Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 148 Title: Observations on the Scottish Dialect Author(s): Sinclair, Sir John ADVERTISEMENT. IT was the full perſuaſion that a Collection of Scoticiſms would be of uſe to my countrymen, not the vanity of being thought an Author, which gave riſe to the following Publication. In compoſing the Work, the Collection annexed by Mr. Hume to the firſt Edition of his Political Diſcourſes, and the Remarks made on the Scottiſh Dialect by Dr. Beattie and Mr. Elphinſton, were of eſſential uſe. The Author was alſo favoured with the aſſiſtance of other Gentlemen, not unacquainted with philological ſtudies, who expunged many errors he had inadvertently fallen into, and added many ingenious Obſervations, which otherwiſe might have been loſt. But, notwithſtanding every poſſible attention, the firſt edition of a work of this nature muſt be deficient in many important particulars; and can never be brought to any tolerable degree of perfection, without the united efforts of almoſt every individual converſant in ſuch ſubjects. The Author has therefore been led (though prudence would have dictated otherwiſe) to prefix his name to a performance, in many reſpects imperfect, truſting that thoſe who are friends to ſuch an undertaking, will exert themſelves in its behalf, and will favour him with their remarks, aſſiſtance, and corretion. Park-Street, Weſtminſter, January, 1782. CONTENTS. Page THE INTRODUCTION, 1 CHAP. I. Phraſes peculiar to Scotland, 11 CHAP. II. Words peculiar to the Scots, or which they uſe in a ſenſe diferent from the Engliſh, 78 CHAP. III. Miſcellaneous words and phraſes, 142 CHAP. IV. Legal and clerical words and phraſes, 202 ERRATA Page 4. line 18. for Scotch read Scots. 119. — 8. for gallentree read gallontree. 175. — 8 and 10. for Talumnius read Tolumnius. [ I ] THE INTRODUCTION. GRAMMATICAL diſquiſitions are accounted, of all others, the dulleſt and moſt inſipid. To many it ſeems of no importance, whether this or that word expreſſes, with the greater purity, a particular idea: and, perhaps, it is of little conſequence to any individual, who lives in a retired and diſtant corner of the country, in what ſtile his ſentiments are given. His higheſt ambition generally is to be underſtood, not to pleaſe his hearers. But ſuch as wiſh to mix with the world, and particularly thoſe whoſe object it is to have ſome ſhare in the adminiſtration of national affairs, are under the neceſſity of conforming to the taſte, the manner, and the language of the Public. Old things muſt then be done away — new manners muſt be aſſumed, and a new language adopted. Nor does this obſervation apply to Scotchmen only: the ſame remark may be extended to the Iriſh, to the Welſh, and to the inhabitants of ſeveral diſtricts in England; all of whom have many words and phraſes peculiar to themſelves, which are unintelligible in the ſenate-houſe, and in the capital. It is not however in a private, but in a national view, and as a circumſtance of importance to the Public in general, that this ſubject ought properly to be conſidered. Whilſt ſo ſtriking a difference as that of language exiſts between England and Scotland, antient local prejudices will not be removed; nor can it be expected that two neighbouring nations, which, though now ſo happily united, were for many ages at variance with each other, will be able to conſider themſelves as the ſame people. A late eminent Stateſman (Archibald Duke of Argyle) thought a reſemblance or identity of language of ſuch real national importance, that he is ſaid to have furniſhed Mr. Hume with the materials of his printed collection *. Of late many Scotch authors have ſhewn an uncommon degree of attention to the purity of their ſtile and diction: and if they had publiſhed the diſcoveries which their knowledge and experience in compoſition taught them, it would * I mention this upon the authority of that eminent phyſician Dr. Cullen, whoſe connexion and intimacy with the family of Argyle are well known. have rendered theſe obſervations unneceſſary. But before we proceed to examine the differences between the Scotch and Engliſh dialects, it may not be improper to make a few ſhort obſervations upon the origin of the Scottiſh dialect, and to explain the means by which it became, even in an early period, ſo general and ſo prevalent in Scotland. The Scotch language is acknowledged to be a dialect of the Saxon or Old Engliſh, with ſome trifling variations. Indeed the two languages originally were ſo nearly the ſame, that the principal differences at preſent between them, are owing to the Scotch having retained many words and phraſes which have fallen into diſuſe among the Engliſh. At firſt, it ſeems difficult to account for the introduction of a dialect of the Saxon into a country where the Erſe or Gaelic was ſpoken; a language not a little celebrated for its ſtrength and beauty. It muſt ſtrike every one as an uncommon circumſtance, that the language of England ſhould prevail in a ſtate, the members of which had a rooted enmity to the Engliſh name: and ſome authors have thought it neceſſary to account for ſo ſingular a phenomenon, by endeavouring to trace a remote connection between the Scots and Engliſh, even in the foreſts of Germany *. * "Nay, they (the Scots) might even bring the "language they ſpeak (namely, the Broad Scotch) "out of Germany. For Tacitus tells us the Æſtyii, "a people of German Scythia, a little to the north of "Brandenburgh, ſpoke a language that came nearer to "the Britiſh, though they followed the cuſtoms and Others, however, are ſatisfied with carrying their reſearches as far back as the year 858, when the Saxons, under the conduct of Oſbreth and Ella, ſubdued the ſouthern provinces of Scotland, expelled the antient poſſeſſors, and ſettled there with their adherents. It is certain that Lothian, which included the country from the Frith of Forth to the Tweed, was for many years inhabited by Saxons, and governed by the ancient Monarchs of Northumberland. The inhabitants of that country, though afterwards ſubdued by the Scots, retained the manners and language of their progenitors: and when Edinburgh, "habits of the Suevians. Now we know from Pto"lemy and Tacitus, that the Angles or Engliſh were "Suevians; which makes it more than probable, that "the Engliſh and Scottiſh were neighbours in Ger"many, before they dwelt together in Britain." Free's Eſſay on the Engliſh Tongue, 3d Edit. p. 118. the principal city of Lothian, became the capital of Scotland, a dialect of the Saxon, the language of that province, gradually ſpread itſelf from the metropolis of the kingdom, to its moſt northern extremities. To this we may add, that many Saxons ſettled in Scotland under the auſpices of Malcolm Caenmore, and fled thither from William the Norman's tyranny and oppreſſion *. And as that country, even in * "The Normans having thus ſettled themſelves in "England, Prince Edgar, with his mother and two "ſiſters, and ſuch of the Engliſh nobility as adhered "to him, or could not endure the inſolence of the "Normans, withdrew themſelves into Scotland. "And Malcolm, the third of that name, having mar"ried Margaret, the elder of the two ſiſters, the Scot"tiſh court, by reaſon of the Queen, and the many "Engliſh that were with her, began to ſpeak Engliſh. "Moreover, many of the Engliſh nobility and gentry, "that now came into Scotland, were, by the benevolater ages, was always a ſecure aſylum to ſuch of the Engliſh as thought themſelves injured by their own Monarchs, it became the uſual place of their retreat. From them many of the firſt families now in Scotland derive their origin; whoſe example and influence could not fail to render the Engliſh language more generally adopted. It ought alſo to be obſerved, that it is very natural for an inferior kingdom to imitate the manners and language of a wealthier and more powerful neighbour: a circumſtance ſtill more to be expected, when both nations came to be governed "lence of the King, ſo preferred in one condition or "other, that they there ſettling themſelves, their off"ſpring have ſince ſpread themſelves into ſundry very "noble families, which are yet, unto this day, there "remaining, and by their ſurnames to be diſcerned." Verſtegan's Reſtit. of decayed Intell. p. 193. 195, and 196. by the ſame King, who ſeldom viſited Scotland, and who would not offend the prejudices of his new ſubjects, by permitting any other language to be made uſe of at his court, than that of England. During the reign of James the Firſt, the Scotch and Engliſh dialects, ſo far as we can judge by comparing the language of the writers who flouriſhed at that time, were not ſo diſſimilar as they are at preſent. Time, however, and commerce, joined to the efforts of many ingenious men, have ſince introduced various alterations and improvements into the Engliſh language, which, from ignorance, inattention, or national prejudices, have not always penetrated into the north. But the time, it is hoped, will ſoon arrive, when a difference, ſo obvious to the meaneſt capacity, ſhall no longer exiſt between two countries by nature ſo intimately connected. In garb, in manners, in government, we are the ſame; and if the ſame language were ſpoken on both ſides of the Tweed, ſome ſmall diverſity in our laws and eccleſiaſtical eſtabliſhments excepted, no ſtriking mark of diſtinction would remain between the ſons of England and Caledonia. The Author of this little performance, with pleaſure contributes his mite to a purpoſe ſo truly deſirable. [ II ] OBSERVATIONS ON THE SCOTTISH DIALECT. CHAP. 1, Phraſes peculiar to Scotland THOSE who pay attention to their ſtile and manner of expreſſion, may not improperly be arranged into two claſſes: into thoſe who are fond of needleſsly introducing new words and phraſes, and into ſuch as are determined enemies to innovation. Few hit that proper medium which Pope has ſo well inculcated, "Be not the firſt, by whom the new are try'd, "Nor yet the laſt, to lay the old aſide." Languages, it is certain, are ſubject to a variety of alterations, and at firſt they ought to be ſo. The ſame ſounds which are well calculated to expreſs the rough ſentiments of a tribe of warlike Barbarians, ſuch as the Saxons were when they firſt landed in this iſland, are found, by experience, too harſh and rugged for the nicer feelings of their poſterity. Nor indeed can it be expected, that ſuch a language ſhould be able to expreſs the vaſt accumulation of new and varied ideas that neceſſarily ariſe in a learned and commercial nation. There are few who will not allow, that it was requiſite to ſoften and improve the barbarous dialect brought into Britain by Hengiſt and Horſa, deſcribed by the Hiſtorian of the Engliſh language as a ſpeech curſory and extemporaneous, abrupt and unconnected, and probably, without even an alphabet *. But, on the other hand, it may be obſerved, that there is a point beyond which alterations ought not to be raſhly complied with, and muſt prove equally pernicious, whether their object be to introduce new, or to explode old and well-known words and phraſes. Indeed, when a language (as was the caſe with that of England in the reign of Queen Anne) has once acquired an ample ſhare of ſtrength, copiouſneſs and beauty, material changes are ſeldom neceſſary, and in general ought to be carefully avoided. * Vide Johnſon's Hiſt, of the Engliſh Language, in his Folio Dictionary. If that age, therefore, is to be conſidered as the claſſical period of the Engliſh language, a Scoticiſm may be defined to be that mode of ſpeaking or writing (for it is difficult to draw the line between colloquial and written idioms) which now prevails in Scotland, and is neither at this time generally known in England, nor was current at the æra we have mentioned. The following idioms, which, it is preſumed, come under that deſcription, are thoſe which the Author has had an opportunity of remarking. SCOTCH and ENGLISH DIALECTS. Scotch.To want for any thing. Engliſh. To be without any thing not deſirable. Ex. Though the plague raged in London, we wanted it (inſtead of we had it not, or were without it) in Scotland *. To cauſe a perſon to do any thing. To make a perſon do any thing. * The verb want, ſays Dr. BEATTIE, denotes, I. To wiſh for. Ex. What do you want? I want a candle. 2. To be without ſomething fit, neceſſary, or good. Ex. He wants his ſight. 3. To be without ſomething not good, or deſirable: but in this ſenſe it is never uſed, unleſs preceded by a negative. Thus, "They never want "the plague at Conſtantinople," is good Englifh; but it would be reckoned a Scoticiſm to ſay, "By the laſt ac"counts from the Levant, it appears they wanted the "plague at Conſtantinople." Uſing cauſe for make, is a frequent and obnoxious Scoticiſm. To do bidding. To do what is bidden or ordered. Hinder to do. Hinder from doing. "Hindered not Satan to pervert the mind," may be found in Milton; but that idiom, if it was not originally a poetical licence, is now obſolete. "Contented himſelſ to do," inſtead of "contented himſelf with doing," is alſo exceptionable. To do any thing to purpoſe. To do any thing to the, or to good, purpoſe. A purpoſe-like perſon is alſo erroneouſly made uſe of in Scotland, for a perſon ſeemingly well qualified for any particular buſineſs or employment. He behoved to do it. It behoved him, he muſt or was obliged, to do it. There is no word that Scotch authors are more apt to uſe improperly than the word behove, which is ſeldom made uſe of by Engliſh writers, except in very ſolemn ſtile; and even then only imperſonally. To affront any one. To eclipſe, or get the better of any one. This ſenſe of the word affront, according to Dr. Johnſon, is peculiar to the Scottiſh dialect, of which a paſſage from Arbuthnot is cited as an example. To think ſhame. To be aſhamed. To think ſcorn., for to diſdain, is old Engliſh. Eſther iii. 6. To think long, for, to think the time long, ſtands in the ſame predicament. To notice. To take notice, or to mention. There is this difference, ſays Mr. Elphinſton, between the Scotch and English dialects; that in the former, to notice, is miſapplied, for to take notice, whereas in the latter, it only ſignifies to give it. To draw cuts. To caſt lots. Drawing cuts, though formerly made uſe of by Locke and Sidney (vide Johnſon's Folio Dict. Voce Cut, No. 7.), and ſtill a colloquial phraſe in ſome Parts of England, is now generally exploded. To tak' tent. To take heed. A ſtory is told of an Engliſh lady, who conſulted a phyſician from Scotland, and being deſired by him to tak' tent, underſtood that tent wine was preſcribed her, which ſhe took accordingly. It is not ſaid what was the conſequence of this miſtaken preſcription; but as that ſpecies of wine is far from being a ſpecific for every diſorder, this is a phraſe which, by the faculty at leaſt, ought to be carefully avoided. To fever. To be ſeized with a fever. To ſteik a door. To ſhut a door. To tak' the door with one, is alſo made uſe of by the vulgar in Scotland, for, to ſhut the door after one. To ſneck the door. To latch, or ſhut, the door. The ſneck, or ſnecket, of a door, is the latch, by which the doors of the common people are generally faſtened. This, and ſome other phrases which are accounted Scoticiſms, are not uncommon in ſome parts of England, particularly in the North; but a phraſe being provincial or current among the vulgar in England, is no reaſon why it ſhould be made uſe of by ſuch Scotchmen as with to be diſtinguiſhed by the elegance of their ſtile, or the purity of their expreſſion. To give one a hat. To make a bow to any one. To give