Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 660 Title: The Confession of Faith Author(s): Anonymous THE CONFESSION of FAITH. CHAP. 1. Of the Holy Scripture. ALthough the Light of Nature, and the Works of Creation and Providence, do ſo far manifeſt the Goodneſs, Wiſdom, and Power of God, as to leave Men inexcuſable; yet they are not ſufficient, to give that knowledge of God, and of his Will, which is neceſſary unto Salvation. Therefore it pleaſed the Lord at ſundry times, and in diverſe manners, to Reveal himſelf and to declare that his Will unto his Church; and afterwards for the better preſerving, and propagating of the Truth, and for the more ſure Eſtabliſhiment and comfort of the Church, againſt the Corruptions of the fleſh, and the Malice of Satan and of the World; to commit the ſame wholly unto Writing; which maketh the Holy Scripture to be moſt neceſſary; thoſe former ways, of God's Revealing his Will unto his people, being now ceaſed. II. Under the Name of holy Scripture, or the Word of God Written, are now contained all the Books of the Old and New Teſtament, which are theſe. Of the old Teſtament. Geneſis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel IV. Samuel I Kings II. Kings I. Chronicles II. Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Eſther Job Pſalms Proverbs Eccleſiaſtes The Song of Songs lſaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hoſea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Of the New Teſtament The Goſpel according to Matthew Mark Luke John The Acts of the Apoſtles Paul's Epiſtles to the Romans I. Corinthians II. Corinthians Galatians Epheſians Philippians Coloſſians i. Theſſalonians ii. Theſſalonians I. Timothy II Timothy Titus Philemon The Epiſtle to the Hebrews, The Epiſtle of James The firſt and ſecond Epiſtles of Peter The firſt, ſecond, and third Epſtles of John The Epiſtle of Jude The Revelation of John All which are given by inſpiration of God, to be the Rule of Faith and Life. III. The Books commonly called Apocrypha, not being of Divine inſpiration, are no part of the Canon of the Scripture; and therefore are of no Authority in the Church of God, nor to be any otherwiſe approved or made uſe of, than other humane Writings. IV. The Authority of the holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, and obeyed, dependeth not upon the Teſtimony of any Man, or Church; but wholly upon God, [who is Truth it ſelf] the Author thereof; and therefore it is to be received, becauſe it is the Word of God. V. We may be moved and induced by the Teſtimony of the Church, to an high and reverend eſteem of the holy Scripture: And the heavenlineſs of the Matter, the Efficacy of the Doctrine, the Majeſty of the Stile, the Conſent of all the Parts, the Scope of the whole, [which is to give Glory to God,] the full Diſcovery it makes of the only way of Mans Salvation, beſide the many other Excellencies, and the entire perfection thereof, are Arguments, whereby it doth abundantly evidence it ſelf to be the Word of God; yet notwithſtanding, our full perſwaſion and aſſurance of the infallible truth, and Divine Authority thereof, is from the inward Work of the holy Spirit, bearing Witneſs by and with the Word in our hearts. VI. The whole Counſel of God, concerning all things neceſſary for his own Glory, Mans Salvation, Faith and Life, is either expreſly ſet down in Scripture, or by good and neceſſary conſequence, may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new Revelations of the spirit, or Traditions of Men; nevertheleſs, we acknowledge the inward Illumination of the Spirit of God to be neceſſary for the living underſtanding of ſuch things, as are Revealed in the Word: And that there are ſome Circumſtances concerning the Worſhip of God, and Governent of the Church, common to human Actions and Societies, which are to be ordered by the Light of Nature, and Chriſtian Prudence, according to the general Rules of the Word, which are alwayes to be obſerved. VII. All things in Scripture, are not alike plain in themſelves, nor alike clear unto all: Yet thoſe things which are neceſſary to be known, believed, and obſerved for Salvation, are ſo clearly propounded and opened in ſome place of Scripture or other, that not only the Learned, but the Unlearned, in a due uſe of the ordinary means, may attain to ſufficient underſtanding of them. VIII. The Old Teſtament in Hebrew (which was the Native Language of the people of God of old) and the New Teſtament in Greek, (which at the time of the writing of it, was moſt generally known to the Nations) being immediately inſpired by God, and by his ſingular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore Authentical; ſo as in all Controverſies of Religion, the Church is finally to appeal unto them. But, becauſe theſe Original Tongues are not known to all the people of God, who have right unto, and intereſt in the Scripture, and are commanded in the fear of God, to read and ſearch them; therefore they are to be Tranſlated into the vulgar Language of every Nation unto which they come, that the Word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may Worſhip him in an acceptable manner, and through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have hope. IX. The infallible Rule of Interpretation of Scripture, is the Scripture it ſelf: And therefore, when there is a Queſtion about the true and full ſenfe of any Scripture [which is not manifold, but one] it muſt be ſearched and known by other places that ſpeak more clearly. I.The Supream Judge, by whom all Controverſies of Religion are to be determined, and all Decrees of Councils, Opinions of Ancient Writers, Doctrines of Men, and privat Spirits, are to be examined, and in whoſe ſentence we are to reſt, can be no other but the Holy Spirit, ſpeaking in the Scripture. CHAP. II. Of God, and the Holy Trinity. There is but one only, Living and True God: Who is infinite in Being and Perfection, a moſt pure Spirit Inviſible, without body, parts, or paſſions, Immutable, lmmenſe, Eternal, Incomprehenſible, Almighty, moſt Wiſe, moſt Holy, moſt Free, moſt Abſolute; working all things according to the Counſel of his own immutable and moſt Righteous Will, for his own Glory; moſt Loving, Gracious, Merciful, Long-ſuffering, abundant in Goodneſs and Truth, forgiving Iniquity, Tranſgreſſion and Sin; the Rewarder of them that diligently ſeek him, and withal moſt Juſt and Terrible in his Judgements, hating all ſin, and who will by no means clear the guilty. II. GOD hath all Life, Glory, Goodneſs, Bleſſedneſs, in and of himſelf, and is alone in, and unto himſelf All-ſufficient, not ſtanding in need of any Creature which he hath made, nor deriving any Glory from them, but only manifeſting his own Glory, in, by, unto, and upon them; He is the alone Fountain of all Beeing, of Whom, through whom, and to whom are all things, and hath moſt Soveraign Dominion over them,to do by them, for them, or upon them, whatſoever himſelf pleaſeth. In his ſight all things are open and manifeſt, his knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the Creature, ſo as nothing is to him contingent or uncertain. He is moſt Holy in all his Counſels. in all his Works, and in all his Commands. To him is due from Angels and Men, and every other Creature, whatſoever Worſhip, Service or Obedience he is pleaſed to require of them. III. In the Unity of the God-head, there be three Perſons, of one Subſtance, Power, and Eternity; God the Father. God the Son, and God the Holy Ghoſt. The Father is of none, neither begotten, nor proceeding; The Son is eternally begotten of the Father; The Holy Ghoſt eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. CHAP. III. Of Gods Eternal Decrees. God from all Eternity did by the moſt Wiſe and Holy Counſel of his own Will, Freely and unchangeably ordain whatſoever comes to paſs, yet ſo as thereby, neither is God the Author of ſin, nor is violence offered to the will of the Creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of ſecond Cauſes taken away, but rather eſtabliſhed. II. Although God knowes whatever may, or can come to paſs upon all ſuppoſed conditions, yet hath he nor decreed any thing, becauſe he foreſaw it as future, or as that which would come to paſs upon ſuch conditions. III. By the Decree of God, for the manifeſtation of his Glory, ſome Men and Angels, are predeſtinated unto everlaſting life, and others fore-ordained to everlaſting death. IV. Theſe Angels and Men thus predeſtinated and fore ordained, are particularly and unchangeably deſigned, and their number is ſo certain and definite, that it cannot