Document 1572

BBC Voices Recording: Stirling

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): BBC, SCOTS Project

Audio transcription

F1054 Do you wanna start?
F1143 Okay, I'm Elaine [CENSORED: surname], I live in Bridge of Allan, I'm a teacher at St Ninian's Primary School in Stirling.
M1146 I'm Duncan [CENSORED: surname]. I live in Bridge of Allan too, but I was born in St Ninians which is about two miles away. And I've lived here all my life.
F1145 I'm Katrina [CENSORED: surname]. I live in Thornhill which is ten miles from Stirling, er but I've taught in Stirling for about sixteen years.
F1144 I'm Sandra [CENSORED: surname], and I'm, born in Stirling, always stayed in Stirling, except for four years when I stayed in Linlithgow when I first got married. And I'm the admin at St Ninian's Primary.
F1054 Great. Super. Now, you were spikkin earlier about what words you had for things, and you gave me a really good one, eh Sandra, for to th- to throw, was it to hit, to hit?
F1144 To thump somebody, //or to skelp them.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1144 Or as my kids say, tae gie them a kickin. [laugh]
F1054 Is that pretty violent?
F1144 Mm, it sounds pretty violent, yeah, I would say so. Mmhm. Or you could belt them or batter them. //We used to get a batterin when I was at school.//
M1146 //[?]Batter[/?].//
F1144 [laugh] If you, you looked at somebody the wrong way they would say "I'll batter you!" [laugh] "I'll get you after school." [laugh] //[exhale]//
F1054 //They must gie [?]ye a batter in school as well[/?] [inaudible].//
F1143 I've heard that, but when I was wee I was always threatened wi a leatherin. You'll get a leatherin, you know? And often it happened, you know? //I got many a leatherin, you know!//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1143 But aye, and what about the school, erm, a thumpin. Mmhm. And er a blooterin, oh no, "I'll blooter ye", yeah, "I'll blooter you", yeah I've heard the kids say that, you know?
M1146 Yeah.
F1143 Aye.
F1054 Sometimes you get a thumpin just in case you're thinking about being bad, as //well, don't you? That's what I used to get.//
F1143 //Or a belt on the ear.//
F1144 //That's it. [laugh]// //A skelp on the ear, or a clip on the ear, or a//
F1143 //Aye, aye.//
M1146 //A skelp,// skelp, skelp is the one that that I would use, but I've heard of skelpit-leatherin, //which brings in your one as well.//
F1143 //Oh aye.//
F1144 //That's a that's a serious leatherin.//
M1146 //Skelped and leathered at the same time. Yeah.//
F1144 [laugh]
F1145 //Or a scud on the lug.//
M1146 //[inaudible]// //[laugh]//
F1145 //A skelp on the ear, a scud on the lug.//
F1143 Yeah.
F1054 //I'm gonna add that one [inaudible],//
M1146 //Mmhm.// //Oh aye. A scud [?]an all[/?].//
F1054 //a scud.//
F1143 //That came in with the, that, er a scud came in with the the war in, [tut],//
M1146 //Scud.//
F1054 The Gulf War?
F1143 the Gulf War, the scud missile, I remember that r- right away. Cause erm, I remember it just comin right into the classroom. A scuddin, gettin a scuddin, yeah. //Does it?//
M1146 //No it's mu-, it predates that by a long way.// //Yeah, scud is is a lot longer than that.//
F1143 //[inaudible]// //[inaudible]//
M1146 //I wouldn't be surprised if a scud missile was called after a scud,// //in Scotland. [laugh]//
F1143 //[inaudible]//
F1054 How can you mind it being used on [inaudible] like that, kind of word.
M1146 Oh er, what, nineteen-forties, er you got a scud.
F1054 Mmhm. Go back as far as that? //Aye, yeah.//
M1146 //Yeah, oh aye certainly, mmhm, generally.//
F1054 Gosh. Erm what aboot the other ones in that section, to throw something, what aboot that?
F1143 //Mmhm.//
F1145 //I would say to chuck something, chuck that in the bin.//
F1144 That's what I said as well, very same thing, chuck it, [laugh], mmhm and the kids said that as well.
F1143 Uh-huh. And I would say hurl, I would hurl it, erm, I think that, and I think I've heard the kids say hurl as well.
F1054 Would you hurl something different fae, would you hurl some things and chuck ithers, dependin on what the item was?
F1143 //I would go for a hurl in a car, you know, I would, aye.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 But I would also, I think it could be used the same as chuck, or fling. //Fling.//
F1144 //Fling,//
M1146 //Fling, fling's the one I would I would have said, yes, fling, fling or chuck,//
F1143 //Yeah.//
F1144 //use that as well.//
M1146 rather than hurl, but there you are, you go for a hurl //in a car, don't you? [laugh]//
F1143 //Aye, you do, you do.//
F1145 You can also chuck a wobbly, when you lose the place,
F1143 Mmhm.
F1145 I've heard the children talk about chuckin a wobbly.
F1143 Mmhm.
F1054 Mmhm, good. Yeah. Excellent. What about to play truant? That's something that naebody ever did here, I'm //sure.//
F1143 //Oh no.//
M1146 //Never did.//
F1054 //You might o heard o it. [laugh]//
F1143 //No way!// I would skive. //An an the weans would skive, wouldn't they, at the school?//
M1146 //Aye.//
F1143 //Aye, I would skive.//
F1144 //We'll we've [inaudible]// nowadays the weans would say they're doggin it.
F1143 Aye.
F1144 //That's their latest, and er//
M1146 //Yeah. That's//
F1144 when I was at school you were pluggin it or bunkin off. //[laugh]//
F1143 //That's right.//
M1146 //Yeah.// //Bunk, bunk I've//
F1144 //Or hidin.//
M1146 heard is is, I, well I think it's a modern one. We used to plug. //Well at least I didn't but some people used to plug.//
F1144 //Mmhm. Well that was ma// first choice.
F1143 //Not if you were Dux, you wouldn't plug.//
M1146 //No you wouldn't,// //definitely not. Plug the school.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 Any stories aboot pluggin or skivin, or hearin aboot what folk got up to when they were there?
F1143 //Right, any at the school? Think aboot it.//
F1144 //Oh golly!//
F1145 I I only personally once skived and I was so worried about it that when my gran came in to visit my sister who was sick, I hid in the wardrobe, so I'd have been as well goin to school. It was only, it was the last day of term, and I thought, my sister was ill, it wasnae very fair that she wasnae goin to school and I should have //to go so//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1145 I spent most of the day in the wardrobe. It was a total waste of time!
F1144 [laugh]
F1054 //Better than what we're saying, [inaudible] in//
F1145 //I would be as well at school. [laugh]// //Yeah.//
F1054 //and in Grangemouth this morning we said the same thing, you'd be as well to, you'd have missed too much [inaudible]//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1145 You also say skive when you're being lazy, when you're not gettin on with something. Somebody's skivin, they're they're hidin or just not not not knucklin down to their work, they're skivin.
M1146 That's an old erm, I think RAF wartime slang word, a skiver.
F1144 Skiver?
F1143 //Is it?//
M1146 //Er.//
F1143 Mmhm.
F1144 //I would say that was more//
M1146 //It's it's it's not a modern//
F1144 to do wi your work, //you would say you were skivin off, if you werenae well. [laugh]//
M1146 //Yes. Yes, that's right.//
F1054 //Mmhm, yeah, that's interestin.//
F1145 //Mmhm.//
F1054 There's a lot of words, erm you were spikkin aboot this afternoon, likes o 'clobber', like, I shouldnae say them cause it's robbin them fae ye. I'll go through it first and then I'll say it as it occurs to me. Erm, to sleep?
F1143 //Tae sleep, you see I've not done ma homework, you know?//
F1144 //That's a hard one.// //Aye, aye.//
F1143 //Over tae Katrina, how do you say?//
F1145 //Just nod off, you just nod off or go to your kip.// But m- ma erm, ma friend Mima, she talks about going to her purr. Or she's goin purrin, she's goin for a sleep. //Yeah. And that//
F1054 //That's nice!//
F1143 //Never heard o that!//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1145 //that that was a new one to me, I I just heard that one last night, to go for her purr.//
F1143 Mima's pure Stirling, she should have been here, actually, you know, but that's good, that'll be right enough, she's been here for sixty years, hasn't she?
F1144 Yeah. //Oh well I oh//
F1143 //Spot on, how w-, I don't know about sleeping.//
F1144 well if I ever fall asleep watchin telly or something like that, erm and the kids say "Oh mum, you're sleeping", and I would say "I'm no, I'm not, I'm watchin the back o my eyelids."
F1143 [laugh]
F1144 //[laugh] And that's what I say, or "I'm lookin at the back o my eyelids."//
F1145 //[laugh]//
F1143 Duncan, wi you bein the Dux and aw, you never had a chance for a nap, did you?
M1146 Don't know any any real Scots words for that, it would be "catching forty winks" or something like that would be the the slang for for sleeping.
F1054 Mmhm.
M1146 Can't think of any other term. Mmhm.
F1054 Catnap or snooze or
F1143 //Aye, thought they were English//
F1144 //I've got//
M1146 //Snooze maybe, yeah, snooze or doze.//
F1143 //words, no, no, catnap?//
F1144 //dossin or something like that.//
F1054 It doesnae have to be Scots words. //Ehm.//
F1143 //Oh, right.//
F1054 //Just whatever you or your family or your friends would na- naturally use, and then anything else you want to throw in that you're fond of, you know,//
F1145 //Yeah. Aye.//
F1054 a bit [?]aw thing[/?], but just the the natural stuff really.
F1143 Aye. I would snooze then.
F1054 Can I just say a couple of wee things, first of all, er just watch for spikkin ower the top of one another, cause it makes it difficult to edit for me, and also just watch your papers too, //sometimes they're a wee bit scuffly.//
M1146 //Rustle, yeah.//
F1054 //But I'll let you know if if they're causin bother.//
F1143 //Okay, I'll try and put it down there.//
F1054 Okay. Erm, what about to play a game?
F1145 [inaudible] We would just say play, I don't, can't think of any other word rather than play.
F1144 Kickabout, if it was talking about football, let's go out for a kickabout. //And that was about it, I couldn't think o anythin else//
M1146 //Mm.//
F1144 for play.
F1143 The only thing I thought of was the kids play f-, when they play football and there's no that many o them, they say, "w- we play any-manny", and anybody can be in goal. An, it's great to hear, you know, the girls and th-, Hannah and all that saying "an we're playing any-manny", that's the only one I could think of, you know?
F1054 That's a nice one there.
M1146 Yeah. Can't think of any other wo- word than just play.
F1143 //Mm.//
F1144 //Mm.//
M1146 That's what we used to do, we used to play. //[laugh] Oot to play.//
F1143 //Aye, "Comin oot to play?"//
F1144 //Well people came to your door and said "Are you comin oot?" "Comin oot to play?"// //And that was, but, "Are ye comin oot?"//
F1054 //That's good. Yeah, a lot of folk didnae have another word for that.//
M1146 Nope.
F1054 Erm, I think we've done aa that ones noo. Ehm, what aboot "left-handed"?
F1145 Corryfisted?
F1144 //Oh that was the one that//
M1146 //Corryfis-//
F1144 //yeah, that's the [?]one thing[/?].//
F1145 //Corryfisted is left-handed, yeah,// //although my mother just says "awkward".//
F1144 //And that was my mother-in-law.//
F1145 //Awkward.//
M1146 //Mmhm.// My my mother used to say "carryhanded", which is I supppose it's a polite version of "corry".
F1054 Yeah.
F1143 Corryfisted. No more.
F1144 Yeah, corryfisted, and that was from my mother-in-law as well and she come from Cumbernauld. //[laugh]//
F1054 //Somebody was telling me this afternoon in Grangemouth, that they reckoned it had come from a derivation of the Kerr family who lived in the New Town in Edinburgh,// //and they had//
F1144 //Oh right.//
F1054 their castle or their home biggit with erm spiral stairs, er staircases that could suit a left-hander so they could defend their //er their house wi their left hand.//
F1144 //Oh right, that's interestin.//
F1054 So Kerr became //corrie, corriefisted.//
F1144 //Corrie, corriefisted.//
M1146 //Ah.//
F1054 Yeah, it's interestin, I don't //know if there's any truth in that, or if it's just folklore.//
F1144 //It's interestin.//
M1146 //Mm, mmhm, mmhm.//
F1145 I've got a vague memory of hearing that before as well.
F1144 Yeah.
F1145 It's certainly true that the spiral staircase was the opposite direction from normal,
F1054 //Mmhm.//
F1143 //Mmhm.//
F1145 //so that they could defend it easily.//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Interesting. Ehm, unattractive.