one a hat, in the common dialect of Scotland, does not imply, making the preſent of a hat to a perſon, but only pulling it off, as a mark of reſpect and attention. To make ſongs on one. To praiſe one much. To make ſongs on one, in the Scottiſh dialect, is to praiſe one much, either in proſe or verſe. The Scotch were, formerly, much addicted to poetry; and from the cuſtom, ſo frequent in Scotland, of making ſongs in praiſe of a perſon in verſe, that phraſe came at laſt to ſignify, great praiſes in the duller vehicle of proſe. To make a phraſe about one. To make a great work about one. To make of one. To make much of one. To make up to a lady. To make an offer of marriage to a lady. To make up to a perſon, in England, only means, to advance towards a perſon, and to begin a converſation. To caſt out with a perſon. To fall out with a perſon. To cut out one's hair. To cut off one's hair. As cutting out, implies roots and all, it would probably be found a very cruel and dangerous operation. To follow out a plan. To carry on, execute, or finiſh, a plan. To follow out a chain of reaſoning. To trace out a chain of reaſoning. To open up a wound. To open, or lay open, a wound. To go even up a hill. To go ſtraight up a hill. To inſiſt for a thing. To inſiſt on, or upon, a thing. To call for a perſon. To call on a perſon. To call for, is to demand; to call on, is to viſit. This diſtinction ought to be attended to. To wait on a perſon. To wait for a perſon. To wait on a perſon, implies his being preſent, and your attending him. To wait for; his being abſent, but your expecting to ſee him. To tell upon one. To tell of one. To tell on one, is called, by Dr. Johnſon, a doubtful phraſe; but to tell upon one, is, without doubt, improper. To be married on one. To be married to one. Married with, I believe, is alſo exploded, To meet one upon the ſtreet. To meet one in the ſtreet. To have a watch upon one. To have a watch about one. To ſee about one. To ſee, inquire, or look after one. One may ſee about himſelf, but he muſt look after another perſon. Come in by. Come in, or draw near. To come into the fire. To come, or draw, near the fire. To be liable in a compenſation. To be liable to a compenſation. To make a point of honour in any thing. To make a point of honour of any thing. To be provided in a living, or office. To be provided with a living, or office. To profit from experience. To profit by experience. To blow the bellows. To blow the fire with the bellows. If blowing the bellows is Engliſh, it is ſurely a ridiculous expreſſion. To ſtick any thing. To ſpoil any thing in the execution. To be ill to guide. To be difficult to manage. To be a good guide of any thing. To be a good husband, or manager, of any thing. To art one to any thing. To direct or point out any thing to one. The verb art, is probably derived from the Gaelic aird, a coaſt or quarter. Hence the Scots alſo ſay, what art, for what quarter, does the wind blow from? To fall in the gutter. To fall in the dirt. A gutter, is properly a paſſage for water; not the dirt or water with which it may be filled. To be loſt in a river. To be drowned in a river. Unleſs the body was loſt, as is generally the caſe at ſea, and could not be diſcovered, the phraſe is exceptionable. It is, ſometimes however, made uſe of in England. To be out of one's judgment. To be out of one's ſenſes. The Scotch phraſe is ſurely preferable, becauſe a lunatic may have loſt his judgment, and yet have his ſenſes in perfection. And if, in the Engliſh phraſe, it is ſaid, that the reaſon or underſtanding is meant, why is ſenſes in the plural? To be angry at a man. To be angry with a man. Angry at, may be found in the Spectator, No. 197. in fine, but it is at preſent confined to Scotland. Properly ſpeaking, we may be angry at a thing, but with, and not at, a perſon. To have hatred at a man. To have hatred to a man. To aſk, inquire, or demand at a man. To aſk, inquire, or demand of a man. To aſk at, &c. is a French, and not an Engliſh idiom. To ſet off on a journey. To ſet out on a journey. At leaſt ſetting out is preferable. To look over a window. To look out at a window. To look. over a window, can only refer to a window below, and not to the one you look out at. To crave a man for a debt. To aſk, demand, or dun a man for a debt. To crave a debt, or payment of a debt, cannot be objected to. To challenge, or quarrel any one. To reprove, or rebuke any one. To lay our account with an event. To expect, or previouſly apprehend an event. To meet with one's marrow. To meet with one's match or equal. Meeting with one's marrow, is an old Engliſh phraſe, now grown obſolete. To even one thing to another. To equal or compare one thing to another. To even, is ſometimes made uſe of in Scotland, for to lay out one perſon for another in marriage. Nor does it matter whether the match is equal or not: generally it is unequal, and the perſon who is ſaid to be evened to the other, has the better of the bargain. To be well appointed with a houſe, ſervant, &c. To be well ſettled in a houſe, and well ſuited with a ſervant. To be reconciled with a perſon. To be reconciled to a perſon. To have a reſemblance with one. To have a refemblance to one. To be prevailed with to do any thing. To be prevailed upon to do any thing. To burſt for laughing. To burſt with laughing. Addiſon fays, to die for thirſt; but of, or by thirſt, ſeems to be preferable. To bring a note for one. To bring a note to one. The note, it may be ſaid, is carried for the perſon it is ſent by, and to the perſon to whom it is directed. What's your will? What would you have? What do you want? or What was you ſaying? There is no colloquial idiom more common with Scotchmen, or more diſagreeable to the Engliſh, than What's your will? As I shall anſwer. Upon my honour, I proteſt, or declare. The Scotch phraſe ſeems to be elliptic, for, as I ſhall anſwer at the great day of Judgment. Let me be. Let me alone. I am hopeful that. I hope that. I furniſhed goods to him. I furniſhed him with goods. I have no fault to him. I have no fault with him, or, to find with him. I cannot think enough of ſuch a thing. I cannot help thinking of it; or, I am aſtoniſhed, I cannot underſtand it. One would readily imagine. One would naturally imagine. Readily properly means with expedition, or, with little hinderance or delay. He will ſome day repent it. He will one day repent it. He is preſently in London. He is now, or at preſent, in London. He is colded. He has got a cold. The Scots alſo ſay, he has got the cold, for, he has got a cold. He is ſome better. He is ſomewhat, or a little better. He is the better of ſuch a thing. He is the better for ſuch a thing. Ex. He was much the better of (for) his journey to Bath. He was in uſe to do it. He uſed, or was in the habit of doing it. He is ten years old next May. He was nine years old laſt May. The impropriety lies in aſſerting a circumſtance which, by the death of the perſon, may never happen, inſtead of affirming what is certain, and has already happened. He is not fit to hold water to ſuch a one. He is not fit to be compared to ſuch a one. It is ill your common. It ill becomes you. Come, ſay away. Come, begin. Have with you. I'll go with you. Shakeſpeare makes uſe of, have with you, in his Merry Wives of Windsor, Act II. Scene I. Have you any word to him. Have you any letter, or commands, to him. Word, for command or meſſage, is an old Shakeſpearian phraſe, now exploded. It may be alſo found in the Engliſh Bible. I am the more impatient of pain, that I have hitherto enjoyed good health. I am the more impatient of pain, as, or becauſe, I have hitherto enjoyed good health. This is, properly ſpeaking, a Galliciſm; another inſtance of which occurs in the following phraſe: "I expected to have ſeen "you, as you ſaid you were to be in town; "and that (as, or becauſe) you promiſed "to call on me." Though one ſhould meet with diſappointments, he ſhould never abandon himſelf to deſpair. Though one ſhould meet with diſappointments, one ſhould never abandon one's ſelf to deſpair. It is obſerved by an ingenious critic (Remarks on the Engliſh Language, printed Anno 1770, p. 23), that he or ſhe can never properly be introduced as relatives to the indefinite noun one. The impropriety will appear particularly ſtriking, in an example, where ſhe is made uſe of as the relative pronoun. "Though one ſhould be "admired for grace and beauty, ſhe ſhould "never ſuffer her mind to be neglected." It is blooding. It bleeds. Mouly heels. Kibed, or ſore heels. Chaped lips, or hands. Chopt lips, or broken into chinks. A ſore head. A head-ach, or pain in the head. Sore, implies excoriation, and cannot, therefore, with propriety be made uſe of, if the head only aches. Sore eyes. Weak or tender eyes. Sore eyes, would imply their being ſo very bad and diſagreeable to look at, that polite people rather make uſe of the words weak, or tender. And adding clean, as, a clean ſhirt, when a plate, knife, handkerchief, &c. is called for, is reckoned indelicate, as it implies a dread, that a dirty plate, &c. might be brought. Perſpire, is alſo generally made uſe of by polite people, for ſweat, and certainly expreſſes the ſame idea in a more delicate manner. Swell'd cheek. Swell'd face. Swell'd cheek is more proper, but not ſo common in England. For my.ſhare. For my part. In place of Inſtead of. This is a Scoticiſm often fallen into. This much, and that much. Thus much, and ſo much. Split new. Quite new. Spick and ſpan new, is ſometimes uſed in England. Our whole actions. All our actions, The whole way. All the way. The whole ſpeeches. All the ſpeeches. Yet the whole proceedings is good Engliſh, on account of their forming one whole, the parts of which are naturally related to each other. A gone man. A dead, loſt, or ruined man. Perhaps gone, may not be without ſome Engliſh examples. Conviction on a thing. Conviction of a thing. Independent of. Independent on. As the verbal phraſe is to depend on, independent of a common Scoticiſm, in Dr. Johnſon's opinion, is an improper idiom. Here, alſo, it may be proper to take notice of ſome obſervations made by that excellent grammarian Dr. Prieſtley (vide his larger Grammar, p. 158.), regarding the prepoſition "of;" which Mr. Hume, and other Scotch, and indeed Engliſh writers, are apt to uſe as the French do their prepoſtion "de," and conſequently in a manner not at all ſuited to the genius of the Engliſh language. Such Galliciſms would not he pardonable in a tranſlator from the French, and arc ſurely very culpable in an original author. Examples from Hume. "Richlieu profited of [by] every "circumſtance which the conjuncture af"forded." "The king of England pro"vided of [with] every ſupply." To provide a perſon in, for with, food and raiment, is alſo exceptionable. "It is "ſituation, which decides of [concerning] "the fortunes of men." "Of [for] which he was extremely neceſſitous." "He "was eager of recommending it [to recom"mend it] to his fellow-citizens." "The "eſteem which Philip had conceived of "[for] the ambaſſador." "An indem"nity of [for] paſt offences." "Youth "wandering in foreign countries, with as "little reſpect of [for] others, as prudence "of their own." Other examples. "You "know the eſteem I have of [for] this "philoſophy." "The good lady was "careful of ſerving me of [with] every "thing." "It might, perhaps, have given "me a greater taſte of [for] its antiqui"ties." A taſte of a thing, implies actual enjoyment; a taſte for it, only ſignifies a capacity of enjoying. Dr. Prieſtley alſo obſerves (p. 166), that though we ſay to depend on, or to depend upon a thing, to promiſe upon a thing is improper. Ex. "This effect we could not be"fore-hand promiſe upon," for "we could "not before-hand promiſe ourſelves." A man who writes. A man who has written. Ex. Mr. Hume, who writes [has written] the Hiſtory of England. Yet it may be ſaid, with propriety, ſuch a one writes the London Gazette, or the Annual Regiſter, becauſe they are unfiniſhed works, and conſtantly going on. A good hand of writ. A good hand-writing. A good hand of writ, is a very common Scoticiſm, which ought to be moſt carefully avoided. Such a thing has been. Such a thing muſt have been. Ex. Wallace has been [muſt have been] a ſtrong, as well as brave man, or he could not have done what he did. This hero was not more conſpicuous for his valour, than for his love of liberty. The following rhymes, more remarkable at the ſame time for their ſpirit, than their beauty, it is ſaid, he uſed often to repeat, to encourage his followers: "Dico tibi verum, libertas optima rerum, "Nunquam ſervili, ſub nictu vivito fili." Abundance of ſuch a thing. A great deal of ſuch a thing. In Scotland, abundance is made uſe of for ſufficient, or enough; whereas in England it means plenty, or exuberance. A neafful and hantle of any thing. A handful, or ſmall quantity of any thing. Neafful comes from neif, or neaf, a word uſed by Shakeſpear for fiſt. Hantle is a corruption of handful. Lock, alſo, Ex. "a lock of "ſheep," ſeems to be corrupted from flock. This day eight days. This day ſe'nnight. The ancient Germans, we are informed by Tacitus, counted their time by the number of nights, and not of days; and the practice, except among the French and Scots, has always been general among northern nations; probably in conſequence of the ſhortneſs of their days in the winter ſeaſon, compared with the greater length and duration of the night. How the Scots came to be an exception, can only be accounted for by their connection with France, and their imitation of the Gallic idiom, "huit jours." The learned Bayle, in his diſſertation concerning the ſpace of time called day, annexed to the laſt volume of his Critical Dictionary, § 2, has thrown together ſeveral obſervations upon this ſubject. He affirms, that in ſome places even in France, they ſay anuict [to-night] for aujourd'- huy [to-day]; and that in Germany, inſtead of ſaying St. John's day, and St. Martin's day, they ſay St. John's night, and St. Martin's night. They muſt avoid, therefore, ſuch ſtrange anomalies as this day ſe'nnight, and this day fortnight. This day ſe'nnight, and this day fortnight, are certainly odd phraſes, and, ſtrictly ſpeaking, improper. But, as the Scots make uſe of this day fortnight, and not of this day fifteen days, as the French do of quinze jours, as well as huit jours, it is incongruous not to adopt the one phraſe as well as the other. Tueſday come ſe'nnight, Tueſday was fe'nnight, &c. Tueſday ſe'nnight. The Engliſh ſuppoſe they can underſtand from the reſt of the ſentence, whether time paſt, or time to come, is meant; and the Scots may pay themſelves the compliment of believing it is in their power to do the ſame. Once in the two days. Every other day. Every other day, implies that one day intervenes between the other; whereas once in the two days, does not mean alternately, and leaves it uncertain, whether one day intervenes or two. Once in the week, or year. Once a week, or year. Ex. I ride out once in the [a] week. The, only denotes one particular week. Whereas the article a, has an indefinite ſignification, and ſtands for any, or every. Half ſix o'clock, &c. Half an hour paſt five, or, half an hour to ſix o'clock. Yet this ellipſis, as Mr. Elphinſton obſerves, is almoſt as eaſily ſupplied, as in the Engliſh phraſe of half after five, for, half an hour after five, &c. The firſt of a month or year. The beginning of a month or year. Ex. An event that happened on the ſecond, or third of January, according to the Scotch dialect, happened in the firſt of the month, and the firſt of the year. The