Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 7 Title: The Trial of John Grant, Sheriff-Clerk Depute of the Shire of Inverness before the Circuit Court of Justiciary Held There on May 1, 1793 For Forgery Author(s): Grant, John The...... defect of Mr. Grant's case is his not Shewing the cause for which McEdward put his name on the back of the bill — From this silence one would be led to imagine that the Pannel availing himself of McEdward drunkenneſs had fraudulently induced him to put his name on the bill — How the jury could be brought to return a verdict finding him guilty of forgery is more than I can conceive— the was not the vestage of Proof upon that head— for McEdward admits having written his name upon a piece of paper like a bill and upon being interrogated whether it was a bill or not — his answer was "not that I Know of —" which evidently implies that it might have been a bill, but that he did not Know it was one — Nov, 15. About eleven o'clock forenoon, Mr Thomas Muir, younger of Hunterthill, was taken from the tolbooth, and conveyed to Newhaven in a coach, where he was ſent on board the Royal George Excite yacht, Captain Ogilvie, now in Leith roads, for London. There were ſent along with him, John Grant, who was convicted of forgery at Inverneſs Circuit — John Stirling, who petitioned for tranſportation, being concerned in robbing Nellfield houſe — Bearhope, concerned in ſtealing watches, and who alſo petitioned for baniſhment — and James Mackay, lately condemned to death for ſtreet-robbery, but who afterwards obtained a reſpite during his Majesty's pleaſure. 1793 T H E TRIAL OF JOHN GRANT, SHERIFF-CLERK DEPUTE OF THE SHIRE OF INVERNESS, BEFORE THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JUSTICIARY HELD THERE, ON MAY, 1. 1793. FOR FORGERY. EDINBURGh: PRINTED AND SOLD By J. ROBERTSON, NO. 4. HORSE-WYND. 1793. PREFACE. INNOCENCE, fruſtrated in every attempt to vindicate herſelf by judicial proceedings, in the caſe of the Pannel in this trial, now throws herſelf, with full confidence of ſympathy, into the arms of the Public. From them the victim of private revenge ſeeks no redreſs. He is now baniſhed from his native country: his conſcience is at peace with his own heart, and his ſoul is reſigned above the fretful fevers of this tempoary life.--- He, however, ſolaces himſelf with the hope, that, when he is gone, ſhould it be found out that there was defects if. the form of procedure in his trial, in the ſelectionaof his jury, or, that any undue influence was uſed with any indiv:dual,--- Legiſlature may be induced to prevent ſuch in future, by adopting meaſures to purify the ſtreams of juſtice, and, by its wiſdom, to render the channels of truth ſafe and ſecure. In the great maſs of mankind, he believes that there may be found the warmeſt humanity, the trueſt virtues, and the moſt ſtrict juſtice; to them, therefore, he leaves his ſecond verdict, not doubting but it will be the ſame with the deciſion of that holy tribunal, before which all muſt appear. He begs leave to apologize, by the ſuddeneſs of his removal, for not being able to give here, as he intended, verbatim, the pathetic charge of Lord Henderland to the jury; alſo, his judicial declaration, which laſt he had not time to procure a copy of, being ordered, on a ſhort warning, to mount the waves that are to tear him away from his friends forever. Calumnies innumerable had been privately circulated previous to the trial, and they have been indefatigable ſince in their endeavours to ſoil his character, in order to juſtify his puniſhment, on other grounds, to thoſe who might not be pleated with his ſentence. But theſe falſe and malignant aſperſions were no ſooner communicated to him by his undiſguiſed friends, than they vaniſhed into nothing, as the dewy cloud when the ſun warms the atmoſphere. Some of theſe, he has had too much reaſon to believe, produced the deſired effeft of their inventors on certain perſons. All of them, however, now fall to the ground, as ſoon as diſcovered. To contradict what has reached his ear, he ſolemnly declares, that he never had, as was reported, any matrimonial connection with a lady of fortune in London, nor received any money from any one whatever, in the manner ſlander inſinuated. In proof of his conduct, he lays every thing before the Public, and challenges an anſwer from any party; not doubting that, if any contradiction offers, light may be thrown upon his innocency, by the colliſion of public inveſtigation. INDICTMENT. GEORGE, &c. JOHN GRANT, Sheriff-Clerk Depute of the ſhire of Inverneſs, you are indicted and accuſed at the inſtance of ROBERT DUNDAS Eſq. of Arniſton, his Majeſty's Advocate, for his Majeſty's intereſt, THAT ALBEIT, by the laws of this and every other well-governed realm, FORGERY, as alſo, the feloniouſly uttering and uſing any forged writing, more particularly the feloniouſly forging, or feloniouſly procuring to be forged, the ſubſcription of any perſon as indorſee of any Bill or Draft; AS ALSO, the feloniouſly uttering and uſing any ſuch Bill with a forged ſubſcription thereon, or cauſing the ſame to be uttered, uſed, or diſcounted, knowing the ſubſcriptions thereon to be forged, are crimes of an heinous nature, and ſeverely puniſhable; YET TRUE IT IS, AND OF VERITY, That you, the ſaid JOHN GRANT, have preſumed to commit, and are guilty actor, art and part, of the foreſaid crime, IN SO FAR AS you, the ſaid John Grant, having drawn a Bill or Draft, bearing date the 21ſt day of July 1792, for Twenty Pounds Sterling, addreſſed to Donald M'Gilvray in Tullich of Strathdearn, and accepted, or pretended to be accepted, by him, of which the tenor follows, viz. '£. 20 Sterling. 'Inverneſs, 21ſt July 1792. Three months af'ter date, pay to me, or my order, within the 'Poſt-Office here, the ſum of Twenty Pounds 'Sterling money, for value of (ſigned) John 'Grant. To Mr. Donald M'Gilvray, in Tul'lich of Strathdearn. (Signed) Donald M'Gil 'vray.' --You attempted to get ſaid Bill diſcounted at the Office of the Branch of the ROYAL BANK, eſtabliſhed at Invernefs; and the Managers of ſaid Bank having refuſed to diſcount ſaid Bill, you, the ſaid John Grant, did, at Inverneſs, or elſewhere in the county of Invernefs, upon one or other of the days of the month of July 1792, or of Auguſt immediately following, falſely and feloniouſly forge, or feloniouſly procure to be forged, the ſubſcription of Angus M'Edward, drover in Balneſpick, in Badenoch, upon the back of ſaid Bill, as ſecond indorſer thereof, thus, 'ANGUS M'EDWARD;' and upon one or other of the days of the month of July, 1792, or of Auguſt or September immediately following, you, the ſaid John Grant, gave the ſaid Bill, with the forged ſubſcription thereon, as a true and genuine Bill, and as being truly ſigned by the ſaid Angus M'Edward, as indorſer, to John Miller, merchant in Inverneſs, in partial or full payment of a debt, which you owed to the ſaid John Miller; and the ſaid John Miller received the ſame as a true and genuine Bill, and as being truly ſigned by the perfons whoſe ſubſcriptions were adhibited thereto, although the name of the ſaid Angus M'Edward, as indorſer of ſaid Bill, is falſe and forged, and was falſely and feloniouſly forged by you the ſaid John Grant, AT LEAST, known by you when you uſed and uttered the ſame, by giving it to the ſaid John Miller, in payment of the debt you owed him, to be falſe and forged; and you, the ſaid John Grant, having been brought before Simon Fraſer, Eſq. Advocate, Sheriff-Depute of the ſhire of Inverneſs, upon the 31ſt day of December; 1792, did emit and ſign a Declaration, which was alſo ſubſcribed by the ſaid Simon Fraſer, Eſq. WHICH DECLARATION, together with the Bill particularly deſcribed and recited above; ALSO another Bill, dated, Forres, 19th May, 1792, for £. 