Document 1469

Diaries of William Young: 1972

Author(s): William Young

Copyright holder(s): Mary J Price



Saturday 1
Up till 3am. Good time. To Aberdour a.m. Jim, Jo, Jim & Phem along. Good meal & nice time.

Sunday 2
To Dockyard.
Quiet day.

Monday 3
Cath working. Again a quiet day. Edinburgh a.m. with Kate & Mary.

Tuesday 4
To Laurie & Wilkies for suit. Surprise when no water in Radiator. Fill with Rad-Weld.

Wednesday 5
Begin work. Some outside enquiries make it interesting. Radiator holding out.

Thursday 6
To Aberdour.

Saturday 8
To Dunf. (1) V. Ayr United (1). Not a bad game. Dunfermline should have won. To Welshs evening. Nice time.

Sunday 9
To Aberdour. Quiet day. Cath in bed most of the day. But recovers for evening.

Monday 10
Replies to Catherines wedding invitations coming in. Few refusals so far.

Tuesday 11
2 days uncert/sick

Wednesday 12

Thursday 13
IPCS. AGM. 7pm.
Go to Bingo. OK as usual.

Saturday 15
Watch Scotland V. France T.V.
Scotland 20 France 9. To Kdy evening. Cath gets Hat for Wedding. To Phems. Nice meal.

Sunday 16
To Rosyth 11.30. No Bans called but were called last week. To Kyles for tea & Driving around Edinburgh is good fun - when you know it!

Thursday 20
GRP IV social Park Gate.

Saturday 22

Sunday 23

Monday 24

Tuesday 25

Wednesday 26

Thursday 27

Saturday 29

Sunday 30
MORE SNOW. WE GO TO EDINBURGH. Single track on A90. Back by 6pm Thank God. MORE SNOW & FROST EVENING.

Monday 31
Social CIC RBC meeting. C.S. Choir at Leslie. A cold night. We shiver in the 'bus going & coming back but the warmth of our reception at Leslie makes up for everything.


Tuesday 1
To Vic Butler's funeral at Crem in Kirkcaldy. Good turn out of choir.

Wednesday 2
Good choir rehearsal. Weather moderating.

Thursday 3
C.S. CHOIR DUNF. HIGH SCHOOL. A very small audience here, but the Choir have a good night.

Friday 4
Day off. To Edinburgh for Wedding dresses. Kate Wright has done a good job. Roads bad in evening. See a bad accident on dual carriageway.

Saturday 5
Catherine's Wedding. A Great Day. Everything goes well. Mass & Wedding-Reception - good band and a great company. Everyone enjoyed themselves and said the best wedding ever. I thought so too!

Sunday 6
To Dockyard a.m. Edinburgh p.m. to collect dog. Linda doesn't seem to want to part with him. Still, fine to have him at home meantime.

Monday 7
Legs feel bad when walking. Must do something.

Tuesday 8
Decide to see Doc & ask her advice re exercise - swimming etc.

Wednesday 9
Gen. Meeting RBC. Arguments over new Rules & old ones most people had forgotten about.

Thursday 10

Friday 11

Saturday 12
TO KDY JIM & JO'S for tea.

Sunday 13
To Kdy with Wedding cake to Jessie, Lizzie, Aunt Charlotte (not so well) Jean Hep. & finally Phem & Jims.

Monday 14
Bowling Club closed. Choir practises stopped CSSA CLUBHOUSE CLOSED.

Tuesday 15
Black-out 6-9. We keep a good fire on while we still have coal!

Wednesday 16
CHOIR cancelled.

Friday 18
RCSMVC Annual Concert.
CSSA Clubhouse. Cancelled.
To Edinburgh (Catherines) Mr & Mrs. Kyle there as well.
Get home 12 midnight in time for lights on.

Saturday 19
Quiet day. We take Glen down to Limekilns & get some firewood.

Sunday 20
To Dockyard Church - It is cold but Father cuts out the frills.
To Kelty with Mary & bring Alex Wallace back. We take Alex & Glen over to Edinburgh. Poor old Glen. I wonder if he is happy.

