Document 827

Conversation 20: Four secondary school girls in the North East

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): Prof Christian J Kay, SCOTS Project

Audio transcription

F835 What are you doing this weekend then, [CENSORED: forename]?
F832 Ehm I've not got much planned; I'm working on S-, Friday after school. No cause we're off on school, aren't we? //Yeah I'm working all//
F835 //Yeah.//
F832 day Friday and then I'm workin on Saturday and then on Sunday I'm goin to my dad's //and I don't know what I'm doin.//
F835 //Are you?//
F832 What are you doin?
F835 What, this weekend?
F832 mmhm
F835 I don't know, [laugh], ehm, Friday I'm supposed to be going out with dinner with my boyfriend cause we've been going out for six months [laugh]. //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //[CENSORED: forename]!//
F832 //Six// months, oh God!
F835 Eh and then on Saturday I'm going to Orkney to visit family cause that's where I'm born.
F833 [laugh] //It's//
F835 //And that's about it,// //I think.//
F833 //too much!//
F835 [laugh] I'm not sure. [CENSORED: forename] what did you do?
F833 [laugh] //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]// //[CENSORED: forename]'s just havin a slight fit there!//
F833 //[laugh]// I'm sorry, oh! //ehm//
F834 //I dinnae ken fit ye're on aboot!// //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 Well I dinna ken fit I'm daein this weekend, eh, nothin planned I'm probably packin cause I'm awa my holidays to Tenerife next Thursday, //eh//
F835 //What did you do this weekend?//
F834 We-, weel, [laugh] eh, Friday I didn't do anythin, I had some pals come round, [laugh] Saturday I went to, to my gran's for some [laugh] mince an tatties //an oh//
F835 //Oh, I love mince an tatties but mince an clapshot's the best//
F832 I hate //mince an tatties//
F833 //What what what do you// call it, clap-
F835 //Clapshot.//
F832 //Clapshot.//
F835 You know it's like tatties //an, yeah neeps all mixed up//
F834 //Is it neeps like mixed together?//
F835 together.
F833 I've never even heard of that.
F832 It's disgustin.
F834 Eh an then Sunday I just eh did some shoppin
F832 Have you started revisin yet?
F835 //What for//
F833 //Nope.//
F835 //our exams?//
F834 //Nuh, you?//
F833 Ehm, can I just say I'm pooin myself //cause I really don't know what I'm gonna do!//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //I've I made up my timetable and stuff but//
F833 //[laugh]// //ooh//
F835 //on Friday I, on Friday I've//
F832 //Did ye?//
F835 done absolutely nothin, Saturday I did nothin and Sunday I did nothin [laugh] //so I've not started yet!//
F833 //I did nothin [laugh].//
F835 //[inaudible]//
F832 //I've not timetabled, I've not made up// //a timetable.//
F833 //I'm totally panickin// cause like I'll
F832 I'm just gonna start in the first week of the holidays when I go down.
F833 I'm gonna have to //yeah cause//
F835 //I'll probably start in// the second week cause I'm away on holiday and I won't concentrate.
F833 I'm gonna, I'll probably start like revisin and stuff just once I get on holiday but may- I'm plannin to go home and do some work tonight but I'll be like, //"Yeah, I'll just//
F835 //Are you?//
F833 watch Hollyoaks instead". //[laugh]//
F835 //Oh I love// //Hollyoaks!//
F834 //So, [CENSORED: forename]// my pal, what are you wantin to dae when you leave school, my Scottish //friend?//
F833 //[laugh]// [laugh] I dinnae ken what I'm [laugh]
F835 //What's your favourite subject?//
F834 //What do want to dae [CENSORED: forename] when you leave school?//
F832 I don't know, I wanna get rich //obviously [laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F832 but I think I'll probably go to university but I don't know what I'm gonna study. //University, I like, I like//
F833 //I want, I want to go to university but I don't know//
F834 //University?//
F832 art an I like drama, so something to do with that.
F833 Yeah, I don't know, I want //to go to uni but I don't know//
F835 //What about like puttin make-up// on actresses or somethin, that's a bit of drama, a bit of art
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 Ye know?
F832 //I don't know.//
F834 //No.//
F833 [laugh]
F834 My friend [CENSORED: forename] [laugh] speaks Orcadian //She's eh//
F833 //Come on [CENSORED: forename], give us a blast.//
F835 What do you want me to say?
F834 Just anythin you want; //just slip it into conversation.//
F833 //"My name's [CENSORED: forename] and I'm from Orkney."//
F835 My name's [CENSORED: forename] an I'm from Orkney.
F833 [laugh]
F834 So [CENSORED: forename] fit do you want to dae when you're elder?
F835 I've got a lot of things I want to dae but I'm nae sure yet. [tut] I'm thinkin I want to work on a cruise ship an do some beauty therapy, //but//
F833 //Wow!// That's so cool!
