Document 1431

BBC Voices Recording: Dunbar

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): BBC, SCOTS Project

This document contains language which some may find offensive

Audio transcription

F1054 Start off noo, we're goin roond in a circle, if you tell me what your name is, whaur ye're fae an how lang ye're lived there, we'll start wi Gordon since he got ye inveigled in this.
M1015 [laugh] Ehm my name is Gordon [CENSORED: surname], I'm a fisherman, I live in Dunbar all my life, I'm fifty-seven years old, and I'm quite glad to do this project.
F1054 Right.
M1017 Kenny [CENSORED: surname], live in Dunbar, lived all my life, retired.
F1054 Great.
M1016 I'm Colin [CENSORED: surname], eh lived in Dunbar for twenty-eight years, I'm a postman.
F1054 You lived here aa your life?
M1016 No, I'm thirty-four years old.
F1054 And where did you come from?
M1016 Skateraw, a little farm just out o the town.
F1054 Great.
M1014 My name's Andrew [CENSORED: surname], I've eh stayed in Dunbar all my life. I'm retired now, sixty-six year old and enjoying it.
F1054 Lookin well on it, I have tae say, Andy.
M1014 Been on holiday. //Yes.//
F1054 //Aye, where have you been to your holidays?// //Oh very nice.//
M1014 //Cyprus, yes lovely.//
F1054 We'll start aff wi words for 'drunk' then I think, that's usually a good place tae start, Gordon what did you put doon for that?
M1015 Eh we usually say somebody's 'fu', but there is variations eh some are not quite eh for the //eh I was going tae say 'printable' but eh,//
F1054 //For broadcast.//
M1015 for broadcastin, yes that's for a a multi-media, multi- ehm eh audience, but basically 'fu' is eh eh 'soo fu' eh is one eh 'fu' or ehm cannae just think of any at the moment just wi under pressure.
F1054 Aye that's fine, ehm.
M1017 'Fu' as well but mine's is 'stupid fu'.
F1054 Never heard that before. //Tell me aboot that, Kenny.//
M1017 //That's that-// Well ye're silly when you're fu, ye dae stupid things when ye're fu an that's where it comes fae, stupid fu.
F1054 Good, Colin?
M1016 Just I've only just got 'gassed' just the way I normally go. [laugh]
M1014 An I've got 'steamin'. That's what we call them when they get a drink in them, they're 'steamin'.
F1054 No 'pissed' anywhere?
M1014 Oh no, no no. We use that at times, but mostly 'steamin', yeah.
F1054 You're allowed tae say sweary words, //by the way.//
M1015 //Ah well.//
M1017 //Aye well// [laugh] I didnae put that doon cause I just thought ye cannae say 'pissed'! //[laugh]//
F1054 //[laugh]//
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1017 //[laugh]//
M1014 //Well I would say I've used, ye would use the word 'steamin' just as much,// meaning when ye talk about somebody ye see them ye'll say, "Oh he was steamin when I seen him", ye know, drunk?
F1054 Mmhm that's grand, okay, what aboot words, any stories aboot drunkenness?
M1014 Oh.
M1015 //Definitely un- definitely unprintable [laugh] [inaudible]//
M1016 //Can't remember any.//
F1054 //Any daft tales [inaudible] funny, no.//
M1015 //[laugh]// Andrew's got a guid yin.
M1014 Oh I have.
F1054 Whit's that?
M1015 //The one wi the, aye, when he was//
M1014 //Picked up by the police.// Sittin, fell out wi the wife, I was sittin about two o'clock in the mornin, freezing cold, woke up wi the police car standin, "What you doin here?" I says, "I'm no botherin anyone", [laugh] he said, "No, you'll freeze tae death", I said, "I fell out wi the missus an I've cleared out", so he said, "Well ye better move, ye'll freeze tae death", [?]sort of[/?] took off. So I sat for about ten minutes, I thought, "Yes I'd better move in case they come back", so I I moved off. By that, two o'clock in the mornin that happened.
F1054 Where did you go Andy?
M1014 I went around the harbour for a walk. I didnae go straight home again. And must hae got home about half-past four, five o'clock in the mornin. Missus never asked where I was, what I was doin or nothing, nuh. But that was eh that was me, one story o drunk.
F1054 Yeah, okay what aboot words for 'pregnant'? //Any words for this?//
M1014 //Oh pregnant.//
M1015 //Well [inaudible]//
M1017 //'Up the duff'.// In the puddin club.
F1054 Good, good ones.
M1016 I've just got 'pregnant'. Sensible. //[laugh]//
F1054 //You wouldnae say anything else?//
M1016 No.
F1054 What aboot //have you got bairns yersel, Colin?//
M1016 //I've got two, yeah.// Two little boys.
F1054 And what did eh your wife say when she found herself in that state?
M1016 She just says that we're gonnae have kids, so that was fine.
F1054 Yeah.
M1014 I've got 'up the stick' an that's what we usually say, an they're 'up the stick' if they're pregnant, an eh I didnae want tae hear it again [laugh] I've heard it enough. I mean we've got [exhale] nine grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and as I always say, your family gets bigger, it never gets smaller.
F1054 Would your grand- eh daughters say, or your daughters say ehm, "I'm up the stick"? //What would you say?//
M1014 //No, I don't think they would use that word, no.// She would just say she's 'pregnant', yeah. Quietly. //[laugh]//
M1015 //[laugh]// I've got down 'expecting' but eh again I was trying tae be polite and use eh the polite eh, you know, the the sanitised version of the thingie but 'up the duff' an eh s- I've no heard 'up the sti-', I have heard 'up the stick' but I probably wouldnae use it but, ehm yeah 'expectin' is the sanitised version but ye know, 'up the stick' or 'up the duff' is
M1014 [inaudible]
M1015 very common, yeah.
F1054 What aboot words for 'insane' Gordon?
M1015 Insane? Ehm 'daft', 'loopy', 'off yer heid', 'off yer trolley', any one o these eh is commonly used rou- round about here well I would, I would say I mean it's I think it's ehm eh when you're talkin about somebody bein stupid or that, it's exasperation comes in, so there comes a a multitude of eh words come intae effect there so but I've just got down eh daft an loopy.
F1054 Good.
M1017 I've just got 'loony', just ye're off yer heid, no thinkin o what ye're daein.
M1016 eh I've got 'off yer trolley'. //It's quite a quite a common one.//
M1015 //[inaudible]//
M1014 //[inaudible]// //Mmhm.//
M1016 //Quite a common one tae be used.// I've heard it a lot.
M1014 An I've just got 'nuts', ye're insane ye're 'nuts', //that's what we usually say, yes.//
F1054 //'Nuts'?// So is that kind of an affectionate one, Andy? "She's nuts, she is", or
M1014 No I would s- I've used it quite a few, or you'd probably say, "He's off his head", as Kenny says but I'm- I've used 'nuts' quite a lot, "Oh he's nuts, he's no right, he's insane", sort o thing, ye know? That's what I've got, 'nuts'.
F1054 Any stories?
M1017 I've heard them sayin, "He- oh he's hazelnut", //just same thing, "He's off his heid".//
M1014 //Have you? No, no.//
F1054 Any other stories about that? //Okay, what aboot words for 'moody' then, Colin?//
M1017 //[inaudible]//
M1016 Eh I've just got 'grumpy', just wi Gordon bein my neighbour, ye //ye know ye ye get ye get used tae speakin tae him at the back fence an//
M1014 //[laugh]//
M1016 he tends tae be grumpy now an again.
M1015 //Eh.//
M1014 //It comes wi age I think Gordon eh? I've got 'dour'.// An if someone's moody I would say well they're 'dour', just looking, the way they look. //That's the word, 'dour'.//
F1054 //That's a good Scots word, isn't it, yeah.//
M1016 //That's what I got.//
M1015 I just got 'temperamental' after eh thingy again probably the the sanitised version but 'moody', ye when ye are moody ye tend tae be temperamental an grumpy I would agree wi that as well eh, it covers quite a a wide spectrum o words as well, I mean any one o them I wouldnae ehm 'moody' eh again the the very word 'moody' is eh temperamental.
F1054 Fine, that's good ehm what aboot 'rich'?
M1015 Eh well I've got 'weel off' ehm eh sometimes round aboot here we talk aboot eh if, the rich people always stayed at the west end, traditionally, ye know, the posher hooses were at the west end so ye used tae say 'a west-ender', //ye ken? They're weel off ye see cause the poorer people stayed at the//
M1014 //Aye they're weel off.//
M1015 eh the round aboot the harbour area ye know, an the the posher people stayed eh at the the posher houses an that so obviously they had more money the the professional people.
M1017 I've got 'loaded', aw them that have money are always 'loaded', doesnae maiter where they go they've got plenty money. It's just 'loaded', Gordon's loaded.
M1016 Same as Kenny, an Gordon's my neighbour, he's loaded. So I've got the same.
M1015 Oh it's me aye.
F1054 //I'm gettin a very good impression of you [inaudible]//
M1016 //I just//
M1014 //I'm missing something, I'm missing something here, no I've got 'well off' as well.// Ye just, we used tae say exactly what Gordon says, anyone living in big house an that in Dunbar, "Oh they're the well off, we're the poor relations" [laugh]
F1054 What aboot the opposite, 'lackin money', Andy?
M1014 Pardon?
F1054 'Lacking money'.
M1014 Yes possibly but.
F1054 What what what would you say for 'lacking money'?
M1014 Well I've got 'skint'. If ye're lackin money ye're 'skint', aren't ye? An I think everyone understands that one.
M1016 The same. Basically the same thing, just if ye're lackin money ye're 'skint'.
M1017 'Skint' an 'stony broke'. 'Stony broke' I don't know where it comes fae, I just think it's "Have ye got a stane?" it means nothin it's nae money at aw, I mean, broke, ye're broke, that's it. Ye have tae needs money tae pey for it so if ye've just got stanes ye cannae pey for it, 'stony broke'
F1054 That's good.
M1015 This is the nap hand, it's eh 'skint' I've got as well, //so it so yes it's very very common eh lackin money 'skint' or//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1015 eh 'brassy lint' and just, I've heard that but it's not not common, but 'skint's about the eh the most common one round about here for eh eh for 'a lack of money'.
F1054 What's 'the nap hand'?
M1015 Well it's the four of us.
F1054 Ah right mmhm.
M1015 So, ye know, instead o sayin er, you know, just that's the four of us is sayin, ye know, it's the first time we've been
F1054 Unanimous.
M1015 unanimous so it's the nap hand it's the
F1054 //What aboot words for 'attractive'?//
M1017 //It's like a game o cairds.//
M1014 //We're all in agreement.//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
M1017 //Four in a kind, nap hand.// Aye.
F1054 What aboot words for 'attractive', Kenny?
M1017 [exhale] I dinnae want tae laugh at this but I've got nothin. Only thing I could think o was [laugh] 'attractive' an I didnae want tae put nothin else, didnae want tae embarrass anybody or say anything, so I'v-, sorry I put nothin.
F1054 That's alright, Kenny, that's alright.
M1016 Eh I've got 'babe'. //If ye're attractive ye're//
F1054 //That's a good one//
M1014 //If someone's attractive they're a 'babe'.//
M1016 ye're a 'babe'.
F1054 That's a good ane, that's a good ane. //[laugh] Are you alright, Kenny?//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
F1054 //Are you sure?//
M1017 //I'm fine thanks, [laugh] aye//
M1015 I've got 'bonny' eh attractive's bonny likes o ehm //'bonny Dundee' or 'bonny',//
M1014 //Mmhm.//
M1015 'attractive' is 'bonny', ehm suppose there is other ones but that's just the first one that came tae mind.
F1054 That's ane you'd use?
M1015 Yeah, yeah.