be either increaſed or diminiſhed. V. Thoſe of Mankind, that are predeſtinated unto Life. God, before the Foundation of the World was laid, according to his Eternal and immutable Purpoſe, and the ſecret Counſel and good Meaſure of his Will, hath choſen in Chriſt unto everlaſtinig Glory, out of his meer free Grace and Love, without any foreſight of Faiths, or good Works, or perſeverance in either of them, or any other thing in the Creature, as conditions, or cauſes moving him thereunto, and all to the praiſe of his Glorious Grace. VI. As God hath appointed the Elect unto Glory, ſo hath he. by the Eternal and moſt free purpoſe of his Will, fore-ordained all means thereunto. Wherefore they who are Elected, being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Chriſt, are Effectually called unto Faith in Chriſt, by his Spirit working in due ſeaſon, are Juſtified, Adopted. Sanctified, and kept by his power through Faith unto Salvation. Neither any other redeemed by Chriſt, effectually Called, Juſtified, Adopted, Sanctified and Saved, but the Elect only. VII. The reſt of Mankind God was pleaſed, according to the unſearchable Counſel of his own Will, whereby he extendeth, or withholdeth Mercy as he pleaſeth, tor the Glory of his Soveraign Power over his Creatures, to paſs by, and to ordain them to diſhonour and wrath for their ſins, to the praiſe oſ his Glorious Juſtice. VII. The Doctrine of this high Myſtery of Predeſtination, is to he handled with ſpecial prudence and care, that Men attending the Will of God revealed in his Word, and yielding obedience thereunto, may from the certainty of their Effectual Vocation, be aſſured of their Eternal Election. So ſhall this Doctrine afford matter of Praiſe, Reverence, and Admiration of God, and of Humility, Diligence, and abundant Conſolution to all that ſincerely obey the Goſpel. CHAP. IV. Of Creation. IT pleaſed God the Father, Son and Holy Ghoſt for the Manifeſtation of the Glory of his Eternal Power, Wiſdom, and Goodneſs, in the beginning. to Create or make of nothing the World, and all things therein, whether viſible or inviſible, in the ſpace of ſix days, and all very good. II. After God had made all other Creatures, he Created Man, Male and Female, with reaſonable and immortal Souls, endued with knowledge, Righteouſneſs, and true Holineſs, after his own Image, having the Law of God written in their hearts, and power to fulfil it, and yet under a poſſibility of tranſgreſſing, being left to the liberty of their own Will, which was ſubject to change. Beſide this Law written in their hearts, they received a command, not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, which whiles they kept, they were happy in their Communion with God, and had dominion over the Creatures. CHAP V. Of Providence. GOD the Great Creator of all things, doth Uphold. Direct, Diſpoſe, and Govern all Creatures, Actions and Things, from the greateſt even to the leaſt, by his moſt wiſe and holy Providence, according to his infallible fore-- knowledge, and the free and immutable Counſel of his own Will, to the praiſe of the Glory of his Wiſdom, Power, Juſtice, Goodneſs and Mercy. II. Although, in relation to the fore-knowledge and Decree of God, the firſt cauſe, all things come to paſs immutably, and infallibly, yet by the ſame Providence he ordereth them to fall out, according to the nature of ſecond Cauſes, either neceſſarily, freely or contingently. III. God in his ordinary Providence maketh uſe of means; yet is free to work without, above and againſt them at his pleaſure. IV. The Almighty power, unſearchable wiſdom, and infinite goodneſs of God, ſo far manifeſt themſelves in his Providence, that it extendeth it ſelſ even to the firſt fall, and all other ſins of Angels and Men, and that not by a bare permiſſion, but ſuch as hath joyned with it a moſt wiſe and powerful bounding, and otherwiſe ordering and governing of them, in a manifold diſpenſation, to his own holy ends: Yet ſo as the ſinfulneſs thereof proceedeth only from the Creature, and not from God, who, being moſt holy and Righteous, neither is, nor can be the Author or Approver of ſin. V. The moſt wiſe, Righteous and Gracious God, doth oftentimes leave for a ſeaſon his own Children to manifold Temptations, and the Corruption of their own hearts, to chaſtiſe them for their former ſins, or to diſcover unto them the hidden ſtrength of Corruption, and deceitfulneſs of their hearts, that they may he humbled, and to raiſe them to a more cloſs and conſtant dependency for their ſuport upon himſelf, and to make them more watchful againſt all future occaſions of ſin, and for ſundry other Juſt and Holy ends. VI. As for thoſe wicked and ungodly Men, whom God as a Righteous Judge for former Sins doth blind and harden, from them He not only withholdeth His Grace whereby they might have been enlightned in their Underſtandings, and wrought upon their hearts, but ſometimes alſo withdraweth the Gifts which they had, and expoſeth them to ſuch Objects as their corruptions makes occaſions of Sin, and withal gives them over to their own Luſts, the Temptations of the world, and the power of Satan, whereby it comes to paſs that they harden themſelves, even under theſe means which God uſeth for the ſoftning of Others. VII. As the providence of God doth in general reach to all Creatures, ſo after a moſt ſpecial manner, it taketh care of His Church, and diſpoſeth all things to the-good thereof. CHAP. VI. Of the Fall of Adam, of Sin, and of the Puniſhment thereof. Our firſt Parents, being ſeduced by the Subtility and Temptations of Satan, ſinned in eating the forbidden fruit. This their Sin God was pleaſed, according to His wiſe and holy Counſel to permit, having purpoſed to order it to His own Glory. II. By this Sin they fell from their original Righteouſneſs & Communion with God, and became dead in Sin, and wholly defiled in all the Facnlties and parts of Soul & Body. III. They being the Root of all mankind, the guilt of their Sin was imputed, and the ſame Death in Sin and corrupted Nature, conveyed to all their Poſterity, deſcending from them by ordinary Generation. IV From this original Corruption, whereby we are utterly indiſpoſed, diſabled, and made oppoſite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual Tranſgreſſions. V. This Corruption of Nature, during this Life, doth remain in thoſe that are regenerated; and although it be through Chriſt pardoned and mortified, yet both it ſelſ, and all the motions thereof, are truly and properly Sin. VI. Every Sin, both Original and Actual, being a Tranſgreſſion of the Righteous Law of God, and contrary thereunto, doth in its own nature bring guilt upon the Sinner, whereby he is bound over to the wrath of God, and Curſe of the Law, and ſo made ſubject to death, with all Miſeries, Spiritual, Temporal, and Eternal. CHAP. VII. Of God's Covenant with Man. THe diſtance between God and the Creature is ſo great, that although reaſonable creatures do owe obedience unto Him as their Creator, yet they could never have any fruition of him, as their bleſſedneſs and Reward,but by ſome voluntary condeſcenſion on Gods part, which He hath been pleaſed to expreſs by way of Covenant. II. The firſt Covenant made with Man, was,a Covenant of Works. wherein Life was promiſed to Adam, and in him to his poſterity, upon Condition of perfect and perſonal Obedience. III. Man by his Fall having made himſelf uncapable of Life by that Covenant, the Lord was pleaſed to make a ſecond, commonly called the Covenant of Grace: Wherein He freely offers unto Sinners Life and Salvation by Jeſus Chriſt, requireing of them Faith in Him, that they may be ſaved, and promiſeing to give unto all thoſe that are ordained unto Life His holy Spirit, to make them willing and able to believe. IV. This Covenant of Grace is frequently ſet forth in the Scripture, by the name of a Teſtament, in reference to the death of Jeſus Chriſt the Teſtator, and to the everlaſting Inheritance. with all things belonging to it, therein bequeathed. V. This Covenant was differently adminiſtred in the time of the Law, and in the time of the Goſpel, under the Law it was adminiſtred by Promiſes,Propheſies, Sacrifices, Circumciſion, the Paſcal Lamb and other Types and Ordinances, delivered to the people, of the Jews all fore ſignifying Chriſt to come, which were for that time ſufficient and efficacious through the Operation of the Spirit, to inſtruct and build up the Elect in Faith of the promiſed Meſſiah, by whom they had full Remiſſion of ſins, and eternal Salvation: And is called, the Old Teſtament. VI. Under the Goſpel, when Chriſt