F1145 Well if someone was very unattractive, they would be hackit. [laugh]
F1054 That's a good word, yeah.
M1146 Mingin?
F1144 [laugh] I've got that as well, //[inaudible]//
M1146 //[laugh] Mingin.// I can't think of any other re- repeatable words! [laugh] //[laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]// //You're allowed to say unrepeatable words. [laugh]//
F1054 //Erm, if they're whit// you'd say naturally, then just
F1144 Yeah, no, I've no got anything like that, but I've I've got ugly and mingin and gawkit, and as the kids say nowadays, "He's a dog", or "She's a dog". So I g- guess dogs are unattractive for some.
F1143 Ehm, I would say plug. But there was a good one the other night. Alice, my daughter's in a flat, she's a student, and one of her flatmates, a guy, came in, and s- he was absolutely plastered, at three o'clock in the morning, and he he was, like, knocking at her door "Alice, Alice, let me in". And she let him in and she said "What is it?", and he said "I've been h-", I don't know if this is a n- a Scots word or not but he says "I've been followed home by a munter". Have you heard that one? A munter. And Alice said "What's a munter?" And he says "Oh, it's it's an ugly, an ugly woman that you dinnae fancy, you know, who's wantin to go oot wi you, you know," so I I like that, munter.
M1146 That's a new one on me.
F1143 //Aye.//
F1145 //[inaudible]//
M1146 Er, I think hackit is a, is another word that would be used if someone was unattractive, "Oh, he or she is //hackit."//
F1143 //Hackit.// Yeah, I've heard that, hackit.
F1054 That's a great one that Katrina came up with as well. Erm what about the opposite o that, a- attractive? Duncan, do you want to start?
M1146 Stotter, nothing else, just a stotter. [laugh]
F1143 Great, isn't it?
F1144 I've got braw, or a stunner, or a hunk, if it was a man. [laugh]
F1143 I'd say braw.
F1145 Yeah, "He's a real stunner", or "She's a real stunner".
F1054 Yeah, yeah. It's funny cause we don't really have that word, like on the East coast, that's ehm stotter word [inaudible]. //Yeah yeah.//
F1143 //A real stotter.//
M1146 //Mm.//
F1145 Or just alright, bit of alright, "He's a bit of alright".
F1054 Yeah. Ehm, what aboot erm lacking money?
F1145 Skint, if someone's got no money, skint.
F1143 //Yeah.//
F1144 //That's what I've got as well, skint.//
M1146 //Skint, yeah.//
F1144 //You're always skint.//
F1145 //I'd be skint.//
F1143 I'd be skint, but er John's grannie used to say, a- which is I'm afraid the opposite of skint, but erm she used to say "He was laughing like a pooch on pie day". //And I like that one, you know, a pooch, laughin like a pooch on pie day.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 //That is a good one, like a dog on a pie day, that's great.//
F1143 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Any words for lacking money, not in the Bridge of Allan, eh? //[laugh]//
F1143 //I know there's no-, nothing here.//
M1146 //No, no.//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1143 //I I I use the cat's name, Snoot-, our cat's called Snooty cause she's got a funny snoot.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 And er th- not long ago a call centre phoned me up about something and I had to use my password, and I said, "It's Snooty". And it was a call centre down in London or somewhere, but the guy said to me "Oh, is that cause of your neighbours in Bridge of Allan?" and I //actually, he he was from Stirling.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 And I said "No, no, no, no, no, we're no all snooty here", but he //yeah. [laugh] Bridge of Allan, you know?//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1144 //Yeah. [laugh]//
F1054 [laugh] That's good, erm, any other words for lack of money, just skint or //what aboot the opposite o that, having lots o money?//
F1144 //Just skint.//
M1146 //Just skint.//
F1143 Well heeled. Erm, //[doorbell rings]//
F1144 //I've got one.// //[inaudible]//
F1143 //Oh that's excuse me, very Bridge of Allan, it's// //Jill [inaudible]//
M1146 //Rollin, rollin.//
F1143 //Rollin in it, that's what [inaudible].//
F1144 //I've got rollin in it or loaded.// //"Look at him, he's loaded."//
F1143 //[?]Jill![/?]//
F1144 Oh. [laugh]
F1054 Good, yeah.
F1145 My grannie would talk about swells, people who'd lots of money, cause they were always well dressed, were swells.
F1054 Mm, that's interesting, never heard that one before. //Whaur was yer grannie fae, Katrina?//
F1145 //Yeah.// She was actually from the islands, so she was actually a native Gaelic speaker.
F1054 Uh-huh.
F1145 Didn't really speak English till she grew up.
F1054 Mmhm.
F1145 That's what she talked aboot, a swell.
F1054 Good, er let me see. //Er,//
F1145 //Or the toffs.// //The toffs.//
F1054 //yeah.//
F1144 //The toffs.//
F1145 Although they didn't necessarily have money, [laugh] but people always thought they had.
F1054 Mmhm.
F1145 People you thought were well off, you call them the toffs.
F1054 What aboot drunk, that's a good one.
F1145 [tut] Guttered. Absolutely guttered, or blootered.
M1146 There's only one word for it, [?]thew[/?].
F1054 [laugh] That's a popular one //doon here.//
F1144 //Well, I've got bevied,// and I've got gassed, and pissed, and stotious.
F1054 That's a good range, you've been //thinkin aboot that one! [laugh] Sandra.//
F1144 //[laugh] No that I drink, no, [laugh] it sounds like that, eh? Ehm, yeah, that's about all that I've got// written down.
F1054 That's great, very good. Pregnant?
F1144 Expecting, that was all I could think, "She's expecting".
F1054 Mm. Nice and polite, //isn't it?//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1143 Sounds polite.
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1145 //Yeah, I I can't think of anything else other than just saying someone was pregnant.//
M1146 Up the chute.
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1144 //Up the chute! [laugh]// //Well,//
F1054 //Up the duff?// //[inaudible]//
F1144 //[laugh]//
M1146 //No, just up the chute. [laugh]//
F1054 Do you have a phrase like being in the family way, or anything like
F1144 //No.//
M1146 //I don't think we would ever use that term at all, in the family way, no, no.// //Expecting, probably.//
F1144 //Mmhm.// //[laugh]//
M1146 //Polite.//
F1144 In the club.
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1145 //Bun in the oven.//
M1146 //Bun in the oven.//
F1144 Mm.
M1146 But //[?]you never[/?]//
F1144 //Can't think what else.//
M1146 used that one. //No.//
F1054 //But you wouldnae say, you wouldnae say to somebody, "Oh, you've got a bun in the oven then?"//
F1144 //No, no.// "Oh, ye're expectin!" I don't know what else you would say.
F1054 Any other words for pregnant?
F1143 //Only bun in the oven.//
F1144 //Pregnant.//
F1143 I've, I wo-, but I wouldn't use it now, but that's the only one I could think of. Up the stick.
F1144 //"Up the stick", oh that was what he said "Up the chute".//
M1146 //[laugh] Up the chute, aye.//
F1054 It's funny cause my pals down in London, if they're pregnant th-, well a couple of them have said "I'm up the duff", //they tell folk, that's how they tell folk at work that they're pregnant, [laugh] that's funny!//
F1143 //Oh aye//
M1146 //Uh-huh.//
F1143 I was thinking of actually [CENSORED: forename], our absent friend, who's pregnant, and she's a big girl, and she's, you know, right from early on she was big, and somebody said to her "A- are you carrying twins?" and she said "No, my father s-, my father says it's a big single". Cause she's from a farm, you know? [laugh] And it was like, //you know when the cows have got a big single?//
F1054 //[inaudible]// //[laugh]//
F1143 //[laugh]// //And she'd have been great here tonight, but she's just no weel, you know?//
F1054 //[laugh]// //Yeah. [laugh]//
F1143 //Aye, she is!//
F1144 //She's just havin a big single!//
F1054 Okay, erm, words for insane?
F1144 //Nuts.//
F1145 //Daft, someone's just daft.// "He's daft".
F1144 I've got nuts, or you've got a screw loose, or you would go "He's cuckoo". [laugh]
F1054 That's good [inaudible].
F1143 And I'd say glaikit, or a glaik, you know, a a noun, "he's a glaik". Erm, and I'd say nae right, cause I went to, I was at university in Aberdeen so, nae right, you know? Erm, and "no the full shillin", or I'd say, I've got a lot of words for this [laugh] //obviously! [laugh]//
F1054 //[laugh]// //Mmhm.//
F1143 //"He's got a tile off", you know, or some "a sandwich short of a picnic", or a- any of that sort of stuff,// //you know?//
F1144 //Used to refer// to the hospital they were in, eh, and say [laugh] "He's in, where are you fae? Bellsdyke?" //It was, didn't you?//
F1143 //That's right, or like// //uh-huh.//
M1146 //[inaudible]//
F1143 //Or Ward Thirty.//
F1144 //Now you say Ward// //[inaudible]//
M1146 //"Aff his heid", I think is is the other one, "He's aff his heid".//
F1145 There's wiser eating grass.
F1143 Uh-huh, //that's right.//
F1054 //Really? Is that a kind of// //slang?//
F1144 //There's just there's "just//
F1145 //I don't know where that comes from [laugh], but there's wiser eating grass.//
F1144 oot for the day". That was [laugh] you're oot for the day, oot from where I don't know. [laugh]
M1146 Uh-huh. //[inaudible]//
F1054 //God that's masses.//
F1145 //I've heard "There's wiser on the Inverness road",// because Craig Dunain, the mental hospital, was on the road in to the town. //so there's//
F1144 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
M1146 //Mmhm a- and in this district, "There's wiser folk in Larbert,// //which was the local asylum.//
F1144 //Larbert, that's where [inaudible] yeah.// Yeah.
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1143 //Of course, aye.//
F1054 Ehm what about moody? Any moody folk you've to put up wi?
F1144 Huffy. //Huffy, or as my mum said//
M1146 //Mm.//
F1144 "Jennifer" [laugh] that's my daughter [laugh] I says, "Can you think of a word for moody?", she says, "Aye, Jennifer!" [laugh] [laugh] an I said, "No that's no," [laugh] //[laugh] yeah, exactly .//
F1054 //That's teenagers for you, yeah.//
F1143 An when my kids were wee they used tae take the sturdies cause that's a word o my father's you know so that was good, you know, when they were in the huff, they've taen the stu- they've taen the sturdies. //I have nae idea.//
F1054 //What does that mean Elaine?//
F1143 But you know it's like, I'm in the huff an I'm I'm no speakin an you know?
F1054 Mmhm. Good.
F1145 Take the strunts. //Take the strunts, I've heard that one yeah.//
M1146 //Strunts, take the strunts is a is an old Scottish one that comes up in// W. D. Cocker's poems which eh nineteen-thirties, take the strunts. //Mm.//
F1054 //Do you ken any o the poems wi that in, Duncan, or?//
M1146 Er I know some W. D. Cocker poems but eh the particular one about the strunts was I think ehm [tut] I don't have that one off pat, no, I don't know.
F1054 That's fine, yeah, no bother. Ehm let's see we're doing, rich, left-handed, unattractive, lacking money, drunk, pregnant, aye. //I think we've done all of them actually, right, main room in the hoose where you'd watch T.V.?//
F1145 //Think we've done them all, yeah.// We would just talk about the sitting room or the living room, but my mother said she used tae say, "Through the parlour, ben the parlour".
M1146 Mm.
F1145 It was just the sittin room now.
F1054 //That's popular eh.//
F1144 //Mmhm.//
M1146 Ben the hoose was the the the room where the visitors were entertained, as opposed tae the the living room which was the kitchen really.
F1143 I would say, I wouldn't say it, but I've heard it said, through the hoose, but we call the front room the livy an we call the main room the extension, //[laugh] cause it's [inaudible] extension, so//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
F1143 but ehm this is the livy, we're in the livy.
F1054 That's good, so that's really a family one, is it Elaine, the one you
F1143 Ehm a friend who's from Dumfries ehm came into our new house in Castle Douglas, and she's she's got a way with words but she just said, "An this is the livy", an we've used it ever since cause it just I just like it so much.
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1144 //Yeah.//
M1146 //Yeah.//
F1144 Yeah I would just say living room or ehm the front room, an nothin else.
F1054 But apparently in the old tenements everything happened in the kitchen, you just had a kitchen //with all the//
M1146 //Yes.//
F1054 //[inaudible] an then the scullery//
F1144 //The scullery.// //Yeah, yeah.//