100 Steeling, at ſix months, drawn by John Gordon, and accpted by the ſaid Angus M'Edward, which Bill is marked, No. 1,018; AS ALSO, another Bill, dated, Forres, the 11th Auguſt, 1792, for £. 100 Sterling, at three months date, drawn by John Gordon, and accepted by Angus M'Edward, which Bill is marked, No. 2,126.; AS ALSO, a Letter, wrote by the ſaid Angus M'Edward, dated, Balldow, the 28th day of December, 1792, addreſſed, on the back, to 'Mr. Alexander Cameron, taylor at Alvie;' being all to be uſed in evidence againſt. you the ſaid John Grant, will, for that purpoſe, be lodged with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Juſticiary, before which you are to be tried, that you may have an opportunity of ſeeing the ſame. AT LEAST, time and place foreſaid, the ſubſcription of the ſaid Angus M'Edward was feloniouſly forged, and the Bill above recited, having the ſaid forged ſubſcription thereon, was feloniouſly uttered, uſed, and paſſed, by a perſon knowing the pretended ſubſcription of Angus M'Edward thereon to be falſe and forged, and you, the ſaid John Grant, are guilty of the foreſaid crimes, or one or other of them. ALL WHICH, or part thereof, being found proven by the verdict of an aſſize, (Signed) JOHN BURNETT, A. D. LIST OF ASSIZE. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Æneas Mackintoſh, Eſq. of Mackintoſh Arthur Forbes, Eſq. of Culloden Colonel Duncan M'Pherſon, of Bleaton George Cameron, Eſq. of Letterfinlay Mr. John M'Lean, jun. at Cluny Captain John M'Pherſon, at Invereſhie Ranald M'Donald, younger, of Glenturrat John Roſe, Eſq. of Holm David Davidſon, Eſq. of Contray Duncan Grant, of Dalſhangie James Alves, tackſman of Connadge Hugh Fraſer, tackſman of Erchite William Edwards, tackſman of Knockuagial Alex. Tulloch, merchant in Campbelton Thomas Gilleſpie, tackſman of Glenguioch Capt. John Robertſon, reſiding in Inverneſs Henry Andrews, merchant there Hugh Cobban, merchant there John Simpſon, merchant there John M'Pherſon, merchant there ROSS AND CROMARTY. General Charles Roſs, of Moringie Lewis M'Kenzie, younger, of Scatwell Allan Cameron, Eſq. at Tyriſh Captain John Roſs, of Caſtle-Craigs George Munro, of Culrain Charles Munro, of Allan John M‘Kinnon, Tain Hugh Roſs, younger, of Gladfield David Urquhart, land ſurvevor at Newhall Alexander M'Kenzie, of Dachnalian. ELGIN AND NAIRN. William Brodie, Eſq. of Milntoun Peter Roſe Watſon, Eſq. of Coltifield James Miln, Eſq. of Biſhopſmill William Robertſon, Eſq. of Auchinroth, Elgin Mr. Iſaac Forſyth, ſtationer in Elgin Laurence Sutherland, Eſq. reſiding there Robert Rae, tackſman of Shiraſton William Forſyth, tackſman of Ardgay Hugh Tod, tackſman of Myreſide Thomas Craig, tackſman of Barmuckety John Hoyes, merchant in Forres Alexander Urquhart, merchant there Charles Bingeſs, feuar in Garmouth John Anderſon, tackſman of Bands Samuel Falconer, Eſq. of Falcon Park (Signed) ROBT. M'QUEEN. WILLM. NAIRN. ALEX. ABERCROMBY. LIST OF WITTNESSES. William Fraſer, innkeeper in Inverneſs William M'Intoſh, clerk to the ſaid John Grant Angus M'Edward, drover in Balneſpick, Badenoch, county of Inverneſs Donald M'Gilvray, in Tullich of Strathdearn, ſaid county John Miller, merchant in Inverneſs Donald Grant, clerk to the ſaid John Grant James Gordon, ſhepherd to Captain Lewis Grant, in Down of Rothiemuchas, and county foreſaid Alexander Cameron, taylor in Alvie, and county foreſaid James Davidſon, alias, M‘Kay, drover in Moymore of Strathdearn, and county foreſaid John Roſs, clerk in the Bank of Scotland Branch at Inverneſs Mary Grant, ſpouſe to Donald Roſe, ſmith in the Park of Inches, near Inverneſs Captain John M‘Pherſon, at Invereſhie Thomas Young, clerk to the ſaid John Grant Daniel Clark, ſheriff-officer in Inverneſs Alexander Mackintoſh, burgh officer there Simon Fraſer, Eſq. ſheriff-depute of the ſhire of Inverneſs (Signed) JOHN BURNETT, A.D. Lord Henderland was preſiding Judge. — The Court aſſembled preciſely at ten o'clock, on the 1ſt day of May 1793. CHARLES Ross, Eſq. A. D. To this Indictment Grant pleaded, NOT GUILTY; and, according to the practice of the law of Scotland, requiring the perſon accuſed to communicate, upon the evening preceding the trial, in writing, the ſubſtance of his defence, with a liſt of the witneſſes in exculpation, Grant complied with this rule, and the Clerk of Court then read the following defences DEFENCES. The Pannel pleads NOT GUILTY of the Crime laid to his charge, and that he could have no motive or inducement whatever in committing ſuch a crime: As alſo, That the proſecution has been maliciouſly and groundleſsly inſtigated by his enemies. Under proteſtation to add and eik. (Signed) JOHN GRANT. LIST of WITNESSES, adduced in Exculpation. John Smith, meſſenger in Inverneſs John Miller, merchant in Inverneſs Alexander M'Intoſh, burgh officer in Inverneſs Alexander M'Pherſon, vintner in Corryburgh Lachlan M'Kenzie, Poſt, Pitmain, Badenoch Donald M'Kay, waiter to Mr. M'Laren, Nairn William Kennedy, ſervant to Alexander Macpherſon, vintner in Corryburgh Donald M'Gilvray, in Tullicb of Strathdearn. JAMES GRANT, Eſq. of Corrymony, Counſel for the Pannel, having made no objection to the relevancy of the Libel, the following Interlocutor was pronounced: 'The Lord Henderland, having conſidered the 'criminal Libel, raiſed and purſued at the in'ſtance of Robert Dundas, Eſq. of Arniſton, his Majeſty's Advocate, for his Majeſty's intereſt, 'againſt the ſaid John Grant, Pannel, finds the 'Libel relevant to infer the pains of law, but 'allows the Pannel to prove all facts and circum'ſtances that may tend to exculpate him, or al'leviate his guilt; and remits the Pannel, with the Libel, as found relevant, to the knowledge of an affize.' ASSIZE. 