Document 1380
Ahint 'e Herst
Author(s): Charles W Brown
Copyright holder(s): Charles W Brown
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A pucklie o' bairns A've lernt ti coont wi' thir peers
An' ti read o' thir star, fan 'e sheets at 'e goal an' succeeds.
A'd rether 'ey kint o' 'e stars fleein' ower thir heeds
An' fit wye iss furlin' warld o' oors keeps gyan
Wi' nae ingin ti caa't an' lack o' a guidin' han'.
Ma crap o' Esperantists a' roon mi is sma
Twid bi gran' gin 'e warld cuid a' news awa'.
An' a birn A' manidgt ti mak tolrent o' ithers
Fan thir religion jist conacht 'e chunce ti bi brithers.
Its nae richt ava fan oor beliefs mak wars
Insted o' guid freens. Hivin on earth it fair mars.
A cood coont on ae han' 'em it gree wi' mi noo
'At ers ower mony moos iviry day ti stap foo
Wi' thir carbon dioxide oor plunts canna cope.
Maybe iss bletherin' aul chiel is a haverin' dope?
But fit like a herst can ye say for yersel than?
Wis it fish fae 'e sea or corn fae e' lan'?
Wis it werkin' en factries ti mak life mer easy?
Wis it curin' 'e sick 'at war feelin' rel queasy?
Wis it keepin' fowk up ti date wi' 'e news?
Wis it tryin' in vain ti fill up 'e pews?
Wis it haddin' things gyan as ess warld turns roon?
Fedder Time's muckle scythe wull cut us seen doon.
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Ahint 'e Herst. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 8 March 2025, from
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"Ahint 'e Herst." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 8 March 2025.
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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Ahint 'e Herst," accessed 8 March 2025,
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