F1054 //aff it and the kitchen cooking stuff in it.//
M1146 //Mmhm that's right, yes.// An the other room was for entertaining the minister if he ever came. //There was the//
F1144 //Mmhm. [laugh]// //Well my mum entertained him in the bedroom th- the other day [laugh] because the kids were in!//
F1054 //High days an holidays. [laugh]//
M1146 //[inaudible]//
F1144 She says, "I just took him into the bedroom", I went, "Oh no!" [laugh] //[laugh]//
F1054 //Oh is that the tongues waggin?//
M1146 //Yeah, we we never ever// ever use the word lounge, //that was never never used, no, the lounge.//
F1143 //I would never use it.//
F1144 //Never use lounge, no.// //Let's go to the lounge.//
M1146 //Yes.//
F1143 //Aye.//
F1144 //That's a posh word [laugh] your lounge.//
F1143 I've never heard anyone use the word lounge except an Australian friend who called it the lounge room, //never heard the word lounge used by anybody.//
M1146 //[inaudible]//
F1054 //That's it then.//
F1144 //Okay.//
F1054 Okay what aboot the seat we sit on, a long soft seat in the living room?
F1145 Couch.
F1054 //[inaudible]//
M1146 //It would be the couch, it would be couch, yes, nothing else,// //not the sofa, but//
F1144 //No, sofa's//
F1143 //No.//
M1146 //nor the chaise longue but the couch. [laugh]//
F1144 Sofa's what posh people would say [laugh] the sofa, is that what you say, Elaine? //[laugh] Bridge of Allan, the couch is what I would say as well,//
F1143 //No! [inaudible] couch! [laugh]//
F1144 [laugh] cause it's nice tae be a couch potato. [laugh]
F1143 Couch, definitely. //Mmhm.//
F1145 //We always say the couch but I'm sure we used to say sofa when I was younger,// but it's the couch now, it's always the couch.
F1054 //We would say settee, yeah.//
F1144 //Settee, settee, that's another one, settee, I've heard o that,// //yeah.//
F1054 //That's a nice old one, isn't it? [inaudible]//
F1143 //Yeah.//
F1054 Ehm what aboot the ma- running water smaller than a river?
F1145 That has to be a burn, you always played in the burn when you were wee.
F1054 //Mmhm.//
M1146 //Mm yeah, only the burn.//
F1143 The burn.
F1144 Yeah, the burn as well. [laugh]
F1054 That's unanimous, okay. //Ehm narrow walkway between or alongside buildings?//
F1144 //That's a vote.//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1143 //The pavement.// Or a vennel. I would use a vennel, cause there's a vennel in Stirling an also I'm from the Dumfries area an there's a famous vennel so I would say vennel as well as pavement.
F1144 Mm well I was stuck at that one an I said at first an alley, up the alley, ehm an then I asked my husband an he says, "Well that's a close", an I said, "No, a close is inside the buildin", it's no alongside it, //so.//
F1054 //Yeah.// //[inaudible]//
F1145 //We would say the close like when ye went in between the the// barn an the cattle shed at the farm, that was the close, just cause it was a narrow passage, so that was in the close.
M1146 We might have called it a lane //if it was between buildings,//
F1144 //Mm.//
M1146 although a lane is more often in the countryside.
F1054 Mmhm, what aboot pend, have you used that at all?
F1143 //Aye, uh-huh.//
F1144 //Pend in Stirlin.//
M1146 //Yes pend,//
F1144 There's a pend in Stirlin where the //Somers the joiner is, he he's the [?]undery-[/?] taker, that's up the pend.//
M1146 //that's correct, uh-huh yes.//
F1144 There's a greengrocer's there now as well.
F1054 What did you call the undertaker? //Did you say the undery?//
F1144 //Somers.// //Somers the undertaker.//
M1146 //Undertaker.// //[inaudible]//
F1054 //Oh I thought you said the undery.//
F1144 //Aye, no. [laugh]//
F1143 Cause in Burntisland the graveyard is the gravey, an the the the weans aw play in the gravey, //they do really, you know?//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1143 Ehm an I I was once in Arbroath and I was lost and I asked a woman the way an she said, "Ye ging up that pendy", so, ye know, I've heard it, but I wouldn't use it here.
F1144 The pends. //The pends.//
F1143 //The pend.//
M1146 //I use// I use the word pend but I always understood that it had a //it was a cul-de-sac, ye know, had a dead end.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1143 //Mm.//
M1146 //It it wasn't a a through-way//
F1144 Well you cannae get a deader end than the undertaker's. //[laugh]//
F1143 //[laugh]//
M1146 //Absolutely.// //Somers.//
F1054 //That is a dead end.//
F1144 //So yeah.// //[laugh]//
M1146 //Dead end o Stirlin.//
F1054 And the toilet, that's a nice one usually [inaudible].
F1145 Well cludgie's the word that when the children hear it they all use it for weeks on end, they like the sound o cludgie. It's not a word I would ever use now but I I'm sure I did as a child.
M1146 As a child it was always the lavvy.
F1144 [laugh]
F1143 I use lavvy because ehm when it was U and non-U you remember these days there was something published an it an U was loo an I thought, "Never will I use that", so always the lavy
F1054 What's U an non-U?
F1143 It's before your time, yeah, do you remember it? //Ehm John like, do you remember it?//
M1146 //Yes, oh yes.//
F1054 //Well I call it the loo.//
F1143 //It was like// //oh well that'll need tae stop.//
F1054 //[laugh]// //[inaudible]//
F1143 //[laugh] well that you see you've not been into the U an non-U, that's okay.//
F1144 //[laugh] I'm goin tae the loo.//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
M1146 //No.//
F1054 What is that?
F1143 Well it was published John'll know ehm John was speakin about it the other day, but it was it was like the middle classes an there were things like in your lifestyle like your car, your house, //what you ate, where you went your holidays were U or non-U so somethin like Scarborough might be non-U,//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1143 but Sorrento would be U an a Volvo would be U but a Honda which we've got, would be non-U, you see an loo was U. and lavvy well they didnae ha- hadnae heard o lavvy but it would be non-U, I can assure you.
F1054 Ah that's interestin so was this like this thing ehm in aboot fifty //when was it it was published?//
F1143 //Oh this was// this must have been ten years ago,
F1054 Really?
F1143 //Was it seven-//
M1146 //A bit more than that, I would have thought it was the eighties anyway.// //Mm mm.//
F1054 //Yeah?//
F1143 //Was it? Ehm maybe eighties yeah, John'll remember.//
F1054 Gosh, that's really interestin. //Mm.//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Ehm what else, to rain heavily?
F1144 Pourin, bucketin, rainin cats an dugs. //Dugs.//
F1054 //Good, dugs.//
F1143 I'd say it was lashin or comin doon like stair-rods, ye know?
F1054 That's a good one [inaudible]. //[inaudible]//
F1145 //Or chuckin it down if it's really heavy it's chuckin it down.//
M1146 Mmhm.
F1145 Back to throwing, chuckin it.
F1054 Yeah.
M1146 Stoatin really or plunkin., plunkin it down
F1054 My mum always speaks aboot I think it's a really evocative word, a big plump o rain comin, //[laugh] it's lovely, great.//
F1143 //Aye, yeah, yeah.//
M1146 //Yeah, mmhm mm.// //mmhm//
F1054 //platchin as well, yeah.// What aboot any o you say pissin doon or
F1143 //Yeah.//
F1144 //Heard that,// heard that before.
F1143 I've said it. //I have, pissin down an my mother used tae talk about a thunder plump,//
F1144 //[inaudible] pissin down again [laugh]//
M1146 //Have you?//
F1054 //Mmhm [inaudible].//
F1143 //Yeah, yeah.//
F1144 //Aye.//
F1054 On the this series aboot weather on the TV and eh Matthew Fitt whose a super language guy eh came on an s- he gave all these words for eh for rain an he finished off and said a right good pish-oot. //[laugh]//
F1143 //[laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 I thought, "You should hae started wi that Matthew, that was great".
M1146 That's right, my my mother told this story of eh bein on a a bus from Falkirk to St Ninians, and there was a very posh family getting off, sh- she'd been overhearing them talking very posh, and as they were getting off the wee girl said, "Oh Mummy, look, it's actually pishing of rain!"
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1143 //[laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 What aboot the opposite o that [inaudible] rains really lightly?
M1146 Smirr I think. //Just smirring.//
F1054 //Mmhm.// //[inaudible]//
F1145 //Just a a drizzle, a slight drizzle.// A smirr o rain, an if it was that really fine stuff, or it wasn't quite rainin you call it dreich.
M1146 Mmhm.
F1145 That's a really descriptive word, dreich.
M1146 Of course in the Shetlands they've got about thirty-five different words for rain, haven't they? //[laugh]//
F1054 //Possibly, I don't think we'd say//
M1146 Or is it snow? //[laugh]//
F1054 //we've got spittin.//
F1144 //Yeah, yeah.// It's spittin rain.
F1054 Mmhm.
F1144 Or drizzle, or I I call it sheep's rain but I don't know why I call it sheep's rain. It's that wee sheep's rain it soaks you, when it's wee tiny. [laugh]
F1054 That's nice, is that your own, do you think? //[inaudible]//
F1144 //Oh it must be I don't know [laugh] nobody else has ever heard o it.// //[laugh] Sheep's rain, I'm a wee sheep. [laugh]//
F1143 //It's to do wi being in that wee room there by yourself having tae think on your own.// I would use smirrin, or ehm what was the other one I was gonna say? You s- I'm sure somebody else said it, //spittin or dreich.//
M1146 //Spittin mmhm.// //Mmhm.//
F1054 //Excellent.// Ehm [inaudible] is that on that one is I think, yeah. Ehm baby?
F1145 Talk aboot the bairn or the wean, "what are the weans doin?" Or kids, which is quite common.
F1054 At the school Katrina, what would you say?
F1145 Eh probably kids, we talk aboot the kids.
F1144 //Not so polite.//
M1146 //[laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1145 //An if I wasn't bein, it depends who I was talkin to I would say the children.//
F1144 Eh I've got eh wean, baby, just use baby, or my mother-in-law said earlier a wee babby. "look at the wee babby" , so that's all.
F1143 I would say wean. At school we say kids all over, I used tae teach we said weans so I used tae say what people say, an I often, Peggy who's not here tonight would say "a sonsie we- wee baby", you know? //cause you know that sonsie sorta face that wee babies have in their pram,//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1143 so that's it.
F1054 Explain sonsie.
F1143 Sonsie's plump and well-fed and kinda cheery and [laugh] red-faced, you know? You know these kinda babies you get? I don't know, they they, you know, a a so- a face the size o a dinner plate, ye know? //Aye, that's it, yeah, yeah.//
F1144 //Burns, aye, I know that's what I was [laugh]//
M1146 //That's right, Robert Burns, "Fair fa' your honest sonsie face".//
F1054 Yeah, any words there?
M1146 Just wean really, kids would be a bit older. Kids would be school age. A a wean would be //in its pram.//
F1144 //If you come from Falkirk you're a Falkirk bairn.//
M1146 Bairn's a Falkirk bairn.
F1054 //Tell us aboot that.//
F1144 //Yeah.// Oh I don't know very much about it. //[laugh]//
F1143 //Aye you do!//
F1144 What, Falkirk bairns? Is that no what the football team's called? Falkirk Bairns? That's their nickname. Mmhm don't know anything else about it. //But if you're//
F1054 //Somebody was tellin me this mornin somethin about "better play wi the Deil than//
M1146 The bairns o Falkirk, //that's right, yes.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1144 //but in Stirling,// if you were born in Stirling you were a son or //son of the rock.//
M1146 //Son of the rock.//
F1144 But you really had to be born on the Castle Hill to be a son of the rock, or a daughter of the rock.
F1054 Say that again, say that again.
F1144 If you were born in Stirling you were a son of the rock, for like males, or you were a daughter of the rock for females. But you had tae be born on the Castle Hill, not from anywhere else in Stirling, ye had tae be born on the Castle Hill.
F1054 An what did it mean if you were one of those?
F1144 Well it just meant you were a true Stirling person a- as far as I know anyway.
F1054 And would you have like a special status if you were a son o the rock or a daughter o the rock?
F1144 I don't know, it's just a sayin that they had, //you know you were a son//
M1146 //It's a sayin probably from the the time when// Stirling was just
F1144 just a hill.
M1146 the hou-, you know, the houses on the rock but //obviously it's spread pretty far and wide now an the number of people actually born//