1. Arthur Forbes, Eſq. of Culloden General Charles Roſs, of Morringie Allan Cameron, Eſq. of Tyriſh George Munro, of Culrain 5. Charles Munro, of Allan John M'Kinnon, merchant in Tain Peter Roſe Watſon, Eſq. of Coltfield Henry Andrews, merchant in Inverneſs John Hoyes, merchant in Forres 10. Alexander Urquhart, merchant there Captain John Roſs, of Caſtle Craigs Hugh Roſs, younger, of Gladfield Alexander Tulloch, merchant in Campbelton Mr. Iſaac Forſyth, ſtationer in Elgin James Miln, Eſq. of Biſhopſmiln COUNSEL FOR THE CROWN, MR. CHARLES ROSS. Lord HENDERLAND aſked the Counſel for the Pannel, If he had any thing further to ſtate in ſupport of theſe defences, as in the courſe of the trial he would not be at liberty to adduce any thing extraneous. Mr. GRANT, Counſel for the Pannel, then roſe, and ſaid, that, according to the rules of Court, his Client, on the preceding evening, communicated to the Public Proſecutor the ſubſtance of his defence in writing, and he had no doubt in his own mind of being able to prove every word ſtated in that defence; and further, that M'Edward had voluntarily offered to indorſe the unlucky Bill in queſtion; had his Client acted wrong, he never would have allowed himſelf to be taken into cuſtody; at leaſt, he would have gladly embraced the tender from His Majeſty's Advocate, of withdrawing himſelf from Scotland for a time, without putting himſelf on his defence. No objection having been made to any of the Jury, the Counſel for the Crown now proceeded to call the witneſſes. ANGUS M'EDWARD. The Counſel for the Pannel objected to this witneſs, obſerving that he had a manifeſt intereſt in the cauſe, and conſequently could not be admitted; that, moreover, he was conſcious the Proſecution was carried on wantonly and maliciouſly by the Pannel's enemies, and the benefactors of the witneſs. The Judge however repelled the objection, obſerving that, in caſes of this nature, the teſtimony of the Private Proſeſecutor was the moſt eſſential that could be adduced; he was therefore clearly of opinion, that the witnefs ſhould be called, but directed the Jury to lay ſuch ſtreſs on his evidence as they thought it really merited; and accordingly he was called. ANGUS M'EDWARD Depones, That he was in company with the Pannel and James Davidſon, alias M'Kay, drover in Moymore of Strathdearn, on the night of the 21ſt of July laſt, in the houſe of William Porterfield, vintner in Inverneſs, where they drank freely, though not ſo much as to be intoxicate, but bad no converſation relative to Bills of any kind; that he never ſaw the Pannel before but once, which was, between Blair in Athol and Dalwhinnie, in Auguſt 1790, when the Pannel was on his way from England; and the Pannel having learned that he was from Badenoch, he ordered the chaiſe driver to give him a horſe, which followed the chaife, (otherwiſe termed a return horſe) but, from that time until the 2I ſt July laft, he never ſaw him; that, on Sunday morning the 22d of July, after breakfaſt, the Pannel went home, but in a ſhort time thereafter called, as he underſtood, for ſome of his Clients at the houſe of Alexander Cunas, vintner in Inverneſs, where he then was; that, to his knowledge, fourteen half mutchkins of ſpirits was drank, beſides two bottles given by him and the Pannel; That, about one o'clock, they left the houſe of Alexander Clunas for their reſpective places of abode, and, about two miles diſtant from Inverneſs, the Panncl, who was eſcorting his father, overtook them; that, after ſome perſuaſion, the Pannel and his father, with two of the Pannel's Clerks, accompanied them into the houſe of Donald Roſe, vintner in the Park of Inches, where a conſiderable quantity of ſpirits was drank; that the name of Donald M'Gilvray was introduced, as being left behind, when the Pannel enquired if he was acquainted with M'Gillvray, and it he was in good circumſtances, his anſwer was in the affirmative; That the Bill now ſhewn to him, bearing his indorſation, was never ſigned by him, nor was he aſked to ſign it. Interrogate for the Pannel.--- Q. Was you drunk when in Roſe's. --- A. No. Q. What quantity of ſpirits was then drank? A. Better than two bottles, --- beſides porter? Q. Did you call for pen and ink? --- A. Yes. Q. For what purpoſe? A. To write my addreſs. Q. To what end? A. The Pannel wiſhed to correſpond with me; as I was going to Falkirk Tryſt, he ſeemed anxous to know how cattle ſold. Q. And did you write your addreſs? A. Yes. Q. In what manner? A. "Angus M'Edward, drover in Balneſ"pick, Badenoch." Q. Upon what paper did you write; was it a Bill? --- A. Not that I know off. Q. If the Pannel was to write you at Falkirk, why give him your addreſs in Badenoch? A. I do not know. Q. What ſiZe was the paper you wrote on? A. Much about the ſize of a Bill. Q. Who gave you the paper that you wrote on? --- A. The Pannel. Q. Did you write your name more than once? A. Yes. Q. Was it at the deſire of the Pannel? A. No, --- but merely to pleaſe myſelf. Q. Did you always write on the ſame paper? A. No. Q. What other paper did you write on? A. A letter which I had in my own pocket. Interrogate by the Judge. --- Q. Do you always ſign your name in the ſame manner? --- A. No. Q. How do you ſign in general? A. Sometimes, "Angs. M'Edwards," "An"gus Mac Edward," and, at other times, "A. "Mac Edward." The witneſs, during his examination, ſpoke ſo low and indiſtinctly, that his Lordſhip repeatedly threatened to have him ſet upon the Court table. JOHN SMITH, Depones, That he was employed by John Miller, merchant in Inverneſs, the latter end of October laſt, to raiſe diligence on a bill drawn by the Pannel, accepted by Donald M'Gilvray, and indorſed by Angus M'Edward; and that accordingly he raiſed Horning thereon, and upon the 17th November laſt ſerved the Pannel and M'Gilvray with copies thereof in prefence of each other. --- Interrogate for the Pannel. — Q. When did you charge M'Edward? A. On the 27th December laſt. Q. Thy delay him ſo long? A. Becauſe M'Gilvray, the acceptor, promiſed to ſee M'Edward, and ſettle it; however, he failed in his promiſe, and as I had no other buſineſs in Badenoch, where M'Edward reſided, I declined going on purpoſe, as it was my intention to go to Edinburgh in December, and in paſſing through Badenoch I meant to charge him, which I did. Q. Did you ſee the Pannel frequently in the intermediate period? A. I had occaſion to ſee him daily in his office. Q. Did you ſee him when on your way to charge M'Edward? A. Yes; I was a night with him at Corryburgh Inn, on his way from the country to Inverneſs. Q. Did he diſſuade you from charging M'Edward? A. No; on the contrary, he advifed me to it, and deſired I would ſend the Caption to Mr. Miller from Edinburgh, as ſoon as poſſible. I gave him a ſecond copy of charge, and told him, I meant to give M'Gilvray one alſo, in order to ſave two executions. Q. Did you tell Mr. Miller that the Pannel had the Bill now in queſtion, previous to its being indorſed to him? A. Yes. Q. How did you know? A. M'Gilvray the acceptor told me, that he had granted ſuch, and that he had a balance to get after paying the Pannel any thing he owed him, and that, how ſoon he diſcounted it, he would pay him. Q. Did you ſend the letter to M'Edward which Miller gave you, notifying to M'Edward, that the Bill was diſhonoured? A. I put it into the Poſt-Office myfelf. Q. Did you ſee M'Edward when you went to the houſe to charge him? A. No; but I ſaw his father, who told me he knew there was ſuch a Bill, but did not think it would come the length of a Horning. JOHN MILLER, Depones, That the Pannel, upon the 25th day of July 1792, gave him a Bill for £. 20 Sterling, accepted by Donald M'Gilvray, and indorſed by Angus M'Edward, which he diſcounted, and gave the Pannel £. 