F835 because it, you see I figured you don't have to pay like, for like tax or anything [laugh], got your food an your like bed free //[inaudible] bed [laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //Yeah but then you're on [laugh] but then you're on//
F834 //[laugh]//
F833 a boat and it's all
F835 I lo-, I love boats.
F832 Do you not get seasick?
F835 Nuh.
F832 I do, I really
F833 I do, well, no I get a bit queasy cause we were on holiday to Tenerife last year an we went on this boat thing, on this catrama-, catramara-
F834 Ca-, cataraman. //I went on that last//
F833 //That's the one!// //An ehm an but it was quite//
F832 //[?]This is me.[/?]//
F834 //year it's oh// //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //choppy an my sister was sick, my mum was sick an me and dad an William were all like really nauseous we were like ooh an then there was this huge fat man in front of us eatin his dinner an it was mingin [laugh]// //I'm glad that's on the//
F832 //[inaudible]//
F833 recording thing now [laugh].
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F833 Never mind, you'll just edit that bit out
F834 Aye, that was on my holiday too an we went on the catamaran an we got to feed the //fish.//
F835 //A caravan.//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //A catamaran.//
F835 What's a //catamaran?//
F834 //A boat.// //Yeah.//
F835 //Or ever been in a banana boat? I//
F833 //It's, it's a glass-bottomed boat.// //[laugh]//
F835 //I'm tellin you I've got phobias right, do you want to hear about my phobias?//
F832 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //My phobias are//
F833 //Yeah, yeah.//
F835 spiders, mice and rats an deep water, and I went away on like a kind of activities week thing with my family, it was really really crap and ehm [laugh] I went, I went in a boat, right? But it was like a banana boat and like you know you've got to be like, like straddle it //an then an then like you're like//
F833 //[laugh] yeah!//
F835 lookin down and oh my God I thought I was gonna fall in. I didn't //[laugh] but I thought I was gonna fall in//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 an ehm //[inaudible]//
F833 //Do they also have// spiders, mats an, rats and like
F835 //Oh yeah!//
F832 //I killed the biggest//
F834 //[laugh]//
F832 spider this mornin it was absolutely massive! //It was in my bath it's//
F833 //[CENSORED: forename]! It's// //gonna make it rain now!//
F835 //I, I woke up// with a spider on my face.
F832 //Uh that's//
F833 //uh//
F834 //uh//
F835 //No wonder I've//
F832 //mingin!//
F835 got a phobia. I woke up an I was like "Ah, Dad, Dad, kill it!", not that I'm scared of spiders [laugh] //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //No, that can mean that no,//
F834 //[laugh]//
F833 but apparently ye eat eight spiders in your lifetime.
F835 //But it was like//
F832 //Yeah that's disgustin//
F835 huge, if I had that down my throat I'd be like //dead. [laugh]//
F832 //[choke] [laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 It was absolutely massive.
F832 //So what//
F834 //[inaudible]//
F832 subjects are you pickin next year?
F833 For Highers.
F834 Well ehm
F833 Weel
F834 I'm nae entirely happy wi the course choices //this year.//
F832 //No, I know.//
F833 Mrs [CENSORED: surname] was totally guilt trippin me, I was so mad!
F834 [laugh]
F833 I don't care!
F832 //Oh really?//
F834 //[laugh]// [inaudible]
F835 Oh well //ehm//
F833 //Oh woops!// //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //Yeah! [laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F832 //Anyway what//
F833 //I didn't s-//
F832 subjects are doin [CENSORED: forename]?
F834 Well ehm I'm definitely takin drama //and//
F835 //Why?// You're crap! //An I'm jokin! [laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]// Scottish English //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 and er R.M.P.S.
F833 Me too!
F835 //Oh I love that subject//
F834 //Scottish// Religion and eh
F835 Scottish Religion? It's //Religious, Moral, Philosophical Education//
F834 //[laugh]// //and ehm, ehm, eh, what's the other one ehm//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 P.D.? //No?//
F834 //No.// //ehm//
F832 //Mods?//
F834 Modern Studies, //that's the one but I don't, [laugh] don't know what my other subject will be, cause the columns don't//
F832 //[inaudible]//
F835 //I'm wantin tae//
F834 //fit.//
F835 crash Biology.
F833 Oh, I'm havin to take Higher Biology //an I'm not happy.//
F832 //I'm havin to take Higher Business Management.//
F835 //Oh, I feel sorry//
F833 //I'm not happy.//
F835 //for you, Miss [CENSORED: surname] for another year, nah I'm jokin//
F832 //I know.//
F835 //she's not that bad.//
F833 //Sure// sure in P.S.E. she was totally guilt-trippin me, //did you notice?//
F835 //Why?//