F1144 //Yeah.//
M1146 on the rock would be very small, //cause most o them are born in the//
F1144 //Yeah.//
M1146 infirmary which is outside o //and well there's Airthrey Castle which is even in Bridge of Allan.//
F1144 //[inaudible]// //That's right, my grandpa was born on the Castle Hill.//
M1146 //[laugh]//
F1144 He was a son of the rock. So that's probably how it's in my head, you know? He always had a lot o stories to tell. //Mm.//
F1054 //That's good, yeah.//
M1146 Well the- there was a great upset in Falkirk when the maternity unit was moved from Falkirk to Stirling Royal Infirmary because th- f-f- henceforth there wouldn't be any Bairns they would all be born in Stirling.
F1144 Yeah.
M1146 And that caused a great deal o resentment in the Falkirk area.
F1054 //In seriousness, yeah?//
F1144 //Mm.//
F1143 //Yeah.//
M1146 //Oh yes.//
F1054 When did that happen, Duncan?
M1146 Just within the last ten years.
F1054 //Mmhm.//
F1144 //Mmhm.// It's like in in Linlithgow, when we stayed in Linlithgow, I think if ye were born in Linlithgow, I can't remember if it was the right name or not but you were like a black bitch or somethin [laugh] like that was the the sayin, wasn't it?
M1146 Yeah.
F1144 Yeah. But er if ye were born there, //whether that's what they called their babies.//
F1143 //An an just//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1143 //A- an just in case no-one tells ye, if you're from Galashiels ye're a pail merk//
F1144 //I don't know. [laugh]//
F1143 //you know about that?//
M1146 //Yes.// //Yes.//
F1143 //Uh-huh.// Cause they don't call themselves that but my friend along the road, Alison's, from ehm Melrose an a pail merk, well they didn't have toilets so they sat on a pail,
F1144 //Uh-huh.//
M1146 //Uh-huh.//
F1143 //an their got their backsides have got pail merks on them so,//
F1144 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
F1143 //just in case no-one else tells you.// //I I//
F1054 //Is the Gala like pretty rough then, aye?//
M1146 //That's right.//
F1143 //I-I- I'm not from the Borders but I think maybe it is//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 but anyway they're pail merks.
M1146 It was probably just a a term of derision given to them by their neighbouring //villages.//
F1143 //Aye.// //Ye know, yeah, mmhm.//
M1146 //He's got the merk o the pail on him.//
F1054 //Mmhm that's interestin.//
F1143 //Mm.//
F1054 Ehm let's see, [toodle-doo], young person in cheap trendy clothes an jewellery? //[laugh]//
F1145 //I couldn't think of anythin to describe// someone like that. Just a teenager. [laugh] //They're all the same. [laugh]//
F1054 //They're aa the same [?]these teenagers[/?], uh-huh.// Duncan, you got any?
M1146 I just couldn't think of any other term than a young person in cheap trendy clothes an jewellery really.
F1143 //Aye I would call them neds but they wear expensive trendy clothes, ye know?//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 But boys an ye get girl neds an boy neds, //and it's completely politically incorrect for a teacher to say that but//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1144 //That's what I said.//
M1146 Yeah. //Mmhm.//
F1143 //I'd call them neds, non-educated,//
F1144 //That that stands for something now, neds, I can't remember what it,// //delinquent.//
F1143 //non-educated delinquents.// Non-ed which is terrible. //Cut that!//
F1054 //Paint a portrait of a ned for me, Elaine.//
F1144 //Non-educated delinquents.//
M1146 //[laugh]//
F1143 A ned would, I mean it would vary over the years, //but I mean they've been around I mean since I was a kid an my father was in the police,//
F1144 //They're gallus.//
F1143 aye an he he talked aboot the neds all these years ago and I mean the the behaviour is essentially the same, but the garments change over the years, so currently I would say probably ehm something from Burberry somewhere upon their person, //[laugh] but maybe not made by Burberry.//
F1144 //Not made by Burberry. [laugh]// //Yeah.//
F1143 //And eh somethin to do wi trainers I don't know what the current trainers are.// And it used to be a white sh- sorta shell-suit, //I don't know, ye know?//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 And bling, they would wear bling,
F1054 What's bling?
F1143 as in, ye know, //ehm sparkly//
F1144 //Sparkly jewellery.//
F1143 big jewellery, ye know, off MTV, ye know, //which my kids have been brought up on I'm sorry to say. [laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 So plenty bling.
F1144 Oh well I say to my daughter that she looks like a wee mink [laugh] when she dresses up, or ehm I was askin the kids before I came here an they, I said, "What would ye call somebody like that?", an they said a cheapskate That's what they would call that kind of person.
F1054 Yeah. Anything, slapper or //tart or?//
F1144 //A tart, tart, well I said, "What aboot a wee tart?", an// yeah, that's one o the ones that came in. //Slapper.//
F1143 //An slapper, yes John says slapper.// //An trash with cash, ye know? And what is it, what's that one in The Sun?//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 //Scum in the sun, I mean I only heard it the other day but I heard one o the kids sayin it ye know so [laugh]//
M1146 //[laugh]//
F1143 there it is, not one o mine but, ye know? [laugh]
F1054 //Ye alright Katrina?//
F1145 //Yeah okay.// //No it's okay.//
F1054 //Sure [inaudible]?// Ehm what aboot ehm female partner?
F1145 Well if it was a long-term partner who lived together it'd be a bidie-in, //still hear people talk aboot a bidie-in.//
F1054 //Mmhm.//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
F1145 It applies more to a woman that to a man but mainly to a woman, a bidie-in.
M1146 Bidie-in or lassie, say a lassie, or lumber even. //But not much nowadays.//
F1143 //[laugh] No.//
F1144 //Lumber! [laugh]//
F1143 I'd say bidie-in an I was just wonderin about the last one since I know you'll edit it ehm cause I wasn't thinkin o women but scrubber, d- ye know? Not that I use it often, //but, ye know, scrubber.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 //There's no scrubbers here.//
F1143 //[laugh]// //Oh no! [laugh] Heaven forfend!//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]// Eh girlfriend. Her. She. Or your hingy. //[laugh] What?//
F1143 //I never knew you'd come up wi such stuff,// //you're a mine of information Sandra.//
F1144 //[laugh]// //It's just [inaudible]//
F1054 //Is a hingy a a hinger-on or a// short for thing? //Thingy?//
F1144 //[laugh] I don't know, just a hingy. [laugh]// //That's my hingy.//
M1146 //Eh the mind boggles.//
F1054 //What aboot ma- male partner, what do you ca yer//
F1144 //Oh I've got// boyfriend or him, [laugh] an ye nod yer head tae the side, him. [laugh] An that's that's all I've got for that
F1143 Yer man.
F1054 //Rather than husband?//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
M1146 Mmhm.
F1143 Yeah. I wouldn't introduce John as my man, I would, //I would say he's my husband but a [laugh] uh-huh most//
F1144 //"This is my man", that's what people say, "this is my man".//
F1143 a lot o people would say, "It's my man".
M1146 If unmarried it would be her fella.
F1145 Or if you were goin out lookin for a click, lookin for a partner, //be lookin for a click.//
F1054 //A click.//
M1146 //A click.//
F1054 //That's a good one.//
F1145 //I don't think it's used so much now but// //it was quite common,//
F1054 //A click.//
F1145 //goin out for a click, lookin for a click.//
M1146 //Oh yes mmhm.//
F1054 Mmhm that's a nice one, yeah. Eh my mum used to go into nightclubs and say, //"Stand back boys, I'm here all night".//
F1143 //[laugh]//
F1144 //My dad used to say, what is it, "Y- are you winchin?"// //[laugh]//
F1054 //Oh that's a good one.//
F1143 //"Are you winch-", [laugh]// //John's mother who liked, ye know, she fan- ye know like she fancied her [inaudible] quite a s- ye know a wee bit//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 ehm and her husband had died and ehm Davey Pie, an enormous docker in Burntisland an like the the Pie sisters, they're all dead now, and they were all ginormous people, they were aw identical the males an the females o the family and ehm John's mother was on the bus one day and she'd she'd actually taken up with ehm her first boyfriend from all these years ago and they were get- they eventually got married and Davey Pie got on the bus and yelled along tae he he said, "Hi Isa, I hear you're winchin!" //an she was beelin, ye know, but ye know.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 //What does that mean then?//
F1143 //Winchin?// Winchin, well someone once said to me, "Oh that's, ye know, a bit disgustin", but in actual fact I think it just means courtin, //ye know ye're coortin,//
F1144 //Courtin.// //Uh-huh.//
F1143 //aye, I would say so.//
M1146 //Yes, absolutely.// //Eh in//
F1054 //Goin out.//
M1146 yes, when when people were goin out together, now this is proably pre-Second World War, they were said tae be cleekin, cleek, a hook, they had their arms, ye know, they were walkin arm in arm. //They were cleekit.//
F1144 //Oh aye.//
F1143 Yeah. //[laugh]//
F1054 //Yeah, they were, if only they were that nooadays, eh? Whole lot o bother saved! Ehm//
M1146 //No.//
F1054 what aboot a kit of tools, start wi you,
F1144 [inaudible]
M1146 I have no idea what a kit of tools is. I'd just call it a kit of tools. [laugh] //Toolbox, yeah.//
F1054 //Toolbox.//
F1144 //Toolbox or// workbox, your workbox dependin on what tools you had in it.
F1143 Toolbox.
F1145 Yeah, if my dad was goin out on a big job, he was a joiner, he would take his toolbox but if it was a smaller job, he would take his toolbag, it'd just depend how many tools he had to carry, it was just a tool- toolbox.
F1054 Aye and ehm so- word for something whose name you've forgotten.
F1143 //Wait ye see I've no done my homework you'll need tae ask somebody else first, I'm sorry.//
F1144 //[laugh] I would say eh "What do you call that thingy?",// "that thingy there" or if it was a person they were talkin aboot ye'd say "thingummyjig over there", if you couldn't [laugh] remember their name. //[laugh] I know, I know I couldn't spell it! [laugh]//
F1054 //That's a hard one to write doon, isn't it?//
M1146 //Mmhm mmhm mmhm mmhm.// Yeah I would have said thingummy, or maybe even whatsit.
F1054 What's-it-called?
M1146 Whatsit, just [inaudible] that whatsit.
F1145 My dad talks about a hoogie, if he doesn't remember, a hoogie, or a thingummyjig or a thingy but mainly a hoogie is the word he uses.
M1146 Have ye ever, have ye ever heard of an oogiecapiv?
F1054 //[laugh] No.//
F1144 //[laugh] No.//
M1146 Cause that was a word that was used quite a lot in my young days, something you couldn't remember, what's that? Oogiecapiv. //I I do not know.//
F1143 //[laugh]//
F1054 //I was aside folk in Perth yesterday that were sayin, "Yeah,//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
F1054 //oogiecapuffle" or somethin.//
M1146 //Mmhm.// //Yeah, that's right.//
F1054 //I thought, "God, it's more hassle to say that than just say the word, isn't it?"//
F1144 //Say that, uh-huh.//
F1054 An sometimes ye get through sentences an you think //"Oh ye ken thingmy that has the such-an-such an an the what-d'ya-ma-callit?"//
M1146 //An the whatsit.// //[laugh] Thingummybob.//
F1054 //An before ye know where ye are [inaudible]//
F1144 //Thingummybob thingummybob as well is// a person, thingummybob ower there. [laugh] //Mm.//
F1054 //Nice pronunciation, ehm// grandfather?
F1144 Grandpa. That's that's all for grandpa, grandad.
F1143 Grandpa.
M1146 Mmhm gr- nice, grandpaw even.
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1145 //I I had a papa.// //Ehm my grandfather died before I was born, my Grandpa [CENSORED: surname]//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1145 and my Papa [CENSORED: surname] died when I was six so I've only got good memories an when I was young I always thought a papa was somethin superior to a grandfather, I thought he was always a little bit better if he was a papa, //yeah.//
F1054 //That's interestin, that's wise,// yeah. Ehm the only thing is of coorse folk sometimes want tae be known as nan or //pop rather than grandpa.//
F1144 //Now you see that's, well I'd a nana and a papa//
F1145 //Mmhm yeah.//
F1144 was my dad's mum and dad and then I had my granny and grandpa was my mum's mum and dad. but I don't know why they were different. [laugh] //Yeah.//