M1014 An I'm snap wi Gordon, I've got 'bonny', that's the word I would use tae say someone's attractive, they're 'bonny', not 'beautiful', it's too fancy a word for us to use I would just say 'bonny'.
F1054 Mm, what aboot 'babe' ehm Colin, where would you hear that?
M1016 Probably a younger generation fae the older ones. I hear it a lot because I'm half the age o these guys. //Kenny's probably never heard it before because [laugh]//
M1014 //Yeah, that's true I would agree wi that.//
M1016 he couldnae come up wi an answer tae that so I don't know where he's been //[laugh]//
F1054 //Whaur were the bonny lasses in your day, Kenny?//
M1017 //[laugh] They were smashers. [laugh]//
M1016 //[laugh]//
F1054 //Smashers are you saying?//
M1014 //[inaudible]// //Look in the mirror you cannae say bonny, ye ken?//
M1017 //They were smashers, that was, but I mean// //that was aw I could put, I mean I didnae put nothin but'smashers' or//
M1014 //[laugh]// //Aye ye just say that.//
M1017 //'braw lassies', nothin like// //what you've go- 'babe', who the heck says 'babe' for God's sake?//
M1014 //What what was it [inaudible]// //[inaudible]//
M1017 //If you'd said 'babe' in oor day an age ye would get caed for everything!//
F1054 What aboot 'stoater'?
M1014 I was just going tae s- use that //word, a Frankie an Josie one, you could say they're a 'stoater', aye.//
F1054 //Oh have I pinched it?//
M1014 I would hae thought o that as well, yes.
F1054 What aboot 'braw' [inaudible] people?
M1015 //'Braw' aye, 'braw lookin', 'braw lookin'.//
M1014 //Yes that's another one, yeah [inaudible].//
F1054 Yeah, I like 'smasher', that's great, great one, yeah, what aboot yer boys in turn, what would they say? Colin?
M1016 Well I don't know. One, one's only one and a half and the other's only five so,
F1054 Early days! //[laugh]//
M1016 //Very early. [laugh]//
F1054 Okay what aboot the opposite o that, 'unattractive'?
M1015 Well I've got 'ugly' ehm, but eh I think a-a- another polite way o sayin it is is my sister had a sayin here an she would never say somebody was 'ugly' because it's quite a a strong she would say somebody is 'awfy no bonny' [laugh] which is the opposite from 'attractive', 'bonny' is 'awfy no bonny'. That's just my sister, I've never heard anybody else sayin that.
M1017 'Ugly' as well but an 'ugly' in my days was when the weemen worked in the fields, it was a hat, an it was caed an 'ugly' an it was the most ugliest thing you've ever seen.
F1054 //What did that look like?//
M1014 //Kept the sun off [inaudible]// //It was a big hood [inaudible].//
M1017 //A big, a big thing made by, my mother used tae make them, it was a big thing wi// //oh hoops, canes an things like that an it came right ower the front o their heid,//
M1015 //Hoops.//
M1014 //Hoops.//
M1017 an it went right ower the back o their heid. //So's that they couldnae get burnt off the sun or anythin like that.//
M1014 //It's [inaudible].// //Never seen one?//
M1015 //It's a local// //it's a local thing.//
F1054 //An what would you wear that for?//
M1014 //[inaudible]// //Workin in the fields.//
F1054 //What's singlin?//
M1015 //Bendin over.//
M1017 //For singlin, workin in the fields.// //S- separatin turnips, aye.//
M1015 //Workin in the fields.//
M1014 //[inaudible] the plants.//
M1017 Things like that. Singlin an the hairvest time, everything, just anybody wore them in the fields. //Weemen did, no men, weemen wore the uglies, my mother used tae make them.//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
F1054 And what ehm colour were they?
M1017 //Any colour you wanted, it was just a cloth that they made,//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1017 an like they bought an whatever cloth they wanted, what hat they wanted they bought the cloth, gave it to my mother an my mother put the canes in an made the hats on an auld sewin machine.
F1054 An was it really ugly?
M1017 //It was ugly, aye, aye.//
M1014 //[inaudible] to look at.//
M1017 It was
M1014 It was it was up on the same lines as you see the the Chinese an that workin in the paddy fields, they've got the huge big straw hats tae keep the sun off them, well women long ago when they worked in the fields they had these uglies, so that they come right, as Kenny said, come right over their front. Kept the sun off them an they'd be workin in the field all day, you're maybe talkin about six, seven hours withoot a stop. An on a a bright summer's day they had tae keep something tae keep the sun off them, so that's what they called them, they called them an 'ugly'.
F1054 //Mmhm.//
M1015 //We've got one in the museum that eh Mrs Law made for us// //and eh it's it's wire hoops//
M1014 //Aye [inaudible]//
M1015 and it's eh that eh red an white check that ye used tae see Arafat wearin, you know the //the ehm the ehm thingy,//
M1014 //Aye.//
M1015 but it it's ehm the it tapers it- it's eh wider at the front for you-you- the face so you get a bigger line of vision, and it's narrower at the the nape o the neck tae tae protect the neck from the the sun as as Kenny said.
F1054 Good, Colin, words for 'ugly'?
M1016 Well again, different generation. I've got 'howler'. just a sayin that I've heard used quite a few times, out an about, just means somebody's unattractive.
M1014 Well, I don't think I've got the right word really for that, I put 'glaikit',
M1015 Mmhm.
M1014 because they're not attracted to you so you think on a glaikit-lookin person would say he was an ugly person, but that's the word I've got, that's the
F1054 That's good. //How are we doin wi that one, yes, left-ha-//
M1015 //Yeah [inaudible], yeah.//
F1054 'left-handed', let's start wi you Andy for that.
M1014 For what?
F1054 'Left-handed'.
M1014 I've got 'carrie-pawed'.
M1015 Mmhm.
M1014 That's what I always use when I talk about someone bein left-handed I don't know why, where it come from, but I just say they're 'carrie-pawed'.
M1017 'Carrie-pawed'.
M1015 'Carrie-pawed'.
M1016 'Leftie'. Cause I'm one an I've been called it a few times so //just used it.//
F1054 //It's interestin that// 'carrie-pawed' an carrie- 'corrie-fisted' [?]cally[/?]-joukit, eh //'corrie-joukit'//
M1014 //I mean what// 'carrie' actually means I don't know, it's just a word we've been all used, //ye just pick it up from your parents an an//
F1054 //Somebody say it's a corruption o Kerr.//
M1014 generations that they use the word an you just use the same words.
F1054 I wonder if because, you know, positive discrimination an that an tryin not to discriminate against folk wi left-handed that's why they stopped sayin it or somethin //in schools, you know?//
M1014 //Yeah.//
F1054 Did you ever have any bother over that, Colin, in school?
M1016 No, not at all. I just find my writin is I find it a bit harder tae write than a right-handed person, cause ye're goin over what you're already written.
F1054 Cannae see it.
M1016 No.
F1054 Mmhm. //Okay.//
M1014 //Well,// when I was at the school, you know, the teachers //I can remember the teachers forcin ye//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
M1014 tae learn tae write wi your right hand. They didnae want anyone writin wi their left, they thought it maybe was a slur on your achievements, I don't know. But they always tried tae make you write wi your right hand when I was at school.
M1015 That's right [inaudible] there's a thing I'll tell you a wee story er when I was about seven or no eh be nine, pre-qualifyin, I had these two fingers squashed, and I used tae go down tae the local cottage hospital every mornin tae get the bandages off and eh antiseptic eh cleansed and I missed a lot o school-work, written school-work and the teacher got a bit fed up after a few weeks, and she made me write left-handed and obviously it wasnae very decipherable, eh to begin with but it's true tae say by the time the bandages came off, an then I just started goin back tae my right hand an at one time, critical time, I was no critical but at one time I was ambidextrous because it just shows you you can learn. It's just a matter of eh practice makes perfect an then I just gradually ehm phased out the left hand an continued wi the right for no apparent reason because why would I just because it- it's healed why would I just go back tae the, you know, when I've been for literally months do- well I dinnae think it was months but it was a few weeks doin it wi left hand, an the writin was every bit as good which wasnae very good at the best o times. [laugh] //That's just a thing about 'carrie-pawed'.//
F1054 //Interestin.// //That's good, I like that story.//
M1015 //I've I've got two in my family that's carrie-pawed actually.//
F1054 Yeah, so we've done 'drunk', 'moody', 'rich', 'left-handed', 'unattractive', 'lackin money', //'pregnant' I'm try- I think we've done all those ones.//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Let's move down to 'inside and outside' and start with 'to rain lightly'. Kenny?
M1017 'Poor'. 'Teem'.
F1054 For 'raining lightly'.
M1017 Oh sorry.
F1054 //That's this one here.//
M1015 //[laugh] Have you got the wrong one?// //[laugh]//
M1017 //Oh I've no got nothin, I've no got nothin.// //That's awright then.//
F1054 //That's alright.// //That's no problem at all.//
M1017 //That's awright.//
M1015 I've got 'drizzle', 'light drizzle' you know eh light rain is 'drizzle', it's just enough tae tae coat ye but it's no certainly no ehm comin down hard.
F1054 Good.
M1016 I've just got the same as Gordon, 'drizzle'. No reason. Just use it a lo-, quite a lot, 'drizzle'.
M1014 Yeah, that's the word, drizzle's the only word we use when it's raining lightly, just 'drizzle'.
F1054 What aboot when it's raining heavily, Andy?
M1014 Oh it's pourin. Pouring or bucketin doon as Kenny would say, you would normally say aye, it's 'bucketin', it's
M1017 'Pourin', 'teemin', 'bucketin'.
M1016 'Pissin doon'.
M1014 [laugh] That's another word, yeah.
F1054 //Yeah that's a good one.//
M1015 //Yeah, all these, yeah.//
F1054 'Comin doon like stair rods'?
M1015 Mm na. Well I- I've heard it but eh //you wouldnae use it commonly, no, no.//
F1054 //Or 'cats an dogs'?//
M1016 //I've never heard that one, no.//
M1014 //Na, ye wouldnae use that.// //Aye yes but that's//
M1015 //'Cats an do-, rainin cats an dogs' an that,// //these things Andrew'll again he'll probably agree wi us eh eh//
M1014 //but I think that's [inaudible].//
M1015 we've been brought up tae be in a a seaside eh holiday resort, so we got an influx o holiday-makers and eh ye get a lot o these corruptions, you know that, not things that we would necessarily say but ye ye would hear them from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Borders, ye know, anywhere like that, the the things that they use so ye ye occasionally hear them. It's not uncommon but ye know ye locally ye wouldnae use that, 'stair rods'.
F1054 Of course, yeah. What aboot 'running water smaller than a river', Colin?
M1016 [tut]
F1054 'Smaller than a //aye, 'smaller than a river'.//
M1016 //'Smaller than a river', eh I've j- I've got 'burn'.//
M1014 //'Smaller than a river', yes.// Yes a 'burn', that's what we call it.
M1017 'Burn'.
M1015 A 'burn' or a 'stream', a stream's a small burn as well, ye see it's //Yeah.//
F1054 //It's unanaimous that one, isn't it? What aboot a narrow walkway//
M1017 //Yeah.//
M1014 //Mmhm.//
F1054 between or alongside buildings?