morrow's morning. To-morrow morning. Sunday's morning. Sunday morning. Tomorrow forenoon. (Uſually in England) Tomorrow morning. The morn's night. Tomorrow night. Morn, ſays Dr. Johnſon, is not uſed but by the poets, at leaſt in England. Yeſternight. Laſt night. But the Engliſh ſay, yeſterday, and not laſt day, as the Scots do. Ex. I ſaw him the laſt day (for yeſterday, or the other day) in town. The ſtrein, or yeſtrein Yeſterday evening. Strein, ſeems to be a corruption of the Latin heſternus; and yeſtrein, of yeſter even Laſt harveſt. Laſt autumn. The third ſeaſon of the year, is almoſt univerſally called harveſt, inſtead of autumn, in Scotland. Freſh weather. Open weather. Coarſe weather. Rough, or ſtormy weather. The length of ſuch a place. As far as ſuch a place. Length, for diſtance, is made uſe of by Clarendon, but not by more modern authors. The knock ſtrikes. The clock ſtrikes. Clocks are called knocks, in ſome parts of Scotland, from the noiſe they make. The clock is behind. The clock is ſlow, or goes ſlow. Time about. Alternately. A few days thereafter. A few days after. Thereafter, for after, is a common Scoticiſm. It properly means accordingly, or according to, and not after that time, or that period. The plight of the ſeaſon (old Engliſh, for) The height of the ſeaſon. When every thing is in good caſe, or plight. He is twenty years, or thereby. Or thereabout. Thereby, is properly, by means of that, and not about that, or near that. A tour of viſits. A round, or number or viſits. A great many company. Much company, a great deal of company, or, a great many people. All our friends and acquaintances. All our friends and acquaintance. At leaſt acquaintance is preferable. Beſt man and beſt maid Bride-man and bride-maid. Indeed the Scots and Engliſh affix a different meaning to the word bride, which is, properly, one who has been lately married, and not one going to be married, according to the Scotch idiom. The former alſo make uſe of tocher, an Erſe word, for dower, or portion; and jo, from joie, French, for ſweetheart. A fine flower. A fine noſegay. A flower is only a fingle one; a bunch, or bouquet of flowers, is properly a noſegay. A fine lad A very good kind of lad; or, a very good. young man. A fine girl. A good-natured, good kind of girl. In England, a fine girl, means not a good-natured, but a ſhowy, and handſome girl; and a fine lady, one who is nice in her dreſs, and affected in her ſentiments and behaviour. A pretty man. A polite, ſenſible man. A pretty man, in England, is a deſpicable character, the words implying beauty of perſon, with ſcarcely any other accompliſhment; but in Scotland, it is often uſed in the ſenſe of graceful, beautiful with dignity, or well accompliſhed A gentlemanny, man. A gentlemanlike, or gentlemanly man. A young man. A batchelor. In the Engliſh verſion of the Bible, young man is made uſe of in the ſame ſenſe. An old wife. An old woman. None are wives but ſuch as are married, which old women ſometimes are not. The London copy (of a book). The London edition. A good thing by-hand. A good thing over. Out of hand Immediately. Ex. He did ſuch a thing out of hand, for, he did it immediately. At the ſame time, out of hand, may be found both in Spenſer \and Shakeſpear, and is ſtill occaſionally uſed. Simply impoſſible. Abſolutely impoſſible Or then. Before then. Ex. I ſhould be glad to ſee you or (before) then. As ſuch a thing. Than ſuch a thing. Ex. I love claret better as (than) port, and ſtill better as (than) white-wine. Sometimes the Scotch and Engliſh dialects only differ in orthography, of which the following words are inſtances. Admirality. Admiralty. The Scots indeed frequently pronounce admiralty, admirality; deriving that word from the Latin admiralitas, and not as the Engliſh do, from the French ammiralté. Pin, by the vulgar, alſo, is generally called prin, another ſingular corruption in the pronunciation, or the orthography. And in ſome parts of Scotland, particularly in the north, humble, is very improperly pronounced humeble, as if the u had the ſame ſound in that word that it has in humility. Bankier. Banker. Connection. Connexion. Yet the Englifh univerfally write collection, and reflection; and ſome authors have even given connection the preference. Impoſtures. Impoſtors. Sirname, (uſually) Surname. Ordonance, or ordinance, Ordnance. Eneugh. Enough. Oeconomy, (now commonly written) Economy. Compleat. Complete. Deſcendents. Deſcendants. Deſcendants is preferable, becauſe it is proper to make a diſtinction between the noun and the adjective. Yet the Engliſh write independents, and not independants, which they ought to do by analogy. Deſireable and reſolveable. Deſirable and reſolvable. Incomſortable. Uncomfortable. Likeways. Likewiſe. Otherways. Otherwiſe. The two laſt being the moſt common, ought to be particularly guarded againſt. The Scots are alſo apt to err in ſpelling the plural of words ending in y, in general ys, inſtead of ies. Ex. familys, for families; extremitys, for extremities, &c. Sometimes the Scots uſe the singular for the plural, the plural for the ſingular, and a noun for an adjective. You was You were. This is an impropriety which even Mr. Hume was guilty of. You, is confeſſedly plural; and therefore the verb, agreeably to the analogy of all languages, ought to be in the plural alſo. Indeed, if you, were a pronoun ſingular, you waſt, and not you was, would be the proper idiom. Three ſheet of paper. Three ſheets of paper. A ſtair Stairs, or a pair of ſtairs. A ſtair, in modern Engliſh, is not the whole order of the ſteps, but only one ſtep, or one ſmall diviſion of the ſtairs. There is alſo a diſtinction between ſtairs and ſteps. Stairs are thoſe within the houſe; ſteps thoſe without. Mean. Means. Ex. It will be the mean (the means) of procuring ſuch a thing. But care ſhould be taken, as Dr. Johnſon well remarks, not to make uſe of means with a pronoun ſingular; an error which is often fallen into, even by good writers. Ex. He carried it through by theſe (and not by that) means. Hence Mr. Hume has ungrammatically ſaid (Hiſt. Vol. VIII, p. 65.), leſt this means, for, theſe means, ſhould fail Severals. Several. This word has no plural termination; but though ſeverals is improper, others may be uſed. Two weeks. A fortnight. Two alternatives. One alternative. Ex. As you may either marry, or live ſingle, you have two very good alternatives, for, one very good alternative. Two alternatives, would mean the choice of four things. No objections. No objection. Ex. "I have no objections (objection) to "ride out with you to-day." Your favours. Your favour. But I received your favours of the fifth and tenth current, &c. is proper. In favours of, for, in favour of, is however exceptionable. John and Charles Thomſons; and the like. John and Charles Thomſon. The broth are very good. The broth is very good. It is a common error in Scotland to ſuppoſe that broth, cabbage, ſpinnage, and pottage, or porridge, are in the plural number. N. B. He has got his broth, is a common Scotch phraſe, for, he is tipſy. The Aberdeen's Journal. The Aberdeen Journal. Aberdeen is here made uſe of (ſays Dr. Beattie) as an adjective, and conſequently the addition of 's, denoting the genitive caſe, is highly ungrammatical; for Engliſh adjectives have no caſe, gender, or number. The Scotch and Engliſh dialects, alſo differ in arrangement. Give me it, ſhow me it. Give it me, ſhow it me. Any body elſe's. Any body's elſe. A pretty enough girl A pretty girl enough. Dr. Prieſtley obſerves, that an adjective ſhould not be separated from its ſubſtantive, even by words which modify its meaning, and make but one ſenſe with it. Hence he objects to the following phraſes of Mr. Humes: A large enough number ſurely, for a number large enough. The lower ſort of people are good enough judges of one not very diſtant from them, for are judges good enough. Ten thouſand is a large enough baſe, for a baſe large enough. A picktooth. A toothpick. A picktooth-caſe. . A toothpick-caſe. Picktooth, and picktooth-caſe, may be found even in Swift, but are now accounted Scoticiſms. An Engliſh wag being aſked why he gave toothpick the preference, replied, "That, for his part, he put tooth "firſt, becaufe one muſt have teeth, be"fore it was neceſſary to pick them." Tomkins Leſlie; and the like. Leſlie Tomkins. Double ſurnames are placed differently by the Scots and Engliſh. For in England, the name a perſon wiſhes to be particularly known by, is put laſt, and in Scotland firſt. Ex. A perſon that has two names, ſuppoſe Leſlie and Tomkins, and wiſhes to be called Mr. Tomkins, in Scotland muſt call himſelf Tomkins Leſlie, and in England, Leſlie Tomkins There are other examples of improper arrangement, which, though not the monopoly of Scotland, yet ought to be avoided. I better had. I had better. As ever I ſaw. As I ever ſaw. To which may be added, fork and knife, for knife and fork; milk and bread, for bread and milk; butter and bread, for bread and butter; pepper and vinegar, for vinegar and pepper; paper, pen, and ink, for pent ink, and paper. The ear is the beſt dictator of arrangement, and the Engliſh, in general, aſſign the firſt place to the moſt important article, and the laſt to the longeſt word. The Scots are alſo fond of expletives, and ſometimes of ellipſes. Say the grace. Say grace. The ſeventeen hundred and forty--five. Seventeen hundred and forty-five. Ex. Such a thing happened in the 1745, is a phraſe by which a Scotchman might be diſtinguiſhed. The forty-five, for ſeventeen hundred and forty-five, is an ellipſe peculiar to Scotland. Go to the ſchool, or church. Go to ſchool, or church. Notwithſtanding of that. Notwithſtanding that. Mr. Hume is often guilty of this impropriety. Ex. "Notwithſtanding of this un"lucky example." "Notwithſtanding of the "numerous panegyrics on the ancient Eng"liſh liberty." In ſuch caſes, the prepoſition of is ſurely ſuperfluous, and ought to have been avoided. A little more of bread. A little more bread. Will you ſtay to dinner, tea, &c. Will you ſtay dinner. Will you ſtay to dine with us, with propriety may be uſed. To be a miſſing. To be miſſing. I love for to do good. I love to do good. For to, at the ſame time, is in the Eng1iſh verſion of the Bible. I gave him a pen for till write with. I gave him a pen to write with. This idiom has now become vulgar, even in Scotland. I was not ſo well laſt winter. I was not well laſt winter. It is improper to ſay ſo well, unleſs as follows: Ex. I was not ſo well laſt winter, as I was the winter before. The ellipſes are equally numerous; for inſtance, Is he in? Is he within? Goat milk and whey. Goat's milk and whey. A bit bread, paper, &c. A bit of bread, paper, & A juſtice of peace. A juſtice of the peace. In writing, it is always a juſtice of the peace. The penult. The penultima. Herodote. Herodotus. At worſt. [Hume's Hiſt.Vol. vi. p. 435.] At the worſt. To go out walking. To go out a walking. To be out riding. To be out a riding. He wrote me. He wrote to me, or he wrote me a letter. 'Tis a week ſince he left this. 'Tis a week ſince he left this place. I ſhall quarrel you. I ſhall quarrel with you. There are alſo many falſe formations in the Scottish dialect, which ought to be avoided; as Tremenduous. Tremendous. Momentuous, monſtruous. Momentous, monſtrous, Keept, ſweept. Kept, ſwept. Keeped. Kept. Pled. Pleaded. Catched. Caught. Ex. He catched (caught) cold. This is a. very common Scoticiſm, formerly current in England. Teach't. Taught. Proven, improven, &c. Proved, improved, &c. Run, drunk. Ran, drank. At leaſt, he ran a great way, and he drank a great deal, is preferable. Hings. Hangs. Ex. Which in ſome cave, or vaulted cavern hings, Woven thick with complicated feet and wings, Epigoniad, Book ix. p. 285. The Scots are alſo apt to mutilate the termination of time paſt, in verbs ending with t, as breakfaſt; or te, as educate. For example; Have you breakfaſt. Have you breakfaſted. Are you acquaint with him. Are you acquainted with him. The houſe is well ſituate. The houſe is well ſituated. Where was he educate? Where was he educated ? The enemy was defeat. The enemy was defeated. He dedicate his book. He dedicated his book, He communicate it. He communicated it. Yet, in the Pſalms, it is ſaid, they are confederate againſt thee. But there is nothing that the inhabitants of Scotland are ſo apt to err in, as in the uſe they make of ſhall and will, ſhould and would, there and thoſe: at the ſame time, it is eaſier to remark the difference, than to explain the principles on which it ought to be corrected. The principal error of the Scots, in their uſe of ſhall and will, originates from ſuppoſing ſhall, more emphatical and expreſſive in the firſt perſons ſingular and plural, than will; which, though it might be ſupported by ſome examples from the old poets, yet is far from being the caſe in modern poetry, and far leſs in modern proſe. For inſtance, I will come, we will come — denotes, I am determined to come, and implies a firm reſolution, a promiſe, or a threat. Thou wilt come, he will come, ye will come, they will come — expreſſes futurity merely. I ſhall come, we ſhall come — only foretels what may happen. Thou ſhalt come, he ſhall come, ye ſhall come, they ſhall come. — In theſe perſons, ſhall continues the emphatical ſenſe of will, and implies a promiſe, a threat, or a command. As an inſtance of the different manner in which the Scots and Engliſh uſe ſhall and will, in the firſt perſon ſingular, a ſtory is told of a Scotchman, who having fallen into a river in England, had almoſt periſhed in it, in conſequence of his calling out, I will, for I ſhall be drowned; the ſpectators having for ſome time heſitated, whether they ſhould venture their own lives for the ſafety of one, who, as they were led to imagine, was determined to make away with himſelf. Will I do this, or that, for ſhall I, is not unuſual in Scotland. "Will I help you to a bit of beef? &c." for example, is a common phraſe at the tables of Scotchmen; and as it properly means am I willing to help you? and, conſequently does not neceſſarily denote any inclination in the ſpeaker, it is far from being ſuited to the hoſpitable character of our countrymen. Will I buy a horſe? for ſhall I, is alſo a very improper expreſſion; for, if it means any thing at all, it would imply, "am I reſolved to buy a horſe?" It may be obſerved, with Dr. Prieſtley, when a queſtion is asked, that ſhall, in the firſt perſon, is uſed in a ſenſe different from both its other ſenſes. For, Shall I write? for inſtance, means, Is it your pleaſure that I ſhould write? But will, in the ſecond perſon, reverts to its other uſual ſenſe; for, Will you write? means, Is it your intention to write or not? There is reaſon to believe, ſays Mr. Hume, that the Scotch was the old method of uſing ſhall and will; but that it was gradually altered, as the Engliſh grew more polite. It became the courteſy of England to make uſe of will, when ſpeaking to others, or of them, becauſe that term implies volition only, even where the event muſt happen; and ſhall, when ſpeaking of themſelves, which implies conſtraint, though the event is the ſubject of choice It is alſo in the firſt perſons ſingular and plural, that the Scots are moſt apt to err, in the uſe they make of ſhould and would. I would, implies only an inclination in the ſpeaker. I ſhould, an obligation upon him, with or without inclination. In vain would we do ſuch a thing, means, in vain would we have the inclination to do it. In vain ſhould we do ſuch a thing, implies, in vain ſhould we carry it into execution. Mr. Hume obſerves, where