F1054 //Sometimes even just to distinguish between the two eh?// //So it's clear who you're talkin about, yeah.//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1054 Ehm what aboot grandmother?
F1143 Nanny.
F1144 Mmhm.
M1146 It would be grandma, but I know of one family who call theirs Gaggy,
F1144 Gaggy. //I've heard o that, yeah [inaudible].//
M1146 //cause that was what the kids, the only thing the kids were able to say when they were very small, so the name stuck.//
F1145 I've heard someone call their grandfather gaga, but I would just use granny, //granny.//
F1054 //Granny.//
F1144 Yeah granny is what I would use as well or as I say I had a nana, my nana was always more well put on than my my granny [laugh] so maybe that [laugh] was //she always wore a hat an everythin ye know,//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1144 an liked to get washed an to go up the town an things [laugh] she al- an eh oh just more //[laugh] yeah, I don't know what you would call her,//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1144 //ye know?//
F1145 //My nephews called// my grandmother gran-gran, cause it was very confusin two grannies so their, my mother was their granny an my grandmother was gran-gran an the name stuck, it was the first first one that said that an the name just stuck so she was gran-gran
F1144 Yeah. //Ny nana always [inaudible]//
F1054 //That would make you feel old!//
F1145 //all the time. An everyone called her gran-gran,// ye know? The whole village called her gran-gran. [laugh] //by the time she died, it was really.//
F1144 //My mum always had set days for things, like Monday was washin day an// ye always got set things for your dinner on you know like different days, sorta thing, ye know? //Yeah it's really//
F1054 //That's certainly true, isn't it?//
F1144 I can't even just I cannae think just now what they were what they were but like Saturday, you got mince an tatties for your lunch on a Saturday an ye always got a roast on a Sunday an then ye got the bit that was left over on the on the Monday but you got a fry-up for your tea on the Monday, you got bacon an eggs. Then it was it was just different days that an it was different days that you did things as well, you know? Like washin on a Monday, you went to town on the Tuesday an did, there was old men's club on the Wednesday an just different things like that, ye know? It was quite
F1054 de- definitely true, //definitely true.//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1054 //Duncan, have you got similar experiences like that?//
M1146 //Mmhm.// Oh yes, Monday was always washing day, and when my father came in on a Friday he used tae say, //"Oh//
F1144 //Fish.// //Fish for tea, I know, I was gonna say that [laugh] you had fish on a Friday. [laugh]//
M1146 //must be Friday, it's fish today", [laugh] that's right.//
F1143 An we had fish on a Friday an I can remember on a Monday wash day an it all had tae be washed, dried, ironed an put away.
M1146 Oh yes.
F1143 an ehm so that was fine if you could hang it out, but otherwise there was this ancient clothes horse, it was right round the fire //an the place was full o steam, ye know, an the dog was lyin under it, ye know?//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
F1143 An we had a pulley as well, I've still got a pulley, I couldnae live without one, //you know?//
M1146 //Mm.//
F1054 //Mmhm yeah.//
F1143 //To do the washin, yeah.//
F1054 I think fish on a Friday's a Catholic thing, isn't it?
F1143 //I think it probably is but//
F1144 //Well it was because the fishermen came fae Arbroath on a Friday, that was why we got fish on a Friday.//
F1145 //Aye.// //Aye.//
M1146 //But they came on a Friday because it was a// //a Catholic thing, eh I mean in our da-//
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1144 //Yeah mmhm.//
M1146 day when we were children, all Catholics //refrained from meat on a Friday which I don't think they do much nowadays,//
F1054 //[inaudible]//
M1146 but fish was given out on a Friday.
F1144 Mmhm. //[inaudible] [laugh]//
F1054 //When I went to university doon in England the college always had like a fish on a Friday an I used tae think, "What is this fish all about?", but right enough it was a Catholic thing I think//
M1146 //Yes uh-huh yes yes.//
F1145 I mean fishermen can't go everywhere on a Friday. They have to go somewhere other days. //We had fish, we had fish on a Friday when I was young as well but now it's Wednesday's fish day,//
F1144 //Well they used to come to to ours on a Friday.//
F1143 //Well the gu- [inaudible] fish man, the guy at the door was the fish man fae Pittenweem//
F1145 //so if you're a Catholic now you've had it. [laugh]//
F1143 //but I just, ye know, cause usually we leave the money behind the storm door//
F1144 //[laugh] Was it?//
F1143 an then //ye know sometimes he he comes at night an there he, that was him deliverin the fish, Pittenweem, aye.//
F1144 //There you go, it must be Wednesday fish day now. [laugh]//
F1054 Ahead o himself, oh good. Ehm [scanning list] mother.
F1143 //Mum.//
F1144 //Just mum.//
M1146 Just mum or mammy.
F1145 My mum, maw. Maw, maw if ye want tae annoy her, //ca her maw.//
M1146 //Yes.//
F1145 She didn't like that.
M1146 Uh-huh.
F1144 Mum as well, although my mum called her, my mum an my aunts an that called their mum mam. It was always, "Mam said this".
M1146 Mm. //Mm.//
F1054 //That's funny, isn't it?//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1054 Yeah it's like what we say back home, mam //as well.//
F1144 //Mam.//
M1146 //Mm.//
F1144 Mmhm. But
F1054 Very regal. //[laugh]//
F1144 //yeah [laugh]//
M1146 //[laugh]//
F1054 Ehm let me see, we've done male partner, now, friends, that's right, thanks Katrina.
F1145 Just pals, got loads o pals.
M1146 Pals yes, always pals.
F1143 Pals or cronies. An quite often wi the kids I'll say, you know, "You away wi your cronies?" ye know? An I I know Oor Wullie, it was like the old guys, but actually I think teenagers have cronies, ye know, so.
F1054 Mmhm posse, they have that maybe?
F1143 //No, I don't know.//
F1144 //No.//
F1054 //They were sayin that yesterday tae me in Crieff.//
F1143 //That's a good one.//
F1054 //Mm uh-huh.//
F1144 //Posse?// //Mm I just got pa-//
F1054 //That's like I think that's a Greek word or somethin, isn't it?// //posse, I'm pretty sure [inaudible] so//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
M1146 //Mmhm aye [inaudible] I don't know that one at all.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1145 //Or your mates.// //They talk about their mates, yeah an they//
F1144 //Your mates, that's what the kids talk about now, my mate.//
F1054 Yeah, I'm interested in your pronunciation there Katrina cause you said somethin that sounded a wee bit more like paws, //you know rather than the pals.//
F1143 //Mmhm.//
F1144 //Pals.//
F1145 Pals. //[laugh]//
F1143 //Yeah that's you [inaudible] yes, I know, I//
F1144 //Pals.//
F1143 recognise that.
F1054 //Just a wee bit.//
F1144 //Your buddy.// //"Is that your buddy?", they say.//
F1054 //Okay.// //Buddy, buddy's a good one.//
F1144 //Or freens is what my grandparents would say,//
M1146 //[inaudible]// //Your freens.//
F1143 //Uh-huh.//
F1144 //your freens.//
F1054 Now, do your, do they use that for relatives or for //yes.//
F1143 //Yes, mine would.// "He's a freen o", ye know an an that would be an now my mother was from Wigtownshire, I was brought up there, my father from Glenlivet an I think it was my mother who would say, "She's a freen o the McWilliams", an it would be a relative an that's the first time I've heard that for a long long time.
F1054 Mmhm it's like a soft N, isn't it? It's not a freend, //freen, freen.//
F1143 //No freens, freens they're f-//
M1146 //Yeah that's true, yes, an that// that is true fro- for the Alloa area where all my aunts came from. They would refer to somebody, said, "Is he a freen o them?" meaning he is related to them, not that he's friendly with them but [laugh] which might not be the case [laugh] if they were relatives. //[laugh]//
F1143 //Yes.//
F1145 Is that not rural Aberdeen as well, we've got a frie-, I've got a friend who talks aboot his freens when he ta- means his relatives, an he's from rural Aberdeen somewhere.
F1054 //Might well be, yeah, yeah there's an interview bein done right now there,//
M1146 //Mmhm mmhm.// //[laugh]//
F1054 //so I'm hopin they might be sayin that, [laugh] okay, ehm//
F1144 //[laugh]// //Mmhm.//
F1054 //think that's okay on that one, yeah, okay onto//
F1145 //Finished on that one.//
F1054 ehm child's soft shoes worn for P.E.? //We're in the right com- company the night, gutties. [laugh]//
M1146 //It's only gutties with a glottal stop.// Maybe gutties but //usually gutties.//
F1144 //Gutties.//
F1145 //It's usually gutties.// "Lost my gutties".
F1144 Don't pronounce the Ts.
F1145 "My mum's no put my gutties in my bag". Or sandsh- I just called them sandshoes, personally. //Sandshoes.//
M1146 //Yes a- and eh// //sometimes sannies, nowadays.//
F1144 //Sandshoes.//
M1146 I hear a lot o children referrin to their sannies, //meaning sandshoes, mmhm.//
F1143 //Yeah.//
F1144 //Mm, or gym shoes.// Gym shoes, some o them say, gym shoes. Plimsolls, somebody used tae say, plimsolls.
F1143 //Mmhm.//
M1146 //Very good.//
F1143 //I, is that right? I I I would use plimsolls as a kid,//
F1145 //But they don't want them now [inaudible].//
F1143 and now I I would say gutties, or gutties, sandshoes as a kid, ehm an trainers.
F1054 //Trainers.//
F1145 //Children don't want sandshoes//
M1146 //[inaudible]//
F1145 any more, they just want trainers.
F1144 Trainers, it's no cool to have gutties. [laugh]
F1054 Do bairns still wear gutties, //or sandshoes, or do they wear//
M1146 //They've aa got trainers now.//
F1144 The wee ones?
F1054 for P.E.?
F1144 //Wee ones probably for P.E.//
F1145 //P.E. just P.E.//
F1054 //Yeah [inaudible].//
F1144 //No, you were just poor if you had them// an then you used to get plastic sandals as well, the //jelly shoes they call them now.//
M1146 //Oh aye.//
F1054 Yeah. A good leveller, aren't they? //[inaudible] [laugh]//
F1144 //Yeah. [laugh]//
F1054 Somebody was tellin me this afternoon in Grangemouth that the gutties thing actually come fae the chemical //the material that maks the soles.//
F1144 //Right.//
M1146 //Yes, that's gutta percha,// //because//
F1054 //Yeah.//
M1146 you've got the same in golf, the old golf balls were called gutties, because they were made of gutta percha, //which is artificial rubber, yeah.//
F1143 //Really?//
F1054 Yeah I thought it was some kind o fishing connection or something //something [inaudible] yeah.//
F1144 //That's what I thought, gutties.//
M1146 //Nothing at all, no.// mmhm [laugh]
F1054 What aboot ehm trousers?
M1146 Breeks. //Just breeks.//
F1143 //Breeks mmhm.//
F1144 //Breeks yeah.// My husband says your kegs but I always thought that was your underwear.
F1143 That's Yorkshire for underwear, //[inaudible] say it, yeah.//
F1144 //Is it? Well he says your kegs. [laugh]// //[laugh]//
F1054 //[inaudible] an keks is another one, yeah.//
F1145 I would say breeks or trousers but my granny always just said your trouser. cause it's only one article o clothing so it's your trouser.
F1054 //That's good.//
F1143 //But then goin for [inaudible].//
F1144 //I, goin abroad they s-, your pants they call them.// //The kids think that's hilarious.//
M1146 //Mm yeah.// //They do.//
F1144 //They talk aboot your pants. [laugh]//
F1054 That's funny. [laugh] Ehm, wouldnae even think o say that, I wouldnae even enter my head to say trousers, I always say breeks, //[inaudible] mm.//
F1143 //Mmhm.//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1054 An fock sometimes on the east coast says troosers, //rather than sayin trousers.//
F1145 //Troosers.//
M1146 //Troosers.// //Troosers yeah.//
F1054 //Troosers.//
F1145 //Donald.//
F1143 //Mmhm.//
M1146 //Mmhm.// //What? Oh yeah, mmhm.//
F1054 //It's it's strides is another one, your glad-rags.// Ehm clothes generally?
F1145 Just your claes, //[laugh] or your gear.//
M1146 //Claes, yeah.// //Claes it would be for me, nothing else.//
F1143 //Mm.// Claes or clobber. //Mmhm.//
F1144 //Mm.//
F1054 What others have you [?]done[/?]?
F1143 //For me, kit.//
F1144 //Well see I ha-// I had your good clothes, your glad-rags, //[laugh]//
F1143 //Uh-huh.//
F1144 had to put that down and then I said your kit as well. An ehm yer gear is what the kids said, your gear.
F1054 //Mm.//
F1143 //Mm.//