M1014 Well I've got a 'close'. We talk about a 'close' here if it's in between tall buildings, a narrow entrance, just the word we use, a 'close'.
M1016 I've just got 'pavement'. I didnae really fo- understand the question tae be honest but I wrote 'pavement' in so.
F1054 That's okay, that's fine, why is that do you think? Maybe cause there's no that many buildings like that here or
M1016 Eh there is, there is a few but I don't know I would probably class them as 'paths' as well, or 'pavements'
M1017 'Close', there's loads in the toon. An they're aw named, for him tae be a postman an cannae mind them, that's bad. They're aw [?]deibed[/?], every yin o them. Ye can walk up the high street the day an ye'll see aw the names above them. //So it's 'close'.//
M1014 //They're always caed 'close', yeah.//
M1017 //Aye.//
M1016 //Mm.//
M1015 But the ither name for a close is a 'vennel'.
M1014 That's right.
M1015 A vennel's probably enclosed eh rather than eh, the close could be open but a vennel is probably an enclosed area between two buildins, //that's historically speaking of course.//
F1054 //That's interestin, yeah.// //Yeah.//
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1016 //Why is the vennel doon// //why is the//
M1015 //What aboot the Legion Hoose?//
M1016 the vennel doon the harbour caed the 'vennel' then 'cause there's nae vennel.
M1015 //There there was o- at one time, I'll show ye the photographs tae prove it.//
M1014 //But there would hae been, there was one.// Yeah.
M1016 Right.
M1014 Yeah, then they just kept the name ye see.
M1015 The generation before Andrew used tae live there, fishermen used tae live there an it was like a rabbit warren an that's where ye would get aw the inter-passin closes an vennels.
F1054 What aboot words for 'toilet', //Gordon?//
M1015 //Oh!// Oh, ehm 'toilet', I've got 'cludgie', I've got 'loo', 'duffy', we used tae talk aboot at school, goin tae the school duffies, ehm ehm 'shithoose'. I cannae think o many others.
M1017 'Bathroom', 'loo', 'shuntie'. //That's aw mine//
F1054 //Good one.//
M1016 I just use the word 'toilet'. //I dinnae [laugh] that's all I use!//
M1014 //[inaudible]// Yeah.
M1016 That's what I call it, I dinnae call it anything else. [laugh]
M1014 I just call it the 'loo'. When I go tae the toilet I would just say, 'I'm goin', I wouldnae say, 'I'm goin tae the toilet', it's too posh, I would just say, 'I'm goin tae the loo'. Simple.
F1054 Yeah, I, duffy's one I've heard a couple o times on the east coast here but no before, can ye tell me aboot that one?
M1015 It's just at the school the the the the schools had eh sort o eh built intae a wall eh on the boys' playground, I cannae speak for the girls but the girls were the same eh eh sort of idea, but they were sort o corrugated ehm roofin and in- incorporated in these was eh toilets and they used tae at playtime and before eh school they used tae eh eh congregate there especially in drizzly weather or rainy weather or or inclement weather, and we used to talk aboot 'go tae the duffies'. I- where it came from I probably generation before us, you know, but that that's //we always knew it as the 'duffies'.//
M1014 //Aye well we used that an all,// even when I was younger, I forgot about that one yeah, we used 'duffy' as well when ye was at the school. I mean you wouldnae talk aboot goin tae the toilet, you wouldnae [inaudible]. They all used slang words for everythin so that was definitely used, the 'duffy', yes.
F1054 //What about//
M1016 //But// but what what you have tae remember is I've got two young boys, so I'm gonnae call these things by what they're meant tae be so that's why I use the names. What they're called, I'm no gonnae call it a 'shithoose'. //Exactly.//
M1014 //In front o the bairns.// //[laugh]//
M1015 //Well I I don't call it the 'shithoose' in front o my children, I hope you're not referring that [laugh]//
M1017 //[laugh]//
M1015 //[laugh] [inaudible]//
M1016 //[laugh]//
M1014 //No but I I use, when I speak tae the, when I speak tae the kids I use the word 'loo',// //or 'toilet', yeah but I've seen me often just//
M1015 //[inaudible]//
F1054 //Yeah.//
M1014 //it's the first thing comes out, say you're goin tae the loo.//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
M1016 //That's the that's the reason why I I've got a lot o these things the way they are cause they're words I use all the time,// //cause I have tae//
F1054 //Yeah.//
M1017 //Did// did any o youse ever uise 'shunkie'?
M1016 Nope.
M1015 //No.//
M1017 //Aye.//
M1014 //No I've heard it ken but I never used it, no.//
M1015 //[inaudible]//
M1017 //Oh I uised tae uise it in the hoose, aye 'shunkie', 'he's in the shunkie' [inaudible] 'shunkie'.//
F1054 //'Latrine'?//
M1014 //But Gordon [inaudible]//
M1017 Aye.
F1054 'Latrine'?
M1015 //That's open-air, that's the forces an that, that's open-air eh latrine.//
M1017 //No.//
M1014 //[inaudible] forces, aye.//
M1015 That's eh when ye're away campin or somethin like that, we would never by the time I went campin there was fitted-in toilets.
F1054 What aboot ehm the main room in the hoose whaur ye have the T.V.?
M1017 'Livin-room'. 'Lounge'. That's aboot it.
M1015 'Lounge'?
M1017 Aye. //[inaudible] [laugh]//
M1015 //The only lounge I've ever heard aboot was in the pub, the pub lounge, no it's eh livin-room,// eh is the main room in the house, the livin-room is so I don't think we ever call it anythin else. No.
M1016 Same, do most o the livin in there so that's why I used it.
M1014 Aye it's a nap-hand again, it's 'livin-room' here as well, yes, that's what I call it all the time.
F1054 Never 'sittin-room' or anything?
M1015 //We used tae call it the 'sittin-room'.//
M1017 //No, no.//
M1014 //No.//
M1015 'Go ben the sittin-room'. //Yeah.//
M1014 //I've heard my mother an faither usin that mostly but// //it it's it's dyin, ye dinnae hear it so much now,//
M1015 //But that's a different generation.//
M1014 ye hear them talkin aboot the 'livin-room'.
F1054 What about the long soft seat in the main room?
M1016 'couch' //Just cause my parents used it as that so//
M1014 //[inaudible]// //[inaudible]//
M1016 //I've no really got a// a reason for it. Just carried on frae what I've heard before.
M1014 Yeah I put down 'easy chairs', I didnae read that properly. I would say 'couch', yeah. Talk about a 'couch' or a 'settee'.
M1017 'Couch', 'settee', 'sofa'.
F1054 //Good, three there.//
M1015 //Mmhm mmhm just the same, yeah 'couch'.// mainly a 'couch', I wouldnae ca it a 'sofa'. 'Settee'. We associate a 'settee' more wi a bed-settee where we used tae, ye know, ye had the bed incorporated ye know in the cramped livin conditions wi, cause I had s- brought up wi six o a family, and eh my two brothers used tae be the last in their bed so they had the bed-settee, an it was just a couch that folded down tae a double bed, an they were the last to their beds an first up in the mornin so that's what ye used it as. But effectively it was a couch wi that, doubled up as a bed so it was a bed-settee
F1054 Good, yeah. ehm what aboot mm mm mm I think that's everything on that one now, isn't it? Yeah, it's all done [inaudible] 'toilet'. Good, right we'll move on tae the 'what you call them' section, start off wi 'mother' there, Gordon?
M1015 Eh just an abbreviation eh 'ma' or 'mum'.
M1017 'Ma' or 'mum' an aw.
M1016 Just 'mum'.
M1014 Just 'ma'. Never anything else.
F1054 'Ma' sounds like a wee bit of an older one, //and mum's a bit younger.//
M1017 //Aye 'ma'.// //'Ma', no, it was either 'ma', mine, me it was 'ma' aw the time.//
M1014 //Mmhm.//
M1017 But 'ma' or 'mum'. //Mmhm.//
F1054 //How about when you're describin your mam// tae ither folk, what would ye say? //Kenny?//
M1017 //'Mum'.// 'Mum', aye it wouldnae be 'ma', 'mum'.
F1054 Mmhm. //What what//
M1015 //Aye, funnily enough that's a corruption, ye would say//
M1017 //Aye.//
M1015 ye say 'ma', but then if ye're speakin tae somebody else ye say 'ma mum', //which seems, which seems strange, you know, or 'ma mother',//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1015 some places they ca it 'maither' that but it's it's no here, it's usually 'mother' or 'mum'.
F1054 What aboot ehm 'grandmother'?
M1016 [tut] Eh 'granny'. Nothing strange aboot that I don't think. I think it's a well-used name I don't think it'll change much fae that.
F1054 Dae your boys have two sets of grandparents, Colin?
M1016 Yeah.
F1054 What do they call them all?
M1016 Eh 'granny' and 'grandpa' an 'grandad'. So the the granny the moth- the the grannies are both the same but the grandfathers are different.
F1054 Interestin. //So you have to distinguish between the two, don't you?//
M1016 //Yeah.//
M1014 //Yeah mine's is 'granny', we just ca- always called her 'granny',// nothing else, talk aboot your 'granny'.
F1054 Would you ask for your grandchildren tae call you anything in particular, Andy?
M1014 No, but that's comin tae the next question here, I've always called my grandfather my 'papa', an my grandchildren do the same thing, call me 'papa', but like this chap says the other side, they call him 'grandad'. They talk about their 'grandad so-an-so' but if they're talkin about me, talk about their 'papa', an that's just how I was brought up.
M1017 The, goin back to 'gran', it's 'gran', 'grannie' or 'nan' an the difference is tae separate my mother's side tae my faither's side. It was either 'nan' or 'gran'. It was either yin or the ither. An if ye talk aboot yer 'nan' ye kent whae's side ye were talkin aboot. That was aw.
F1054 See that tae me sounds really Borders the wey ye said that, really Borders, am I right in thinkin that?
M1017 Faither's fae the Borders, aye he was born there.
F1054 Where, but Dunbar doesnae really have a Borders accent does it normally?
M1017 //No, it's just//
M1014 //No I wouldn't think so, no.//
M1017 it's och it's gonnae get worse [laugh] //later on, aye.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
M1015 It's 'gran' or 'granny' but eh ehm we were always 'Granny [CENSORED: surname]' or you know it's the the two sets o eh grandparents. But the the next generation we were asked ehm eh what we would like to be called, cause I've got a grandson, eh an I'm about tae have another one eh well another baby in April ehm but my my grandson's four past, he was a millennium baby, twenty-past five millennium mornin, ehm but he calls the two sets o parents eh Granny an Grandad [CENSORED: surname] which is his father's name ehm surname, an Granny an Grandad eh [CENSORED: surname] eh which is our name so tae distinguish between the two sets //an that's, we always use the s- the surnames//
M1014 //Aye, well my my granddaughter's// as I said men they call 'grandad' an 'papa' but when they talk about their gran it's always Granny [CENSORED: surname] or Granny I've forgotten her name now, [CENSORED: surname], aye.
M1016 Yeah well mine's is Granny June or Granny Cathy.
M1014 Aye.
M1016 That's their first names so, but the grandads an grandpa.
M1015 //Right ta- yeah.//
M1014 //So when they talk aboot 'grandad' you would know exactly what they're meanin an talk aboot 'grandpa'// //[inaudible]//
M1015 //Yes an you you're talkin aboot the Borders, my wife's eh family came fae the Borders,// an she called her grandfather [?]Daid[/?]. And eh I- she'd eh he wasnae mar- I think his her gran eh died earlier but I cannae remember eh Ne- Nen or Nan, Nan is it, Nan? Somethin like that but [?]Daid[/?] was a a you know I I dinnae even ken how you spell that, but that was it the old Grandather [CENSORED: surname] was called [?]Daid[/?]. //fae the Borders, fae//