Monday 21
Brucefield Hotel. Square up - £120.
First note from Mrs [CENSORED: surname] trip to Kdy with Stewart then in evening she comes with Christine to say that Stewart can go in to Hospital.

Tuesday 22
To Vic Hospital with Stewart Mc. See Stan [CENSORED: surname] of Aberdour. He has had a shock & been in 3 months. I don't know how lucky I am. To Phem & Jim's evening.

Wednesday 23
Choir Park Gate. GOOD PRACTISE. Only one Section for Perth.

Thursday 24
[NOTE: first line scored out]
Cancelled. To Vic 6.30. Stewart comes home - very weak and tired.

Friday 25
Doctors 11 a.m. Carry on but with stronger pills.

Saturday 26
[NOTE: first line scored out]
RBC Dance.
Cancelled. Quiet day watching T.V. Rain.

Sunday 27
To Edinburgh to Catherines for tea. V.G. I enjoy reading Tommy's Books. Sorry can't help with Immerser.

Tuesday 29
[NOTE: first line scored out]


Saturday 4
To Glasgow. With bowls. We take a devious route & get bumped in Airdire. Find place bowls ready Approx. 8 weeks. Lunch at Burnside Hotel near East Kilbride.
Home by Motherwell Hamilton Airdrie etc.

Sunday 5
Fife Disablement Week.
Choir CUPAR.
1.30. pm. Palace V.G. Service. The Choir does well. Nice Run & Sing-Song on Return. To Reilly's at Burntisland in evening.

Monday 6
CSMA Club Night. Episcopal Church Hall.

Friday 10
Jumble Sale C.S. Choir Institute. 5.30 pm.

Wednesday 15
Choir Dalgetty Bay. V.G. Concert Fine Hall in New School.

Friday 17
DINNER / DANCE. C.S.M.A. Queens. Inverkeithing. No go.

Saturday 18
To RR V. Kilmarnock Scottish Cup. Raith are well beaten. To Jim & Jo's evening. George & Mima here.
Ye Old Worlde Inn. Charlotte St. - Good lunch.

Wednesday 22
AGM. Bowling Club. Am late because of Choir Practise.

Thursday 23
Caroline home with Colin.

Saturday 25
We do quite well. 82 and 86 - 168. Good evening afterwards. Kessock Choir the best.

Sunday 26
Tom & Kate here then we go over to hear Sid Laurence playing Glen Miller Music in the Odeon.

Monday 27
AGM. CSMA. CSSC. 7.30pm.

Tuesday 28
Car not ready evening.

Friday 31
To Aberdour at 3. A rare service. Singing (!) by the boys very good.


Saturday 1
Bad weather spoils the holiday. To Aberdour for Easter Vigil.

Sunday 2
Rain & wind. A quiet day.
Stewart [CENSORED: surname] very ill.

Monday 3
A boring day. Cath at work & Caroline (with Fife County)

Wednesday 5
Choir Thorntons Childrens Church. A Good Concert on the whole followed by a slap-up supper.

Thursday 6

Sunday 9
TO STIRLING with Caroline. See the Castle & the improvements to the Great Hall.

Monday 10
STEWART [CENSORED: surname] seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy. Run Mrs [CENSORED: surname] & family in.

Tuesday 11
ON LEAVE. Start on Garden.
To Kdy evening to see Stewart with Mrs Mc. & Christine & Elspeth. He is getting worse.

Wednesday 12
We paint the 'UTILITY' room - Cath has bought a new pad idea - which works well.
To Kdy evening.

Thursday 13
More gardening.
To Kdy evening. Mrs Mc. says no more visits except immediate family.

Friday 14
RAIN today.
Get caught in shower while refilling gear box with oil. Soaked & just make it to KDY.

Saturday 15
A GOOD DAY ALTHOUGH we only COVER the entrance money.

Sunday 16
Quiet day.
Tom & Kate here.

Monday 17
Colin arrives.

