Document 339
Starn sign
Author(s): Christine De Luca
Copyright holder(s): Christine De Luca
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Nor haeven nor aert is bön at paece da nicht.
War's runnicks barely cut, still lines on maps.
But life gengs on: a ting o lass is boarn.
Birth's bassel owre, da howdie maks fur hom
doon da toons o Neegirt, wi tengs o fire fur licht.
An i da firmament, a comet's flicht records
da moment, ootstrips a hairst mön is shö rides
da sky. Da haevens demsels blaze furt nativity
hap a blissin on a peerie ting whase first braeth
reincarnates da stoor o galaxies, obscures
reveals: links daeth wi life an love an po'er.
reference to excerpts from Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar', Act 2, Scene 2
aert: earth; is bön: has been; runnicks: byre drains (trenches); gengs: goes; a ting a lass: a little girl; bassel: struggle; owre: over; howdie: local (untrained) midwife; maks for: goes towards; toons: arable fields; wi: with; tengs o fire: burning peat held aloft in tongs; hairst: harvest; mön: moon; shö: she; demsels: themselves; furt: forth; hap: wrap; peerie ting: little one; stoor: dust; po'er: power.
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Starn sign. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 10 September 2024, from
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