F1054 //Some eh grandparents these days want tae be called 'nan' an 'pop' as well cause it maks them feel less old.//
M1015 Och. //It's//
F1054 //Doesnae bother you?//
M1015 no, it's it's only it, that's no gonnae make you feel any younger, it's it's, a lot o people say, "Oh you're you're too young tae be a grandparent" but I mean it's it's it's a fact o life that everyone's gettin younger an people are livin longer, I mean, it's it's eh, you know, it's just part o evolution I suppose.
M1014 Mind you, I I feel that about my grandkids, when the smaller ones talk tae ye an call ye 'papa' ye dinnae think nothin about it, but when they're nineteen an twenty an twenty-one an they're callin ye 'papa' ye begin tae think, "You're kinda too old tae be usin that word", but it's always what they've been brought up with.
F1054 Mmhm what aboot ehm oh gosh I was gonnae say somethin there, yes 'grandfather', we've done 'grandmother', we've not done 'grandfather' properly, have we? //We've just done that, I get confused here I've asked it so many times now as well.//
M1014 //Well I just butt in.//
F1054 Ehm let's do 'baby', we'll start wi Colin cause he's the expert.
M1016 'Baby'. [laugh] That's what I've got. It's pretty self-explanatory. 'Baby'.
M1017 'Brat', 'bairn'. //'kid'.//
M1015 //Oh.//
M1017 'Brat' if they were bad, 'bairn' if they were guid, an 'kid' if ye get older.
M1015 I have tae say 'bairn' as well eh 'the bairn' cause I always say tae my daughter, 'How's the bairn?', an that. But eh jocularly I say "Is the b-", "Have you brought your brat wi ye?", ye ken, but that's it as a just ehm a jokin thing but that is if it just as Kenny says if they've been bad, you know, it's eh it's just bein a little brat, ye know, so it it carries on. Eh I don't know why I dinnae ca them it the proper name rather than the, ye know, these adjectives but eh that's that's what 'bairn' is eh the the most common one.
M1014 Yeah I'm the same, just call them 'bairn', that's all I've got. Just talk about a 'baby' ye ta- well it's either be 'baby' or 'bairn', cannae think o anything else I would use.
F1054 Ye wouldnae say 'wean', would ye? //'Wean'.//
M1015 //Glasgow.//
M1014 //No, no that's away the, it's away the west coast side that I would think.//
F1054 an did ye have different names at different stages in their lives as they get a wee bit older, wha- when dae they graduate Andy, you've seen it all now.
M1014 Like what like?
F1054 Eh 'baby' tae, what do you call after a baby no longer is a baby?
M1014 Well a baby we'd maybe call 'toddlers', an then ye talk about just a name after that I think, 'kids'.
M1016 Or a 'wee boy' or
M1014 Aye or a wee, aye.
M1016 Just a 'wee boy'.
F1054 Mmhm.
M1016 A 'wee laddie'.
M1014 Or a 'wee man', I've heard that sayin.
M1016 Mmhm or 'the wee yin' or 'the young yin'.
F1054 Mmhm good.
M1017 Just the same.
F1054 Good.
M1015 Ye were talkin, Andrew, ye were talkin aboot eh yer ye ye find it eh //Oh sorry.//
F1054 //Gordon I couldnae ask you tae just sit [inaudible] a tiny bit [inaudible].// //[laugh] Just the the tiniest bit an then [inaudible]//
M1015 //That's okay eh ye were talkin aboot eh ye feel// //it it ages ye when ye're talkin aboot a nineteen an twenty year-old//
M1014 //Mmhm.// //Mmhm.//
M1015 //cain ye 'papa',// but what would you address him, if he addresses you as 'papa' what what what are you addressin him as if he's nineteen or twenty, you're no gonnae ca him 'the toddler', //ye're no gonnae ca him 'the bairn'.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
M1016 //Proper name, yeah.//
M1014 //Just use their names after that, mmhm.// I mean I would, if I say if the wee one's there I'll maybe say 'the wee one', so the wife knows I'm talkin aboot the youngest one, or I'll talk aboot 'the bairns'. But I would never use, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, they're no bairns, I would say, 'John' or 'David' or 'William', use their names after that. //But//
M1015 //That's a thing when when I when I was eh bein brought up eh// eh in the fishin community we were ehm we were never allowed tae call ehm eh relatives by their first name ye had tae call them 'Uncle Walter', 'Auntie Mary' until ye left the school. Once ye left the school ye were allowed tae drop the the the relati- whatever relation they were tae ye, ye know, //eh an ye caed them that cause that's a, that's an old eh age thing, ye know, it's respect for your elders an//
M1014 //I think [inaudible] was like that [inaudible].// //[inaudible]//
M1015 //until ye know it's we were never sat doon in a corner eh corner an told tae// not tae say anythin but ye know that was it it was always respect eh an ye had tae //eh adhere to these things an.//
M1017 //Yeah.//
M1014 //[inaudible] if ye just started usin 'Mary' an 'Walter' an// //you had to, ye put the 'auntie' an the 'uncle' intae it yes, to give them//
F1054 //Mm.//
M1014 sort o respect in the family, wasn't it?
F1054 //Interestingly, I was speakin in Torry an they said they used tae ca one another ye know by these elaborate family connections cause o fishin again, ye know?//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Oor Tootsie's, Millie's, Bessie's, Jimmy's, Grace's, Bob's, Jock's loon's quine, //ye ken?//
M1015 //Aye.// //Aye.//
F1054 //So they they could go generations back or you know make all these relationships, it's interestin.// Ehm what aboot 'friend', word for 'friend' in general, Colin, got one there?
M1017 //[inaudible]//
M1016 //'Mate'.// Just a 'good mate'. Person ye could trust.
M1017 'Mate', 'pal', 'chum'.
F1054 Other dog food brands.
M1017 Aye [laugh] that's aboot it aye. [laugh] I'd never thought o that, aye.
M1015 Aye that's the same, I've got 'pal'. 'Friend', 'pal', 'chum'.
M1014 Well I've just got 'freend', could hae put 'mate', I often talk aboot the 'mate' but I just more likely talk aboot 'freend'. 'My freend so-an-so' or 'I'll go tae see your freend', never used anything else really.
F1054 Will you never say 'a freend' for relative?
M1014 Yes, if they, if they're related tae you you would say, yes. They're 'freends'. If ye said 'friend' they would think ye would ye were meanin a pal, but if ye used 'freend', it could be taken that you're talkin about relatives, yeah. //Yeah, you talk a- no, aye, we always do that.//
F1054 //That's what we do in Shetland as well, not everybody does that.//
M1017 //[inaudible]// //That's relations, you're talkin aboot relations, friend an friends.//
F1054 //Mm.//
M1014 //Mmhm.// //Ye're always sayin they're 'freends o the family' so ye know they're cousins or uncles or [inaudible].//
M1017 //Mmhm aye, but why is it a difference, a 'friend' an 'freends'?//
F1054 //Yeah, no idea, I dinnae have any o the answers I'm afraid. Ehm,//
M1015 //[laugh]//
F1054 what aboot 'male partner'? //Kenny ye ever had a male partner?//
M1015 //I've not got yin.//
F1054 //[laugh]//
M1017 //No [inaudible] Christ, no, no I've I've got absolutely nothin tae that.//
M1014 //[inaudible] can't answer that either.//
F1054 //What would your wife ca you?//
M1017 //I mean. Kenny.//
F1054 Nae ither name?
M1017 Oh aye, cannae say, an it's no [?]ochs[/?], it's richt. //[?]Ochs[/?] [laugh] [inaudible]//
M1014 //Oh I dinnae ken, I dinnae ken.// //I'm the same, I've got a lot o names. [laugh]//
M1017 //Oh no, Kenny or, aye.//
M1016 //Loads o names.//
M1014 I've just put 'hubby', I mean I don't know. I've heard the wife say her 'hubby' or her 'husband' or use the name, she'll nearly always use the name, ken she'll go, "Andrew thinks we should do this or do that". But that's all I've put, 'hubby'.
M1017 No I've said that wrong.
M1016 Just 'husband'. Di- I wasnae sure what tae put so //[inaudible]//
M1017 //I've said that wrong, the wife doesnae call me Kenny, she calls me Kenneth,// because my mither caed us Kenneth an she's caed us Kenneth.
M1015 I think that's a very difficult one, I've got eh your 'man' but there's it- it's very seldom eh we're in a position tae hear your spouse callin ye //ye know, she, it's usually when sh-//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1015 it's usually when you're not there they're explainin tae somebody, "My man does this or my man does that", or "Your husband does this, your husband does that", or "His, my husband said this, my husband said that", when she's in company cause it's very very seldom because if you are there in the ehm the conversation it's self-explanatory, ken, you know, she she wouldnae say or she would look tae ye an say "my husband or my man" whatever it is, but it's very seldom it ye know we're no confronted wi that very much, are we?
M1016 //No.//
M1014 //Only I mean I have heard my wife often enough she's on the phone or something,// an she'll say, oh going somewhere she'll say, "Well I'd better ask hubby", or "I'll better wait an see what hubby thinks". That's the word she uses quite a lot. //So that's//
F1054 //Eh afore ye were mairied Andy, how would she hae described you?//
M1017 //[inaudible]//
M1014 //Oh I never met her so I wouldn't know.// //[laugh] Before we got married, what would she//
F1054 //It was love at first sight, you got married [inaudible]//
M1017 //[laugh]//
M1014 call me like, did you say? Oh I wouldnae, I don't know, I'd need tae ask her. I haven't the slightest. //She must have seen someth-//
F1054 //'Heartbreaker'?//
M1016 //[laugh]//
M1014 //she must hae seen somethin I didnae see [laugh] an it certainly wasnae for my money.//
F1054 Colin, what aboot what aboot you?
M1016 [inaudible] [laugh]
M1017 No I'm no sayin that.
M1015 No that that's a very eh
F1054 What aboo- an I'm thinkin aboot other kinds o relationships as weel you know, non-marital ones, //what would folk say, I mean here in Dunbar would they say 'click', 'beau', 'gentleman caller'?//
M1015 //Mm.// //Mmhm no, 'boyfriend' or 'partner',//
F1054 //eh 'bit o stuff', 'partner', 'boyfriend'.//
M1017 //'Boyfriend'.//
M1015 //'fiancé' we're on to the later stages, I was courtin for four years before I was married an I've been married thirty-seven//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
F1054 Ye courted for four years?
M1015 Yeah. //Aye.//
F1054 //That's quite unusual, is it, Gordon?//
M1015 Just caught up after the school an didnae get a chance at aw. Eh aye I was married at nineteen.
M1016 Have you have you come across many groups like this where everyone's married?
F1054 Come across, yeah, quite a few. //Quite a few, mmhm.//
M1016 //Everyone in the group?// //So if there's ones that aren't in the group wi partners,//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
M1016 what sort o words dae they use?
F1054 Ehm I was wi a group o young women yesterday an [inaudible] 'fella', 'bloke', 'boyfriend', 'other half', //eh occasionally 'partner', a divorcee might say if they've got a new relationship goin, 'partner',//
M1014 //'Click'.//
F1054 oh I havenae had any gay people that I've spoken to but ehm //but gay couples often describe one another as 'partner' as well,//
M1016 //Mmhm.//
F1054 so that's aboot it.
M1017 I've heard the wife shoutin aboot 'the ither half' //right enough but I mean//
M1014 //Aye.//
F1054 //'Her indoors'?//