a condition, and the conſequcnce of that condition, is expreſſed in a ſentence, that the former, in the ſecond and third perſons, always requires ſhould, and the latter would. Ex. If he ſhould fall, he would break his leg. Theſe, is the plural of this, and thoſe, of that; conſequently the former expreſſes what is near and definite, and the latter, what is more indefinite and remote. The Scots principally err in uſing theſe, as the plural of that. Ex. One of theſe days, for one of theſe days. Where a relative is to follow, and the ſubject has not been mentioned before, theſe is excluded, but either the, or thoſe, may be made uſe of. The, where the demonſtration is general. Thoſe, where it is particular, or ſpecific: as, the kingdoms, or, thoſe kingdoms, which Alexander conquered, and the obſervations, or thoſe obſervations which he made. CHAP. II. Words peculiar to the Scots, or, which they uſe in a ſenſe different from the Engliſh THAT the Scots ſhould indulge a ſtrong partiality in favour of their own dialect, is the leſs to be wondered at, when we conſider how many words are now condemned as Scoticiſms, which were formerly admired for their ſtrength and beauty, and may ſtill be found in the writings of Chaucer, of Spenſer, of Shakeſpeare, and ether celebrated Engliſh authors. Indeed, many words in the old Engliſh or Scottiſh dialects, are ſo emphatical and ſignificant, that, as Ruddiman obſerves, it is difficult to find words in the modern Engliſh capable of expreſſing their full force, and genuine meaning. But what our language has loſt in ſtrength, it has gained in elegance and correctneſs. In the following Gloſſary, as it may be called, it is propoſed to follow an alphabetical order, and to arrange the words under four general heads, namely, verbs, adjectives, nouns, and particles. With little difficulty it might have been extended to a much greater length: but I wiſhed not to include the words which have grown obſolete among the Scots themſelves, nor to trouble the reader with tedious obſervations of an etymological nature. I have endeavoured, however, with the aſſiſtance of Dr. Johnſon, Mr. Ray, and that excellent gloſſariſt Ruddiman, to gratify the curioſity of thoſe who may wiſh to know from what language any particular word is ſuppoſed to be derived, or with which of the northern dialects it may be more immediately connected. For as the moſt learned of our Engliſh Lexicographers has obſerved, the Dutch, the Belgick, and the German, like our language, are derived from the Teutonic, and are therefore to be accounted, not the parents, but the ſiſters of the English. VERBS. Scotch. To big [Saxon and Iſlandic.] Engliſh. To build. Biggins, is alſo a Scotch word, for buildings. To birle. To drink cheerfully, to carouſe. To chap (as to chap at a door) [chopper, Fr.] To knock, or ſtrike. To choiſe [choiſir, Fr.] To chuſe. To cleek [from click]. To ſnatch or catch. To clek [Saxon]. To hatch. To clout [clouer, Fr.] To beat. To cry (as, cry him). To call. To cryn [Belgick]. To dry, or ſhrink in. To dearn [Saxon]. To darn, or to mend cloaths. To deburſe [debourſer, Fr.] To diſburſe. Debourſement is alſo ſometimes made uſe of by the Scots, for diſburſement. To deduce (in arithmetic). To deduct or ſubtract. To deduce, properly means to draw from, or to form concluſions from premiſes. To demit [demitto, Latin]. To reſign. And demiſſion, not for diſmiſſion, but reſignation. To deſiderate [defidero, Latin]. To wiſh for. Deſiderate is a word ſcarcely uſed, ſays Dr. Johnſon. To detract [detractum, Latin]. To take away in general. In England, detracting only refers to fame, or reputation. To ding [Dutch]. To drive, or daſh, To diſcharge, (for) To charge, prohibit, or forbid. Ex. "I diſcharged (forbid) him to go "out to-day." To evite [evito, Latin]. To evitate, or avoid. To exeem [eximo, Latin]. To exempt. To faſh [facher, Fr.] To teaſe, trouble, or vex. Faſh is ſtill uſed in Cumberland; vide Ralph's Poems and Gloſſary, voce faſh. To feel, (erroncouſly for) To ſmell. Ex. "You complain much of that tan"nery, but I cannot ſay I feel it." To ferly [Saxon]. To wonder. And a ferly, for, a wonder. To find, (erroneouſly for) To feel. Ex. "I am much hurt, find where it "pains me." To fleich [fleichir, Fr.] To flatter, or coax. Even coax, though uſed in England, is reckoned vulgar. To flit [rhymes hit, Daniſh]. To remove any thing in general, particularly furniture. Flit, is ſtill a provincial word in England. To flyt [rhymes flight, Saxon]. To chide, or ſcold. To gab, (a corruption of) To gabble. To gang [Saxon, and Low Dutch]. To go. Gang is an old word, ſays Dr. Johnſon, not now uſed, except ludicrouſly. To gar [Daniſh]. To make. To girn (corrupted from grin). To ſnarl. Girn, it is ſaid, is ſtill in uſe among the northern Engliſh. To glee [Saxon]. To ſquint. To gleek [Saxon]. To gibe, or ſneer. To gloom [Saxon]. To frown, or look ſullen. To glout. To pout. To glowr, or gloar [Dutch]. To ſtare. To green. To long for, or vehemently deſire. To greet [Iſlandic]. To weep. Some erroneoſly derive greet from the Italian gridare, to cry, or weep. To had (as had your hand) [Gothic]. To hold. To hain. To ſave. Perhaps derived from haine, Fr. from the ſpite and hatred with which avarice is attended. To hap (corrupted from heap). To wrap. To harry [harer, Fr.] To rob or plunder. To hire. To let. The Scotch uſe hire, as the French do louer, which ſignifies both to hire, or to get the temporary uſe of any thing, and to let, or give it. To houk, or holk [Saxon]. To dig. To jape [japper Fr.] To beſpatter. To inhance (any commodity). To engroſs. To jouk [juchcr, Fr.] To bend, or incline the head. But jowkerry, in the compound word jowkerry pawkry, comes from the verb, jougler, to juggle. To keek. To peep. To ken [Saxon]. To know. To ken, is ſtill uſed in poetry, for to deſcry To kep [capto, Latin]. To catch or meet. To kilt [Daniſh]. To tuck up. To kittle [Saxon]. To tickle. To learn. To teach. In many of the European languages, the ſame word ſignifies to gain, and to impart knowledge: and it is the caſe in England as well as Scotland; but good writers will always make a diſtinction between them. To lippin [Saxon]. To rely on, to truſt to. To lout [Saxon]. To bow down. To lowe [Dutch]. To flame. T'o maltreat [maltraitcr, Fr.] To abuſe. I believe maltreat is ſometimes, though not often, uſed by the Engliſh. To mant [μαυτομαι, Gr.] To ſtammer; Or to heſitate in ſpeaking, as the perſons who pronounced the Heathen Oracles affected to do, when they pretended to be inſpired. To mind, (erroneoufly for) To remind, or remember. Ex. "My ſiſter (ſaid a devout and wor"thy lady) can repeat a diſcourſe from be"ginning to end, but for me, I never mind "ſermons." It may, at the ſame time, be obſerved, that the Scottiſh idiom was formerly an Engliſh one. To Miſgive (erroneouſly for) To fail, or miſcarry. To miſgive, does not properly ſignify to fail, in the general ſenſe of that word, but only a failure, or want of confidence in the mind; and it is always uſed with the reciprocal pronoun: Ex. "His heart miſgave "him." To miſguide, (erroneouſly for) To ſully, or abuſe. Ex. "He miſguides his cloaths;" which is a counterpart to the phraſe, "he is a good "guide of them." To mynt (from mind). To aim at, or have a mind to. To narrate [narro, Latin]. To relate, or tell. Yet narrative, and narration, are good Engliſh. To neeze [Daniſh]. To ſneeze. To occupy, (better) To employ. Ex. "I am much occupied (employed) "about ſuch a thing at preſent." To pewther (corrupted from pother). To canvaſs. To pingle [Belgic]. To ſtrive, or labour hard. To poach (a cant word). To make wet, or marſhy. To prie (corrupted from prove). To try, or taſte. Prieve is made uſe of by Spenſer. To prig [from prog, corrupted from procurare]. To higgle, or haggle. To remeed, (erroneouſly for) To remedy. To reſet [from ſet]. To harbour. To reſtrict [reſtrictus, Latin]. To limit, or confine. Reſtrict, is a word ſcarcely Engliſh, ſays Dr. Johnſon. To ripe (as ripe your pockets). To rifle. To roar (as the child roars). To cry, or weep. To rove (in a fever). To be light-headed, or delirious. To ſkail [echeveler, Fr.] To ſcatter. To ſkar [from ſcar]. To frighten. To ſlocken [Iſlandic]. To quench, or ſlake. To ſmit [from ſmite]. To infect. To ſnuff To take ſnuff. Ex. "He ſnuffs a great deal, for, he takes "a great deal of ſnuff." This is a very common Scoticiſm. To ſpane [a child, Saxon]. To wean. To ſpier [Saxon]. To aſk, or enquire. To ſtammer (as the horſe ſtammers). To ſtumble. To ſtot (Belgic]. To rebound. To ſuccomb [ſuccomber, Fr.] To ſink under, to yield. Succomb is uſed by Foote, in his farce of the Knights, but has always been accounted a word peculiarly Scottiſh. To ſuſtain (as, I ſuſtained his excuſe). To admit. To tape [taper, Fr.] To ſave. To teem [Daniſh]. To pour out. To thig [Saxon]. To beg, or aſk contribution. To threap [Saxon]. To contend, or vehemently aſſert. It is uſed in this ſenſe by Chaucer, and is ſtill not uncommon in the north of England. To tire, (erroneouſly for) To wiſh for any thing. To trow [Saxon]. To imagine, or believe. To tyne [Iſlandic]. To loſe. To tyr [tirer, Fr.] To ſtrip. To wale [Gothic]. To chuſc, or pick out. To weary, (erroneouſly for) To be, or grow weary. To wiſſen [Saxon]. To dry, or wither. To yoke (as yoke the horſes). To harneſs, or put to. Yoke, is a term confined to oxen, except in poetry, where a greater licence is permitted. Both the Scots and Engliſh make uſe of this ridiculous phraſe, put the horſes into the carriage. To be well yoked, for matched together, is a phraſe peculiar to Scotland. To youl (corrupted from howl). To howl. ADJECTIVES. Auldfarand. Witty, or clever beyond expectation. Beyond what is uſual at any particular age, poſſibly derived from auld varand, old traveller, the vieux routier, of the French. Bedfaſt. Confined to bed; bedrid. Blate, or bleit [Saxon]. Baſhful. Blyth [Saxon]. Gay, or merry. Blyth ſtill exiſts in poetry, particularly in ſongs. Bonny [bonne, Fr.] Pretty, handſome Boſs [boſſe, Fr.] Hollow. Bygone, (uſed by Shakeſpear for) Paſt. Bypaſt is alſo a term of the Scottiſh dialect. Caller (corrupted from colder). Freſh. Perhaps caller, in the phraſe, "a caller "egg," comes from cailler, to curdle, from the white of a freſh egg reſembling curds. Cankert (from canker). Croſs, ill-natured. At leaſt, cankert is an expreſſive word, growing daily more obſolete in England. Canty [canto, Latin]. Hearty, cheerful. Clamant [clamoſus, Latin]. Clamorous, noiſy, loud. Clarty. Dirty. Clever, (erroneouſly made uſe of for) Quick, active, or handy. Clever, is either derived from cleave, or, perhaps, it comes from the Scotch word claver, to talk, or prattle, which quick and active people are apt to do. The Engliſh, it may be obſerved, never uſe cleverneſs; for quickneſs, nor clever for quick. Clear (when applied to ſolids). Bright. Ex. "How clear (bright) the table is. Comatable [from come]. Attainable. Conform, (more uſually) Conformable, or according to. Diſconform is not an Engliſh word. Corky. Airy, briſk. Curt [curtus, Latin]. Brief. Alſo curtly, for briefly, and curtneſs , for brevity, or briefneſs. Difficulted. Puzzled, or perplexed. Diſcreet [diſcret, Fr.] Civil, or obliging. Ex. "He is a very diſcreet (civil) man, "it is true, but his brother has more diſcre"tion (civility)." This is a very common Scoticiſm. Diſtreſſed. Pained. Diſtreſs , is properly applied to the anguiſh of the mind, not to the pain of the body. Dorty, Pettiſh, humourſome. Douce [douce, Fr.] Sedate. Dreigh (from draw, or dry). Long, tedious. Drumly [corrupted, it is ſaid, from trouble, French]. Muddy, thick. Dull, (uſed erroneouſly for) Deaf. Dure [durus, Latin]. Hard, difficult. Fendy (from find). Dexterous at finding out expedients. Ray ſays, fendy is derived from defend. Fenſable, now ſpelt fencible (from defencible). Fit for war. Flory (corrupted from flowery), Showey, vain. Footleſs (from foot). Stumbling. Gentle, (made uſe of by Shakeſpear for) High-ſpirited. Vide Humphrey Clinker, Vol. II. p. 182. Gim, (an old word for) Neat, or ſpruce. Gimmy, is ſtill in uſe in England, Iniquous, (in Engliſh) Iniquitous, or unjuſt. Laigh (as, a laigh-houſe to let). Low. Landwart (pronounced landred). Aukward, ruſtick. Landwart, is properly inland, towards the land or country; the idea of ruſticity ſeems to have been taken from a notion, that the interior parts of the country are more barbarous and uncivilized than thoſe of the ſea-coaſt. Large (as, fodder is large). Plentiful, or in plenty. Light-headed, (properly) Giddy, or delirious. Lyart [Saxon]. Grayheaded, Misfortunate, (in England always) Unfortunate. Miſta'en. Miſtaken. Mickle [Saxon]. Much. It is ſingular that a Saxon word, mickle, ſhould grow obſolete, inconſequence of the introduction of a word from the Spaniſh from whence much is derived, Oldiſh (better) Elderly. Pawky [from pawkis, Saxon]. Sly, cunning. Pitiful (improperly for) Piteous. Pointed (as, a pointed man). Punctual, accurate. Precipitant. Precipitate. Mr. Hume alſo uſes precipitantly, for precipitately. Dr. Prieſtley, who makes this obſervation, likewiſe objects to informalities, made uſe of by the ſame author, for illegalities; diſobligation (though uſed by Clarendon), for offence, or cauſe of diſguſt; and circuity, for circuit. Proportional, (better) Proportionable. Quheen, or wheen [Belgic]. Few, not many. Ex. "A quheen (few), were preſent on "that occaſion" Scots. Scottiſh, or Scotch. Scots, is the name of the nation; but the proper adjective is Scottiſh, abbreviated into Scotch. Vide Prieſtley's Grammar, p. 79. When alone, in general, it ſhould be written Scottiſh, but perhaps Scotch, when joined with English, for the ſake of variety. Ex. The Scottiſh language, but, the Scotch and Engliſh dialects. Scrimp [Daniſh] Little, or ſcanty. From the ſame word, in the Daniſh or German language, ſhrimp is derived. Shaal, (corrupted from) Shallow. Short-ſighted, (more uſually) Near-ſighted. A near-ſighted man, is one that can only ſee objects when they are near him: A ſhort-ſighted man, is one that cannot ſee at a diſtance. They are both in uſe; but ſhort-ſighted is properly applied to the mind only, and near-ſighted to the perſon. Short-winded. Short-breathed,, The firſt is applied to horſes, the ſecond to men. Sib [Saxon]. Akin. Sicker [ſecurus, Latin]. Sure, certain. Slim [Belgic]. Slender bodied. Slim, though uſed by Addiſon, is not now common in England. Snack (from ſnatch). Alert, or clever. Snell [Saxon]. Sharp, piercing. Sparſe [ſpargo, Latin]. Wide. Stingy, (properly covetous, uſed by the Scots for) Proud. Strapping (a ludicrous word) Tall. Sweet-blooded. Mild, or amiable, Sweir [Saxon]. Slow, lazy. Tender (as, Pope was a tender man). Sickly. Delicate, is another adjective which the Scots and Engliſh uſe in different ſenſes: For by delicate, the Scots mean ſickly, and the Engliſh beautiful, or pleaſing. Theſe ſenſes of the words tender, and delicate, the Scots ſeem to have taken from the French, who make uſe of delicat, in the ſame ſenſe as foible (weak, or feeble); and tendre, for douillet (unable to bear any hardſhip). Thain (as, the meat is thain). Raw, little done. Throng, or throng. Crowded. Throng ſhould never be uſed as an adjective. They are very throng, for intimate together, is a very common Scoticiſm. Toom [Daniſh]. Empty, hollow. Verſant, (made uſe of improperly for) Converſant. Warm, (in the extreme, properly) Hot, or ſultry. Warre, (ufed by Spenſer for) Worſe. We, wie, or wee. Little. Well advanced (as, the field is well advanced, conſidering the coldneſs of the ſeaſon). Forward. Well-looked. Perſonal, handſome. Even