Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 133 Title: The Stubborn Wife's Warning Piece, or Good Instructions for a Scolding Wife Author(s): Anonymous THE Subborn Wifes WARNING-PIECE oR, GOOD INSTRUCTIONS OR A SCOLDING WIFE. WHEREIN The Wifes Duty of Obeying her Huband is proven from Scripture & Reaſon. Glaſgow, Printed by Robert Sanders, One of His Majesties Printers, Anno Dom 1700. THE DUTY OF A Wife to her Husband. IT is obſervable, that the Holy Ghoſt, where-ever he mentioneth the Duties of Husbands and Wives, doth in the firſt place alwayes ſet down the Duties of the Wife, as Eph. 5. 22. Col. 3. 8. I Pet. 3. 1, 2, 3. of which a double reaſon is given by Learned Davenant, firft, Becauſe the duty of a Wife is moſt difficult: Affection or Love, which is the Husbands Chief Duty, is pleaſant; but Subjection or Obedience, which is the Wifes main Duty, is painful. Subjection is ſo much againſt the Hair, that many like untamed Heifers, kick and ing if the Yoke come but near their Necks, though the harder their Task is, the greater is their Credit, if they perform it conſcienciouſly. Secondly becauſe the Love of an Husband doth very much depend upon the Subjection of a Wife: Women cannot rationally expect, , that their Husbands ſhould affect them unleſs they Obey their Husbands. An obedient Wife is the liklieſt woman in the world to command her Husband The Wifes ſpecial Duty conſiſteth Principally in theſe Particulars. Firſt, In Honouring her Husbands Perſon. The Perſian Ladies have the Reſemblance of a Foot worn in the Top of their Coronets, in token that the Top of their Glory doth Stoop to their Husbands Feet. The Moon in the Suns abſence takes upon her the Government of the Heavens, but in his Preſence Vails her ſelf. The Wife next to her Husband Shines in her Houſe, far above all thoſe Stars which are fixed there; but GOD hath appointed that ſhe give place to her Husband, and be willing to prefer him. Rebeckah when ſhe approached Iſaac, took a Vail and Covered her Head (Geneſis 24. 56.) in token of Subjection to her Husband, and for this Cauſe (namely, in ſign of Subjection ) ought the Women to have Power (that is a vail) over their Heads, I Cor, 1. 11. 10. ſaith the Apoſtle. Womens Reverence to their Husbands muſt be outward in their Expreſſions and Actions; Sarah called Abram Lord (I Pet. 3. 6.) not out of Flattery, but to acknowledge his Authority; not as deſirous to humour his Pride, but as willing to know her own place. Jezabel and Zipporah are both ſtigmatized in Holy Write, for their ſaucie, ſinful Language to their Husbands, Exod. 4. 25. I King. 2. 1. 7. If a woman anſwer her Husband, it muſt be with Modeſty; if ſhe would adviſe him, it muſt be with Lenity; and if ſhe admoniſh him, with much Humility. If ſhe ſpeak of him, it muſt be Reſpectfully; if ſhe ſpeak to him, it muſt be Reverently. The Humble Poſture of her Body upon all occaſions, ſhould ſpeak the Reverent temper of her Mind. The fault of ſome Wives, is very foul, who out of diſreſpect, refuſe to call their Husbands by their names, but have ſome Paſſ Periphraſis to decipher them by, this Man, or this Fellow, or (it may be) this Fool; as Saul in deriſion called David, The Son of Jeſſe, and the Jews in contempt, called Chriſt, The Carpenters Son. The Woman is called the Glory of the Man, I Cor. 11. 7. becauſe it is an high Honour to him, that ſo Excellent a Creature as a Woman, ſhould be his Inferior. Surely then, Wives, which refuſe this Reverence, are their Husbands Shame and Diſgrace. When once a Woman Harbours contemptible thoughts of her Husband, this one evil Weed will ſo over-run, and ſpread in her Words and Actions, that no good thing will grow by it. O! 