9, not having more caſh then by him; he alſo gave the Pannel a letter, acknowledging to have got the Bill, and obliging himſelf to pay the balance; that he was informed by John Smith the meſſenger, that M‘Gilvray had granted his acceptance to the Pannel to the amount of £. 20 but did not know it was indorſed by M'Edward until he ſaw it, nor would he place any dependence on his indorſation, being utterly unacquainted with him; that he would diſcount the Bill as ſoon without as with the name of M'Edward; that, it was on the faith of M'Gilvray and the Pannel's ſignatures he diſcounted the Bill; that he offered to the Pannel, to take his own acceptance ſometime before the Horning was executed, which he declined, and deſired that he would uſe all diligence; that he wrote both M'Gilvray and M'Edward before any diligence was uſed, notifying his intention of raiſing Horning on the Bill, unleſs it was paid, but received no anſwer. JAMES GORDON, IN THE GALIC LANGUAGE BY THE SHERIFF OF INVERNESS, Depones, That the ſubſcription of Angus M'Edward, adhibited to the Bill now ſhewn him, does not appear to be the writing of M'Edward. Q. How do you think it is not his writing? A. I ſeldom or ever faw him write ſo large --- the two Bills mentioned in the indictment being ſhown to him, and aſked, if he thought they were M'Edward's ſubſcriptions? A. I believe they are more like than the other. Q. Are you in the habit of correſponding with M'Edward? --- A. No. Q. And how did you become acquainted with his writing? A. I was at the ſchool with him when he was writing text copies. Q. Did you ever ſee him ſign his name when, he was drunk? --- A. No. DONALD M‘GILVRAY, EXAMINED IN THE GALLIC LANGUAGE BY THE SHERIFF, Depones, That the name Donald M'Gilvray, adhibited to the Bill now ſhewn, is his writing; that he has no knowledge of the writing of M'Edward; that he had a converſation with M'Edward relative to the Bill in queſtion; that he told him, he did not recollect to have indorſed it; that he wrote his addreſs on a blank piece of paper, in the houſe of Donald Roſe, ſmith in Leys, but did not think it was a Bill. MARY GRANT, EXAMINED IN THE GALIC LANGUAGE BY THE SHERIFF, Deposes, That, on the Sunday ſubſequent to the laſt July market, the Pannel and ſeveral others came to her houſe, and called for ſome ſpirits and porter; that M‘Edward called for a whole bottle, and mixed it with ſome milk, and, to the beſt of her remembrance, he drank it all off. Q. Was any in the company drunk when they went to your houſe? --- A. Several of them. Q. Was M'Edward drunk? A. I really think was. Q. What quantity of ſpirits was drunk in your houſe? A. Better than two bottles, beſides porter. Q. Who paid the reckoning? A. The Pannel. Q. Did you ſee any perſon writing? A. No; but I heard pen and ink called for. Q. By whom? A. I am not very certain; but I think it was by M'Edward. JAMES DAVIDSON, EXAMINED IN THE GALIC LANGUAGE BY THE SHERIFF, Depones, That, on Saturday the 21ſt July laſt, he was in company with the Pannel and Angus M'Edward, in the houſe of William Porterfield, vintner in Inverneſs, where they ſtaid all night; that they drank very freely, and were rather intoxicated than otherwiſe; that, after breakfaſt, on Sunday morning the 22d July, the Pannel left them, but ſoon after joined them in the houſe of Alexander Clunas, vintner in Inverneſs, where there was a good number of people; that, to the beſt of his knowledge, about fourteen half mutchkins of ſpirits, beſides two bottles given by the Pannel and M'Edward, was drank; that ſeveral of the company, who intended to leave town, were obliged to go to bed; that he, M'Edward, and ſome others left Inverneſs about one o'Clock, and, about two miles from town, the Pannel, who was eſcorting his father, overtook them about two miles diſtant from Inverneſs, whom they intreated to accompany them into the houſe of Donald Roſe, vintner in the Park of Inches, which they did; that a conſiderable quantity of ſpirits was drank, beſides porter; that M'Edward was very much intoxicated, but did not ſee him write any, though he heard him call for pen and ink; that he was ſo deeply engaged in converſation with one of the Pannel's clerks, a deal might be wrote during the time without his knowledge; that, towards the evening, they proceeded on their journey till they arrived at the houſe of Alexander Fraſer, vintner in Faillie, three miles diſtant from the houſe of Donald Roſe; that M'Edward, on his arrival, was ſo very much in liquor, that he fell off his chair; that there was no houſe betwixt Roſe's and Fraſer's; that they all remained in Fraſer's for the night, and M'Edward, from his intoxication, ſlept on the kitchen floor with the grey-hound; that he heard the Pannel and M'Edward converſe about M'Gilvray, while in the houſe of Donald Roſe. DONALD GRANT, Depones, that he is clerk to the Pannel, and. on Sunday the 22d of July laſt, in the houſe of Alexander Clunas, vintner in the Caſtle-ſtreet, Inverneſs, where he happened to call for ſome of his friends from the country, whom he found engaged with the Pannel, he ſaw M'Edward, M'Gilvray, and ſeveral others there drinking; that he ſaw about fourteen half mutchkins of ſpirits, beſides two bottles, given by the Pannel and M'Edward, drank; that Mr. Grant, the Pannel's father, was then waiting for his ſon as he was leaving town; that the Pannel ſent him with an apology, that he was engaged, but would ſoon wait on him, and accordingly, about one o'Clock, he came, when Mr. Grant left town, and William M'Intoſh, another of the Pannel's clerks, accompanied them out of town, and about two miles diſtant they fell in with Angus M'Edward, and ſeveral others, who entreated the Pannel. and his father to accompany them into the houſe of Donald Roſe, vintner in the Park of Inches, which they did; that a good deal of ſpirits was drank, and the company in general was intoxicated, except Mr. Grant the Pannel's father; that he heard the Pannel and M'Edward converſe about M'Gilvray, and ſaw the Pannel taking a ſmall paper from his pocket book, which he preſented to M'Edward, who immediately called for pen and ink, and wrote his name upon the paper, which appeared to him to be a Bill, but, being at ſome little diſtance, could not diſtinguiſh the ſtamp; that M'Edward was very familiar with the Pannel, and had his arm round his waiſt, or ſomewhat higher. WILLIAM M'KINTOSH, Depones, That he is clerk to the Pannel; that, on Sunday the 22d. of July laſt, he was in the houſe of Alexander Clunas, vintner in Inverneſs, where he ſaw Angus M'Edward and ſeveral others. This witncfs concurs with the preceding witneſs, as to what happened in the houſe of Alexander Clunas; but, having the charge of the Pannel's Father's Horſe, he did not ſee any thing that paſſed in Roſe's. CAPTAIN JOHN M'PHERSON, Depones, That the Subſcription to the Bill now ſhown to him, drawn by the Pannel, and accepted by Donald M'Gilvray, and apparently indorſed by M'Edward, does not appear to him to be the ſignature of M'Edward; that he ſeldom or ever ſaw him write in ſuch a large character; That the two other Bills ſhewn to him as mentioned in the indictment, appears to be the writing of M'Edward, but that he never ſaw him ſubſcribe his name; That he correſponded with the Sheriff of Inverneſs about the Bill in queſtion, and examined ſeveral witneſſes therenent. JOHN ROSS, Depones, That the Pannel, in the month of July laſt, incloſed him a Bill for £. 