the Subſtance, was exhibited, the Ordinances in which this Coverant is diſputed, are the Preaching of the Word and the Adminiſtration of the Sacraments of Baptiſm, and the Lord's Supper, which though fewer in number, and adminiſtred with more ſimplicity, and leſs outward glory; yet in them it is held forth in more fulneſs, evidence, and ſpiritual efficacy, to all Nations, both Jews and Gentiles, and is called the New Teſtament. There are not therefore two Covenants of Grace, differing in Subſtance, but one and the ſame, under various diſpenſations. CHAP. VIII. Of Chriſt the Mediator. IT pleaſed God in His eternal Purpoſe, to chooſe and ordain the Lord Jeſus His only begotten Son, to be the Mediator between God and Man, the Prophet, Prieſt, and King, the Head and Saviour of His Church, the Heir of all things, and Judge of the World, unto whom He did from all eternity give a People, to be His Seed, and to be by Him in time Redeemed, Called, Juſtified, Sanctified and Glorified. I. The Son of God, the ſecond Perſon of the Trinity, being very and Eternal God, of one Subſtance, and equal with the Father, did, when the fulneſs of time was come, take upon Him Mans nature, with all the eſſential properties, and common infirmities thereof, yet without Sin: Being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghoſt, in the Womb of the Virgin Mary, of her Subſtance. So that two whole, perfect and diſtinct Natures, the God-Head and the Man-Head, were inſeparably joined together in one Perſon, without Converſion, Compoſition, or Confuſion. Which Perſon is very God, and very Man, yet one Chriſt, the only Mediator between God and Man. The Lord Jeſus, in His humane Nature, thus united to the Divine, was ſanctified and anointed with the Holy Spirit above meaſure, having in Him all the Treaſures of Wiſdom and Knowledge, in Whom it pleaſed the Father that all fulneſs should dwell: To the end, that being Holy, Harmleſs, and Undefiled, and full of Grace and Truth, He might be throughly furniſhed to execute the Office of a Mediator and Surety, which Office He took not upon Himſelf, but was thereunto called by His Father, who put all Power and Judgment into His Hand, and gave Him Commandment to execute the ſame. IV. This Office the Lord Jeſus did moſt willingly undertake: Which that He might diſcharge, He was made under the Law, and did perfectly fulfil it, endured moſt grievous Torments, immediatly in His Soul, and moſt painful Sufferings in His Body: Was crucified and died, was buried, and remained under the Power of Death, yet ſaw no Corruption: On the third Day He aroſe from the Dead, with the ſame Body in which He ſuffered, with which alſo He aſcended into Heaven, and there ſitteth at the Right Hand of His Father, makeing Interceſſion, and ſhall return to Judge Men and Angels, at the end of the world. V. The Lord Jeſus, by His perfect Obedience, and ſacrifice of Himſelf, which He through the eternal Spirit, once offered up unto God, hath fully ſatiſfied the Juſtice of His Father, and purchaſed not only Reconciliation. but an everlaſting inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven,for all thoſe whom the Father hath given unto him. VI. Although the Work of Redemption was not actually wrought by Chriſt after his Incarnation, yet the efficacy, and benefites thereof were communicated unto the Elect in all ages ſucceſſively, from the beginning of the World, in and by theſe Promiſes, Types, and ſacrifices, wherein he was revealed, and ſignified to be the Seed of the Woman, which ſhould bruiſe the Serpents head: And the Lamb ſlain front the beginning of the World: Being yeſterday, and to day the ſame, and for ever. VII. Chriſt in the work of Mediation acteth according to both Natures, by each Nature doing that which is proper to it ſelf, yet by reaſon of the unity of the perſon, that which is proper to one Nature, is ſometimes in Scripture attributed to the Perſon denominated by the other Nature. VIII. To all thoſe for whom Chriſt hath purchaſed Redemption, He doth certainly, and effectually apply and communicate the ſame, making Interceſſion for them, and revealing unto them, in and by the Word, the Myſteries of Salvation, effectually perſwading them by His Spirit, to believe, and obey, and governing their hearts by his Word and Spirit, overcoming all their Enemies by his Almighty Power and Wiſdom, in ſuch manner, and ways, as are moſt conſonant to his wonderful and Unſearchable Diſpenſation. CHAP. IX. Of Free Will. GOD hath endued the Will of Man with that natural liberty, that is neither forced, nor by any abſolute neceſſity of Nature determined to do good or evil. II. Man in his hate of Innocency, had freedom, and power to will, and to do that which was good and well-pleaſing to God, but yet mutably, ſo that he might fall from it. III. Man by his fall into a ſtate of ſin, hath wholly loſt all ability of will to any ſpiritual Good accompanying Salvation: So as a natural man, being altogether averſe from that Good, and dead in ſin, is not able by his own ſtrength, to convert himſelf, or to prepare himſelf thereunto. IV. When God converts a ſinner, and tranſlates him into the ſtate of grace; he freeeth him from his natural bondage under ſin: And by his Grace alone, enables him freely to will, and to do that which is ſpiritually good; yet ſo, as that by reaſon of his remaining Corruption, he doth not perfectly, nor only, will that which is good, but doth alſo will that which is evil. VII. The will of Man is made perfectly and immutably free to good alone, in the ſtate of Glory only. CHAP. X. Of effectual Calling. ALL thoſe whom God hath predeſtinated unto Life, and thoſe only, he is pleaſed in his appointed and accepted time, effectually to call, by his word and Spirit, out of that ſtate of ſin and death, in which they are by Nature, to grace and ſalvation by Jeſus Chriſt, enlightning their Minds, ſpiritually and ſavingly to underſtand the things of God: Taking away their heart of ſtone, and giveing unto them a heart of Fleſh, renewing their Wills, and by his Almighty Power, determining them to that which is good, and effectually drawing them to Chriſt; yet ſo as they come moſt freely, being made willing by his Grace. II. This effectual Call is of Gods free, and ſpecial Grace alone, not from any thing at all foreſeen in man, who is altogether paſſive therein, untill being quickned and renewed by the Holy ſpirit, he is thereby enabled to anſwer this Call, and to embrace the Grace offered, and conveyed in it. III. Elect Infants dying in their infancy, are regenerated, and ſaved by Chriſt, through the spirit, who worketh when. and where, and how he pleaſeth. So alſo are all other elect perſons who are uncapable of being outwardly called by the.Miniaſtry of the Word. IV. Others, not elected, although they may be called by the Miniſtry of the Word, and may have ſome common Operations of the Spirit, yet they never truly come unto Chriſt, and theretore cannot be ſaved: Much leſs can Men, not profeſſing the Chriſtian Religion, be ſaved in any other way whatſoever, be they never ſo diligent to frame their Lives according to the Light of Nature, and the Law of that Religion they do profeſs: And to aſſert and maintain, that they may, is very pernicious, and to be deteſted. CHAP. Xl. Of Justification. THoſe whom God effectually calleth, he alſo freely juſtifieth, not by infuſing Righteouſneſs into them, but by pardoning their ſin, and by accounting and accepting their perſons as righteous; not for any thing wrought in them, or done by them but for Chriſts ſake alone; nor by imputing Faith it ſelf, the Act of Believing, or any other Evangelical Obedience to them, as their Righteouſneſs but by imputing the Obedience and Satisfaction of Chriſt unto them, they receiving and reſting on Him, and his Righteouſneſs by Faith: which Faith they have not of themſelves, it is the Gift of God. II. Faith, thus receiving and reſting on Chriſt and his Righteouſneſs, is the alone inſtrument of Juſtification, yet it is not alone in the perfon juſtified, but it is ever accompanied with all other ſaving Graces, and is no dead Faith, but worketh by Love. III. Chriſt, by his Obedience and Death, did fully diſcharge the Debt of all thoſe that are thus juſtified, and did make a proper, real, and full Satisfaction to his Fathers Justice in their behalf; Yet, in as much as he was given by the Father for them, and his Obedience and Satisfaction accepted in their ſtead, and both freely, not for any thing in them, their Juſtification is only of free grace, that both the exact Juſtice, and rich Grace of God, might be glorified