Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 597 Title: Regulations on College Discipline Author(s): Anonymous Regulations concerning the Exercise of Discipline over the Students of Glasgow College by the Faculty of the College i.e. by Meetings composed of the Principal and all the Profeſsors and no other Person whatever. I. That it belongs in the last Resort to the Faculty Meetings of Glasgow College, to exercise all acts of Discipline over the Students of the College, whether Graduates or Under-Graduates, Togati or non-Togati, and therefore all Discipline exercised by single Profeſsors over their several Claſses, or by the Jurisdictio ordinaria, shall be subordinate to the Faculty Meeting of the College, and subject to be reviewed by it upon Complaint made by any Profeſsor or Student. II. That as the End of College Discipline is to preserve Purity of Morals, and decent and regular behaviour among the Students; it ought to be exercised in such a manner, as is most proper, to produce these effects upon the Minds of ingenuous Youth. And therefore when Admonition or Rebuke either more private or public can answer the End no other Discipline is to be used. Where these menas are judged to be insufficient moderate fines may be imposed. And Expulsion from the College is the highest Censure to be inflicted by the Faculty Meetings of the College, and to be used only for great Enormities, or when the Delinquent is obstinate, and incorrigible, or when the dangers of his infecting others requires this Remedy. III. It is the Duty of every Profeſsor to be attentive to the Moral behaviour, and to the manners of the Students as far as he has opportunity, and to admonish them with Prudence when he sees meet, as a Father would do to his Children. And when he observes any thing that requires public animadversion, it is his Duty to inform the Faculty Meeting of it that the proper Remedy may be applied. And therefore no Profeſsor on account of his giving any such Information to the Faculty Meeting shall be held as a Calumniator or Accuser, or shall be deprive of his right of judging in that affair. IV. The power of the Faculty Meeting of the College over Students is like the power of a Father over the Members of his Family, and not like that of a civil or criminal Judge. V. As the Sentences of Faculty Meetings in the Exercise of Discipline over Students do not affect Life or Fortune, nor can be supposed very deeply to affect reputation. There is no neceſsity for recording admonitions, rebukes or fines unleſs it be a part of the sentence that it be recorded. Every sentence of Expulsion shall be recorded, but the evidence upon which it is founded shall be kept in a separate Book, that it may not incumber the College Records. VI. As in the Exercise of College Discipline, there cannot be supposed any intricate points of Law to be discuſsed, any great temptation to Iniquity in the Judges, or to prevarication in the Witneſses, or any great degree of cunning or corruption in the Partiesl it would be improper and even ridiculous for Faculty Meetings in the exercise of Discipline to be tied down to the solemnity and to the formality of Courts of Law. The giving formal Lbels, or admitting Students to plead by Council is improper and unneceſscary and the examination of Parties or Witneſses upon oath ought to be avoided as much as poſsible. VII. As the power of a Father in his Family no way interferes with or incroaches upon the civil or criminal Jurisdiction of the Courts of Law; so the power of Discipline in the Faculty Meeting of the College does in no way interfere with or incroach upon the civil or criminal Jurisdiction which by the constitution of this University and by Acts of Parliament belong to the Lord Rector of the University and his Aſseſsors.