Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 275 Title: Some Notes on Ship-Building in Australia, In Reply to Mr MacFarlane Author(s): Atkinson, J Answers to the Queries in Mr. McMorlands letter dated 11th July 1821. Ship building. Is very imperfectly understood in the Colony, I believe there are not more than One or Two Persons in New South Wales who can draft a Veſsel and superintend her construction from first to last there are some very good working Shipwrights but they Know nothing of the theoretical part of the art, and consequently their Veſsels are ill constructed sail very badly and a vast deal of Labour and Materials are unavoidably thrown away for want of any regular plan; The Ordinary Cash Wages of a working Shipwright is from 8 to 10 p diem Coasting Trade This part of the Colonial Commerce is becoming daily of more importance; the Government having lowered the Price and Duty on Coals, a very considerable Trade could be carried on if the Colony poſseſsed proper Veſsels. Those bet adapted would be Brigs of 120 to 180 Tons, built full, so as to carry a good Cargo with a moderate draught of water. The entrance of Hunters River at Newcastle is obstructed by a Bar, but there is about 15 feet over the Bar at low water and within there is secure and convenient anchorage for Ships; the use of the Sides there and in all the Harbours on this Coast is 6 feet Sring Tides. The Coals are at present put on board in large Launches, but Wharfs and Jettys could be easily constructed which would much facilitate the busineſs; the total cost of Coals at Newcastle including [¿] is [¿] p Ton delivered on board. A Bushel of Coals weighs 65lbs. the average price of Coals on board the Veſsels at Sydney may be taken at 30 p Ton. This claſs of Veſsels (Brigs of 120 to 180 Tons) are also best adapted for the general coasting Trade; for bringing Grain from Van Diemans Land, Timber from Newcastle, New Zealand or other places and for trading Voyages to the Islands in the Pacific which may be considered a branch of the Calonial coasting Trade. The commodities drawn from thence, are Salted Pork of indifferent quality, very fine Cocoa Nut Oil and [¿] Sinnet rope made of the Cocoa Nut husks, Pearl Oyster Shells. Sandal wood which is a scented wood used by the [¿] and Chinese to burn as Incense in their Temples, the latter Article is new however very scarce and never contemplated as an object in any Voyage, the Commodities given in exchange are British and India manufactures of trifling value. The Veſsels used for bringing Grai from the Hawkesbury and Liverpool are small innconstructed Sloops and Schooners. The banks of the Hawkesbury and Georges River are extremely high in some places 200 feet: and the course of the Rivers are extremely crooked consequently sailing Veſsels are ill adapted for their navigations and are sometimes a fortnight performing Voyage to Windsor. Steam boats would answer most admirably if constructed to carry Luggage only, as there would be few paſsengers the distance overland being only 36 miles. A Veſsel built to turn well to windward with good accomodations might answer very well as a Packet between Sydney and Hobart Town or Port Dalrymple; but Veſsels that will carry Cargo are most wanted in this country. To secure the Oil caught by a Colonial Veſsel from paying the higher Duty it seems neceſsary that the Owners or nominal Owners should reside in Great Britain, there are now two Brigs employed in the Fishery on this coast which are registered in London and owned by a Gentleman who resides in London, but is a Partner in a House in Sydney; these Veſsels have been very succeſsful. Small Ships are probably best adapted for thi Fishery, they should be Barque rigged and have a between Decks. Preservation of Veſsels. The [¿] is very destructive to the bottoms of Veſsels; and it usual to Copper them whenever the Oners can afford it. Tobacco - Has been planeted of late in considerable quantities and succeeds extremely well; but I believe there is no one in the Colony who thorougly understands the curing - the present Price of Brazil Tobacco is 5/. P [¿] - paying a Duty of 9. Cotton Sugar and other Tropical productions would no doubt succeed well at Port Macquarie and to the Northward but have never yet been tried. Beche le mere - Is a marine production found on the beaches abut the northern and North-eastern coast of New Holland, it is much prozed in China as an Article of food and is principally used in making Soups. It is otherwise called Trepan Sea Slug - or Sea Cucumber. It is not sought after by the Colonists at present, but the Malays visit the Gulf of Cparpentaria every year in seach of it; and carry it to Macapar for sale. Buildings. the town of Sydney is principally built of Freestone but there are many Brick houses in the country the Houses are either of Brick or Wood, and in all cases are covered with Shingle. Fuel. In the country invariably Wood. In Sydney Coals are getting daily more into use. Timber. Many of the Woods of the country are well adapted to Shipbuilding, Viz the Blue Gum, Blackbutted Gum, Stringy Bark, Iron Bark Turpentine [¿]. The whole of these woods are hard and heavy and are generally more or leſs rotten at the heart, but make most excellent Plank. The Stringy bark makes very good Spars but is rather heavy. iron-bark makes the best [¿] in the world. The Turpentine Tree makes good Oars and Handspikes. Sawyers Wages very high and a Person coming here to establish a Timber Trade would do well to bring a small Sawing Machine to be worked by Steam or with 4 or 6 Bullocks, taking care that it is adampted to cut hard woods; as I am informed the common American Saw-Mills would not answer. Mechanics. The following Trades are in much request and obtain liberal wages. Millwrights, Smiths Shipwrights and Boatbuilders, Carpenters and Joiners. Wellwrights. Cabinet makers, Masons and bricklayers, and in general all the useful Trades. Mr. McMorlands plan of emigration would probably answer very well could be depend upon his aſsociates, but it would be difficult to keep peace among so lare a party, where every one would think he had an equal right to an opinion. He would have little difficulty in disposing of a Veſsel of the claſs he mentions. Casks if adampted to hold oil would fetch £3 a Ton here, the best way of bringing out his Capital would be in such Articles are most used in his own busineſs which are generally in demand here, and which it may be presumed he will know which to get cheapest, Viz Canvas, Ropes Lines and Twine small [¿] and [¿], Pitch, Tar, [¿] Varnish, Paints and Oils, Copper Sheets Bolts and Nails, Carpenters and other Tools Nails various taking care that the Tools and Nails are fit to use on hard woods. Woolen Cloths and [¿] cloathing are generally in demand, some Calicoes and Printed Cotton would probably sell well. Sheet Bar Bolt, and Nail rod Iron [¿], Agricultural Tools, and [¿] also. A person coming outto establish a Shipbuilding concern, should bring two or three good hand under an engagement to serve him at least three years after their arrival, at the average wages of the place, deducting the expence of their paſsage, this would afford him an opportunity of taking some of the Colonial born Youth as Apprentices, they are extremely desirous, and do not want ability to learn. This principal object would be repairing Ships that may come in damaged, but he must always have a Veſsel on the Stocks to employ his people on when no Job offered. Boats and Barges of all Kinds are much required, particularly sailoing Barges, that could go into the small Cricks and Bar Harbours on the coast. Mr M's sons and Family could not fail of profitable employment, Mechanical Trades and Agriculture are however the most lucrative employment, but Industry in any way of busineſs could not fail of its reward. Sydney would be the best place to establish a Timber and Shipbuilding concern, both on account of its central situation, and also because Timber is more plentiful and of better quality in New South Wales than in Van Diemans Land, the most eligible place to select a Town must depend altogether upon a persons pursuits. If Grazing be the principal object, the country beyod the Blue Mountains is superior to every other, Plenty of good situations for cultivation can be found upon and in the neighbourhood of Hunters River, Shoalhaven River or Jamis's Bay The best Lands in Van Diemens Land are now nearly all occupied, and future emigrants must go quiet into the remote and interior parts of the Island. J Atkinson Sydney 25 May 1822