well-looking, though better, is exceptionable. Well-natured, (better) Kind, or good-natured. Yaip (corrupted from gape). Eager, or hungry. Youthy. Youthful. NOUNS. An abbacy [abatia, Low Latin]. An abbey. An abbacy, is the rights and privileges of an abbot; not the monaſtery, or abbey, of which he is the head. An account, (erroneouſly made uſe of in Scotland for) A bill. Accounts are confined to money negociations only: Hence they ſay in England, an account with a banker, but, a tradeſman's bill. Arles, earls, or arleſpenny [arrha, Latin]. Earneſt. A baggage trunk. A travelling trunk, A bairn, or bearn. A child. Bearn, is made uſe of by Shakeſpear, Winter's Tale, Act III. Scene 7.; by Donne, in his Satires, and indeed was a very common old Engliſh word. Mr. Ray derives it from the Syriac, bar, filius; but it is more probably of Saxon original. Baubee, (an old Engliſh word for) Halfpenny Boadle, for, half a farthing, ſtands in the ſame predicament, and is ſtill known in Lancaſhire. Beltain. May-day. Derived from beal, or bealan, the baal of Scripture, which, in the old language of Gaul, ſignified the ſun. Bealtan, in the Celtic, is the fire of the Deity. As to beltain, vide an Eſſay on the Antiquity of the Iriſh Language, printed anno 1772, p. 9, and 19. A bicker [Italian]. A wooden mug. Perhaps bicker, is only another mode of ſpelling the Englilh word beaker, uſed by Pope for a cup, with a ſpout in the form of a bird's beak. A blenk, or blink [Belgic]. A twinkling of fair-weather, a glimpſe of light. A braſh. A ſlight fit of ſickneſs. A brig, (an old Engliſh word for) A bridge. It is ſtill uſed in that ſenſe in Lancaſhire and Cambridgeſhire; but, in other parts of England, a brig generally ſignifies only a two-masted veſſel. A boar, (ſometimes uſed for) A bear. Bears, are wild animals; boars, male ſwine. Body. Soul, creature. Ex. "What a good body, for, good ſoul, or creature, it is." Burial, or burying, (better) Funeral. Ex. "He had a very magnificent burying, (funeral)." Burial, is the act of burying. A carle [Saxon]. A churl, or old man. A carling. An old Woman. The ceſs [from cenſus, Latin] The king's, or land tax. Ceſs, in England, means a levy or tax upon property in general, perſonal as well as landed. A chambermaid. A houſemaid. Chambermaids, are upper houſemaids; and ſome adopt this diſtinction, the chambermaid of an inn, but the houſemaid in private habitations. A cheſt. A coffin. Hence cheſtening (or the act of incloſing the corpſe in a coffin) is derived, a ſolemn rite at the funerals of Scotchmen. A cloakbag, (an old word for) A portmanteau. A communing (from to commune). A meeting, or converſation. A communing, in Scotland, is a meeting to converſe on any particular ſubject. A free communing, is a meeting where the parties are on little ceremony with each other. Complexion. Colour, bloom. The complexion is properly the colour of the ſkin, whether dark, brown, or fair; whereas colour, means the bloom of the cheek, or the appearance of blood in the face. Both theſe words are uſed in oppoſite ſenſes by the Scots. A compliment. A preſent. A compliment, is properly an expreſſion of civility; a preſent, is a gift. Ex. "He "made me a preſent of this book, and at the "ſame time complimented me, with ſaying "that I deſerved ſomething better." The Scots alſo ſay, I got ſuch a thing in (for as) a preſent. Dubiety. Doubt. But dubiety may be found in Clarendon. Eſcutcheon. Atchievement, or hatchment. Eſcutcheons, are the arms of one particular family; atchievements, corrupted into hatchments, contain alſo the arms of the neareſt relations, ornamented with all the pageantry of heraldry. The armorial eſcutcheons, placed over the door of a houſe, or in the pariſh church, after the death of any diſtinguiſhed perſon, is called hatchment in England. Expiry. Expiration. A factor, or chamberlain. A ſteward. Factors, are properly agents, or ſubſtitutes in oppidal (if that word may be made uſe of), and bailiffs, and ſtewards, in rural matters. A filler. A funnel. A fleuk [Saxon]. A flounder. A fret. A bad omen. To fret, is to vex; and as nothing vexes a peeviſh, ſuperſtitious perſon, more than bad omens, hence it is ſaid that the Scots came to call a bad omen, a fret. But Dr. Percy, in his Gloſſarv, rather ſeems to think that fret comes from fright. Vide Gloſſ. vol. i. Voce freits. A friend, (often made uſe of in Scotland for) A relation. Relations are not always friends, in the Engliſh ſenſe of that word. A gavelock [Saxon]. An iron crow. Gawntree (corrupted from gallentree). Wooden frame for holding caſks. Gear [Saxon]. Subſtance, or furniture. A geck, gawk, or gawky. A fooliſh fellow. Glaſſes, (at leaſt better) Spectacles. A gooſe-pen. A gooſe-quill. Greed (a corruption of greedineſs). Avarice. A guillivine-pen. A black-lead pencil. Black-lead, is called killow, or collow, in Cumberland; and a guillivine-pen, is probably a corruption of a fine killow pencil. A firth [fretum, Latin]. An æſtuary, or arm of the ſea. Fleet, was the old Saxon word for æſtuary, and fiunder, the Cumbric one. The Engliſh, if they uſe firth, ſpell it frith. Flum [flumen, Latin]. Flattery. Hanſel (from handſale ). New-year's gift, or earneſt. A goodſire, or gutcher. A grandfather. Sir, is a corruption of ſire, ſieur, ſeigneur, ſenior; and is a remains of that reſpect which was paid to age by the nations of antiquity. If the father was called ſire, it was natural to ſuppoſe that the grandfather would be called goodſire, corrupted into gutcher, from his greater tenderneſs and indulgence. The northern Scots alſo ſay oye, for grand-child. A horſe-couper. A horſe-dealer. A horſe-hyrer. A ſtable-keeper. A horſe-hyrer, is properly one that gives the hyre, and not he who gets it. An indweller. An inhabitant, or inmate. Indwelling, is alſo Scotch. Dwell, and dwellers, are Engliſh. An inkhorn. An inkholdcr. Yet, a ſilver inkhorn, is not ſo violent a catachreſis as a ſilver candleſtick; for, in the Anglo-Saxon, horn ſignified a receptacle in general, of whatever materials it was compoſed. Kindling (from kindle). Coals, live coals, or firing. I believe kindling, would be under-ſtood in Yorkſhire. Knitting. Tape. The lift. The firmament. Lift, is alſo uſed for a great load of thing, or a great quantity of liquor. Lime. Mortar. Lime is the material, but mortar is the cement when made. A loch [Erſe]. A lake. Lochleeches. Leeches. In Aberdeen, it is ſaid that leeches are cried in the ſſtreets under the name of Black Doctors, whelped in a pool. The luff. The palm of the hand. The lug [Saxon]. The ear. A meath [Saxon]. A mark, a line, or channel. Midges [Saxon]. Gnats. At leaſt gnats, is the more uſual word in England. A neb, or nib [Saxon]. A noſe, or bill of a bird. A Nonjurant. A Nonjurer. The oxtar. The armpit. A paddock [Saxon or Belgic]. A frog, or toad. The Engliſh uſe paddock, a corruption of parrack, whence park is derived, for a ſmall incloſure, particularly where deer are kept. A pet, or peat [petit, Fr.] A favourite. Peat, is made uſe of by Shakeſpear for darling; and hence pyet might be derived (if it is an old word, which is much doubted), a name given by the fair of Edinburgh to a favourite beau. Pennies. Pence. Alſo halfpennies, for halfpence. A pier (as, Leith pier). A key, quay, wharf, or harbour. Pith. Strength. A plagiariſt, (in England always) A plagiary. Pleniſhing [plenus, Latin]. Houſehold furniture. A ploy. A little ſport, or merriment; a merry meeting. A poke, (in England, generally) A bag. Polity. Civil conſtitution, form of government. Notwithſtanding Hooker's and Pownal's authority, polity is reckoned a Scotch word. A pouch. A pocket. The Præſes (of a meeting). The Chairman. A proſpect glaſs, (better) A perſpective. Prog [a cant word, from procurare, Lat.] Proviſions. A quern [Saxon]. A handmill. Rheumatics. Rheumatiſm. A roup [Belgic]. An auction, or ſale. The roup, alſo, in Scotland, is hoarſeneſs; and to roup, to fell by auction. A rouping wife. A female auctioneer. A rung (corrupted from wrung). A ſtick, or cudgel. Scath, or Skaith [Saxon]. Loſs, or damage. A ſhelty (from Shetland). A pony. The ſhore, (erroneouſly for) The quay. The ſhore, in England, is the coaſt of the ſea, not the quay of a harbour. Skiny [σχοιυος]. Packthread. A ſkipper [Saxon]. A pilot, or maſter of a veſſel. A ſot. A fool. The Scots uſe ſot, as the French do un ſot, not for a tippler, but a fool. Sough [Erſe]. Whine. Spice. Pepper. Probably pepper was the firſt ſpice known in Scotland. A ſpunk, or ſponk. A match; touchwood. Hence ſpunky is derived, made uſe of by the Scots, for gay or lively. A ſquare. A ruler. A ſtaw. A ſurfeit, diſreliſh. A ſtorm. A great fall of ſnow, or ſnowy weather. A ſtorm, in England, is a tempeſt, or violent commotion of the elements; a lying ſtorm, and a great ſtorm on the ground, are phraſes peculiarly Scottiſh. A wreath of ſnow, for a heap of ſnow collected by the wind, ſtands in the ſame predicament. Suet [ſuet, Fr.] Fat. The thrapple. The throat. A tod [German.] A fox. A toll [telonia, Latin.] A turnpike. The turnpike is the gate, the toll is the money paid. In many parts of England, at the ſame time, turnpikes are called toll-- gates. A triſte [Saxon]. A fair, or market. A tike [Runic]. A dog, or cur. Vacance. Vacation. A vocable. A word. Waits [guet, Fr.] Watch. Hence comes the law-term wayt-fee, or a fee anciently paid for keeping watch and ward. Wark [Saxon]. Work. Wark was the original word, and is ſtill uſed in compoſition, as in bulwark. Waſter (in a candle). Thief. Whitſunday. Whitſuntide. The other great Scotch term, Martinmas, the Engliſh have corrupted into Martilmas, or Martlemas. Candlemas, and Lammas, have been made uſe of by Engliſh writers, but are not much known at preſent. Yule, corrupted from vigiliæ, was of old the name which Chriſtmas had in Scotland; and in Wales, Wiliay, which originally ſignifed holidays in general, was afterwards confined to Chriſtmas. Shrove Tueſday, is called Faſten's e'en by the Scots, properly, faſting even, the ſucceeding day being Aſh Wedneſday, the firſt of the Lent faſt. Wite [Saxon]. Blame. Yate [Saxon], a provincial word in England. Gate. PARTICLES. Above (as, who lives above you). Over. Albeit (Old Engliſh). Although. Allenarly [from alone, or allen, Dutch]. Solely, only. Altogether, (erroneouſly for) In all. Ex. "Of money and moveables I loſt, "altogether (in all), about fifty pounds." Altogether, is completely, without exception. Almoſt never. Seldom or never. Anent [Saxon]. Concerning, or with regard to. As, (erroneouſly for) Than. Ex. "More as that, I would at all times "rather chuſe to buy as ſell." Attour [alentour, Fr.] Beſide, over and above. Aye [Saxon]. Always. Below, (erroneouſly for) Under. Ex. "Below (under) the table. Alſo, "he wore his armour below his clothes, and "hid his goods below ground." Below never ſignifies beneath, ſo as to be covered or hidden. Ben (corrupted from be in). In, or into. But (a corruption of be out). Without. But and ben, is the outer and inner room. In low farm-houſes of two rooms, the outer room is called the but, and the inner one the ben. Dr. Percy (Reliques of Ancient Poetry) derives but, from the Dutch buyten; and ben, from the Dutch binnen. Gloſſ. to Vol. III. The reader will ſee ſome curious obſervations upon but, and other conjunctions, in Horn's Letter to Dunning, printed anno 1778, particularly p. 39, and 53. Eik [Belgic]. Alſo. Elſe , (as, I have done it elſe, for) Already. Evenly. Even. Ever a, or e'er a. Any. Ex. "Saw you e'er a thing like it." Heigh. Hey. The Engliſh ſpell it heigh (but without pronouncing it as the Scots do), in the interjection heigh-ho. Hout (from out). Fye. How ſoon, (improperly for) As ſoon as. Ex. "How ſoon (as ſoon as) I go home. I will ſend it. Ilk [Saxon]. Each, every. Ex. "Ilk ane (every one) of you ſhould "have been there." It alſo ſignifies the ſame, for "Martin of that ilk" would denote a gentleman, whoſe ſurname is the ſame with the name or title of his eſtate. Juſt ſo. [as juſtlement, Fr.] True; it is ſo. Langſyne. Long ſince, or long ago. No, (ſometimes uſed for) Not. As, no drop, for not a drop; no poſſible, for not poſſible. No more. No farther, only. Ex. "How often has he been married? "Na more than (only) once. How far does "he go with you? No more (farther) than "Edinburgh." Mr. Hume, and other Scotch writers, are alſo apt to uſe no more, for any more. Ex. "Arioſto,,Taſſo, Ga"lileo, no more than (any more than) Rap"phael, were not born in republics." Not ſo ſoon. Not yet. Wherever not yet can be uſed, not ſo ſoon ought to be avoided. Overly. Careleſsly, ſuperficially. Preſently. Now, or at preſent. Ex. "I do not know where he is preſently." Slidderly (corrupted from ſlide). Slippery. Slippy [a provincial word]. Slippery. So ſoon as. As ſoon as. Ex. "He deſiried Edinburgh, ſo ſoon (as ſoon) as he came to Leith." So ſoon as, ſays Dr. Prieſtley, certainly does not read ſo well as, as ſoon as, particularly in the middle of a ſentence. This is a fault which Mr. Hume is very apt to fall into. Ex. "Religious zeal made them fly to their "ſtandards, ſo ſoon as the trumpet was "ſounded by their ſpiritual and temporal "leaders." Such. So. Ex. "Such a juſt title, for ſo juſt a title." Through. Acroſs. Ex. "To walk through (acroſs) the room. Timouſly (from timeous). Timely, early. Tofore [Saxon]. Before. Toply. Finely. Tout (as, tout man). Pſhaw. In Shakeſpear it is ſpelt tut. Whenever. As ſoon as. Yon, or yond [Saxon]. That. Yon and yond, are two old Engliſh adverbs and adjectives, on the brink of being exploded; and perhaps yonder, will ſoon ſhare the ſame fate. I ſhall conclude this Gloſſary with the following lines of Horace, as written in the original, and as tranſlated by Dr. Francis, who has given us the laſt, and beſt verſion of that excellent Poet. "Mortalia facta peribunt: "Ne dum ſermonum ſlet honos, et gratia vivax. "Multa renaſcentur, quæ jam cecidere, cadentque, "Quæ nunc ſunt in honore vocabula, ſi volet uſus, "Quem penès arbitrium eſt, et jus, at norma loquendi." DE ARTE POET. verſ. 68. "All theſe muſt periſh; and ſhall words preſume, "To hold their honours, and immortal bloom? "Many ſhall riſe, that now forgotten lie, "Others, in preſent credit, ſoon ſhall die; "If cuſtom will, whole arbitrary ſway, "Words, and the forms of language, muſt obey," CHAP. III. Miſcellaneous words and phraſes. WHEN the union, the conſtant intercourſe, and the frequent inter-- marriages between the Scots and Engliſh are conſidered, it would be natural to ſuppoſe that the dialects they ſpeak ſhould nearly reſemble each other; ſo far at leaſt-as regards entertainments, amuſements, clothes, furniture, and other miſcellaneous articles, the common ſubjects of converſation. But the words and phraſes made uſe of by the two nations, differ in theſe, as well as in other things; and the odious diſtinction, as Sheridan calls it, remains equally conſpicuous, at the table, in the pulpit, and at the bar: A diſtinction, which is far from being of advantage to ſuch Scotchmen as either reſide in, or occaſionally viſit the capital. It is, indeed, aſtoniſhing how uncouth, and often how unintelligible, Scotch words and phraſes are to an inhabitant of London, and how much it expoſes ſuch as make uſe of them, to the deriſion of thoſe with whom they happen to have any communication or intercourſe: It is therefore hoped that the following liſt, comprehending the moſt common and material differences, will not be unacceptable. ENTERTAINMENTS. Scotch. To cover the table. Engliſh. To lay the cloth. The Engliſh here agree with the French idiom, of "mettez la nappe." To diſh dinner. To