F1054 Somebody was sayin it was like clobber's a military word as well as a //I don't know if that's the case.//
F1143 //Is it? I don't know.//
F1054 Maybe used there a lot.
F1143 Yeah but I would definitely say clobber, //mm.//
M1146 //Mm.//
F1054 I had this pair o shoes, my dad used to always come home an speak aboot puttin on his civvy shoes //an I thought that these must be a certain kind like a lace-up or somethin, I couldnae work out, so I had a pair of shoes that I called my civvy shoes an//
F1143 //[laugh]// //Yeah.//
F1054 //never realised it was civilian shoes [inaudible] no. [laugh]// //[laugh] Oh dear.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 Ehm unwell, should we start wi that
M1146 Seek.
F1054 [laugh]
F1145 Just, that's what I've put feelin seek, I'm feelin seek or lousy. Feelin lousy.
F1054 //That's a good ane.//
F1143 //John last week was hingin,// you know, if ye're hingin, //ye know?//
F1054 //Hingy.//
F1143 I had to explain to some people he wasnae goin out somewhere an och he's just hingin, //and ehm//
F1144 //He's hingin.//
F1143 peely-wally, ye know? No weel, sair heid, ehm seek, sair belly sort o thing ye know I've I've had had these sort o excuses from the kids. I remember a wee girl I taught an she said ehm her no- she was always off, primary three, and she was either seek, sair heid, or no weel ye know an that's what the notes always said, but I like hingin because ye know //hingin can a- also refer//
F1144 //Hingy's, that's when you're just feelin no right,// //you're hingy.//
F1143 //that's right, you're not, uh-huh// //or ehm h- hingin can refer to a property//
F1144 //Sickening for somethin.//
F1143 I remember ehm friends o ours bought a flat over there somewhere, an th- the plumber who did some work for us s- said they bought that flat an it's hingin ye know it's fallin tae bits //an that.//
F1144 //Just hingin thegither.// //[laugh]//
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1143 //But yeah.//
M1146 //[laugh]// //No mmhm.//
F1143 //Mmhm.//
F1144 //No that's, that could be unwell as well, you're just hingin thegither. [laugh]//
F1145 //Or just no right.//
F1144 But I had seek as well, an poorly
F1143 Mmhm.
F1144 an then when Elaine phoned me the night she says [laugh] "Fiona's no comin cause she's no weel." //[laugh]//
F1143 //Mmhm mmhm.//
M1146 //No weel, yeah.//
F1144 no [laugh] an I thought, "Oh no weel that's what ye would say".
F1143 An there's a word I- we sometimes use in our family cause it's a Fife word an John's from Fife, //an now, you know how words spread so you s- okay to use it here?//
M1146 //Uh-huh.//
F1143 An the ehm John's auntie was apparently always towtie, //ye know what towtie is?//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1143 Ye know just //lo- lots o childhood illnesses, ye know, sort of, ye know, lots of colds, aye,//
M1146 //Yeah uh-huh a creakin gate.// //Mmhm.//
F1143 //mmhm towtie.//
F1054 //[?]Good idea[/?].//
M1146 //Mmhm yeah I've heard that one.// //Used quite a lot, towtie.//
F1143 //Mm.//
F1054 Yeah. //Good word.//
M1146 //Mmhm.//
F1054 Ehm, //what aboot tired?//
M1146 //Tired.// My aunties, several of them, used tae use the phrase //"I'm fair forfochen".//
F1143 //Oh yeah.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
M1146 //Or sometimes just forfochan,// an that was, to me that's always really tired, knackered. [laugh]
F1054 //An whauraboots were your aunties fae?//
F1144 //Knackered.//
M1146 Alloa. //Yeah.//
F1144 //Mmhm.//
F1145 I would say whacked, I'm feelin whacked, or just puggled. //Fair puggled.//
F1054 //Puggled's good!// That's a good one! Did you ever get a row for if ye said knackered?
F1145 Yes that wasn't a nice word.
M1146 No.
F1145 I didn't say knackered, I said whacked, which isn't really a nice word either but [laugh]
M1146 Mmhm.
F1143 Knackered, cream-crackered, puggled an also fair forfochen which I heard in California, Falkirk ye know I used tae teach there, //California Falkirk, ye know,//
M1146 //Mmhm mmhm.//
F1143 and ehm th-, one o the staff there, her mother //an I've always used it since, ye know, ye've got tae keep these things goin.//
M1146 //Yeah.//
F1143 An it's fair fochen isn't it, I'm fair //forfochan.//
M1146 //Uh-huh.//
F1143 Yeah, an also ehm a word that they used an I've heard qu- used quite often not so much tired as lackin energy, //ye know somebody without much//
F1145 //[?]Fair done[/?].//
F1143 fair done, yeah, "I'm fair done", that would do but ehm so- someone without much go in them would be fushionless, //an tha- do you know that one? An that's the same sort o crowd o folk that was//
M1146 //Yeah mmhm.//
F1143 sayin that. //Oh aye.//
F1054 //That's interestin, that's good, lots o good words bein a teacher I'm sure// //[?]weird, aye[/?].//
F1144 //Mmhm.// I just had knackered as well an wabbit, fair wabbit. //Yeah that's//
F1054 //That's a good one, yeah.//
F1143 //Oh yeah, that's//
F1144 that's all I had.
F1054 What about pleased? [?]A wee one,[/?] and another one, Duncan, for that? Is that for tired or somethin or?No.
M1146 No, it's just eh the S- wee Scottish dictionary has the word forfochen, spelt F.O.R.F.O.C.H.E.N.
F1054 Mmhm.
M1146 ehm someone who's forfochen is exhausted or worn out. //Mm, it is//
F1054 //That's great, good one, okay.// Eh words for pleased? Come on Katrina.
F1145 //Chuffed, ye say, "I'm fair chuffed wi that, fair chuffed wi that".//
M1146 //Chuffed, aye.//
F1054 Right.
F1144 Yeah fair chuffed, just pleased.
F1054 That's a popular one //here.//
F1143 //And tickled pink,//
F1144 //Mm.//
F1143 or Jim Dandy, ye know, //"that's Jim Dandy" or//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
M1146 //Aye.//
F1143 //tickled pink.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 What's Jim Dandy?
F1143 I don't know, everything's just Jim Dandy //and I've no idea where it comes from, ye know?//
M1146 //Mmhm mmhm.//
F1054 That's nice, I like that one.
M1146 We would maybe just say laughin, he's laughin, he's pleased, he's fair laughin, mmhm.
F1054 Great. Ehm annoyed?
M1146 Annoyed? Beelin.
F1144 [inaudible] //[inaudible]//
M1146 //Maybe bilin I don't know but it's definitely beelin,// //mmhm.//
F1054 //Mmhm.//
F1143 Beelin, ragin, ehm, can't think of any more at the moment.
M1146 Maybe.
F1144 I've got eh scunnered, or hacked off. [laugh] an well beelin //I woulda said as well.//
M1146 //Mmhm.// Maybe gowpin, that's another one too. //Ye know if your finger is sore it is gowpin,//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
M1146 but if somebody is really annoyed then they are //gowpin as well.//
F1144 //They could be// lowpin. //Lowpin.//
F1143 //Yeah.//
M1146 //Or lowpin yeah, jumping,// //mmhm.//
F1145 //Bilin mad or blazin mad.//
F1143 //Right, go//
M1146 //Sorry.// //Okay.//
F1054 //Thank you so much Duncan, that's been//
F1143 //right, of course you go, yes.// //Yeah.//
F1054 //brilliant, many thanks, I really enjoyed your words there,//
M1146 //Sorry to dash away but I'm//
F1054 //an I'll keep Elaine posted on what's happening and everything//
F1143 //Oh aye.//
F1054 //an then she can keep in touch wi you.//
M1146 //Thanks very much.// //Okay.//
F1143 //An especially thanks Duncan for doin it at such// //short-notice, I mean from five o'clock.//
F1054 //I know!// //I know that's amazin//
M1146 //Right.// //Thanks very much.//
F1054 //yeah, enjoy your evenin [?]whatever[/?] you're up tae.//
F1143 //Okay, yes.//
M1146 No, I'm workin //[laugh] thanks.//
F1054 //Oh right, okay, okay, see ya!//
F1143 //Oh.//
F1054 I'll just pause for a second [inaudible] words like mingin and boilin //[laugh]//
F1143 //Oh I know!// //I know.//
F1054 //[laugh] stoater an things like that//
F1144 //They've probably got their own, they've probably got their own dialect as well,// //ye know, words that they say.//
F1054 //yeah, yeah, I guess that's// //this project will hopefully throw them up, I'm goin to Berwick tomorrow mornin, first thing at ten o'clock,//
F1144 //Yeah, oh are you?//
F1054 and eh //so I'm hopin tae hear a few mixed words there,//
F1143 //Yeah.//
F1054 bit of both. Okay ehm [scans list of words] let's do hot.
F1145 Bilin, it's bilin.
F1143 I- plottin. //"I'm plottin," an but ye need to be sweaty as well.//
F1054 //What's// //Yeah.//
F1143 //But I am plottin.//
F1144 I've got eh boilin an roastin an that's it.
F1054 //It it//
F1145 //It's warm.// //It's warm.//
F1144 //Warm.// //[inaudible] [laugh]//
F1145 //My granny used warm.//
F1144 I'm meltin as well, would be //[laugh] yeah.//
F1054 //All cookin words in there [laugh]// what aboot cold, the opposite o that.
F1144 Cold, what've we got for cold, we've got eh freezin, or chitterin an when I was askin the kids they said "Oh, it's baltic", an that was their. //Yeah I would say so.//
F1054 //That's a modern one, isn't it?// Uh-huh.
F1143 I've got quite an unusual one cause my father was brought up in Glenlivet, right at the head at the braes o Glenlivet, the highest house I think in Britain, twelve hundred feet, honestly, an it was c- al- always freezing and he'd two words that he uses ehm I nearly got him here tonight, ye know, but we were that desperate, he's eighty-two but ehm he uses two words an I still use them "I'm founert", an I think it's comes from foundered ye know ye've foundered, an ye know ye get a real founerin, so John says it too, ye know, if ye know that, the way sometimes ye get a cold after ye've had a real founerin? And also ehm "it's starvation outside", an do other people use that? //I- I'm I'm starvin.//
F1054 //Starvin [inaudible].//
F1143 My father says "I'm s-" an I still say it, "I'm starvin", not meanin I'm hungry but I'm starvin, I'm frozen. //So//
F1054 //Yeah,// //founert an starvation.//
F1143 //starvation.//
F1054 //That's good.//
F1145 //Or nippy, it's a bit nippy today.// It's a nippy day.
F1054 Good. Good ehm what's next? Annoyed, pleased, //we've done annoyed, haven't we? Yeah,//
F1144 //Mmhm.// //[inaudible]//
F1054 //eh to th-, that's us been roond the whole thing!//
F1145 //Think that's them all.// //Mmhm.//
F1054 //I think, isn't it? Gosh that was very quick.//
F1144 //Mmhm.//
F1054 It's much quicker than normal. //[laugh] Full o ideas.//
F1143 //Is that right? Well, we- we're very good, ye know?//
F1054 //Ehm,//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1054 is there any o that kinda phrases or that locally that ye'd really like tae share that's really characteristically Stirling or that you're just fond of yourselves?
F1144 Can't think [laugh] this is where my mind goes blank. //Mm.//
F1054 //Yeah.// //Or any w- other wee stories?//
F1144 //Just the dialect, I can remember when I was at school and// when I was at school I took I took secretarial studies an most o the girls there an the teacher used to always say, "Girls, girls, that awful Stirling accent, pronounce your I.s!" cause we all used tae say Stirlin. I don't know wh- it must hae came oot as an "u" instead o a "i" //when ye were speakin.//
F1054 //Uh-huh.//
F1144 So.
F1054 Is that in Stirlin you got the //[inaudible]//
F1144 //Yeah, yeah at the high school.// //Used tae say,"That Stirling accent, pronounce your I.s!",//
F1054 //That's interestin, isn't it?// [laugh] Anything else?
F1145 Can't think of any Stir- any actual Stirling phrases.
F1054 Have ye ever had bother bein understood?
F1145 Not really bother bein understood, I did have a parent askin which island I came from once. He thought I'd a very Highland accent when I came here at first. But not no no real problems bein understood I don't think.
F1143 I don't think so, I've got a few stories wi the kids, you know, an their words ehm a a word that ye know I think is a Stirling word although everybody uses it an it's sitootery, ye know about a sitootery? An it's quite funny cause a- ye know all the Bridge of Allan folk have got what they call a sitootery, which is the modern eh well eh ye know, where ye can sit oot an it's quite wrong because it's not the right derivation at all, and eh so like ye've got the deck or ye've got a, ye know, a chim- a chimenea of course an you're all sittin oot in the sitootery havin your tea, but in actual, Mrs Mackaree across the road told me that that a sitootery was actually like in the Albert Hall if eh there was a dance an ye had a young man that ye sorta kinda fancied, ye hoped he would take ye to the sitootery, an it was the place where ye sat oot fae the dancin, //an it wasn't anythin tae do cause nobody in Scotland in their right mind would sit out in the ye know!//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 [laugh] at any time of year, but in Clive Ramsay's they actually sit out in November, they've got heaters above their heids, ye know? But Mrs Mackaree says, no it's none o that at all it's actually ye sit oot, an hopefully get a snog //from the dancin.//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 That's like conservatory nooadays, //isn't it?//