Tuesday 18
RBC Ladies Concert. Very Good. Caroline back to Aberdeen with Colin.

Wednesday 19
Stay in evening to watch European Football on TV.

Friday 21
To Kdy with Mrs Mc & Girls. Stewart still bad. To Aunt Charlotte. John ill in bed. Return via Burntisland.

Saturday 22
RBC Green opens. A Good day but a little cold. We (vice Pres side) win 94-93 although 2 rinks played 5-a-side. 60 people (mixed) on green. To Kdy evening by round-a-bouts ways.
But we don't go. To Jim & Phem & Aunt C, with mags & wedding photos.

Sunday 23
To Inverkeithing 11.30. Work in Garden all afternoon. Plant leek seed. Carrot. Potatoes & Onion sets. A good day.

Monday 24
Hat Night. - Very cold. We lose - is it experience or luck?

Tuesday 25
Phone Whitehead for spare spring for Gear Lever - OK. Get spring.

Wednesday 26
To Choir evening. Small number present.

Thursday 27
Half-day off. Fit new spring to gear lever. Still the squeak remains! Must be internal.

Friday 28
Day off. Rain on & off. Clean car. To Kdy with Mrs. Mc & Christine. Stewart under heavy sedation.

Saturday 29
Not playing Saturday. Paint out rust spots under car. Fine game on T.V. England (1) V. W. Germany (3)

Sunday 30
To Aberdour morning. To Peebles & Manor Valley. Despite showers it is lovely. See woodcock on road - Golden coloured. Good tea in Peebles & on to Kates.


Monday 1
Flat night Bowling. A good game despite heavy rain beforehand. We win 13-11.

Tuesday 2
To Kdy with Mrs Mc. & Elspeth.

Wednesday 3
RBC V Townhill. Club. 6.40. pm. Good game we lose by 3 shots although 3 of our four rinks win!

Friday 5
To Kelty Musical "Kiss me Kate". Very good, as usual. Excellent company.

Saturday 6
Stewart [CENSORED: surname] dies 5.30. am. May he rest in peace. To Vic. to collect his things & then to Phems for tea.
Funeral Tuesday.

Sunday 7
To Aberdour. Wet day in & out of garden.

Monday 8
We take Stewart's body into St. Johns. Good crowd there.
Bowling washed out.

Tuesday 9
Funeral at 11am. Very good. Crowd & fine meal at Queens after. Bowling evening.

Wednesday 10
Big turn-up at Choir. D. [CENSORED: surname] & W. [CENSORED: surname] resign. Emergency meeting. Decide to re-call W. [CENSORED: surname] as Musical Director.

Thursday 11
RBC Bingo Call. To Aberdour then to Bingo. A bit boring.

Friday 12
Rain most of evening. To NCRE in morning.

Saturday 13
Bowling. Rosyth V. Crossgate (h). We get hammered our Rink 24-10. Very cold & not bowling weather.

Sunday 14
To Aberdour then work in garden & clean car.

Monday 15
Hat night. We are beaten by 3 shots at last end (E. Susans Skip). Work slack. Walked around Yard. Wish there was more to do.

Tuesday 16
Club Championship V.A. BIRRELL
I get hammered - as usual. I don't think I was any good at single-hand bowls - perhaps my faults are too evident!

Wednesday 17
Special General Meeting at Choir. I am bored at work. W. [CENSORED: surname] no longer Conductor his conditions are totally unacceptable. Same Committee - they are lucky. Faults both sides.

Thursday 18
Receive word that Mrs [CENSORED: surname] died at Portsmouth on Monday. Poor Percy & her did not live long to enjoy their retirement.
Quiet evening.

Friday 19
RCS Choir Buffet Dance CSSC.
V.G. we have a fine time and I dance all night.

Saturday 20
Ladies V. Gents
Gents win. We go to Kdy Bill & Lizzies evening. Bill well. We call at [illegible] [illegible].

Sunday 21
To Inverkeithing.

