Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 326 Title: Letter About General Balfour and His Domicile in Scotland and England Author(s): Campbell, Archibald Goatfield Inverary17th April 1823 Gentlemen From some correspondence I have had with Mr Wardlaw Nephew of the late Genl Balfour who resided in Bolton Row relative to the question of his Domicil I see that you have taken some charge of the busineſs or at least have [¿] the opinion given by Mr Cooke it being stated by Mr Wardlaw that you did not think he had gone to the bottom of the matter. After perusing his Opinion I am most clearly of the same sentiments with you & as my wife (now Lady Campbell) has a material Interest to make out that the General was domiciled in England at his death I have advised more opinions to be taken & also hinted to the others concerned that I conceived it might be both expedient & perhaps neceſsary to have the question tried in the Competent Court [¿] as matters are I have doubts of those in whose hands the [¿] will be ordered to pay without such. I have also stated that I have the greatest confidence in you & that I wish you to have either the whole management of the matter in London or if that cannot be from arrangements already made by Wardlaw & Genl Robert Balfour that you should [¿] the lease which is to be laid before the Attorney General & some other Council in London. At all counts I shal insist that you shall take some charge of the matter in acting for me. I have never seen the lease submitted to Mr Cooke, but I am led to think from the opinion that it has not stated the circumtances fully & everyody who has had opportunities of consulting Council, knows that a good deal depends upon the lease. I have therefore, to save time, desired Mr Wardlaw to send a copy of the lease to Mr Crawford Tait (with whom I conversed fully on the subject at Garscube lately) in order that he may make such alterations or additions as he may think neceſsary & shall request that it shall be ofterwards sent to you. Genl. Balfour speaks in one of his letters of a Mr. [¿] as the Attorney employed. Who he is I [¿] you to explain I wish also for your opinion by return of Post addreſsed to Glasgow whether it be expedient (as is now proposed) to join Mr Cooke with some other Council or to [¿] him out in the opinion to be taken. I am afraid he may do harm by trying to bring the other Council to his opinion, but if you think thre is not much in this it would perhaps be desirable he should be one, as it would have more weight with Miſs Balfour if the [¿] opinion (he being one) differs from the former opinion. I am much mistaken if the Council do not at least state the question as one of difficulty, & which ought to be decided by a County Law. But whether Mr. Cooke would ever go this length after the opinion he has given I do not know. It is agreed that the Attorney General as to be one of the Council & it is proposed to have a Civilian Dr. Washington or whoever is considered the ablest, & also a Scotch Council. [¿] Mr Moncrief & Mr [¿] are both in London, both have been spoken of, but in general we prefer Mr Moncrief as being likely to go more to the bottom of such a question. Indeed he does now doubt the practice which Mr. Clark has. I have suggested that the Sollicitor General (Copley) should be added as one of the Council understanding him to be a very able Lawyer An opinion that the lease is attended with difficulty & worth trying would probably lead to a comparision which would be desirable on a question among near relations It appears to be that Mr Cooke is mistaken in point of Law when he states General Balfour as never having had any other domicil than his [¿] Scotland, because he left Scotland as an Officer in the Kings Army & went to India as such. First, it is not yet understood whether the General had got his Commiſsion before he left Scotland for he was originally [¿] in Winter, but 2ly suffering the [¿] to be so I totally deny the inference in point of Law that he never acquired any other domicil. Admitting that while he remained in India in the Kings Service Scotland continued his domicil it appears to me clear that having chosen Boton Row as his residence after his return from India & having lived there for many years before he [¿] to the estate of Blanmore in Scotland & only visiting his brothers there occasionally his domicil during that period was England. I have used the word chosen becase being a General Officer did not oblige him to live in London or prevent him from residing where he pleased. The above appears to me so clear that I do not believe the fact as to the General's having resided in Bolton Row for years & after his return from India has been stated to Mr Cooke But if it was he has [¿] that part if the [¿] he takes no notice of it in his opinion. The only doubtfull point is whether the General's domicil was afterwards changed for Scotland upon his [¿] to Blanmore & going to reside there 3 or 4 months in the year, while he kept on his house in Bolton Row all the time & lived in it the rest of the year. But it is material to keep in view that he lost the estate of Blanmore at the death of his brother Mr And. Ramsay succeeded to Whitehall & that he never resided upon the latter. By an arrangement with Major Lumsden he got the house of Blanmore & some fields around it & certainly came down to it in the Autumn as formerly But the house of Blanmore may be considered during the latter period of his life as a hired house while he also had a hired house in Bolton Row residing three fourths of the year in the latter & only one fourth in the former. The succeeding to a Scotch estate would clearly per se not change his domicil, but perhaps joined to the occasional residence in Scotland it may have some effet upon the question. I have not time to enlarge more at present & shall conclude with begging you to write by return of Post as to the matters which require an answer [¿] to the opinion being taken. I shall be attending the Glasgow [¿] [¿] by the time your answer arrives & as there [¿] 56 leases for Trial then shall not have much time to write at least at such length I am yours Faithfully Archd. Campbell