F833 she was like, "Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about the //course choices cause//
F835 //Oh yeah! I know an she kinda// kept lookin at ye
F833 //an she's like, "Some peop-, some people got on their high horse-, high horses".//
F834 //Kept sayin, "Oh it's the, some people that complained the first time an// an they're nae happy with it the second time." //[sigh]//
F835 //I know. So is anyone goin anywhere//
F833 //[inaudible]//
F835 nice in the holidays?
F834 Aye, I'm goin to Tenerife.
F835 Are you? //With who?//
F834 //Aye.//
F835 your family?
F833 //Whereabout are you goin?//
F834 //With my family, my ma, my// dad, my sister [laugh].
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //Whereabout are you goin?//
F835 //Tenerife.//
F834 //A timeshare.// It's just ehm my last
F835 //Plonked in the middle of Tenerife.//
F833 //[laugh]//
F835 //There you go!//
F834 //No, I.//
F835 [laugh] Buy an ice-cream, off ye go! //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 My last family holiday cause I'll be sixteen soon so, yeah.
F832 //I'm goin to Stoke.//
F833 //Well what does that, are you movin out// when you're sixteen?
F834 No, but I don't want to go on holiday with my family again //cause eh//
F833 //Aw// //that's horrible [laugh].//
F835 //Are you goin on//
F834 //don't really like//
F835 holiday [CENSORED: forename]?
F832 I'm just goin down to Stoke-on-Trent
F835 Where the hell's //that?//
F832 //It's in// England dummy! [laugh] //You know where Alton Towers is?//
F835 //Oh// Nuh. //[laugh]//
F832 //It's, you know where A-, well it's where Alton Towers is.//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //Oh right. Is that not like Blackpool or//
F833 //And Robbie Williams was born there.//
F835 something?
F832 No.
F835 Oh okay. //[laugh] I'm not good at//
F832 //[inaudible] It's Stoke//
F833 //That's in Blackpool.//
F835 //Geography as you can tell//
F832 //Yeah I'm goin down to see my// Mum's boyfriend's parents so we're stayin wi them but I've only met once before so it'll be //a bit//
F835 //Party.// //No it won't [laugh]//
F832 //No//
F835 I'm jokin. //No//
F832 //No I think it'll// be a bit dodgy.
F835 [gasp] See P.E. at the moment I'm really hacked off. I'm so glad that it's the last c- cross country.
F833 It's not though.
F832 It is, //they're not doin it after the holidays.//
F835 //I hope it is.// //See makin us run,//
F832 //They said that last year an they never did it.//
F833 //I think.//
F835 that weather's crap.
F833 I know, thery're makin us run //in like the snow and the rain and stuff.//
F835 //It is and I really hurt my leg.// //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F835 //I really hurt my leg!//
F832 //How? What did you do to it?// What did you do to it?
F835 What?
F832 What did you do to it?
F835 Oh I don't know. I went over it or somethin an it kind of popped. It's really sore [laugh]. //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F832 You idiot!
F835 Sair leg, ye ken aye? Och aye!
F833 [laugh] //[inaudible]//
F832 //No they're not// makin us do cross country any more.
F833 Are they not? //Oh cause they said they would.//
F832 //Well they said that last year// and they never made us do it.
F833 Well I haven't got five times. //[inaudible]//
F835 //Yeah but last year I skipped, last year I skipped//
F832 //I didn't have five times last year an they didn't make me do it// //[laugh]//
F835 //every single cross country and they never noticed. I was like, "Oh, [inaudible] I'm not well, I'm unfit", an everythin, they were like, "Oh right, okay"//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]// //I never, I never miss it.//
F835 //an then they never, they never// noticed.
F834 I never don't do it, I, I just //walk//
F833 //I do it// but I hate it, I'm like "Grr grumble, grumble" //[laugh]//
F835 //Grumble, grumble, grumble.//
F832 //Oh, I wa-, I was off the first week//
F834 //[laugh]//
F832 that's just cause I was sick.
F835 //Yeah, okay [laugh]!//
F833 //I, I was off the, I was o-, no// I was off the first week cause I was feeling rubbish, I thought I had the flu and then I was off the second week cause I was recovering from a viral infection.
F835 A viral //[inaudible]//
F832 //A viral infection, ooh that's// rather posh!
F833 No that's what the doctor said an I was gonna get antibiotics but he said no, cause they have side-effects, I was like, "Okay, let's not go there" //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 but [laugh] but I just recovered all by myself
F832 Oh, good girl [CENSORED: forename]
F833 Thanks [CENSORED: forename].
F835 So, you've still got the cold then cause you're kinda //bunged up.//
F832 //You sound like all//
F833 //Yeah, yeah.//
F832 like meep //meep meep//