M1015 //Mm or 'better half'.//
M1017 //oh aye, 'her indoors', aye aye.// Or I say, "I'll better see the boss". //Mm.//
F1054 //'Sir'.// //[laugh]//
M1017 //Aye. [laugh]//
M1014 //Aye but I kent when the wife says, "I'll see the boss", she means hersel. [laugh]// //Aye.//
F1054 //Okay, that's good ehm what aboot// female partner, what would you call your ladies?
M1017 'Hen', 'wumman', 'the boss', anything.
M1015 Mmhm yeah that's right, 'hen', 'the wife', even sometimes ca her by her ri- right name, Lorraine. //Mmhm.//
F1054 //I spoke tae a bloke in Pitlochry who was i- who was on his second marriage an he used tae call his first wife, 'the wife',// he said he learnt not to do that any more, he learnt not to call her 'my wife', ye know? //'My wife', not 'the wife', it's interestin.//
M1017 //Aye.//
M1016 The same, 'the wife'. No reason, just, that's it.
F1054 Okay.
M1014 An I've got 'the missus' that's, I would use that more often as 'the wife'. I don't know it's just what comes natural tae me, I just say 'the missus'. //That's it.//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Ehm what aboot words for eh I think we've done most o that now, it's, word for something whose name you've forgotten.
M1017 //I have absolutely nothin on that.//
M1014 //Oh that took me a long time tae do that.// //I couldnae think about that.//
M1015 //I've got 'thingummy'.//
F1054 //Oh just//
M1016 //There ye go.//
F1054 okay thanks.
M1015 Aye, I've got 'thingummy', cause ye- yer thingummybob
M1014 Mmhm.
M1015 if it if it's an object it's a a 'thingummybob' an if it's somebody it's a 'thingummy'.
M1017 Sometimes I say, "What aboot Jimmy?", 'Jimmy' or anythin like that but no, nothin else I've never written none o it doon it's just when you're, Gordon's on aboot, he says 'thingummy' I say "Oh what aboot ken, Jimmy?"
F1054 //That's the same kind o [inaudible].//
M1014 //Mmhm.//
M1016 Eh same as Gordon, 'thingy', nothin else.
M1014 Well would you believe it I've got 'thingummy' as well, cause you started thinkin, "What was that thingummy?", it's just a a name we use, yeah.
F1054 Yeah, what aboot a kit of tools, Andy?
M1014 I've just got 'tool box'.
M1016 'Tool kit'.
M1017 'Gear'.
M1015 'Tool box'.
F1054 I've only had, I had one this morning, a new one, in Penicuik, [?]grave, grafe[/?], one o the two, an then I had [?]givels[/?] in Pitlochry and bass in Hawick. //Mmhm bass is the bag ye carry it around.//
M1014 //For tools? Mm?//
F1054 //Very little on that. Ehm//
M1015 //Mm.//
F1054 I think that's been all, 'you-' oh yes of course, 'young person in cheap trendy clothes and jewellery'.
M1015 I found this an extremely difficult because I put doon a 'bobby dazzler' an then on reflection that's no really right because a bobby dazzler probably eh //r- that's right, aye but that,//
M1014 //Well trendy clothes [inaudible] trendy clothes an jewellery//
M1015 but then that could have eh been tae somebody that you found attractive //was a 'bobby dazzler' ye see so I've.//
M1016 //But it's it's it's sayin cheap// //an trendy clothes.//
M1014 //Yeah.// //Yeah.//
M1016 //There's expensive trendy clothes an there's cheap// trendy clothes.
F1054 //What were you thinkin, Colin?//
M1014 //What did you put?//
M1016 'Plonker'.
M1015 //Mmhm.//
M1014 //Mm?//
M1016 It's tryin tae make theirsel look somebody that they're not, an //it looks shit.//
M1014 //It's more a// //aye well it's maybe more a younger word.//
M1017 //Mmhm well.//
M1014 I just put 'show-off', that's what we would say, "You're just a show-off, because you're wearin gear that's //not classy", it's tryin tae look classy so therefore the word 'show-off', yeah?//
M1017 //Mmhm.// Aye, well I was thinkin of the opposite sex an I was sayin 'young thing', 'show-off'.
M1015 Mmhm.
F1054 You wouldn't say 'ned' or 'chav'?
M1015 //No.//
M1016 //What made you think the opposite sex though?//
M1017 I dinnae ken, I just, when it had that aboot, I just thought //a 'young thing', well I, oh aye.//
M1016 //Cause it could be a bloke as well.//
M1017 //I never think ye mean,//
M1014 //Well you think o the opposite sex when you hear jewellery// //[inaudible]//
M1017 //whae the heck's//
M1016 //Well it says 'young person'.// //It doesnae say 'opposite sex'.//
M1017 //aye well it's just// //I would never hae thought o//
M1014 //It's a young person with jewellery so [inaudible]//
M1017 a young fella anyway, whae when dae we see a young fe- oh right enough he's got plenty earrings in the now, //whae dae we see wi earrings an jewellery in an stuff like that?//
M1014 //Eh.//
M1017 They're right plonkers right enough.
M1016 //But it's no cheap.//
M1014 //[laugh] [inaudible]// //So you're just a show-off.//
M1017 //[laugh]//
M1015 I have tae agree wi Kenny because ehm
M1014 I found it a difficult question //[inaudible]//
M1015 //Yeah I but but the ither thing is if it's cheap, cheap trendy// I refer tae it I refer tae the the opposite sex I have tae say, an the ither name that comes in is a 'tart', dressed up like a tart, an that's cheap //trendy stuff tryin tae make theirsel look somethin,//
M1014 //Well it's//
M1015 eh //but sometimes a 'tart' doesnae necessarily mean a young person, ken? So it's a very difficult eh//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1015 tae try an get the the right.
M1014 Well I've heard people sayin, ye know, talkin about someone, they're 'tarted up', so that's the same as what ye mean? //Use the word as a 'tart', yeah.//
M1015 //Yeah.// //But Colin's right, it says a 'young person' [inaudible].//
M1016 //I ca- I cannae say I I immediately thought aboot// the opposite sex, that never came intae it. //Aye.//
F1054 //Yeah, elaga- egalitarian.//
M1015 //Yeah, you're very liberated though, the younger generation [inaudible].//
M1014 //Well I did,// //because as I say my generation don't equate jewellery//
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1016 //Well, what made you automatically think//
M1014 //wi wi the male sex.//
M1017 //Well,//
M1016 //opposite sex, it says 'young person'.//
M1017 wi jewellery! We we in my generation, young yins never wore jewellery. They never had an earring in, unless you were a fisherman, but nine times oot o ten they never had any earrings in or bangles or //piffle like that//
M1014 //Like that, I agree// wi Kenny, yeah that's the only, this is only the last forty years, thirty, forty years that I've seen men wearin earrings an rings an jewellery an bracelets, thing we never seen. //So I'd, when I read the question//
F1054 //Can I//
M1014 an I seen 'jewellery' I was like Ken, I was thinkin o the opposite sex.
F1054 Tell me aboot the thing wi earrings an fishermen.
M1014 Oh well he should tell you why //[inaudible]//
M1015 //That's no true eh some some fisherman do had eh earrings but that was for identification purposes,// //same as the Je- the auld Guernseys had different patterns for the different ehm//
M1014 //Well you know the the story o the earrings?//
M1015 eh de- different ports. //So if a body was washed up in the auld days eh they they could distinguish which//
M1014 //That's right.//
M1015 port an the chances are they could eh thingmy, but I have tae say eh I've been at sea for what forty forty-odd years now an I can, it's only the the the last generation, the last ten years that I've seen earrings. //The the thirty years prior tae that I could only say I've seen maybe//
M1014 //They reckon that//
M1015 a couple, three, in Dunbar anyway, I cannae remember anybody wi earrings.
F1054 What what aboot the eh identification thing, how how do ye, how does that identify somebody?
M1017 //They all have their ain, they all have their ain pattern o where they're come from.//
M1014 //The jerseys did in the pattern o the knittin.//
M1017 If they come fae Montrose or anythin they've got their ain pattern. //Aye, aye.//
F1054 //Or earrings?//
M1015 //Most boats, aye of their earrings, aye.// //They would//
M1014 //The story// the story o an earring was that if a man was drowned at sea,
M1015 Buried him.
M1014 unidentified, the the the golden earring would be for buryin him. That's why they reckon old sailors always had an earring. //So that's the s- that's where the story for that's supposed tae come from.//
F1054 //That's interestin.//
M1015 //Mmhm that's right.//
M1014 If you'd washed up in a foreign country an they've got tae bury you an they've they've you've nothing. Ye, well they reckon they could the golden earring would pay for whatever it cost to put them under. That's why sailors wore, not not necessarily our day an age they reckon it's a what's the word, in generations it's been oh away back in old seadog days they all wore earrings an that was the idea for that. So probably s- It's just, nowadays it's //dress, it's dress.//
F1054 //Now even the posties are covered [inaudible].//
M1016 //I've I've I've got two earrings because they would need tae dig a right big hole tae// //put me in. [laugh]//
F1054 //[laugh]//
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1014 //[laugh]//
F1054 //Do you wanna take a break for a second chaps, aye? Okay, it's ehm//
M1015 //Aye.//
F1054 'what they wear', start with 'clothes' this time.
M1015 'Clothes'. We ca them 'claes'. C.L.A.E.S. Ehm all different kinds but eh if ye just talk aboot clothes in general it's 'pit yer claes on'.
F1054 Have you got words for the different items o clothing?
M1015 Aye well you're comin tae some o them eh 'breeks', 'troosers', ehm 'jumpers', 'jerseys', 'shoes', 'baffies', eh right right through tae the hail eh 'socks' so I think there's a slang for socks. No, I think that's just aboot it, aye.
M1017 'Kit', 'gear' an 'claes'. 'Troosers', 'breeks'. 'Nicky Tams'. I uised tae be a gamekeeper. //I never wore them.//
M1015 //Mm.//
M1017 Eh just all different things, cardigans, jerseys, jumpers, things like that, corduroy troosers
F1054 Great.
M1016 'Clothes', 'troosers', eh. Are you on the children's shoes as well?
F1054 Aye well it was just really the clothes I was interested in. //If ye had any.//
M1016 //It's well, it's just that they were goin through everything,// //so.//
F1054 //Okay.// Okay, that's aright, we can go back an go ower stuff again. //Ehm//
M1016 //Just 'clothes' an// 'troosers'. //But for//
F1054 //Great.//
M1016 if ye //do ye want tae do the kids one or leave that?//
F1054 //Aye we'll leave that, we'll leave that just now, I'm just lookin for items o clothing, you know?//
M1015 //Right, what?//
F1054 cause we call for instance a shirt would be a 'sark', //do you have anything else at all?//
M1015 //'Sark', yeah, 'put your sark on ye'.//
M1014 Well I just put 'clothes', I put 'garb', //that's what I just, aye, have ye no?//
F1054 //Good one! An I've not had that yet, Andy, it's a good one!// Yeah.
M1014 Aye, I use that, aye, all yer garb that you're puttin on that, she would know ye're talkin about yer trousers, yer shirt, whatever ye're, everythin ye're wearin. //[inaudible]//
F1054 //Is that a fishin one?//
M1014 No, no, it's just, I don't know where I've picked that one up actually. [laugh] But I've u- I use that.
F1054 //Mmhm.//
M1017 //There's another here.// 'Semmit' //is a vest.//
F1054 //Tell.//
M1017 A 'semmit'.
M1015 'Semmit' yeah. 'Put yer semmit on', it's a mair a winter
M1017 Mmhm.
M1015 a winter vest.
F1054 Folk in Peterhead had good words as well, what aboot, you're you were discussin somethin before, I noticed Gordon. You s- you were speakin aboot the fishermen's jumpers an what did ye ca them?
