Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 350 Title: Letter by William Campbell, Requesting a Burial Place for His Child Author(s): Campbell, William GarſcubAguſt 18th: 1709 Gentlemen I was this day att the Church yard of Eaſter Kilpatrick conſidering where I may gett the moſt convenient place for Burying my Child, whom itt has pleaſed God to Call for, I am advyſed to the North Eaſt Corner of the yaird which (as I am told) Belongs to my ſelf, Butt their being no paper to be ſeen thatt diſtinguiſhes every mans property in Church yaird I have Given yow the trouble of this lyne, to deſire your Conſents to my Encloſing as much Ground att the ſaid North Eaſt Corner As will ſerve me to Build ſome kynd of Monument of fourteen foott ſquare, If this with the proportion allotted me neareſt the South Gate be more than falls to my ſhare of the Church yaird, I ſhall moſt willingly part with all or any part of whatt I have upon the ſouth ſyde as you ſhall defyre me and Reſtrict my ſelf altogether to the North Eaſt Corner The Granting This will Exceedingly Oblidge Gentlemen Your moſt humble ſervant >Will: Campbell Grahame conſents [¿]Grahame Conſents Ja [¿] John Stirling Conſents