Wednesday 24
Fine practise at Choir. Jack [CENSORED: surname] conducts.

Friday 26
To Bowling. Wind & rain. To Glasgow to collect bowls. Play tie but get beat.

Saturday 27
Scotland V. England at Hampden (0-1)
What a travesty of a game. Kicking & fouling. Football is at a low ebb.

Sunday 28
To Aberdour. Then to Edinburgh to Cath & Tommies. Walk in Kings Park.

Monday 29
Very quiet. Adjust brakes but need 3 new tyres!

Tuesday 30
To work. Time passes quickly.

Wednesday 31
Preparing for Holiday. Rain & more Rain!


Thursday 1
Get 3 new tyres - FIRESTONE. - £13.50. Phew! To ABERDOUR for Mass then clean car & Bath.

Friday 2
Preparing for holiday.

Saturday 3
Start at 10.20. Get stuck at Perth for ½ hr. Lunch at Pitlochry. A9 busy - after Carr Bridge easy into Forres arr. 4pm.

Sunday 4
To Pluscarden. Then to Elgin. Rain starts but go to Davids for the afternoon. To Findhorn & Burghead evening.

Monday 5
Bowls in evening
To Inverness next Caroline & Colin
To Landmark at Carrbridge.

Tuesday 6
Bowling mostly a.m. with Cath. - She seems to like the game & a "Hat" night in the evening. We don't win but the locals had a share.

Wednesday 7
To Findhorn & Burghead morning. Then watch Derby on T.V. in Hotel. We back the third Pentland Firth at 50-1.

Thursday 8
To Tomintoul but we go round in a circle by Dallas & land back Forres. So by Granton. It is lovely there at the river but a thunderstorm at Tomintoul back via Dallas!

Friday 9
We take the 2 old dears out for a spin a.m. as far as Lossiemouth. Rain p.m. but we go to a Celidh after tea and enjoy it!

Saturday 10
Home by Huntly & stop at Aberdeen. We see Caroline & Colin's cottage - very nice but a bit remote. Pick up Mary & return via Perth after High tea at Stonehaven. Generator packs up at Perth.

Sunday 11
Find a brush in Generator is faulty. Garden p.m. & church at Cowdenbeath. Dunf Pilgrimage so no Mass at O. of L.

Monday 12
Hat night at Rosyth. Good show Willie [CENSORED: surname] & I win 18-7 - but no prize.
Start work - busy.

Tuesday 13
Gardening evening - Get the place looking ship-shape.

Wednesday 14
Choir evening. Not a lot there but things are settling down.

Thursday 15
RBC Bingo Call.
Fine night. Bowls & Bingo!

Friday 16
Again Bowling. Keep the flies on the water!

Saturday 17
Baths a.m.
Bed p.m. Legs sore. Rain later.
Tommy Kyle loses the top of his right index finger at work.

Sunday 18
Aberdour am. Kate & Tommy here. Tommy's finger better & he is cheerful.

Monday 19
Very showery. Bounce Game only at Bowling. Civic Week Comp. on.

Tuesday 20
Carolines Wedding arrangements going on apace. To Kdy. To Aunt Charlotte - she is well & so pleased with a visit. I take her some chocolates - not that she was daft on them - but it is something.

Wednesday 21
Weather still bad. Rain & heavy cloud & cold. Good rehearsal.

Thursday 22
To Royal Highland Show at Ingleston. The weather is cold & rainy but we enjoy the show have a fine tea & see the Horse jumping at night.

Friday 23
Paint scaling on car body. Boot turns into a hole. Rain evening.

Saturday 24
On repair. All day. A tough job but manage to fill hole. Photograph young blackbirds at door very close.
To Kdy - evening.

Sunday 25
To Inverkeithing after long lie in. Finish repair. Not a bad job. Concert a great success in Carnegie Hall but a very small audience.

Monday 26
A good night at B.C. We win 25-9 but another rink was 49-0!

Tuesday 27
Get another generator for car at Watsons price £2. Inspect & find OK on return. Change brushes & wheel. Refit in car brush 10.15pm. Phew!

