Document 417
Biggam Collection Letter: 24
Author(s): Madge Taylor Law
Copyright holder(s): Mr William Biggam
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5 July 1990
Dear Joan & Chrissie
Thanks for letting me know the time and day you are coming. I'm looking forward to seeing you both and I will come to Bolton to meet you. When you get off your coach I'll meet you there. I've been in to find out where exactly your bus comes in and I can get a bus into the bus station to meet you both where you get off your coach. Bobby and the children will be going to her sisters in Banbury for part of the time you'll be here but you'll be able to see them all. John is in London just now I don't know if he'll be back before your holiday finishes because he's got a lot of business to get on with in London (such as the Old Boys day out) and seeing a solicitor about the flat etc. The Council are trying to claim that he has rent arrears, it looks as if they are making some mistakes because you're not supposed to be able to buy if you have rent arrears, yet he's already bought it. He's 'phoned them a couple of times but the one who's supposed to be dealing with it hasn't been there. So he might have to be there for a while getting things sorted out.
Remember what I told you don't bring any towels or lots of luggage I've got plenty of towels and your clothes can all be washed and dried here.
I've been to the supermarket and bought plenty of flour, I thought you might fancy making some cakes here if the weather is wet. The weather hasn't been very good through June until now so lets hope its a bit nicer by the time you get here.
Well I'll say ta ta for noo and we will have a good blether when you both come.
Remember stay in the bus station when you arrive because if I'm late in getting there its only because my bus is late so don't worry I'll meet you allright.
Cheerio see you both soon.
Love from Madge.
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Biggam Collection Letter: 24. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 10 September 2024, from
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