in the Juſtification of Sinners. IV. God did from all Eternity. Decree to juſtified all the Elect, and Chriſt did in the ſulneſs of time, die for their ſins, and riſe again for their Juſtification: Nevertheleſs they are not juſtified, untill the Holy Spirit doth in due time, actually apply Chriſt unto them. V. God doth continue to forgive the ſins of all thoſe that are juſtified: And. although they can never fall from the ſtate of Juſtification, yet, they may by their ſins fall under God's Fatherly Diſpleaſure, and not have the Light of His Countenance reſtored unto them, untill they humble themſelves, confeſs their ſins, beg pardon, and renew their Faith and Repentance. VI. The juſtification of Believers, under the Old Teftament, was, in all theſe reſpects, one and the ſame with the juſtification of Believers under the New Teſtament. CHAP. XII Of Adoption. ALL thoſe that are juſtifed, God vouchſafeth in and for his only Son Jeſus Chriſt, to make partakers of the Grace of Adoption: By which they are taken into the number, and enjoy the Liberties and Priviledges of the Children of God, have his Name put upon them, receive the Spirit of Adoption, have acceſs to the Throne of Grace with Boldneſs, are enabled to cry, Abba, Father, are pitied, protected, provided for, and chaſtned by him, as by a Father, yet never caſt off, but ſealed to the day of Redemption, and inherit the Promiſes, as Heirs of everlaſling Salvation. CHAP XIII. Of Sanctification THey who are effectually called and regenerated, having a new heart and a new ſpirit created in them, are further ſanctifed, really and perſonally, through the vertue of Chriſt's Death and Reſurrection, by his Word and Spirit dwelling in them: The dominion of the whole Body of ſin is deſtroyed, and the ſeveral luſts thereof are more and more weakned and mortified: And they more and more quickned, and ſtrengthened, in all ſaving Graces, to the practice of true Holineſs, without which no Man ſall ſee the Lord. II. This Sanctification is throughout, in the whole Man, yet imperfect in this life; there abideth ſtill ſome remnants of Corruption in every part; whence ariſeth a continual, and irreconcilable War; the fleſh luſting againſt the Spirit, and the Spirit againſt the fleſh. Ill. In which War àlthough the remaining Corruption, for a time, may much prevail, yet through the continual ſupply of ſtrength from the ſanctifying Spirit of Chriſt, the regenerat part doth overcome, and ſo the Saints grow in grace, perfecting Holineſs in the fear of God. CHAP. XIV. Of Saving Faith. THE grace of Faith, whereby the Elect are enabled to believe, to the ſaving of their Souls, is the Work of the Spirit of Chriſt in their hearts, and is ordinarly wrought by the Miniſtry of the Word, by which alſo, and by the Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, and Prayer, it is increaſed and ſtrengthned. II. By this Faith, a Chriſtian believeth to be true, whatſoever is revealed in the Word, from the Authority of God Himſelſ ſpeaking therein, and acteth differently upon that which each particular paſſage thereof containeth; yeilding obedience to the Commands, trembling at the Threatnings. and embracing the Promiſes of God for this life, and that which is to come. But the principal acts of ſaving Faith are, Acediting, Receiving, and Reſting upon Chriſt alone, for Juſtification, Sanctification, and Eternal Life, by vertue of the Covenant of Grace. III. This Faith is different in degrees, weak or ſtrong; may be often and many ways aſſailed, and weakned, but gets the victory; growing up in many to the attainment of a full aſſurance through Chriſt, who is both the Author and Finiſher of our Faith. CHAP. XV. Of Repentance unto Life. Repentance unto Life, is an Evangelical Grace, the Doctrine whereof is to be Preached by every Miniſter of the Goſpel, as well as that of Faith in Chriſt. II. By it, a Sinner, out of the ſight and Senſe, not only of the danger, but alſo of the filthineſs and odiouſneſs of his Sins, as contrary to the Holy Nature, and Righteous Law of God; and, upon the apprehenſion of his Mercy in Chriſt, to ſuch as are penitent, ſo grieves for, and hates its ſins, as to turn from them all unto God, purpoſing and endeavouring to walk with him, and in all the ways of his Commandments. III. Although Repentance be not to be reſted on as any ſatisfaction for ſin, or any cauſe of the pardon thereof; which is the act of Gods free Grace in Chriſt; yet it is of ſuch neceſſity to all ſinners, that none may expect pardon without it. IV. As there is no ſin ſo ſmall, but it deſerves Damnation; ſo there is no ſin ſo great, that it can bring Damnation upon thoſe who truly Repent. V. Men ought not to content themſelves with a general Repentance, but it is every Mans duty to endeavour to Repent of his particular ſins, particularly. VI. As every Man is bound to make private Confeſſion of his ſins to God, praying for the pardon thereof: Upon which, and the forſaking of them, he ſhall find Mercy; ſo he that ſcandalizeth his Brother, or the Church of Chriſt, ought to be willing by a private or publick confeſſion, and ſorrow for his ſin, to declare his Repentance to thoſe that are offended, who are thereupon to be reconciled to him, and in love to receive him. CHAP. XVI. Of Good Works. Good Works are only ſuch as God hath commanded in his Holy Word, and not ſuch as, without the warrant thereof, are deviled by Men, out of blind zeal, or upon any pretence of good intention. II. Theſe good works, done in obedience to Gods Commandments, are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively Faith; and by them Believers manifeſt their thankfulneſs, ſtrengthen their aſſurance, edify their Brethren, adorn the profeſſion of the Goſpel, ſtop the mouths of the adverſaries, and Glorify God, whole workmanſhip they are, Created in Chriſt Jeſus thereunto, that having their fruit unto Holineſs, they may have in the end eternal life. III. Their ability, to do good works, is not at all of themſelves, but wholly from the Spirit of Chriſt. And, that they may be enabled thereunto, beſides the Graces they have already received, there is required an actual influence of the ſame Holy Spirit to work in them to will and to do, of his good pleaſure, Yet are they not hereupon to grow negligent, as if they were not bound to perform any duty, unleſs upon a ſpecial motion of the Spirit; but they ought to be deligent in ſtirring up the: Grace of God that is in them. IV. They who, in their obedience, attain to the greateſt height which is poſſible in this life, are ſo far from being able to ſupererogate, and to do more than God requires, as that they may fall ſhort of much, which in duty they are bound to do. V. We cannot by our beſt works, merit pardon of ſin, or Eternal Life at the Hand of God, by reaſon of the great diſproportion that is between them and the Glory to coast, and the infinite diſtance that is between us and God. whom by them. we can neither profite nor ſatisfy for the debt of our former ſins; but when we have done all we can,we have done but our duty,and are unprofitable ſervants; And becauſe as they are good, they proceed from his Spirit, and as they are wrought by us, they are defiled, and mixed with ſo much weakneſs and imperfection, that they cannot endure the ſeverity of Gods Judgement. VI. Yet notwithſtanding, the Perſons of Believers being accepted through Chriſt, their good works alſo are accepted in him, not as though they were in this Life wholly unblameable and unreproveable in God's ſight: But that he, looking upon them in his Son, is pleaſed to accept, and reward that which is ſincere, although accompained with many weakneſſes and imperfections. Vll. Works done by unregenerated Men, although, for the matter of them, they may be things which God commands, and of good uſe both to themſelves, and others: Yet, becauſe they proceed not from an heart purified by Faith; nor are done in a right mariner according to the Word, nor to a right end, the Glory of God, they are therefore ſinful, and cannot pleaſe God, or make a Man meet to receive Grace from God, and yet their neglect of them is more ſinful, and difpleaſing unto God. CHAP. XVII. Of the Perſeverance of the Saints. THey, whom God hath accepted in his Beloved, effectually called, and ſanctified by his Spirit, can neither totally nor finally fall away from the ſtate of Grace, but ſhall certainly preſevere therein to the end, and be eternally ſaved. II. This Perſeverance of the Saints depends not upon their own free-will, but upon the immutability of the Decree of Election, flowing from the free and unchangeable