Wednesday 28
To Kdy to see Jessie. She has had an awful fall. Never have I seen a bruised face like it. How they had the heart to turn her out of hospital I will never know.

Thursday 29
& Paul. To Aberdour evening. Pick up Caroline at 9.30pm. at Station. Nice to have her back.


Saturday 1
Get new glasses.
To Cedars Aberdour for lunch 35p each and good meal.
Bowling from 3 to 6.45. Good day.
Cath down at bowling. Relax evening.
Preparations on for Caroline's wedding on 5th Aug.

Sunday 2
Quiet day. Treat grass with Velvetone.

Monday 3
Walking improving. More short walks needed. Less car. Bowling Hat night triples. We lose 18-12. Cloudy but dry.

Tuesday 4

Friday 7

Saturday 8
Bowling Cowdenbeath.
Good game. We win 73-72 but our Rink beaten 23-15. Weather fine.

Sunday 9
Easy day. To Kdy evening. Don't see Jessie but finish up at TVJ's.

Monday 10
Get a "helper" at work, Dave Wyse PTO IV ex student appr. from Ballingry Bowling. Good game beaten but fine.

Tuesday 11
Take bad back in evening (possibly a chill.

Wednesday 12
Stay off & lie in bed. Jack & Jane [CENSORED: surname] call with Carolines present - good show.

Thursday 13
In bed till 10. Get up & lie in garden afternoon. Not fit to take car to Edinburgh but Caroline goes.

Friday 14
Presidents Tie. Return to work.

Saturday 15
Really hot now. Lunch at Aberdour. But come home & sit in garden.

Sunday 16
Repeat of yesterday. Aberdour a.m. Garden p.m. Trunks only all neighbours together. Sunshine all the way. Roads jammed. To Kdy evening.

Monday 17
Still great weather.

Tuesday 18
Weather good.

Wednesday 19
Bowls V. Civil Service. We win & our Rink score 18-17 a great game.

Thursday 20
RBC Bingo call
Very hot

Friday 21
Weather turns cloudy.

Saturday 22
Baths am. Bowling p.m. but rained off.

Sunday 23
Garden weeding. To Kdy & Jessies evening. She is much better. Her face has cleared up. Rain on/off.

Friday 28
To 'MARRAIGE OF FIGARO' at the Lyceum with Mary & Alec. Very good a fine production by Scottish Opera.

Saturday 29
To Muirhouse to play against C.S. Edin. We win by 40 shots! Our Rink win 26-15. Jim, Jo & Phem along in evening. To see Carolines presents.

Sunday 30
Tom Kate & Mary over. Colin arrives in time for tea. Feel like Grandad at the feast! Run them over to Edinburgh.

Monday 31
Good night at Bowls. We win by sheer good luck.


Wednesday 2
No Choir Practise. All alight for the wedding. Dresses getting made etc. Check car. offside rear wheel low in pressure.

Thursday 3
Memo Colour film for INSTAMATIC
Check oil & water. Clean car. Additional press. type. Get RAZOR Blades.

Friday 4
To Aberdeen by car with Catherine, Cath & Mary. No bother. Perth was busy & the load was bad on exhaust pipe. Long time without food but Chinese Restaurant is the answer.

Saturday 5
Caroline's Wedding in Aberdeen. A Grand affair. Kings was beautiful & the Reception was splendid. To Mrs S. for tea then home in 2 ½ hrs.

Sunday 6
Quiet day. Meet [CENSORED: surname] at Aberdour. Joe is back in business. A gift shop in Kingussie. We go to Edinburgh to see Mary off & collect Glen. He is quite pleased.

Monday 7
Bowling good again tonight. We win 19-14 against a fairly good team.

Tuesday 8
Bulb for number plate gone. I break it taking it out & have a job extracting the pieces. Thunderstorm at 4.15pm.

Tuesday 22
Yard on strike. Industrials only.

Thursday 24

Friday 25
Pickets get funny but we still come in.

