; sleep in, v.i. oversleep. Sleesh, n. slush. Sleev, n. sleeve (sleev). Sleid, n. and v.i. slide (sliid); pa. sled; pa. p. sliddun. Sleidur, n. catch of rigwuddee. Slekhur, v.t. make muddy. Slestur, n. mess. Sliddun, a. pa. p. of sleid, slid. Slii, a. sly (slii). Sloa, a. slow (sloa). Sloakhun, v.t. slake thirst. Sloap-pail, n. slop-pail. Ship, n. and v.i. slip; slap uwaw, die. Sluppay, a. slippery. Slut, v.t. slit; pa. and pa. p. slut. Smaw, a. small (smaul). Smaw beer, n. small beer. Smaw braid, n. little cakes. Smeddum, n. mettle, energy, pith. Smeek, v.t. smoke (smoak). Smell, n., v.t. and i. smell. Smert, a. smart. Smout, n. smolt (smoalt), a small insignificant person. Smuddee, n. smithy (smidhi); v.i. work as a blacksmith. Smuidh, a. smooth (smoodh). Smuir, v.t. smother (smudher). Smut, v.t. infect. Smuth, n. smith, blacksmith. Smuttin, a. catching, infectious. Snail, n. snail. Snaw, n. snow (snoa). Snaw-brui, n. melting snow. Sneeshin-mull, n. snuff-box of horn. Sneevul, v.i. snivel. Snek, n. latch. Snell, a. sharp, keen. Snib, n. small catch of a door. Snoad, a. neat, trim, tidy; v.t. tidy. Snoar, n. and v.i. snore. Snoatur, n. nasal mucus. Snuff, a. and v.i. snuff. Soabur, a. poorly, not well. Soadee, n. soda. Soajur, n. (1) soldier (soaljer); (2) small red insect. Soak, n. ploughshare. Soakht, v. pa and pa. p. of seek, sought (saut). Soalid, a. solid. Soansay, a. buxom, well-conditioned, pleasant-looking. Soarée, n. soirée (swauray). Soarn, v.i. sponge, abuse or trespass on hospitality. Soarnur, n. a self-invited guest, abuser of hospitality. Soart, n. and v.t. sort. Soas, n. wet mess, liquid mixture of foods. Soaunz, a dish made from the husks of oats. Soavrun, n. sovereign (sovrin). Soo, n. sow (sow), pig; pl. swein; hei-soo, an oblong stack of hay. Soobaak much, n. a woman's cap. Soodhurn, a. southern (sudhum). Sook, n. and v.t. suck. Sookh, n. deep breath, sigh, whiff, sound of wind. Sookur, n. sucker. Soom, n. and v.i. swim; pa. and pa. p. soomd. Soond, n. sound, noise. Soop, n. and v.t. sweep; pa. soopit, swept. Soopul, a. supple, flexible, swift. Soopur, n. sweeper. Soor, a. sour. Soor-dook, n. buttermilk. Sooruk, n. sorrel. Sooth, n. south. Sootur, n. shoemaker, cobbler. Soo'z crui, n. pigsty. Soo'z troakh, n. pig's trough. Sottur, v.i. simmer, boil slowly, be slightly scorched, maunder, potter. Soudhur, n. solder. Soul, n. soul (soal). Soup, n. sup. Spaak, v. pa. of speek, spoke (spoak). Spaan, v. pa. of spin, span. Spaark, n. spark. Spaat, v. pa. of spit, spat. Spaats, n. pl. spats. Spaid, n. spade (spaid). Spaik, n. bar of wood, especially one of those on which a coffin is carried. Spaikit, a. made of bars of wood. Spail, n. splinter, chip. Spain, v.t. wean lambs. Spait, n. flood. Spay-weif, n.f. fortune-teller. Speek, v.i. speak (speek); pa. spaak; pa. p. spoakun. Speel, n. climb (cliim). Speer at, v.i. ask. Speerut, n. spirit; n. pl. speeruts, whisky. Speidur, n. spider. Speks, spectacles. Spiggut, n. cock, tap. Spin, v.t. spin; pa. spaan; pa. p. spun. Spinnin-maagee, n. daddy-longlegs. Spit, v.i. spit; pa. spaat; pa. p. sputtun. Sploar, n. frolic, generally associated with drinking. Splut, vi. and t. split; pa. and pa. p. splut. Spoakun, v. pa. p. of speek, spoken (spoaken). Spoat, n. spot. Spoot, n. and v. spout. Spree, n. frolic, drinking bout. Sproosh, n. spruce (sproos). Sproosh beer, n. spruce beer. Sprug, n. sparrow (sparroa). Sprung, n. spring, dance-music, tune. Spud, n. potato. Spuil, n. and v. spool. Spuin, n. spoon. Spull, v.t. spoil. Spun, v. pa. p. of spin, spun. Spunk, n. lucifer match, spirit, splinter. Spunnul, n. spindle. Spurtul, n. stick for stirring porridge, broth, &c. Sput, v.i. spit; pa. spaat; pa. p. sputtun. Sputtun, v. pa. p. of spit, spat. Spyug, n. sparrow. Squair, a. square (squair). Squrrul, a. squirrel. Staaf, a. staff. Staak, n. stack; staakyaird, stackyard. Staamp, n. stamp. Staamuk, n. stomach (stumak). Staang, n. and v.t. sting. Staank, n. pool or pond of dirty water, street gutter. Staans, n. site, standing-place, station. Staap, n. and v.i. step. Staap, v.t. stuff. Staar, n. star. Staarnay, a. starry. Staart, v.i. start, begin to scold; v.t. startle. Staig, n. stallion. Stail, v.t. steal (steel); pa. and pa. p. stailt. Stain, n. stone (stoan). Stair, n. stair. Stairch, n. starch. Staiv, n. and v.t. sprain. Staivur, vi. saunter, totter. Stauk, n. stalk (stauk). Staund, v.i. stand; pa. stuid; pa.p. stuiddun. Staund yur haund, v. (stand your hand), pay for a dram. Staw, n. stall (staul). Staw, v.t. surfeit; pa. and pa. p. stawd, fed up. Steek, n. stitch. Steek, v.t. stitch, shut. Steel, n. steel. Steenee, n. a little coloured marble. Steep, a. steep. Steepul, n. (1) steeple, church-- tower; (2) staple. Steepul ruit, n. foot of church-- tower. Steer, n. and v.t. stir, bustle. Stei, a. steep. Stei, v.i. stay. Steibaand, n. bar across inside of door to fasten it from inside. Steil, n. style (stiil). Steim, n. the least thing (in seeing). Steiz, n. pl. stays, corset. Stekhay, a. stiff, slow, sturdy. Stell, n. still. Stensh, a. staunch (staunsh) Sterv, v. starve. Stethul, n. foundation of a stack. Stibbul, n. stable (staibul). Stoab, n. stake (staik). Stoakin, n. stocking. Stoap, n. and v.i. stop, stay (live). Stoaray, n. story (stoari). Stoarm, n. storm. Stoat, n. (1) bullock; (2) rebound, bounce. Stoat, v.i. rebound, bounce. Stook, n. shock of corn = 12 sheaves of wheat, or 14 of oats. Stookee, n. stucco, plaster-of-Paris. Stoond, n. pang, intermittent pain. Stoor, n. dust, excitement. Stooree, a. dusty. Stooree drink, n. oatmeal and water. Stoot, a. stout, strong, well. Stoun, pa.p. of stail, stolen. Stoup, n. vessel for holding liquids, narrower at the top than at the bottom. Straak, v. pa. p. of strikk, struck. Straath, n. a wide valley. Straavaig, n. wander idly, roam, gad about. Straich, v.t. stretch. Straik, v.t. lay out a corpse. Straukht, a. straight (strait). Stray, n. straw. Street, n. street. Streip, n. gutter, open drain in a street. Strenj, a. strange (strainj). Strenjur, n. stranger (strainjur). Strikk, v.t. strike (striik); pa. straak; pa. p. strukkun. Stroang, a. strong, healthy. Stroop, n. curved spout, e.g. of kettle or teapot. Strukkun, v. pa. p. of strikk, struck. Strumush, n. fuss, to-do. Strung, n. string. Strup, v.t. strip, pa. p. struppit. Struppit, a. striped. Stubbul, n. stubble. Stuid, v. pa. of