F1143 //Uh-huh,// but it's actually outside, I mean people are actually mad enough now in Scotland to actually sit outside.
F1145 On the patio. //Yeah, we've a patio.//
F1054 //Gie it their best shot. [laugh]//
F1144 //Patio.//
F1145 Only where I stay it's too windy to ever use the patio, but it looks nice. //Can't use it. What I ehm find in in//
F1054 //[laugh]//
F1145 school is the children all use aye an no, which I don't mind at all, I I never, unless it's spoken really insolently, I would never correct aye //or no because that's//
F1143 //No.//
F1145 the way they always speak, you know some people get very uptight about, you know, the word is yes, but aye is fine.
F1054 Are you are you encouraged in school to use local dialect or //discouraged or [inaudible]?//
F1145 //Only since Elaine came,// //[laugh] only since Elaine started at the school, not so much local dialect but//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
F1145 old Scots words, we use old Scots words for things like our our groups an the children, they don't actually recognise the words but they like tae use them, they like the sounds o them, an I, my spellin groups are birds, we've the speugs an the deuks, so I give them the words on the first day an tell them tae go home an find out, an very few of them come back knowin what the words mean an every year s- the first group always choose speug, they just love the sound o the word, //you know a a speug, a sparrow.//
F1144 //[inaudible]//
F1054 Do you have the same thing?
F1143 I do, I've got the pee-the-beds which always shocks the parents to the core, you know, "You can be the pee-the-beds", you know, but of course there's great competition tae be in the pee-the-beds, an the baw heids, you know, an the chantywrastlers, which is a great word, much better than chancer. It's a word o my father's an a chantywrastler was a trusted prisoner like an Uncle Tom an he got, he sort of cosied up wi the management so much that he got tae empty the the chanties, an so you're, ye know, it's a much better word than chancer, a chantywrastler, an now my kids use it an I've got baw heids did I say that, an scunners an everything an it's just great ye know, ye can say, "Right, there's far too much noise comin from the pee-the-beds!", an they love it ye know. //Yeah.//
F1054 //Yeah, great.// //Do you ken, yeah?//
F1144 //Course that's a a name for a, is that no a name for a// //dandelion, yeah, a pee-the-bed, what were you gonnae say?//
F1054 //Mmhm.//
F1143 //Dandelion, yeah.//
F1145 //Dandelion.//
F1054 No I was gonnae say, do your bairns, eh have they //felt the effect o any o this or no?//
F1144 //Don't n-// yeah well my daughters took part in the Scots language project when they went tae Parliament, Ela- she was in not in Elaine's class but she took part in that so, but they do speak slang sometimes but I says, "What was that ye were sayin? Speak properly!" I must admit I still correct them. [laugh] //[laugh]//
F1054 //Yeah.// Well I think eh what Matthew Fitt was sayin for that language programme is as lang as bairns ken wh- the place of Scots, //that Scots is one accent, one total language an then English is another language altogether an//
F1144 //Yeah.// //Yeah, yeah.//
F1054 //you can use either or both dependin on who you're talkin to,// but ehm he said he was goin into schools an bairns were aa sittin wi their ye know hands coverin their mouths, really bad //self-esteem about the way they spoke,//
F1144 //Yeah.//
F1054 and eh it's just kinda makin bairns realise it's legitimate as well but everything has their place //[inaudible], yeah, mmhm.//
F1143 //Mm.//
F1144 //Yeah, well they're quite confident [laugh] about the way they speak but you do tend to say, I think it's cause you've had it said to you, "Speak properly!", ye know,// isn't it, just //just the way they are.//
F1054 //Yeah.//
F1143 //Mmhm.// An a word that I I love an I hadn't heard it in this context at all, I don't know if you'll have heard it but I was teaching locally on supply an a wee boy opened his piece box an he said, "Oh great, I've got a hurdie!", an I said, "What is a hurdie?", an cause I thought this was a hurdie //but it was the heel of a loaf//
F1054 //[inaudible]// //[inaudible]//
F1143 //that, aye an I li- I liked that a lot an he really liked this hurdie.// //An I'll tell you one or two more stories aboot the kids?//
F1054 //Yeah do.//
F1143 Ehm, well we had, ye know in schools, I mean, this is about two or three years ago when the the the sort of shame of the school dinners was first exposed, ye know, and we were tryin tae get the kitchen sorted out andye know what it's like, consultation, school board an kitchen people from Stirling council and all sorts, consulting, ye know? And eh the consultation process wasn't really going tae the head teacher's liking an we were out in the field, my class was out in the field an she said, she came out to me an said, "Elaine, I need someone from primary seven to come an tell them like it is, ye know, sorta get them telt", an I said, "Well there's Paul, Paul will you please go an say tae the school board an all these high heedjuns ye know, tell them", cause the kids had been moanin forever about the school dinners, an he went in and Gi- Gill the head teacher said they everyone was just kind of in awe of him because the words were were lent a greater truth cause o the way he said them, h- cause he was just he's a, he's a clever boy an he just spoke them an he said he said, "Well, the stuff that's meant tae be hot is cold an the stuff that's meant tae be cold is hot an the trays are all mingin". An the next day we got a dishwasher an an a new fridge. An an ye know an it was all sorted an I really put it down to that, and eh another one ehm every year the Burn- the the primary sevens do a Burns supper and ehm it's a big deal an it's good, an we had this kinda recalcitrant boy called [CENSORED: forename], and I was tryin tae get him on side an everything, ye know, and I offered him the position of, ye know, ehm sayin the Address To the Haggis, an this was three years ago an he said to me, "Aye right", an it was the first time I'd heard, "Aye right", an I thought I thought it was so eloquent, ye know? //"Aye right". I said, "Well, you know just//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1143 ye know, ye should do it", an he went away an he come in the next day an he amazed me cause he was never, ye know, very ehm forthcoming an he said, "My grandpa kens that poem", and it was the penetration of the the the Burns into the culture that I really liked cause y- we know that that family, you know, an it wouldn't ye wouldn't have imagined necessarily an I said, "Well, look, ye just say the poem, ye know, two verses, an ye get to slash the haggis, ye know //as the sort of pay-off, ye know?", so//
F1054 //Pay-off. [laugh]//
F1143 a- an it was great because ehm on the day o the Burns supper the kids all met me at, ye know at the gate o the car park an they they were shoutin at me, "Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename]'s in his school uniform an it's the first time since primary one!" An that's true an I, so in he came in his school uniform but he actually had something ne- sort of like Burberryish or something over the top but he had, his mother had sent him to school, new shoes the whole lot, I was really sweatin about it, an it came to the Burns supper and eh just before it, ye know, they have the hag- before they do all the speeches they had the haggis an everything an of course every year somebody like [CENSORED: forename] for their street cred they have tae ping food about the place ye know, the haggis an everything an so he was, ye know, and eh one or two, an I thought, "I better stop it before it gets out o hand," ye know, "he's had his street cred", so I said, "[CENSORED: forename], stop that!", an he s- he turned tae the Immortal Memory, Douglas, an he said, //"He pung some tae!", [laugh]//
F1144 //[laugh]// He pung some. [laugh] //[laugh]//
F1143 //Mmhm an he said// he said ehm The Haggis an it was great, really great. //Was I I I//
F1144 //We never used to call it haggis when we were wee, we always called it Rabbie,// //uh-huh.//
F1143 //Is that right?//
F1144 Here comes the Rabbie. [laugh] We never ever called it haggis. I used tae think it was Rabbie Burns all chopped up that we were eatin, [laugh] [laugh] an that's terrible, the things you think about when you're a kid. //[laugh] I used tae say, "I wonder why they call it Rabbie". [laugh]//
F1143 //That's good.//
F1144 There's your culture eh [laugh] Robert Burns. [laugh]
F1054 He pung some tae //that, oh that'll live wi me for a long time, he pung some. [laugh]//
F1143 //I I honestly, I was doin a, I was doin an Immortal Memory// an, ye know, ehm it was just for friends locally and that wasn't the best, I didn't th- ye know I had never done one before but I thought pardon me, I need tae tell this story aboot [CENSORED: forename] cause ye know it means a lot tae me but I did not expect them tae fall apart the way the way they did when I said, "He pung some tae", ye know [laugh] an that was it, the rest was, ye know, nae bother, ehm, they were kind of on side then, I'm just thinkin o some words at Wallace High School that ye'll probably have heard, ehm skanky. Yeah, everything's skanky. Great word cause ye know ye can connect wi the kids like ye know, "I don't want any skanky writin, ye know, none o that skanky rubbish", ehm an scabionic //ab- oh that's scab-.//
F1144 //[laugh] Scabionic.//
F1143 An mingin has ehm developed tae ming mong, so my girls say, "Oh ming mong Mum!" ye know, ye know I don't know I presume it's from mingin.
F1054 What's scabionic?
F1143 //A- as in sorta horrible, scabby, scabby,//
F1144 //Scabby, scabby's horrible.//
F1143 scabionic. //Aye scabionic.//
F1054 //That's a real good mix o the old an the new.//
F1144 //Did you no call [laugh] anything that's horrible scabby?//
F1143 Ehm a story about [CENSORED: forename], we were doin the Scots dictionary ehm the kids all brought in words an then ehm the radio came, I, we're we're forever on the radio in St Ninian's Primary, an the ra- the B.B.C. came to talk to the kids about eh their words, an [CENSORED: forename] ehm his word was shoogly an ehm I remember him saying, when he was interviewed, "And do you have a", and [CENSORED: forename]'s well-to-do and eh //and well-spoken as it were//
F1145 //And well-spoken.//
F1143 oh what a thing to say Katrina, but he is well-spoken, and eh [laugh] so so ehm [CENSORED: forename] was eh asked ye know his word and he said, "It's shoogly an the interviewer naturally said, "An so what does shoogly mean?", "All wobbly an things", "An so do ye use the word shoogly much?", an he said, "Well, no really, not really", he said, "We don't have much shoogly stuff in my house but in our holiday home in Fort William everything's shoogly", an then [laugh] his father was comin up the road, up the M6, at ten o'clock at night an it was Five Live an he heard [CENSORED: forename] comin over the radio an he didn't know about this an he heard [CENSORED: forename] talkin about the holiday house [laugh] in Fort William wi everythin bein shoogly, //so I like that.//
F1144 //[laugh]//
F1054 //That is a good one, super.//
F1143 //Mm mm.// How're we doin? //Are we alright?//
F1054 //Excellent, Ian's [inaudible] on actually, if you're happy wi them, can I just get you once mair tae just tell me// what your name is, whaur ye bide an ehm how your accent ah that's too complicated whaur ye bide, that'll dae.
F1145 I'm Katrina [CENSORED: surname], I live in Thornhill, ten miles outside of, west of Stirling. I'm a teacher in St Ninian's, I've been teachin there for aboot sixteen years.
F1143 I'm Elaine [CENSORED: surname], I also teach in St Ni- I'll start again, I'm Elaine [CENSORED: surname], I teach in St Ninian's Primary School an I live in Bridge of Allan where I've lived for eighteen years.
F1144 I'm Sandra [CENSORED: surname] and I'm the admin assistant at St Ninian's Primary School and I live in Stirling, I was born in Stirling.