20, to be counted; that it was accepted by Donald M'Gilvray, and, as his conſtituents were not in town, he could not take upon himſelf to tranſmit any buſineſs, otherwiſe, that he would have been glad to ſerve the Pannel, and, to that effect, returned the Pannel a letter; did not examine if it was indorſed, not having it in his power to diſcount it. WILLIAM FRASER, Depones, That the Bill now ſhewn him, drawn by the Pannel accepted by Donald M'Gilvray, and indorſed by M'Edward, is the very identical Bill given to him by John Smith, previous to his ſetting off for Edinburgh, to be given to either of the parties who paid him the money. The Pannel having admitted the declaration emitted before the Sheriff, it was accordingly read, when the Counſel for the Crown declared his proof concluded, and the Courſel for the Pannel commenced to examine the witneſſes in Esculpation. PROOF IN EXCULPATION. DONALD M'KAY, Depones, That, on Monday the 31ſt. December laſt, he met with Angus M'Edward in Inverneſs, and, on the following day, proceeded on their journey to Badenoch together; that their converſation principally turned about the Pannel, when M'Edward told him, that he had ſigned a paper for the Pannel in the houſe of Donald Roſe. vintner at the Park of Inches, on Sunday the 22d July laſt, but, to the beſt of his knowledge, it was not a Bill; yet, when he ſaw the Bill in the hands of the Sheriff, he could not poſitively deny but it was his writing, and that nothing led him to think otherwiſe, but that he was informed, a Sheriff Clerk could write all manner of hands. ALEXANDER M'KINTOSH, Depone, That he heard Angus M'Edward acknowledge to have called for pen and ink, in the houſe of Donald Roſe, vintner in the Park of Inches, in order to write his name, by way of addreſs for the Pannel, he wrote on a ſlip of paper, but did not recollect what paper it was. The other witneſſes cited in Exculpation. (except Alexander M'Pherſon and Lachlan M'Kenzie, who were prevented by ſiniſter means from attending,) having been examined by the Crown, and interrogate for the Pannel, it was not thought neceſſary by his Counſel to call them, as he conſidered the Panuel ſufficiently acquitted, and declared his proof ended. The Counſel for the Crown then addreſſed the Jury in a few words, and told them, that as his Lordſhip had taken down full notes of the evidence it would be unneceſſary for him to comment on that evidence, as his Lordſhip with his uſual accuracy, in ſumming up the whole, would point out to them, whether or not the Pannel was guilty, and that they would return a verdict agreeable to the dictates of their own conſcience. The Counſel for the Pannel then addreſſed the Jury to the following effect. Gentlemen of the Jury, The buſineſs, which has occupied your time and attention this day, is now concluded, and the witneſſes for the Crown have ſo fully demonſtrated the innocence of my Client, that I thought it unneceſſary to call any more witneſſes in exculpation. There are two of the Pannel's moſt material witneſſes, Alexander M'Pherſon vintner in Corryburgh, and Lachlan M'Kenzie, poſt pitmain, Badenoch, who have been regularly cited, but, from motives beſt known to themſelves, did not attend; the poſt is more excuſeable, as his buſineſs is urgent, but if my Client ſhould unfortunately, and moft unexpectedly be found guilty, from their non-attendance, I for ever will lament it; however, the all-wiſe Providence will direct the Jury, in whoſe hands the fate of the Pannel muſt reſt; and, from the evidence that has been adduced againſt him, I think, in my own opinion, there is no ground of conviction. The.firſt witneſs that was called is, Angus M'Edward the Private Proſecutor; and, to his teſtimony I objected, as he has a manifeſt intereſt in the caufe; but his Lordſhip was pleaſed to repel the objection, and, with his uſual candour, directed you, Gentlemen of the Jury, to lay ſuch ſtreſs on his evidence as you think it really merits, and, in my opinion, that is none at all. --- He ſays, he wrote his addrefs on a ſmall ſlip of paper, but not a bill; --- he alſo ſays, he wrote his name more than once, and for what purpoſe? Merely to pleaſe himſelf. --- He ſays, that the paper on which he wrote, at the deſire of the Pannel, had no writing on it when he ſigned his name: it is well known, that the drawer of a bill ſeldom indorſes his name on the back until he is diſcounting it, or paying it away; and it muſt be known to you, Gentlemen of the Jury, from the evidence you have heard, that the paper on which he wrote, at the deſire of the Pannel, was the Bill in queſtion. Donald Grant, another witneſs examined in this cauſe, tells you, that he ſaw the Pannel take a ſmall paper from his pocket-book, and preſenting it to M'Edward, who called for pen and ink, and wrote his name on it. Can there be more circumſtantial evidence? I think not. And, after what that witneſs has ſaid, I will not trouble you by commenting on the reſt of the evidence; indeed, I do not conſider it neceſſary. --- You, Gentlemen of the Jury, muſt be ſenſible that the teſtimony of Alexander Cameron and James Gordon, two illiterate men, cannot be paid any regard to; they cannot read the Engliſh language; they have been examined in the Galic, and ſurely, that being the caſe, they cannot be ſuppoſed to be competent judges of writing; it is morally impoſſible. Another evidence, Captain John M'Pherſon of Invereſhie, in examining the Bill in queſtion, and comparing it with the bills mentioned in the indictment, he ſays, that the ſubſcription adhibited to the Bill challenged is not like MacEdward's; that he feldom or ever ſaw any of his write in ſuch large characters. The Advocate-- Depute was pleaſed to aſk this witneſs, If he ever ſaw M‘Edward ſubſcribe his name? and he told, he never did. From the whole of this gentleman's evidence, however reſpectable he may be, I am clearly of opinion, it muſt paſs for nothing. And, as for the Bills lodged in Court for compariſon, ought to have no weight on your minds, as it is well known, that when a man is drunk, he cannot ſign ſo exactly as if he was ſoher: Moreover, M'Edward tells you, that he ſigns his name three different ways. James M'K'ay tells you, that M'Edward was drunk; --- you cannot therefore have any heſitation in returning a verdict, finding my Client not Guilty. I have obſerved ſome of the Gentlemen of the Jury taking down full notes of the evidence, which renders my taſk leſs arduous; and to God and you, I commit the life of my Client. The Court retired at half paſt eleven o'clock at night, and met again the following day, at ten o'clock in the morning, when the Jury returned the following Verdict: At Inverneſs, the ſecond day of May, One thouſand ſeven hundred