Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 591 Title: Letter from David Woodburn to Dr Traill, About the Charges Against Him Author(s): Woodburn, David Gentlemen I am extremely unhappy to find, that any part of my Conduct, should be thought to deserve the Sentence past by you on Satuday the 6th Currt. I humbly apprehend that upon reviewing your Sentence, you will be of opinion that it is too rigorous, even ſuppoſing the facts alledged against me, to have been fully proved. The Effect of your Decision must be destrutive to my Character and fatal to my Interest, as I would wish therefore to have relief from your Justice and Humanity, rather than to ſeek Redreſs elsewhere, I muſt earnestly intreat that you would review and alter your Sentence, and if I shall be alowed to continue a Member of this University, I am determined to purſue my Studies with the utmost Aſsiduity, and to behave with the greatest Respect to every Member of this Society. Glasgow May 8th 1769 David Woodburn