Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 650 Title: Report on Library Author(s): Forbes, William; Morthland, Mr Charles; Simson, Mr Robert Nov 5 1719 Report of the Visitors of the Library 1o They find that many of the books are much spoiled particularly those of Theology, some of the Claſsiks & especially those in usum Delhim' &. & many new books as the Compleat history of England, [¿] Lexicon &. 2o. It was not without a great deal of pains that we could make up the charge againſt Mr Carmichael, because as to additional books not set down in the signed Catalogue in the proper [¿] of the preſs where they lye sometimes the references to the respective places in the Additional Catalogue where to find them were very indiſtinctly marked and some not marked which obliged us to a very tedious search, Therefor we are of Opinion there should be a new Catalogue made up Also the Alphabetical Catalogue being torn in several places muſt be renewed. 3o. We observed some books [¿] by drops of rain by some failure of the roof in the south & N. Eaſt corners of the Library. 4to. As to the books not produced at Mr Carmichaels admiſsion severals are recovered & some not as appears by a subscribed liſt in the [¿] hand. 5o We are of Opinion that the Cuſtom hitherto observed of Lending books upon a Maſters line to the Biliothecary & getting them returned without retiring that line is a practice neither safe for the Library nor the keeper thereof because it doth not impact that the keepers having such a line doth make the subscriber anſwerable for the books: seeing it is not given up when these are reſtored. So that the Library keeper is still lyable for books so lent out & can no otherwise file any charge againſt the borrower than by appealing to this the keepers own memorandum that such a day such books were lent to such a man while in effect is no Charge at all, Unleſs the borrowers memory serve him to own the having thereof. Nor is it safe On the other hand for the Library that the faculty [¿] should sustain what the keeper shall please to mark in his minut book as relevant to [¿] him at their hand, for remedying this defect we humbly propose to the faculty whether or not it may be adviseable to make this rule for the future That no book be Lent out of the Library to any Maſter without a subscribed line which the keeper shall be oblidged to retain for his warrant, & give up to the granter or his Order upon Reſtitution of the book. 6o We found all the Books contained in the faculty's Charge againſt Mr Carmichael except a few in the hands of Mr Lowden & Mr Roſse whereof the [¿] are of Opinion that these should be first lodged in the Library that the condition they are in be inſpected before they are delievered to the [¿]. Mr Loudon [¿] wtnsed. 7o As to Mr Carmichael late Bibliothecary we are of OpinioOn that he hath approved himself faithfull diligent & [¿] in his Office. Laſtly in order to make the Bibliothecary exact in calling in books after 3 months loan according to the standing Law We are of opinion that for all books not returned within 3 months after the loan the Library keeper be accountable and Cenſurable nor ought it to Excuse him that he [¿] the Maſters line containing his receipt of them. unclear/> Charles Morthland Rob: Simson