and ninety three years. The above aſſize, having incloſed, made choice of the ſaid Arthur Forbes, Eſq; of Culloden, to be their Chancellor, and the ſaid Mr. Iſaac Forſyth to be their Clerk; and, having conſidered the criminal libel, raiſed and purſued at the inſtance of His Majeſty's Advocate for His Majeſty's intereſt, againſt John Grant, Pannel, and the interlocator of relevancy pronounced thereupon by the Court, the evidence adduced in proof of the libel, and evidence in exculpation, with the witneſſes produced in the courſe of the trial, they all, in one voice, find the Pannel Guilty: In witneſs whereof, their ſaid Chancellor and Clerk have ſubſcribed theſe preſents, in their name, and by their appointment, place and date foreſaid. (Signed) ARTHUR FORBES, Chan. ISAAC FORSYTH, Clerk. The Clerk had no ſooner read the Verdict, than Arthur Forbes, Eſq; of Culloden, Chancellor, preſented a letter to his Lordship, of the tenor following viz. Inverneſs, 2d May, 1793. My Lord, 'Though the Jury have found themſelves un'der the diſagreeable neceſſity of returning an 'unanimous Verdict, finding the unfortunate 'priſoner at your bar guilty, ſolely influenced 'by motives of humanity, and alſo taking under 'their conſideration the time of life of the un'happy young man, they, with. the ſame unani'mity and greateſt ſubmiſſion, recommend him 'to the mercy of this Court, in full reliance, (if 'admiſſible,) that your Lordfhip will be pleaſed 'to pay attention to the above recommendation. 'I have the honour, in the name of the Gentle'men of the Jury, to ſubſcribe myſelf, My Lord, Your Lordſhip's moſt obedient humble ſervant, (Signed) ARTHUR FORBES. "Addreſſed to the Right Honourable Lord "Henderland." His Lordſhip, upon reading the above letter; (privately) aſſured the Gentlemen of the Jury, that every attention would be paid to their recommendation: That he would lay the whole caſe, with their letter, before the Court; and, in the meantime, grant warrant for tranſmitting the Pannel to Edinburgh, to have his ſentence pronounced the 3d day of June. His Lordſhip accordingly granted a warrant, of which the following is a copy: 'The Lord Henderland remits the Pannel, 'and the forefaid Verdict, to the conſideration 'of the High Court of Juſticiary, to be held at 'Edinburgh, on Monday the third day of June 'next to come, continues the diet againſt the 'Pannel till that time, and ordains him to be 'carried back to priſon; and further grants war'rant to ſheriffs of counties, meſſengers at arms, 'and all other officers of the law, for tranſmit'ting him from the Tolbooth of Inverneſs, to 'the Tolbooth of Edinbugh; and ordains the 'Magiſtrates of Edinburgh, and keepers of their 'Tolbooth, to receive and detain him till further 'orders of Court; on his being otherways libe'rate in due courſe of law. (Signed) ALEXANDER MURRAY. In terms of, and conform to the above warrant, the ſaid John Grant was, on the 7th day of May, ſent off from Inverneſs gaol, and was delivered in the gaol of Edinburgh, on the 15th. of the ſaid month. And, On the 3d day of June, he was called to their Lordſhip's bar, when Lord Henderland reported to the Court, that, after the Verdict had been returned at Inverneſs, he had received a letter from Mr. Forbes of Culloden, (of which a copy is already given.) That the Counſel for the Pannel had likewiſe repreſented, That, in caſes of Forgery, the Court had not gone the length of a capital puniſhiment, and therefore he had remitted the conſideration of this caſe, the Pannel being very young, to their Lordſhips' conſideration, that they might either pronounce a capital ſentence againſt the Pannel, and tranſmit the recommendation of the Jury to be laid before his Majeſty, or inflict a puniſhment leſs than death, as they ſhould 'think proper. LORD JUSTICE CLERK, LORD HENDERLAND, LORD ABERCROMBY, and LORD DUNSINNAN, came to Court preciſely at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the 3d day of June. J. Montgommery, Eſq. counſel for the Crown. — William Honneyman, Eſq. James Grant, Eſq. for the Pannel. But, as nothing remained to determine the fate of the unfortunate Pannel but their Lordſhips' fentenee, the Counſel on both ſides had nothing to ſay. Lord HENDERLAN then addreſſed their Lordſhips in the following manner: MY LORDS, I have now before me the ſubſtance of the evidence, adduced againſt the unfortunate Pannel at your Lordſhips' bar, on his trial at Inverneſs; and I think it would be unneceſſary for me to recapitulate that evidence, aS it induced the Jury to return a verdict of guilt againſt the unhappy Pannel. It only remains for your Lordſhips to determine what puniſhment ought to be inflicted. I have produced a letter of recommendation from Mr. Forbes of Culloden, in favour of the Pannel, to this Court. Mr. Forbes is a gentleman of great reputation, and I truſt your Lordſhips will pay every attention to it. LORD JUSTICE CLERK. I feel for the unhappy young man at the bar, but the crime for which he is convicted is of ſo heinous a nature, that, unleſs a ſevere puniſhment was inflicted, in all probability ſuch cauſes would be before us every day. I do not know any crime that is more dangerous; high-way robbery is not near ſo dangerous, for, in the latter caſe, a man has a chance of guarding himſelf, but in caſes of forgery a man cannot keep his money ſafe in the moſt ſecure corner of his houſe. My Lord Henderland has very properly remitted the eaſe to this court; and, had I preſided as Judge on the trial-of this unfortunate young man, I would have done the ſame; and, My Lords, the Court of Seſſion is the moſt competent Court for trying caſes of this kind in the firſt inſtance; I wiſh from my heart, that the Pannel's caſe had come before that Court: And, as that Court often paſſes ſentence without a remit to this High Court, I am clearly of opinion, that we may do ſo in this caſe, that that ſentence may be leſs than death; as I have no doubt, were we to paſs the ſentence of death upon the unhappy Pannel at the bar, but he would obtain a pardon; I therefore think, that tranſportation for life ought to be the ſentence of this Court. LORD HENDERLAND. I am clearly of your Lordſhips' opinion. LORD DUNSINNAN. I agree with your Lordſhips. LORD ABERCROMBY. I perfectly agree with your Lordſhips in the ſentence pronounced. The ſentence was then recorded, of which the following is a copy. SENTENCE The Lord Juſtice Clerk, and Lords Commiſſioners of Juſticiary, haying conſide red the Verdict of an Aſſize, dated the ſecond, and returned the third day of May laſt, in the Circuit Court of Juſticiary, holden at Inverneſs, in the trial of the ſaid John Grant, Pannel, whereby the Aſſize, all in one voice, found the Pannel Guilty, with the remit of ſaid Verdict to this Court, and what is before repreſented by the Lord Henderland, Judge at the ſaid Circuit, and recommendation by the Jury, the ſaid Lords, in reſpect of the ſaid Verdict, and what has been ſo repreſented, In terms of an act paſſed in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of his preſent Majeſty, intituled "An Act for the more