F835 //Hey my name's// [CENSORED: forename]! //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F833 Right I'm just gonna walk out now, you can insult me, no, yeah I do have the cold but yeah.
F834 So eh what do we think about the Scottish language, do we think it's still, still //goin around?//
F833 //My dad's still got// the Scottish [laugh].
F832 //I think it's dyin out because//
F834 //So does mine.// //Nuh.//
F835 //But when you do like Scottish//
F832 //we don't use as many Scottish words.//
F833 //Yeah.//
F835 do ye mean like, "I dinna ken like, fit ye daein", or do ye mean like //Glaswegian?//
F832 //No, it means like// no, the actual Scots language.
F833 Cause like Scots and English are con-, //completely two different languages.//
F832 //are different, yeah.//
F833 My //my dad//
F832 //Have they just kinda been// merged and we speak a lot more English than //Scottish.//
F833 //my dad's// //retained a lot of//
F832 //We've just got a Scottish accent.//
F835 //Like a, like a twang?//
F833 //yeah, my dad's//
F832 Yeah.
F835 but we don't actually say the words
F832 uh-huh
F833 My dad's retained a //lot of his//
F834 //Sorry.//
F833 Scottish ehm heritage cause well he's a, he's a farmer //loon [laugh]//
F832 //But does he still use// like S- all //Scottish words?//
F833 //Yeah, uh-huh//
F834 //Like, does he//
F835 //[inaudible] is Scottish words like//
F833 //an he, an he's Scottish.//
F835 ehm, "thou", "tis", "aye", "kin" //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //Well, Da-//
F834 //[laugh]// //That's Shakespeare.//
F832 //What was that?// //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //No Dad,//
F834 //[laugh]//
F833 Dad'll be like, "Oh aye the beasts are, are calvin up the hill", an stuff like that an I know that doesn't sound particularly Scottish but he uses other Scottish words that I can't think of //right now,//
F834 //Yeah.// //Same, it's the same wi my//
F833 //but yeah,// //an he'll come out wi//
F835 //See I//
F834 //dad.//
F833 words an I'll just be like, "What does that mean?" and he'll be like, "You don't know?", and I'm like, "Yeah and" [laugh]
F832 //I think it's because//
F834 //Yeah.//
F832 we don't get taught Scots in school; we only get taught English
F833 Yeah.
F835 //Or Shakespeare.//
F832 //well how,// //[laugh] so I mean, but how are we meant to know the Scots language if we've never been taught it?//
F835 //[laugh]// //But it's not like//
F833 //Exactly.//
F835 any-, we're all gonna change our a-, eh, accents suddenly and start speakin all this Scottish dictionary words //[laugh] whatever that//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 Also I mean it sounds a bit silly but //kids//
F835 //It must be goin//
F834 ye know like when we've got, we've got mobile phones an we can text an //all that//
F833 //Yeah.//
F834 but just change, change the words, ye know, to shorten words //an we don't//
F835 //Yeah.//
F834 nowaday-, like, we don't say "Scottish", we just say, "Sco'ish"
F835 //Sco'ish, it's not//
F832 //Yeah an//
F835 like "Italy", it's "I'aly" //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //Yeah.//
F834 //[laugh]// //I think a lot of us are just lazy as well.//
F835 //An we'd be like. It's like//
F832 //But that's just pronunciation, isn't it?//
F835 lazy pronunciation. It's not like the words that we //use at all.//
F834 //No// an an it's I don't know.
F835 But it must be, obviously can't be as popular if we don't even know half the words that the Scots //use, I mean//
F834 //No, I think.//
F835 I've lived in //Scotland all my life and I don't speak Scottish at all.//
F834 //We should still be speakin Scottish cause we are Scottish.//
F832 I don't particularly like Scottish accents [laugh].
F835 //Do you not?//
F833 //I know, they annoy me.//
F832 no but I don't, I don't think English ones are any //better.//
F834 //Like Roisin off o// River City, she's a pain //She's [inaudible]//
F835 //Like see when you would say//
F832 //Oh that's horrible.// //Can't believe you watch River City.//
F833 //Our, our Chemistry teacher,// her voice annoys me.
F832 Oh //[laugh]//
F835 //Who's that, Miss [CENSORED: surname]?//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //But, but everybody complains how the Scottish accent//
F833 //[laugh]// //Yeah//
F835 //But I mean, she's, do you, do you remember that//
F832 //is like so awful but the English ones are worse.//
F834 //[inaudible]//
F835 time that Miss [CENSORED: surname] turned round in class and she turned round and said, ehm, "Well, we're doing the green //ink", and I said " Why are you doin that?", and she goes, "Well, don't Scottish roll their Rs?", like that, but it's like, Scottish don't really roll their Rs//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //they just//
F832 //[CENSORED: forename]// //can't roll her Rs and she's Scottish//
