Document 1023

Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 14 January 1986

Author(s): 895

Copyright holder(s): Name withheld



Minutes of meeting held on 14th January, 1986, at the home of M. [CENSORED: surname].

Present: M. [CENSORED: surname], R. [CENSORED: surname], H. [CENSORED: surname], M. [CENSORED: surname], M. [CENSORED: surname], J. [CENSORED: surname], A. [CENSORED: surname], J. [CENSORED: surname], T. [CENSORED: surname], M. [CENSORED: surname].

Apologies: M. [CENSORED: surname]

Letters received

from Violet [CENSORED: surname] thanking us for the garden token.

from Cleansing Dept. - Area Manager had visited 275-9 and 6-7 Doune Gdns. and is taking refuse situation up with owners. Back gates at 6--7 Doune Gdns. are still closed. Bags of rubbish are dumped at far side of street and on Belmont St. (This was witnessed by neighbours.)

Acknowledgement only received from B. Telecom about Box outside 119 W. St.

from Building Control saying that people are "not happy with the gate" and that incorrect scaffolding is being brought to attention of owners at 275.

Letters to be sent

to Cleansing Dept. about rubbish in front of 195, in basements at east end (M. [CENSORED: surname] to supply numbers)

to Roads Dept. about depressions in pavement outside 243, and in road at top of Belmont St.

J. [CENSORED: surname] requested that we write to Env. Health/Building Control about drain burst by [CENSORED: surname] in his back green. Leakage from this has caused complaints in Doune Quad.

to Building Control about 6-7 Doune Gdns.

J. [CENSORED: surname] suggested we should write to "Evening Times" to put residents' points of view over multi-letting and its effects on neighbours.

to Roads Dept. again about flooding in Queen Mgt. Road and Wilton St.

Through traffic was discussed. J. [CENSORED: surname] pointed out that too many complaints about problems with parking were likely to produce a general parking ban. The difficulties of turning right, or left, at the foot of Belmont St. were again discussed. J. [CENSORED: surname] told us that the Community Council were considering a request to restrict access in Lyndhurst Gdns.

Crime Alert: on Wed. 5th Feb. residents of the area, together with members of the Police Crime Prevention Panel will canvass the area for support in our mini "Crime Alert". (At the same time noting the number of multi-let flats in the area) A public meeting is to be held in Kelvin/Stevenson Church on Mon. 10th Feb. when senior Police officers will be present, security advice will be available, and a film will be shown.

Multi-lets : there are thought to be two new multi-lets at 213 W. St. A rowdy party had to be broken up by the police, who also charged people with illegal parking at the fire access. J. [CENSORED: surname] will bring up subject at Comm. Council on 20th when D. [CENSORED: surname] will be present. The idea of joining forces with other Res. Assocs. for a public meeting where councillors would be present was again discussed.

The next meeting will be on March 11th at 6, Doune Quadrant (J. [CENSORED: surname]) at 7.30 pm.


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Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 14 January 1986. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 13 January 2025, from

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"Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 14 January 1986." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 13 January 2025.

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Information about Document 1023

Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 14 January 1986


Text audience

Adults (18+)
General public
Audience size 21-100
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Typed
Year of composition 1986
Word count 461
General description Minutes from meetings of residents association

Text medium

Other Distributed to members of association

Text publication details

Part of a longer series of texts
Name of series Series of residents association meeting minutes

Text setting

Other Local community

Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 895
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1930
Educational attainment College
Age left school 15
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Retired secretary
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Glasgow
Region of residence Glasgow
Residence CSD dialect area Gsw
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Potato merchant
Father's place of birth Reading
Father's country of birth England
Mother's occupation Dressmaker
Mother's place of birth Newton Grange
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scots Yes Yes No Yes Socially
