Document 137
Winter wooin
Author(s): Sheena Blackhall
Copyright holder(s): Sheena Blackhall
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A wooer in a silken veil
Is the sleety smirr;
The doon-scud i the burnie's dreel,
Dird-dirlin roon frae tap till tail
Is the fiddler's reel.
The birks staun ootlinned, chitterin cauld-
Quines clad in cassen claes
At a Ne'erday ball.
The blinterin, blichtit sun's a faithless lad,
Fas fickle favour blears ower hoose an ha;
Bracken's a glekit, feckless, tummelt lass,
Cowpt ower, roch-wooed, amang the secret sna.
O love's a bigsie burn that's naething blate-
Wormin its viper's wye till the brae's briest,
Or wild an wanton, terrible in spate,
Wad wed withoot the blessin o a priest.
As ice crack tinkles sherp afore the thaw,
So cauldrife winter brakks the simmer's lyre,
The clook within the eagle's sweengin claw;
Love's but a yowie, sneck't on barbit wire.
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Winter wooin. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 8 September 2024, from
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"Winter wooin." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 8 September 2024.
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