F833 //Like wooh!// //w-, no, no [laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F834 It's when, it's like loch, you know
F832 //Yeah.//
F833 //[inaudible]//
F832 //I hate when, when people who're not Scottish they say "lock",//
F834 //Like when [inaudible]//
F832 //"Lock Ness" instead o "Loch, Loch//
F833 //Yeah, no, that annoys me.//
F835 //Like I live in//
F832 //Ness"//
F835 eh, I live in Tochhill Place //but everyone go//
F832 //uh-huh// //[laugh]//
F835 //"I live in Tockhill Place", that's like, no that'll be Toch-, ch//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[inaudible], I'm just jokin//
F832 An they can't say "Auchenblae" //It's "Auckenblae"//
F833 //Yeah, I know.// //Ye see ehm//
F835 //"Auchenblae"//
F833 the lady that gave the assembly the other day
F832 //[CENSORED: surname]//
F834 //uh-huh//
F835 //Mrs [CENSORED: surname]?//
F833 //ehm// Oh [laugh] [CENSORED: forename]! //[laugh]//
F832 //Anyway,//
F833 Didn't Mrs ehm, didn't our English teacher tell us not to slag off the
F832 We're not slaggin //them off we're just//
F835 //We're not slaggin off teachers, we're//
F833 //teachers.// //Yeah [laugh]//
F835 //just speakin about them.//
F832 //[CENSORED: forename] is// //Right anyway, yeah.//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //She's the Scottish bitch [laugh].//
F834 //[laugh]//
F833 so and she was like, "Auch-, Auchenblae", I was like, no she tried to put a big thingy on it, she was like, "Auchenblae", you're just like, "Auchenblae" [laugh] an, an she was like, "ch" //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //Yeah, she was like, "Auchenblae" [laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 But I don't, I s-, I really think that there's not that many people that speak Scots anymore, //there's just not, I mean the older//
F832 //No, there's not.//
F833 //No.//
F835 generation, yeah //but when we get//
F833 //Yeah.//
F835 see when we have kids and the next generation //it, Scots is just totally gonna die//
F832 //It's just gonna die out completely//
F835 out because nobody speaks it //is it, I mean it's only, it's, it's country bumpkins that//
F832 //It's cause we don't get taught it in schools.//
F835 speak //Scots, you don't hear Aberdonians.//
F833 //Yeah.// //[laugh]//
F835 //goin, "Ocha locha [inaudible]" [laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //ye know, ye hear them goin [inaudible] I know//
F832 //It's like Gaelic apparently, it's like Gae-, Gaelic//
F833 //[inaudible]//
F832 eh language is //dyin out as well//
F834 //Is really fadin, yeah.//
F835 //Gae- [inaudible]//
F833 //Yeah, but// I just think there's so many //people//
F832 //I think we should get taught// Gaelic instead of //French.//
F833 //Yeah.// //No.//
F835 //No.//
F834 //Or, no I think we// should get taught something decent like Spanish cause nearly everywhere you go is Spa-, people //speak Spanish.//
F835 //But then again I went on// //the French exchange and it was really good.//
F832 //Cause you get a choice of speaking more than one language.//
F833 //I loved the// French exchange.
F835 It was really good, yeah me and [CENSORED: forename] went on the French exchange, //me and [CENSORED: forename],//
F833 //It was the bes-//
F835 [CENSORED: forename] and [CENSORED: forename] //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //Yeah, I know// //But it was really good.//
F835 //It was good.//
F833 except my, my French person was a bit of a man, but //you know.//
F835 //My one// my, my [laugh] Mrs [CENSORED: surname] was on the French exchange and she came up to me and goes, "I hear you've picked up a lad", and I goes //"Excuse me, that's my//
F833 //Oh yeah!// //[laugh]//
F835 //French exchange partner", and she was a girl [laugh].// It was such a shame but she was really lovely but she looked a bit feminine [inaudible]
F832 //Were they//
F833 //Oh yeah [laugh]// //Yeah, they were about thirteen,//
F832 //younger than [inaudible]?//
F835 //Yeah.//
F833 //and we were over there// //we were about fifteen.//
F835 //but she was really cool, my one// played electric guitar and everything, I went to her like French lesson and her French teacher was like, eh, "Do you know like all these people?", an like th-, this, an I was goin, "No", an he was goin, "No? //no?", [inaudible] [laugh] this huge big fit about it, I was like, "Oh my God"//
F832 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F832 But anyway
F833 I, yeah, my eh, Matilde's brother was quite, quite nice.
F835 Quite, what was that [CENSORED: forename], quite nice? //[laugh]//
F833 //No, of course not!//
F832 Quite fit.
F834 I like, eh, Scottish, Scottish males.
F832 Yeah [laugh] //With their kilts on.//
F834 //See I think the// //fairmers an, aye, the kilts on an//
F833 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
F835 //I think they look// //lovely in kilts.//