ſerve, or bring up dinner. To diſh dinner, may be ſaid to the cook; but to ſerve, or bring up dinner, to the butler or footman. To take the air off any thing, (better) To take the chill off any thing. To make a ſallad. To dreſs a ſallad. The Scotch phraſe probably means, to make a ſallad fit for eating. To take out a glaſs of wine. To take off a glaſs of wine. To take off, is the proper word for to ſwallow. To ſerve the tea-things, (better) To hand about the tea-things. To fill the kettle. To fill the teapot. The kettle is emptied, and not filled. To be appetiſed. To be hungry. Appetiſe is a word peculiarly Scottiſh. To have a good ſtomach. To have a good appetite. This may be cited as one inſtance, among many others, of the refinement of the Engliſh language; for appetite, is ſurely a more polite and delicate word than ſtomach, which was formerly made uſe of by many Engliſh authors, and is ſtill ſometimes uſed, though not in genteel company. I have had two ſervices of broth. I have had two plates of broth. The Engliſh ſay a plate of broth, as, a glaſs of wine. A ſervice, for a plate of any thing, is never made uſe of. A ſad dinner. A hearty dinner. Sad is here made uſe of, not for a bad or diſmal, but for a hearty and ſubſtantial dinner. In ſome provincial dialects, at the ſame time, ſad is uſed for heavy. An aſſet [aſſiette, Fr.] A ſmall diſh, or plate. The head and foot of a table. The top and bottom of a table. The foot of a table, is properly what it ſtands on. Old bread. Stale bread. Old bread would probably be muſty, Sowens, (an old Engliſh word for). Oatmeal flummery. Brochan [Erſe]. Gruel, or water-gruel. Kail (a corruption of cole). Greens, or cabbage. Cole, is a general word for herbs; and as many herbs were put into the Scotch kinds of broth, hence kail, corrupted from cole, came to ſignify broth. Fleſh. Meat. In the old Engliſh dialect, meat ſignified food in general. John, xxi. 5. But in modern Engliſh, it denotes fleſh meat, or fleſh fit to eat. Meat is ſurely a more delicate word to uſe than fleſh, particularly at table. A jigot of mutton [gigot, Fr.] A leg of mutton. Veal's head and feet [veel, Old Fr. now veau]. Calve's head and feet. Veal, is the fleſh of the animal killed for the table; and the Scots uſe that word as the French do veau, copying that faſhionable nation in idioms, which they are obliged to make uſe of from the poverty of their language. A ſliver of beef (old Engliſh, for) A ſlice of beef. Hard fiſh. Salt fiſh. The Scots judge by the touch, the Engliſh by the taſte. Rauns, or roans [Daniſh]. Roes. Prawns. Shrimps. There are few, if any, prawns in Scotland; but the Scots give that name to what in England are called ſhrimps. Partans. Crabs. Toes of crabs and lobſters. Claws of crabs and lobſters. Gravy. Sauce. The Scots do not always attend to the diſtinction between ſauce and gravy. Gravy is the natural juice of the meat, ſauce is made by art, as anchovy, or lobſter ſauce, &c. The Engliſh, at the ſame time, give the name of gravy, to the artificial liquid made for fowls. Game. Wild fowl. Game includes hares, partridges, and the like; for the preſevation of which ſo many laws have been vainly enacted. Teal, wild ducks, and the like, have monopolized the name of wild fowl. Some arbitrary diſtinctions have been eſtabliſhed in numbering game, fiſh, and wild fowl, not always attended to by the Scots. Thus, the Engliſh always ſay, a couple (not pair, according to the Scottiſh idiom) of fowls, ducks, &c.; a brace of carp, tench, partridges, woodcocks, &c.; a pair of foals, and a leaſh, for three partridges, woodcocks, &c. A couple of hens. A couple of fowls. Fried chickens, (properly) Friars chickens. A diſh invented by that luxurious body of men. Bun, (an old word for) Plumcake, or twelfthcake. Whigs. Chelſea buns. Sweetys, confections. Sweetmeats, confectionary. Carvys. Carroways. Both nations write this word as they pronounce it. How much the pound of tea, &c. How much a pound of tea, &c. The pound, only refers to one particular pound. The article a, ſtands for any, or every. "We have gained five ſhillings the "piece," for "a piece," is alſo exceptionable Biſcuit. Confectioners cakes. Biſcuit, is properly bread baked hard for long voyages, from bis, twice, and cuit, baked. But in Scotland, it is alſo made uſe of for confectioners cakes, in imitation of the French word biſcuit Skonns. Thin cakes of flour. Spice. Pepper The Scots uſe ſpice, (the general word) for pepper, as if there was no other ſpice but pepper. Scotch collops. Scotched collops. Scotched collops is not a diſh invented by the Scots, or peculiar to Scotland, but derived from the old English verb, to ſcotch, or cut. A haggeſs, is another diſh not, in former times, belonging exclusively to Scotland, but derived from the English verb, to haggle, i. e. to chop, or cut; from the meat being chopt ſmall, of which the diſh is made. Barm, (an old Engliſh word, for) Yeſt, or yeaſt. In the ſouthern parts of England, yeſt is called riſing. Strong Ale, (uſually in England called) Ale. Whiſky. Uſquebaugh, aquavitæ. Whiſky is a corruption of uſque (water), the to firſt ſyllables of uſquebaugh. Sweet Butter. Freſh butter. The Scots alſo ſay powdered, for ſalt butter; a crumb of butter, for a little bit of butter; a kebbuck (an Erſe word), for a cheeſe; and crudy butter, for curds and butter. Crudy butter is a kind of cheeſe, only made by the Scots, whoſe curds being generally of a poorer quality than the Engliſh, they mix it with butter to enrich it. Ream, (ſtill uſed in Lancaſhire, as well as in ſome parts of Scotland, for) Cream. The following is a ſtate of the difference between the Scotch and Engliſh liquid meaſures. A Scotch mutchkin, makes An Engliſh pint. A chopin. A quart. A pint. Two quarts. A quart. A gallon. Chopin, is derived from the French chopine. It is a meaure now confined to Scotland, though formerly known in England. Stoop, ſtands in the fame predicament. The following Tables will explain the difference between the Scotch and Engliſh meaſures regarding grain and land. TABLE I. For reducing the Engliſh Buſhels, or Quarters, to Scotch Meaſure, according to the Edinburgh Standards. Note, 4 Buſhels make 1 Comb. 8 Buſhels, or 2 Combs, or 1 Quarter. 4 Quarters, 1 Chalder, Enghliſh meaſure. And 4 Lippies makes 1 Peck. 4 Pecks, 1 Firlot. 4 Firlots, 1 Boll. 16 Bolls., 1 Chalder, Scots Meaſure. TABLE II. For reducing the Price of the Engliſh Quarter to the Scotch Boll. In England, all Grain is bought and ſold by the Quarter: In Scotland by the Boll. The Scotch Boll varies in its Meaſure according to the different Grains; to Boll of Barley and Oats being conſidered larger than the Boll of Wheat or Peaſe. GAMES and AMUSEMENTS. Scotch. A Trump [trompe, Fr.] Engliſh. A Jew-harp. A fiddle. A violin. Fiddler, is only applied, in England, to the loweſt of the muſical tribe; and fiddle, to the inſtruments they play upon. Dams [le jeu des dames, Fr.] Draughts. A pirn (for angling). A wheel. To breed a dog, (better) To break a dog. To ride a horſeback, (better) To ride on horſeback. The diſtinition is, to ride a horſe, but to ride on horſeback. Spaud, maul. Spadille, manille. The Scots and Engliſh often uſe different words and phraſes at the card-table; as, to trumph (corrupted from triumph), for to trump a card. Firſt in hand, for eldeſt hand. To play with liberty, for to play with leave. Six cards, for ſix tricks, &c. &c. Blind Harry. Blindman's buff. Ball. Fives. A ſpring. A tune on any muſical inſtrument. CLOTHES, DRESS, &c. To ſet any thing. To become any thing well. Ill does it ſet you, alſo, for ill does it become you to do ſuch a thing. To be trig (corrupted from tricked up). To be neat. To clean ſhoes. To wipe, or black ſhoes. A barber, (ſometimes for) A hairdreſſer. A ſwatch (from ſwath). A pattern, or piece for a ſample. A wrought waiſtcoat, gown, &c. A worked waiſtcoat, &c. A ſewedgown, &c. A worked gown, &c. The diſtinction is, to ſew with a needle, but to work in the tambour. A handſome coat. A handfome ſuit of clothes. The neck, or neckpiece of a coat. The cape, or collar of a coat. Riding clothes. Riding habit. A big-coat. A great-coat, or ſurtout. A cloth-bruſh. A clothes-brush. A cloth-bruſh, would properly be one made of cloth. A towel. A napkin. Towels are uſed in a chamber; napkins, as tea-napkins, at table. A napkin. A handkerchief. Napkin, for handkerchief; is uſed by Shakeſpear (Othello, Act Ill. Scene 7), and is ſtill current in the North of England, particularly about Sheffield. Vide Warner's Letter to Garrick, p. 35. A ſervite [ſerviette, Fr.] A table napkin. A ſervice of linen [French]. A complete ſet of linen. Napery [naperia, Italian]. Table linen. Mittens [mitaines, Fr.] Woollen gloves. Mittens, in England, at preſent, are underſtood to be gloves without fingers. Striped ſtockings. Ribbed ſtockings. Stripped ſtockings would properly be variegated with lines of different colours. Tartan [perhaps from tarote, Fr.] Highland plaid. A philibeg [Erſe]. A ſhort, or little petticoat. A durk [Erſe]. A dagger, or poniard. TOWNS. A wind. A lane. Edinburgh and Stirling, two of the principal towns in Scotland, are ſituated on hills, with one wide ſtreet, and many narrow lanes, leading from thence down the ſides of the hills; which lanes, from their being generally winding, and not ſtraight, are called winds. A cloſs. A court, ſquare, or alley. Ex. The Parliament Cloſs at Edinburgh, which is properly a ſquare, and is now begun to be called ſo, The name of cloſs, is improperly given to any place which is not almoſt altogether ſhut up, which Edinburgh alleys ſeldom are. Up ſtreets. Up a ſtreet, or the ſtreet. The head or foot of a ſtreet. The top or bottom of a ſtreet. The right or left ſide of a ſtreet. The right or left-hand ſide of a ſtreet. A ſtreet has no right or left ſide of its own, but as it refers to the right or left-- hand of any particular perſon. Number firſt, ſecond, third, fourth, &c. of a ſtreet. Number one, two, three, four, &c. of a ftreet. In London the houſes are in general numbered; and it is not number firſt, but number one, that a perſon ſhould inquire after. A college. An univerſity. Ex. Oxford college, for the Univerſity of Oxford. An Univerſity conſiſts of many colleges. The other ſide of the ſteet. The other ſide of the way, The ſtreet, is only that part of the way which is allotted for carriages. The term way, includes alſo the pavements for foot-- paſſengers on both ſides of the ſtreet. Plain-ſtones. Pavement. Ex. A plain-ſtone cloſs , for a paved alley. HOUSES. To ſet a houſe. To let a houſe. The Scots alſo ſay, to ſet a farm, garden, &c. To lodge in a houſe. To dwell, or live in a houſe. To ſtay in a houſe. To reſide in a houſe. To red up a room. To put a room in order. Red is probably derived either from reddere, Latin, to reſtore, from its being reſtored to its former order; or from the verb to rid, becauſe it muſt be rid or freed from unneceſſary incumbrances. A well-aired houſe. A houſe in an airy ſituation. A well-aired houſe, is properly one free from damps within, and not a houſe in a high and airy ſituation, and conſequently enjoying good air without, which is the meaning of the Scottiſh idiom. A houſe within itſelf (better) A houſe by itſelf, A ſclated houſe. A ſlated houſe. The Scots ſpell and pronounce ſlate, ſclate, nearer the original French word eſclate, a tile, than the Engliſh edition of it. A turnpike-:ſtair [perhaps from tourniquet, French]. A well, or winding ſtaircaſe. Turnpike-ſtairs, ſays Mr. Arnot, are built in a ſpiral form; ſcale-ſtairs, have ſtraight flights of ſteps. Hiſtory of Edinburgh, p. 246. A tranſe [tranſitus, Latin]. A paſſage from a ſtaircaſe. Fire-rooms. Rooms with a fire-place. A bunker. A window-ſeat. A chimney-piece, (more elegantly) A mantle-piece. The jaum of a door [jambe, Fr.] The ſide-poſt. The roof of a room. The cieling. Boxing. Wainſcotting. A change-houſe. An ale-houſe. A public-houſe. An inn, a tavern, or hotel. In England, public-houſes are kept by the inferior, and not better, kind of publicans. A ſmithy, (an old Engliſh word for) A ſmith's houſe. A ducat (corrupted from dovecot). A pigeon-houſe. A reeky houſe. A ſmoky houfe. Reek is an old Engliſh word for ſmoke, FURNITURE, &c. A kitchen. A tea-urn, or vaſe. It is improper to give one word (kitchen) two meanings, when there are other words that expreſs one of the ſenſes equally well, and are confined to that alone. A tray. A waiter, or tea-board. Trays are made of common wood, and are calculated to carry victuals, &c. Waiters and tea-boards are either made of japaned ware, or of the fineſt kinds of wood, or ſomctimes of ſilver. The plate. The diſh. Plates are only for eating out of. A deep plate. A ſoup-plate. A ſlap-baſon. A ſlop-baſon. A ſugar-bowl. A ſugar-diſh. A bowl. A baſon, or baſin. Bowls never hold leſs than a Scotch mutchkin, or Engliſh pint. Baſons. are ſmaller bowls. A brander [Runic]. A gridiron, or grateiron. The Scots alſo ſay to brander, for to broil meat. A beſom [Saxon]. A ſmall bruſh. Beſom may be found in Iſaiah, xiv. 22. and in Bacon. A chimney. A ſtove, or grate. The chimney, is properly the whole fireplace. The ſtove or grate, that part of it in which the fire is contained. A grate. A ſtove. Nothing are called grates in England but fixed ones, ſuch as the laundry and kitchen grates. A ſhake-do wn. Bed-clothes ſpread upon the floor. A bowſter (corrupted from) Bolſter. A cod [Saxon]. A pillow. Pincod is alſo fometimes uſed for pincuſhion. A gully. A large houſehold knife. A ſhort light. A flat candleſtick. AGRICULTURE, and the COUNTRY. A laird. A ſquire, or lord of a manor. Laird and lord were originally the ſame. In the Border Laws, publiſhed by the Biſhop of Carliſle, the Earl of Northumberland and the Lord of Galloway are both called lairds. Vide Ruddiman's Gloſſary, to Biſhop Douglas's Virgil, voce lard. Both words are properly derived from the Saxon; but Miſſon, in his Travels, Vol. ii, p. 375. pretends that they came from the Hetruſcan language, in which lars, or lartes, ſignified a lord or prince. Hence he ſays the Lartes Talumnius, mentioned by Livy, ought to be tranflated Lord Talumnius. A proof, among many others, to what length etymologiſts will go. But the real origin of lord, is given us by that valuable Engliſh antiquarian Richard Verſtegan; who informs us, that lord was originally written laford; and as laf, from whence loaf is derived, ſignified bread, ſo laford, was properly an afforder of bread,. or a bread-giver. An honourable appellation in thoſe days of unbounded hoſpitality. Lady, alſo, was originally written leafdian, afterwards lafdian, lafdy, and ultimately lady, which, in the Saxon, ſignificd bread-ſerver, that is, the perſo n who diſt ributed, or portioned out the food among the gueſts. And hence, ſay-s Verſtegan, aroſe the ancient cuſtom of the lady of the houſe carving the meat, and ſerving the gueſts at table, which, in other countries, is altogether ſtrange and unuſual. Our antiquarian adds a compliment to the lafords and leafdians of his time, which it is hoped their poſterity will endeavour, like them, to merit. "The nobility of this "iſland (he ſays) are really intitled to the "Saxon names by which they are diſtinguiſh"ed, having always ſhown themſelves ſupe"rior to thoſe on the continent, inhoſpitality "to ſtrangers, and liberality to the poor." It ought alſo to be obſerved, that it was formerly a cuſtom in Scotland to call the wife of a laird a lady, by the name of his eſtate; and the eldeſt ſon of a peer, where there was no ſecond title in the family, by the name of, the maſter of ſuch a thing. But both