Love of God the Father, upon the Efficacy of the Merit and interceſſion of Jeſus Chriſt, the abiding of the Spirit, and of the Seed of God within them, and the Nature of the Covenant of Grace; from all which ariſeth alſo the Certanity and infallibility thereof. Nevertheleſs, they may, through the Temptations of Satan, and of the world, the prudency of Corruption remaining in them, arid the neglect of the means of their Preſervation, fall into grievous Sins: and for a time, continue therein; whereby they incur God's Diſpleaſure, and grieve his Holy Spirit, come to be deprived of ſome meaſure of their Graces and Comforts, have their hearts hardned, and their Conſciences wounded, hurt, and ſcandalize others, and bring temporal Judgements upon themſelves. CHAP. XVIII. Of the Aſſurance of Grace and Salvation. Although Hypocrites and other unregenerate Men may vainly deceive themſelves with falſe hopes, and carnal preſumptions of being in the Favour of God, and eſtate of Salvation: Which hope of theirs ſhall periſh: Yet ſuch as truly believe in the Lord Jeſus, and love him in Sincerity, endeavouring to walk in all good Conſcience before him, may in this Life, be certainly aſſured, that they are in the ſtate of Grace, and may rejoyce in the hope of the Glory of God, which hope ſhall never make them aſhamed. II. This certainly is not a bare conjectural and probable perſwaſion, grounded upon a fallible hope, but an infallible aſſurance of Faith, founded upon the divine truth of the Promiſes of Salvation, the inward evidence of thoſe Graces unto which theſe promiſes are made, the Teſtimony of the Spirit of Adoption witneſſing our Spirits, that we are the Children of God: Which Spirit is the Earneſt of our inheritance, whereby we are ſealed to the day of Redemption. III. This infallible Aſſurance, doth not ſo belong to the Eſſence of Faith, but that true Believer may wait long, and conflict with many Difficulties, before he be partaker of it: Yet being enabled by the Spirit to know the things which are freely given him of God, he may without extraordinary Revelation, in the right uſe of ordinary means, attain thereunto. And therefore it is the duty of every one, to give all diligence to make his Calling and Election ſure, that thereby his heart may be enlarged in peace and joy in the Holy-Ghoſt, in love and thankfulneſs to God, and in ſtrength and cheerfulneſs in the duties of Obedience, the proper fruits of this Aſſurance: So far it is from inclining men to looſeneſs. IV. True Believers may have the Aſſurance of their Salvation divers ways ſhaken, diminiſhed, and intermitted; As by negligence in preſerving of it, by falling into ſome ſpecial ſin, which woundeth the Conſcience, and grieveth the Spirit, by ſome ſudden, or vehement temptation, by Gods withdrawing the Light of his Countenance, and ſuffering even ſuch as fear him to walk in darkneſs, and to have no Light: Yet are they never utterly deſtitute of that ſeed of God, and life of Faith, that Love of Chriſt and the Brethren, that Sincerity of heart, and Conſcience of duty, out of which, by the Operation of the Spirit, this Aſſurance may, in due time, be revived, and by the which, in the mean time, they are ſupported from utter Deſpair. CHAP. XIX Of the Law of God. GOD gave to Adam a Law, as a Covenant of Works, by which he bound him and all his Poſterity to perſonal, entire, exact, and perpetual Obedience: Promiſed Life upon the fulfilling, and threatned Death upon the Breach of it; and endued him with power and ability to keep it. II. This Law, after his Fall, continued to be a perrect rule of Righteouſneſs, and ſuch as was delivered by God upon Mount Sinai in Ten Commandments, and written in two Tables: The four firſt Commandments containing our Duty towards God, and the other ſix, our duty to Man. III. Beſide this Law, commonly called Moral, God was pleaſed to give the People of Iſrael, as a Church under age, Ceremonial Laws, containing ſeveral typical Ordinances, partly of Worſhip, prefiguring Chriſt, his Graces, Actions. Suffering, and Benefits; and partly, holding forth divers Inſtructions of Moral duties. All which Ceremonial Laws are now abrogated under the New Teſtament. I. To them alſo as a body politick, he gave ſundry Judicial Laws, which expired together with the ſtate of that people, not oblidging any other now, further than the general equity thereof may require. II. The Moral Law doth for ever bind all as well juſtified perſons as others, to the Obedience thereof, and that not only in regard of the matter contained in it, but alſo in reſpect of the Authority of God the Creator, who gave it; neither doth Chriſt in the Goſpel, any way diſſolve, but much ſtrengthen this Obligation. VI. Although true Believers be not under the Law, as a Covenant of Works, to be thereby juſtified, or condemned; yet it is of great uſe to them, as well as to others, in that, as a rule of Life, informing them of the Will of God, and their duty; it directs, and binds them to walk accordingly; diſcovering alſo the ſinful pollutions of their nature, hearts and Lives: So as, examining themſelves thereby, they may come to further conviction of, humiliation for, and hatred againſt ſin, together with a clearer ſight of the need they have of Chriſt, and the perfection of his Obedience. It is likewiſe of uſe to the Regenerate, to reſtrain their Corruptions, in that it forbids ſin: And the Threatnings of it ſerve to ſhew, what evil their ſins deſerve; and what Afflictions, in this life, they may may expect for them, although freed from the Curſe thereof threatned in the Law. The promiſes of it, in like manner, ſhew God's Approbation of Obedience, and what Bleſſings they may expect upon the performance thereof, although not as due to them by the Law, as a Covenant of Works. So as a Mans doing good, and refraining from evil, becauſe the Law encourageth to the one, and deterreth from the other, is no evidence of his being under the Law, and not under Grace. VII. Neither are the forementioned uſes of the Law, contrary to the Grace of the Goſpel, but do ſweetly comply with it; the Spirit of Chriſt ſubduing and enabling the will of Man to do that freely, and cheerfully, which the Will of God revealed in the Law, requireth to be done. CHAP. XX. Of Chriſtian Liberty and Liberty of Confidence. The Liberty which Chriſt hath purchaſed for Believers, under the Goſpel, conſiſts in their freedom from the Guilt of ſin, the condemning wrath of God, the curſe of the Moral Law; and in their being delivered from this preſent evil world, Bondage to Satan, and Dominion of ſin, from the evil of Afflictions, the ſting of Death the victory of the Grave, and everlaſting Damnation; As alſo, in their free acceſs to God, and their yeilding obedience unto him, not out of ſlaviſh fear, but a child like Love, and willing mind. All which, were common alſo to Believers under the Law. But under the New Teſtament, the Liberty of Chriſtians is further enlarged, in their freedom from the yoke of the Ceremonial Law, to which the Jewiſh Church was ſubjected; And in greater Boldneſs of Acceſs to the throne of Grace, and in fuller communication of the free Spirit of God, than Believers, under the Law, did ordinarly partake of. II. God alone is Lord of the Conſcience, and hath left it free from the Doctrines and Commandments of men, which are in any thing contrary to his Word, or beſide it, in Matters of Faith, or Worſhip. So that, to believe ſuch Doctrines, or to obey ſuch Commands. out of Conſcience, is to betray true Liberty of Conſience, and the requireing of an implicite Faith, and an abſolute and blind Obedience is to deſtroy Liberty of Conſcience, and Reaſon alſo. III. They who, upon pretence of Chriſtian Liberty, do practiſe any ſin, or cheriſh any luſt, do thereby deſtroy the end of Chriſtian Liberty, which, is that being delivered out of the Hands of our Enemies, we might ſerve the Lord without fear, in Holineſs and Righteoutheſs before him, all the days of our life. IV. And becauſe the powers which God hath ordained, and the Liberty which Chriſt hath purchaſſed, are not intended by God, to deſtroy, but mutually to uphold and preſerve one another, they who upon pretence of Chriſtian Liberty, ſhall oppoſe any lawful power, or the lawful exerciſe of it, whether it be Civil or Eccleliaſtical, reſiſt the Ordinance of God. And for their publiſhing of ſuch Opinions, or maintaining of ſuch Practices, as are contrary to the light of Nature, or to the known Principles of Chriſtianity, whether concerning Faith Worſhip, or Converſation, to the Power of Godlineſs; Or ſuch erroneous