Tuesday 29
8pm Social Cic Good game with Sid King lose - but good experience

Wednesday 30
C.S. Art Exhibition
C.S. College 12 Atholl Cresc. 7-9pm


Friday 1
C.S Art Exhib.
7-9pm. To Ed. with Glen forget about Art Exh.

Saturday 2
Liz's wedding at Kirkcaldy. Enjoy it fine. Several hitches but everyone in good form.

Sunday 3
To Aberdour 9.
Off at 12.10. Reach Morpeth at 4pm. Run into Newcastle. Sunday traffic. Get to York easily. Same Hotel. OK.

Monday 4
Off through Tadcaster to A1 - easy. Down to Grantham for lunch. Traffic heavy to Kings Lynn. Easier then to Sheringham. We arr. 4.30pm.

Tuesday 5
Explore Sheringham. Fine place and "mild" sort of resort. Good walks up the cliff. Visit Beeston Church.

Wednesday 6
To Norfolk Marshes at Blakeney. Then to Walsingham R.C. Place small. C. of E. large but to me quite unreal.

Thursday 7
Weather fair but cloudy.
To Wroxham for a sail on the Broads. Good experience, hundreds of boats - some interesting birds - to be seen (not chicks!)

Friday 8
Quiet day. Picnic on the cliffs.

Saturday 9
To Norwich. Fine Cathedral market & shops. The place has definite charm. Old & new streets & buildings mingle happily.
Eerie experience in a Ghostly Church at Smallburgh on Thursday.

Sunday 10
To Church at St Josephs Sher. A Black Preacher of all things! To East Dereham on a quiet run by winding road.

Monday 11
To Cromer. A nice place. More developed than Sheringham but very clean & old world as well. To N. Walsham return via Coast.

Tuesday 12
Quiet day. Walking morning. To our cliff eyrie afternoon with beer & cider. Sea breezes doing us good.

Wednesday 13
To Norwich. Rain heavy. Get caught in traffic in City & come out to spend 2 hrs in Riverside Hotel. Home via coast.

Thursday 14
Quiet day. To Holkam Hall by Bus. Earl of Leicester home. Some good paintings & sculpture.

Friday 15
Soft tyre delays start. To York via. Kings Lynn, Sleaford, Lincoln, Scunthorpe, Goole.
Fine meal in York & a walk around.

Saturday 16
Smooth run home. A1. all the way from Boroughbridge. arr. Stop at Morpeth.

Sunday 17
To Kyles [illegible] for tea. Mary & Tom pleased. Catherine Tommy & Mary there. Collect Glen evening. Sorry for Linda.

Monday 18
Back to "work". Strike still on. Back to Square one. "Hat" night good fun. Glen settles down.

Tuesday 19
Social Cic meeting, 8pm.
I have to arrange estimates for annual presentation of prizes.

Wednesday 20
This Strike is sickening for both sides. Nice number at choir and we have a good rehearsal.

Thursday 21
Arranging prize giving social for R.B.C.

Saturday 23
Quiet day. Car headlamp bowl rusted through.

Sunday 24
Pa & Ma Kyle for tea. Jim & Phem & Liz & Russ join us. Fine blether & meal.

Monday 25
Caroline & Colin here by 'bus. Decide to hold function in Institute.

Tuesday 26
Weather very dry. Strike still on. No work to do. Place nearly at a standstill.

Wednesday 27
Choir practise good. New Conductor Charles Black very good.

Thursday 28
The last time for a while we hope.


Sunday 1
To Dollar for a run with Cath & Glen. A fine day.

Tuesday 3
To work no sign of strike finishing. To Tullibody with Mary to Liz's house.

Wednesday 4
½ year meeting. I am off Social Committee. Deo Gratias.

Friday 6
Annual Concert. CSSC. Things go well. Opinion is that the Choir is blending much better under the new Conductor.

Saturday 7
To Baths, Shopping etc. To Phem & Jims evening.

Sunday 8
Tommy & Kate here for tea. Go long walk with Glen. At least 2 ½ miles. Tired afterwards.