thoſe cuſtoms are now exploded. An heritor, (abbreviated from inheritor) A proprietor. A tackſman. A leaſeholder, tenant, or farmer. The Scots pronounce the word take, tak', hence they call a farm a tack, and a great farmer, a tackſman. A cotter, or ſub-tenant. A cottager. Cottier may be found in old Engliſh Dictionaries, but cottager at preſent is only made uſe of. A grieve [Belgic]. An overſeer, or bailiff. Grieve is derived from grave, which, in the Belgic, ſignifies præfectus; hence comes the German words landgrave, and margrave. A carter, (more commonly) A carman. Some make this diſtinction, carters in the country, but carmen in London. A dey. A dairy-maid. Dey, is an old Engliſh word for milk (vide Johnſon's Dictionary, voce dairy), and a dey, perhaps, might fignify a dairy-- maid; but the only deys at preſent heard of in England, are thoſe of Tunis and Algiers. A herd. A ſhepherd, a cowherd. In Scotland, and anciently in England, a herd was a keeper of cattle; but now it is made uſe of by the Engliſh, only for the flock he keeps. Nay, Allan Ramſay calls the hero of his Paſtoral, the Gentle (that is, not the meek, but the high-born) Shepherd, thinking herd, too vulgar an expreſſion. A ſhearer of corn. A reaper. To ſhear corn, is alſo improperly made uſe of in the north of England, as well as in Scotland, for to reap corn. Shearing, can only be done with ſhears, or ſciſſars, whereas corn is cut down, or reaped, by the hook, the ſickle, or the ſcythe. A hook, (better) A ſickle, or reaping-hook. To kirn butter. To churn butter. Ky, or kine [Belgic]. Cows. From ky, the Scots have alſo formed quey, and queyock. A ſtot, or ſtoat [Saxon]. A young bullock. A ſtirk (in Lancaſhire, ſturk). A ſteer, or heifer. A gaut (as, a mill gaut). A hog, a ſow. A hog. A young ſheep. Even in Yorkſhire, and Northamptonſhire, a ſheep of a year old is called a hog. A grice (an old Engliſh word for) A little pig. A croft [Saxon]. A ſmall farm. In England, a croft only means a ſmall paſture, near a cottage. A labouring. A farm. To labour well, they alſo uſe in Scotland, for to farm well. A maling. A little farm, or landed property. Maling comes from mail, in conſequence of rents being originally paid in mails or bags; mails and duties, alſo, a common phraſe in Scotland for rents, is derived, as is generally imagined, from maille, a bag, and dû, the participle of devoir. Biſhop Fleetwood, at the ſame time, affirms (Pref. to Chron. Prec.), that mails was an old Engliſh word for halfpence. It appears, from the ſame learned writer (p. 5o, 51.), that the Scotch mode of dividing a farm into ſo many pennylands, halfpennylands, and farthinglands, was formerly known in England; nor was a penny ſo deſpicable a rent for a little ſpace of ground, at a time when one penny, as the biſhop informs us, would purchaſe a ram, and twelve pence an ox, p. 43. A mains. Lands near a manſion-houſe. Mains, is either a contraction of domains, or derived from maneo, in the ſame manner as manſe and manor. A ſtocking. A ſtock for a farm. Good wintering. Good Winter's proviſion. Proviſion for cattle, in the Winter ſeaſon, being ſeldom in great plenty or abundance in Scotland, whilſt the Scots were indifferent farmers, it occasioned the formation of a particular word (wintering) to expreſs its ſcarcity or abundance. Fodder is plenty. Fodder is plentiful, or abundant. There is no ſuch adjective as plenty. Fogage [fogagium, Low Latin]. Aftermath, or aftergraſs. Fogage, is properly the graſs that has grown after the hay has been made. In ſome counties in England it is called erſh, or eddiſh; and in Suſſex gratton. The Engliſh, at the ſame time, ſay a fog, for a graſs lamb. A ſtook of corn (old Engliſh, for) A ſhock of corn. Farm. Rent in grain. Feorme, the Saxon primitive word, whence farm is derived, ſignified food, or proviſion. Black. Com. Vol. ii. p. 318. And as rents in Scotland were originally paid in kind, and from arable grounds, conſequently in grain; hence rent paid in grain, came to be called farm; and in thoſe primitive days of hoſpitality, were all made uſe of as feorme, or proviſions for the ſuſtenance of the proprietor's family. A graſſum. A fine. Rents, in Scotland, were at firſt paid for the arable lands only; but when graſs became more valuable in that country, the landlord would naturally inſiſt upon ſome conſideration for the ground in graſs. The Scotch farmers were fonder of fines, which they imagined was only a temporary burthen, than a perpetual increaſe of rent, and they were often more convenient for the matter. Fines were therefore paid for the graſs grounds, and hence came to be called graſſums. Bear, or big. Barley of inferior quality. Victual. Grain, and ſometimes oatmeal. Corn. Oats. The Scots alſo ſay, "the wind and "rain have lodged (laid flat) my corns." Whereas corns are only the hard and painful excreſcences on the toes. "Corn the "horſe," alſo, for give the horſe a feed of oats, or corn, is not unuſual. Draff [Belgic]. Grains of malt. Lint [linteum, Latin], generally, in England, called Flax. Briar [Saxon]. Young ſhoots of corn. A bee's ſcape [Daniſh]. A bee-hive. Scape, or ſcaupe, is uſed for a cluſter, quantity, or bed of any thing; as a ſcaupe, for a bed of oyſters, muſcles, &c. &c. Sceppe, alſo, according to Biſhop Fleetwood, Chron. Prec. p. 77. was an old Engliſh word for buſhel. A byre [Erſe]. A cow-houſe. Beſtial (from beaſt). Cattle. Beſtial is uſed in England as an adjective, but not as a ſubſtantive. A bow [Erſe]. A dairy, or herd of cattle. A bow is alſo made uſe of for a fold, contracted from bought, and perhaps derived from the French boucher, to ſhut up, or incloſe. A bothie (from booth). A little cottage. A girnel. A granary. A corf-houſe (from coffer) A ſtore-houſe. A barn -yard, (better) A farm-yard. A ſtone-dike, (in England, always) A ſtone wall. Dike, according to Skinner, comes from dig, and conſequently dikes, like thoſe of Holland, are made of earth, and never of ſtone. Properly we may dig a dike, but we muſt build a wall. A ſlap, in a dike. A gap in a wall. A pailing [palus, Latin], uſed erroneouſly for A paliſade, or paliſado. Pailing is ſtill uſed in England, for any common wooden fence. Leys [Saxon]. Untilled ground; Or, ground formerly tilled, now in paſture. A fur, or fure [Saxon]. A furrow. Ex. A light fur, for a ſhallow furrow. A yoking. A day's ploughing. Faugh [fauve, Fr.] Fallow. A rig [Saxon]. A ridge. Chingle, (a word uſed in Suſſex alſo, for) Gravel. Feal (from fewel). Turf. Muck [Belgic]. Dung, or manure. Muck is a word now growing out of uſe, even in the remoteſt parts of England. A midding [Saxon]. A dunghill. Midding, ſays Biſhop Gibſon (Notes on the Pol. Mid.), is derived from myke, Saxon, for dung, and ding, which ſignified a heap. Gooding for the land. Manure. A kail-blade. A cabbage-leaf. Kail is derived from cole, a general name for all ſorts of cabbage; and blade, from the French bled, or blé: A docking. A dock. Whins (from the Welſh). Furze. Furze, at leaſt, is more common in England. A Saugh [ſalix, Latin], A willow. A birk [Saxon]. A birch. From Birk, Berkſhire is ſaid to have taken its name. Berry, (more commonly) Currant. Alſo blackberries, for black currants. Black, berries, in England, are a ſpecies of bramble. Gins, or quens. Blackaroons, Blackcherries. A notion prevails in the North, that the blackcherry was originally brought from Guines in France, and hence its name in Scotland originates. Scrogs [Saxon]. Shrubs, or thorns. Policy. Grounds, or pleaſure-grounds. This ſenſe of the word policy, is probably taken from the French verb policer, to order; as pleaſure-grounds are kept in better order than other fields. A ſhead. A field. A park. An incloſure. A park, in England, is properly a large piece of ground incloſed for deer; whereas, in Scotland, it is applied to every ſpecies of incloſure. A pretty lying field. A field with a beautiful ſlope or declivity. A crag, or craig [Saxon]. A rock. Mr. Ray ſuppoſes craig to be a Britiſh word. A brae [Erſe]. A bank. Ex. A ſtay brae, for a ſteep bank. Brae is alſo uſed in a more extenſive ſenſe, ſignifying a large extent of hilly country, as the braes of Mar, and the braes of Athol. The ſhoulder of a hill. The ridge of a hill. A glen, or glyn [Erſe]. A dale, or narrow valley: A ſtrath [Erſe]. A broad valley. A haugh [Saxon]. A ſmall meadow in a valley, A know, or knoll, (old Engliſh, for) A little hill. A Slak [Saxon]. A narrow paſs between two hills. Bent, (uſed by Bacon, for) Ruſhes, or coarſe graſs. Links (from ling, an old Engliſh word, for) Down, heath, or common. A commontie. A common. Adding tie is unncceſſary, unleſs as a punſter once ſaid, "ſince the ground in queſtion "belongs in property to many, it muſt be a "common tie among them." It is ſingular that links, another word for heath or common, from the manner in which it is pronounced and written by the Scots, ſhould give ſome additional grounds for ſo whimſical an etymology. Heather. Heath. In the north of England, it is called hadder. Bracken [Saxon]. Fern. Bracken is common in Eſſex, and other parts of England. A moſs (corrupted from moraſs). A bog, or marſh. According to the Engliſh idiom, moſs is the excreſcence which grows upon walls and trees, and not the earth of a bog. Peat. Turf. Peat is an old Engliſh word for turf, dug in pits, whence the name is derived. A burn, or brun [Saxon]. A ſtream, or rivulet. Burn was a word common even in the ſouth of England; hence Sherburn, Milburn, &c. take their name. It originally ſignified water ſpringing out of the earth; and hence, in Brabant, a well is called a bourn-pit. A water. A river. The Engliſh never ſay the water of Thames, as the Scots do, the water of Tweed, or the water of Tay. A ſpeat (from the old Engliſh verb ſpet). A flood. A great ſuperabundance of water. A ſtank [ſtagnum, Latin]. A pond, or pool. A dub [Saxon]. A pool of dirty water. A view. A proſpect. Proſpect is an indefinite term, and relates to every thing that can be ſeen from any particular place. View, properly refers only to one particular object. Ex. There is a delightful proſpect from Highgate-Hill of the country about London, and a diſtinct view from it, of St. Paul's. A glede [Saxon]. A kite. Glede may be found in Deut xiv. 13. A corby [gorbeau, Fr.] A raven. A whaap. A curlew. A gawk [Saxon] A cuckow. A mavis [mavis, Fr.] A thruſh. A laverick, (abbreviated by the Engliſh into) Lark. I ſhall conclude this chapter with a liſt of TRADES and OCCUPATIONS, which have different names in the Scotch and Engliſh dialects. A wright. A carpenter. Wright, at preſent, is a general name for timber workmen; hence ſhipwright, wheelwright, &c.; but the Scots, by wrights, mean carpenters; which, Mr. Brokeſby affirms, is ſtill the caſe in the Eaſt Riding of Yorkſhire. But it may be remarked, that wright originally ſignified labouring man, and was not confined to artificers in wood, which is ſuppoſed to be the caſe at preſent. And that ſmith, ſtood the Saxons in the ſame ſtead, as faber did the Romans; for as they had their faber lignarius, and faber ferrarius, ſo the Saxons had their woodſmith (now called wright, or carpenter), their ironſmith, and their arrowſmith *, or maker of arrows. Indeed, as timber-workmen are obliged to ſmite with their hammers, as well as artificers in iron, the name ſmith, which comes from ſmite, might, with the ſame propriety, be applied to the former, as to the latter. Hence alſo, a ſpecious and plauſible reaſon may be aſſigned for the great preva* Arrowſmith is the name of a family in the neighbourhood of Worceſter, who certainly took their name from a profeſſion of the firſt importance, when the archers or bowmen of England were the conquerors of France, and the terror of Europe. lence of ſmith over every other ſurname. For taylor, turner, miller, &c. were names by which only one particular handicraft trade was diſtinguiſhed; whereas ſmith, was a word by which two very common occupations were jointly denominated. A baxter, (an old Engliſh word for) Baker. A webſter, (formerly uſed in England for) Weaver. A dyſter. A dier. Butt maltſter, &c. is good Engliſh. A browſter (quaſi brewſter). A brewer. A brouſt, is alſo made uſe of, for a brewing. A ſoutar [ſutor, Latin]. A ſhoemaker. A cordiner [cordonnier, Fr.] A cordwainer, or ſhoemaker. A whiteiron ſmith. A tinman. The Scots alſo ſay whiteiron, for tin. In Suſſex, tinmen are called whiteſmiths. A heckler [Belgic]. A flaxdreſſer. At leaſt flaxdreſſer is preferable. A tradeſman, it may be obſerved, in Scotland, implies one who works with his hands at any handicraft trade; whereas in England, it means a ſhopkeeper, whether he works himſelf or not. CHAP. IV. Legal, and clerical words and phraſes. THE Scotch and Engliſh ſyſtems of juriſprudence, at one period, were nearly the ſame. Our moſt ancient lawbook, the Regiam Majeſtatem, and Glanville's Treatiſe on the Laws of England, may be compared to different editions of the ſame work. It is well known with what zeal many Scotch antiquarians have contended for the originality of the Regiam Majeſtatem, and how vehemently the Engliſh have aſſerted, that it was only a ſervile imitation of their countryman's performance *. It is dangerous to engage in a conteſt, * As to the controverſy regarding the authenticity of the Reginam Majeſtatem, the reader may conſult a conteſt, into which two nations have entered with as much eagerneſs, as if the honour of their reſpective countries depended upon that ſingle point. I ſhall wave that muſty controverſy; and, inſtead of making fruitleſs inquiries into the ancient connexion between the laws of England and Scotland, ſhall endeavour to prove, in as few words as poſſible, the wiſdom and policy of incorporating our laws together, and of digeſting them into one complete and regular ſyſtem. Lord Bacon, with whoſe admirable works the lawyer, the divine, the ſtateſman, the hiſtorian, and the philoſopher, ought to be M'Doual of Bankton's Inſtitutes, Vol. i. Book I. Tit. I. in defence of that work. And, on the other hand, Craig de Feudis, Lib. I. 8. § II. Lord Lyttelton's Hiſtory of Henry the Second, Vol. iii. p. 209. and Lord Hailes's Firſt Eſſay on ſeveral Subjects relating to Britiſh Antiquities. equally converſant, has not omitted this ſubject, among his political diſquiſitions and the reaſons he aſſigns for compoſing a Britiſh Code, are not leſs applicable to the preſent, than they were to his own times. They are contained in his Speech concerning the Union of Laws, and in his excellent Obſervations concerning the Union between England and Scotland. In the firſt place, it is certain, that the forming of ſuch a code would be attended with the happy conſequence of having the laws of both nations reviſed and digeſted; a work, which the number and verboſity of our Britiſh Statutes renders daily more neceſſary. The Scotch law-books are of an immenſe magnitude, an onus multorum camelorum, but nothing in compariſon of the number which the Barriſters of England muſt peruſe; an abridgment of whoſe ſyſtem of juriſprudence has been ſeriouſly offered to the public in no leſs than four and twenty volumes folio. Such a heaping up of laws, without obſerving much order or arrangement, may increaſe the buſineſs of the bar from the confuſion and uncertainty it occasions; but every one muſt perceive, that it is equally diſgraceful to the ſtate, and ruinous to the people. Since the principles of the laws of England and Scotland were originally the ſame, the reducing them into one complete and regular ſyſtem cannot be a work of unſurmountable labour and difficulty: Nor would such an attempt meet with thoſe obſtructions