F832 //They don't//
F833 //Yeah, but the farmers don't walk around the farms in//
F834 //Yeah.// //I know.//
F832 //wear it every day it's be a bit worryin// //But eh kilts are quality.//
F835 //Kilts for a special occasion.// I think that the Scottish like //like, cause like//
F833 //Yeah uh-huh// //[laugh]//
F835 //in England do they not just wear like bowler hats and like suits and stuff or is that// //not true?//
F832 //Bowler//
F833 //Aw gee don't// //stereotype them.//
F832 //hats!// //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
F835 //No, I know. No! [laugh]//
F832 //What are you talking about?//
F833 //[laugh]// //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F832 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F832 Okay [CENSORED: forename], calm it, just calm down there
F835 No, but no, I don't believe in the stereotype but you know like everyone says that Scottish people eat haggis eh mince an clapshot and ye know wear kilts an everything, well we do wear kilts but on like a special //occasions we dress up,//
F832 //Yeah.//
F833 //Yeah.//
F834 //Yeah.//
F835 so what do English people wear on national occasions, do they wear like top hats and like bow ties and stuff or not, like //what do, what's//
F832 //They just wear the// //same thing//
F833 //They don't have a// national dress though.
F835 See but I think it's good that we do //and that will carry on//
F833 //Yeah.// //An I'm really proud to be S-, I'm really proud to be Scottish.//
F835 //because that's like got with our last name and stuff//
F832 //I am,//
F834 //Yeah.// //Really, I am really proud to be Scottish.//
F832 //I, I'm, I never say I'm// British, it's always //Scottish.//
F835 //Scottish.//
F833 //Scottish, or yeah,//
F834 //Yeah//
F833 even in the forms when you're filling them out //ehm, they're like, "Are you British?"//
F835 //I don't understand the difference [laugh].//
F833 //you're like, "No, I'm Scottish".//
F834 //British is like the whole.// //See, you know like//
F835 //Oh right.//
F834 when you're filling in your passport or whatever, it's like //British//
F835 //Yeah//
F834 but I don't think you should have //you should be able to say//
F833 //No, I know!//
F834 you're Scottish because //you are Scottish.//
F832 //Yeah.//
F833 //Scotland's a country in its own right//
F834 //An then there's English and it's separate.//
F835 //[inaudible]//
F833 //Scot-, Scotland's a// country in its own right and I think //it should be recognized for that.//
F834 //Yeah, so do I.// That's right.
F835 One hundred percent with you there [CENSORED: forename]. //[laugh]//
F834 //Thanks [CENSORED: forename].//
F835 Nae prolly.
F834 Aye.
F835 //Pardon?//
F832 //So ehm//
F833 [inaudible]
F835 No.
F833 [inaudible]
F835 Carry on. [laugh]
F834 Yeah. //ehm//
F832 //So// yeah an we've got our own national anthem an //so do Wales an//
F835 //uh-huh//
F832 //so do Ireland but, but ehm//
F833 //Yeah, I know!//
F834 //'Flower of Scotland'//
F832 but England on- just use the British na- //national anthem, they don't have a//
F835 //Yeah, what's the British one?//
F832 //eh s- 'God Save the Queen'.//
F833 //Do you know what really//
F832 //That's the British one.//
F834 //What's the, what's the Scottish one?// //Right I didn't know that.//
F835 //'O Flower of Scotland' [laugh]//
F832 //'O Flower of Scotland'//
F833 //Do you know what really annoys me?// An I know it's really trivial but ye see when you're watchin G.M.T.V. in the mornin an they're doin the weather forecast they, they only basically focus on //England an they're like, "Yeah, it's//
F835 //mmhm//
F832 //Yeah, I know.//
F833 gonna rain in south east England today an eh //maybe there's//
F835 //And in the north//
F833 gonna be a wee bit o sun in the north east of Scotland //but//
F832 //But it doesn't matter [laugh].//
F833 who cares, cause ye know, they're about a hundred miles away from us, I don't care, well //you know.//
F832 //Same wi// football commentators, //if it's England//
F833 //Yeah.//
F832 Scotland, oh well England'll be doin everything right
F833 yeah
F832 and Scotland they'll be going "Oh, poor performance from the boys here" //an everything [laugh] you're just like//
F834 //Yeah.//
F832 Oh don't be so biased.
F835 //I know.//
F833 //But it just// //annoys me I mean it's like//
F832 //It's like when I// was watching the rugby I got so annoyed at that TV and my granny was goin mental cause they were just so, there was three, three Englishmen commentatin and one //Scotsman//
F833 //Yeah.//
F832 an it was just the English did no wrong!
F833 Although //well [inaudible]//
F834 //As well// Scotland is actually gettin a bad name wi drugs
F832 Yeah.
F834 They actually are.
F835 //And especially, isn't//
F832 //Yeah we're seemingly the// drug capital of Europe.
F835 //Isn't north east Scotland like//