effectual tranſportation of Felons and other Offenders, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland; "ORDER and ADJUDGE, that the ſaid John Grant be tranſported beyond ſeas, to ſuch place as his Majeſty, with the advice of his Privy Council, ſhall declare and appoint, and that for all the days of his life; WITH CERTIFICITION to the ſaid John Grant, if, after being ſo tranſported, he ſhall ever return to, and be found at large wiithin, any part of Great Britain, without ſome lawful cauſe, and being thereof lawfully convicted, he ſhall ſuffer death, as in caſe of felony, without the benefit of Clergy, by the Law of England. AND ORDAIN the ſaid John Grant to be carried back to priſon, therein to be detained till he is delivered over for being ſo tranſported, for which this ſhall be to all concerned a ſufficient warrant. (Signed) ROBERT M'QUEEN J. P. D. CONCLUSION. I have now furniſhed the public with the grounds of my unfortunate trial, and the evidence as taken down in Court. If I have erred ſolemnly declare, it is not voluntarily, and as have not been induced to lay my caſe before you from vain or idle curioſity, I truſt it will meet with your approbation. I am actuated to lay it before you to contradict ſome baſe inſinuations propagated againſt me of having been guilty of ſimilar crimes, in anſwer to which I ſhall only ſay, that it is, in one word, FALSE, equally falſe, baſe, and attrocious, with M'Edwards accuſation, and if he will but examine his own heart, he muſt join me in ſaying that I am innocent. — Innocent I ſay, becauſe I am conſcious of being ſo, as much ſo of the crimes laid to my charge as the angels that ſurround the Throne of Glory. But it is evident that the proſecution has been wantonly and maliciouſly ſet on foot by my enemies, who have been too, too ſucceſsful in their deſigns; to their machinations I attribute all my ſufferings; I have not the Officers of the Crown to blame for thoſe ſufferings, they did their duty. But let M'Edward, and ſome other witneſſes adduced againſt me, remember, that they muſt one day appear before the awful Tribunal of God, that upright Judge, whoſe preſence none can avoid, where no corrupt evidence will be received, and where no excuſe will be admitted. There and then will their conduct towards me fly in their face: May they meet with forgivenſs is my earneſt wiſh; I have a conſolation under my ſufferings, which they have not, and that conſolation will be my companion through life. I can appeal to the all Almighty with a clear conſcience that I am innocent. It cannot be ſuppoſed for a moment, that had I been conſcious of having acted wrong, I would have ſtaid in the country until this Bill fell due, far leſs until horning was raiſed on it, and eſpecially when on the 1.7th of November I was charged by virtue of that horning; and ſurely had I any thing to dread I would have fled. Every man poſſeſſed of common reaſon would have done it: this is not all; ſix weeks elapſed afterwards, and nothing further was heard or done relative to the Bill, and had I been afraid of any danger, I had time enough to make my eſcape. I was not in cuſtody; and on the 26th December, I was on my return from the country to Inverneſs, when I met the meſſenger at Coryburgh on way to charge M'Edward; and in order to ſave two executions, I got a ſecond copy of charge; and ſo far from diſſuading the meſſenger to execute the Horning againſt M'Edward, that I poſitively deſired him to put it in force, and ſend the Caption to Mr. Miller with all convenient ſpeed. Armed with an innocent conſcience I went home to Inverneſs; and on Monday following the 31 ſt December, I was informed by William Kennedy, ſervant to Alexander M‘Pherſon in Coryburgh, that M'Edward was come to town, and deſired his ſubſcription, to which I could give no credit. This happened about eleven o'clock A.M. and bout ſix in the evening, I was called before the Sheriff for examination, when I not only gave pointed and accurate anſwers to every queſtion that was put to me, but gave up all the names of the witneſſes preſent at the tranſaction, and cited againſt me, but helped the Sheriff to diſcover where the Bill lay; yet it is believed that men in general know, that, however prudent it may be for an innocent perſon to anſwer any queſtion fairly, it may be otherwiſe for a perſon couſcious of guilt; I acted upon the principle of an innocent perſon, expecting it would have due weight; had not that been the caſe, I was not bound to ſay who held the Bill. It would have been my province to conceal it, and get it ſettled; but I wiſhed to let my baſe accuſer ſee it, ſuppoſing it impoſſible for him to deny his own handwriting. The reverſe was the caſe, and with the utmoſt effrontery he declared, that it was not his writing; a warrant of commitment was in conſequence granted, and I was thrown into a horrible dungeon, to await the event of a precognition of the witneſſes on whom I condeſcended. It was afterwards ſent to the Crown Agent, and a long delay being made in returning it, I applied for letters of intimation againſt the procurator fiſcals and private party, to fix a diet for my trial, which I obtained and executed; and upon the very day the time, limited by the act of Parliament, was expired, that day I was ſerved with an indictment, from the High Court of Juſticiary, to ſtand trial fifteen days thereafter. Soon after my incarceration, I applied to the ſheriff to be admitted to bail, which he refuſed, though in ſimilar caſes, he had granted it to others. What his reaſon was in refuſing me, is beſt known to himſelf. What I have ſince ſuffered may be conceived, but cannot well be expreſſed, what I even ſuffered coming from Inverneſs to the Gaol of Edinburgh, is puniſhment enough for almoſt any crime; but in order that you may judge, I will here inſert it for your peruſal. Upon the 7th day of May, I was politely eſcorted by the Sheriff of Inverneſs, to the end of the town, my hands bound in irons, a party of ſoldiers with ſcrewed bayonets, and a Sheriff-- officer attending me with a horſe and cart to carry my baggage, and if I inclined to fit in it when fatigued; this party conducted me to the town of Nairn, the next county town, ſixteen miles diſtant from Inverneſs; when I was thrown into goal, when delivered to the Subſtitute Sheriff; there he cauſed his officers to ſearch not only myſelf but my trunk, fearful I had any dangerous weapons, but found none. I was then thrown into a miſerable dungeon, ſtill in irons, ſome ſtraw given me for a bed; yet they were ſo deſtitute of humanity, that they would not allow me to take off my cloaths --- I was fed like a child --- I could not feed myſelf --- I threw myfelf amongſt the ſtraw --- what I ſuffered that night, I leave every feeling heart to judge. I was ſent in the ſame manner to Elgin, under the eſcort of twelve ſoldiers and eighteen men choſen by the Sheriff, but to their praiſe they took off my hand-cuffs until we arrived near the town, when they were obliged, conſiſtent with their orders, to replace them, I was received there in the ſame manner, thrown into