Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 584 Title: Intimation and Protest by Dugald Weir Against Robert Boyd, Relating to the Latter's Refusal to Present Galbreath Richardson Before the Rector's Court. Author(s): Buchanan, Robert; Weir, Dugald Att Glasgow The Twenty second day of mach jajvijc & Thirtythree years The which day In presence of me nottar publick & witneſses subscriving Compeared personally Dougald Weir Beddal To ye College of Glasgow who went to ye personall presence of Robert Boyd mert in Glasgow & Exhibit & produced to him ane mandat from Mr John Orr of Barrowfield present Rector of ye university directed to him ye sd beddall To ye effect underwryten which was publicitly read over to ye said Mr Boyd & whereof ye [¿] follows Glasgow 21 march 1733 Dougald Weir yow are herby ordered To make intimation To Robert Boyd mert in Glasgow That he In terms of his bond of presentation dated ye Twenty sixth day of feberuary jajvijc & Thirtythree years, present The persons of Galbraith Ritchardson late student in ye university of Glasgow Before John Orr of Barrowfield present Rector of the said University upon the Tenth day of Aprile next at four aclock in ye afternoon in ye faculty Room within ye College In order to his Being Tryed for his alleged Crime of Duelling with & wounding John McAdams Latly from Irland and Take Instruments in ye hands of a nottary publick upon your having made The said Intimation To ye said Robert Boyd sic subscribitur Jo. Orr. Rector and there the said Dougald Weir in virtue of the forsaid mandat directed to him made intimation To ye said Robert Boyd that he In terms of his bond of presentation present the persone of sd Galbraith Ritchardson late student in ye College Before John Orr of Barrowfield present Rector of the said university upon the tenth day of Apryle next, at four of ye clock In ye afternoon In ye faculty Room with in ye College in order to his being Tryed for his alledged Crime of Dualling with & wounding John McAdams Latly from Irland and protested that if the said Mr Boyd did not In terms of his bond of presentation present the persone of the sd Mr Ritchardson. Robertus Buchanan notarious publicus as said is the said Mr Boyd might be lyable In the penalty Contained In his said bond Whereto It was Assured By the sd Mr Boyd yt as ye sd Crime of Duelling & alledged against the sd Mr Ritchardson was Capitall & yrfor not Bailable so he was not obliged To present ye sd Mr Ritchardsone in such ane affair and [¿] That By ye Conception of ye Bond [¿] ye sd Mr Boyd was to be Required within fourteen days after granting yrof To present ye sd Mr Ritchardson which being now Long Elapsed and he never before now Required he is [Even] In terms of ye bond Become [¿] of his Whereupon and upon all & sundrie the promiſes Both the saids parties Respectable [¿] asked & [¿] Instruments In the hands of me nottar publick These things were Done att place day monath & year of God also be wryten within ye Dwelling house of ye sd Mr Boyd Betwixt the hours of Eleven & Twelve forenooon being yr present James Chrystie wryter in Glasgow and William Maxwell ane of the Royallity officers there witneſses specially called & Required To the hail [premiſses]. Quod attestor Ego Robertus Buchanan notarius publicus James Chrystie witnes William Maxwell witnes