M1015 'Guernseys'? Well that's where they started, that's where they originated, in Guernsey. The patterns an aw that but ye aye it's a guernsey is just a //don't think, there's a lot o things that we say we're we're no really aware o where it comes fae, it's it's handed doon an that.//
M1014 //Well it's, aye,// could just be a a fancy word for 'jersey', a 'guernsey', instead o sayin 'jersey' we'd say 'guernsey', but as Gordon says where it actually originated from I wouldnae know. //Aye.//
M1015 //If you just stop an think where the two words come fae, Jersey an Guernsey.//
M1016 They're near each other. //[laugh]//
F1054 //Yeah I [?]wonder if it was[/?] you know, sheep at one point that produced the wool for them or somethin, you know?// //Cause we say 'ganzie' in the same way.//
M1015 //True. [laugh]//
F1054 //So.//
M1017 //'Ganzie'?// Ah never heard o that.
F1054 Ganzie. Ehm what aboot 'child's soft shoes worn for P.E.'?
M1015 You meanin 'sandshoes'? Ehm probably be abbreviated that but I had tae make it eh doon tae 'sannies'. No tae be confused wi the sanny that ye eat.
M1014 Mmhm.
M1015 Eh but sandshoes or 'drill shoes' we used tae say as well, cause we used tae get gym an 'gym shoes', 'drill shoes', 'sandshoes' but 'sandshoes' was mainly the the black //ehm rubberized,//
M1014 //Mmhm.//
M1015 eh sandshoes ye know for for ehm for P.E. an we used them quite a bit actually.
M1017 Much the same as Gordon but I've got 'plimsolls'.
F1054 Mmhm.
M1017 That's the rest.
F1054 Yeah.
M1016 'Jimmies'. 'Gym shoes' just shortened tae 'jimmies'.
M1014 An 'sandshoes' that's what we used tae call them, nothing else. Talked aboot 'soft wearin sandshoes', cause that's all we had, they were the cheapest o the cheap. [laugh]
F1054 You'd never speak aboot 'gutties' would you, Andy?
M1014 Pardon?
F1054 Gutties. //Gutties.//
M1014 //Never, no.// //Never heard them used as that, no.//
F1054 //Mmhm.// A lot o folks mentioned that it's fae apparently it's fae 'gutta percha', //which is the material it's made of.//
M1015 //Yeah I've heard them 'gutties' as well.// //Yeah but the [inaudible].//
F1054 //Golf balls can be that.//
M1015 Yeah, guttie perkie, aye that's a thingmy. The other thing aboot the sandshoes was that ehm started off as lace an then they finished up eh slip-ons, with an elasticated ehm //no a tongue I dinnae ken whit ye'd ca it but they were//
F1054 //Kinda gusset, isn't it?//
M1015 yeah, it eh then ye just slipped them on, ye know it was an evolution in the in the thing I would imagine.
M1017 //See when you said aboot 'gutties', did you s-, you said 'gutties'.//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1017 Well 'gutties' when I'm on the fairm was //where the things//
M1014 //'Catapult'.//
M1017 wi elastic band an ye threw a threw like a stone wi them. //An they were caed 'gutties'.//
M1014 //Yeah.//
F1054 //I guess that's the rubber as well, isn't it? Mmhm.//
M1017 //Aye, aye.//
F1054 Interestin, right any other words for 'trousers'? Would you call them anything different, Colin?
M1016 'Troosers', no, that's it.
F1054 'Troosers', I like that.
M1014 'Troosers', aye, just the same.
F1054 //Not 'plus fours'?//
M1017 //'Breeks'.// 'Breeks'.
F1054 What else where you gonnae say? //Gordon mentioned that too.//
M1017 //Aye, aye.//
M1015 But eh ye know ye ye ye can ca eh eh trousers eh 'jeans' as well, ye see, when the when the denims came out, ye used tae put jeans on, ye know, the denim jeans, 'breeks' or 'jeans', //or 'cords', 'cords'.//
M1017 //'Corduroys'.// I ca them 'corduroys'.
M1015 Well you you're polite.
F1054 //Rather than just 'cords'.//
M1017 //Someone gets// ah it aw depends how I feelin. [laugh]
F1054 'Slacks'?
M1016 Mm no there was a there was a time where there was chinos as well eh an //people used tae say//
M1014 //Aye aw the different types o//
M1016 a younger age, eh Gordon. That's that age bracket comin in again. [laugh] //[laugh]//
F1054 //Who was famous for wearin chinos?//
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1016 Eh
M1014 Chinos?
M1015 Beckham.
M1016 Nah. Probably golfers I think.
F1054 Casuals as well eh?
M1016 Yeah mmhm.
F1054 Mmhm that's interestin. Ehm let's go onto 'how we feel' eh we'll do 'pleased' to begin with, start on a high note, pleased it's Friday efternuin.
M1016 I need tae find that one. //[inaudible]//
F1054 //That's 'how we feel'.//
M1016 'chuffed'.
M1014 Just 'happy'. Ye're pleased wi something ye're happy about it, aye that's all I've put.
M1017 Feeling 'guid'.
F1054 //Like the pronunciation there, that's good.//
M1015 //Mm.// 'Gled', if ye're pleased ye're 'gled' it's happened, ye ken or ye're pleased it's happened eh. But 'chuffed' as well I would I would say that, yeah.
F1054 What aboot when ye're not so chuffed, when ye're annoyed?
M1017 'Roosed', 'lowpin'. 'Angry'.
F1054 Good ones.
M1015 'Rattled', ye get annoyed ye get 'rattled', but eh 'roosed' is eh 'roosed' is another, 'roosed', 'rattled'.
M1016 Quite a borin one here, just 'mad'. That's it. [laugh]
M1014 Well I'm just got 'not pleased'. Ken like the old Queen Victoria would say, "We are not amused". //[laugh] So 'not pleased' if ye're annoyed, yes.//
M1016 //[inaudible] 'not chuffed'. [laugh]//
M1014 That's all I've put yeah.
F1054 Very sedate Andy, yeah, eh what aboot er 'tired'?
M1015 'Knackered', 'done in'.
M1017 'Knackered', 'sneakered', 'tired'.
F1054 Tell me aboot the middle one.
M1017 Sneakered? Just same as 'knackered', sneakered.
M1016 Just the same, 'knackered', nothing. It was the first one that came intae my head.
M1014 Well I thought o the different meaning o tired instead an I put 'fed up'. An if I'm tired o something or I've had enough of it I'm 'fed up'. That's what I put for 'tired'.
F1054 //Brilliant.//
M1015 //Mmhm.// It's it's two variations of the the same word,
M1014 Mmhm.
M1015 as tired is eh ye know //but but if if ye're tired,//
M1014 //Physically tired, yeah.//
M1015 if ye're aye that's right, I never thought o that.
F1054 What aboot 'hot', Gordon?
M1015 Hot, hot, hot, is 'bilin'. Ehm. No just 'bilin'.
M1017 'Steamin'.
M1016 [tut] I'd I I was in two minds aboot the question so I just put 'hot'.
F1054 What were you in two minds aboot, Colin?
M1016 Well I I wasnae sure aboot the what ye meant wi the question, eh 'hot', so I just wrote 'hot'. I've done the same wi 'cold', 'cold'.
F1054 Cool, probably just no too many words for it. //[inaudible]//
M1014 //Well I've I've got 'bakin',// //yeah ye would say, "Gosh, it's bakin,//
F1054 //Like a tattie [inaudible].//
M1014 it's hot!" So that's what I put, 'bakin'.
M1015 Mmhm.
F1054 'Cold' anybody else wi 'cold'?
M1015 //'Cauld'.//
M1016 //'Cauld'.//
M1014 //Well I've got 'nithered'.// If you talk aboot ye're 'nithered', ye're cold tae the bone so ye're 'nithered'. So that's the word I've got.
F1054 That's a good one.
M1015 Mmhm I've no got that but I would agree wi that yeah. //"It's it's cauld", mmhm.//
M1016 //See these are quite older words eh? Words that I've not, that I've not [inaudible] hear.//
M1014 Correct aye.
F1054 //Nane o yer mates, what would your mates say tae that, Colin?//
M1016 //No.// They would probably say the same eh I'm //maybe 'freezin' or//
M1014 //Or you're 'frozen', mmhm.//
M1016 they would never say 'I'm nithered' or
F1054 'Baltic'?
M1016 oh possibly, aye, I've heard that one. I wouldnae use it, I-I- probably I would when ye thi- when ye're m- bringin that up I probably would say that. 'It's baltic', mmhm. //Can I change that?//
M1014 //Aye that's a new one ye see I've no heard that.//
F1054 //Aye, ye can change [inaudible].//
M1016 //[laugh] I would use 'baltic'.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
M1014 //Would you?// //[inaudible]//
M1016 //Mmhm.//
M1017 Aye an 'baltic' aye an if I was frozen, Faither would say, "Well stamp yer feet", things like that, just //somebody wi, aye.//
M1014 //We we used the word.// //Ken I mean.//
M1017 //Aye.//
M1014 We we used tae go out in the mornin an if it was really cold ye used tae either buff yer hands or oh ye ye're 'nithered', ye're 'shakin', so that was the word ye used, ye're 'nithered'.
F1054 'Starving'? //Do//
M1017 //'Hungry'.// //[laugh]//
F1054 //no it was aye it's a 'hungry' word but it's not cold eh?// We used tae speak aboot 'starvation' at home if it was really cold, ye know? That's aaright, dinnae worry, it's nae problem. //We'll just hare round these last few then, ehm//
M1015 //Right.//
F1054 so words for 'unwell'.
M1015 'Unwell', just 'no weel'. //Just the same.//
M1017 //'Seek'.//
F1054 //What's that? Your bit o paper ye lost your bit o paper [inaudible].//
M1014 //I- I've just got 'no well',// as well ye just talk aboot ye're 'no well', //ken ye're ye're eh,//
F1054 //Just keep fillin, Andy, until [inaudible]//
M1014 nothing else ye can say really tae that, you're n- unwell, you're no feelin very well, so you just say, "Well, I'm no well", aye
M1016 Eh I've just got 'ill'. //If you're no well I always just use 'ill'.//
F1054 //[inaudible]// Nice an simple. //Great, what aboot//
M1017 //"s- seek, I'm away tae bed".//
F1054 'to throw something', Kenny?
M1017 'Toss', 'chuck', that's it.
M1015 'To chuck'. //Dittos aye 'chuck' I've got, yeah.//
M1014 //Well I've got//
M1016 I've got 'chuck' as well. Quite borin. //Cannae think.//
M1014 //Trust me tae be different I've got 'to fling'.// //I would fling it, to throw it.//
M1015 //Aye.//
F1054 //Wo- would you fling somethin differently fae//
M1014 //Fling it away.//
F1054 throwin somethin, ye know, would ye use different words for different things, do you think?
M1014 Well if ye would like, you talk aboot throwin dice or anythin like that but I mean actually 'to fling' if you're throwin a javelin or flingin a, I would talk aboot 'flingin' a stone rather than 'throwin' a stone, just comes naturally ye just say ye would fling it or ye goin tae throw something, "Aye I'll go fling it away", //not throw it out.//
M1016 //Ye'd 'toss' a pankcake, you'd//
M1015 //Yes but ye wou- ye wouldn't have a//
M1014 //Aye.//
M1015 ye wouldn't have a 'fling' with a, ye would have a 'fling' with a member of the opposite sex but you wouldn't have a 'throw' with them, //ye know, it's all the variations of the spellin//
M1014 //[inaudible]// Variations right.
F1054 //Mm.//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Okay what aboot ehm 'to hit hard'?
M1017 'Skelp', 'whack', 'thump'.
F1054 Lots there! Would you use I mean are some o those worse than others?
M1017 Aye thump's the hardest, skelp's just a bang on the lug, on the jaw,
M1014 Mmhm.
M1017 an 'whack' I mean it's just to let him ken I'm there.
M1015 Mmhm. Tae 'wouf', 'smeck' or 'clout'.
F1054 I havenae heard 'wouf', tell me about that.
M1015 Well if ye 'wouf' somebody eh ye 'smeck' them or it's just another word ye know ye'd probably punch him I think in, if it was in a courtroom it would be "punched him to the face to his
M1014 Mmhm.
M1015 injury".
M1014 I've just got 'to thump' as well, ye hit something hard ye would thump it, ye know as against 'skelp' as Kenny says, 'skelp' would be a a slight smack o the hand, but to hit hard you would 'thump', yeah.
M1016 'Thump' or 'slap'. Just same.
F1054 Aye.
M1016 Hit hard or just abbreviation o hittin hard is 'slap'. "I'll slap you the now", sorry, that's it.