Opinions or Practices as either in their own nature, or in the manner of publiſhing or maintaining them, are deſtructive to the external Peace and Order which Chriſt hath eſtabliſhed in the Church, they may be lawfully called to account, and proceeded againſt by the Cenſures of the Church, and by the power of the Civil Magiſtrat. CHAP. XXI- Of Religious Worſhip And the Sabbath Day. THe light of Nature ſheweth, that there is a GOD, who hath Lordſhip, and Soveraignty over all, is Good, and doth Good unto all, and is therefore to be Feared, Loved, Praiſed, Called upon, Truſted in, and Served with all the Heart, and with all the Soul, and with all the Might. But the acceptable way of Worſhiping the true God, is inſtituted by himſelf, and ſo limited by his own revealed Will, that he may not be worſhiped according to the Imaginations and Devices of Men, or the Suggeſtions of Satan, under any viſible Repreſentation, or any other way not preſcribed in the Holy Scripture. II. Religious Worſhip is to be given to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghoſt; and to him alone, not to Angels, Saints, or any other Creature: And, ſince the Fall, not without a Mediator, nor in the Mediation of any other, but of Chriſt alone. Prayer with Thankſgiving, being one ſpecial part of Religious Worſhip, is by God required of all Men; And that it may be accepted,it is to be made in the Name of the Son, by the help of his Spirit, according to his Will with in underſtanding, Reverence, Humility, Fervency, Faith, Love and Perſeverance; And if vocal, in a known Tongue. Prayer is to he made for things Lawful, and for all ſorts of Men liveing, or that ſhall live hereafter; but not for the dead, nor for thoſe of whom it may be known, that they have ſinned the ſin unto death. V. The reading of the Scriptures with Godly fear, the ſound Preaching, and concionable hearing of the Word in Obedience unto God, with underſtanding, and Reverence, ſinging Pſalms with Grace in the Heart; As alſo the due Adminiſtration, and worthy receiving of the Sacraments inſtituted by Chriſt, are all parts of the ordinary Religious Worſhip of God: Beſide Religious Oaths, Vows, Solemn Faſtings, and Thankſgiveings upon ſpecial Occaſions; which are in their ſeveral times and ſeaſons to be uſed in an Holy and Religious manner. VI. Neither Prayer, nor any other part of Religious Worſhip, is now under the either tyed unto, or made more acceptable by, any place in which it is performed, or towards which it is directed; but God is to be Worſhiped every is here, its Spirit and in Truth, as in private Families daily, and in ſecret, each one by himſelſ more ſolemnly, in the publick Aſſemblies, which arc not careleſly or wilfully to be neglected, or forſaken when God by his Word or Providence calleth thereunto. VII. As it is of the Law of Nature, that in general, a due proportion of time be ſet apart for the Worſhip of God; ſo in his Word, by a poſitive, Moral, and perpetual Commandment, binding all Men, in all ages, he hath particularly appointed One Day in Seven, for a Sabbath to be kept holy unto Him, which from the beginning of the World to the Reſurrection of Chriſt was the laſt Day of the week; and from the Reſurrection of Chriſt was changed into the firſt day of the Week, which in Scripture, is called the LORD'S Day, and it is to be continued to the end of the World, as the Chriſtian Sabbath. VIII. This Sabbath is then kept Holy unto the Lord, when Men after a due preparation of their Hearts, and ordering of their common Affairs before hand, do not only obſerve a Holy Reſt, all the day from their own Works, Words and Thoughts about their Wordly lmployments and Recreations, but alſo are taken up the whole time, in the publick and private Exerciſes of his Worſhip, and its the duties of Neceſſity and Mercy. CHAP. XXII. Of Lawful Oaths and Vows. A Lawful Oath is a part of Religious Worſhip, wherein upon juſt occaſions, the perſon ſwearing ſolemnly, calleth God to Witneſs what he aſſerteth, or promiſeth; And to judge him according to the Truth, or Falſhood of what he ſweareth. II. The Name of God only, is that by which Men ought to ſwear; And therein it is to be uſed with all Holy Fear and Reverence: Therefore to ſwear vainly or raſhly by that Glorious and Dreadful Name; Or, to ſwear at all, by any other thing, is ſinſul, and to be abhorred: Yet, as in Matters of Weight and Moment, an Oath is warranted by the Word of God under the New Teſtament, as well as under the Old; So a lawful Oath, being impoſed by lawful Authority, in ſuch Matters ought to be taken. III. Whoſoever taketh an Oath, ought duly to conſider the weightineſs of ſo Solemn an act, and therein to avouch nothing, but what he is fully perſwaded is the Truth: Neither may any Man bind himſelf by Oath to any thing but what is good and just,and what he beleiveth ſo to be, and what he is able and reſolved to perform: Yet it is a in to refuſe an Oath, touching any thing that is good and juſt being; impoſed by lawful Authority. IV. An Oath is to be taken in the plain and common ſenſe of the Words, without Equivocation, or Mental Reſervation, it cannot oblige to ſin; but in any thing not ſinful, being taken, it binds to performance, although to a mans own hurt; nor is it to be violated although made to Hereticks, or Infidels. V. A Vow is of the like Nature with a Promiſſory Oath, and ought to be made with the like Religious care, and to be performed with the like Faithfulneſs. VI. It is not to be made to any Creature, but to God alone; and that it may be accepted, it is to be made voluntarly, out of Faith, and Conſcience of Duty, in way of thankfulneſs for Mercy received, or for the obtaining of what we want: Whereby we more ſtrictly bind our ſelves to neceſſary duties, or to other things, ſo far, and ſo long as they may fitly conduce thereunto. VII. No Man may vow to do any thing forbidden in the Word of God, or what would hinder any duty therein commanded; Or which is not in his power, and for the performance whereof he hath no promiſe of Ability from God; in which reſpects, Popiſh Monaſtical Vows of perpetual ſingle life, profeſſed poverty, and regular obedience, are ſo far from being degrees of higher perfection that they are ſuperſtitious and ſinſul Snares, in which no Chriſtian may intangle himſelf. CHAP. XXIII. Of the Civil Magiſtrate. GOD, the Supream Lord and King of all the World, hath ordained Civil Magiſtrates to be under him, over the People, for his own Glory, and the publick good: And to this end hath armed them with the power of the Sword for the Defence and Encouragement of them that are good, and for the puniſhment of evil-- doers. II. It is lawful for Chriſtians to accept and execute the Office of a Magiſtratee, when called thereunto: In the manageing whereof, as they ought ſpecially to maintain Piety, Juſtice and Peace, according to the wholſome Laws of each CommonWealth: So for that end they may lawfully under the New Teſtament wage War, upon juſt and neceſſary occaſions. III. The Civil Magiſtrate may not aſſume to himſelf the admiration of the Word and Sacraments, or the power of the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; yet he hath Authority, and it is his duty to take order, that Unity and Peace be preſerved in the Church, that the truth of God be kept pure and entire, that all Blaſphemies and Hereſies be ſuppreſſed, all Corruptions and Abuſes in Worſhip and Diſcipline prevented or reformed: And all the Ordinances of God duely ſettled, adminiſtred and obſerved; for the better effecting whereof, he hath power to call Synods, to be preſent at them, and to provide that whoſoever is tranſacted in them, be according to the Mind of God. IV. It is the duty of People to pray for Magiſtrates, to honour their Perſons, to pay them Tribute and other Dues, to obey their lawful Commands and to be ſubject to their Authority, for Conſcience ſake; Infidelity, or Difference in Religion, doth not make void the Magiſtrats juſt and legal Authority, nor free the people from their due Obedience to Him, from which Eccleſiaſtical perſons are not exempted, much leſs hath the Pope any Power or Juriſdiction over them, in their Dominions, or over any of their people; and leaſt of all to deprive them of their Dominions, or Lives, if he ſhall judge them to be Hereticks, or upon any other pretence whatſoever. CHAP. XXIV Of Marriage And Divorce. MArriage is between one Man and one Woman: Neither is it lawful for any man to have more than one Wife, nor for any Woman to have more than one Husband, at the ſame time. II. Marriage was ordained for the mutual help of Husband