'tis a moſt doolful living, where the Wife in ſtead of Reverencing is always railing at, and wrangling with her husband. There are wives that are worſe than their Dogs; their Dogs tho' they bark at Strangers, will not bark at their Maſter; but they ſpare not the Husband (the maſter of the houſe) in their curſed Peeviſhneſs and Paſſions. Nay the very Devils, amongſt them have order, they will acknowledge a Prince, a Superiour among them; but theſe Wives will acknowledge none above them, but muſt Rule all themſelves, or elſe the Houſe muſt quickly be made too hot for their Husbands. A Serpent is as good a Companion as ſuch a Wife; for a Serpent, if it Kill, doth it ſuddenly; but ſuch a Wife makes her Husband die Lingeringly, for his whole Life is a Civil Death: I thank my God, I never ſo much as taſted thoſe ſower Herbs, but truely I have from my Heart pitied ſome Husbands, whoſe outward Beings have by ſuch Wives been made as Miſerable as is almoſt poſſible on this ſide Hell. Its a Thouſand pities that the Tongues of ſuch Shrews have not as many bliſters as their Jaws have Teeth; 'tis never better with their Husbands, than when they are hoarſe; and it were well if ſuch Blemiſhes of their Sex, ſuch Monſters in Nature, and ſuch Plagues to a Family, were gagged till they had Learned better Language. Some of the Rabbies give us this Reaſon why ſhe was made of a Rib taken from under the Arms of Adam, that ſhe might acknowledge her Subjection to him, as well as that he be minded of giving Protection to her. And indeed the Titles given to the Husband in Scripture, ſpeak both his Superiority and her Subjection. He is called her Lord, her Maſter, her Guide, her Head, I Pet. 3. 6. Eſther 1. 17. Prov. 2. 17. I Cor. 11. 3. How many Reaſons are laid down for this Reverence? 1. Becauſe the Woman was made after the Man, therefore ſhe ſhould not go. before the Man; that which was firſt in this Senſe, muſt not be laſt; and that which is laſt firſt, I Tim. 2, 13. For Adam was firſt formed, then Eve. 2. Becauſe the Woman was made of Man, I Cor. II. 8. For the Man is not of the Woman, but the Woman of the Man. She is a Branch ſpringing from him as her Root, and did receive her Original and Being, under God, from him. Now the effect is ever leſs Noble and inferior to the Cauſe. 3. Becauſe the Woman was made for Man, I Cor. II. 9. Neither was the Man Created for the Woman, but the Woman for the Man. In Reaſon, that which ſerveth to any end, is leſs than the end to which it ſerveth. 4. Becauſe the Woman was firſt in ſin, Gen. 3. 16. I Tim 2. 14. Sin brings ſhame; therefore ſhe that was firſt in ſin, muſt not expect to be firſt in honor. Since he ſinned in being Ruled by her, It's fit that ſhe ſhould be Ruled by him. 5. Becauſe the Man is the Head of the Woman, Eph. 5. 23. The Members are Subject to the head, without Rebelling or Reaſoning. This Duty of Reverence is Natural as well as neceßary. 6. Becauſe the Man is the Image and Glory of God, I Cor. II. 7. In Man there is a Reſemblance of Gods Dominion and Authority, being Lord of the World; The Woman is the Image and Glory of God, according to her Original Creation, for ſhe was made as holy and happy as the Man, but not according to her perſonal Relation, to her husband; for Dominion, which is the Mans Priviledge, is Gods Glory and Prerogative, and not Subjection, which is the Womans Duty. 7. Becauſe God hath given the Man Dominion over his Wife, Thy deſire be to thy husband, and he ſhal Rule over thee, Gen. 3. I5. The Cities, ſaith Iſrael to the King of Ammon, which thy God Chemoſh hath given Thee to Poſſeſs, wilt thou not Poſſeſs them? Judg. 11. 15 ſo ſay I: The ſuperiority which our God hath given men to enjoy, ſhall they not enjoy it? Reader, If thou haſt any fear of God, I know thou wilt fear thy husband, and then thy Language to him, and of him, will be not Rude but Reverent. and thy Carriage will be not pouting and Louring, frowning and Fuming, but ſuch as is cloathed with the Garment of meekneſs. Secondly, In Obeying his Lawful Precepts, thy work is not to Complain of, but to comply with thy husbands Commands; Obedience will ariſe Naturally from Reverence, and is the beſt Teſtimony of it. Many Women are noted for queſtioning and quarrelling at their husbands Power, but few for obeying their husbands Lawful pleaſure. Sarah was Chronicled and Crowned in Scripture for obeying Abraham; but, 'tis clear ſhe had never a Natural Daughter. The Rabbies tell us, that ten Cabs or meaſures of Speech deſcended into the World, and the Woman took away Nine of them. Many are indeed (I ſpeak not of all) full of words, but Barren of Works, apter