F833 //[inaudible]//
F835 the worst //in the whole an//
F832 //The worst, Aberdeen.//
F835 that's how we live //well it's not true.//
F832 //An, an// //[laugh]//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //[laugh]//
F834 //[laugh]//
F835 //It's not!//
F832 //An we've got the most// teenage pregnancies as well. //Big achievement.//
F835 //Is it not like they've got an, is ehm, is//
F833 //Woo-hoo!//
F834 //[laugh]// [CENSORED: forename]'s legal.
F835 Is Dundee not like the worst for like youngest //underage? It's, it's true though if you go//
F832 //Yeah, in Scotland Dundee's the worst.//
F835 shoppin in Dundee you see like //our age//
F833 //Yeah.// //But then you can't be//
F835 //wi prams they're like// //good mummies!//
F833 //can't be, yeah but you// can't be sure that that's not like the sister //or something.//
F832 //Exactly, or an auntie// //or a cousin.//
F833 //Cause you're not exactly// you're not exactly gonna go up and go, "Hi, are you a teenage m- mother?" //you know, an they're gonna be like//
F835 //[inaudible]//
F833 "Excuse me?" //[laugh]//
F835 //Yeah, I know but I mean you do see pe- people that are pregnant that are// //our age an//
F833 //Yeah.// //I just think//
F835 //I don't know.// //[laugh] No it's a shame.//
F833 //just a little bit longer [laugh] I, I feel// sorry for them.
F835 It is a shame but ehm //[inaudible] I mean,//
F834 //We- sometimes but we had//
F835 sorry, carry on [laugh].
F834 Ehm yeah, folk are just like tryin to put Scotland down I think //cause with//
F833 //Yeah.//
F834 they think England's so much, so much better but it's not.
F832 We're bein really horrible today. //Always//
F835 //[laugh]//
F833 //Yeah I know [laugh]//
F834 //An I have nothin// against English //people but I think we should//
F835 //Neither do I.//
F833 //No.//
F834 all be allowed to keep, //ye know,//
F835 //Just because they're a bigger part of//
F833 //mm//
F835 the UK doesn't mean they should be favouritised. //Is that a word?//
F833 //No.//
F834 //No.//
F835 //Favouritised?//
F832 //[laugh] I don't// //know, favoured.//
F835 //Favoured.//
F834 //I mean everywhere's different, I'm sure there's// plenty places in England that have lots of drug users and alcoholics.
F833 And high teenage pregnancy but
F834 But I mean //that's//
F835 //I just//
F834 it's always the bad comments //that get said about//
F833 //Yeah.//
F834 Scotland, never the good.
F835 //I think that's true//
F833 //I think.//
F835 cause mind we had that talk by [CENSORED: forename] [CENSORED: surname], yeah?
F833 uh-huh //[laugh]//
F835 //Very nice man ehm [laugh]// //Well//
F834 //Used to live in England.// //[inaudible]//
F835 //well, ehm he ehm// said that you know like to name drugs and everybody named illegal drugs, nobody named //like//
F833 //Yeah.// //Paracetamol or caffeine.//
F835 //paracetamol or caffeine// and it was it just an when he turned round and said that, you know that, "You just named illegal drugs", I thought it was quite a slap in the face, I was like, //"Really?"//
F833 //I know.//
F835 cause it was //it showed you that us//
F832 //But that's what you think of// you do-, I know this sounds stupid but paracetamol's a drug and caffeine's a //drug but you just don't think of it like that cause it's like medication isn't it//
F833 //Yeah, but you're just like, cause it's so, it's so integrated,// it's so integrated //in everyday life.//
F835 //Well caffeine's not// //a medication,//
F832 //No, but like// //[laugh] but paracetamol//
F835 //[laugh] using that as a medication would be funny, it's so//
F833 //It's so// It's so integrated in everyday life you just don't think about it, //you don't think twice like.//
F832 //Yeah.//
F835 But I mean and then he was like, you know like you're sayin that north east Scotland's like the highest drug use and everythin, it's only like eleven percent or somethin //isn't it?//
F832 //I know, yeah// but that's what he was pointin out to us tha- that it wasn't as bad as it was //made out to be.//
F835 //I know so why is it// made out to be this big? I mean they should instead of like //criticisin//
F832 //I know.//
F835 eleven percent o Scotland they should be //praisin//
F833 //What about//
F835 //the eighty-nine percent or whatever it is//
F832 //I know, but I think// //folk just conc- [laugh] folk just//
F835 //[laugh] I know!//
F833 //That's quick maths! [laugh]//
F832 concentrate on the negatives instead of the //positives.//
F835 //I know// yeah.
F833 //I just don't think, I just don't think that's fair.//
F834 //[inaudible]// //no, no//
F835 //Me neither.//
F834 not at a!
F833 [laugh] Right, so guys do you think that's been a really good conversation?
F832 [laugh] Yeah I think it's been //absolutely//
F835 //absolutely// //fantastic!//
F832 //fantastic!//
F834 //fantastic!//