and Wife, for the increaſe of Mankind with a legitimat iſſue, and of the Church with an holy Seed, and for preventing of Uncleanneſs. III. It is lawful for all ſorts of People to marry, who are able with Judgment to give their Conſent; Yet it is the duty of Chriſtians to marry only in the Lord. And therefore ſuch as profeſs the true reformed Religion, ſhould not marry with Infidels, Papiſts, or other Idolaters: Neither ſhould ſuch as are Godly be unequally yoked, by marrying with ſuch as are notoriouſly wicked in their Life, or maintain damnable Hereſies. IV. Marriage ought not to be within the degrees of Conſanguinity, or Affinity, Forbidden in the Word: Nor can any inceſtuous Marriages ever be made lawful by any Law or Man, or conſent of Parties, ſo as thoſe perſons may live together as Man and Wife. The Man may not marry any of his Wifes Kindred nearer in blood, than he may of his own; nor the Woman of her Husbands Kindred, nearer in blood, than of her own. V. Adultery or Fornication, committed after a Contract, being detected before Marriage, giveth juſt occaſion to the Innocent party to diſſolve that Contract. In the caſe of Adultery after Marriage, it is lawful for the innocent party to ſue out a Divorce; And after the Divorce, to marry another, as if the offending party were dead. VI. Although the Corruption of Man be ſuch as is apt to ſtudy Arguments, unduely to put aſunder thoſe whom God hath joyned together in Marriage; yet, nothing but Adultery, or ſuch wilful Deſertion as can no way be remedied by the Church, or Civil Magiſtrat, is cauſe ſufficient of diſſolving the Bond of Marriage, wherein a publick or ordinary Courſe of proceeding is to be obſerved; and the perſons concerned in it, not left to their own Wills, in their own caſe. CHAP. XXV. Of the Church. THE Catholick or Univerſal Church, which is inviſible, conſiſts of the whole number of the Elect, that have been, are, or ſhall be gathered into one, under Chriſt the head thereof, and is the Spouſe, the Body, the fulneſs of Him, that filleth all in all. II. The viſible Church, which is alſo Catholick or Univerſal, under the Goſpel, (not confined to one Nation, as before under the Law) conſiſts of all thoſe throughout the World, that profeſs the true Religion; together with her Children: And is the Kingdom of the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, the Houſe and Family of God, out of which there is no ordinary poſſibility of Salvation. III. Unto this Catholick Viſible Church, Chriſt hath given the Miniſtry, Oracles, and Ordinances of God, for the gathering and perfecting of the Saints in this life, to the end of the World, and doth by his own preſence and Spirit, according to His Promiſe, make them effectual thereunto. IV. This Catholick Church hath been ſometimes more, ſometimes leſs viſible: And particular Churches, which are Members thereof, are more or leſs pure, according as the Doctrine of the Goſpel is taught and embraced, Ordinances adminiſtred, and publick Worſhip performed more or leſs purely in them. V. The pureſt Churches under Heaven are ſubject both to mixture and Errour, and ſome have ſo degenerated, as to become no Churches of Chriſt, but Synagogues of Satan. Nevertheleſs there ſhall be always a Church on Earth, to Worſhip God according to His Will. VI. There is no other Head of the Church, but the Lord Jeſus Chriſt: Nor can the Pope of Rome, in any ſenſe be head thereof: but is that Antichriſt, that Man of Sin, and ſon of Perdition, that exalteth himſelf in the Church againſt Chriſt, and all that is called God. CHAP. XXVI. Of the Communion of Saints. ALL Saints, that are united to Jeſus Chriſt their Head, by his Spirit, and by Faith, have fellowſhip with him in his Graces, Sufferings, Death, Reſurrection, and Glory: And being united to one another in Love, they have Communion in each others Gifts and Graces, and are obliged to the performance of ſuch Duties, publick and private. as do conduce to their mutual good, both in the inward and outward Man. II. Saints by profeſſion are bound to maintain an holy Fellowſhip and Communion in the Worſhip of God; And in performing ſuch other Spiritual Services, as tend to their mutual Edification; as alſo, in relieving each other in outward things, according to their ſeveral Abilities and Neceſſities; which Communion, as God offereth opportunity. is to be extended to all thoſe, who in every place call upon the Name of the Lord Jeſus. III. This Communion, which the Saints have with Chriſt, doth not make them, in any wayes, partakers of the Subſtance of His God-Head, or to be equal with Chriſt in any reſpect: Either of which to affirm, is impious and blaſphemous: Nor doth their Communion one with another, as Saints, take away, or infringe the Title, or Propriety, which each Man hath in his Goods or Poſſeſſions. CHAP. XXVII. Of the Sacraments. Sacraments are holy Signs and Seals of the Covenant of Grace, immediatly intuited by God to repreſent Chriſt and his Benefites, and to confirm our Intereſt in Him; As alſo, to put a viſible difference between thoſe that belong unto the Church, and the reſt of the World; and ſolemnly to engage them to the Service of God in Chriſt, according to his Word. II. There is in every Sacrament a Spiritual Relation, or Sacramental Union between the Sign and the Thing ſignified; whence it comes to paſs, that the Names and Effects of the one are attributed to the other. III. The Grace which is exhibited, in or by the Sacraments rightly uſed, is not conferred by any power in them; neither doth the efficacy of a Sacrament depend upon the Piety, or intention of him that doth adminiſter it; but upon the Work of the Spirit, and the Word of Inſtitution, which contains, together with a Precept, authorizing the uſe thereof, a promiſe of Benefit to worthy Receivers. IV. There be only two Sacraments ordained by Chriſt our Lord In the Goſpel, that is to ſay, Baptiſm, and the Supper of the Lord: Neither of which may be diſpenſed by any, but by a Miniſter of the Word lawfully ordained. V. The Sacraments of the Old Teſtament, in regard of the Spiritual things thereby ſignified, and exhibited, were for Subſtance, the ſame with thoſe of the New. CHAP XXVIII. Of Baptiſm. BAptiſm is a Sacrament of the New Teſtament, ordained by Jeſus Chriſt, not only for the ſolemn Admiſſion of the Party Baptized into the Viſible Church; but alſo, to be unto him a sign, and Seal of the Covenant of Grace, of his ingrafting into Chriſt of Regeneration, of Remiſſion of Sins. and of his giving up unto God through Jeſus Chriſt, to walk in newneſs of Life; which Sacrament is, by Chriſts own Appointment, to be continued in his Church until the end of the World II The outward Element to be uſed in this Sacrament is Water, wherewith the Party is to be Baptized, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoſt, by a Miniſter of the Goſpel, lawfully called thereunto. III. Dipping of the perſon in the Water, is not neceſſary: But Baptiſm is rightly adminiſtred, by pouring, or ſprinkling Water upon the Perſon. IV. Not only thoſe that do actually profeſs Faith in, and Obedience unto Chriſt, but alſo the Infants of one, or both believing Parents, are to be Baptized. V. Although it be a great ſin to contemn or neglect this Ordinance, yet Grace and Salvation are not ſo inſeparably annexed unto it, as that no Perſon can be Regenerated or Saved without it, or that all that are Baptized, are undoutedly Regenerated. VI. The Efficacy of Baptiſm is not tyed to that Moment of time, wherein it is adminſtred; yet notwithſtanding, by the Right uſe of this Ordinance, the Grace promiſed, is not only offered, but really exhibited, and conferred, by the Holy Ghoſt, to ſuch (whether of age, or Infants) as that Grace belongeth unto, according to the Counſel of Gods own Will, in his appointed time. VII. The Sacrament of Baptiſm is but once to be adminiſtred unto any perſon. CHAP. XXIX. Of the Lords Supper. Our Lord Jeſus, in the night wherein he was betrayed, inſtituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood, called the Lords Supper, to be obſerved in his Church, unto the end of the World, for the perpetual Remembrance of the Sacrifice of Himſelf, in His Death: The ſealing benefits thereof unto true Believers, their Spiritual Nouriſhment and Growth in him, their further engagment in, and to all Duties which they owe unto him: and to be a Bond and Pledge of their Communion with Him, and with each other, as Members of his myſtical Body. II. In this Sacrament, Chriſt is nor offered up to His Father; nor any real Sacrifice made at all, for Remiſſion of Sins of