to Diſpute their husbands Authority then to obey it. But holy Women will be like Dorcas, full of Good Works, and know the place in which God hath ſet them. How infamous is that Family where the Wife like Jezabel Rules the Roaſt, and the husband like Achab lets her do what ſhe liſteth If the Moon get the upper hand of the Sun, the wife of the husband, the next thing to be expected is an Eclipſe of the honour of that houſe; that houſe, ſaith one, is an hutch backt houſe, where the Man makes himſelf an underling to his Wife. Wives (ſaith the Apoſtle) ſubmit your ſelves to your own Husbands, as unto the Lord; For the husband is the head of the Wife, as Chriſt is the head of the Church. Therefore as the Church iſ ſubject unto Chriſt ſo wives be to their own husbands in every thing, Epheſ. 5. 22, 23, 24. Indeed, ſad are the conſequences of unruly Wives; as when the Order of nature is diſturbed, there enſue great inconveniencies, as Earth-quakes, Thunders and Deluges; ſo when this Order of wives Subjection to her husband is denyed, there follow ſad inconveniencies; their hearts tremble like an Earthquake with jealouſie of each other; their houſe is full of the Thunder of Brawling and Scolding, & their whole Lives ſeeith an Innundation of weeping and bitterneſs. The obedience of the Wife muſt be performed willingly; if ſhe do the thing commanded for the Matter, and do it not in a Cheerful manner, her obedience loſeth its luſture,it's little worth. When a Man payeth his juſt debts but grumblingly, and (as we ſay ) with much ado, becauſe the Law would otherwiſe him, it's a ſign of a diſhoneſt mind. Truely, many that make a great Profeſſion, are exceeding faulty in this particular of Subjection. The Geographer tells us of the Italian Women, That that they are Angels in the Streets, Saints in the Church, and Devils in their houſes. I wiſh it might not be ſaid ſo of many Scots women: Sure I am, the Goſpel ſuffers by the unquiet carriage of ſome Profeſſors. Some Hebrews obſerve, that Woman was made of a Bone, to ſhew her hard and intollerable Nature: And others tell us, that in the Controverſie of Free-will, it ſeems without Controverſy,that when Man loſt Free-will, the Woman found it, and ſtill keeps it; but they are Commanded, ſaith the Apoſtle, to be under Obedience (I Cor. 14. 34.) as alſo ſaith the Law, even that Law which God himſelf Preached to the Woman, Gen. 3. 15. It's no leſs then a breach of Gods Law for a Man to make himſelf lower than God hath ſet him,. A King will never thank the Mayor of a Town for ſurrendering his Place to his Inferior, and ſuffering his Inferior to trample his Authority under his Feet. God will never thank theſe fond or Fooliſh husbands that Deliver up that Dominion which he hath given them, and ſuffer their Wives to Triumph over it, and trample on it: In permitting themſelves thus to be trampled on, they ſuffer the Image & glory ofGod to be trampled on. It is not kindneſs but baſeneſs, not humility, but Iniquity, to be Ruled by one whom he ſhould Rule. Such a perſon like a Cowardly Captain, leaves his Place and Station without Order to a lower Officer, and muſt expect to be accountable for it to the Lord of hoſts. If the husband enjoin what is inconvenient, ſhe may meekly deſire it may be waved, and humbly offer her Reaſons; but if he perſiſt, ſhe muſt Obey, tho it be Painful; if it be poſſible, ſhe muſt ſet about it, And truly, though thy husband be never ſo peeviſh, endeavour to thine outmoſt to pleaſe him; for tho' he take all thy Actions ill, yet thy God will take them well, and ſo doing thou ſhalt be ſure to pleaſe God, when the harder thy Task is by reaſon of the husbands untowardlineſs, will take it the Kinder at thy hands. Only, if he Command what is ſinful, ſhe may, nay ſhe muſt refuſe to Obey him, for then he Commandeth beyond his Power. It is ſaid therefore, Col, 3. 19. Wives ſubmit your ſelves to your own husbands, as it is in the Lord; mark, in the Lord, not againſt the Lord. As God muſt be loved above an husband, ſo God muſt be pleaſed before an husband. As thy husband is to be loved next to God, ſo he muſt be pleaſed next to God, but not before God. FINIS.