Document 421
Biggam Collection Letter: 28
Author(s): Madge Taylor Law
Copyright holder(s): Mr William Biggam
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25 June 1990
Dear Joan
I got your very welcome letter this morning and I'm delighted that you are both coming. I believe the Glasgow Fair is round about the second or third week in July that would suit me fine. John goes back to London tomorrow so if you come then you will both be company for me but whenever you want to come it will suit me. Have you been in touch with Norrie to find out if Lily and him are going to be at home around that time so that we can all pay them a visit while you are here, or maybe they would like to visit us here. Anyway I hope we will all manage to meet. You said that your coach comes to Bolton can you let me know where, in Bolton it comes in, you see there is a bus station at Moor Street and there is another one that they call the Interchange so if you can find out where, what time approximately and what day and I will be able to meet you both. Don't carry a lot of luggage because clothes can be washed and dried here, I've got a small tumble-dryer which dries them quite quickly. I've got plenty of towels etc. so don't try to carry anything like that. You can have a go at baking cakes and scones when you get here, I will get plenty of flour etc. in.
John has been here since 31st May so his train ticket return has to be used soon. Robert has been here this weekend too he goes back on Wednesday along with John.
We are keeping well and I trust you and Chrissie are keeping better, and I'll say ta ta for noo hoping to see you both soon.
Love from Madge & John.
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