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Conversation 20: Four secondary school girls in the North East. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 7 October 2024, from

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Information about Document 827

Conversation 20: Four secondary school girls in the North East


Audio audience

Teenagers (13-17)
For gender Females
Audience size 3-5

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Recorder was not present during recording. Participants had been asked to think of topics in advance.

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2005
Recording person id 606
Size (min) 20
Size (mb) 77

Audio setting

Recording venue School staff room
Geographic location of speech Laurencekirk

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Not previously acquainted
Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Members of the same group e.g. schoolmates

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 631
Year of transcription 2005
Year material recorded 2005
Word count 4902

Audio type

General description Conversation about holidays, leisure interests, school, language issues


Participant details

Participant id 832
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1980
Upbringing/religious beliefs None
Occupation Schoolchild
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Laurencekirk
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Estimator
Father's place of birth Montrose
Father's region of birth E Angus
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Ags
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Accounts assistant
Mother's place of birth Montrose
Mother's region of birth E Angus
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Ags
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes


Participant details

Participant id 833
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1980
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Schoolchild
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Laurencekirk
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Farmer
Father's place of birth Stonehaven
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Nursery nurse
Mother's place of birth Torphins
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scots No No No Yes At home


Participant details

Participant id 834
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1990
Upbringing/religious beliefs Christian
Occupation Schoolchild
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Fordoun
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Blacksmith
Father's place of birth Stonehaven
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Bookkeeper
Mother's place of birth Perth
Mother's region of birth E & SE Perthshire
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Per
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
French Yes Yes Yes Yes At school
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes


Participant details

Participant id 835
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1980
Occupation Schoolchild
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Aberdeen
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Engineer
Father's place of birth Kirkwall
Father's region of birth Orkney
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Ork
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Catering
Mother's place of birth Kirkwall
Mother's region of birth Orkney
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Ork
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes
