Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 349 Title: Testament of William Campbell Author(s): Campbell, William I William Campbell of Succoth being for the preſent bleſsed by God in perfect health and sound in memory and Judgment For Considering the Frailty of Mans life and the uncertainty of the tyme of my death Doe threfore make my Latter will and testament as Followes In the firſt place I recommend my soul to God almighty my Creator hoping to be saved by the Merits of Jesus Chriſt my redeemer And I desire my friends When it pleaſes God to call me to cauſe decently interr my body In my burial place And as to my worldly estate I nominate and appoynt John Campbell my eldest Laufull son to be my sole and only executor and Universall Legator and [¿] with my haill goods gear debt sums of money and other Mouvables whatſomever of whatever nature or quality presonally pertaining and belonging to me or which shall happen to pertain and belong to me or be adopted and [¿] to me the tyme of my deceaſe when ever the ſamen shall happen X With the burden alwayes of the payment of my haill [¿] and Laufull debt and proviſiones to my other Children With Full power to my [¿] and [¿] thereanent And Lastly I hereby revock all former testaments and Latter wills made by me In witnes whereof I have subscryved this preſents (Written by William Caddell serve to Robert Campbell writter to the signet) at Edinburgh the third day of July one thouſand seven hundred and Eight years Before theſe witneſses the saids Robert Campbell and William Caddell Witneſses alſo to the Margnale note which is likewayes written by the ſd William Caddell Will: Campbell Ro Campbell witnes Wm Caddell witnes