staund, stood. Stuiddun, v. pa. p. of staund, stood. Stuil, n. stool. Stuk, n. and v.t. stick. Stukkee, n. starling. Stull, a. still. Stult, n. handle of a plough, stilt. Stunk, n. and v.i. stink. Sturk, n. bullock or heifer yearling. Sturlin, n. starling. Styoo, n. stew. Sug, n. an easy-going person. Suggee, a. easy-going. Suid, v. aux. should (shood). Suin, adv. soon. Suinur, adv. sooner, rather. Suit, n. soot. Suit, v.t. suit (syoot). Sulk, n. silk. Sullay, a. thin in body, lean, weak. Sullur, n. silver, money. Sum, a. some (sum). Sumf, n. stupid blockhead. Sumgait, adv. somewhere. Summur, n. summer. Sumwei, adv. somehow, somewhere. Sun, n. sun; (2) son (sun). Sundurz, a. and adv. asunder. Sundur, v.t. sunder, separate. Sung, v. pa. p. of sing, sung. Sup, v.t. sup. Suppur, n. supper. Sustur, n. sister. Sut, vi. sit; pa. saat pa.p. suttun. Suttun, v. pa.p. of sut, sat. Swaach, n. pattern, sample. Swaal, v.i. swell; pa, and pa.p. swaald. Swaallay, n. swallow (swauloa). Swaallay, v.t. swallow (swauloa). Swaam, v. pa. of swim, swam. Swaan, n. swan (swan). Swaank, a. smart, well set up. Swaat, v. pa. of sweit, sweated. Swair, v.i. swear (swair); pa. swoar; pa. p. swoarn. Sweer, a. reluctant, lazy, backward. Sweesh, n. and v.t. swish. Sweet, a. sweet, fresh (of butter of milk) Sweetee, n. sweetmeat. Swei, n. (1) swinging rod at fire for carrying pots; (2) a path cut through corn, swath. Swein, n. pl. of soo, swine (swiin). Sweit, n. and v.i. sweat (swet); pa. swaat; pa. p. swuttun. Swidhur, v. i. hesitate, be in doubt. Swoar, v. pa. of swair, swore (swoar). Swoarn, v. pa. p. of swair, sworn (swoarn). Swuft, a. and n. swift. Swungul-tree, n. swinging bar to which the traces are attached. Swum, v.i. swim; pa. swaam. Swurd, n. sword (soard). Swurl, n. swirl. Sh (as in E. shake, shoe (shoo), fish). Shaak, n. and v.t. shake (shaik); pa. shuik; pa. p. shuikun. Shaakul, n. wrist. Shaakul-bain, n. wrist-bone. Shaakurz, n. pl. staggers. Shaal, n. shawl. Shaanikul, n. fire of refuse or weeds, bonfire. Shaank, n. leg, stem, stalk. Shaanksiz mair, n. Shanksiz naiggee, n. walking on foot. Shaid, n. shed. Shall; n. sheaf (sheef), slice; pl. shaifs. Shaim, n. shame (shaim); think shaim, v. be ashamed. Shaip, n. shape (shaip), mould. Shair, n. (1) ridge (rij); (2) share (shair). Shair, v.t. cut corn with a sickle, reap; pa. shoar; pa. p. shoarn. Shairin, n. cutting the corn, reaping, harvest. Shairn, n. cow-dung. Shairur, n. reaper. Shaiv, v.t. shave (shaiv); pa. and pa. p. shaivd. Shaukhlay, a. shuffling, unsteady. Shaukhul, v.i. shuffle, walk unsteadily. Shaukhuld, a. mis-shapen. Shaw, n. haulm of a potato, turnip, thistle, &c. Shaw, v.t. cut off the leaves of turnips, &c. Shay, n. shoe (shoo); pl. shuin. Shaymaakur, n. shoe-maker. Shed, n. (1) shed; (2) shade (shaid); (3) division. Shedday, n. shadow (shadoa). Sheddur, n. an instrument for parting. Shee, pron. she. Sheep, n. sheep; pl. sheep. Sheeps' purlz, n. sheep-dung. Sheerz, n. pl. shears (sheerz), scissors (sizurz). Shein, v.i. shine (shiin). Sheir, n. shire (shiir). Shelf, n. shelf; pl. shelfs. Shellmun, shellmunt, n. movable boards put on sides of a cart to increase its capacity. Sheltay, n. a small pony. Sharp, a. sharp; v.t. sharpen pa. and pa.p. sherpit. Shin, n. shin. Shintay, n. hockey. Shoa, n. show (shoa). Shoad, v. pa. p. of shui, shod. Shoag, n. and v.t. push, swing, jog. Shoagee, n. swing. Shoap, n. shop. Shoar, v. pa. of shair, reaped. Shoart, a. short. Shoart-braid, n. a sweet cake, readily crumbling. Shoart-goon, n. a long blouse. Shoart leet, n. list of selected candidates. Shoat, n. shot, turn; v. pa. and pa. p. of shuit, shot. Shoatun, v. pa. p. of shuit, shot. Shoo, v.t. sew (soa); pa. and pa. p. shood. Shoo, v.t. drive away birds. Shoodhur, n. shoulder. Shooglee, a. shaky. Shoogul, v.t. shake. Shoogur, n. sugar (shoogar). Shooh, interj. sound made to drive away birds. Shook, v.t., pa. of shaak, shook. Shoor, n. shower. Shooster, n. f. sempstress. Shoul, n. and v.i. scowl, make faces, screw the face. Shufful, n. shovel (shuvl). Shuft, n. change, shift, chemise. Shuft, v.t. shift, change, remove. Shui, n. and v.t. shoe (shoo); pa. shuid; pa. p. shoad. Shuid, v. aux. should (shood), ought to. Shuik, v. pa. of shaak, shook. Shuikun, v. pa. p. of shaak, shaken. Shuil, v.t. shovel, scrape. Shuil dhe broad, n. a game like draughts, won by the player who gets rid of all the men first. Shuin, n. pl. shoes (shooz). Shuin, adv. soon. Shuir, a. sure (shoor). Shuit, v.t. shoot; pa. shoat; pa.p. shoatun. Shulfay, n. chaffinch. Shullun, n. shilling. Shulpit, a. shrivelled, unnaturally thin, pinched-looking. Shup, n. ship. Shurray, n. sheriff. Shuttul, n. shuttle. Shutturz, n. pl. shutters. Shyukh, v.t. cover plants with earth, trench. T (as in E. ten, met, tent). 'T, slurred for hut, it. Taaful, v.t. ruffle, disarrange. Taak, n. lease. Taak, v.t. take (taik); pa. tuik pa. p. tain ; taak ull, fall ill. Taak, v.i. talk (tauk). Taakht, v. pa. and pa. p. of teech, taught. Taakut, n. hob-nail. Taalay, n. tallow (talloa). Taalyun eirun, n. Italian iron. Taam, n. dim. of Thomas. Taamay-roond, n. small loaf. Taanaree, n. tannery. Taap, n. top. Taapit hen, n. crested hen, a muchkin of whisky. Taapsul teeree, a. upside down, topsy-turvy. Taar, n. tar. Taaray-fingurd, a. light-fingered, pilfering. Taash, v.t. soil, make shabby, batter, bruise. Taid, n. toad. Taigul, v.t. hinder, delay. Tail, n. (1) tail; (2) account. Tain, v. pa. p. of taak, taken (taiken). T'ain, n. the one. Taingz, n. pl. tongs. Tainunt, n. tenant. Taip, v.t. economize, make a thing last longer, use sparingly. Tair, v. t. tear (tair); pa. toar; pa.p. toarn. Tair, n. tear (teer). Tairubul, a. terrible, awful; adv. terribly, awfully. Tairz, n. tares. Taist, n. a little liquid, a dram of whisky; v.i. take whisky. Tait, n. a little bit. Taiz, v.t. tease (teez). Taupay, n.f. a stupid, clumsy woman or girl. Tautay, n. potato (potaitoa). Tautayz un dup, n. potatoes and gravy. Tautay-beetul, n. potato-masher. Tautay-boagul, n. scarecrow. Taw, n. the line played from at marbles. Tawz, n. pl. a strip of leather with thongs, used for whipping schoolboys. Tay, n. toe (toa). T'ay, a. the one. Tedhur, n. and v.t. tether (tedher). Tee, n. (1) tea (tee); (2) the mark played for in curling or bowls (3) at golf, the little heap of sand on which the ball is placed in playing off; v.t. place a ball on the tee. Tee, slurred for tay dhe, to the. Teech, v.t. and i. teach (teeth); pa. and pa. p. taakht. Teend, v.t. vex, make jealous. Teet, v.i. peep. Teet-boa, n. bo-peep, children's game. Teeth, n. tooth; pl. teeth. Tee un tull'd, n. high tea. Teik, n. dog. Teikin, n. ticking (used to cover mattresses). Teil, n. tile (tiil). Teilyur, n. tailor. Teim, n. time (tiim). Tein, v.t. lose; pa. and pa. p. tint; v.i. be lost. Tell, v.t. tell; pa. and pa. p. tellt, tauld. Tellin, n. warning, advice. Ten, num. ten. Tent, num. a. tenth. Tent, n. care, heed. Terrum, n. term. Tert, n. tart. Th; see separate letter. Tibbul, n. table. T'idhur, a. the other. Tig, n. touch, a game. Tig, v.t. touch in the game of tig. Tii, v.t. tie (tii). Tiizday, n. Tuesday (Tyoozday). Tikht, a. tight (tiit). Tikk, n. a morsel, a small quantity. Timmur, n. timber. Tindur-boax, n. tinder-box. Tinklur, n. tinker. Tint, v. pa. and pa. p. of tein, lost. Tnee, n. knee (nee). Tneif, n. knife (niif). Tnoak, n. clock. Tnoat, n. knot (not). Tnow, n. knoll, hillock. Toad, n. fox. Toadee, n. toddy, made with whisky, sugar, and hot water. Toakhur, n. dowry. Toakun, n. metal ticket of admission to Communion. Toal, n. toll (toal). Toar, v. pa. of tair, tore (toar). Toarn, v. pa. p. of tair, torn. Toaray, n. Tory. Toash, toashay, a. tidy, cosy, comfortable. Tool, n. towel. Toon, n. town (toun), village, farmstead, house and appurtenances. Toozee, a. dishevelled, shaggy, rou gh. Toozee tee, n. high tea. Tossul, n. tassel. Tow, n. tow (toa). Traakhul, n. a tiring exertion, trudge, drudgery, a worrying worker, drudge. Traakhul, v.i. over-exert oneself, trudge, drudge, work needlessly. Traamp, n. and v.t. trample, tread. Traamp-coal, n. hayrick. Traap, n. trap-door, stairs leading to trap-door. Traikul, n. treacle (treekil). Traikul peeree, n. treacle beer. Traikul row, n. treacle roll. Trail, v.i. gad about. Tred, n. trade (traid) Tree, n. tree. Treip, n. tripe (triip). Treist, n. assignation, agreement to meet, cattle fair. Treist, v.i. to agree to meet. Tren, n. train. Trevul, v.i. go on foot, walk. Trig, a. neat, trim. Trii, v. try (trii). Troak, n. job, coming and going, intercourse, dealings. Troakh, n. trough (troff). Troo, a. true (troo). Troot, n. trout. Trootay, n. little trout (term of endearment. Troozurz, n. trousers (trouzerz). Trouin, n. trowel. Trow, n. open drain. Trowz, n. pl. wooden mill-lead. Truith, n. truth (trooth). Trumf, n. pl. trump (at cards). Trummul, v.i. tremble. Trump, n. Jew's harp. Trup, n. trip. Tubaukay, n. tobacco. Tuch, v.t. touch (tuch). Tui, adv. too. Tuib, n. tub. Tuik, v. pa. of taak, took. Tuim, a. and v.t. empty. Tuip, n. ram. Tuithik, n. toothache. Tumlur, n. tumbler. Tummul, n. and v.i. tumble. Tummur, n. and a. timber, wooden. Tun, n. ton. Tung, n. tongue (tung). Tuppins, n. twopence (tuppens). Tuppnay nuppnay, n. a kind of leap-frog. Turkay, n. turkey. Turl, v.,n. and interj. whirl, rattle. Turravee, n. temper, passion. Turwur, v.i. wrangle. Tuttay, n. sister. Twaal, num. twelve. Twaw, num. two (too). Twaw-three, twaw-hree, a. two or three, some, several, a few. Tweis, adv. twice (twiis). Twel, num. twelve. Twelt, num, a. twelfth. Twins, n. pl. twins (twinz). Twuntee, num. twenty. Tyug, n and v.t. tug. Tyuin, n. tune (tyoon). Tyukh, a. tough (tuff). Tyukhut, n. lapwing. Th (as in E. thick, thin, three). Thaak, n. thatch (thach); a. thatched. Thait, n. trace by which a horse draws. Thait-hoars, Thaitur n. front horse in a cart or plough. Thaivlus, a. lacking energy, strength, or purpose. Thee, n. thigh (thii). Theef, n. thief (theef); pl. theefs. Theel, theevul, n. stick for stirring porridge, broth, &c. Thek, v.t. thatch (thach). Thenk, v.t. think; pa. and pa. p. thoakht. Thenk, n. and v.t. thank. Therteen, num. thirteen. Therty, num. thirty. Thik, a. thick, plentiful. Thing, n. thing. Thirld, (of stock) accustomed to stay in a particular place. Thoa, adv. though (dhoa), indeed, all the same. Thoakht, n. thought (thaut), a very little, the least bit. Thoakht, v. pa. and pa.p. of thenk, thought (thaut) Thoal, v.t. endure. Thoarn, n. thorn. Thoom, n. thumb (thum);v.t. spread with the thumb. Thoozunt, num. thousand (thouand). Thraang, a. busy. Thraangitay, n. press of work. Thraapul, n. gullet, windpipe. Thraapul, v. throttle. Thraip, v.i. insist, maintain a statement, argument, or opinion. Thraitun, v.t. threaten (thretten). Thraiv, n. two stooks of grain. Thraiv, v.i. pa. of threiv, throve (throav). Thraun, pa. p. of thraw, twisted; a. ill-natured, crusty, cross-grained. Thraw, v.t. twist; pa.p. thraun. Thraw-cruk, n. large hook for twisting straw ropes. Three, num. three. Threed, n. thread (thred). Threis, adv. thrice (thriis). Threiv, v. thrive (thriiv); pa. thraiv; pa. p. thrivun. Thresh, v.t. thresh; pa. thruish pa. p. thruishun. Thrivun, v. pa. p. of threiv, thriven. Throa up, v.t. vomit. Throo, prep. through (throo); adv. over, finished. Throo-put, n. out-turn. Throoidhur, a. anyhow, confused, untidy, unmethodical. Thrud, thurd, a. third. Thruish, of thresh, threshed. Thruishun, v. pa. p. of thresh, threshed. Thrum, n. loose end of a web. Thrussul, n. thistle (thissil). Thummul, n. thimble. Thun, a. thin, small, narrow. Thunnur, n. thunder. Thurd, num. third. U (as in E. us, sun, cut, rub). Ubee, adv. alone, as it is. Ubloa, prep. below. Uboot, adv. and prep. about, around, near, nearly, in the neighbourhood of. Ubuin, adv. and prep. above (abuv). Ubuiz, v.t. abuse, destroy. Ucroas, prep. and adv. across. Uday, n. ado (adoo). Uffront, v.t. offend. Ufoar, adv., prep., and conj. before (befoar). Ugen, adv. again. Uglei, adv, squinting, awry, off the straight. Uhint, adv., prep., and conj. behind. Uilee, n. oil. Uilee cruizay, n. oil-lamp. Uis, n. use (yoos). Uit (or ett), pa. of ait, ate. Uiz, v.i. and t. use (yooz); pa. before a vowel uizd, before the prep. to, uist. Ujee, adv, to one side, off the straight. Ulaang, adv, and prep. along. Ulain, adv. alone (aloan). Ulaivun, num. eleven. Ulaivunt, a. eleventh. Ulkay, a. each, every. Ull, v. slurred for wull, will. Ull, a. ill, bad, hard, difficult, angry; adv. ill, badly. Ull-faurd, a. ugly. Ulow, adv. in flame. Um, slurred for hum, him. Umburellay, n. umbrella. Umoan, prep. among (amung). Umuiz v.t. amuse (amyooz). Un, conj. and, if, than. Unaw, adv. as well. Uncay, a. unusual, strange; adv. unusually, very. Uncul, n. uncle (uncul). Uneth, prep. beneath, below. Ungshuneer, n. auctioneer (aukshuneer). Unidhur, a. another (anudher). Unoalyum, n. linoleum. Unour, adv. inside. Uns, n. ounce (ouns). Unyoo, n. enough (inuff). Unyukh, n., adj., and adv. enough (inuff). Up, prep. up. Upmust, a. topmost. Upréil, n. April (Aipril). Uproach, n. avenue. Uptaak, n. understanding (uptake). Uquent, a. acquainted. Ur, v. aux. are (aar). Us, pron. us, we. Useid, prep. beside. Ut, rel. and conj. that. Uthoot, prep. without. Utour, adv, and prep. farther off, out, away, back. Uttemp, n. and v. attempt. Utween, adv. between. Uvaw, adv. at all. Uwaw, adv. away. Uyont, prep. beyond. V (as in E. vast, ever, live). Vaaray, adv. very. Vairs, n. verse. Vaiz, n. vase (vaaz). Veis, n. voice (vois). Vent, n. chimney. Voagee, a. vain. Vullaij n. village (villaij). Vuttul, n. white crops, just before or after cutting. W (as in E. west, wife, with). Waad, v.t. wed. Waadin, n. wedding. Waafay, a. shabby, disreputable. Waaft, n. weft. Waag, v.t. and i. wag. Waag-at-dhe-waw, n. kitchen clock. Waagtall, n. wagtail. Waakht, n. swig, big draught. Waal, n. well, pump. Waalup, v.i. flop. Waalut, n. wallet, a large hanging pocket. Waamul, v.i. totter, shake, rumble. Waan, num. one. Waan, v. pa. of win, won (wun), got. Waans, adv. once (wuns). Waant, v.t. want (waunt), be short of, be without. Waantin, a. short of; prep. without. Waantur, n. unmarried man or woman. Waar, n. war (waur). Waark, n. work (wurk). Waarp, n. warp (worp). Waarpur, n. maker of warp. Waarrum, a. warm (waurm). Waarst, a. worst (wurst). Waarsul, v.i. struggle, wrestle (ressul). Waarund, v.t. warrant (warrant). Waash, v.t. wash; pa. wuish; pa.p. wuishun. Waashin-buird, n. scrubbing-- board. Waasp, n. wasp (wosp). Waast, n. west. Waat, a. wet. Want, v.t. wot, know; pa. and pa. p. wust. Waat, v. pa. of weet, wet. Waatur, n. water (wautur), river. Waatur-coot, n. water-hen. Waatur-craw, n. water-hen. Waatur-hen, n. water-hen. Waik, a. weak (week). Waiklay, a. poorly. Wair, v.t. and i. wear (wair); pa. woar; pa. p. woarn. Waiscoat, n. waistcoat. Waistray, n. wastefulness. Waistur, n. waster. Wait, v.i. wait, stay. Wauch, n. watch (wauch). Wauk in, v.i. shrink (of cloth). Waukin, a. awake. Waukin, v.t. awake. Waukrif, n. wakeful, sleepless. Waulay, interj. alas! Waur, a. worse (wurs): v.t. worsen, beat, defeat. Waur, v.t. spend. Waurld, n. world. Waurluk, n. male witch, wizard. Waux, n. wax. Waw, n. wall (waul). Waw, adv. slurred for uwaw, away. Way, n. woe (woa); a. sad. Wayfay, a. woeful, sorrowful. Waysum, a. woeful. Way'z mee, interj. woe's me (woa'z mee). Wedhur, n. castrated male sheep. Wee, a. little. Wee, pron. we (wee). Wee, prep. with, by, owing to. Weebee, n. ragwort. Weedee, n. widow (widdoa). Weeduk, n. tool for killing weeds. Week, n. (1) week; (2) wick. Weel, a., adv., and interj. well. Weel-duiin, a. well-doing. Weel-faurd, a. good-looking. Weemin, n. pl. of wummun, women (wimmin). Weeree, a. weary (weeri). Weesht, n. and interj. silence. Weet, v.t. wet; pa. waat; pa. p. wuttun. Weev, v.t. weave (weev). Weevur, n. weaver (weever). Wei, n. way. Wei, v.t. weigh (way). Weid, n. and v.t. weed. Weid, a. wide (wiid), broad. Weid, v.i. wade (waid). Weif, n.f. wife (wiif), woman; pl. weifs. Weil, v.t. choose, pick out; n. choice, pick. Weild, a. wild (wiild). Weim, n. stomach. Wein, n. wine (wiin). Weind, n. curving alley. Weir, n. wire (wiir). Weis, a. wise (wiiz), sensible, sane. Weisleik, a. good-looking, sensible, nice-looking, befitting. Weit, n. blame. Wei-wekht, n. weight. Wejiz, n. pl. wages (waijiz). Wekht, n. (1) weight (wait); (2) a round vessel for holding corn, like a sieve, but with a bottom of skin. Wekhts, n. balance. Wersh, a. insipid, tasteless, saltless. Wiir, n. wire (wiir), knitting-- needle. Wing, n. wing. Winkur, n. eyelid. Winshay, n. wincey (winsi). Woar, v. pa. of wair, wore (wear). Woarn, v. pa. p. of wair, worn. Wub, n. web. Wubbit, a. tired out. Wubstur, n. weaver. Wuch, n.f. witch. Wud, n. wood. Wud, a. mad. Wud, v. aux. would (wood); pa. of wull. Wuddee, n. hangman's rope. Wuddunzday, n. Wednesday (Weddenzday). Wuish, v. pa. of waash, washed. Wuishun, v. pa. p. of waash, washed. Wulcum, a. welcome (welcum). Wuld, a. wild (wiild). Wuldfiir, n. lightning. Wull, n. and v. aux. will. Wullay, dim. of William. Wullay waagee, n. wagtail. Wummun, n.f. woman (wooman); pl. weemin. Wumpul, v. and n. ripple. Wun, v.t. win, earn ; v.i. (1) get, reach; (2) dry in the wind (as grain); pa. waan; pa. p. wun. Wund, n. wind. Wundee, n. window (windoa);a. windy. Wunduk, n. window (windoa). Wunnin, n. winnings, earnings. Wunnulstray, n. withered stalk of grass. Wunnur, n. wonder. Wunsum, a. winning, comely, charming. Wunt, v. pa. used. Wuntur, n. winter. Wur, a. our. Wurd, n. word, news, notice. Wurk, v.i. work (wurk), knit a stocking; pa. and pa. p. roakht. Wurr, v.i. growl, snarl. Wurraikou, n. bugbear. Wurrum, n. worm (wurm). Wursut, n. worsted (woosted). Wurth, a. worth (wurth). Wush or wuss, n.. and v.i. wish; pa. and pa. p. wusst. Wusp, n. wisp. Wuss, v.i. wish; pa. and pa. p. wusst. Wusst, v., pa. and pa. p. of wush, wuss, wished. Wust, v. pa. and pa. p. of waat, knew (nyoo). Wut, n. wit. Wuttun, v. pa. p. of weet, wet. Wuttur, v.i. be keen, eager, long for. Wuz, v. aux. was (woz). Wuzzund, a. wrinkled, shrivelled. Y (as in English yon, yet, yes). Yaalay, a. yellow. Yaalay-yeit, n. yellow-hammer. Yaamur, v.i. whimper, whine. Yaird, n. yard, garden. Yee, pron. you (yoo). Yeer, n. year (yeer). Yeld, a. (applied to a cow) neither in calf nor in milk, barren. Yell, n. yell. Yern, n. yarn. Yestreen, adv. yesterday evening. Yesturday, adv. yesterday. Yet, adv. and conj. yet. Yett, n. gate. Yoak, n. and v.t. yoke (yoak); v.t. yoak tay, set to, put to. Yoan, a. that. Yoant, adv. farther off, farther along, along. Yoo, pron. you (yoo). Yoomur, n. humour (hyoomur). Yoo Pay, a. U. P. (United Presbyterian). Yoor, pron. a. your (yoor). Yoor, n. ewer (yoor), water-jug. Yoorz, pron. and a. yours (yoorz). Youl, v.i. howl. Yow, n.f. ewe (yoo). Yow-bukhts, n. ewe-folds. Yuil, n. Christmas-time. Yukk, v.i. itch. Yukkay, a. itchy. Yung, a. young (yung). Yur, slurred for your (yoor). Yurd, n. earth (erth); v.t. bury. Yut, adr. and conj. yet. Printed in England at the Oxford University Press