Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 586 Title: Committee Notes, Regarding the Charge Against Mr Robison, Lecturer in Chemistry Author(s): Anonymous The Meeting taking into consideration the Charge against Mr John Robison Lecturer in Chemistry and having considered the Evidence relative to that Charge, which has been Reported by their Committee, Find the said Mr Robison guilty of a treſpaſs gainst the Laws and Discipline of this University, & of a breach of the Peace by striking David Woodburn then a Student with his stick, and breaking it over his head, in the College [¿] when he ought to have sought redreſs of the injuries done him by the said David Woodburn from the College Meeting. They Find That Mr Robison had disproved the allegation brought by David Woodburn in his ex[¿] of Mr Robison having seconded baudy Toasts and Songs in the meeting on saint Patricks night, That Mr Robison had received repeated provocations and insults from David Woodburn before he struck him by contemptous Names, by his giving him the lie, by a Sarcastical written advertisment spread among the Students, as well as by sending a copy of the said Advertisment in a clandestine manner in the form of a letter directed to Mr Robison. The meeting therefore being disposed to make the allowances due to these [allocations], & considering Mr Robisons former uniform good Behaviour but at the same time sensible of the Neceſsity of punishing by just censure all Violence & Breach of Peace committed by any person belonging to this University did and hereby Do appoint the said Mr Robison to be rebuked for his breach of the peace and to pay a fine of two Guineas for the said Traspaſs. as well as the ingenuous account he gave to the Committee of his Conduct in this Matter & the ſorrow he expreſsed for his treſspaſs