which might be expected, had there never had been any connexion or reſemblance between the two codes. And if once our laws were again united, it is improbable, whilſt our King and Parliament remained the ſame, that any material difference would be permitted. We ſhould then lie under the ſame yoke, as Bacon obſerves; our union and connexion with each other would be ſtrengthened and confirmed, and in ſucceeding ages, any diſcord or ſeparation between the two nations would probably be prevented. Indeed, when it is conſidered, that an abridgment of the laws of England was recommended to Parliament almoſt two centuries ago, and that, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, it was ſaid, ſo voluminous were the Statutes, that they could neither be ſufficiently underſtood by the lawyers, nor properly obſerved and practiſed by the people*, it is aſtoniſhing to find that the * Gurdon's Hiſt, of-Parl. Vol. i. p. 396. Engliſh ſhould ſtill groan under a ſtill more accumulated burden. * If that happy union of laws ſhould ever take place, which perhaps may be gradually carried into execution, on the plan which Mr. Juſtice Barrington has ſuggeſted †-, the following differences between the Scotch and Engliſh legal dialects (partly ariſing from greater remains of Normannic juriſprudence in Scotland, than in England, but principally occaſioned by our connexion with France, and the introduction of the civil law into Scotland), will require to be particularly attended to. * There are no leſs than four thouſand different offences puniſhable at this time by the laws of England. Vide Addington's Abridgment of the Penal Statutes. † Vide Barring. Obſerv. on the Ancient Statutes. Appendix, p. 499. LEGAL WORDS and PHRASES. Scotch. To adduce in proof of any thing. Engliſh. To produce in proof of any thing. To appretiate [apprecier, Fr.] To appraiſe. To aſſolzie [abſolvere, Latin]. To acquit. To bruke [Saxon]. To enjoy, or poſſeſs. To compete [competes, Fr.] To enter into competition. To condeſcend upon [condeſcendre, Fr.] To ſpecify, or enumerate. To depone. To ſwear, to depoſe, or to give evidence. Yet the Engliſh ſay deponent, and not depoſent. To deſpulzie, and to ſpulzie. To rob, ſpoil, and plunder. The Scotch words are derived from the French ſpolier, and depouiller. To diſpone. To diſpoſe, deviſe, convey, or transfer. To reply, duply, triply, quadruply, quintuply, &c. To anſwer, reply, rejoin, rebut, ſur-rebut, &c.; hence the nouns rejoinder, rebutter, ſur-rebutter, &c. The Scots imitate the French idiom, re-- pliquer, dupliquer, tripler, quadrupler, &c. To excamb [excambere, Law Latin]. To exchange. In the words derived from the Latin, there is ſome reſemblance between the Oſcan dialect and the Engliſh. Both of them delight in cutting off the ends of the words they have adopted, as if improvement conſiſted in mutilation. A thouſand inſtances occur in the Engliſh language; and with regard to the Oſcan, it contracted cælum into cæl, ſolidum into ſollum, famulus into famul, and facultas, difficultas, capitalis, into facul, difficul, and capital. To extinguiſh a debt. To pay off a debt by degrees. To hold blench. To hold lands for the payment of a ſmall quitrent. To homologate [homologuer, Fr.] To ratify, or approve. To implement an agreement [implementum, Latin]. To fulfil an agreement. To incarcerate [incarcero, Latin]. To impriſon. Dr. Young, in his Night Thoughts, uſes incarcerate in a figurative ſenſe. To infeft [infeoder, Fr.] To infeoff. From Bobbin's Gloſſary of the Lancaſhire dialect, it would appear that to feft, is made uſe of in that county, for to give an eſtate for life, &c. To inſtruct any thing by evidence [inſtruire, Fr.] To prove any thing by evidence. To intromit with a man's goods. To take the poſſeſſion, or management, of a man's goods. To give an account of one's intromiſſions, is alſo a common Scottiſh phraſe. To poind [Saxon]. To pound. In ſome places (nor is Scotland an exception), this word is corrupted into pun. To propone a defence. To ſtate, or move a defence. To rebute. To repulſe, or diſcourage. To reſile from an agreement [reſilio, Latin]. To depart from an agreement. To ſummons a perſon. To ſummon a perſon. Summons is the noun, and ſummon the verb. To waken a plea. To renew, or revive a ſuit. Bygone. Paſt. Though bygone may be found in Shakeſpear, yet it is now reckoned a word peculiarly Scottiſh. Defunct (old Engliſh, for) Deceaſed. Leſum (corrupted from lawſum). Lawful. Notour [notoire, Fr.] Notorious. Proven, and its compounds; as improven, &c. Proved, &c. Pled (improperly made uſe of, for) Pleaded. Onerous [onereux, Fr.] Weighty, ſufficient, for a valuable conſideration. Ex. He, ſold his eſtate for an onerous cauſe, that is for money; and implies a ſufficient price, in oppoſition to gratuitous, which means for nothing, or at leaſt voluntarily, Relevant [relever, Fr.] Sufficient, valid, lawful. Timous. Timely. Timous is an expreſſion uſed by Bacon, now exploded in England. Udal [ccrrupted from allodium, Feudal Latin]. Allodial. As no lands in England are held in abſolute independence, without acknowledging any Lord Paramount, even allodial is not often made uſe of. Wrongous. Unlawful, injurious. An act of contravention [contravention, Fr.] A treſpaſs. The act of breaking- through any reſtraint impoſed by deed, by covenant, or by a court of juſtice. An adjudication [adjudication, Fr.] A legal conveyance. It is a legal ſeizure, or judicial conveyance of the debtor's eſtate, for the creditor's ſecurity and payment, corresponding to the Engliſh writ of Elegit. An advocate [advocatus, Latin]. A counſellor, or barriſter. The Lord Advocate of Scotland, is a term equivalent to the Attorney General of England: And counſellors, in Scotland, are ſaid not to have been called to the bar, but to have paſſed advocate; that is to ſay, have paſſed through all thoſe trials, which, according to the rules of the Scotch bar, muſt take place, before any one can enter into that profeſſion. Annualrent [annual rente, Fr.] Intereſt. Caution [caution, Fr.] Bail, ſecurity, ſurety. Cautioner [cautionner, Fr.] Bail, or ſurety. Cedent [cedant, Fr.] Aſſignor. The complainer. The complainant. A complainer, in England, is a murmurer, or querulous perſon. The Scots alſo ſay, purſuer for plaintiff and defender for reſpondent. Conqueſt [conquêt, Fr.] Acquiſitions made by a huſband or wife, during the exiſtence of a marriage. Debitor [debitor, Latin]. Debtor. A decreet [decrêt, Fr.] A decree, or deciſion. The diſtinction is, a decree in the Chancery, but a deciſion in the Court of King's Bench. A deed of mortification [mortification, Fr.] A gift in mortmain. A perpetual donation for charitable purpoſes. Deſuetude [deſuetudo, Latin]. Diſuſe, ceſſation from being accuſtomed. A doer, (an old Engliſh word, for) An agent. Expiry of a leaſe. Expiration of a leaſe. The fiar (from fee). The perfon who has the fee. The proprietor is termed fiar, in contradiſtinction to the perſon who is intitled to the rents of the eſtate during his own life. Forfaulture [forfaiture, Fr.] Forfeiture. Fortalice [fortereſſe, Fr.] Caſtle, or place of ſtrength. Interlocutor [interlocutoire, Fr.] Interlocutory ſentence. An interlocutor, in Engliſh, is a dialogiſt, or one who talks with another. A leit (from let, or 1iſt). A liſt of names. Properly, liſts of the names of perſors nominated for any office or employment, which liſts muſt be approved of by thoſe to whom the 1iſts are preſented. Leſion [leſion, Fr.] Loſs, or damage. The libel [libellus, Latin]. The writ, or inditement. Mails and duties [maille, & devoir, Fr. participle dû]. Rents. A march [marche, Fr.] A limit, or boundary. Marches, in the plural, is uſed; but it ſeems more appropriated to the boundary between two kingdoms, than of neighbouring pariſhes, counties, or eſtates. Multure [mouture, Fr,] A miller's fee for grinding. When the great advantage of water-- mills was diſcovered, it was thought proper to give every kind of encouragement to thoſe who erected them. Thirlage, ſocomes and multure, were then eſtabliſhed. Thirlage, or an obligation upon certain lands to grind all their grain at a certain mill. Socome, and multure, or dues neceſſary to be paid by the poſſeſſors of thoſe lands to the occupier of the mill, and the perſon who. erected it. The pannel [panneau, Fr.] The priſoner at the bar. Priſoners are called pannels in Scotland, from their being incloſed in a pannel (panneau), or little ſquare, when tried before a judge. And the jury is ſaid to be pannelled, when they are ſhut up by themſelves, until they give their verdict. A proceſs [procés, Fr.] A ſuit, or action at law the provoſt of a town [prevôt, Fr.] The mayor, or lord mayor of a town. Bailie, is alſo made uſe of for alderman, burghers for burgeſſes, and treaſurer for chamberlain. A reduction [reduction, Fr.] A ſuit for reducing. An action for voiding or ſetting aſide any right, whether by agreement, or the ſentence of a judge. Sheriff depute [deputé, Fr.] Under-ſheriff, or ſheriff-deputy. The Engliſh alfo ſay deputy, and not depute. Skaith, or ſkath [Saxon]. Loſs, or damage. Sorners [ſorehon, Iriſh]. Vagrants. A man's ſubjects. A man's goods, effects. Such a man has a very good ſubject, and his ſubjects have ſold well, are two very common Scoticiſms. Superplus. Surplus, or overplus. A tack. A leaſe. Tailzie. Intail. Teinds (from ten). Tithes. Tenements [tenementum, Latin]. Houſes. A tenement of land (which is ſurely a Scottiſh expreſſion), is a great collection of houſes, one built over the other, in ſeparate floors or ſtories. Terce. Legal jointure to a widow of a third of her huſband's eſtate. Liferent, is alſo a Scotch legal term, for annuity. Tinſel (from tyne, Iſlandic, to loſe). Loſs, damage. Tolbooth. Prison, jail. A tutor, and curator [Latin]. A guardian. In England, tutors are what the Scots call governors, domines, or pædagogues; as travelling tutor. Vacance (as, the ſummer vacance). Vacation. Wadſet (from wad, an old word for pledge). Mortgage. Warrandiſe [warrantiſo, Law Latin]. Warranty. A writer. An attorney, or ſolicitor. A writer, is properly an author. Heritable ſecurity. Mortgage. Perſonal ſecurity, (more commonly) Bond ſecurity. Leaſing making. A ſpecies of treaſon. Liege pouſtie [legitima poteſtas]. Legal power. As effiers [affaire, Fr.] As is proper, or expedient. Failing of him and his heirs. In default of him and his heirs. CLERICAL WORDS and PHRASES. Scotch. To tranſport an incumbent [tranſporter, Fr.] Engliſh. To tranſlate an incumbent. A kirk, (an old Engliih word, for) A church. A general aſſembly of the kirk. A convocation. The church of Scotland claim the right of aſſembling by their own authority. The clergy of England are convoked by the crown. A loft [Daniſh ]. A gallery. Galleries, in churches, are called lofts in Scotland, and, I believe, in the North of England, from their being raiſed "aloft" above the other ſeats of the church. Organ-- loft is ſtill retained. Stool of repentance, or cutty-ſtool. Church pillory, or place of doing penance. The cutty-ſtool is a kind of pillory in a church, erected for the puniſhment of thoſe who have tranſgreſſed in the article of chaſtity, and, on that account, are liable to the cenſures of the church. The ordinance. The ſacrament, or euchariſt. The ſacrament is emphatically called the ordinance, from its having been ordained by our Saviour. Meſs John, (a ludicrous name for) A parſon. A good ſtipend, (more commonly in England) A good living, cure, or benefice. A precentor [preſenteur, Fr.] A clerk. The Scots alſo ſay, to preſent, for to give out the pſalm. The twentieth and ſecond pſalm. The twenty-ſecond pſalm. The Scotch phraſe would imply, that a certain number of lines out of the twentieth), and ſo many out of the ſecond pſalm were to be ſung. The manſe (uſually in England) The parſonage-houſe. Manſe, which comes from the Latin word manſio, is ſometimes made uſe of in England; but parſonage-houſe is more common. The Author has now concluded a ſubject, which the proſpect he had at an early period of life, of being obliged to ſpeak in public, firſt induced him to conſider. — He conceived, that any one who addreſſed the Public, either at the bar, or as the repreſentative of a number of reſpectable and independent gentlemen, ought not to be diſtinguiſhed by a ruſtic ſtile, or a provincial dialect; and he now flatters himſelf, that the pains he took to correct his own language, may have led him to make ſuch obſervations as may be of ſervice to many of his countrymen, who are under the ſame predicament. The ſubject he has ventured to write upon, includes an infinite variety of particulars, many of which, from the very nature of language, muſt neceſſarily be fluctuating and capricious; he hopes, therefore, the candid critic, who is acquainted with the difficulty of the undertaking, will excuſe any imperfections that may have attended the execution; eſpecially as accuracy and elegance of ſtile, however deſirable, could only be conſidered by the Author in his hours of leiſure from more important purſuits. This, it may be obſerved, is the largeſt collection of Scoticiſms that has hitherto been offered to the Public; and without ſuch aid, any conſiderable improvement in the language of a Scotchman would require much labour and attention. The collection has been of conſiderable ſervice to the Author; and any trouble he has had in arranging the materials, will be amply compenſated, if it ſhall tend to remove ſo conſpicuous and unpleaſing a mark of diſtinction between South and North Britain. But it muſt not be imagined that bad language, and improper or obſolete words and phraſes, are entirely confined to Scotland. On the contrary, if England were to be ranſacked, as numerous a liſt of improprieties as is contained in this collection, might be exhibited to the world, of defects both in writing and speaking: Nor is the capital itſelf exempted, though in general accounted the ſtandard of good language. And, although it is proper for the Scots to acquire the real and genuine Engliſh words and phraſes; yet ſuch as are either provincial, vulgar, or cockney, ought to be carefully avoided. The provinvial phraſes made uſe of in the various diſtricts into which England is divided, would form a work both large and curious; and, from the ſpecimens I have ſeen, would contain many words and idioms, at preſent ſuppoſed peculiar to Scotland: But there are many of them of a more confined and local nature, and fully as abſurd and ridiculous, as any to which the Scots are addicted. — For example, ſay of it (corrupted from aſſay), for taſte of it; a few broth, for a little broth; a couple of peaſe, for a few peaſe; how he did do, for how he was; without knowing to you, for without being known to you; yes ſure, and no ſure, for yes and no, and the like. Vulgar phraſes are equally exceptionable. For inſtance, cutting a figure, for making a figure; prizes, for prices; much leſs expenſes, for much leſs expence; in all my born days, for ſince I was born; quarten's hour, for a quarter of an hour, &c. Cockney phraſes, a Scotchman is very apt to get into when he makes his firſt appearance in London. And when he can eaſily and fluently bring out, this here thing, and that there thing, for this or that thing; I knode, for I knew; on it, for of it, as, I heard on it; graſs, for aſparagus; your'n and his'n, for yours and his, he fancies himſelf a complete Engliſhman. It is a common obſervation, that bad habits are more eaſily, and indeed are more generally acquired, than good ones, and experience proves the obſervation to be true, with reſpect to language. FINIS.