F1054 Any stories aboot 'to hit hard', anything?
M1015 Well the well the the 'wouf' one is if ye're tellin somebody about what happened in the pub the eh the the previous night ye know ye'd say somebody was annoyin somebody an he he 'woufed' him,
M1014 Mmhm.
M1015 ye know ye wouldnae say he 'clouted' him ye wouldnae say eh well 'wouf' or 'smeck', //or bowfed him, bowf.//
M1016 //'Wouf' must be quite an old one, I've no really heard that.//
M1014 //Or bowfed him// //Aye.//
M1017 //I've heard that, aye, I've heard that.//
M1016 //You're older than Gordon.//
M1015 //An that's sayin somethin!//
M1017 //[laugh]//
M1014 //[laugh]// //No but that yo-, it's words ye dinnae hear now.//
M1017 //Cannae help that! [laugh]//
M1016 //[laugh]// //No.//
M1017 //No.//
M1015 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M1014 //They're they're older generation use them but ye don't, ye dinnae hear the young generation usin them.// To 'bowf' or to 'thump'. They are, they're older words. Comin from f- further back.
F1054 That's fine ehm what aboot 'to play a game', Colin?
M1016 'Take part'.
M1014 I struggled tae think o that an I've got exactly the same as you, 'to take part'. I don't
M1017 It's just a 'game'.
M1015 Mmhm. //Aye just to 'play'.//
M1017 //Just a 'game', nothin else.//
M1015 There's no any variation it's just tae 'take part' aye.
F1054 I dinnae ken aboot 'to play' either, I don't know what they're after there. //Ehm,//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
F1054 'to sleep'.
M1015 Sleep, 'go tae bed'. //Well a a 'kip'.//
F1054 //Ye never have a wee nap or anything?//
M1015 A 'nap'. Eh 'forty winks'. Ehm that's aboot it, aye.
M1017 'Kip' an a 'nap'. 'Away tae bed'.
M1016 'Shut-eye'.
M1015 Mmhm.
M1016 Use that a lot.
M1014 Yeah, I've just got 'nap', ye just take a nap or a kip yeah, 'sleep'. //Same thing.//
F1054 //Somebody re-// somebody read this in Perth readin 'what you do to sleep' an she put 'read'. //[laugh] Cute eh///
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1014 //Well?//
F1054 //Eh fair enough though.//
M1015 //Mm.// Mmhm.
F1054 'To play truant'? That's the last one now guys, are you gonnae get any good //stories in?//
M1017 //'Skip'.//
M1016 [tut] 'Skive'. It's a thing it's a thing I never done. Strangely I used tae like the school. Sometimes wish I was still there.
M1014 Well I've got 'skive off school' an I'm surprised tae hear Colin sayin 'skive' because there again I would say it's an older generation's word, ye dinnae hear that so often now. 'Skivin'. //'Skive off school' ye play truant, has it, aye?//
M1016 //I think that's, I think that's been quite a well used word though.// I cannae think o any others except 'play truant', 'skip school', //'skive'.//
M1014 //But you say that they would say// the youngsters would say tae ye, "I've skipped school" or "played truant yesterday" but I wouldnae expect them tae say "I skived off the school". Tae me it seems tae be an older word.
M1015 Mmhm yeah I I originally had 'hookey' an then I thought well that's no really, we didnae really talk in Dunbar aboot 'playin hookey'. I think it's the American I think it's the the ehm television playin its part there. But I've got 'skive' or 'bunk off'. But it's a thing that we never really did very much of at the school but eh 'to skive' but an then there again 'skive' is more associated wi eh skivin work as
M1014 Mmhm.
M1015 compared tae skivin school. I suppose when ye're younger it's both the same though it is classed as work ye know when ye're workin at the your lessons.
M1014 But this but the meaning's mair or less the same, ye //ye didn't go//
M1015 //Yeah.// //Yeah [inaudible].//
M1014 //ye had a day off ye didn't go to work or you didn't go to school, yes, ye'd a day off.// Same thing.
F1054 Ehm that's aa the official words anything else that's really Dunbar that ye'd like tae share wi the rest o the country?
M1017 Yin, twae, three, fower, five, six, seeven, eicht, nine, ten.
F1054 //That's how ye count in Dunbar.//
M1015 //Eleeven.//
M1017 That's how I cou- I dinnae ken I mean //well I go in tae Dunbar,//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
M1017 an they laugh at me when I coont like that. //It's just//
M1015 //Mmhm.//
M1017 don't know where it's fae, the Borders I think.
M1015 Mmhm no I wou- I would agree wi ye there I'm no fae the Borders but eh we we do tend tae emphasise ye know ehm ye hear people countin in various times in different languages, ehm again German or French or ein, twein an, but ye know that's they they would have a job fae workin oot what what we were sayin I would think yeah.
M1014 Yes because I mean I've got a sister-in-law that's English an half, even now she has difficulty thinkin pickin up what I'm sayin. Ye talk aboot 'yin twae three' now it's 'one two' an 'three' but we dinnae speak that way. Ye talk aboot 'yin, twae, fower'. Ye wouldnae say it 'four'. Ye just say 'fower' an she wonders "what are you what are you sayin"?
F1054 Do you ever have any ither bother bein understood, Andy?
M1014 Oh often yes. I've a lot o people tell me that I talk too quick. An they pick up w- an funnily enough my son does exactly the same, half the time I don't know what he says, talks too quick.
F1054 Do you think that the Dunbar accent's gettin more diluted, Colin?
M1016 Eh well there tends tae be a lot o different people comin intae Dunbar at the moment, a lot o new houses gettin built an stuff so, I think there's a quite a varied accent goin about in Dunbar at the moment, //definitely.//
F1054 //What are you, kind of on the streets as it were.//
M1016 Well it's a lot o Edinburgh accent an round about just it's different. Ye can recognize it right away.
F1054 What's the what's the [inaudible] of old Dunbar accents, ye know like
M1015 It's eh we we ne- we never really think aboot it. I can remember if you're lookin for a story I remember eh I was eh visitin my my brother-in-law, he was in eh the forces in Germany, and eh it was Christmas, New Year time an we were out for a drink wi his friends, and there was a Liverpudlian couple and eh eh we were havin tae speak differently from what we normally speak eh Mike an I, my my brother-in-law. And this Liverpudlian girl she she was fascinated just an she says, "Oh I I know what you're sayin", an I says, "No you don't", so I started speakin properly, ye know, the way I would speak tae him in normal conversation because we were dilutin it, ye know, it's it's ehm cause we have a sayin here, "there's naebody speak like [?]us[/?] yins", ye know, and eh //ye we ye ye 'divnae ken' an things like that, ye know, an I mean//
M1014 //Mmhm.//
M1015 we we we're no aware that we're doin, it it just like people don't set out tae speak differently, it's just that things that you're comfortable with ehm a- an that's it ye ye know ye're no aware that that's Dunbar. You would be aware o it because that's your what you what you're you're recordin, ye know?
F1054 Yeah. What aboot fishin words, Gordon? //[inaudible]//
M1015 //[exhale] Well the- there's eh another example the th-// there's three o us here is basically the same generation. Colin's the younger generation an that's just the same wi fishin, farmin any any activity that eh there's diluted words, there's words that we never used for a while an ehm I often speak tae my mother eh in the mornins ye know when I'm not at sea an eh she'll say, "Hey that's a good, no heard that yin for a while", an an these are the sort o things that's eh that's dyin oot it's like eh probably how the the ehm the Hebrideans an the Outer eh Hebrides an that they they feel aboot the Gaelic ye know bein a a dyin language ye know that people just don't take the time an effort or or the dilution o incomers comin tae the tae the town. It's the different accents an different.
F1054 //Is Dunbar//
M1016 //Are these// ar-ar- are these maybe words that your dad had maybe used though, Gordon, an she's no heard for a long time or?
M1015 I don't know, it's just eh I mean it's it's just things in general I mean eh there's no need for these I mean 'skelpit' an, ye know, it's eh it ye have tae remember now that television's playin a a great part in eh your vocabulary as well. //Ehm.//
F1054 //Is Dunbar a fishin toon?//
M1015 Oh aye.
F1054 Yeah, that's the main industry or was
M1015 //Was, was.//
M1017 //Well, I'm no, I'm fae the fairmin stock// an I'm completely different, half the words I had tae try an learn fae Dunbar because I uised tae uise a lot o different words fae what they uise now. //I mean//
F1054 //Is there a// //is there a real divide in the community between the fairmin an fishin folk?//
M1014 //[inaudible]//
M1017 No really, I wouldnae say there was a dividin, it's just they get on thegither an that's it. But I mean I I've got words like 'tumshies' an stuff like that, they'll ken all aboot it but it's just wi me mixin wi them, but half the folk winnae ken what a 'tumshie' is.
F1054 What's a 'tumshie'?
M1017 A turnip.
M1014 'Turnip'. //[inaudible]//
M1015 //Ye see that's it ye were in the school ye ye ye get the influx// of the villages, the farmin community, they have their small village ehm primaries an then they come tae our secondary, ye know the big town secondary an then ye're integrated an that's where ye learn so that it's not, ye know, anythin that he's sayin just now wouldnae be alien tae us.
M1014 Well a lot o the a lot o the fisherman use own words for different things an yeah the fishing community picks that up, an maybe the rest outlandish as Kenny says on the farms an that don't use the same language as the fisher people would use. I mean to go back even further they reckoned there were too much breedin interbreedin intae the fishing communities in places like Dunbar. They had tae have dances an kirns an young g- the young girls fae the country an the fisher boys tae mix so they would mix the families.
F1054 How do you guys aa know one another, ye obviously you're next door Colin, but dae you ken any ithers //[inaudible]//
M1015 //Don't don't go intae it too deeply.// //[laugh]//
F1054 //fae young days or// //How dae ye, how dae ye get to, I mean like//
M1015 //[laugh]//
M1017 //How do ye mean like?//
M1016 //I know Kenny cause Kenny used tae stay over the road.//
F1054 Uh-huh ah.
M1016 Gordon's my neighbour.
M1014 I've never met me.
M1015 //Andr- Andrew's the fisherman.//
M1016 //I deliver his mail.//
M1015 //I used tae stay at the back.//
M1014 //Yes.// //[inaudible] yes.//
M1015 //He w- he was, I was brought up where where he was brought up, same harbour, an he was a fisherman eh// an eh for the first fifteen years o my workin life he was at the fishin.
F1054 Okay, okay just one more time if you could just tell me what your name is, where you live, okay, that'd be great.
M1014 Well my name is Andrew [CENSORED: surname], I live in Dunbar, I have done all my life ehm three children, I'm retired now and thoroughly enjoying it.
M1016 I'm Colin [CENSORED: surname], I'm a postman, I've lived in Dunbar twenty-eight years, I lived in Skateraw before that. It's a farm just outside Dunbar.
M1017 Kenny [CENSORED: surname], I'm sixty-yin, retired an I stay in Dunbar.
M1015 Eh Gordon [CENSORED: surname] eh fifty-seven eh in a couple o months' time an I've worked at the fishin all my life, and I'm presently involved wi the History Society in Dunbar for community eh history.