a wretched dungeon, and both my legs faſtened in irons, well ſupplied with a ſtraw bed. The next ſtage was Banff, where I was conducted in the ſame manner, and where I was ſtill worſe uſed, (if worſe uſage was poſſible.) I was ſent off about two o'Clock in the morning, eſcorted by thirty men, ſome armed with ſwords, ſome with bludgeons, ſome with guns, and others with ruſty ſwords, both my legs fixed in irons by a blackſmith, and exhibited like a puppet ſhew, through the ſtreets of Aberdeen, on the top of a cart, when hundreds of people aſſembled to ſee me. By this time I thought I had arrived in a Chriſtian place, as one meſſenger and three men were my only attendants: they delivered me in Stonehive goal, where none was but myſelf: From thence I was ſent to Forfar, eſcorted by thirty-five old and young men, with my hands tied with cords behind my back, and in the ſame manner from Forfar to Perth. But it was there that I found myſelf amongſt Chriſtians; the Honourable Sheriff (Mr. Smith) was ſhocked at the inhumanity I was treated with, and the manner in which I was ſent, obſerving that my ſituation in life intitled me to a carriage, and he accordingly ſent me to Edinburgh in a carriage with a meſſenger and two men only. Had I been riotous, or had I wiſhed to eſcape, I would conſider this treatment as deſerving; but I challenge my attendants to ſay, that ever I expreſſed a wiſh to avoid my fate; on the contrary, I was determined to attend the bar of the High Court of Juſticiary, and receive my ſentence; and if that ſentence had been death, I would mount the ſcaffold in the moſt ſerene manner. No puniſhment can daunt the innocent heart: God, who knows my innocence, ſupported me through thoſe ſufferings, and whatever they may yet be, I truſt God will grant me grace to ſupport them. APPENDIX. No. I. SIMON FRASER, Eſq. of Farralene, Advocate, Sheriff-Depute of Inverneſs-ſhire, to my officers in that part, conjunctly and ſeverally, ſpecially conſtitute, greeting: Whereas, by petition given in and preſented to me by John Grant, preſent priſoner in the tolbooth of Inverneſs, humbly ſhewing, That where the petitioner being incarcerate within the ſaid tolbooth, by warrant of me, for the crime of forgery alledged committed by him, conform to an information ſubſcribed againſt him by Simon Fraſer and James Cuming, writers in Inverneſs. joint procurators fiſcals for the public intereſt. In which tolbooth he has continued for ſome conſiderable time without any appearance of being brought to a trial, whereby he might vindicate his innocence of the ſaid alledged crime: Therefore humbly addreſſed himſelf to me for the benefit of the act of Parliament of King William, made in the year ſeventeen hundred and one, intituled, 'An Act for preventing wrongous impriſonment, and againſt undue delays in trials,' having, in terms of the ſaid act, produced the double of the warrant of my commitment, under the hand of the keeper of the priſon; and therefore craving, that it might pleaſe me to grant warrant for letters of intimation, for charging the procurators fiſcals, and party appearing by the warrant, to be concerned to fix a diet for my trial within ſixty days in the terms and under the certifications contained in the ſaid act, as the ſaid petition bears: — Which petition, with a double of the warrant of commitment, ſigned by the keeper of the priſon, therewith produced, being read and conſidered by me, I, by my deliverance thereon of this date, ordained theſe my letters to be directed thereon, in manner under written: --- My will is herefore, and I charge you ſtrictly, and command, That, incontinent theſe my letters ſeen, ye paſs, and, in his Majeſty's name and authority, and in mine, make due and lawful intimation to the ſaid Simon Fraſer and James Cuming, procurators fiſcals, and the party appearing by the atteſted double of the warrant of commitment, to be concerned to fix a diet for the ſaid John Grant his trial, within ſixty days next after the intimation, in the terms and under the certifications contained in the act of Parliament above mentioned; according to Juſtice, as ye will anſwer to me thereupon. The which to do, &c. Given under the hands of the Clerk of Court, at Inverneſs, the ninth day of February, ſeventeen hundred and ninety-three years. ROBERT CAMPBELL. No. II. UPON the twenty-firſt day of February, one thouſand ſeven hundred and ninety-three years, I Duncan Cameron, one of the ſheriff-officers of Inverneſs-ſhire, paſt, at command of letters of intimation, at the inſtance of John Grant, preſent priſoner in the tolbooth of Inverneſs, and by virtue thereof, in his Majeſty's name and authority, and in name and authority therein contained, made due and lawful intimation to Angus M'Edward, drover in Balneſpick, Badenoch, the private party by the warrant appearing to be concerned, to fix a diet for the ſaid John Grant his trial, within the ſpace, under the pains, and I made certification, as is within expreſſed. This I did, after the form and tenor of the ſaid letters, in all points, by delivering a full double of the letters, with a ſhort copy upon the end thereof, ſubſcribed by me, to the ſaid Angus M'Edward, the private party appearing by the warrant to be concerned; by delivering a full double of the ſaid letters, and a ſhort copy thereto ſubjoined, leaving the ſame with Janet M'Edward his ſiſter, within the dwelling houſe of his father, to be given him, as I did not perſonally apprehend him: which copy did contain the day and date hereof, witneſſes' names and deſignations therein inſert, preſent thereat, and hereto ſubſcribing, viz, John M'Intoſh, and Angus M'Intyre, both reſidenters in Ruthven, Badenoch; and for the more verification hereof, I and the ſaid witneſſes have ſubſcribed the ſame. DUNCAN CAMERON, Officer. JOHN M'INTOSH, witneſs. ALEX. WINTYRE, witnefs. Juſt Publſhed, - By J. ROBERTSON, No. 4, Horſe-wynd, Price only EIGHT-PENCE; or, ONE SHILLING with a Striking PORTRAIT of MR. MUIR. THE TRIAL of THOMAS MUIR, Eſq; YOUNGER, OF HUNTERSHILL, FOR SEDITION. Alſo, Skirving.'s Edition of the TRIAL of the Rev. T. F. PALMER, for SEDITION. LIKEWISE, The SPEECHES of the Hon. Charles J. FOX, in the Houſe of Commons, February 1ſt, 12th, and 18th, on the ſubject of WAR with FRANCE. ALSO, DEBATES in the Houſe of Commons, on the 6th and 7th of May 1793, on the Motion of Charles Grey, Eſq; for a Parliamentary Reform, with a Copy of the Petition for the ſame, and the States of the Repreſentation of Scotland, England, and Wales, &c. The following LONDON PUBLICATIONS To be had of J. ROBERTSON. THE CALM OBSERVER, On the Subject of the CONCERT of PRINCES — The Diſmemberment of Poland — And the War with France. A LETTER to the Earl of Lauderdale, To prove that the High Court of Parliament has a juriſdiction in Caſes of Appeal againſt the judgment of the High Court of Juſticiary in Scotland. By John Martin, of Richmond-Buildings, Soho, Attorney of the Courts of England, and Solicitor of the Courts of Scotland, &c. THESE are the TIMES that TRY Mens Souls! A LETTER to JOHN FROST, Priſoner in NEWGATE. Henry Yorke,