the quick or dead, but only a Commemoration of that one Offering up of Himſelf, by himſelf upon the Croſs once for all: and a ſpiritual Oblation of all poſſible praiſe unto God, for the ſame: So that the Popiſh Sacrifice of the Maſs, (as they call it ) is moſt abominably injurious to Chriſts one, only Sacrifice, the alone Propitiation for all the ſins of the Elect. III. The Lord Jeſus hath in this Ordinance, appointed his Miniſters to declare his Word of Inſtitution to the people, to pray, and bleſs the Elements of Bread and Wine, and thereby to ſet them apart from a common to an Holy Uſe; and to Take and Break the Bread, to Take the Cup, and (they communicating alſo themſelves) to give both to the Communicants; but to none who are not then preſent in the Congregation. IV. Privat Maſſes, or receiving this Sacrament by a Prieſt. or any other alone, as likewiſe, the denyal of the Cup to the People, Worſhiping the Elements, the lifting them up, or carrying them about for adoration, and the reſerving them for any pretended Religious life, are all contrary to the nature of this Sacrament, and to the lnſtitution of Chriſt. V. The outward Elements in this Sacrament, duely ſet apart, to the uſes ordained by Chriſt, have ſuch relation to Him crucified, as that truly, yet Sacramentally only, they are ſometimes called by the Name of the things they repreſent, to wit, the Body and Blood of Chriſt, albeit, in ſubſtance and nature, they ſtill remain truly and only Bread and Wine, as they were before. VI. That Doctrine which maintains a change of the ſubſtance of Bread and Wine, into the ſubſtance of Chriſts Body and Blood (commonly called Tranſubſtantiation) by Conſecration of a Prieſt, or by any other way, is repugnant, not to Scripture alone, but even to common ſenſe and reaſon, overthroweth the Nature of the Sacrament, and hath been, and is, the cauſe of manifold Superſtitions; yea of groſs Idolatries. VII. Worthy Receivers outwardly partaking of the viſible Elements, in this Sacrament, do then alſo, inwardly by Faith, really, and indeed, yet not carnally, and corporally, but ſpiritually receive and feed upon Chriſt crucified, ard all benefits of his death: The Body and Blood of Chriſt being then. not corporally, or carnally in, with, or under the Bread and Wine; yet, as really, but Spiritually, preſent to the Faith of Believers in that Ordinance, as the Elements themſelves are to their outward ſenſes. VIII. Although ignorant and wicked men receive the outward Elements, in this Sacrament, yet, they receive not the thing ſignified thereby, but by their unworthy coming thereunto, are guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord, to their own damnation. Wherefore all ignorant and ungodly perſons, as they are unfit to enjoy Communion with him, ſo they are unworthy of the Lords Table; and cannot without great ſin againſt Chriſt, while they remain ſuch, partake of theſe Holy Myſteries, or be admitted thereunto. CHAP. XXX. Of Church-Cenſures. THe Lord Jeſus, as King and Head of his Church, hath therein appointed a Government, in the hand of Church-Officers, diſtinct from the Civil Magiſtrate. II. To theſe Officers, the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are committed, by vertue whereof, they have power, reſpectively, to retain and remit ſins; to ſhut that Kingdom againſt the impenitent, both by the Word. and Cenfures; and to open it unto penitent ſinners, by the Miniſtry of the Goſpel, and by abſolution from Cenſures, as occaſion ſhall require. III. Church-Cenſures are neceſſary for the reclaiming and gaining of offending Brethren, for deterring of others from the like offences, for purging out of that Leaven which might infect the whole Lump, for vindicating the Honour of Chriſt, and the holy profeſſion of the Golpel, and for preventing the wrath of God, which might juſtly fall upon the Church, if they ſhould ſuffer his Covenant and the Seals thereof to be profaned, by notorious and obſtinat offenders. IV. For the better attaining of theſe ends, the Officers of the Church are to proceed by Admonition, Suſpenſion from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper for a ſeaſon: And by Excommunication from the Church, according to the nature of the Crime, and demerit of the perſon. CHAP. XXXI. Of Synods and Councils. FOr the better Government, and further Edification of the Church, there ought to be ſuch Aſſemblies, as are commonly called Synods or Councils. II. As Magiſtrats may lawfully call a Synod of Miniſters, and other fit perſons, to Conſult and Adviſe with, about matters of Religion. So, if Magiſtrats be open Enemies to the Church, the Miniſters of Chriſt, of themſelves by vertue of their Office; or they, with other fit perſons, upon delegation from their Churches, may meet together in ſuch Aſſemblies. III. It belongeth to Synods and Councils, Miniſterially to determine Controverſies of Faith, and Caſes of Conſcience, to let down Rules and Directions for the better ordering of the publick Worſhip of God, and Government of his Church: to receive complaints in caſes of Male adminiſtration and Authoritatively to determine the ſame: which Decrees and Determinations, if conſonant to the word of God, are to be received with Reverence and Submiſſion not only for their agreement with the Word, but alſo for the power whereby they are made, as being an Ordinance of God, appointed thereunto in his Word. IV. All Synods or Councils, ſince the Apoſtles times, whether General or Particular, may Err; and many have Erred: Therefore they are not to be made the Rule of Faith or Practice; but to be uſed as an help in both. V. Synods and Councils are to Handle or Conclude nothing, but that which is Ecceſiaſtical, and are not to intermeddle with Civil Affairs, which concern the Common-Wealth, unleſs by way of humble Petition, in caſes extraordinary; or by way of Advice, for ſatisfaction of Conſcience, it they be thereunto required by the Civil Magiſtrate. CHAP. XXXII Of the ſtate of Men after death, and of the Reſurection of the Dead. THe Bodies of Men, after Death, return to duſt, and ſee Corruption; but their Souls (which neither die, nor ſleep) having an Immortal Subſtance, immediatly return to God, who gave them: The Souls of the Righteous, being then made perfect in Holineſs, are received into the higheſt Heavens, where they behold the Face of God in Light and Glory; waiting for the full Redemption of their Bodies: And the Souls of the Wicked are caſt into Hell, where they remain in Torments and utter Darkneſs, reſerved to the Judgement of the great Day. Beſides theſe two places, for Souls ſeparated from their Bodies, the Scripture acknowledgeth none. II. At the laſt Day, ſuch, as are found Alive, ſhall not die, but be changed; and all the Dead ſhall be raiſed up, with the ſelf ſame Bodies, and none other; although with different qualities, which ſhall be united again to their Souls for ever. III. The Bodies of the Unjuſt, ſhall by the power of Chriſt be raiſed to Diſhonour; the Bodies of the Juſt by his Spirit, unto Honour; and be made comformable to his own glorious Body. CHAP. XXXIII. Of the Laſt Judgment. GOD hath appointed a day, wherein he will judge the World in Righteouſneſs, by Jeſus Chriſt, to whom all Power, and Judgment is given of the Father; in which day, not only the Apoſtate Angels ſhall be Judged; but likewiſe all Perſons that have lived upon the Earth, ſhall appear before the Tribunal of Chriſt, to give an account of their Thoughts Words, and Deeds; and to receive, according to what they have done in the Body, whether Good or Evil. II. The end of God's appointing this day, is, for the manifeſtation of the Glory of his Mercy, in the eternal Salvation of the Elect; and of his Juſtice, in the damnation of the Reprobate, who are Wicked and Diſobedient. For, then ſhall the Righteous go into everlaſting Life, and receive that fulneſs of Joy and Refreſhing, which ſhall come from the pretence of the Lord: but the Wicked, who know not God, and obey not the Goſpel of Jeſus Chriſt, ſhall be caſt into eternal Torments, and be puniſhed with everlaſting Deſtruction from the preſence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power. III As Chriſt would have us to be certainly perſwaded, that there ſhall be a Day of Judgment, both to deterr all Men from ſin: And for the greater Conſolation the Godly in their Adverſity; ſo will he have that day unknown to Men, that They may ſhake off all carnal ſecurity, and be always watchful, becauſe they know not at what Hour the Lord will come: And, may be ever prepared to ſay, Come, Lord Jeſus, come quickly. AMEN.