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BBC Voices Recording: Dunbar. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 26 July 2024, from

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Information about Document 1431

BBC Voices Recording: Dunbar


Audio audience

Adults (18+)
General public
Informed lay people
For gender Mixed
Audience size 1000+

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Spontaneous but discussing a list of words they had thought about previously.

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2005
Recording person id 1060
Size (min) 75
Size (mb) 290

Audio footage series/collection information

Part of series
Contained in BBC Voices Recordings -

Audio medium

Web (e.g. audio webcast)

Audio setting

Recording venue Living room, private house
Geographic location of speech Dunbar

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Not previously acquainted
Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships


Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 631
Year of transcription 2006
Year material recorded 2004
Word count 13714

Audio type

General description Conversation centred around a pre-prepared list of words for discussion


Participant details

Participant id 1014
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1930
Educational attainment Highers/A-levels
Age left school 15
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Cement worker (retired)
Place of birth Dunbar
Region of birth E Lothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Dunbar
Region of residence E Lothian
Residence CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Fisherman
Father's place of birth Dunbar
Father's region of birth E Lothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's region of birth Berwick
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Bwk
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English No Yes Yes Yes Home and outdoors
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes Home and outdoors


Participant details

Participant id 1015
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1940
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Place of birth Hull
Country of birth England
Place of residence Dunbar
Region of residence E Lothian
Residence CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Fisherman
Father's place of birth Hull
Father's country of birth England
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth West Barns
Mother's region of birth E Lothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes Work and home
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes Work and home


Participant details

Participant id 1016
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1970
Place of birth Dunbar
Region of birth E Lothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Dunbar
Region of residence E Lothian
Residence CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Driver
Father's place of birth Dunbar
Father's region of birth E Lothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Shopkeeper
Mother's place of birth Dunbar
Mother's region of birth E Lothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Participant details

Participant id 1017
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1940
Age left school 15
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Navy
Place of birth Dunbar
Region of birth E Lothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Dunbar
Region of residence E Lothian
Residence CSD dialect area eLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Ploughman
Father's place of birth Edrom
Father's region of birth Berwick
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Bwk
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Field worker
Mother's place of birth Birnieknowes
Mother's region of birth E Lothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area eLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes


Participant details

Participant id 1054
