Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 352 Title: Letter about Sheep Grazing on Dumbarton Rock Author(s): Graham, James Glaſgow23 aprill 1709 Sr I'm informed that some body pretending to have yowr order has put on ſome sheep on that part of the rock of the Caſtle of dumbarton which is without the walls. I ſuppoſe this has been done either by a miſtake or upon miſinformation, for all without the walls belongs to me, and I have left that together with the Caſtle green to a tennent. Their can be no diſpute in this matter, for the right which the Queen has from me to this Caſtle is expreſs that the walls and the march, which ye may ſatiſfy your ſelf in when ye pleaſe. ſo I expect ye will give orders to remove theſe ſheep, and let my tennent have [¿] poſſeſſion of all without the walls. I am Sr Yr moſt humble ſervant [¿]