Monday 9
Strike over. Full return to work. Legs sore maybe walked too far.

Tuesday 10
Car in for anti-freeze addition. Brakes adjusted & clutch. Wheel studs ok but renewal necessary next time.

Wednesday 11
Good Choir practise much relaxed atmosphere. Mary here overnight. Getting colder.

Thursday 12
Fine weather just cold enough to make it lively.

Sunday 15
CSMA Run D O E Park at 2.30 pm. Entry 15p.

Monday 16
Take over new job in office. Keeping display boards up to date (Flexoprint) on R by R work. Nice change.

Thursday 19
B.G. at work has to be carted off with nervous depression resulting from alchoholic symtoms. Sorry for him.

Friday 20
To Aberdeen with Cath & Mary. Not a bad run but too many roadworks. Take wrong lane in Dundee - nearly in trouble. Go via Montrose. Arr. to [illegible] pub evening good.

Saturday 21
We sleep in Car./Coll. bed. but rest is uncomfortable. Rush in morning, hardly any breakfast. Caroline receives her Librarian Cert. Grand Ceremony in Music Hall. We have a fine band at Earls Court Hotel. Late back to cottage.
To Lillian's in Stonehaven in evening.
Memo Forfar / Stonehaven road best.

Sunday 22
To Blairs for Mass. Colin has breakfast ready on return. Leave 2.20. Arrive Rosyth 5.15. Good run. Tom & Kate have held the fort & Glen!

Wednesday 25
Getting ready for Songs from Shows in November at Choir.

Thursday 26
To Kdy. Auntie Charlotte very quiet worrying a bit about her step-daughter. John G. is very good to her.

Saturday 28
Dance R.B.C.

Monday 30
Word that J. [CENSORED: surname] has been in a "gassing accident". Tragedy stalks this house Aunt C. at Janet [CENSORED: surname].


Wednesday 1
John [CENSORED: surname] buried
good turn out of former work-mates.

Friday 10
Annual prizegiving & social
Good night but Hall is cold

Tuesday 21
Dr. Mc. 5.20pm

Saturday 25

Sunday 26
R.C.S.CH. Concert Music Hall.
Quite good. We enjoy the show with little to do.


Friday 15
Choir Concert army Scottish H.Q.
A good night but the choir are drowned out. We are a "caberet" act!

Tuesday 19
To Forth Service to trace smell of petrol. Car not finished. No sign of leak boy says.

Wednesday 20
Car back but nothing has been done.

Friday 22
Get Mary & Christine away to Turnhouse on route for Malta. To Kdy Aunt C up to Stratheden.

Saturday 23
Renew carburretor gaskets to remove smell.
To Dunfs for presents what a crowd.

Sunday 24
To Edinburgh Car behaves well. To Tommy & Kates.
Smell of Petrol when we fill up. To Aberdour for Midnight. Good singing.

Monday 25
Car dripping with Petrol. Have to get Rouarks to go for Jessie & Mrs McI.
Give up hole in tank.

Tuesday 26
Get Forth Service to take our tank hole there new tank filled.

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Diaries of William Young: 1972. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 24 October 2024, from

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"Diaries of William Young: 1972." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 24 October 2024.

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Information about Document 1469

Diaries of William Young: 1972


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Audience size 1

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1972
Word count 4263

Text publication details

Part of a longer series of texts
Name of series Series of diaries from 1940s to 1980s

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 1032
Forenames William
Surname Young
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1910
Educational attainment Civil service (technical inspector qualification)
Age left school 12
Upbringing/religious beliefs Catholicism
Occupation Civil Servant / Technical Officer
Place of birth Kirkcaldy
Region of birth Fife
Birthplace CSD dialect area Fif
Country of birth Scotland
Father's occupation Linoleum Worker
Father's place of birth Kirkcaldy
Father's region of birth Fife
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Fif
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Kirkcaldy
Mother's region of birth Fife
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Fif
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes At work / at home
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes At home