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BBC Voices Recording: Stirling. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Information about Document 1572

BBC Voices Recording: Stirling


Audio audience

Adults (18+)
General public
Informed lay people
For gender Mixed
Audience size 1000+

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Spontaneous but discussing a list of words they had thought about previously.

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2005
Recording person id 1060
Size (min) 68
Size (mb) 263

Audio footage series/collection information

Part of series
Contained in BBC Voices Recordings -

Audio medium

Web (e.g. audio webcast)

Audio setting

Recording venue Private house
Geographic location of speech Stirling

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Not previously acquainted
Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Members of the same group e.g. schoolmates

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 631
Year of transcription 2006
Year material recorded 2006
Word count 14324

Audio type

General description Conversation centred around a pre-prepared list of words for discussion


Participant details

Participant id 1054


Participant details

Participant id 1143
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1950
Educational attainment University
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Place of birth Dumfries
Region of birth W Dumfries
Birthplace CSD dialect area Dmf
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Bridge of Allan
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Police Officer
Father's place of birth Glenlivet
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Telephonist
Mother's place of birth Whithorn
Mother's region of birth Wigtown
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Wgt
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes All the time
French No No No Yes Higher French
Scots Yes No No Yes At work and home


Participant details

Participant id 1144
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1960
Educational attainment College
Age left school 16
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Administrative Support Assistant
Place of birth Stirling
Region of birth Stirling
Birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Stirling
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Engineer / turner and submariner in Royal Navy
Father's place of birth Stirling
Father's region of birth Stirling
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Shop assistant/manageress/bar person/home help
Mother's place of birth Stirling
Mother's region of birth Stirling
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes At work, at home
French No No No Yes On holiday


Participant details

Participant id 1145
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1950
Age left school 17
Occupation Teacher
Place of birth Stirling
Region of birth Stirling
Birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Thornhill
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Joiner
Father's place of birth Thornhill
Father's region of birth Stirling
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Auxiliary nurse
Mother's region of birth Argyll
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Arg
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Participant details

Participant id 1146
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1930
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation School teacher
Place of birth Stirling
Region of birth Stirling
Birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Bridge of Allan
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Butcher
Father's place of birth Stirling
Father's region of birth Stirling
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Stlg
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's place of birth Alloa
Mother's region of birth Clackmannan
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Clcm
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
